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  • 7/31/2019 Justin Lyman 102-102


    Research Paper

    Holocaust Overview

    Justin Lyman

    Eng Comp 102-102

    Mr. Neuburger

    2 April 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Justin Lyman 102-102


    Lyman 2

    The Holocaust was approximately a three year period during the thirty year rise and reign

    of the Nazi Party. How the Nazi Party came to be and how it annihilated approximately twelve

    million people needs to be remembered and understood in order to prevent events such as the

    Holocaust from ever occurring again. The systematic and intentional attempt to exterminate Jews

    from German occupied territories may have occurred over a three year period, but it was a series

    of events and German engineering that took place over a thirty year period that allowed to

    Holocaust to happen.

    Rise of the Nazi Party

    After World War II, Germany fell into an

    economic crisis. This is due to unpreparedness from the

    German government to losing the war. The propaganda

    that they did use made the nation think that they

    couldnt lose the war so when they did the whole

    nation took a huge blow to their pride. The Treaty of

    Versailles didnt help matters either due to the fact that

    it charge the German people to pay for the war damages which were way over Germanys head.

    In all of this misery, the German Workers Party slowly started to gain support. In 1919,

    Hitler rose in rank in the new party. He promoted national pride, a racially pure Germany, and

    militarism. To spark up more support from the poor Germans, he blamed the crisis on the Jews in

    turn creating anti-Semitic feelings. Later he changed the name to the party we all know as the

    National Socialist German Workers Party, or the Nazi Party. In 1921 Hitler became the partys

    official leader.

    Picture of Hitler addressing part of the Nazi Party.

    Source: http://bit.ly/Itd8rl

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    In 1923, Hitler attempted to overthrow the government which failed. This is known as the

    Beer Hall Putsch. He used his public trial as a way of insulting the Weimar government. At the

    end of his trial Hitler had actually gained support for his cause. He was given a much lighter

    sentence than what he normally would have and was eligible for parole. He was out of prison

    after one year. While in prison, Hitler wrote his book called Mein Kampf, which means My

    Struggle. The book was basically an outline of what was to follow when he took control of the


    Once out of prison, Hitler brought back the Nazi Party. He waited for the right opportune

    moment to make his move on the government. The Party grew from 27,000 members in 1925 to

    108,000 members in 1929. Most of this growth had come from propaganda. The Nazi Party

    mostly identified with young men of the lower middle class.

    In 1932, the existing capitalistic government collapsed while arguing about the rising cost

    of unemployment benefits. This caused the existing Reich president Paul von Hindenburg to

    invoke the constitutions emergency presidential powers. He created a new government to rule

    by emergency decrees instead of laws passed by the Reichstag.

    Basically, he created a dictatorship with advisors. Slowly the

    Nazi Party continued to gain support until Hitler finally took

    over the government.

    Nazi Anti-Semitism. The original anti-Semitism came

    from a view that Jews had rejected Christianity causing a

    widespread hatred for them. Also they were portrayed as

    children of the Devil for killing the Christian children. The

    Anti-Semitic photo of a Jewish banker.

    Source: http://bit.ly/hql3lt

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    Nazi view of Jews came specifically from racial anti-Semitism and social Darwinism. They

    viewed the Jews as an inferior race. It wasnt until the rise of the Nazi party though that anti-

    Semitism was used as a political instrument and an official policy of the modern state.

    After this the essence of being Jewish was thought to be biological. The Jews couldnt

    avoid persecution then by means of denouncing his or her faith of adopting a non-Jewish faith.

    The Nazis made the Germans look as though that they were the perfect race of the Aryan-Nordic

    people. They then accused the Jewish people as challenging the dominant races and as being

    subhuman. They then stated that the Jews would destroy the world and that the Aryan race had to

    win the struggle.

    Nuremberg Laws. The Nuremberg Laws were

    racial laws used by the German Parliament. The laws

    were the basis for the anti-Jewish policy in Germany. The

    first of the Nuremberg Laws was the Reich Citizenship

    Law. This law stated that only those of Aryan decent

    could be citizens of the Reich. It named the Jews as state

    subjects instead of citizens of the Reich. Jewish war

    heroes and state officials had exemptions in the early anti-Jewish policy. The Nuremberg Laws

    nullified these exemptions. The second law was the Law for the Protection of German Blood

    and Honor. This law forbade marriages and extramarital sexual relations between Germans and

    Jews, the employment of German maids under the age of 45 in Jewish homes and the raising of

    the German flag by Jews. The Nuremberg Laws came from a push to help bring down anti-

    Jewish rioting. The laws were to appease the Nazi officials who wanted a set system for dealing

    with the Jews.

