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Page 1: Kadoka Press, September 6, 2012

KADOKA PRESSThe official newspaper of Jackson County, South Dakota

$1.00includes tax

Volume 106Number 8

September 6, 2012

News Briefs …Reading Group kick-off in-cludes refreshments and themovie, The Secret Life of Bees.New and former readers, orjust want to see the movie.Bring a friend to the JacksonCounty Library on Wednesday,August 29, 6:30 p.m. Sign upfor the upcoming book discus-sion, Fahrenheit 451 on Oct.14.

JKEDC monthly meetingWednesday, September 5, 7:00p.m. at Club 27. All are wel-come to attend.

KCBA meeting Thursday, Sep-tember 6, 12 noon at Jigger’sRestaurant.

Parents’ Night will be held onTuesday, September 11 at 7:00p.m. at the Kadoka City Audi-torium. This will be open for allmiddle school and high schoolparents to attend. PrincipalGeorge Seiler said this will be agood time for parents to learnand ask questions regardingnew information at the school.

Inside this week’s issue


CountyVolleyballFootballPage 5

Legals:Jackson Co.

KadokaPage 6

BelviderePage 7



RicePage 4


GladysSmithPage 2



Page 7

At one time in western SouthDakota, there were 150 UnitedStates Minuteman missiles and 15Launch Control Facilities acting assilent sentinels maintaining peacefor Americans. Two of these sites, Delta-01Launch Control Facility and theDelta-09 Launch Facility, havebeen preserved as a MinutemanMissile National Historic Site toprovide visitors with a unique ColdWar history lesson. This is one ofSouth Dakota’s great places. The year was 1961, and theUnited States Air Force began buy-ing secret weapons and puttingthem beneath the prairie grasses ofSouth Dakota. These missiles werenever launched. They did, however,act as a powerful deterrent duringthe Cold War. Many citizens and visitors alikenever knew just how close theywere to the below-ground, nuclear-

tipped missiles. The deadly mis-siles were buried beneath not onlySouth Dakota’s rural landscape,but across several Midwesternstates for more than 30 years.While their locations were top-se-cret, their destructive power waswell-known. It wasn’t until 1991 that Presi-dent George H. W. Bush and theSoviet leader Mikhail Gorbachevsigned the Strategic Arms Reduc-tion Treaty. This treaty called forthe reduction of the number of nu-clear weapons across the world.Soon thereafter, the South Dakotamissile launch stations were deac-tivated. The South Dakota launch controlfacilities were favored for preserva-tion because they were among thenation’s oldest; the technologydated back to the Cuban MissileCrisis. Only small modificationshave been made to the deactivated

sites; much of the original mechan-ical equipment and historic fur-nishings remain. The Minuteman Missile Na-tional Historic Site is the only Na-tional Park Service site devoted toCold War History. Visitors are ledfrom the Visitor Contact Station bya ranger for tours of a facilitywhich operated 10 Minuteman IImissiles. The contact station alsohouses exhibits, artifacts, and anorientation video. Tours include an above-groundand below-ground look at the siteand are offered year-round. Ticketsare free and issued on a first come,first served basis. Tours last ap-proximately 30 minutes. Delta-09missile silo site, located off I-90 atexit 116, can be explored on yourown daily with a guided cell phonetour also available May-October. For hours and more details, visitwww.nps.gov/mimi.

Minuteman Missile National Historic

Site one of South Dakota’s great placesHomecoming 2012 is fast ap-proaching and the KAHS studentcouncil is busy preparing for whathopes to be a fun, memorable andsafe week of festivities. Homecom-ing will be held during the week ofSeptember 17-21.

This year’s theme is “ROCKAND ROLL”. Classes have been in-formed that their theme can be ascreative as they want it to be,based on a rock song title, a rockband’s name or whatever spinyou’d like to put on it. The paradeis open for everyone to enter.

In addition to all of the sportingactivities going on that week, coro-nation will be Tuesday, September18 at 7:00 at the city auditorium.

Friday’s activities will includethe homecoming parade, punt passand kick, the KCBA pancake sup-per and will be capped off by thegame on Friday night between theKadoka Area Kougars and theJones County Coyotes.

There is also a dance being ten-tatively planned for Saturdaynight.

Watch for more information inthe coming weeks regarding home-coming week activities.

KAHS homecomingactivities announced

A California woman died in aone-vehicle crash on Interstate 90about two miles east of Kadoka onWednesday, Aug. 29.

Ashley Greywoode, 34, ofPasadena, was a passenger in a2004 Ford Escape. Her husband,Jewel Greywoode, 31, of Pasadenawas driving west. Two young chil-dren were secured in car seats inthe rear seat.

As the Ford attempted to pass atruck, a rear tire blew. The vehicleentered the median and rolled. Alloccupants were wearing seatbeltsor were restrained in car seats, butAshley Greywoode suffered fatalinjuries as did her unborn child.Jewel Greywoode received seriousnon-life threatening injuries. Thetwo young children, ages 3 and 2,received minor injuries.

The South Dakota Highway Pa-trol is investigating. JacksonCounty Sheriff ’s Office assisted.

California woman dies

in crash near Kadoka

Forrest (Shorty) Ire-land was born February10, 1923, to Howardand Mary Ireland inVian, NE, a small vil-lage with one houseand a post office 35miles south of WoodLake, NE.

He was the fifth fromlast of 12 siblings(seven boys and fivegirls).

In 1926 the familymoved eight miles eastof Martin and Shortyattended a countryschool. He attendedthree schools in highschool, Martin, Chesterand Merriman, NE,where he graduated.

Shorty recalled thathis freshman year when

the family moved to Martin, they took three cows and sold milk for 10cents per quart; they would only have gotten 8 cents at the store. “Wecould walk a long ways for that extra two cents,” he said. This furnishedthe family of four with groceries for the year.

On May 16, 1942, he married Betty Mansfield. He said the best wageshe ever received was when he worked at an air base for a while, butShorty soon returned to ranching.

The Irelands had six children: Jerry, Howie, Kenny, Connie, Hal andRonnie. “There was only 71⁄2 years between the oldest and youngest,”Shorty added. Now the family count is 20 grandchildren, 42 great-grand-children and nine great-great-grandchildren. He said there’s over 100 de-scendents, including the in-laws.

Shorty served on the local soil conservation board for 25 years. He wasover 25 years on the Jackson County Extension board, eight on the stateand three at the national level. And, he served 20 years on each, the SDStockgrowers and Western Junior Livestock boards. Shorty proudly saidhe has been a Mason for almost 60 years and a member of the Presbyte-rian Church.

Shorty said his dad sold horses to the US Calvary and they needed tobe four years old and well broke. The horse project continued anothergeneration; in the fall of 1944 Shorty went to a guest ranch at Nemowhere he worked for one year and trained 50 head of colts for inexperi-enced riders. He bought a book on training, but was already using mostthe techniques. Afterwards he tested and got an honorary PhD in horsetraining. The first thing with training, he said was one-on-one with nodistractions of other animals and the soft use of a jerk rope. Before youknow it, he said, the horse will let you rub his head behind the ear and afriendship starts.

Achievement Days was the highlight of his life. He recalled that at onetime there were over 400 kids in Haakon/Jackson/Washabaugh whenhe was on the extension board.

The family raised Angus bulls for almost 50 years. Each year only thetop third were sold and the biggest year was 103 bulls.

Shorty and Betty retired from the ranch in 1979 and moved to Kadoka.On May 31, 2004 Betty passed away. Shorty went into the nursing homeon New Year’s Eve, 2010.

“If I have known I’d live so long, I’d have taken better care of myself,”Shorty laughed. He is happy at the nursing home and considers everyonethere his friend. “The workers amaze me,” he added. In addition, he sayshe loves the food and that’s why he can’t keep his weight down.

Congratulations, Shorty on being chosen as the September Residentof the Month.

Kadoka Nursing Home’s

Resident of the Month

Silhouettes … Fallon Richardson shown by the silhouettes of herkindergarten class just outside her door during the school open house atNorris on Wednesday afternoon. See more pictures in this week’s issue.

--courtesy photo

Last week newspapers weredealt a blow when the Postal Reg-ulatory Commission gave its ap-proval to a sweetheart postage ratedeal between the United StatesPostal Service and Valassis DirectMail, a competitor for newspaperinserts. The commission approved a ne-gotiated services agreement be-tween USPS and Valassis DirectMail on August 23 with a 4-1 vote.Within 24 hours, Newspaper Asso-ciation of America filed an appealwith the United States Court of Ap-peals for the District of ColumbiaCircuit and filed an emergency mo-tion for a stay of the decision. Thecourt has issued a briefing sched-ule on the motion for early Septem-ber. On August 28, the NationalNewspaper Association filed docu-ments in court in support of theNAA appeal. In part, the NNAcourt document read, “While thepostal service has the backing ofthe full faith and credit of theUnited States should the NSA ven-ture fail, its customers and com-petitors in the newspaper world donot enjoy the same privilege if theNSA succeeds and their own posi-tion in the market fails. No busi-ness can compete against its owngovernment. Thus, if the NSA infact does create undue harm in themarketplace, the harm is likely tobe irreparable.” Both national trade organiza-tions representing newspapershave stressed that granting thisspecial postal rate to a major com-petitor in the mailing business willcause significant harm to newspa-pers throughout the country andwill not improve the financial con-dition of the nation’s postal system. In a press statement related toits decision, the PRC said, “The

commission understands that bothnewspapers and the postal serviceare experiencing declining rev-enues as new technologies based onthe Internet gain popularity.Today’s decision affirms that faircompetition between these two im-portant institutions is consistentwith the law.” The PRC’s opinion said, “News-papers have a de facto monopoly onthe weekend advertising of na-tional retailers of durable andsemi-durable goods. Naturally,they would like to retain that busi-ness. The postal service has longbeen in the market for distributionof such advertising, but it has notcompeted effectively. The newspa-pers have provided no explanationdemonstrating why they would beprecluded from competing effec-tively by adjusting their advertis-ing rates and/or negotiatingdifferent rates for delivery.” NNA has released a question andanswer format on the Valassis deal. What can you do? Tell the mem-bers of our congressional delega-tion that this sweeheart deal is abad deal. Tell them that this caserepresents the first time USPS hasdirectly targeted newspapers ascompetitors. It is not right and it isnot fair. Setting a federal enter-prise into direct competition withnewspapers offends our most basicprinciples. Here is contact information forthe congressional delegation staffwho deal with postal issues: Sen. John Thune: Ryan Jensen –[email protected] Sen. Tim Johnson: Carrie John-son – [email protected] Rep. Kristi Noem: Anne Thim-sen – [email protected].

Postal service favoring one

private business over others

The latest edition of the UnitedStates Drought Monitor was re-leased last week and reflectedworsening drought in the west cen-tral part of South Dakota, saidLaura Edwards, South DakotaState University Extension climatefield specialist. Extreme drought has now takenover Haakon and Jackson counties,and portions of the surroundingcounties as well. This level ofdrought covers more than a quar-ter of the state, up from 17 percentin the previous week. Edwards saidthe latest map, released August 30,showed no change in the otherdrought severity categories. Edwards said water levels inrivers and streams, the recent hotand dry weather, in addition tofield condition reports have all con-tributed to the one category changeon the U.S. Drought Monitor. “Streamflow levels for the lastweek have been much lower thannormal for this time of year, andtemperatures were in the 90s withlittle rain,” Edwards said.

Over the last 30 days, the newextreme drought region has re-ceived less than half of normalrainfall. The last week had beentwo to six degrees above average,which cut short any relief from thecooler temperatures that werespread across the state a couple ofweeks ago. Elsewhere in the state, hot anddry weather took over in recentdays. The outlook for the next fivedays appeared to continue withbelow average rainfall, with somescattered small amounts in theeastern half of the state. Edwards said that TropicalStorm Isaac is weakening andmaking its way inland, but will beturning east, and likely will notbring any beneficial rainfall to ourarea. Temperatures will cool offfrom the 100 plus degrees that thestate experienced recently, but willreturn to the 90s for many easternSouth Dakota locations. She saidthe Black Hills will be just slightlycooler, in the mid-80s and low 90s,over the next several days.

Drought worsens in westcentral South Dakota

ing measures.Because GFP’s Wildlife Damage

Program is funded entirely withhunting license fees, producers areasked to sign an agreement thatstates they don’t charge for huntingaccess and they’ll agree to allow areasonable amount of free publicaccess for hunting.

“Permanent stackyards workwell for producers who have spe-cific locations where they store hayor other feed every year,” said Fisk.“Our portable panel program hasalso become popular with produc-ers over the last few years. Thegreat thing about the panels is theyallow producers some flexibility inwhere they place feed suppliesfrom year-to-year.”

Ensuring an adequate harvest ofbig game animals on an annualbasis remains the best tool avail-able to help producers reducewildlife damage on their property.However, should producers experi-ence wildlife damage from concen-trations of deer, elk or turkeys,GFP encourages them to contact aGFP representative as soon as pos-sible.

