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  • 8/3/2019 Keep Pressing Forward



    Many people today get satisfied where they are. They feel what they

    wanted to achieve they have achieved. They get complacent. That is not

    the principle in Christian Life. God wants us to move forward. Many

    people think Alright I have reached my goal. Have a nice job. I am

    settled. This is the attitude of many Christians. We cant be like the

    people of the world. You know friend the creator of the universe has

    placed in you seeds of greatness and creativity. He wants to demonstrate

    his power through you. Remember you serve a BIG GOD. SO DREAM

    BIG. God wants you to reach the next level. He wants to give you the

    promotion, to be a topper, make you No1 in business etc. So get ready to

    experience Gods goodness and dont settle down. Let him show his

    goodness in your life. Dont say I cant achieve my goals. I have gone as

    far as my parents have gone. No friend, Philippians 4:13 says I can do allthings through Christ who gives me strength. So that means you can In

    His strength. Shine forth in the light of Jesus.

    Most of the time what happens is someone might have spoken ill about

    you or negative thoughts grips your mind and heart. Shake that off. I

    know many teachers who tell children you have no potential.

    Something is wrong with you. Let them say. But God says you are

    strong and I have placed the capacity in you. My seed I have planted ofgreatness. So move forward. God performs his greatest miracles in

    your todays and not yesterdays. Remember out of your greatest

    rejection comes the greatest direction. So dont settle down for

    mediocrity. Stay in faith and give your best shot in whatever you do.

    Surely youll see victory and not failure.

    My dear friends in Christ remember you are the child of the Most

    High God; You are called to be a victor and not a victim. You have

    got the greatest potential inside you. So get ready for your greatest

    victory in Jesus. I believe and declare that youll achieve your goal

    and youll show forth His goodness.

    Confess Everyday as you get up:

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    Today is great day God has given to me. Thank God that I am alive

    and healthy. The favor of God is upon me. I am the head and not the

    tail. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I will reach

    my goal. I speak in faith that I am a winner. Amen!

    If you receive this say Amen!!!

    God bless you


    There is a connection between grace and anointing. When I got this

    revelation I just wept and just thanked the lord for revealing it to me.The lord was speaking to me and saying many of the people are

    struggling to draw close to me. For most of us praying has become like

    work. We think that we can receive more anointing if we pray for more.

    It is not the question of how much you pray. It is you have to experience

    the love of the father. My friend know that Jesus loves you so much. He

    is your loving father who cares for you. The thing to know is Jesus for

    you and not against you. He has the best in store for you and always

    wants to be with you. John 1:16 says: And of his fullness have all we

    received, and grace for grace. That means we are made whole in Christ.

    It is His righteousness we have and so the grace of God keeps increasing

    everyday. So when you know this truth you draw more close to him.

    Grace is the free gift of God we have received. And it is in this GRACE

    that you have been accepted in the beloved. Ephesians 1:6 declares it: To

    the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in

    the beloved. Amen!

    The anointing of God is the Holy Spirit. He flows as a river of love, fromthe throne of grace, through the hearts of believers, bringing life to all

    that receive His touch.

    We must know this as grace is a gift from God so is anointing.

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    (John 4:10 NKJV) Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift

    of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have

    asked Him, and He would have given you living water."

    (John 4:13-14 NKJV) Jesus answered and said to her, "Whoever drinks

    of this water will thirst again, {14} "but whoever drinks of the waterthat I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him

    will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting


    (2 Corinthians 1:20-22 NKJV) For all the promises of God in Him are

    Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. {21} Now He

    who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, {22}

    who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as aguarantee.

    So it is quite clear anointing is a free gift. We have to just receive it.

    So when you realize you are made complete in Christ and you keep

    drawing from Jesus you will see the change in your life.

    My friend Jesus called you to be his disciple. He chose you before the

    foundation of the earth. So draw close to him. Just soak in the loveanointing. The anointing brings joy and peace. It is not a fight to get

    anointing. Ask Jesus and he will give you. You will soak in His presence

    and more and more.

    So know this that Jesus loves you and this love overflows like a river. So

    overflow in the love anointing.

    God bless you.


    Single most important key word in the Bible is covenant.

    Reflect on these questions

    1. How many covenants are there in the Bible?

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    2. And how many of them affect me as a Christian?

    3. What is a covenant/

    A covenant is a binding agreement based on promises and


    What is the difference between a contract and covenant?

    Contract- it is between two equal partners

    Covenant- Unilateral, one party settles the term, the stronger one.

    In the Bible God (stronger person) makes covenant with man (weaker


    Example of covenant is making a will.

    Our God is a covenant making God and covenant keeping God. He

    bound himself voluntarily with man through covenants.

    There are five covenants in the Bible

    1. Noahs covenant

    2. Abrahamic covenant3. Mosaic covenant

    4. Davidic covenant

    5. New covenant

    Except the Mosaic covenant all the four covenants are important for

    us as Christians.

    1. Noahs Covenant: Made with creation

    Reference: Genesis chapter 8,9

    It is in operation even now.

    Promise: Seed time and harvest time, seasons

    Sign of the covenant: Rainbow- GODS WEDDING RING

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    2. Abrahamic Covenant: Covenant made with Abraham

    Reference: Gen 12:3, Gen 15:8,Gen 17:2,Gen Chapter7,10

    Promise: Promise land made with Abraham and his descendants.

    All nations of the world blessed through Abrahams seed.

    Sign of Abrahams Covenant- circumcision

    3.Mosaic Covenant

    Reference: Exodus Ch 19,Ch 24:4-8

    Made with children of Israel

    Promise: Occupation of promise land

    This covenant was conditional. Keeping the law

    636 laws and commandments. If you obey blessing and disobey


    This covenant ended with the institution of new covenant.

    4. Davidic Covenant

    Reference: 2Samuel 7: 12-16, Ch 17

    Promise: Throne of David being made everlasting.

    Finally Messiah the king will sit on Davids throne as King of Kings

    and rule all over Israel and nations of the world.

    6. New Covenant through Jesus Christ

    Reference: Hebrews 9:16-17

    New covenant made through the Blood of Jesus.

    It was announced in the old Testament fulfilled in the New Testament

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    It became effective after death of Jesus.

    It is an individual and internal covenant.


    Our God is a great and awesome God who created you and me. Many

    times we think our problem is too big and forget who God is. My

    friend He is the creator of the Universe. He has not forgotten you and

    he has carved you on the palm of His hand. He is your loving father.

    And yet we say why did this happen to me? When will I come out of

    it? This is not fair? Yes it is true. Many times things happen though

    we didnt expect it. But all things work together to do those who love

    the lord. So you say like David I will say of the Lord he is my refuge

    and fortress. In whom will I trust.

    When you focus on a big God your problem turns small. Just believe

    and you will see God will take you through the problem.

    You may say Cali I have this pain since a long time? I have financial

    problem. The doctor has told I wont be healed and the experts say I

    cant come out of this debt. But my friend we serve a mighty God. He

    is Jehovah Jireh the God who supplies all your needs. He is JehovahRapha your healer. So confess the word By His stripes I am healed.