    The original copies of the Nuremberg Laws.

    Source: htt ://bit.ly/HwFoVD

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    Nazi Propaganda. Propaganda is used as a systematic

    way to promote specific ideas and practice in order to benefit

    ones cause. Usually propaganda will stretch the truth and

    leave out important facts. The Nazis used propaganda in one

    of the most creative ways in history.

    The Nazi Party used propaganda before they rose to

    power to attract the attention of anyone in the public to gain

    support for their cause. They made Hitler out to be infallible

    and they promoted greatly his dynamism. After the Party took power, they continued to use

    propaganda to re-enforce the image of Hitler as being untouchable.

    In Mien Kampf, Hitler states that propaganda should be used on the masses that are easily

    swayed by emotions and by the crowd. It also stated that propaganda should be repeated until

    everyone would have it on their minds constantly. The propaganda that the Nazis used always

    pointed at the one enemy which was the Jews. He kept the thought in the Germans heads that

    the Jews were parasites who were sub-human.

    Soon after Hitler came to power, he created the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment

    and Propaganda. Over this ministry he appointed Joseph Goebbels as the Propaganda Minister.

    The Ministry was divided up into 7 sections which consisted of radio, the press, films, theater,

    adult education, administration and organization, and propaganda. (Propaganda, Nazi)

    One thing that does stand out from Hitler as a person is that he was an incredible speaker.

    Using this skill he held many Nazi rallies and succeeded in gaining much German support. They

    also published anti-Semitic newspapers. Usually these papers depicted Jews in a much distorted

    view but did succeed in creating much more hatred towards Jews.

    Propaganda stating, Long live Germany!

    Source: http://bit.ly/IDeii5

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    Anti-Semitic films were also produced which portrayed the Jews as being dirty, immoral,

    and ugly. (Propaganda, Nazi) Other movies were created also that over all portrayed the common

    Jew as just nasty and out right wrong. They went as far as to say that Jews killed Christian

    children for religious rituals. Some films were also made in which the Nazis were glorified as

    well as glorifying Germany.

    Kristallnacht. Kristallnacht was a pogrom

    carried out by the Nazis throughout Germany and

    Austria on November 9-10, 1938. (Kristallnacht)

    Kristallnacht is also known as Night of the Broken

    Glass due to the thousands of Jews businesses broken

    windows. Kristallnacht was launched, officially, in

    response to the assassination on November 7th

    of a

    German named Ernst vom Rath by a Jewish refugee.

    A group of Nazi leaders were gathered in Munich commemorating the anniversary of the

    Beer Hall Putsch that same night. They agreed that the time had come to strike at the Jews. They

    told their men to join in the riots but not to start them. Very soon, riots broke out all throughout


    Many shop windows were broken and looted of all items. Hundreds of Jewish

    synagogues and homes were burnt down with many Jews physically assaulted. Approximately

    30,000 Jews were arrested and deported to concentration camps. Around 90 Jews were killed

    during the rioting. After the pogrom was over, the Jews continued to receive intensified pressure

    from the Nazis. They set up a Central Office for Jewish Emigration to help the Jews leave the

    Ruined synagogue after Kristallnacht.

    Source: http://bit.ly/UX99

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    country. (Kristallnacht) Many western countries started to admit more refugees as a result of


    Ghettos. The Jews were sent to Ghettos after

    Kristallnacht. The Ghettos were actually a Jewish only

    part of cities which had very poor living standards.

    While in the Ghetto, many Jews died but there is no

    official confirmation that the Ghettos were used as a

    way for killing the Jews. Still the Nazis could have

    cared less about a bunch of starving Jews.

    There is no evidence that the Nazi leadership ordered the establishment of ghettos in the

    form that they eventually took. (Ghetto) In this way, there was no exact way the ghettos were to

    be established. They were formed by local officials and were unique in how each was set up.