Since 2005, GFP has workedwith more than 800 individual pro-ducers to provide financial assis-tance to help them buildpermanent stackyards or purchaseprotective panels. On an annualbasis, GFP expends more than $2.5million to assist producers with awide variety of programs designedto help reduce damages caused bywildlife.

For more information or assis-tance, producers may contact theirlocal Wildlife Damage Specialist orGFP Division of Wildlife office.

Even though South Dakota isstill in the last stages of a hot anddry summer, Game, Fish and ParksDepartment officials are encourag-ing farmers and ranchers to beginthinking about the importance ofprotecting alfalfa, hay and otherstored feed supplies from winteringwildlife.

“With the effects of this year’sdrought, we know that hay andother feed supplies will be evenmore valuable this coming winter,”GFP Wildlife Damage Program Ad-ministrator Keith Fisk said. “IfSouth Dakota experiences a nor-mal winter where we have even av-erage accumulations of snow it willbe important for producers to con-sider taking some proactive stepsthat will reduce the potential forwildlife damage.”

Fisk added that many producershave reported they’ve been able toreduce or prevent wildlife damagejust by giving some careful thoughtto where they locate their winterlivestock feed.

“If producers have chronic prob-lems with wildlife damage despitetheir best efforts, we want to makesure they’re aware that GFP hasseveral cost-share programs avail-able to help protect their feed sup-plies,” Fisk said.

Over the past 15 years, GFP hasdeveloped several wildlife damageabatement programs which providecost-share assistance to producers.

One program helps supply pro-tective panels that can be tem-porarily loaned to producers to helpprotect feed supplies. Another pro-gram actually helps producers fundthe purchase and construction ofstackyards or other protective fenc-

Protect hay and stored feed supplies

Page 2: Kadoka Press, September 6, 2012

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Telephone 605-837-2259 • PO Box 309, Kadoka, South Dakota 57543-0309

E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 605-837-2312

Ravellette Publications, Inc.PO Box 309 • Kadoka, SD 57543-0309

Publisher: Don Ravellette

News Writing/Photography: Ronda Dennis, Editor

Graphic Design/Typesetting/Photography: Robyn Jones

Published each Thursday and Periodicals postage paid at

Kadoka, Jackson County, South Dakota 57543-0309

Official Newspaper for the City of Kadoka, the Town of Interior, the Town of Belvidere,

the Town of Cottonwood, the County of Jackson and the Kadoka School District #35-2.


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Church Page … September 6, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 2



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BELVIDERE COMMUNITY CHURCHPastor Gary McCubbin • 344-2233

Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m.Coffee & Donuts: 10:30 a.m.

Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Sept. - May

OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC CHURCHFather Bryan Sorensen • Kadoka • 837-2219

Mass: Sunday - 11:00 a.m.Confession After Mass

INTERIOR COMMUNITY CHURCHSunday School: 9:30 a.m. • Church: 10:30 a.m.

EAGLE NEST LIFE CENTERGus Craven • Wanblee • 462-6002

Sunday Church: 11:00 a.m.



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CONCORDIA LUTHERAN • Kadoka • 837-2390Pastor Art Weitschat

Sunday Services: 10:00 a.m.


Pastor Frezil WesterlundSunday Services: 5:00 p.m.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHKadoka • Pastor Gary McCubbin • 837-2233

Worship Services: 11:00 a.m.Sunday School: Sr. Adults - 9:45 a.m.

Sunday School: All Ages - 9:45 a.m., • Sept. - MayRelease Time: 2:15 p.m. Wednesdays. • Sept. - May

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Over 40 students from MountMarty College’s 2012 freshmanclass were recipients of the col-lege’s top academic scholarshipsthis year. These four year awardsrange from $32,000 to full tuition.The top presidential scholarshiprepresents $72,400 over four yearsof college. Students with a minimum of a26 ACT score or a 3.5 high schoolGPA are invited to compete forthese scholarships during MountMarty College’s annual Scholar-ship Days held during their senioryear of high school. Scholarshipwinners are chosen based on a sub-mitted essay, letter of recommen-dation, academic performance, andinterview. This year’s scholarship recipi-ents include:

Tesarra Byrd, Kadoka

College News

Monday, September 10 Salmon loaf, scalloped potatoes,peas, muffin and mixed fruit.

Tuesday, September 11 Oven fried chicken, mashed po-tatoes and gravy, harvard beets,dinner roll and peaches.

Wednesday, September 12 Sausage gravy over biscuits,hash brown patties, stewed toma-toes and apple crisp.

Thursday, September 13 Roast beef, boiled potatoes andgravy, chuckwagon corn, bread andmandarin oranges.

Friday, September 14 Homemade pizza, tossed salad,juice and fresh fruit.

Meals forthe Elderly

2 Chronicles 20:5-12Modern-day Christians can learn some good lessons

from Old Testament prayers. When Jehoshaphat be-seeched God for help, he struck a balance between ask-ing the Lord to meet his needs and proclaiming His

greatness. Likewise, our requests shouldbe made with recognition of who God is. Otherwise, the focus ofour prayers becomes need, weakness, failure, or fear. Jehoshaphat cried out to God about his terrible predicament, but he also exalted the Lord's attributes,acknowledging the great things He had done. When we pray like this, we become stronger, bolder, andmore forthright. That's why knowing the Word of God is so important. When we read about how the Lordworked in the lives of others, we understand His awesome power and might. Then we can look to themen and women of the Old Testament as an example and begin to pray in a similar way. God's wonder-working power is still available today, and He wants His children to access it. By proclaiming, "Power and might are in Your hand so that no one can stand against You" (v. 6), Je-hoshaphat was praising God and at the same time reminding himself of the Lord's greatness. As youpray, remind God of His mercy, talk to Him about His grace, and recall His mighty power. Do you want to revolutionize your prayer life? If you focus as much attention on declaring the attributesof the Lord as you do on making requests, your prayers will take on a whole new dimension. They'll ceaseto be self-centered and instead will become God-centered.

A Balanced Prayer

Inspiration Point

in Ethiopia’s Awash Valley, a 3.2million year-old skeleton of an apewas discovered that was differentthan other ape skeletons. The kneebone shape, along with pelvic ar-chitecture, indicated that this apewalked upright. As the Beatlesmusic “Lucy in the Sky with Dia-monds” was playing in the back-ground, archeologists speculatedthat this could be the long soughtlink between apes and humans,and the upright walking individ-ual was famously nicknamed“Lucy.” Her brain was small andape-like but she walked upright. This was evidence that the up-right position might have comefirst. They speculated that stand-ing tall allowed for the evolution-ary advantage of having a betterview of approaching enemy ormate and all the rest followed.Could it be that the special designof an upright knee allowed for thefirst big step toward the evolutionof humanity? And what is so spe-cial about this design? The knee is a hinge joint mostlyheld together with four ligaments.

The two “collateral” ligaments runalong the inner and outer sides ofthe knee keeping our legs frombending inward (knock-kneed) oroutward (bowlegged).  The more noteworthy structureshowever are the two tough fibrousribbon ligaments, which cross eachother, front to back, on the insideof the knee forming an "X.” Thisexplains why they are called thecruciate or cross-like ligaments. The anterior cruciate ligamentor ACL starts at the back of thethighbone or femur above, crossesto connect at the front of the shin-bone or tibia below, and keeps thelower leg from sliding forward.The posterior cruciate ligament orPCL starts at the front of thethighbone, crosses to the back ofthe shinbone, and keeps the lowerleg from sliding backward. What is so ingenious is howthese crossing ribbons provide forsuch stability, and yet at the sametime, allow for the bending of theknee. So it is as Gerard ManleyHopkins the Priest poet said: “Theworld is charged with thegrandeur of God.”

Rick Holm, M.D., Medical Editor

Lucy’s Knees



Audra Antonsen, Wanblee $105Roberta Gabrielson, Rapid City $125Kirk Gortmaker, Farmington, MN $145

Andrew Rasmussen, Edmonds, WA $105Kim Melling, Hettinger, ND $125

Stephanie Strong, Rapid City $125Joshua Brown, Minneapolis, MN $105

Diana Valleellarsen, Mt. Prospect, IL $125Bassel Salem, Sioux Falls $145

Daniel Marty, San Diego, CA $145


Christina Colombe, Rapid City $125Mikaela Morgan, Hyannis, NE $125

Jesse Haugen, Pukwana $145Crystal Nightpipe, Mission $145


May 2012Lorena Darnell, Salt Lake City, UT $370

Dennis Studinski, Addison, IA $180Deborah Pease, Centerville $220

Audrey Jones, Midland $220Cindy Jost, Murdo $220

Jeanette Cobb, Casper, WY $220


Greg Blackbear, Norris $120

Posses Two Ounces of Marijuana or Less &

No Drivers License:

05-05-12: Joseph Rosales, Kyle: Possesion: Plea: Guilty; Plea date: 05-30-12; Fine and costs $250; No license: Plea: Guilty; Plea date: 5-30-12;Fine and costs $120; pay all no later than 12-31-2012.

Driving Under the Influence - 1st Offense:

05-05-12: Arlen Ferguson, Kyle: Plea: Guilty; Plea date: 05-30-12; Fineand costs $500; 30 days jail suspended based on the following condi-tions: Pay fine and costs, including blood test of $70, obey all laws.

Fail to Maintain Financial Responsiblity:

05-18-12: Bryan Long, Rosebud: Plea: Guilty; Plea date: 05-30-12; Fineand costs $150; 5 days jail suspended based on the following conditions:obey all laws.

Fail to Maintain Financial Responsiblity:

04-22-12: Paul Young, Rosebud: Plea: Guilty; Plea date: 05-30-12; Fineand costs $150; 5 days jail suspended based on the following conditions:obey all laws and pay fine and costs by 5-30-2012.

Be Safe &

Buckle Up!

Don’t Drink & Drive!

and censorship -- Montag suddenlyrealizes what he must do…

Dorothy Liegl will again lead thebook discussion for Bradbury’sbest-known novel, presented by theSD Humanities Council.

To participate in the discussionor just read the book, please signup at the Jackson County Libraryand pick up a copy of the book. Dis-cussion will be at 2:00 p.m. on Sun-day, October 14, 2012 at theJackson Co. Library.New discussion members are al-ways welcome. Questions, call DebMoor at 837-2689.

Ray Bradbury’s 1953 novel de-picts a future world where firemenburn books and houses that containthem instead of putting out fires.Guy Montag has enjoyed ten yearsas a fireman, never questioning thepleasure of the midnight runs orthe joy of watching pages con-sumed by flames -- never ques-tioned anything until he met aseventeen-year-old girl who toldhim of a past when people were notafraid. When Guy meets a profes-sor who tells him of a future wherepeople are free to use critical think-ing skills -- challenging conformity

3 Check It Out at the Library 3Farenheit 451

Gladys A. Smith________________

Gladys Smith, age 92 of Quinn,S.D., died Tuesday, August 28,2012, at the Hans P. Peterson Me-morial Hospital in Philip. Gladys Arthene Knodel wasborn December 22, 1919, at Wall, toGustave and Lois (Lathrop) Kn-odel. She lived in the Peno Basin areaand attended elementary school atBig White. She stayed with Lynnand Lucille Lathrop and attendedone year of high school at Nolan. In1934, her parents moved her to asmall farm outside Richfield,Idaho, where Gladys finished highschool and started college in thearea. On December 11, 1937, she wasunited in marriage to Charles“Richard” Smith at Burley, Idaho.In 1938, they moved back to Grind-stone and lived with “Bus” Smithuntil they built their home in 1948where she lived until she was hos-pitalized in December 2009. She was a member of the Grind-stone Women’s Club for over 70years and assisted in many gather-ings and parties in the community.She attended the Lutheran churchthroughout her life. Her childrenhave fond memories of cominghome from church to large Sundaydinners and a house full of com-pany. Gladys made everyone feel

welcome in her home and at hertable. She is survived by her husbandof 74 years, Richard, of Grindstone;nine children, Colleen (Ken) Sim-mons of Forsyth, Mont., Joyce (Ed)Buchholz of Belle Fourche, Larry(Linda) Smith of Philip, Melvin(Beth) Smith of Philip, Steven(Roxie) Smith of Ordway, Colo.,Arlan Smith of Casper, Wyo., Bar-bara (Mike) Coy of Sundance, Wyo.,Janet (Kenneth) Lurz of Wall,Kieth (Deb) Smith of Philip; 27grandchildren, 45 great-grandchil-dren; and one great-great grand-child. Gladys was preceded in death byher parents; a granddaughter,Audra Smith; and a grandson,Christopher Lurz. Gladys will be remembered as akind and loving wife, mother,grandmother and friend. Services were held at the PhilipHigh School Fine Art Building onSaturday, September 1, with Pas-tor Frezil Westerlund officiating. Music was provided by MarilynMillage, pianist, and Glenn Par-sons, vocalist. Ushers were Marvin Coleman,Marvin Eide, Dennis Sieler andHerb Sieler. Pallbearers were Jeff Simmons,Kelly Buchholz, Brock Smith,Justin Smith, Chad Smith, JohnSmith, Josh Smith, Dustin Lurz,Tucker Smith and Lincoln Smith. Honorary pallbearers wereDeAnn Bailey, Tonya Froelich,Trena McCreary, Lindsey Mangis,Larissa Wishard, Lariann Lanka,Melan Nicholson, Tara Clark, LanaSchnee, Dawn Back, StephanieFountain, Shannon Moline,Kendra Swaney, Kannan Lurz,Chancie Baenen, Cassidy Ayotteand Colby Smith. Interment was at the MasonicCemetery in Philip. A memorial has been establishedto maintaining the family room atPhilip Health Services. Arrangements were with theRush Funeral Home of Philip. Her online guestbook is avail-able at www.rushfuneralhome.com

cost and uncertainty associatedwith the process. That is why Ihave and continue to support thefederal adoption tax credit that at-tempts to alleviate some of the fi-nancial barriers for familieswanting to provide nurturinghomes for children in need of a lov-ing family.

