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Page 1: Kauai Hydro - Ballot and Voter Guide
Page 2: Kauai Hydro - Ballot and Voter Guide

Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative4463 Pahe’e Street, Suite 1, L hu’e, HI 96766-2000

www.kiuc.coop • 808.246.4300KIUC is an equal opportunity provider and employer.



Three Ways to Vote!Vote Online

The easiest way to cast your ballot:1. Log on to www.AlohaVote.com/KIUC2. Enter your access code, printed on your reply

envelope3. Verify your identity

Your anonymous ballot will be created just for you!

Vote by TelephoneThe friendliest way to cast your ballot:

1. Call 877.778.KIUC (5482) (touchtone phones only)2. Enter your access code, printed on your reply

envelope3. Verify your identity

Our friendly automated attendant willassist you with casting your vote.

Vote by MailThe traditional way to cast your ballot:

1. Review your ballot and all materials provided.Mark your choice on a separate paper first, toavoid spoiling your ballot

2. Vote by completely blackening the oval to the left of your choice as, shown, with a black inkballpoint pen

If you use any other type of pen or pencil, your vote maynot be counted. If you make a mistake, do not cross out;

exchange your ballot for a new one. It is yourresponsibility to correctly mark your ballot.

Returning Your Ballot by Mail1. Place your voted ballot only and nothing else into

the Secret Ballot Envelope and seal the envelope.2. Place the Secret Ballot Envelope into the

postage-paid Return Envelope.3. A. Mail the sealed Return Envelope

orB. Deliver the sealed Return Envelope to:

KIUC4463 Pahe’e Street, Suite 1L hu’e, HI 96766-2000

Ballots received after the noon deadline will NOT be counted.



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Page 3: Kauai Hydro - Ballot and Voter Guide


The KIUC board earlier this year voted to hire theconsulting firm Free Flow Power Corp. to help the utilityidentify and develop hydropower possibilities on theisland, using the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissionprocess.

A group of KIUC members has petitioned the utility,asking that the board’s action about Free Flow Power at itsregular board meeting on March 29, 2011, be submitted toKIUC members for approval or disapproval.

We, the elected members of the KIUC Board ofDirectors, have reviewed our decisions. We continue tosupport both our association with Free Flow Power and the use of the FERC process which, in part, protects theutility’s investment from “poaching” of projects by for-profit competitors. The board believes these agreementswill greatly assist in the development of new hydroelectric projects that would be owned by KIUC and, hence, its members.

We have heard strong support from our members forthe development of renewable energy resources.Generating power from flowing streams has a long historyin Hawai‘i. It is the lowest-cost producer of power amongthe renewables available to us. Such projects will helpmanage members’ cost of energy, increase the amount ofenergy generated from the island’s own resources andreduce KIUC’s dependence on imported oil.

We recognize our urgent need to reduce reliance onfossil fuel-based power, and we know it must be balancedwith cultural, environmental, diversified agriculture,hunting, fishing and other interests. As a cooperative board dedicated to democratic member control, werecognize the responsibility of maintaining that balance.

If our membership approves our position, any potential hydro development will be guided by peoplewithin our community, with respect for and sensitivity to our shared values and interests.

We will be sending ballots to our members shortly. We ask you to show your support of our commitment torenewables and hydroelectric power. Your YES vote is avote of support for our utility’s current efforts to develophydropower, described above.

Please vote, and when you do, please vote YES.

Sincerely,The KIUC Board of Directors:

Teofilo “Phil” Tacbian, ChairSteve M. Rapozo, Vice ChairDavid Iha, SecretaryAllan Smith, Treasurer

Carol BainStu BurleyBen SullivanJan TenBruggencatePeter Yukimura

Your Yes Vote Means• You support your elected Board’s leadership and

their continuing support of KIUC’s association withFree Flow Power (FFP).

• You believe KIUC should continue it’s careful,inclusive process of exploring new hydropower for Kaua‘i.

• You believe that after 80 years of failed attempts,your utility should not delay further in creating aresponsible hydropower legacy for your childrenand grandchildren.

Your No Vote Means• You do not support your elected Board’s decision

to use FFP.

• The contracts with FFP will be terminated, and all preliminary permits will revert back to FFP. This will make progress on hydro in the near termvery difficult and more expensive, and more than$325,000 in contractual obligations will be due to FFP.

• A likely end to member-owned hydrodevelopment on Kaua‘i.

The deadlineto vote is

July 8, 2011at NOON.

Ballots received after the noon deadline will NOT be counted.

Please call 246.4378with any questions concerning

the marking or returning of your ballot.

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