    Jehovah Jireh will supply all my needs. Keep believing. Gods word

    will never turn void. Though heaven and earth will fail His word will

    still remain. He will do miracles in your life. You will be surprised.

    Jesus died for you and me so that we may be set free from bondage.

    And we live in him. You know the same power that raised Jesus from

    the dead dwells in you. So proclaim his word. See the impossible

    happen. It just takes faith of a mustard seed. Start believing and

    receive from His throne of Grace.

    I tell you child of God you will experience the breakthrough in your

    life. As I had told you earlier this year the Lord gave me a prophetic


    1 Corinthians 2:9

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    But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have

    entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for

    them that love him.

    Definitely God will bring forth deliverance. I remember the song we sing

    Celebrate the victory of the Lord. For he has done mighty things yetagain and he will do it again. I declare in Jesus name.

    This is my prayer to all of you

    Father in the name of Jesus I come before your throne of Grace. I

    pray for all those who are going through times of difficulty and need

    in their lives. Jesus you know their needs. Lord right now I pray for

    Breakthrough in the name of Jesus. I pray for those who sick be

    healed in the name of Jesus. Finances be met in Jesus name. Lord

    show forth your goodness in their life. Their life shall never be the

    same again. I pray for those who desire jobs Jesus you hold our

    future, give them the best job. Thank you Lord you have done it.

    Lord your word says all the promises are yes and amen in Christ

    Jesus. So Lord I thank you for hearing my prayer and delivering the

    people. In Jesus name Amen.

    My friend God has touched you and given you the victory. Walk infaith and victory.

    Blessings to all of you

    Need prayer mail me @ [email protected] or message me on my



    But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall

    worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to

    worship him.

    God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit

    and in truth. John 4:23-24

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    Ephesians 5:18-19 Be ever filled with the Spiritsing and make music

    in your heart to the Lord.

    The way we pray and sing must be in the Spirit. Now this singing and

    praying in the spirit has a special meaning. It means to pray and sing in

    an unknown tongue which the Holy Spirit has enabled us to do.

    It may be that we cannot understand nor the person around us but it is

    understood by God because it is by His Spirit.

    1 Corinthians 4:12

    For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but

    unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he

    speaketh mysteries.

    Apostle Paul tells us that sometimes we dont know what to pray and

    how to pray that time the Holy Spirit prays through us in a language

    which we cannot understand but God does. He intercedes on behalf of

    us. (Romans 8:26, 27)

    Child of God Pray in tongues more. This will change your life. Praying

    in tongues is the greatest weapon you have to live a victorious life. The

    more you pray in tongues you see breakthroughs in your life. The reason

    why I am stressing is when we pray in our mother tongue or the

    language we speak it is of the world and the devil can understand. But

    when you pray in tongues it is only God who understands and the power

    of darkness is broken. You will see a change in your life.

    Friend medical science has proved that those who pray n tongues their

    immunity power increases. Wow! It is a blessing for all of us. That

    means we can be in perfect health. Dont worry if you dont have the giftof tongues ask the Holy Spirit he will give you. Praying in tongues is a

    powerful tool and gracious gift of Gods Holy Spirit. It should be a part

    of our daily devotional life.

    People of God we have to sing in tongues. That is the most awesome

    thing to do. You will experience the presence of God even more and you

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    will just soak in His love anointing. Even as you sing in tongues God will

    give you new anointed songs. Just get ready to soak in His presence and

    know that His Grace is sufficient for you.

    My prayer to those who have not received the gift of tongues after

    accepting Jesus as your savior. Beloved even as you read this prayerjust believe and receive the anointing in Jesus name. You will experience

    the fire of the Holy Spirit powerfully.

    Father in the name of Jesus I pray for the people who have read your

    word and are seeking for the gift of tongues. Lord I speak that you

    would fill them with the gift of tongues right now in Jesus name Lord fill

    them now so that they will glorify your name and may grow strong in

    you. Lord I release the anointing now in Jesus name on the peopleslives. Lord even as they receive the gift of tongues I pray that they will

    be blessed and they will walk in perfect health as your word says so as

    your soul prospers your health shall prosper. I declare in Jesus name.

    Thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

    Child of God if you received the gift of tongues would love to hear from

    you. Mail me @ [email protected] or post a comment or message me

    on my profile.


    PSALM 100:4

    Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks

    to him and praise his name.


    These reasons are Revelation of God

    1. For who He is truth about Gods nature and character

    2. For what He has done- gifts, blessings, protection, answers to prayers


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    1. Praise Him for Who He is

    Praising God everyday for who He is will change your life. Praise God

    for who he is-

    He is your savior

    He is faithful

    He is healer

    For his goodness and he is worthy of all our praise.

    Psalm 22:3

    Yet You are holy, O You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel.

    Jesus is for each day of the year. Praise him always.

    2. Praise him for what he has done

    Think of the blessings which God has bestowed you with that

    thanksgiving is not sufficient. Because He has done so many things that

    which we cant think or imagine. Thank him over and over again. It is

    wonderful thing to do, but also keep it upto date. Think of something

    each day or at night after the day you passed to thank the Lord in your

    life. This will keep your prayer and praise life fresh.


    Worship is responding to Gods greatness by reverence, surrender,

    bowing and kneeling down.

    Worship is the highest form of praise.

    Offering your bodies as a living sacrifice. Romans 12:1-2

    Offering our bodies as a living sacrifice is spiritual worship to God. One

    way is to kneel down. If you are unable to kneel sit before the Lord with

    a humble heart. But it is better to kneel before the lord and submit and

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    offer ourselves to God. Dance before the Lord is another way to offer

    your body. But offer your body in some way to the Lord each day. In

    that way we can overcome the world, flesh and devil. Let us offer our

    bodies to God in praise each day.


    Psalm 96:1

    Sing to the LORD a new song

    With the Holy Spirit and His gifts

    Three ways of Singing

    Paul describes this

    Ill sing in the spirit. 1 Corinthians 4:15

    Paul used the gifts of the Spirit to help him sing new songs.

    Eps 5:19

    Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and

    make music in your heart to the Lord.

    We sing in hymns and Psalms. Psalms is where we declare the greatness

    of God.

    Spiritual songs are new songs the Holy Spirit gives us when we worship

    in Spirit.

    Acts 16:25-26

    25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to

    God and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there

    was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were

    shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains

    came loose.

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    There is so much of power when you sing praises to God especially in

    tongues. Make it your habit to sing praises to God in tongues. As you do

    so the Holy Spirit will give you new anointed songs.




    Most of us do talk about being positive and hear a lot about it too. Today

    the concept of positive thinking is gaining a lot of importance. Thoughpeople know it can change their life style it is only a few who follow it.

    Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind

    thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion

    and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable

    results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a

    successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind

    expects, it finds.

    It is quite common to hear people say: "Think positive! to someone

    who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words

    seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider

    them as useful and effective.

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    Positive thinking makes one rise high in life. He\she does well in

    interacting with people, practicing good habits and rising to high

    positions in business. It is said that people who see it in a positive way do

    find success. It depends on how we think. When we see a rose plant,

    what do people say there are thorns and do not see the beauty of the

    rose. But who is positive says the rose looks beautiful in spite of thorns.