Earlier this month, I nominatedRyan and Amber Johnson fromSioux Falls for the “Angels in Adop-tion” award which is presented an-nually by the CongressionalCoalition on Adoption. This youngcouple is an example of what itmeans to be true heroes. They haveovercome personal struggles andhave used their life lessons to cre-ate a warm, loving home for chil-dren in need of a nurturingenvironment to grow and develop.

Every child deserves a place tocall home and a loving family tosupport them. Through adoption,children get loving and supportivefamilies and families are blessedwith new lives to nurture. I com-mend the many families across ourstate who have opened their heartsand homes to children in need. Ihope that the work and uplifting ef-forts of people like the Johnsonswill continue to inspire other SouthDakota families to make a differ-ence in the life of a child.

Like many South Dakotans, Iam extraordinarily blessed to havea wonderful family built on a foun-dation of love, respect, trust, andfaith. With the guidance of mymom and dad, I learned the impor-tance of education and the value ofhard work. My family supportedmy successes and helped me learnfrom my failures. However, it wasnot until Kimberley and I had ourfirst daughter that I understoodthe magnitude and responsibility ofbeing a parent. Nothing I havedone in life or ever will do can com-pare to the joy and rewards thatcome with being a dad.

Sadly, many children will never know what it means to have a fa-ther or a family, someone to cheeron their baseball team or put aBand-Aid on their knee. Family isjust a word in the storybooks forthousands of children across thecountry. According to the U.S. De-partment of Health and HumanServices there are more than114,000 children in foster carewaiting to be adopted in the UnitedStates. These children have en-tered the foster care systemthrough no fault of their own, oftenas a result of abuse, neglect, orabandonment.

Often families shy away fromadoption due to the perceived high

Adoption creates health, loving familiesby Senator John Thune

Page 3: Kadoka Press, September 6, 2012

Belvidere News … September 6, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 3

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Belvidere NewsSyd Iwan • 344-2547

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A Fire:Kadoka . . . .837-2228

Belvidere . .344-2500

All others call . . . .911



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We are surrounded by thingsthat often remind us of people,places or circumstances. Take thelug of peaches I bought recently. Ibuy a lug most years, and it alwaysreminds me of my cousinLuWanna. As it happened, one summerwhen Lu and her family came fromNorth Dakota to visit us as theyoften did, my folks had just boughta lug of peaches. When they real-ized Lu really liked them, they toldher to help herself whenever shewanted. Well, she wanted fairlyoften. I have recurrent visions ofher walking around holding apeach in the pink tissue they camewrapped in. She would nibble onthat thing a long time, savoring it,and making it last. She didn’t peelit, cut it up, or have it with cream.She just ate it plain. This taughtme that it is possible to get a lot ofpleasure out of simple things. In a similar vein, carrot sticksoften remind me of our neighbor,Carolyn. When she was on theelection board with me, she oftenbrought a jar of carrot sticks inwater to snack on during the day.She always offered to share themwith the other members of theboard, and sometimes I took one,but my idea of snacks ran more tochocolate-chip cookies or othersweets. I wonder if that might bewhy Carolyn is still thin whereas Icould stand to lose a few pounds? In the kitchen, I have variousutensils that bring certain peopleto mind. One is a white spatulathat reminds me of my nephew,Jason, and his wife. They gave thisitem to me one Christmas, and, atfirst, I thought it looked awkwardand hard to use. After using it afew times, however, I got to reallyliking it. It is now my favoritespatula, and I use it all the time. There is also a small flat pan inthe kitchen that I got from myAunt Vange. She no longer wantedit one time when I was helping hermove so I took it. Somehow that isthe handiest pan for little jobs. Idon’t think it was originally in-tended for cooking but had some-thing to do with making ice in thefreezer. Nevertheless, it getspressed into cooking duty all thetime around here. Using it doessometimes make me recall the re-gret I had about not being able tovisit Vange very much in her last

few years since she was in a nurs-ing home some distance away andin a town I seldom had reason tovisit. Vange and her husband, Don,were a big part of my life for a lotof years, always spent ChristmasDay with us etc. Anyway, this littlemetal pan brings them to mindfairly often. As would be expected, lots ofthings remind us of members ofour immediate family. Cross-stitchpictures on the wall make methink of Mom and her constant“fancy work” projects. Dad tendedto collect things like old tools, andodds and ends of this and that.They are still around to promotememories of him. My sister hasgiven me many gifts that are hereand there around the house andoften turn my thoughts in her di-rection. Just this week I got a real me-mento of my school years in townand the people I met there. Thismemento was made by a school-mate out of the old wood flooringthat was originally in the Murdodepot dating back to about 1906.That town is where I went toschool from fifth grade throughhigh school. Doug, it seems, hastaken up working with a lathe andmaking various things. He decidedthat, since I did some writing, Imight like one of his pens madeout of the depot’s maple wood. It isbeautiful. It not only makes methink of Doug and his family, butof the time when trains ranthrough that area, not to mentionall the other recollections aboutschool, fellow students and whatnot. Just having that pen on mydesk makes my mind frequentlyreturn to yesteryear. The pen also brings anotherschoolmate, Bob, to mind. I havelittle doubt that he walked onthose depot floors countless timessince he was enamored with trainsfrom the cradle and spent his lifedriving them up and down therails. His dad was my barber formany years, and his folks were inand out of our house all the timeplaying bridge with my folks. It’sodd how a bit of wood can directyour thoughts to years gone by andthe people who inhabited them. If you don’t believe me, take aminute or two to look around yourhouse. I think you’ll see what I’mtalking about.

Memory Triggers

Lookin’ Aroundby Syd Iwan

Dana Badure and kids attendedthe funeral for Lana Sanftner inMidland on Friday. As it happened,Lana’s daughter, Tejai, was stayingovernight at Badure’s with Brisaon the night Lana passed away inRapid City. This was somewhattraumatic but everyone gotthrough it okay. Greg said thatLana was always so happy and up-beat that it was hard to lose her.Greg also said that traffic hasslowed down a lot on I-90 after themotorcycle rally which means he isnot quite as busy with his rest areamaintenance east of town. Duringthe summer, he needs to spendtwelve hours a day at the twoplaces, but that will drop now tomore normal eight-hour days. Atthe ranch, fall shots have beengiven there and at various neigh-bors. There has also been earlyshipping of cattle due to pasturebeing short in this dry year. RandyPeters has been helping Bax and Allately as well. Lee Addison and Rhonda aretired of killing rattlesnakes aroundthe place. Five have wanderedthrough lately such as in the gar-den, carport, etc. There is a prairie-dog town close by which attractsthem somewhat, but usually onlyone or two are seen in a year. Theymake gardening somewhat of acautious affair, but some tomatoesand cucumbers have been raisedand put up for the winter. Rhondasaid her knees are slowly improv-ing after the replacement surgeryshe had on both of them back inJanuary. She still hasn’t been rid-ing any horses, but she is eyeingthe horses with speculation re-cently, thinking it might be abouttime since riding is one of her fa-vorite things to do. Going all theway to Maine with Dana Badureand kids a bit ago was a little hardon the knees, but it was a good trip.Recently, Lee and Rhonda have

been traveling to Highmore mostweekends to help friends work ontheir house. The house has beenraised for basement work, andthere is no electricity and thereforeno air conditioning. It can be hotwork. Bunny Green was visited forseveral days last week by hernephew, Carl Dean Peadke, ofCarter Lake, Iowa. He is the son ofBunny’s sister. Carl Dean had beento Washington to visit cousins andwas on his way home. He parkedhis three-bedroom motor home infront of Bunny’s house and slept inthat while he was here. Bunny saidthere have been a lot of skunksaround this year, and her neighborhas killed four of them for her thatwere around her place. None have

been around the last few days, butBunny is keeping on eye on thingsin case more show up. Francie Davis is currently a full-time student at Black Hills Univer-sity. She is doing it all over theInternet, however, so she doesn’thave to be gone from home. Shehopes to get her degree in GeneralStudies in December. She is nowtaking courses in the humanities,geography and digital photography.Her boys are enjoying her coursesas well and also having her go toschool since they have to. The fam-ily beagle tangled with a coyotethis week and had to be repaired bythe vet. He is doing okay at pres-ent. On Saturday, Chad, Francieand boys and Bob and Ruth For-tune all went to Wall for the 80thbirthday celebration for Vera Nel-son and Vern Fortune. Vera andVern are twins and are Bob’s auntand uncle. Francie said her folkswere somewhat related before theygot married since Bob was a For-tune and her mom, Joan, was aNelson. Earlier in the day on Sat-urday, the Davis family was upnear Faith fixing fence on theranch belonging to Chad’s uncle.The uncle is gone right now andwanted Chad to keep an eye onthings. Aaron, Michelle and TyrelMansfield spent the weekend inRapid City at a reunion ofMichelle’s mom’s side of the family.They went up on Friday and cameback on Sunday. A special drawwas some relatives that don’t liveclose, such as in Billings. Jim andFayola left on Thursday forWyoming to visit their daughter,Alison, and family. They took ingrandson Thomas’ football game onThursday evening at Upton whereit was cool and nice. They returnedhome on Friday. Howie and Cathy Ireland havemanaged to raise some beans,tomatoes and cucumbers this yeardespite the grasshoppers anddrought. The beans did quite a bitbetter than expected, but Howiesaid they might have been betteroff saving their time and money ongardening this year. Scot and Jodie O’Bryan havemostly stayed busy with their reg-ular work of training and shoeinghorses and working at 1880 Town.They still haven’t been to Yanktonto get acquainted with their newestgrandkid, but time will be taken forthat very soon. This week, Scot willgo to Kansas to help with a horsesale. Jodie is getting anxious to dosome barrel racing again and willget to that shortly. Crystal Paulson is back to teach-ing college courses again. This se-mester she will be teaching inPorcupine and Batesland. The col-lege she works for has eleven satel-lite places they offer courses asrequired by people who want totake them so Crystal is never quitesure ahead of time where she willbe sent each semester. She doestend to get in a lot of driving. Dur-ing this hot weather, Crystal hasbeen staying at home quite a bitwhen not out teaching somewhere.

The only way to help yourselfis to help others.

Several folks from this area at-tended the services for Walt Hein-ert in Valentine, NE, on Monday.Despite the heat a large crowd offamily and friends gathered at theSt. John Lutheran Church base-ment on Monday following the bur-ial. A delicious lunch was served tothem by the church ladies. Pleasekeep the Heinert family in yourheart and prayers at this sad timeof loss. HOT has been the best descrip-tion of the week. The starting ofschool didn’t seem to change thethermometer a bit. Mother Naturedoesn’t seem to know it is supposedto be cooler and bring the refresh-ing autumn rains. The ground isjust crying out for moisture and soare we. June Ring is helping PastorUtecht and family at the PuppetPlace at the South Dakota StateFair this week. It is such a favoriteplace of the little ones with theirpuppets and magic tricks, prizes,etc. Pastor Andrew was just a kiddoing the tricks when our familyspent a lot of time there. We allknew where the Puppet Place was. Stan Allard of Rapid City camedown on Tuesday and visited hismother, Maxine, and put a newbattery in her car. That afternoonChristine Dunham paid a visit toMaxine’s and got some cucumbersand material that Maxine hadsaved for her. Maxine, like so manyof us, is finally enjoying manyitems from her garden. Everythingseems so late this year. Susan Taft and Morgan went toWhite River for the volleyball gameagainst New Underwood on Thurs-day evening. White River came outthe winners. Wednesday afternoon the NorrisSchool open house was enjoyed bymany students and parents. Folksstrolled through the sparklingshiny halls viewing the differentclassrooms and welcoming theteachers. After you had seen all therooms you were greeted again byBobbi Kelley, who is the headteacher, and was kept busy servingice cream sundaes and iced tea. Itwas a perfect treat for those of uswho had braved the heat. Jim and Marjorie Letellier andAndrea Beckwith visited MaxineAllard Thursday evening. Maxineis busy doing her thorough fallhouse cleaning. She can start in onmine when she gets done with hers. Ed and Carol Ferguson went toRapid City on Friday and broughtback their granddaughter, KaitlynFerguson, to spend a few days.Kaitlyn and Carol along with IreneKaufman and Margie Popkes werein Valentine on Saturday. Friday evening, the JasonBurma family and friend, SamuelPedersen, from Sunshine Bible

