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Just  Mock  It  Mocks  and  Stubs  

Presented by Gavin Pickin Slides: http://gpickin.com/itb2014/ Website: http://gpickin.com Twitter: @gpickin

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•  Follow  along  with  resources  from  h6p://gpickin.com/itb2014/  

 •  If  you  want  to  find  out  more  about  me,  my  website  has  more  than  enough  informa)on  

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20  Second  Agenda  

•  Unit  Tes)ng  -­‐  Recap  •  What  is  Mocking    •  What  is  a  Mock  /  Stub  •  Why  Mock  •  Let’s  look  at  some  Mocking  

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Unit  Tes)ng  

“unit  tes)ng  is  a  soOware  verifica)on  and  valida)on  method  in  which  a  programmer  tests  if  individual  units  of  source  code  are  fit  for  use.  A  unit  is  the  smallest  testable  part  of  an  applica)on”  -­‐  wikipedia  

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Unit  Tes)ng  

•  Can  improve  code  quality  -­‐>  quick  error  discovery  

•  Code  confidence  via  immediate  verifica)on  •  Can  expose  high  coupling  •  Will  encourage  refactoring  to  produce  >  testable  code  

•  Remember:  Tes)ng  is  all  about  behavior  and  expecta)ons  

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Bugs  Hurt  

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Bugs  Hurt  

•  Bugs  hurt  –  the  later  in  the  process,  the  harder  to  fix.  

•  Test  Early  and  OOen  – Find  them  before  they  rot  your  founda)on  

•  Testable  Code  is  Maintainable  Code  

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Unit  Tes)ng  Basics  

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Test  Driven  Development  

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Important  Tests  

•  Unit  Tes)ng  – Test  behavior  of  individual  objects  

•  Integra)on  Tes)ng  – Test  En)re  Applica)on  from  Top  Down  

•  UI  verifica)on  tes)ng  – Verifica)on  via  HTML/Visual  elements  

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Important  Tes)ng  Tools  

•  TestBox  (Run  BDD  and  MXUnit  style)  •  IDE  -­‐  CF  Builder  /  Eclipse  •  Mocking  Framework  •  ANT  •  Jenkins,  Bamboo,  Teamcity,  other  Cis  •  Selenium  •  Jmeter  or  Webstress  Tool,  Apache  AB    

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What  is  Mocking?  

According  to  Merriam  Webster  •  to  laugh  at  or  make  fun  of  (someone  or  something)  especially  by  copying  an  ac)on  or  a  way  of  behaving  or  speaking  

•  to  imitate  (as  a  mannerism)  closely    

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What  is  Mocking?  

"A  mock  object  is  an  object  that  takes  the  place  of  a  ‘real’  object  in  such  a  way  that  makes  tes)ng  easier  and  more  meaningful,  or  in  some  cases,  possible  at  all"  by  Sco6  Bain  -­‐  Emergent  Design  

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Stub  Object  

•  A  stub  is  an  empty  container,  that  represents  an  Object.  

•  This  can  be  useful  for  represen)ng  CFCs  and  Objects  that  haven’t  been  wri6en  yet.  

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Why  use  Mocking  

•  Isolate  your  SUT  -­‐>  SoOware  Under  Test  •  To  build  against  interfaces  &  contracts  •  Building  against  missing  integra)on  pieces  •  To  control  data  and  expecta)ons  •  Mock  components  whose  behavior  is  undesirable  or  hard  to  control  

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Why  Mock?  

•  How  do  you  test  when  helper  components  that  are  not  built  yet?  

•  How  do  you  do  controlled  excep)ons?  •  How  do  you  test  &  control  external  API  calls?  •  How  do  you  control  results  from  ColdFusion  tags  or  func)ons?  

•  How  do  you  control  network  connec)ons?  Do  you  pull  the  network  plug?  

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Why  Mock?  

How  do  you  test  code  like  this?    <cfdirectory  ac)on=”list”  directory=”#arguments.path#”  name=”qResults”>  <ck6p  url=”#arguments.urlPath#”  results=”qResults”>  <cfmail  to=”#to#”  from=”#from#”  subject=”#subject#”>#content#</cfmail>  <cfquery  />  func)on  init(){  var  helper  =  new  Helper();  }  private  func)on  getData(){  return  data;  }  

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The  COLD  hard  truth  –  It  can  Hurt  

•  Tes)ng  some  code  is  hard,  or  almost  impossible.    

•  Refactor  it  •  Mock  it  •  Test  It  •  With  CI,  you  can  forget  about  it  

 Un)l  it  breaks  

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Refactor  to  make  it  Mockable  

•  Original:  <cfdirectory  ac)on=”list”  directory=”/myapp/path”  name=”qResults”>  

•  Refactored  <cffunc)on  name=”getFiles”  output=”false”  returnType=”query”>          <cfargument  name=”path”>          <cfset  var  qResults  =  “”>          <cfdirectory  ac)on=”list”  directory=”#arguments.path#”  name=”qResults”>          ...  Process  Here  ...          <cfreturn  qResults>  </cffunc)on>  

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Normal  View  of  your  Service  

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Mock/Test  View  of  your  Service  

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What  do  we  Mock?  

•  Excep)ons  •  Data  •  CFC  and  Objects  •  Methods  in  our  CFCs  •  Proper)es  in  our  CFCs  

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Mocking  Framework  

•  Introducing  

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What  can  MockBox  do?  