    We as Christians should be positive and rise in high position instead of

    nagging at ourselves all the time.

    Here are some tips to stay positive:

    1. Have confidence in yourself.

    2. Say to yourself You can Do It though it seems hard.

    3. Think about your future; dont keep regretting the mistakes you

    did in the past.

    4. Pray to God that he may direct your path.5. Dare to Dream Big.

    6. Keep smiling and stay joyful though the circumstances are bad.

    And always remember YOU CAN BE BETTER NO MATTER



    I was born and brought up in a Christian family. From childhood I

    loved the Lord and was always active in all church activities like singingand dancing. God blessed me to sing when I was just three. And my

    parents were supportive. They brought me up in a Godly manner. My

    dad being a pastor and my mom supported him in the ministry. They

    taught me all about Jesus. But just because I was brought up in a

    Christian house doesnt qualify me to be a child of God. I made a

    decision to accept Jesus as my lord and savior when I was 14yrs old. And

    the Lord began to work in my life. I took baptism in 2005 May 1st. I was

    baptized in the Holy Spirit on November 1st 2004. I was also sensitive tothe Holy Spirit. I started growing stronger and stronger in the lord. My

    dad and mom helped me to get the foundations of the word. I was a

    witness in my school and college. My friends and teachers used to

    respect me because I loved all and always spoke the truth. Best part was

    I had a smile on my face in spite of having a skin problem because I

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    know my Jesus is the healer and he has healed me. My friend I would

    love to tell you Salvation is the greatest miracle.

    My devotion with God was ok when I was in Kudremukh but you know

    Change is for the better. My dad got transferred to Mangalore. Being in

    Mangalore my spiritual life got stronger. As I entered the church firstSunday the Holy Spirit filled me with his presence. I felt the fire of God I

    never felt before. I attended many prayer meetings and many men of

    God prophesized I will be used as an instrument to bring many souls to

    the kingdom of God. In the year 2009 on a Sunday when the worship

    was going on Jesus asked me this question Cali do you love me? He

    asked my thrice just like he asked Peter. I wept and said lord you know I

    love you. Then the same evening I wanted to confirm Gods will for me.

    And I got the word Go into the world and preach the good news. Still Iwas not sure. On Tuesday I went for prayer at my church and God

    spoke to me through this word Isaiah 44:15-16

    15 "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast

    and have no compassion on the child she has borne?

    Though she may forget,

    I will not forget you!

    16 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;

    Your walls are ever before me.

    I was just soaked in the presence of God.

    After that I was literally fighting with God. If it is true that you are

    going to use me confirm it. I didnt wait for long. Just after two weeks I

    attended a revival meeting. As the pastor was sharing the word He asked

    me to get up and said God is going to use me in Healing Ministry. As I

    lay hands on people and pray theyll be set free. He told Ill carry the

    presence of God everywhere. The anointing of the Holy Spirit has just

    increased and it kept on increasing. Then four to 6months all the

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    meetings I went God just started confirming His call on my life.

    Whatever prophetic word Ive got is just confirming. And I proudly say

    what I am today is by the grace of God. The recent prophecy which got

    confirmed was very recent. The preacher said I see the Grace of God

    upon you. The robe of Righteousness is on you. And he spoke the same

    word which I shared with you 1corinthians 2:9. My beloved it was the

    same word I got when I got my calling.

    However, as it is written:

    "No eye has seen,

    No ear has heard,

    No mind has conceived

    What God has prepared for those who love him"

    My friend in Christ the same God who has done mighty things in my life

    can do it in yours too. He is not a God of partiality. He loves you. He is

    your Heavenly father who cares for you. I am sure you have been

    encouraged. Have faith and you can move the mountains and can do all

    things through Christ who gives you strength. Jesus said I have come to

    give you life and life of abundance. What a mighty God we serve. God

    works in ways we cannot see. Ephesians 3:20 says. Now to Him who is

    able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think,

    according to the power that works in us.

    Amen! My friends walk in victory in Jesus. You are a victor in Christ

    and not a victim. Jesus gave his last drop to save you. Wow! How much

    he loves us. And by his wounds we are healed.

    This is my prayer to you. Even as you read this prayer I believe the

    presence of God will fill you and you will receive a touch from Jesus

    Father in the name of Jesus I come before your throne of grace. You are

    a loving and awesome God. Jesus I pray for all those who need a touch

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    from you. I pray for those who are depressed and worried about many

    problems in their life. In the name of Jesus set them free right now. Lord

    fill them with your presence. They may walk in victory and faith. Lord

    you came to set the captives free. Thank you lord for delivering them. I

    pray for those who are sick. Lord your word says BY YOUR STRIPES

    WE ARE HEALED. Touch them and heal them Jesus. You are Jehovah

    Rapha who heals. Thank you lord for healing. Lord I pray for those who

    are in financial problems. Lord all their finances be met. You are

    Jehovah Jireh the God who provides all our needs. Lord prosper them.

    Bless their business and the place they work. Let it be fruitful. I pray

    for those who need a fresh touch from you who want more of your

    anointing. Holy Spirit fill them with your power. Let your presence just

    fill them. I pray in the name of Jesus help them to grow strong in you

    and use them for your glory. Thank you Jesus for you are prayeranswering God and your word never turns void. You are going to do

    exceedingly abundantly above all things more than we ask or imagine.

    Let this promise come to pass in the peoples lives. Because your word

    says all promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus. Thank you for

    hearing my prayer and answering it. I pray in the name of Jesus coz

    you alone deserve all the glory and honor in heaven and earth. Amen.

    Friend believe God has touched you and you are going to walk in

    victory. If you received a miracle. Would love to hear from you. You

    can send in your Praise reports to [email protected] or comment or

    send a message to my profile.



    If I ask you this question how many of you know this song Jesus you

    are my Best friend you will always be and nothing will ever change

    that. Many of your hands will go up. But my question is have you

    experienced that intimate friendship with Jesus. All of us do have

    friends. We have close friends with whom we share our thoughts,

    feelings, problems. Most of us have gone through times where we felt no

    one is with me to help me. Even my close friend doesnt understand me.

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    I dont know what I am going to do. I feel miserable. Are you that

    person? Dont worry beloved I am here to encourage you and say Jesus

    is your best friend. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He is the

    best friend in the whole world. He would understand you well and make

    you feel happy. He is closer than a brother. Wow! You know Jesus said

    to his disciples I dont call you servants but friends. That means he

    wants to be your friend. We can find a good example in the Bible. Jesus

    had friends. It was Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus. It is

    found in John 11. Now Lazarus was sick and Martha called to Jesus. But

    Jesus didnt come. When Lazarus had died he came. He saw Martha

    and Mary weeping and Jesus wept too. But Jesus brought Lazarus back

    to life. He is a mighty God. Through this scripture passage we can

    understand that Jesus knows the pain we go through. He feels what you

    feel. He is there to help you. He will comfort you. He will hug you andsay Child I love you. I am always with you! Indeed he is a true friend.

    He is a friend forever. So whatever problems you may be facing

    beloved. Tell to Jesus and draw close to him. You are never alone. Jesus

    is right by your side.