Academy and Julie Letellier of Kil-gore arrived at the James Letel-liers for the Labor Day weekend.Marty and Sue Larson arrived onSaturday, just for the day. A weekend guest of Robert andSharon Ring was their daughter,Deb, of Spearfish. She had to goback early and meet the plane be-cause her special friend and familyfrom Japan were arriving Sundayevening. Saturday the Letellier gals helda rummage sale at the NorrisTownship Hall. Marty and Sue Lar-son of Rapid City, Julie Letellier ofKilgore and Jason and JaLynnBurma were all home for the event.Sorry folks, but it was just too hotto make long johns for the bakedsale, you will just have to come onHalloween for a free one, only if itcools off by then. Ken and Karen Toews of Ameri-can Missionary Fellowship spokeat Norris Bible Church Sundaymorning following Sunday School.A potluck dinner was served at theNorris Township Hall following theservice. Friday, Evan and Dorothy Blighwent to Rapid City on Friday. No school news this week due tothe Labor Day weekend whichmeant no school on Monday. It is

the last big break before school re-ally gets going in earnest. Labor Day weekend guests ofLarry and Nancy Collins was theirson, Jeff, and Carol Collins fromCastlewood, SD. Jeff and Carol en-joyed visiting in the Bill and GaleLetellier homes Sunday. On Sunday afternoon, Ed, Caroland Kaitlyn Ferguson attended theAnsel and Mary WoodenKnife fam-ily reunion. It was held at Mary’sfavorite garden spot along the CornCreek Dam near the John and KrisWoodenKnife home. Sunday supper guests at thehome of Dan Taft and family wereSusan’s parents, Alvin and JudySimmons, of Martin. All of the Dave Letellier familyof Hulett, WY, was at the GaleLetellier ranch for the holidayweekend except Hailey. Jakki and Jimmy Burma accom-panied their aunt, Julie Letellier,to Rapid City on Sunday afternoonand visited in the home of thieruncle and aunt, Marty and SueLarson. They were overnightguests and then returned home onLabor Day. JoAnn is hosting the SD MasterGardeners on Saturday, September8. Everyone is invited to join themon a yard and garden tour in the af-ternoon at the Gale and JoAnnLetellier residence Saturday at2:00 p.m. CST. I can guarantee, youwon’t be disappointed. Their yardis always picture perfect, gorgeousand well worth the trip. Have a great week!

Twenty-two veterinarians at 20clinics are now trained and certi-fied to do the nitrate QuikTest onstanding forages. Producers should take standingforage that has been cut at groundlevel to SDSU Extension locationsor veterinary clinics that have thetesting available. Such crops in-clude milo, corn, millet, sudan, soy-beans, etc. The test does not work on cornthat has already been chopped forsilage. In this situation the samplewould need to be sent to a lab forquantitative analysis.

QuikTest locations: Aberdeen Regional ExtensionCenter. 605.626.2870 Watertown Regional ExtensionCenter, 605.882.5140 Sioux Falls Regional ExtensionCenter, 605.782.3290 Mitchell Regional ExtensionCenter, 605.995.7378 Winner Regional Extension Cen-ter, 605.842.1267 Rapid City Regional ExtensionCenter, 605.394.1722 Lemmon Regional ExtensionCenter, 605.374.4177 Pierre Regional Extension Cen-ter, 605.773.8120 Bennett County Extension Of-fice; Clark County Extension Of-fice; Charles Mix County ExtensionOffice; Douglas County ExtensionOffice; Hamlin County Extension

Office. Huron Veterinary Hospital,Huron; Gregory Animal Clinic,Gregory; Animal Health Center,Redfield; Armour Veterinary ClinicArmour; Oahe Veterinary Clinic,Pierre; Golden Veterinary Service,Wall; Cheyenne River Animal Hos-pital, Edgemont; Dakota West Ani-mal Health, Faith; ParkerVeterinary Clinic, Parker; MurdoVeterinary Clinic, Murdo; CookVeterinary Clinic, LLC, Rapid City;Clark Veterinary, Clark; AnimalClinic, LTD, Winner; Dakota HillsVeterinary Clinic, Rapid City; BelleFourche Vet Clinic, Belle Fourche;Sioux Nation Ag Center, Freeman;Crossroads Vet Clinic, Bowdle;Lake Area Veterinary Clinic, Wa-tertown; Golden Veterinary Serv-ice, Milesville; FrederickVeterinary Service, Frederick. For more information visit,iGrow.org.

Nitrate QuikTest available at 20 veterinary

clinics & SDSU Extension Centers

Page 4: Kadoka Press, September 6, 2012

Locals … September 6, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 4

Kadoka Nursing HomeKenton & Angela McKeehan • 837-2270

Local News Sydne Lenox • Robyn Jones

To Report A Fire:Kadoka . . . . .837-2228

Belvidere . . . .344-2500

Interior . . . . . . . . . . .911

Long Valley . . . . . . .911

Green Valley . . . . . .911

A new ‘lil cowboy has arrived!

Join us for a baby shower


Kelton Joseph Joneswho was born July 20, 2012

Sun., Sept. 9 • 1 to 3 p.m.

Kadoka Fire Hall

son of Kylie Brunson & Michael Jones

H& HRestaurantKadoka, South Dakota • 837-2265

Thank you for your patronage. We appreciate your

business and we’ll see you in the spring!

Ken & Cindy Wilmarth & Employees

We’re closing

for the season …Tuesday,

Sept. 118:30 p.m.

Mary Schnee recently spentthree days in the Deadwood areawith Rob and Teresa Smith. Theyspent some time touring the BlackHills and visited Mt. Rushmore.Teresa is Mary’s daughter. Terri Kezar of Yoder, WY, andJan Verschoor of Rapid City spentFriday in Kadoka doing some pack-ing at the former Steve Jeffordshouse. Terri planned to go to Huronon Saturday to attend a familybirthday party before returninghome. Mitch Moor of Pierre spent theweekend at the home of his par-ents, Deb and Marv Moor. He lefton Sunday as he had to work thatnight. Sandra Luisi of Black Hawk andher friend, Ron Hammer, visitedwith her parents, Wilma and MelCarleton on Saturday and all en-joyed lunch at Jigger’s. Also visit-ing at the Carletons that day wasson and daughter-in-law, Randyand Cheryl Carleton, of Rapid City.They had been walleye fishing atLake Oahe near Ft. Pierre and hadgood luck there. Tom and Jody Struble of Philipvisited with his parents, Les andMuree Struble, on Saturdayevening and all enjoyed supper atJigger’s. Saturday morning Lesand Muree’s great granddaughter,Aubrey Schnee, took them to WallDrug for a donut. Aubrey is attend-ing school in Kadoka again thisyear. Muree said that her son-in-law, Jim Horst, is doing much bet-ter since his surgery and somekidney stone problems. Dennis and Susan Schultz ofPardeeville, WI, stopped to see hermom, Lova Bushnell, on Sunday.

They were on their way toWyoming to meet with Kathy andGeorge Nite of Redding, CA, andwill spend a few days in Wyoming,before all returning to Kadoka tospend some time with Lova. Tim and Carmen Huffman droveto rural Pukwana on Sunday andhad dinner with her mom, DorothyHouska. Then all three went on toWessington Springs and visited atthe home of Curtis and Casey Huff-man. They returned to their homeslate Sunday night. The first meeting of the fall sea-son for Jackson County AmericanLegion Auxiliary will be held nextweek, Thursday, September 13.The meeting will be held at theCommunity Room at the GatewayApartments at 7 p.m. Notice hasbeen received that the fall DistrictTwo meeting will be held in Martinon September 23. The 2013 mem-bership notices will be sent out onSeptember 15. Residents of my neighborhoodhad a rare treat on Sunday morn-ing. A bevy of about 20 grouseroamed through several yards, evi-dently looking for food and water.With the summer being in adrought, water is scarce even forthe animals and birds. It was funwatching the grouse move fromyard to yard for several minutes. Some of the activity of the rodeocircuit included the following: ChadFerley rode and placed in at leastthree rodeos the past week: InPueblo, CO, he tied for 2nd placewith an 84, winning $2,468; then toFiler, ID, winning first with an 87and a check for $2,622. Ty Mankeplaced 2nd there with an 85 and acheck for $2,010; Chad went on to

On Monday, a group of residentstook a trip to Rapid City to do someshopping and to go out for lunch. Pastor Art came in to see CarolBorelson and Jobie Gerry on Tues-day. Bob Tridle had a visit from hisson-in-law, John, on Wednesday. Betty VanderMay enjoyed see-ing her sister, Frances Terkildsen,on Wednesday. Dorothy and Brad Louder vis-ited with Dwight on Thursday. Harriet Noteboom spent timewith her family, Elaine and JackHenry Roghair, on Thursday.Richard and V. Roghair came by onSunday. Polly Kujawa had a nice visitand walk with Jim this week. Mary Bull Bear received visitsfrom her granddaughters, NevaehPierce, Amanda Reddy, ShyleePierce, Kloe Pierce, and Raya,Alyssa and Ajiah. Sonna Garrett,Mary's daughter, was in to see heron Sunday. Glenn Bruhn had a good visitfrom his niece, Connie Twiss. Alice Wilmarth enjoyed Pauletteand Rick's company this week. Lova Bushnell made the roundson Saturday to visit with severalresidents and then joined in the af-ternoon activity. This week theyplayed bean bag toss and Lovacame in first place. Patty Patterson spent time withher son, Grant, on Sunday. Winona Carson received visitsfrom her granddaughter, Sandra,and friend, Dawn Hammer, alongwith Randy and Cheryl Carleton ofRapid City on Saturday.

Reverand Ray Greensethdropped in on Mary EllenHerbaugh and Mel Koester on Sun-day. Ken and Karen Toews led theworship service for the residents onSunday afternoon.

Larry M. Frerichs _______________

Larry M. Frerichs, age 64, ofJanesville, Wisc., died on Monday,Sept. 3, 2012, at home. He wasborn in Kadoka, SD, on Dec. 24,1947, the son of Merle and Kath-leen (Hockenbary) Frerichs. He grew up in South Dakota andcame to live in Janesville in 1969. Larry married Jacquelyn Cox inPrinceton, Wisc., on Aug. 28, 1971,and had been employed by VarcoPruden Buildings, Evansville,Wisc. He especially enjoyed spend-ing time with his family. He en-joyed music, archery, auctioning,

rummage sales, reading, hunting,motorcycling and camping. Larry is survived by his wife of41 years, Jacquelyn Frerichs; 4children: Joel (Tonya) Frerichs ofJanesville, Wisc., Aaron (Rachel)Frerichs of Beloit, Wisc., Tara(Mark) Holman of Edgerton, Wisc.,and Josh Frerichs of Janesville,Wisc.; 5 grandchildren: Emma,Mattie and Shelby Frerichs, andJulia and Allison Frerichs; 2 sis-ters, Sharon Williams of Janesville,Wisc., and Mary (Kevin) Pettit ofRacine, Wisc.; 1 nephew, AndrewPettit of Kenosha, Wisc.; 2 nieces,Tonya Williams and KandiWilliams both of Janesville, Wisc.;1 great niece, Angellica Stanley;and 2 great nephews, Evan andAvery Gosnell. He was preceded indeath by his parents. A funeral service will be held at11:00 a.m. CT on Friday, Sept. 7,2012, at First Baptist Church, 3414Woodhall Dr., Janesville, Wisc.,with Rev. Jerry Amstutz officiating.A visitation will be held on Thurs-day from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. CT atSchneider, Apfel, & Schneider Fu-neral Home & Crematory andagain on Friday from 10:00 to 11:00a.m. at the church. For on-line condolences and reg-istry: www.schneiderfuneraldirec-tors.com

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Certified copies of birth records from across the state are avail-able in Jackson County, according to Mitzi Mitchell, Register ofDeeds. The office has access to computerized birth recordsstatewide and can issue a certified copy of any South Dakotabirth. In the past, birth records were only available from the countywhere the birth occurred or from the South Dakota Department ofHealth, Vital Records Program. Birth records are available from 1905 on. As earlier years are entered in the computerized system,records from those years will also become available. The cost for a certified copy of a birth record is $15.00 as ofJuly 1, 2012.

September SpecialsPrices good from Sept. 6 to Sept. 29

Windsor Canadian 1.75 ...............................$18.00Windsor Canadian Traveler......................... $11.00Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey Traveler .......... $14.00Dr. McGillicutty’s Methomint

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or Apple 750...............................................$5.50Crown Royal 750 .........................................$24.00

18 pk Bud or Bud Light 16 oz. cans.............$18.0018 pk Busch Light 16 oz. cans.....................$13.0020 pk Bud Light bottles ................................$19.00

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Thurs., Sept. 13at 6 p.m.