    The first ghetto to be established was in Poland in the city of Piotrkow Trybunalski in

    October 1939. (Ghetto) It was established a month after war broke out. After that many others

    were established throughout Europe and the Soviet Union. For the most part, these ghettos were

    established after many local Jews had been killed.

    Each ghetto was also guarded differently. The Warsaw Ghetto was surrounded by an 11-

    mile wall. (Ghetto) Some of the ghettos werent guarded either and Jews could come and go as

    they pleased. Though eventually, all of the ghettos were locked during deportation. The Jews

    never got much food in the ghettos. They were given ration cards by the Nazis to eat a very small

    bit of food. For the most part they were forced to buy food off the black market. Many of the

    Jews didnt have money to afford this so they starved. Only the wealthy could manage to buy


    A Jew being assaulted in the Ghetto.

    Source: http://bit.ly/HMlTNx

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    Resistance. Though it isnt talked about enough,

    the Jews did form resistances against the Nazis. Every

    time there was an organized resistance, many lives were

    at stake including non-Jews.

    One group in particular was the women.

    According to Weinstock, women were thought of be for

    only child rearing, the home, and for religion. (Women

    and Resistance) The Nazis never expected women to be a threat. Women would bring

    information along with supplies to the other people in their group of resistance.

    Another form of resistance was spiritual resistance. This was the course of many of the

    Jews. This refers to attempts to remain sane during Nazi rule and their degradation. According to

    Weinstock, spiritual resistance proved that while physical resistance was necessary, spiritual

    resistance was just as important.

    The isolation of the ghettos was meant to break down the Jews and make them feel

    worthless. Many of the Jews actually found inner strength from this and were made stronger

    through it. Some Jews also created social programs for each other to remain strong for each

    other. These included a struggle for humanity, culture, normalcy, and for life according to

    Weinstock. (Spiritual Resistance)

    Education was also a form of resistance. The Jews would teach each other everything

    they knew. They actually created a library inside the ghetto and would pass around the books so

    that they may read all of the books. They also perform theaters for each other and also sang


    Two Jewish Resistance officers.

    Source: http://bit.ly/HG1O62

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    The Wannsee ConferenceThe Final Solution.

    There is no written document ordering the Final

    Solution to the extermination of Jews. Instead it is

    believed that it was given orally by Hitler himself. (The

    Wannsee Conference) On July 31, 1941, the Final

    Solution was put into effect and so began the mass

    extermination of the Jewish people.

    There was already a program that was used called the Euthanasia Program which used

    poison gases to kill tens of thousands of physically and mentally handicapped people. This

    program was stopped due to public pressure though. It did serve as the basis of the gas chambers

    that used Zyklon B.

    On January 20, 1942, another meeting was held at Wannsee. At this meeting, it was

    announced that 11,000,000 Jews could be introduced into the Nazi program for the Final

    Solution. (The Wannsee Conference.) As a result of this meeting, the emigration plan for the

    Jews was replaced with the extermination of the Jews of Europe.

    Extermination Methods. There were three ways

    that the Nazis first killed the Jews. The first was by

    firing squad. The second was by mobile gas vans. The

    third method was by the gas chambers.

    Firing squads worked by lining up a group of

    Jews and just shooting them until they died. Sometimes

    they would line up the Jews by a pit and fire so that

    they would fall into the pits. They would later have to dig up the bodies to burn them so that

    Villa where Wannsee Conference took place.

    Source: http://bit.ly/yHfKrG

    The results of the Extermination Methods.

    Source: http://bit.ly/HY4A5A

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    there was no evidence of them. This method proved ineffective and too demoralizing to the

    soldiers carrying out the orders. So they stopped using firing squads.

    They then moved onto mobile gas vans. What these actually were are large vans that they

    would load a large group of Jews in and they would drive around until the Jews died. They Jews

    died by carbon monoxide poisoning. What the Nazis did was they put the exhaust flow into the

    back of the van to kill the Jews. They would then dispose of the bodies in a mass grave. This

    method was ended because it took too long.

    The third and final method was using Zyklon B into sealed chambers in which many

    Jews were killed. This was the most effective method of extermination and was used throughout

    the Holocaust.

