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n The Throne Of Fire which is the second book in The Kane Chronicles is about a brother and sister trying to awaken the Sun god, Ra. They go through many events that have different affects on the major characters in the book. This is a fantasy/adventurous/mythological book which makes the reader glued to the book until it is finished. If you are interested in these genres, then I recommend that you should definitely read this book. To convince you to read this book, here are my reasons: this book is action-packed which most youth love, how it will teach us about Egypt and Egyptian Gods which can help us in the future, and The Throne Of Fire teaches life skills.


n There are many books out there that you can choose from, but this one is a must have or “must read”. I recommend this book to the people who have read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, or the Heroes Of Olympus series, because this book is very similar to them. Instead of Greek mythology, it is about Egyptian mythology. This book has quests (just like Percy Jackson does) and adventurous which makes this book super-duper interesting!!! Plus, this book is written by The New York Times Best-selling author, Rick Riordan. The thing that makes this book so special, is that it is aimed for children our age, so we know what the book’s message is. That is why I recommend you to read The Throne Of Fire.

Does anyone remember learning about Ancient Egypt last year in grade 5? Well if you do, then you should definitely read The Throne of Fire. The reason why is because it will expand our knowledge about the Egyptian Gods and Ancient Egypt. This book (and the other ones too) tell us the importance about the Egyptian civilisation. Now you might be wondering, well how will learning and expanding our knowledge about Egyptian Gods and Ancient Egypt help us? Well, by learning about Egypt it will help us enhance our skills on religion, geography, archeology (for future archeologists) and much more!!! On amazon.ca, The Throne Of Fire is rated 5 out of 5 stars. Therefore, you should read The Throne Of Fire.

“The right choice is hardly ever the easy choice.” That was a great quote from The Throne Of Fire, which shows that this book has a lot to inspire. So, why The Throne Of Fire? Why not another book? Well, I have an answer to that thought of yours. The Throne Of Fire is a book that teaches many things to youth like us. It teaches: acting responsibly, cooperation with others, leadership, overcoming fears, loyalty, having a positive sibling relationship, problem-solving, and last but not least, self-confidence. These skills will come handy throughout life, even now. On chapters.com, out of 8 reviews 7 reviews say that they love this book!!! Yes, I know that the person did not like this book however, the majority of the people say that this book is awesome!!! The person thinks that the book is a little inaccurate but that is not the case. Rick Riordan clearly states in the beginning of the book that really this is a recording so a few of the words might be spelt inaccurately. In my opinion, you should read The Throne Of Fire.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that you should read The Throne Of Fire. Ti support my conviction I have clearly stated my reasons which are: this is one of the action-packed book that youth love, information will be known about Egypt and their gods which will help us in the future, and life skills will be learned by reading it. The way I see this, you guys should definitely read The Throne of Fire.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that you should read The Throne Of Fire. Ti support my conviction I have clearly stated my reasons which are: this is one of the action-packed book that youth love, information will be known about Egypt and their gods which will help us in the future, and life skills will be learned by reading it. The way I see this, you guys should definitely read The Throne of Fire.

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