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A variety of questions havecome up lately concerning man-aged and emergency haying/graz-ing of CRP acres. Here are somegeneral answers to a lot of thosequestions. Remember, these arethe answers I have as I write this;in other words, since we all knowwhat year this is, things can andoften do change very quickly. So, ifyou have any more questions con-cerning this information, pleasefeel free to call us at 605-859-2186or just stop in the office.

Emergency CRP haying was au-thorized for the period of August 2through August 31, 2012. Emer-gency CRP grazing was authorized

for the period of August 2 throughSeptember 30, 2012, althoughemergency CRP grazing was re-cently extended for two months(through November 30) if an up-dated NRCS grazing plan indi-cates there is sufficient grazingavailable.

Producers must report theirhayed and grazed acres as follows.For both ‘managed CRP haying’and ‘emergency CRP haying’, theacres actually hayed must be re-ported no later than September 11,2012. For ‘managed CRP grazing’,the acres actually grazed must bereported within 5 days after thelivestock have been removed or Oc-tober 5, 2012. For ‘emergency CRPgrazing’ where the two month ex-tension was not requested, acresactually grazed must be reportedwithin 5 days after the livestockare removed or October 5, 2012.For ‘emergency CRP grazing’where the two month extensionwas requested and used, acres ac-tually grazed must be reportedwithin 5 days after the livestockare removed or December 5, 2012.

Haakon-Jackson County FSADuke Westerberg, County Executive Director

Ellensburg, WA, and tied for firstthere with an 84 and a check for$2,648. Jeff Willert is out with abroken shoulder blade and I couldnot find Jamie Willert’s name inany of the rodeos last week on pro-rodeo.com. The South Dakota sad-

dle bronc riders are taking part inseveral rodeos throughout thecountry. Chad is currently 8th place inthe world standings and ColeElshere is 12th in the top 15 as ofMonday.

Attorney General Marty Jackleyhas announced that the SouthDakota Public Health Laboratoryhas been awarded $3,521 for thepurchase of synthetic drug teststandards. The money wasawarded out of the Drug ControlFund. The award will assist locallaw enforcement in drug controland apprehension purposes.

“Synthetic drugs are increas-ingly affecting the health andsafety of our youth. This award willassist law enforcement efforts withthe accurate and timely testing ofthese dangerous chemicals,” saidJackley.

Senate Bill 23, which waspassed in the 2012 legislative ses-sion, made a range of syntheticdrugs controlled substance thatcannot be legally possessed, dis-tributed or manufactured in SouthDakota.

DOH to purchasetesting standardswith award from drug control fund

Franklin Rice __________________

Franklin Rice age 79 of BelleFourche, died Monday, September3, 2012, at the Fort Meade VA Med-ical Center in Sturgis. Franklin Clair Rice was bornMarch 22, 1933, in Belvidere,South Dakota. He was the son ofElmer and Sophie (Konitsko) Rice.Franklin grew up in Belvidere andwas a graduate of the BelvidereHigh School. During the KoreanWar, Franklin served his country inthe U.S. Air Force from 1952 to1956. During his military career,he served as a Military Policeman,guarding the President and nu-clear bomb facilities. On June 16, 1960, Franklin wasunited in marriage to Alyce Bork,in Belvidere. To this union fourchildren were born: Matthew,Kevin, Brenda and Marcie. Follow-ing their marriage, Franklinworked as a heavy equipment oper-ator. In 1945, the family settled in

Belle Fourche. For more than 20years, Franklin worked at Ameri-can Colloid. He retired in 1995.Franklin also worked for Hills Ma-terials and following his retirementhe worked for Watson’s Construc-tion. He enjoyed fishing, gardeningand working with his flowers athome. He also worked hard collect-ing aluminum cans and recyclingthem. He will be remembered forhis great sense of humor and hislove for his family. He will begreatly missed. Franklin is survived by his wife,Alyce, of Belle Fourche, two sons,Matthew (Sue) of Salt Lake City,Utah, and Kevin (Becky) of Greens-boro, NC; two daughters, Brenda(John Paul) Grusing of BelleFourche and Marcie Miller ofRapid City; 16 grandchildren; 10great grandchildren; and auntsand uncles. He was preceded in death by hisparents; and a brother, GlendyRice. Mass of Christian Burial will beheld 10:30 a.m. on Friday, Septem-ber 7, 2012, at St. Paul’s CatholicChurch in Belle Fourche, withMonsignor Michael Woster officiat-ing. Visitation will be held 4 p.m. to6 p.m. on Thursday, at FuneralHome of the Northern Hills inBelle Fourche, followed by a 7 p.m.Vigil Service at the church. Interment will take place inBlack Hills National Cemetery,with Military Honors provided bythe Belle Fourche Veterans HonorGuard. Friends may leave written con-dolences at www.funeralhome-ofthenorthernhills.com

Page 5: Kadoka Press, September 6, 2012

Sports … September 6, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 5


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Divisions of RavellettePublications, Inc.:Kadoka Press: 837-2259

Pioneer Review: 859-2516

The Profit: 859-2516

Pennington Co. Courant: 279-2565

New Underwood Post: 754-6466

Faith Independent: 967-2161

Bison Courier: 244-7199

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Refreshments … Head Teacher Bobbi Kelley shown serving the icecream sundaes and iced tea to the folks as they finished their tour of class-rooms at the Norris School open house on a very hot Wednesday after-noon. --courtesy photos

Flat Sam … Teacher Korrie Face shows photos of Flat Sam, as pic-tured with John Thune (L), that has been many places including Wash-ington, DC, and even Afghanistan representing her fourth and fifth gradestudents.

Open house at Norris School

The Kadoka Area Cross Countryteam competed at Faith on Friday,August 31. In the girls’ varsity division plac-ing 3rd was Scout Sudbeck with atime of 17:17; 5th place, ShaleyHerber had a time of 17:35; 8thplace was Kwincy Ferguson whofinished with a 18:13: and 14thplace was Marti Herber with a timeof 19:08. In the team results, Kadokagirls’ team finished first. In the girls’ grade school divi-sion, Katy O'Daniel placed 6th witha time 6:44.

Cross country team

takes 3rd at Faith

Kadoka Triangular Kadoka defeated Oerlichs 3-1and Takini 3-0 on Tuesday, August28. In the Oerlichs match, MartiHerber had 5 kills, Taylor Merchenhad 11 assists, and Kwincy Fergu-son had 22 aces.

Stats from the Takini match:Raven Jorgensen had 4 kills and 1block, Tessa Stout had 6 assists,Tessa Stout and Kwincy Fergusonadded 11 aces and 10 aces respec-tively.

Kadoka vs Philip On Thursday, August 30,Kadoka defeated Philip 25-14, 25-18, 25-23. Raven Jorgensen hit 10/11 andhad 5 kills, and 2 bocks; MartiHerber added 5 kills also, TaylorMerchen had 22 assists; KwincyFerguson, Tessa Stout, and MariahPierce combined for 48/48 servingwith 30 service points and 4 aces. The varsity is now 4-0 and isplaying very well. Our next actionis at home against Little Wound onTuesday, September 4 then againat home against Wall on Thursday,September 6.

Junior Varsity The JV lost 2-0. They looked bet-ter than the first match againstLittle Wound, but we still have alot to work on. Tori Letellier playedwell offensively, and MackenzieWord looked strong on the defen-sive side.

“C Team The "C" team lost 2-0. We are avery young team and will continueto improve. Ciara Stoddard did anice job setting and playing de-fense, and Shaina Solon playedwell at the net with some niceblocks.

Kadoka volleyball team

earns way to 4-0 record

Setting up the play … Raven Jorgensen receives the ball, whileMarti Herber gets into position to assist.

Getting the dig … Taylor Merchen gets down and bumps the ballto the setter.

On the return … Shaley Herber spikes the ball against the PhilipScotties, while the team gets into defensive positions.

--photos by Del Bartels

Chandlier Sudbeck who carried theball 12 times for 76 yards. KenarVanderMay carried it 20 times for57 yards and Chance Knutson 7carries for 6 yards. Kenar Vander-May was 7-18 passing for 104yards and 1 interception. Receivingleaders were, Chandlier Sudbeck 3for 49 yards, Logan Ammons 2 for37 yards, Logan Christensen 1 for13, and Lane Patterson 1 for 5.

Our offensive line, led by ClintStout, along with Logan Chris-tensen, Gavin DeVries, Herbie O’-Daniel, Logan Ammons and TrueBuchholz, along with full backChance Knutson did a fine job thisweek under heavy blitz pressurefrom New Underwood. We hadtimes when they were bringing 6-7guys and we picked it up pretty ef-fectively. We had a couple of letdowns, but overall I’m pleased withthe progress of our offensive line.

Defensively we were led in a bigway this week by Clint Stout whotallied a total of 17 tackles. Wemoved Clint from defensive end tomiddle line backer this year and hehas really started to flourish in hisnew position with the help of fellowsenior Chance Knutson who tallied8 tackles this week. With these twoguys in the middle we have a lot ofexperience that has proven to bevery strong so far this season.

We also have a solid set of out-side linebackers in Kenar Vander-May and Chandlier Sudbeck whoalso bring a lot of experience, aswell as speed, to defend the out-

side. They each had 6 and 4 tack-les, respectively.

Our front line this week con-sisted of True Buchholz, Logan Am-mons and the little big man in themiddle Klay O’Daniel. These threeguys do a good job of being aggres-sive and forcing the offensive line-man to block them, and when youcan get five guys having to blockthree of ours, that frees up our line-backers a lot. True ended up with 5tackles, Logan Ammons had 4 andKlay had 3.

Sam Pretty Bear made sure thatNew Underwood’s passing gamewouldn’t be effective as he was onconstant watch at safety. Samended the game with 4 tackles.Lane Patterson got the nod thisweek at line backer as LoganChristensen was nursing a musclestrain in his leg. Lane stepped upand did a nice job as he ended thegame with 4 tackles.

I think we learned a lot aboutourselves this week. New Under-wood has a very good and physicalfootball team. We learned that ifwe keep the mistakes to a mini-mum and make a few adjustmentshere and there we can play withanyone this season. Our boysplayed with a lot of heart and theyhave worked really hard to thispoint in the year and I only expectthem to get better as the seasongoes.

The schedule certainly doesn’tget any easier this week as wetravel to Presho to take on the

Lyman Raiders. Lyman comes intothe game 0-1, losing to a toughWhite River club 36-20 last week.Lyman will pose as a huge test forus as they come off a 2011 seasonin which they appeared in the play-offs and didn’t lose many kids tograduation. I look for our defenseto keep us in the game this week,and hopefully offensively we canget it going again and finish thedrives so we can put some pointsup on the board to help out our de-fense. The game this week is inPresho and it starts at 6:00 p.m.MT. Hope to see you there.

New Underwood - 6 Kadoka Area Kougars - 0

The second game of the 2012football season turned out to be aforty-eight minute nail biter as theKougars and the Tigers of New Un-derwood turned out a tremendousdefensive battle that unfortunatelyfor the Kougars, ended in a 6-0 vic-tory for the Tigers.

The score remained tied at zerountil late in the third quarter whenNew Underwood took advantage ofa Kougar turnover and producedthe first and only points of thegame.

We played nearly flawless on de-fense only allowing the Tigers 168total yards of offense. However, wehad our mistakes offensively andon special teams. We turned theball over three times this week andwere stopped in the red zone mul-tiple times. You can’t come upempty in the red zone that manytimes and expect to win. We alsohad some miscues on special teamsthat also caused us to have eitherbad field position offensively orgive them good field position whichput pressure on our defense.

There were a number of posi-tives offensively as well. As I saidbefore we only allowed 168 yardson defense, but we were also able toput together 243 yards on offense.We were able to move the ball quiteeffectively at times with a goodmixture of run and pass. We had 39rushing attempts for 139 yards.Our rushing attack was lead by

Kougars play hard, drop to Tigers by one touchdown

On the serve … VictoriaLetellier receives the ball andbumps it to the front row to set upthe play.

Page 6: Kadoka Press, September 6, 2012

Public Notices … September 6, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 6


5:00 P.M.

Mayor Weller called the special meetingof the Kadoka City Council to order at5:10 p.m. with the following memberspresent: Colby Shuck; Brad Jorgensen;Ryan Willert; and Dick Stolley. KiethPrang arrived at the meeting at 6:45 pm.Member absent: Micki Word. Otherspresent: Patty Ulmen, Finance Officer;Jackie Stilwell; Patrick Solon, TinaWilliams, Nathan Riggins, JoBeth Uhlirand Billie Jo Eisenbraun.

Executive Session per SDCL 1-25-2(1)/Personnel: Shuck made Motion 12-08-22:87 to go into executive session forpersonnel. The motion was seconded byWillert, with all members present votingyes, and the council went into executivesession at 5:11 p.m. The council was de-clared out of executive session at 6:35p.m.

The council took a brief recess whenthey came out of executive session.

2013 Budget: The second draft of the2013 budget was reviewed. There wasonly one change requested. The finalbudget ordinance, including the re-quested change will be prepared andsubmitted for the first reading at the Sep-tember 10, 2012 meeting.