    Death Camps. The Death Camps were where the

    Gas Chambers took place. One of the more famous Death

    Camps is Auschwitz. The first extermination camp that

    was established was Chelmno. It began its exterminations

    from December 8, 1941 until January 1945. (Death

    Camps) When the Jews arrived at Chelmno, they were

    ordered to undress and surrender all of their belongings

    and to get onto gas vans, approximately 300,000 Jews were killed at this death camp with only

    three surviving Jews from there.

    In the death camps, permanent gas chambers were constructed. There was no selection

    process and everyone was sent straight to the gas chambers. Around 1,700,000 Jews were killed

    in the three extermination camps of Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka. The common way of killing

    these Jews were to attach large tank engines to the gas chambers in turn suffocating them.

    Entrance to a Death Camp.

    Source: http://bit.ly/rEa1ua

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    There were a small few that survived by being workers to clear out the dead bodies and to

    remove the clothing of the victims from the gas chambers. After a couple of months they would

    be replaced and killed also in the gas chamber. All the other people, though, that had failed to

    stay strong were sent straight to the gas chamber and were killed.

    Liberation. As the Allies advanced, they came

    across different camps. Sometimes when they got there

    they would find that the Nazis had tried to conceal what

    they had done there. They also found some places where

    the Nazis had left with the Jews and were most likely

    sending the Jews on Death Marches. In most of the

    camps though, the Allies would find very large groups of

    Jews suffering from malnourishment and disease.

    The Russians were the first to stumble upon the camps but often didnt report their

    findings. They did, however, liberate many Jews from the camps. The first time the British and

    American troops stumbled upon the Jews they were awe struck. They could not believe the

    condition that the Jews were living in. They tried as much as they could but they just couldnt

    save all the Jews they found. For some it was just a matter of it was too late. They also found

    many piles of corpses.

    The feelings of the Jews after liberation were very mixed. For one they were very happy

    to be free of the Nazi tyranny but they also had nowhere to go. Many times they were the sole

    survivors of their families and communities. They would just stay at the camps which became

    Displaced Persons camps. They would move around if they happened to find a relative that they

    A group of children leaving a Nazi Camp.

    Source: http://bit.ly/gSyMdZ

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    recognized. They did this until Israel was finally reformed. After that many of the Jews moved to

    Israel and began re-building their families.

    During the Nazi Reign, they murdered approximately twelve million people were

    annihilated. During this time also there were choices made on both sides of the war that

    shouldnt have been made of done. One example would be of American bombers NOT bombing

    the rail lines that transported the Jews or bombing the concentration camps. Through a ridiculous

    struggle, the Jewish people did make it through the Holocaust with a much smaller number of

    them. If only steps were taken to possibly save more of their numbers then they wouldnt have

    resentment toward Americans.

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    Lyman 13

    Works Cited

    "Gas Chambers." Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority.

    Web. 14 Apr. 2012.

    "Ghetto." SHOAH Resource Center. Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'

    Remembrance Authority. Web. 14 Apr. 2012.

    "Holocaust Timeline: The Rise of the Nazi Party." Florida Center for Instructional Technology.

    2005. Web. 13 Apr. 2012.

    "Kristallnacht." Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority.

    Web. 14 Apr. 2012.

    "Liberation." Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority. Web.

    14 Apr. 2012.

    "Nuremberg Laws." Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority.

    Web. 14 Apr. 2012.

    "Propaganda, Nazi." SHOAH Resource Center. Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'

    Remembrance Authority. Web. 14 Apr. 2012.

    "Selektion." Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority. Web. 14

    Apr. 2012.

    "The Holocaust."After Liberation. Web. 14 Apr. 2012.

    "The Holocaust."Antisemitism. Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance

    Authority. Web. 13 Apr. 2012.

    "The Holocaust." The Death Camps. Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'

    Remembrance Authority. Web. 14 Apr. 2012.

  • 7/31/2019 Justin Lyman 102-102


    Lyman 14

    "The Holocaust." The Wannsee Conference. Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'

    Remembrance Authority. Web. 14 Apr. 2012.

    Weinstock, Yael G. "The International School for Holocaust Studies." Spiritual Resistance. Yad

    Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority. Web. 14 Apr.


    Weinstock, Yael G. "The International School for Holocaust Studies." Women and Resistance

    during the Holocaust. Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance

    Authority. Web. 14 Apr. 2012.

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