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International Seminar for welfare &




Dhirendra Singh


About the seminar

This Is the 8th International Seminar for the betterment of


This is the 1st time, when this international seminar held out

of The Germany.

This seminar is held by KARMA KONSUM a German

organization which works for the development & promotion of

organic products in Germany & all over the world.

Christoph HarrachFounder of Karma Konsum

Chief Executive Change

(Designers & Bloggers)

The topics which are discussed in this seminar on day 1st (6th - March)are :-

Christoph Harrach(Founder Of Karma Konsum)

Lifestyle of health & sustainability

Vivek Gilani Making ‘Greenwashing’ history in India

Ar. Anagha Paranjape Purohit Sustainability in the built environment

Tanmay Goswami Kamasutra in business

Aarti Mohan Sustainable consumption & grass-root movement in India

The topics which are discussed in this seminar on day 2 (7th April)are :-

Sanjay Tambe Indian & Western Culture

Manisha Gutman Entrepreneurial spirit to change the world

Benjamin Itter “Why don’t we change. Sustainability in the textile industry”

Vaibhav Dugar Urban Farming

Neha Singh Executing CSR project in India

What the speaker’s speaks about there respected topics

Christoph Harrach on LOHAS(Lifestyle of health & sustainability)

Social changes is happening worldwide but mostly invisible.

Sustainability goes mainstream supply site. All big companies

are installing CSR on a strategic level.

Spiritual lifestyle

Mass movement


Vivek Gilani on

Making ‘Greenwashing’ history in India

Sin of the hidden trade off.

Sin of irrelevance.

Sin of no proof.

Sin of fibbing.

Sin of vagueness.

Sin of lesser of two evils.

Sin of worshiping place.


If we stay 10 nights in a 5 star hotel emits equal carbon

emitted by a person in a years.

India comes at the 4th rank in highest carbon emitting


Emition of carbon decreases the greenery which is

harmful for the planet.

Ar. Angha Paranjape Purohit -Sustainability in the Built Environment

Optimum use of material.

Reduces generation of waste.

Reduces waste & reduce use of water.

Use of good management projects

Can utilize the space of balcony or tierce.

Neha Singh on Executing CSR project in India

India is the 1st nation who makes the law for the CSR.

Lack of vision.

Lack of Manpower.

Implementation of this is still awaiting.

Aarti Mohan

“Sustainable consumption & grass-root movement in India”

Re-thinking Consumption-

“China produces 11 times more solar panels more

than what the earth required”

Manisha GutmanEntrepreneurial spirit to change the world

Lives eco-sensitive lifestyle.

Entrepreneur has to lead from front.

Like- some employers provides transport to there employees to

reduce the traffic & carbon

Tanmay Goswami on Kamasutra in Business

Dr. Goswami discribe the Vedic Book KAMASUTRA

in the aspects of Business Management.

Dharma – Spiritual Power

Artha – Mega Power, Natural Resources, Finance

Kama – Positive Desire

Damaging Factors For Business :-

Adharma – Illegal

Anartha – Losses

Devesha – Hatred

With whom business should be done….?

With Thankful Personality

With Detached Personality

With Rich Personality

With Poor Personality

Qualities of an Entrepreneur :-

Rupam – Purity of Mann

Gunah – Promising, Trust Worthy

Vayah – Physical Health

Tyagi - Sacrifice

Sanjay Tambe

“Indian & Western Culture”

Benjamin Itter

“Why don’t we change. Sustainability in the textile industry”

In 2010 the textile industry made an estimated turnover of 600 US

million $.

An estimated 60 million people globally working directly & format in

the textile industry

The informal sector is estimated to increase this figure by 5-10


World textile fiber consumption amounts to approx, 70 million tons

per year.

Vaibhav Dugar on Urban Farming

It is one the important need for the today’s scenario.

It is also helpful for get the organic food.

Some Unforgettable Moments

Go Green….

Thank You

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