Shuck made Motion 12-08-22:88 to ad-journ. The motion was seconded by Jor-gensen, with all members voting yes andthe meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m.

Harry Weller, Mayor

ATTEST:Patty Ulmen,Finance OfficerCity of Kadoka

[Published September 6, 2012, at thetotal approximate cost of $17.23]

Official ProceedingsREGULAR MEETING

Board of JacksonCounty Commissioners

August 13, 2012

The Board of Jackson County Commis-sioners met in regular session at 9:00a.m., Monday, August 13, 2012 in theCommissioner’s Room of the JacksonCounty Courthouse. Chairman Jim Stil-well called the meeting to order withmembers Glen Bennett, Delores Bonen-berger, Larry Denke and Ronnie Twisspresent.

All motions carried unanimously unlessotherwise noted.

Denke moved, Bonenberger seconded,that minutes of the July meetings be ap-proved.

Bonenberger moved, Stilwell seconded,that all county officials be authorized toattend the annual county convention inSioux Falls in September.

The monthly analysis of the County Roadfund was presented to the board and re-viewed.

The Auditor’s account with the CountyTreasurer was approved as of July 31,2012:

Total amount of deposits in banks . . . . . . . .16,180.63Total amount of actual cash . . . . . . . . . . . . .519.96Total Register of Deeds cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250.00Total amount of checks . . . . . .3,206.27Returned checks . . . . . . . . . . .1,639.48Money Market account . . . . . . . . . . . . . .731,589.11Time Deposits . . . . . . . . . . .117,132.00JCFSA Passbook savings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,868.89Total Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . .874,386.34TOTAL COUNTY FUNDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .791,797.72

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .492,667.68Road & Bridge . . . . . . . . . .192,529.16 CH & BR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,649.91Secondary Road . . . . . . . . . .72,813.25911 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11,117.92Other Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,608.02Emer./Disaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321.28Abuse Center . . . . . . . . . . . .11,907.98Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,904.93L. E. S. T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,277.59Mod. & Preservation . . . . . . . . . . .0.00TOTAL TRUST & AGENCY FUNDS . . . . . .82,588.62Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14,576.16Townships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,602.55Towns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,057.64State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27,572.48Law Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .888.53JCFSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,868.89Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26,022.37

Register of Deeds July collections:$3,161.66.

The following bills from the files of theCounty Auditor were presented, exam-ined, allowed and ordered paid:

Salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31,264.04BankWest, payroll tax . . . . . . .7,576.68American Family Life Ass’r. Co., ins. prem. . . . . . . . .965.04Jackson Co. Flexible Spending Acct., payroll ded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .339.08Chase, def. comp. ded. . . . . . . . .30.00S. D. Retirement, payroll ded. . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,824.49Colonial Life, ins. prem. . . . . . . . .25.56WellMark, group health ins. prem. . . . . . . . . .8,491.35Credit Collection Bureau, wage assignments . . . . . . . . .520.00Hauge Assoc., wage assignment . . . . . . . . . .100.00S. D. Dept. of Revenue, sales tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117.62U. S. Postal Service, postage & box rent . . . . . . . . .606.00James Herber, witness expense . . . . . . . . . . . .34.80To Whom It May Concern, juror expense . . . .1,058.56Wanblee Mart, pmt. for evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54.30Michael Coller, refund title fee . . . .5.00Raymond Clements, ins. refund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57.48Ultra, Inc., registration . . . . . . . . .75.00S. D. Assoc. of Co. Comm., 07/12 Mod. & Presevation fee . . . . . . . . . . . . .64.00S. D. Game, Fish & Parks, 7/12 license fees . . . . . . . . . . .134.00S. D. State Treas., 7/12 cash rec. trans. . . . . .30,092.48Golden West, service . . . . . . .1,110.87City of Kadoka, service . . . . . . .158.30Lacreek Electric, service . . . . . . .36.82S. D. Bureau of Information, internet, e-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . .90.00Verizon Wireless, service . . . . . .183.20Voyage Fleet Systems, gas . . . . .42.67West Central Electric, service . . . . . . . . . .1,166.78West River Electric, service . . . . .40.29West River Lyman Jones, service . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30.00Haakon County, Adm. Asst. salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .723.68Rod Geppert, expenses . . . . . . . . .4.50Hometown Computer Services, computer maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90.00Reliable Office Supplies . . . . . . . .24.98Carrie Weller, expenses . . . . . . .162.24Delores Bonenberger, expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26.64Glen Bennett, expenses . . . . . . .17.24Larry Denke , expenses . . . . . . . .28.12Ron Twiss, expenses . . . . . . . . . .66.603 D Specialties, bridge signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . .290.86A & B Welding, supplies & cylinder deposit . . . . . . . . . .251.62Brosz Engineering, engineering services . . . . . .3,997.95Butler Machinery, mower parts . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,051.29Century Business Products, copier rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110.59Diana Coller, expenses . . . . . . .177.60Heidi Coller, B/A draws . . . . . . .100.00Dakota Business Center, supplies & copier . . . . . . . . .1,489.82Discount Fuel, gas . . . . . . . . . . .131.04Double H Feed, oil . . . . . . . . . . . .48.50Jamie Dolezal, expenses . . . . . . .45.00Graham Tire, tires (LE) . . . . . . .745.44Haakon County

Conservation Dist., mesh for bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . .36.93Hogen’s Hardware, parts, supplies, tools . . . . . . . .787.16Hometown Computer, computer maintenance . . . . . .445.50J & S Re-Store, mount tire . . . . . .25.00Jackson Co. Conservation Dist., ’12 approp. . . . . . . . . .1,500.00Kadoka Care Center, office rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500.00Kadoka Press, publications . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,835.38Kemnitz Law Office, office exp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .426.50Lar-Jo’s, binder . . . . . . . . . . . . .163.95Kevin Lewis, ct. appt. atty. . . .2,723.21Microfilm Imaging Systems, scanner rent . . . . . . .75.00McLeod’s, office supplies . . . . . .186.26Law Enforcement Systems, warrant notice cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75.00Midwest Coop., gas & fuel . . .6,515.43Miller Garbage, service . . . . . . . .55.60Debra Moor, books . . . . . . . . . .226.75Napa Auto Parts, sup. & parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30.48Oien Implement, parts . . . . . . . .185.01Joseph Parr, ct. appt. atty. . . .1,105.12Pennington Co. Jail, prisoner board & transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128.45People’s Market, supplies . . . . .167.91Philip Clinic, employee physical . . . . . . . . .100.00Philip Body Shop, truck & loader repair . . . . . . . . . . . .264.00Philip Health Services, B/A draws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140.00Philip Motor, grille guard . . . . . .650.55Rapid Tire & Alignment, alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85.00Reliable Office Supplies, supplies . . . . . . . . . . .31.08Aaron Richardson, skidsteer service . . . . . . . . . . .560.50Runnings, welder . . . . . . . . . . . .637.96Servall, rugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146.69Sheehan Mack, parts . . . . . . . . . .81.65Sioux Falls Shopping News, Dep. Sheriff ad . . . . . . .100.00State Radio Communications, teletype service . . . . . . . . . .2,250.00S. D. Dept. of Health, lab fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210.00S. D. Dept. of Revenue, IAAO courses . . . . . . . . . . . . .440.00Shad’s Towing, truck to R. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .595.00Sheehan Mack, shipping . . . . . . .33.86Jackie Stilwell, expenses & cell phone expense . . . . . . .304.16TruGreen, lawn service . . . . . . .220.25Twilight First Aid, supplies . . . . . .83.45Ultra, Inc., computer support contracts . . . . . . . .13,985.00Uniform & Accessories Warehouse, uniforms . . . . . . .186.94West Publishing, law books . . . .355.00W W Tire, backhoe tires . . . . . . .723.20Winner Police Dept., prisoner board & trans. . . . .2,693.08To Whom It May Concern, fire ins. To F. D.’s . . . . . . . . .7,471.25Knology, 911 service line . . . . . . .51.12Golden West, 911 access . . . . .765.45Kadoka Telephone, 911 access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160.43Knology, service . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50.23Century Link, 911 access . . . . . .146.17

One notice of hospitalization was re-ceived from Rapid City Regional Hospi-tal. The patient is not eligible for VA orIHS benefits.

The S. D. Developmental Center, Red-field, SD has billed Jackson County anadditional $60.00 for an accrued total of$300.00 for client assessment. JacksonCounty responded in June 2012 thatcharges should be assessed to the ap-propriate federal government agency asper SDCL 27B-3-27.

Carol Butzman Consulting presented abilling for mental illness costs in theamount of $133.29. Report was madethat the patient is not a Jackson Countyresident.

Bennett moved, Twiss seconded, that thebilling from the S. D. DevelopmentalCenter, client assessment, $300.00, andthe billing from Carol Butzman Consult-ing, mental illness costs, $133.29 be de-nied.

A plat of Lot 1 of Schmidt Subdivision, lo-cated in the SE4 of SE4 of Section 9, T 1S, R 22 E, BHM, Jackson County, SouthDakota was presented to the board andreviewed. Following review and discus-sion, Bonenberger moved, Denke sec-onded, that the following resolution beadopted approving the plat.


RESOLUTION 2012 – 16Be it resolved, that the Jack-son County Board of CountyCommissioners having exam-ined the within plat do hereby,by resolution, approve thesame for recording in the officeof the Register of Deeds.

Dated this 13th day of Au-gust, 2012.


Vicki D. Wilson,Jackson County Auditor

James A. Stilwell, Chairman

Report was made that the Auditor’s officehad filed the federal gas tax refund doc-uments, and $963.91 has been received.

Resolutions approved by the Black HillsAssoc. of County Commissioners forpresentation at the annual county con-vention are on file in the Auditor’s office.

A news release has been received fromthe USDA, Farm Service Agency statingthat Jackson County is included in thedrought disaster declaration.

Sheriff Clements met with the board. Heinformed the board he wished to discussa personnel matter with the board.

At 9:19 a.m., Bennett moved, Bonen-berger seconded, that the board go intoexecutive session to discuss personnelmatters. Sheriff Clements was present.

At 10:04 a.m., Bonenberger moved,Twiss seconded, that the board come out

of executive session.

Bonenberger moved, Twiss seconded,that the following resolution be adoptedchanging the Jackson County personnelpolicy.


RESOLUTION 2012 – 17

Whereas, the Board of Jack-son County Commissionershave prepared, and have inplace the Jackson County Per-sonnel Policy; and

Whereas, it has been deter-mined that the followingchange be made to the Jack-son County Personnel Policy:

The probationary period fornewly hired law enforcementemployees shall be one year.

Now therefore be it resolvedthat the Jackson County Per-sonnel Policy change take ef-fect immediately.

Resolution adopted this13thday of August, 2012.


Vicki D. Wilson,Jackson County Auditor

James A. Stilwell, Chairman

Sheriff Clements presented a letter to theboard informing the board that there arethree E. F. Johnson mobile radios whichare no longer being used by the Sheriff’sDepartment, and it would be in the bestinterest of public safety if these radioscould be transferred to the Green Valleyand Belvidere Fire Departments. Discus-sion was held that Rushmore Communi-cations reprograms the E. F. Johnsonradios. Denke moved, Bennett sec-onded, that the three E. F. Johnson mo-bile radios be declared surplus, and thatone radio be transferred to Green ValleyFire Department, and the other two mo-bile radios be transferred to the BelvidereFire Department.

Discussion was held on readvertising theDeputy Sheriff position. Bonenbergermoved, Bennett seconded, that advertis-ing for the Deputy Sheriff position be ex-tended until the position is filled, and thatthe ad also be placed in the statewideclassifieds once every two weeks.

Sheriff Clements requested authorizationto attend the Sheriff’s Fall Convention inNovember 2012. Denke moved, Bonen-berger seconded, that Sheriff Clementsbe authorized to attend the Sheriff’s FallConvention in Watertown, SD.

Jackie Stilwell, Emergency Manager, metwith the board. She reported that twelvepersons attended the August 2012 Haz-ard Mitigation Planning meeting. She en-couraged more county officials andpersonnel to attend the meetings andparticipate in the planning, as largernumber of participants will create a largerin kind match for grant funds. Shestressed that the Highway Superintend-ent should attend these meetings. Thenext Hazard Mitigation Planning meetingis scheduled for September 5, 2012.

Discussion was held on radio FCC li-censing. Discussion was also held onuse of pagers, and receiving text mes-sages on cell phones from 911 dispatch.

A quote was received from GenProPower Systems, Rapid City, SD for alarger generator at the courthouse. Thequote was for a 36 KW generator, with in-stallation, for $20,651.51. Discussionwas held on moving the current genera-tor to the Highway Department shop, in-stead of transferring it to the Kadoka FireDepartment building. Jackie Stilwell willinclude the new generator quote in thecurrent Homeland Security grant applica-tion.

Jackie Stilwell informed the board shewill also put in for one radio for the High-way Department in the grant application.

