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Year 5/6- Sep 2020 Autumn Term 1 Newsletter

Mrs Smithson and Mrs Croft

General notices and up-coming events:

New times and entrances – Year 5/6 will have a staggered start from 8.45am – 9am. You will now enter by the side gates as usual but turn right into the sensory garden where children will enter school via the doors into 5/6 classroom. Polite reminder: NO parents allowed into the school building at all times. If you need to speak to a member of staff you must make an appointment via the office.

Year 5 will hopefully start swimming every Tuesday afternoon although a start date is possibly after half term. When they do start, they will need: swimming costume/trunks (NO bikinis or tankinis for girls and NO long board shorts for boys), towel and goggles. They DO NOT need to bring: shower gel, shampoo or deodorant. Further details will be sent out.

From Monday 7th Sep Year 5/6 will have PE every Monday afternoon. Please come to school dressed in your full school outdoor PE kit.

Homework: This half term homework will be a bit different. Like during lockdown, I will be posting a weekly project sheet onto our class Dojo page. A new one will be uploaded every Monday afternoon and the expectation is that I get all completed homework uploaded onto your child’s Dojo portfolio page the following Sunday.


This half term will focus on the basics of place value and arithmetic. We will be recognising, ordering and rounding numbers, learning times tables and building confidence before moving on to the more difficult areas of Year 5/6 maths.

Monday morning: Weekly spelling test and guided reading/comprehension practice.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Mornings are dedicated purely to SPaG. This half term we are looking at the basic word classes such as nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives.

Our writing sessions will be related to our class novel Leonardo and The Flying Boy, which links to our topic focus. This half term we will cover many genres including first person narrative, biographies.


Our creative curriculum focus this half term is Gallery Rebels.

It is primarily an art and History based topic, looking at art through the ages and how it has developed into the modern art we have today. We will be looking in-depth into Leonardo De Vinci and Banksy.

As well as theory based lessons, we will be getting hands-on with lots of art practical work.


Through class assemblies and class discussion we will be developing social skills and reinforcing positive behaviour through the Class Dojo scheme. We will also be preparing the Year 6’s for the transition into secondary school.

In year 5/6 we also cover personal hygiene and puberty.

We will also be looking at the impacts of social media, and transition into secondary school for the year 6 pupils.

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