    Being a child of God having an attitude of gratitude is important. Psalms

    100:5 says Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts withpraise. Think of the blessings that God has bestowed on your life.

    There are many. If you start counting and writing it down I think even

    a big book is not enough. Jesus appreciated one leper who came back

    and thanked Jesus for healing out of the 10 lepers healed. We can thank

    God for many things he has done for us. He has given us salvation. He

    protected you from an accident or helped you get a rank in your exam.

    And He gave His life to save you from the punishment of sin. You know

    friend Jesus gave up even the last drop of blood in His body just for youand me. We should really be grateful to him for what he has done in our

    lives. My friend most of the times our prayer becomes bless me prayer.

    Bless daddy, mummy, my sister, relatives and more of petitions. Lets

    take a little time everyday to thank God for what He has done in our

    lives every day. Before you sleep at night think of one thing that God has

    helped you on that particular day. Like this you will realize

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    Thanksgiving has lot of power. When you thank God he smiles upon you

    and He will do greater things in your life. So NEVER FORGET TO

    THANK JESUS. When you see the daylight thank God for the day,

    thank him for your job, thank him for the seasons. There is so much that

    we can thank God for. So make thanksgiving a part of your life. Your

    life will be blessed.




    My friend it is important to love yourself. Learn to appreciate who you

    are. Ive seen many people who keep nagging about themselves saying I

    am not attractive. I dont have what it takes. Shake that off. Belovedyou are made in the image and likeness of God. You know you were not

    a mistake when you were created. God has designed you for a

    particular purpose.

    Psalm 139:14 says You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You have

    the potential inside of you. The DNA of God is in you. Dont feel inferior

    about yourself. Praise God for who you are. Psalm 139:13 says God knit

    you in your mothers womb. Child of God be happy and praise Him

    cause He created you. He knows every part of you. We may not be liked

    by others and sometimes even our own people may reject us but Jesuswill never reject you. As David says In Psalms 27:10

    Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.

    What a God we serve. He is our heavenly father who will never leave us.

    Friend I know what it feels to be rejected and not understood by others.

    It does break your heart. But dont allow those thoughts to rule your

    mind. Look at what Jesus says about you. You are my child I love you. I

    am always with you. One more important thing is some of us do say we

    are sill sinners. Who said so? We were sinners but we are washed by theBlood of Jesus and we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. So

    stop calling yourself a sinner. You are the righteousness of God. You are

    all what God has created to be.

    Let me declare this over you and you receive it by faith:



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    6 But the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the

    covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is

    founded on better promises.

    7 For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place

    would have been sought for another.

    New covenant is a better covenant. New covenant made through the

    Blood of Jesus. He is the mediator. We must realize we are no longer

    under the Old covenant. Jesus himself found fault with it. You know

    people of Israel really struggled to keep the law. The law always

    found fault with the people. But didnt show the way how to overcome

    sin. So God sent His son Jesus and Jesus fulfilled the law on behalf of

    us. It is all done done done! New Testament laws God has written onyour heart.

    Hebrews 8:10-13

    10 This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that

    time, declares the Lord.

    I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will

    be their God, and they will be my people.

    11 No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother,

    saying, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know me, from the least

    of them to the greatest.

    12 For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no


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    13 By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete;

    and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.

    Now what is the laws mentioned here People tend to mistake to Ten

    Commandments. But what God is speaking is different. He speaks of

    knowing the love of Jesus and being cleansed by the blood of theLamb. New covenant made through the Blood of Jesus. All their

    affections, passions, and appetites, shall be purified and filled with

    holiness and love to God and man; so that they shall willingly obey,

    and feel that love is the fulfilling of the law: instead of being written

    on tables of stone, they shall be written on the fleshly tables of their


    What we must always remember is we are made whole in Christ andsin has no longer have dominion over us. We should be righteousness

    conscious and not sin conscious. So this will help you overcome sin.

    Yes we may fall into sin but ask forgiveness and come back to God.

    He wants you to come back. This is important. And you should know

    how to receive forgiveness. I will remember your sins no more says

    the Lord. That means know you are righteous. So dont think you are

    a sinner. Once you accepted Jesus you have received his

    righteousness. Amen!

    Coming to the laws

    1. The Law of love

    Matthew 22:37-40

    37 Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and

    with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and

    greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love yourneighbor as yourself.' 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these

    two commandments.

    Jesus fulfilled all the laws. You have already received in your heart

    when you accepted Christ. First you should know the love of God.

    Then only you can love Jesus.

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    1John 4:19

    We love because he first loved us.

    1John 3:23- LAW OF NEW TESTAMENT

    And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus

    Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us.

    John 21:20

    Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was

    following them.

    John called himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved. Even we arepeople whom Jesus loved. So call yourself as

    Most loved disciple- ..(put your name)

    2. Law of Spirit which gives life in Christ Jesus

    Romans 8:1-2

    Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ

    Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me

    free from the law of sin and death.

    We have got victory over sin through the Blood of Jesus.

    We are dead to sin. And you have made alive in Christ. This concept

    of dying to sin everyday is wrong. Many say die to sin everyday but

    not be born again everyday. Well friend once you accepted Jesus you

    are dead to sin once and for all. Walk and follow Jesus. Dont have sinconscious as I said earlier. Be righteous conscious.

    Romans 5:17

    If, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man,

    how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of

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    grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man,

    Jesus Christ.

    So Reign life through Christ Jesus.

    3. Law of faith


    Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but

    by the law of faith.

    Have faith In Jesus. And press forward.

    4. Law of Liberty

    James 1:25But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and

    is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed

    in what he does.

    In Christ we are set free from the curse of the law.

    We have access to Gods throne.

    1Peter 2:9

    But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His

    own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who calledyou out of darkness into His marvelous light.

    Have the sonship mentality. You are servants of God in the ministry but

    dont have the mentality of a servant. You are son/ daughter of God.

    Ezekiel 18:2

    What do you mean when you use this proverb concerning the land of

    Israel, saying:

    'The fathers have eaten sour grapes,

    And the children's teeth are set on edge'?

    This verse speaks of generational curse. But my friend Jesus took even

    the generational curse on the cross. You are set free.

    I will tell you how. When Jesus drank the vinegar before he said it is

    finished. He broke the generational curse.

    Isaiah 54:9-10- COVENANT PROMISE

    "For this is like the waters of Noah to Me;

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    For as I have sworn

    That the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth,

    So have I sworn

    That I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you.

    10 For the mountains shall depart

    And the hills be removed,

    But My kindness shall not depart from you,

    Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,"

    Says the LORD, who has mercy on you


    My dear friend it is important being a believer to know who you are in

    Christ. Most of us do feel we are still sinners though we have accepted

    Jesus. You know once you accepted Christ as your lord and savior youare made whole in Christ. You are the righteousness of God in Christ

    Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says God made him who had no sin to be sin

    for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. That

    means you have the righteousness of Jesus. Our righteousness is like

    filthy rags. What a blessing. You know it means you are Holy as Jesus

    is. You might wonder but friend it is a fact. Now lets look at Romans

    5:17 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that

    one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundantprovision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through

    the one man, Jesus Christ. So when you are born again you have got the

    gift of righteousness. Colossians 2:9-10

    For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are

    complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. Wow

    arent you glad you are complete in Jesus. Yes it is true that we fall into

    sin. But that time confess your sin and come back to Jesus. As I said

    Jesus has already forgiven you. You ask in order to receive. But

    receiving forgiveness is important. And my friend the Holy Spirit

    doesnt condemn you that you have sinned but indeed reminds you of

    your righteousness. And says turn back to me. SO KNOW YOU ARE A


    JESUS. CONFESS IT EVERYDAY. This will help you to know how

    much Jesus loves you and HIS GRACE IS SUFFICENT FOR YOU.