Discussion was held on whether theKadoka Ambulance and the CountyHighway Department could share a re-peater.

The monthly $150.00 cell phone al-lowance paid to Jackie Stilwell was dis-cussed. The board requested that shecheck on new plans available at thistime.

Apportionment of fire insurance premiummonies as per SDCL 10-44-9.5 was pre-sented to the board. Funds apportionedto qualified fire departments locatedwithin Jackson County were as follows:Interior, $949.82; Long Valley, $2,867.81;and Kadoka, $3,653.62. Belvidere andGreen Valley did not meet certification re-quirements, and their share of fundingwas apportioned to the other three de-partments. Vicki Wilson, Auditor, in-formed the board that Central S. D.Enhancement District assisted in provid-ing the 2010 census information neededin calculating the apportionment of thefunds. Following discussion, Bennettmoved, Denke seconded, that the appor-tionment be approved as presented.

Twiss presented a mutual aid agreementprepared by the Forest Service for re-questing manpower and equipment forassistance in control of fires. Twiss in-formed the board that one of their re-quirements is that all equipmentoperators have taken Emergency Man-agement certification classes, and thatCounty Highway Department employeeswould be required to become certified.No action was taken.

Twiss also reported that the Oglala SiouxTribe / BIA has proposed drawing up amutual aid agreement with the KadokaFire Department, and may include Jack-son County for the use of county equip-ment in building fire guards.

Information was received from surround-ing counties on costs charged to titlecompanies for records filed in the Regis-ter of Deeds office, fees charged for as-sessment records, and fees charged forelection records. The board reviewed the

information. No action was taken at thistime.

At 11:20 a.m., Bonenberger moved, Ben-nett seconded, that the board go into ex-ecutive session to discuss personnelmatters.

At 11:27 a.m., Bonenberger moved,Twiss seconded, that the board come outof executive session, and also movedthat executive session be resumed laterin the meeting.

Discussion resumed on fees charged totitle companies for Register of Deedsrecords. Jackson County had received arequest from Walworth County TitleCompany to purchase scanned recordsfrom the Jackson County Register ofDeeds office once all the records havebeen scanned. Mitzi Mitchell, Register ofDeeds reported that there are a total of156 books in the Register of Deeds of-fice, and she has 51 books left to scan.Information was received that JonesCounty had received a similar request,and the Jones County Commission es-tablished a fee of $125.00 per book forscanned records. Following discussion,Bennett moved, Twiss seconded, thatJackson County set a fee of $125.00 perbook for scanned records in the JacksonCounty Register of Deeds office. Furtherdiscussion was held on various scenar-ios that may arise. Bennett moved thathis motion be amended to: JacksonCounty set a fee of $125.00 per book forthe entire collection of scanned docu-ments in the Jackson County Register ofDeeds office at this time. Motion carriedwith the following vote: Bonenberger,nay; Bennett, yea, Denke, yea; Twiss,yea; Stilwell, yea.

No action was taken on fees to charge inother offices.

Counties were provided with comparisonof projected license plate fees and actuallicense plate fees collected through June2012 by the S. D. Dept. of Revenue. Thestatewide figures were affected by168,000 vehicles for July and August2011 being registered in June 2011 inorder to avoid the license increase.

Information on counties which have im-plemented a wheel tax was presented tothe board. Forty-six counties have imple-mented a wheel tax to generate addi-tional funding for county highways andbridges. State laws on implementation ofa wheel tax were also presented to theboard. No action was taken at this time.

The board recessed for lunch and recon-vened at 1:00 p.m. with all memberspresent. Mitch Olney, Highway Supt.,and Kolette Struble, Highway Sec. werealso present.

Mitch Olney reported that T. F. Luke andSons have completed crushing andstockpiling gravel at the Kennedy andMay Pits. T. F. Luke and Sons is request-ing releases on both contracts be pro-vided by Jackson County and thelandowners. States Attorney Van Gorp isto be contacted to draw up releases onboth pits.

Twiss requested that Mitch Olney have asample of the gravel from the May Pittested.

Denke reported that the highway crewdid a good job on maintenance workdone on the Long Valley Road (CH 16).

Denke reminded Mitch Olney that DennisNeyens had requested a couple of loadsof gravel on the road leading to theirplace.

Mitch Olney reported that they havebeen working on blow-out on Fish CreekRoad and other roads in the Long Valleyarea. Twiss reported blow-outs that haveformed on the May Road and other roadsin the southwest part of the county.

Mitch Olney reported that parts for theTiger mowers are ordered through ButlerMachinery, and delivery is very slow asthe parts come from Canada. He re-ported they are again waiting for u-joints.Discussion was held on mower repaircosts. Twiss suggested they check withWhisler Bearing to see if they can getparts.

Discussion was held on Woods mowersavailable through Kennedy Implement.

Mitch Olney reported that the JohnDeere loader has a fuel system problem.He also reported that the back glass hasbeen installed in the JCB loader, and thatglass in the door of the JCB loader isbeing replaced. Once all bills are in onthe JCB loader, the bills will be sent tothe county’s insurance company.

Mitch Olney reported that DENR has toldhim concrete rubble can be used asriprap as long as no rebar is sticking out.He reported that it is planned to placeconcrete rubble at Lost Dog Creek onRiverview Road. Twiss requested he benotified when the project begins.

Report was made that the gravelscreener has been rented from Morris,Inc. and plans are to start on the road toT. K. Sampson’s.

A gravel contract to purchase gravel fromDennis Sharp was presented to theboard. No amount of gravel was speci-fied in the contract. The board requestedthat the contract be changed to show10,000 (+/-) ton of gravel and the revisedcontract be presented to Dennis Sharpfor signing.

States Attorney Van Gorp met with theboard and reviewed the revised gravelcontract. He approved of the wordage ofthe contract.

The board requested that States AttorneyVan Gorp draw up releases on theKennedy and May Pits to be signed byJackson County and the landowners forpresentation to T. F. Luke and Sons.

Report was made that Kelly Fortune isnot spraying weeds at this time, butwould be willing to mow for the county.Denke moved, Twiss seconded, thatKelly Fortune be hired at $10.50 per hourfor mowing.

The Kadoka Fire Department had re-

quested the county tanker for a large firein the area. The tanker was in need of re-pair at the time. Information was also re-ceived from SDDOT, Motor CarrierDivision, that a tanker endorsement is re-quired on the driver’s CDL if the tankerhas a capacity of over 1,000 gallons.

Mitch Olney reported that he and ChaseOlney should have their CDL’s in twoweeks.

A petition to add one and one-half tenthsof a mile of road to the county highwaysystem was presented by Vona Fite. Ahearing on the petition has been set for11:30 a.m., Monday, September 10,2012.

Report was made that Jeff Willert,Belvidere, had inquired about gettinggravel and a culvert installed leading tohis place west of Belvidere. Discussionwas held that some of the road is the oldabandoned state highway. A petition toadd the road to the county system will berequired for the county to do the work.

Mitch Olney reported that cost estimateof four radios and a repeater from West-ern Communications for the HighwayDepartment would be over $10,000.

Mitch Olney requested that he and Ko-lette Struble be authorized to attend theannual D-Ware computer program meet-ing. Denke moved, Bennett secondedthat both be authorized to attend.

A letter from the Oglala Sioux Tribe LandOffice was presented to the board. Theyare seeking a conversion of two parcelsof undivided interest land that is in feestatus into trust status. The two parcelsconsist of 1.57 acres. The board in-structed that the letter be forwarded toStates Attorney Van Gorp.

Sheriff Clements met with the board.

At 2:54 p.m., Bonenberger moved, Twissseconded, that the board go into execu-tive session to discuss personnel mat-ters. Sheriff Clements was present.

At 3:07 p.m., Bonenberger moved, Ben-nett seconded, that the board come outof executive session.

As a result of executive session, Bonen-berger moved, Denke seconded, that themotion made earlier to readvertise theDeputy Sheriff position be recinded.

Bennett moved, Denke seconded, thatthe position of Deputy Sheriff be offeredto Matthew Geppert at $29,500 per year.

Sheriff Clements presented 2013 High-way Safety Grant documents to theboard. He also presented a letter of in-tent to participate in the S. D. Dept. ofPublic Safety, Highway Safety ProjectAgreement through September 2013.The letter states the county will waive theovertime restriction for the Deputy Sheriffposition through September 2013, andthat the Deputy Sheriff be paid an hourlyrate as part of the Highway Safety Proj-ect Agreement. Twiss moved, Bonen-berger seconded, that the letter beapproved and signed.

Loss control surveys received fromSafety Benefits, Inc. were discussed.Denke moved, Twiss seconded, thatbuilding survey forms be completed andsigned by Chairman Stilwell.

At 3:20 p.m., Denke moved, Bennett sec-onded, that the board go into executivesession to discuss personnel matters.Brad Stone, Director of Equalization waspresent.

At 3:32 p.m., Denke moved, Stilwell sec-onded that the board come out of execu-tive session. No action was taken.

Debra Moor, Librarian met with theboard. She informed the board she hadapplied for a SWIM grant to complete hercollege degree, and is needing an officialdescription of her position to present withher final paperwork. She presented adraft position description to the board.Denke moved, Bennett seconded, theposition description be approved forDebra Moor to submit with her SWIMgrant paperwork.

Questions had been submitted to Mar-lene Knutson, Central S. D. Enhance-ment District, on the library grant project.She responded that only simple prelimi-nary design drawings of the building willbe needed for the grant application,along with cost estimates. An engineerwill be required to prepare final plans andspec, as well as to do inspections, but isnot required at this time. She also re-ported that the project needs to go tobids within six months of receiving agrant agreement and be completedwithin eighteen months. Vicki Wilson, Au-ditor, reported that the earliest time frameto implement an opt out for funding forthe project could extend into May 2014for tax revenue to be accumulated tomake the first loan payment. Discussionwas held on requesting donations for theLibrary project.

Ryan Willert met with the board to dis-cuss Extension / 4-H Program matters.

At 3:51 p.m. Bennett moved, Denke sec-onded, that the board go into executivesession to discuss personnel matters.Ryan Willert was present.

At 4:20 p.m. Bennett moved, Stilwell sec-onded, that the board come out of exec-utive session. No action was taken.

The 2013 Jackson County provisionalbudget was discussed. No changes weremade to the budget at this time.

A billing in the amount of $134.48 to re-imburse Raymond Clements for insur-ance premium deducted from his payrollwas discussed. Bonenberger moved,Twiss seconded, that the billing be de-nied.

There being no further business to comebefore the board, Twiss moved, Bonen-berger seconded, that the meeting beadjourned, that the board meet in specialsession at 1:00 p.m., September 4, 2012for a public hearing on the JacksonCounty 2013 budget, and that the boardmeet in regular session at 9:00 a.m.,Monday, September 10, 2012.


Vicki D. Wilson,Jackson County Auditor

James A. Stilwell, Chairman

[Published September 6, 2012, at thetotal approximate cost of $271.30]



The Board of Jackson County Commis-sioners met in special session at 3:00p.m., Friday, August 17, 2012 in theCourtroom of the Jackson County Court-house. Chairman Jim Stilwell called themeeting to order with members DeloresBonenberger, and Larry Denke present.Glen Bennett and Ron Twiss were ab-sent. Highway Supt., Mitch Olney wasalso present.

All motions carried unanimously unlessotherwise noted.

A quote for two Woods mowers was re-ceived from Kennedy Implement, Philip,SD. Total cost of the two mowers is$24,800, and with trade-in of the twoTiger mowers the amount due would be$15,300.

Discussion was held that the Tiger mow-ers are continually broke down, and re-pair costs are accumulating. Followingdiscussion, Denke moved, Bonenbergerseconded, that the two Tiger mowers bedeclared surplus as used as trade-in onthe purchase of new mowers.

Bonenberger moved, Denke seconded,that Jackson County accept the quote ofKennedy Implement and purchase twoWoods mowers at the total cost of$24,800 less trade-in of the two Tigermowers for an amount due of $15,300.

At 3:12 p.m., Bonenberger moved, Stil-well seconded, that the board go into ex-ecutive session to discuss personnelmatters.

At 3:49 p.m., Denke moved, Bonen-berger seconded, that the board comeout of executive session.

Denke moved, Bonenberger seconded,that the position of Deputy Sheriff bereadvertised and also placed instatewide classifieds once every twoweeks.

An employment application for the High-way Worker position was received. Theboard requested that Mitch Olney reviewthe application. Bonenberger moved,Stilwell seconded, that the position ofHighway Worker be readvertised andalso placed on the S. D. Dept. of Laborwebsite.

Denke requested that personnel policyrevisions be placed on the September 4,2012 agenda.

The board instructed Mitch Olney toorder the screener from Morris, Inc.

The board instructed Mitch Olney to getequipment hauled in from various partsof the county, and get the equipment re-paired.

There being no further business to comebefore the board, Bonenberger moved,Denke seconded, that the meeting beadjourned, that the board meet in specialsession at 1:00 p.m., September 4, 2012for a public hearing on the JacksonCounty 2013 budget and to attend toother county business, and that theboard meet in regular session at 9:00a.m., Monday, September 10, 2012.


