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Page 1: K2 Health:  How To Beat Cancer, The Answer is Rashguards & Sun Protection!

When you start saving for your future to be, you might normally imagine having that spot in the country on a lake, travelling to see the globe, or, just at long last, not needing

to answer that dang alarm on Monday morning. The last factor that people think of is being required to use their

hard earned savings on co-payments. One round of chemotherapy costs $18,000 and an additional injection of

a blood enhancing prescription buckles your knees at $15,000.

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Can New Drugs Be The Answer For Cancer Prevention?

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Clearly there was great thrill recently reported on one of the major TV newsmagazine networks, early February

2012, about a new drug "Aromasin." Based on to a new research study, the hormone-blocking drug Aromasin

reduced the risk of aggressive breast cancer by 65 percent in post-menopausal women at high risk for breast cancer. (We are aware, guys I am aware... you may be saying to yourself "this article is merely for da womens"... guess what, men get breast cancer too, as well as many other varieties of cancer that are impaired by resolutions to

develop disease eliminating drugs.) Cold water was thrown on that initial buzz with new testify showing

women who take the drug may experience three times the bone density loss of women who don't take it. In a last

ditch frustration to save the drug companies a set back in their continued arrogance, researchers threw calcium and

vitamin D medical supplements at the patients with no result. The prescription drug increases bone loss even

when women take calcium and vitamin D supplements. Other medications have been approved for cancer

prevention but all have challenging side effects... Duh!

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A Couple of Things That Protect You From Getting Cancer... Ever!

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1) Cover Your Butt!

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Rash guards have been used for tens of years. Its chronicle, if someone would feel bothered to reflect on discovering, originated someplace in Australia for the preliminary use

of sportsmen and women who are fond of surfing. The phenomenon of its use ever since possibly became suddenly very popular that individuals these days,

regardless of surfers or not, are inclined to own rash guards their selves and probably use them as recreational wear. In the scene down the page, rash guards are utilized as stylish essentials, mixed martial arts training, camping outdoors, bicycling, paddle boarding. . . and many other

fun/athletic journeys.

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Xcel is stepping up. A proportion of revenues from every Xcel Rash Guard, Xcel Ventx, kids rash guards, mens rash

guards, rashguards for women, toddler rash guards, or UV Performance Gear bought in the U.S. helps the Xcel Skin Cancer Prevention Fund, supporting skin cancer youth

guidance programs, knowledge, and investigation.

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Many of us who have never enjoyed rash guards would choose to think that they are strictly created for H2O related sports as it has routinely been branded as an

advanced athletic swimsuit. The original function upon donning it revolves solely on the coverage of one's skin

against the solar rays.

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The slickest thing I have witnessed as new technological advances is the hooded rashguard.

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Rashguards with a *SPF rating help cut down the incidence of cancerous melanoma by safeguarding you from the

forces of the suns rays generating cellular damage. Melanoma is more uncommon than different skin

malignancies. On the flip side, it is much more hazardous and causes the majority (75%) of deaths related to skin

sarcoma. You can read more about malignant melanoma on Wikipaedia.

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*SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. The number is determined experimentally indoors by exposing human subjects to a light spectrum meant to mimic noontime

sun. Some subjects wear sunscreen and others do not. The amount of light that induces redness in sunscreen-

protected skin, divided by the amount of light that induces redness in unprotected skin is the SPF. It is mainly a

measure of UVB protection and ranges from 1 to 50 or above.

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Read more: http://www.k2snorkel.com/all_products.php?category=3&sub_cat=914#ixzz1poV82VPd

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2) Supplement with Vitamin D3

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Queerly... Why do you suppose drug manufacturers would choose calcium and Vitamin D to save their beloved treatment for the reduction of malignant varieties of cancer? As it turns out that is easily answered. It is

because calcium and vitamin D already provide your body protection against cancer. They don't, however, provide an opportunity for the drug companies, (and those that line their pockets from your illness), to ransom your life nest


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Vitamin D has been indicated to control over 2,000 of the 30,000 genes in your metabolism. A study by William Grant, Ph.D., found that about 30% of all melanoma

Fatalities could be averted each year with more substantial levels of vitamin D. Other investigations demonstrated that you can minimize your risk of cancer by more than ½ merely by optimizing your level of vitamin D3.

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Beyond many cancers, the investigators pointed out that bettering level of vitamin D3 could prevent sicknesses that lay claim to nearly 1 million lives spanning the planet each

year. Vitamin D3 even battles the common cold and influenza as it oversees the expression of genes that induce your immune system to attack and destroy

microbes and infections. In fact, it is very uncommon for an individual with fine tuned vitamin D3 levels to fall ill

with the flu at all. Drug companies and the CDC might have you think that you require a flu shot every year.

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When examining the healthcare literature, it becomes clear that Vitamin D3 affects human health in an stunning number of approaches and that not obtaining enough of this meaningful alimentary can leave the door open for

you to develop a number of health conditions. The encouraged dosages are extremely low at 200 IU to 400 IU.

They should be 10 times that... between 2000IU and 5000IU or more. Research has shown that Vitamin D3 is fat soluble and can only be toxic at stages well over 10,000IU. [Vitamin D3 is the natural form of vitamin D converted to D3 that you get from the sun and the form that your body uses. Vitamin D and Vitamin D2 are usually manufactured

forms and cannot be transformed to D3 just.]

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Make certain to check out the various resources accessible using the internet, and please remember to don UV sun

protection when you are out in the sun's light. Stop by and take a look at our new Xcel Ventx, as well as the amazing

Bali Hooded Rash Guard. Mosey on over to the Tribe K2 at 866-523-4846. We are here to assist you in committing to

the most appropriate buying decision.

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Have Fun in Paradise and comment when/how this has helped you!

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We love you, from the Tribe K2,

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