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    Most of us do think about our future many times. Or sometimes

    literally worry about our future. But friend dont worry when Jesus is

    with you. In Philippians 4:6 it says Do not be anxious about anything,

    but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present

    your requests to God. So pray to God. Your future lies secure in Jesus.

    I am reminded of a song Because He lives I can face tomorrow. The

    song goes on to says He holds my future. Jeremiah 29:11 says: For I

    know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper

    you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    Remember God has the best in store for you. May be you feel yourfuture is not good cause you didnt get the right breaks. Or you may say

    I have no proper education, I dont have the finances. But my beloved

    you are a child of the most high God. He loves you more than your

    earthly dad. He is Jehovah Jireh the God who supplies all my needs. So

    dont worry be happy. Stay focused on Jesus and not the situation. Soon

    enough you will get the right breaks at the right time. You are called to

    be a champion of Hope. You are a victor and not a victim. You will see

    the goodness of God in your life like never before. I declare this in Jesusname Amen!


    Most of us have gone through broken relationships which really pains

    us. A close friend turns back on you. Or your family relations are all

    messed up. You feel alone and you feel like no one cares for me. But you

    need not have to remain in that you are Gods child. Your heavenly

    father cares for you more than your earthly father. Sometimes you feel

    why I am all alone and no one loves me. My friend Jesus loves you and

    he knows how you feel. Psalms 55:22 says Cast your cares on the LORD

    and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. Just know he

    is right by your side. When I am sad and I cry. I feel the love of Jesus

    and he says Cali whoever puts you down dont worry I am with you. I

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    will wipe all your tears and make you sleep on my lap. Jesus is so sweet

    and closer than a brother. Trust him always. You are never alone. Be

    courageous Jesus is with you. Everything is made beautiful in his time.

    So wait upon the Lord and he will lead you.

    Blessings to you


    Too many people today live constantly under condemnation, constantly

    listening to accusing voices. The Bible refers the enemy as accuser of the

    brethren. Who would love to live our lives guilty and condemned. He

    constantly brings accusation against us and wants us to feel guilty and

    live condemned. You hear negative voices constantly bombarding your

    mind. You lost your temper last week. You didnt pray or read theBible. You fought with your friend. Many of the people swallow this

    up with no defense. They live a life of frustration, guilt and they are not

    satisfied with themselves. Granted all of us are humans and cant be

    perfect. You may hear a voice saying you are a failure. You wont get

    that job. People hearing these voices become critical about themselves

    and this spreads to others too. We have to learn to live in peace with

    ourselves we must learn to put our foot down and say I may not be

    perfect but I am growing. You may not be confident with yourself butGod is confident in you. God is not angry that you messed up. Apostle

    Paul says that the things he knows he should do he doesnt and ends up

    doing things which he shouldnt. Thats when we feel guilty. At that time

    ask for Gods mercy to forgive you. You may feel you dont deserve it

    but beloved that is Gods free gift. Dont live under condemnation.

    Know this God is working on you and you are growing and learning.

    Learn to receive Gods forgiveness and walk in Gods grace. And


    THE MERCY OF GOD. And my dear beloved you are the apple of

    Gods eye. You are his prized possession. Nothing you have ever done or

    will do can keep God from loving you and wanting you to be good to


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    Most of us have gone through this attitude. Oh God! Today I have to get

    to college. Class is so boring. No we have to change our attitude. Thank

    God that he has given you a good day. Be excited. Most of us dont

    realize how grateful we have to be to Jesus that we are able to do all our

    works. We have good education or a good job. Many of them dont have

    all these. They would love to go where you are going. Praise God for his

    blessings and stay excited. We dont like our works. We get stagnant in

    life. No you need to move forward everyday. Apostle Paul told Timothy

    Fan your Flame. He was saying, Timothy dont let your fire go out.

    Stay passionate about your life. Stay enthusiastic about your dreams.May be you are facing a difficulty in your life right now and it is difficult

    for you to be excited about your life. But keep that hope alive. May be

    your fire is just a flicker but keep that burning. But the good news is the

    fire is still there and if you do your part to fan the flame it can burst

    forth passion again. Quite looking at what is wrong with your life and

    start being grateful for what is right in your life. Your perspective

    should be I am not going to live a life of defeat and depressed. I know my

    God is in control. My dreams will come true. He has the best in store forme. Romans 12:11 says, Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your

    spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Dont go on complaining and having

    a negative attitude but thank God for what you have. When you thank

    God it brings blessings upon your life. Soon enough you will see things

    happening which you never dreamed of in your life. REMEMBER




    Our God is a good God and he dwells in the praises of his people. Most

    often quoted psalm is Psalm 100:4: Enter his gates with thanksgiving

    and his courts with praise. So each Sunday we meet together as a body

    of Christ to worship the King of kings and lord of Lords. While praising

    and worshipping God remember it is a celebration. We are celebrating

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    the goodness of God in our lives. We are thanking and blessing his name

    for what he has done in our lives. You may come to the service with a

    problem may be financial, sickness or broken heart. Whatever it is God

    knows your heart. As you come into the presence of God there is fullness

    of joy. So come boldly to his throne of grace to receive mercy, grace and

    experience his unconditional love. Worship is more than a song we sing.

    God wants you to sing a new song. This song is the way you praise him

    and thank him. And sing in an unknown tongue. You will experience the

    anointing like never before. Remember when you worship God it

    actually brings healing and deliverance in your life. So its not just

    Sunday you worship Jesus. But take a little time everyday to praise God

    and see the difference.

    His grace is sufficient for you. Sing to him a new song today.


    You might be wondering what I am telling. It is quite obvious you know

    we worry about a lot of things. You worry about yourself, family,

    college, job and when not even one thing is going on right with your life.

    You say Oh God! What is wrong with my life? Why things are not right.

    My friend in times like these it is easy to give up and say I give up. No

    dont say that. You are Gods child. Youre called to win and not to lose.

    Your hope is in Jesus. Romans 16:17 says the just shall live by faith.That means you need not live a life of defeat. God is with you and he will

    direct your path. May be you are in a terrible situation and you are

    broken down. God says my word will not turn void. He will be with you

    and guide you. It may seem sometimes that our prayer is not answered

    but it is during that time God is doing his work and has the best in store

    for you. You know friend God says not to worry many times in the

    Bible. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and

    supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard

    your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. This is Philippians 4:6. This

    word should build us up. Jesus also said do not worry about tomorrow.

    Look at the birds your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not valuable

    than these? Yes my beloved you are precious to God. You are the apple

    of his eye. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Ps 121:3-4 He will

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    not allow your foot to be moved He who keeps you will not slumber.

    Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. What a

    loving Jesus we serve. When God is with you 24 x7 why bother. Cast

    your cares on Jesus because he cares for you. He is so gentle and kind

    God. He is always by your side. So REJOICE IN HIM.


    It is quite obvious that we hear many accusations against us. People talk

    bad of us. Or our closest friends leave us and go because of

    misunderstanding or because you are doing the right thing. It also

    happens within believers. Bring all that hurts to Jesus. He will never put

    you down. Men of the world will let you down but Jesus will never dothat because he loves and cares for you. Jesus said: In this world you

    will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world.

    May be you didnt get the promotion you need. But remember

    promotion comes from God not men. Always confess I have the favor of

    God. I am what God has created me to be. You are not a victim but a

    victor in Christ. You have the seeds of the almighty God planted inside

    you. So stand up. Shake off those hurts. It is just like dust. Do it in action

    as you clean the dust and exercise God given authority. See How God ison your side. If God is for you who dare be against you? Move on. Press

    on Leave the rest to Jesus because he is with you.


    All of us know that our God is a loving God. 1john 4:8 says God is love.

    You might be wondering what is this love anointing. Lets look at the

    term anointing. The anointing of God is the Holy Spirit. He flows as a

    river of love, from the throne of grace, through the hearts of believers,

    bringing life to all that receive His touch. Now there is a connection

    between grace and anointing. As we all know grace is a free gift and so is

    anointing. When you are soaked in the anointing what happens is all

    your problems are broken. The anointing breaks the yoke. Love

    anointing is you are baptized with the love of Jesus. Fully immersed in

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    the love of Christ. Perhaps you are going through a crisis and you feel

    miserable. You are crying inside for a new touch from God. God is so

    gracious to hear your voice. Jeremiah 33:3 says Call unto me and I will

    answer you. When you say just Jesus come to me I am in pain and you

    are in tears. He will wipe away every tear and hug you saying Child

    dont worry I am with you and I am there to comfort you. You are my

    child. You are the apple of my eye. He will embrace you in his loving

    arms. You will forget everything that time. You will realize his love for

    you is so much that you dont need anything else. 1 Peter 1:8 says

    Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do

    not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible

    and glorious joy. You have trusted on Jesus and you have faith in Him

    so the love just overflows in your life. Keep growing in love of God.

    When you have His love in your heart there is no fear. The love willbring life and enrich your lives.



    Most of us get complacent in life because of the past experiences or we

    have failed in many areas of our life. We tend to give up easily saying Ihave tried many times I am not getting anything right. My life is a waste.

    We tend to say this and we get fed up. We get struck in a rut. No friend

    God doesnt want you to be there. He wants you to move forward. Shake

    off the past. May be there is a hurt in your life. A wrong word spoken

    against you or you have been in ill health, financial crisis whatever it is

    stand up and say boldly This too shall pass. I am a victor and not a

    victim. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus. My God shall supply all my

    needs. Apostle Paul says in 2Corinthians 5:17 says: Therefore, if

    anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has

    come! my friend now you are a new creation in Christ shake off the

    past. Past is like dust. Just wipe it or blow it off your life. Dont live in

    the past. Live in the Present. We have to be aware that God works

    miracles in our todays and not yesterdays. God always speaks to us in

    present. So focus on the present. Walk in victory. Shake off all the

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    negative words spoken to you see what Jesus says about you. He is not to

    condemn you but to move forward. So focus on Jesus. Jesus will help

    you all way around. Jesus is with you and will guide you. If something is

    bothering you say I shake that negative thought or sickness I shake you

    off you cant stay in my body. I am the temple of the Holy Spirit. Say

    that boldly believing in you heart. You will live a life of victory in Christ.

    God bless you


    Arent you excited today is Sunday? A day to thank God. It is a

    celebration of victory. It is so wonderful to be with all the saints of God

    and worship the living God. He dwells in our praises. We feel lazy to go.

    No friends arent you glad Jesus has given you life. He has blessed andhealed you. It is time to thank God. David says I was glad when they said

    lets go into the house of the Lord. Even while praise and worship. Dont

    just stand there looking at the words on the screen. Clap and dance

    celebrate his goodness. You know when you dance and praise God you

    put the devil to shame. You surrender to God. He will take charge over

    you. You will experience the anointing that you never felt in your life.

    Expect something new. As you sit in church even before worship begins

    say God I want a fresh touch from you. I believe for a transformation inmy life. Surely God will answer. Even as you say Lord you are my

    healer. There is power in the words you sing. You will see the hand of

    God touching you and healing you. May be you are broken in spirit. He

    will embrace you in his arms and he will give you the gift of joy. Ps

    16:11 says you have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me

    with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. He

    will bring healing deliverance. Friend you will experience the anointing

    as never before. Anointing breaks the yoke. Get ready for a fresh touch

    as you go to church. Even as I share with you I believe God is speaking

    to your heart. He is the healer and deliverer. Comforter in time of

    distress. I pray in Jesus name be healed, delivered set free from

    bondages. In Jesus name. Amen

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    Well yesterday was Sunday had a wonderful time worshipping God.

    While worship songs were being sung I felt the touch of Jesus. It was so

    wonderful. I saw Jesus coming and hugging me saying I am with you

    child and I will use you for my glory. I didnt know what to speak. I just

    wept and said Lord I dont really deserve this and I am still growing in

    you. I have got many people against me. The Lord said keep up the good

    work and I will go with you. I am with you who can be against you. I just

    enjoyed his presence. It was the love of the father I experienced. This is

    what I call soaking in the love anointing. Jesus knows your heart and he

    will heal you of your wounds comfort you and hug you. Child of God he

    is for you. He cares for you. He is the healer and comforter. Jeremiah

    33:3 says Call unto me and I will answer you. Jesus is the answer for

    your problem. Even as I am telling you these things the presence of Godis flowing in your life. Just receive a fresh touch now. May be you feel

    you dont deserve. My friend the truth is none of us deserve but He is

    great in mercy and grace. It is because of His grace we have all blessings

    in Christ.

    Father in the name of Jesus I pray for all my friends who need a

    fresh touch from you. Lord you know their problems and you answer us

    in time of need. Lord I pray right now in the name of Jesus release theanointing. Let them feel your love and embrace of the father. I pray for

    those who are in sickness be healed. By His stripes you are healed. I pray

    for those with a broken heart lord wipe their tears and embrace them.