Vicki D. Wilson,Jackson County Auditor

James A. Stilwell, Chairman

[Published September 6, 2012, at thetotal approximate cost of $31.85]

Page 7: Kadoka Press, September 6, 2012

Local & Statewide Classified Advertising … September 6, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 7


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MOBRIDGE-POLLOCK SCHOOLDISTRICT seeks Kindergartenteacher and full-time paraprofes-sional. Questions? Call 605-845-9204. Send application to: TimFrederick; 1107 1st Ave E; Mobridge,SD 57601. EOE.

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REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER,could lead to editor position. Alsoneed advertising salesperson/de-signer. Apply to Central DakotaTimes, P.O. Box 125, Chamberlain,SD 57325-0125,[email protected] with examples.

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WANT TO BUY OR RENT, used de-pendable 4-wheel drive pickups orsuburbans for use in attacking Mt.Pine Beetle epidemic. Need Sept. 15– Dec. 31, 2012. Contact SouthDakota Association of ConversationDistricts 1-800-729-4099 or [email protected].

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Town of BelvidereRegular MeetingAugust 6, 2012

Wayne Hindman made a motion to callthe meeting to order. Rudy Reimann sec-onded the motion. The following peoplewere present: Wayne Hindman, RudyReimann, and Jo Rodgers. Absent wasJohn Rodgers.

OLD BUSINESS: Minutes from the July 9, 2012 meetingwere read. Rudy Reimann made a mo-tion to accept the minutes. Wayne Hind-man seconded the motion.

NEW BUSINESS:There was not any new business to pres-ent.

BILLS APPROVED AND PAID:Golden West, phone & internet . . . . . . . . .103.24Jo Rodgers, wages . . . . . . . . . .37.74West Central, electricity . . . . . .474.83WR/LJ, water . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.50

With there being no further business,Wayne Hindman made a motion to ad-journ the meeting. Rudy Reimann sec-onded the motion. The next city councilmeeting will be September 10, 2012 at7:00 p.m. in the city office.

Rudy ReimannTrustee

ATTESTJo Manke-RodgersFinance Officer

[Published September 6, 2012, at thetotal approximate cost of $14.63]

POSITION OPEN: Jackson CountyHighway Department Worker. Expe-rience in road/bridge construction/maintenance preferred. CDL Pre-employment drug and alcoholscreening required. Applications / re-sumes accepted. Information (605)837-2410 or (605) 837-2422. Fax(605) 837-2447. K8-2tc

WANTED: Officials for MS/JH ath-letic contests: Requirements: Mustbe in reasonable good health, mustknow general rules of the sport,must be able to take criticism, goodpay, great exercise, and may not bepopular with Kadoka Area public,after contest. I challenge you! If in-terested contact Harry Weller, Activ-ities/Athletic Director, Kadoka AreaSchool at 605-837-2172. K8-2tc

SCHOOL SURPLUS AUCTION:Sun., Sept. 30, 2 p.m. KadokaSchool little gym. Watch for listingnext week. KP8-1tc

GARDEN TOUR: at the Gale andJoAnn Letellier residence, Norris,SD, on Sat., Sept. 8, 1-4 MT, ques-tion call JoAnn at 462-6353 or [email protected]. K8-1tc

HELP WANTED: Horseshoe Bar,Interior, needs winter bartender.Free housing. 441-0156. K7-2tc

HILDEBRAND STEEL & CON-CRETE: ALL types of concrete work.Rich, Colleen and Haven Hilde-brand. Toll-free: 1-877-867-4185;Office, 837-2621; Rich, cell 431-2226; Haven, cell 490-2926; Jerry,cell 488-0291. KP5-tfc

WEST RIVER EXCAVATION: willdo all types of trenching, ditchingand directional boring work. SeeCraig, Diana, Sauntee or HeidiColler, Kadoka, SD, or call 605/837-2690. Craig cell 390-8087, Saunteecell 390-8604, [email protected]. 27-tfc

APARTMENTS: Spacious one-bed-room units, all utilities included.Young or old. Need rental assis-tance or not, we can house you. Justcall 1-800-481-6904 or stop in thelobby and pick up an application.Gateway Apartments, Kadoka.


BACKHOE AND TRENCHING: Pe-ters Excavation, Inc. Excavationwork of all types. Call Brent Peters,837-2945 or 381-5568 (cell).


SEPTIC TANK PUMPING: Call 837-2243 or contact Wendell Buxcel,Kadoka, SD. 10-tfc

POSTER BOARD: White and col-ored. At the Kadoka Press. tfcCOPIES: 8-1/2x11 - 20¢ each; 8-1/2x14 - 25¢ each; 11x14 - 35¢each. At the Kadoka Press. tfc

RUBBER STAMPS: Can be or-dered at the Kadoka Press. Regularor self-inking styles. tfc

STATEWIDE CLASSIFIED: SouthDakota's best advertising buy! A 25-word classified ad in each of thestates’ 150 daily and weekly news-papers. Your message reaches375,000 households for just$150.00! This newspaper can giveyou the complete details. Call (605)837-2259. tfc

Thank you to the Belvidere,Kadoka, Midland, Philip, Murdo,Mellette County and Norris Fire De-partments for all your help with ourfire on Saturday. Also thanks toJackson County for their blade work,and all our friends and neighborswho helped.

Andy and Kerri SchofieldDJ and Sonya Addison

Thank You

Page 8: Kadoka Press, September 6, 2012

Agriculture … September 6, 2012 • Kadoka Press • Page 8

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For $150, place your ad in 150 South Dakota daily & weekly

papers through the …


To Report A Fire Call:

Kadoka . . . .837-2228

Belvidere . .344-2500

Interior . . . . . . . . .911

Long Valley . . . . .911

Green Valley . . . .911

Beans: Affordable Protein Dry beans have been a vital food

staple for various culturesthroughout the world for over10,000 years. In the United States,beans have provided importantnutrients through national eco-nomic disasters like the Great De-pression, as well as individualhard times. Whether dry orcanned, using beans to stretchfamily budgets continues to be acommon thrifty method since theyare an economical source of pro-tein. An ounce equivalent (1/4 cup)of dry beans is a bargain at only 6cents for cooked dry beans and 18cents for canned beans. Beans arean ideal way to eat well withoutspending a lot of money. Black beans, pinto beans, kid-ney beans, and lima beans are afew examples of bean types. Formaximum health benefits, theUSDA recommends that adults eatmore than three cups of beanseach week. Beans are low in fat,sodium and cholesterol-free. Indi-viduals can count beans as vegeta-bles or protein according to theUSDA’s MyPlate. Vegetables aremeasured by cups; 1 cup cookedbeans equals 1 cup of vegetables.Protein foods are measured inounces; 1/4 cup cooked beansequals 1 ounce equivalent for theprotein foods group. Age, genderand activity level determine therecommended amounts for bothfood groups. MyPlate shares a costeffective, 2000 calorie food patternthat includes beansathttp://1.usa.gov/wiJQSP.

Beans are also high in both sol-uble and insoluble fiber which aidsdigestion. Fiber helps reduce foodcravings, which supports weightmanagement. A 1/2 cup of cookeddry beans provides 6 grams offiber. The recommended daily in-take of fiber is 14 grams per 1000daily calories. Beans contain fo-late, an essential nutrient thatprotects against heart disease anda variety of vitamins and mineralsincluding iron, potassium, and cal-cium. To prepare beans, add 10 cups ofcold water for each pound (2 cups)of dry beans you plan to cook.Bring the water to a boil and con-tinue boiling for one to three min-utes. Cover the pot. Let stand for 4hours, then drain and rinse thesoaked beans. Lastly, cover beanswith fresh water. Serve plain oruse in a favorite recipe. Two cupsof dry beans equals 4 to 5 cups ofcooked beans and 1-1/2 cups ofcooked beans equals 1 can ofdrained beans. To limit potential gastrointesti-nal side effects, slowly introducebeans in the diet. When using drybeans, drain the soak water andrinse before cooking. When usingcanned beans, rinse them beforeadding to recipes. Obtain great bean recipes athttp://www.beansforhealth.com/courtesy of the U.S. Dry BeanCouncil. Improve your health andkeep more money in your pocketby serving beans. They are a nutri-ent-dense source of low-cost pro-tein. It’s something to “toot” about!

Ann Schwader, Nutrition Field Specialist

SDSU Extension-Winner Regional Extension CenterDrought Meetings for Cow-Calf Producers

SDSU Field and State Exten-sion Specialists will be holding 6meetings across South Dakotaduring the week of September10th. These meetings are en effortto prepare cow/calf producers forthe upcoming winter during adrought. Plans are to address thenutritional, reproductive, and eco-nomic issues facing cow/calf pro-ducers following a summerdrought.

The dates, times and locationsof the meetings are as follows: 9/10– Sale Barn, 3:00 pm MT, Martin,SD; 9/11 – Virginian, 7:00 PM CT,Miller, SD; 9/13 – Ranchers Grill,7:00 PM MT, Belle Fourche, SD;9/13 – Sale Barn, 7:00 PM CT,Tripp, SD; and 9/17 – Sale Barn,4:30 PM CT. Refreshments will beprovided. For more informationcall 605-842-1267 or visithttp://igrow.org/.

Insect Pests and WinterWheat Planting Date

The recommended plantingdates for winter wheat in SD areSeptember 15 – October 20. To pro-tect against insect and mite peststhat attack winter wheat, the laterthe better. Waiting until the mid-dle or end of the recommendedrange of dates to plant exposes thewheat crop to insects and mites forless time.

If grasshoppers are a threat inyour area, double-seeding theedges of fields to compensate forgrasshopper feeding and scoutingregularly are recommended to pre-vent stand losses. Eight to four-teen adults per square yard in thefield or 21-40 adults per squareyard in field margins are the ac-tion thresholds for grasshoppers.

Another pest to take seriouslybefore planting winter wheat isthe wheat curl mite. Wheat curlmites transmit Wheat Streak Mo-saic Virus (WSMV). The mitescause minimal damage due tofeeding, but the virus disease theytransmit can cause very signifi-cant losses. Wheat infected withWSMV is stunted, and has mot-tled, streaked leaves. Streaks onleaves of infected plants are green-yellow in color, and are not contin-uous.

If plants become infected in thefall, yield losses can be severe.Scouting for this mite is notneeded because the only effectivemanagement strategy for this miteis prevention. These mites cannotbe effectively managed by pesti-cide applications, and preventinginfection is the key in managingthem and avoiding the disease.

To prevent infestations of thewheat curl mite and infection withWSMV, volunteer wheat should bedestroyed and a 10-14 day volun-teer wheat-free period should bemaintained before planting winterwheat in the fall. No-till producerscan use non-selective herbicides tokeep the fields clean, where tillagecan be effective if farming conven-tionally.

These pests use volunteerwheat, grassy weeds as alternativehosts so maintaining good sanita-tion practices and managinggrassy weeds is essential. Preven-tative measures should be takenespecially in high-risk areas or ifwheat emerges before corn,sorghum, or millet in adjacentfields dries down.

Calendar9/5/2012 – Pesticide Container

Recycling Collection, 9:00-2:00,Tripp Co. Recycling Center, Win-ner

9/10/2012 – Pesticide ContainerRecycling Collection, 8:00-11:00,Midwest Coop/Cenex, Philip

9/10/2012 – Pesticide ContainerRecycling Collection, 1:00-4:00,Bennett Co. Fairgrounds, Martin

9/12/2012 – Sunflower, Soybean,Corn Plot Tours, 5:00 pm, DustinSmith and Kim Halverson Farms,Presho and Kennebec, SD

Winner Regional Extension CenterBob Fanning, Plant Pathology Field Specialist • 605-842-1267

The South Dakota Game, Fishand Parks Department is askinglandowners and hunters to be onthe lookout for dead deer.

This is the time of the year whendeer tend to succumb to hemor-rhagic disease, also known as epi-zootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD),or blue tongue.

The disease is common in white-tailed deer and is typically detectedin late summer or early fall.

The virus is spread by a bitingmidge and causes extensive inter-nal hemorrhaging. Many deer ex-hibit no clinical signs and appearperfectly healthy; other deer mayhave symptoms such as respiratorydistress, fever, and swelling of thetongue.

With highly virulent strains ofthe virus, deer can die in threedays or less. Affected deer are oftenfound in low-lying areas or nearrivers or ponds, where they go tocombat the high fever.

People who see sick deer or findseveral dead deer in one locale areasked to contact their local conser-vation officers or call the PierreGFP office at 605-773-5913.

EHD outbreaks can be locallysevere but rarely affect more than25 percent of a local deer popula-tion. In rare cases, the disease willaffect more than 50 percent.

Deer may continue dying fromhemorrhagic disease until a hardfreeze reduces the midge popula-tions that carry the disease.

EHD is not infectious to hu-mans. For more information on theEHD virus visithttp://www.vet.uga.edu/scwds/pdfs/HD.pdf

Landowners and

hunters asked to

report dead deer

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