•  Mock  Objects  with  or  without  implementa)ons  •  Mock  methods  &  proper)es  in  any  scope  •  Create  Stub  Objects  -­‐>  Non-­‐existent  objects  •  Mock  excep)ons  •  Mock  arguments  to  results  •  Logging  &  Debugging  •  Verifica)on  methods  •  State  Machine  Results  

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Sepng  up  MockBox  

•  Standalone  Version  (FW/1,  Fusebox,  Model  Glue,  Home  Brewed)  mockBox  =  createObject(“component”,”mockBox.system.tes)ng.MockBox”).init();    

•  Running  from  inside  ColdBox  (outside  of  TestBox)  mockBox  =  createObject(“component”,”coldbox.system.tes)ng.MockBox”).init();  

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Using  MockBox  

•  MockBox  does  its  magic  dynamically,  adding  /  decora)ng  CFCs  with  necessary  methods.    

•  CreateMock()  user  =  mockBox.createMock(“model.User”);  

•  CreateEmptyMock()  dao  =  mockBox.createEmptyMock(“model.UserDAO”);  

•  PrepareMock()  mockBox.prepareMock(  service  );  

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Using  MockBox  -­‐  Stubs  

•  CreateStub()  –  Create  a  simple  empty  Stub  –  Pass  an  Implements  to  get  a  Mock  Interface  –  Pass  an  Extends  to  get  a  Mock  with  Inheritance  

 nonExistentService  =  mockBox.createStub();  mockInterface  =  mockBox.createStub(implements=”model.ICache”);  mockInheritance  =  mockbox.createStub(extends=”model.SecurityService”);  

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Injected  Methods  

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•  Argument  –  method  –  returns  –  preserveReturnType  –  throwExcep)on  –  throwType  –  throwDetail  –  throwMessage  –  callLogging  

// Cascaded mocks mockUser.$(“isFound”,true).$(“isDirty”,true); // Mock Exception mockUser. $(method=”save”, throwsException=true, throwType=”IllegalStateException”, throwMessage=”Invalid User Data”); // Mock Return Objects mockRole = mockBox.createMock(“Role”); service.$(method=”getRole”,returns=mockRole);

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Using  $()  

mockUser  =  mockBox.createEmptyMock(“model.User”).init();  userService  =  mockBox.createMock(“model.UserService”).init();  user  =  userService.$(“get”,  mockUser);    //Technique  1  –  Constant  Result  user.$(“getName”,  “Rose  Tyler”);    //Technique  2  –  Rota)ng  Results  user.$(“getName”).$results(“Rose  Tyler”,  “Amelia  Pond”,  “River  Song”);    

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Using  $args()  

•  Results  based  on  the  Arguments  Passed  •  Must  be  chained  via  Results.    //  Call  to  Mock  if(  dao.getSepng(“userAudit”)  ){  startAudit(  dao.getSepng(“auditTables”)  );  };    //  Mocking  Calls  dao.$(“getSepng”).$args(“userAudit”).$results(true);  dao.$(“getSepng”).$args(“auditTables”).$results(“user,order,  

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Using  $args()  

•  Arguments  are  smart  like  normal  func)ons  –  Posi)onal  Arguments  


–  Named  Arguments  saveUser(fname=”Rose”,lname=”Tyler”);  

–  Argument  Collec)ons  data  =  {    fname  =  “Rose”,  lname  =  “Tyler”    };  



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•  Your  results  can  be    –  Constant  –  Or  Sequenced  

•  Your  results  will  loop  over  and  over.  

•  Argument  Based  Results  can  also  be  repe))ve  in  a  sequence.  

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•  Mock  any  property  on  any  scope  •  Great  for  sepngs  and  dependency  injec)on  mocking  //  Mock  a  sepng  on  the  variables  scope  service.$property(“cacheAc)ve”,”variables”,true);    //  Mock  a  file  u)lity  object  mockU)l  =  mockbox.createEmptyMock(“u)l.FileU)ls”);  service.$property(“fileU)l”,”variables”,  mockU)l);    //  Mock  in  the  variables.instance  scope  path  service.$property(“isDirty”,”instance”,true);  

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Verifica)on  Methods  * Verification methods return boolean so they can be asserted

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Verifica)on  Methods  func)on  testVerifyCallCount(){  

 test.$("displayData",queryNew(''));    assertTrue(  test.$never()  );    assertTrue(  test.$never(“displayData”)  );    test.displayData();    assertFalse(  test.$)mes(1,”displayData”)  );    assertFalse(  test.$once(”displayData”)  );    test.displayData();    assertEquals(true,  test.$verifyCallCount(2));  


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Verifica)on  Methods    func)on  testMockMethodCallCount(){  

 test.$("displayData",queryNew(''));    test.$("getLuis",1);    assertEquals(0,  test.$count("displayData")  );    assertEquals(-­‐1,  test.$count("displayData2")  );  


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Lets  look  at  a  Demo  

h6p://justmockit.local.com    Code  available  at:  h6ps://github.com/gpickin/justmockitdemo      

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The  End  –  Thank  you  

•  Thanks  everyone  for  making  it  this  far  •  All  of  the  materials  will  be  on  my  ITB  presenta)on  Site:    h6p://www.gpickin.com/itb2014/  

•  Hit  me  up  on  twi6er  @gpickin  •  Read  more  on  my  blog:  h6p://gpickin.com  •  Check  out  my  CFO  Session  Thursday,  15th  11:30am  –  12:30am  on  Lakes  Ballroom  C  

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