    My friend Jesus loves you. He is wiping your tears everything will be

    fine. He is with you. I pray for those with financial problems God supply

    all their needs. Thank you for answering my prayer. In Jesus name


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    I have already spoken to you of having a big dream because we serve a

    big God who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all things. Most

    of the Christians we get satisfied where we are. We have this attitude I

    have gone as far as my parents have gone or I at least have a good job

    thats enough. No friend God wants you to grow more than that. Praise

    God that you have achieved some goal. Dont settle there. Enlarge your

    vision. May be you say is that possible I am fed up trying so much. No

    Jesus is with you. You are a champion. Do you know child of God you

    come from bloodline of champions. Your greatest achievement is yet to

    be fulfilled. Our God is a loving God and wants to take you to places

    where you never dreamed of. 1 Corinthians 2:9 says But as it is

    written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into theheart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love

    him. Wow that means God has the best plan for your life. Dreams and

    visions yet to come true. God has a plan to prosper you. Take this from





    TO PASS. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD.Are you aware Jesus is the best friend you can ever have who will show

    you the way. So start having a BIG DREAM AND GOD WILL



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    There are times when I am down

    Times when I cry

    Times when I am hurt and discouraged

    But there is always a light of hope

    I wonder how will I gain my confidence

    Who will love me

    When all are against me

    And I am defeated

    But I hear a voice of courage

    His voice is loud and clearFull of love and grace

    Always by my side

    And never puts me down

    He knows how I feel

    He cares for me and comforts

    You know who he is



    Dear friends

    God wants each one of you to reign in life. Each one of you have the

    potential. The power that raised Jesus from the dead dwells inside of

    you. Dont settle down for mediocrity. Thinking that I am in so much

    trouble, I have my exams coming up. I dont know how much will I get.

    May be if God wills I may top the class. Throw those negative thoughts

    away. God wants to give you the best in life. He has the best thoughts

    about you. You are His child and he has given you the authority to rule

    and reign in Life. Jesus is always by your side. No matter where you are

    in life God will lift you up. Always confess His word and see the Change.

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    You will be amazed how God works. God works in ways we cannot see.

    Jeremiah 29:11 declares God has plans to prosper you, to give you hope

    and a bright Future. So start declaring that YOU ARE DESTINED TO


    Confess Everyday as you get up:

    Today is great day God has given to me. Thank God that I am alive

    and healthy. The favor of God is upon me. I am the head and not the

    tail. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I will reach

    my goal. I speak in faith that I am a winner. Amen!


    The moment you are in stress

    You feel like something is stuck in your throat

    You feel tired and confusedNot knowing what to do

    Feeling the stress

    Your mind and soul is out of control

    You want to come out

    Dont know how

    Every where you goYou feel pity on yourself

    You are discouraged

    Wondering why is it?

    There came tension and worry

    All at the same time

    You thought you are lost

    Realizing little there is a surprise

    Then one day

    There came a flashing light

    Your stress was gone

    Making you feel nice

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    You got a breakthrough

    Making your future bright

    This made you understand

    God had delivered you

    So you came to know

    There is a solution for every problem

    This made you realize

    Everyday is a gift from god


    Most of us do compare ourselves with others. We seem to be jealous,angry, and envious or get really frustrated when someone else is ahead

    of you. The problem is when you want to do something and it is done

    better by another person. You go like this is not fair. Why she got

    selected! I am more capable. My friends dont be jealous instead work

    out with your God given capacity. I confess myself even I have felt

    jealous. Nobody is perfect. Its ok we fail at times and God understands

    our weakness. We need Gods grace for each day. The grace of God is

    new each day. We need to cling on it. And when such thought come toyour mind. Talk to yourself a little. Say to yourself, What good will it

    do to me being jealous of others? It wont get me blessed. God has a

    unique plan for all of us and I will trust and wait upon him. Dont think

    about others whom you are jealous instead deliberately pray that they

    will be blessed.

    My friend dont be afraid to be honest with God. He cares about your

    feelings and he knows just the way you feel. So you tell him what you

    feel. He is not going to beat you. But will lead you in the right path.

    Do you remember Ephesians 3:20 God blesses us exceedingly

    abundantly above all things. If you have a stronghold in this area of

    being jealous of others just because they are ahead of you. I urge you to

    get anew mindset. I know it will take patience. But you can do it is Jesus

    who will strengthen you to overcome this area. So take the step of faith

    and soon you will be victorious in this area.

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    Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,

    whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if

    anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.

    Philippians 4:8

    The Bible gives us a lot of instructions on what we are supposed to think.

    We have to think on those things which build us up rather than tear us

    down or to say make you fall into temptation like bad because thoughts,

    fleshly desires. We have to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Our thoughts

    affect our attitudes and moods. Everything the Lord tells us is for ourown good. He knows what will make us happy and what will make us

    miserable. And if you feel miserable you will land up making others

    miserable also. So the best thing is take a test everyday on what you have

    been thinking about. Spend some time examining your thought life,

    Thinking about what you are thinking about is very valuable because

    Satan usually deceives people into thinking that the source of their

    misery is something other than what really is. He wants them to think

    that they are unhappy because of what is going on around them, but thefact is it is due to what is going on in their minds (their thoughts).

    Most of us do blame others. It is because of my parents or my sis. Or my

    lecturer, because of my nosy boss I am miserable. Even I thought like

    that. But the face is it is because of my attitude. My thoughts were

    making me miserable.

    So think on what you are thinking about and you will be set free in Jesus

    name. Amen


    I was just singing the song Jesus you are my best friend and you will

    always be and nothing will ever change that. Wow what a friend we

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    have. He will never leave us nor forsake us. In the world we will never

    find such a bond of friendship like in Jesus. Just think of the price he

    paid for you and me on the cross. Which friend would die on your behalf

    for the sin you committed. Jesus gave his last drop to save you and me.

    Today we have eternal life in him. He is always walking, talking, leading

    and directing us. 24X 7 he is with us. His network is not busy. He is

    always available when we say Jesus I need you he is there. What a God

    we serve. I also remember Israel Houghtons song I am a friend of God,

    He calls me friend. Truly my friend in Christ what a blessing it is that

    Jesus is our loving friend. I am so proud to say Jesus is my best friend

    arent you? All of us are. Even as today is Sunday let us worship and

    praise his name because he deserves all glory, honour and praise. This

    bonding of friendship with Jesus is for eternity. Let us exalt his name.

    Let us soak in this bonding of friendship with Jesus experiencing his loveand grace in our lives.






    WOW! What a day I had yesterday. It was awesome as I had gone to

    Bro.Michael Fernandes prayer meeting at Don Bosco hall Mangalore. I

    was so blessed to be working with the team. The presence of God just

    filled the place as the worship began. I was soaked in the anointing. God

    spoke to me during worship and he said I will never leave you though

    people put you down, my child I love you and I care for you. Tears

    rolled down my cheeks and I was glad Jesus filled me with more of his

    glory. The Bro. Michael spoke on restoration. Whatever is stolen from

    you will be restored back double fold because of His grace in our lives. I

    was happy when I heard this. God was speaking to me. After which was

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    healing and deliverance session. Many people were touched, delivered

    and healed. He prophesied that Gods fresh anointing is outpoured in

    my life and Gods unmerited favor is on me. There is a new direction

    God will lead me in my ministry for his glory. Amen! I am so blessed

    and I thank Jesus for answering my prayer.


    What a joy to be called the children of God. Many of us would love to

    experience the new fresh anointing each day. As his grace is new every

    morning so is his anointing. Anointing is a gift from God. It breaks the

    yoke. Even as you get up early in the morning just ask the Holy Spirit to

    fill you with his presence. You can sing some anointed worship songs

    and continue to sing in tongues. This will transform your life. Anointingis not just when you pray but as you go about your work you speak to

    God. Friend you need to learn to listen to the still small voice of God. He

    wants to minister you everyday. Friend it is not that if you pray you will

    get more anointing just it takes faith. Jesus loves you and knows you.

    Ask of him and he will fill you with his glory. You will forget all your

    worries and sorrows. You know that is time when you experience his

    love in a deeper way. He wipes every tear out and fills you more with his

    love. He is not far from you but near to you. When you call he is there.Even as you retire to sleep just pray and praise him for sometime you

    will also get a sound sleep. The anointing that you receive everyday is

    new and you will grow stronger in the Lord and His favor will always

    rest upon you.

    This is my prayer to you:

    Father in the name of Jesus I pray for all the believers who have read

    your word. Lord fill them right now with a fresh anointing. Lord their

    sorrows be gone. Their anxiety gone. Lord a fresh experience of the Holy

    Spirit that they have never experienced. Lord show them your love.

    Take them in your loving hands and bless them. I pray Lord even as

    they meditate and worship you daily out pour your anointing. Thank

    you Lord you have done it. In Jesus name Amen!

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    See most of us everyday go on struggling in many things and get

    frustrated and irritated. We get complacent and finally say nothing is

    working. My life is a waste. But we forget that there is a God who helps

    us who is closer than a brother. He is the Prince of Peace and Wonderful

    Counselor. Yes He is Jesus. Jesus is with you always. He is the author

    and finisher of our faith. We should never doubt on Jesus power. Take

    Peter who wanted to walk on water when he saw Jesus on the water. As

    long as his eyes were on Jesus he was not afraid of the waves or how

    deep the water was. But the movement he looked down he started

    sinking. Never doubt on the strength of God. You know God is the

    strength of your heart. When you know Jesus is with you. No weapon

    formed against you shall prosper. Philippians 4:13 says I can do all

    things through Christ who strengthens me. What is Paul saying here?Look closely He is saying With Christ as my strength I am an

    overcomer. I can do all things. I know my friend how it is to write a

    Maths paper. It does get on your nerve or an assignment or any project

    in the office. Instead of saying it is difficult say Jesus you are my helper

    and I know I can do it in your strength. See always look at Jesus my

    friend. You know how loving he is and is with you 24x7. His network is

    free always. The gift of grace will enable you to do all things in His


    Most of us have gone through this kind of situation where you are not at

    fault yet people shout at you and it hurts when your own family

    members put you down. The same thing has happened to me. I was

    crying and crying yesterday afternoon and said Jesus this is not fair

    what have I done to be blamed. Then I realized when you do the work of

    God your own family will be against you. I was praying and tears rolled

    down my cheeks. When I saw Jesus next to me. He said child dont cry I

    am with you and no good thing will I withhold from you. I love you as

    you are. So smile for my peace I give to you. Wow! Those words really

    comforted me. So my dear beloved it pains, it breaks your heart but the

    love of Jesus never fails. That is why Paul says If God is for me, who

    can be against me? Out of your greatest rejection comes your greatest

    direction. What a loving God we serve. His grace is sufficient for us. And

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    you need not worry on what will happen to me and get scared in this

    kind of situation. JOHN 1:14 says: For perfect love casteth away fear.

    This perfect love is given by Jesus. It is so wonderful to know the love of

    Jesus unconditional and wonderful. So remember Jesus is always with

    you and he will take you through all the trails. He said I will never leave

    you nor forsake you. Amen


    Faith is obedient action in response to what God has said. True faith is

    expressed in obedience, action and hearing the voice of God. Heb 11:1:

    Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do

    not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. Having faith inGod involves an exchange of self trust for God- trust. We stop in

    trusting in ourselves and trust him. Now we must always remember that

    1. God doesnt change (Malachi 3:6) 2. He cannot fail (Job 42:2) He

    cannot lie (Num23:19 and Titus 1:2). The principle of faith should

    continually operate in our lives no matter what the circumstances we

    see. Romans 1:17: ...it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."

    Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. Romans 10:17

    declares. I know many of us are struggling and it seems that there is abig mountain in front of us and we dont know what is going to happen.

    Jesus said: He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the

    truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this

    mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be

    impossible for you." Matthew 17:20. So my dear beloved in Christ

    speak to your mountain. If it is a sickness say I am the temple of the

    Holy Spirit I am the temple of the Holy Spirit sickness I command you

    to leave. If it is financial problem say My God shall supply all my needs.

    Poverty is not from God. I have everything in Christ. If it is depression

    or you are stressed say Peace of Jesus rules my heart. The joy of the

    Lord is my strength. Speak my friend speak to it. You are an overcomer

    in Christ. Jesus said I have given you authority to trample over snakes

    and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy. Wow so

    speak out and see the mighty hand of God. Gods hand is not shortened.

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    It is outstretched towards you. I conclude by saying PUT YOUR FAITH



    It is so wonderful to know that we are always under the covering of the

    blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus has cleansed us from all sins and we

    can boldly enter into Gods presence. That is wonderful. But we do face

    challenges in life and that is the time we got to know the strong edge of

    the blood of Jesus is surrounding us. When satan accuses us the lord

    confronts him in His ministry as High Priest through His own blood.

    Even when we walk on the road, travel by bus or have any problem

    claim the blood of Jesus over you. Always keep saying the blood of Jesusyou will see the deliverance and Gods protection over you. Dont worry

    come what may The Blood of Jesus is the key to your deliverance. Claim

    it for your healing. Life is in the blood my friend. Now you have received

    the blood of life Jesus blood is in your body. So you are whole in Him.

    Walk in victory.


    This title might seem strange but my friend Gods outstretched hand is

    towards you. There is deliverance you need not fear.

    There is power when you praise God. When God sees you worshipping

    in spirit and in truth and casting all your cares upon him you will see

    deliverance. We serve a great and mighty God. Worship God with all

    your heart.


    PSALMS 18:1-3

    I love you, O LORD, my strength.

    2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my

    rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my

    salvation, my stronghold.

    3 I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my


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    PSALMS 12:6-7

    And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace

    of clay, purified seven times. O LORD, you will keep us safe and protect

    us from such people forever.



    PSALMS 21:5

    Through the victories you gave, his glory is great; you have bestowed on

    him splendor and majesty.


    PSALMS 31:19

    How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those whofear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge

    in you.



    PSALMS 57:10

    For Your mercy reaches unto the heavens, and Your truth unto the




    PSALMS 119:165

    Great peace have they who love your law (Gods WORD), and nothing

    can make them stumble.


    God has blessed us with many blessings. It is so wonderful to know that

    our God is greater. He dwells in the praises of his people. Dancing in the

    presence of God brings glory to the lord. You know those who love the

    Lord dont enjoy in the world but enjoy in Gods presence. You know

    King David he rejoiced in the presence of God. He danced before the

    Lord. When you dance you put satan to shame. Just rock in Gods

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    presence. Every Sunday is a celebration. For you are glorifying God.

    And you know singing and dancing before the Lord makes you strong

    and healthy too. Sickness cant stand. Why you dance in Gods presence

    to show that you are redeemed from the curse of the law. You are no

    longer under law but under grace. You are washed by the blood of the

    lamb. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is in you. When

    you hear this you cant stay silent. You dance before the lord, give him

    all glory and honor he alone deserves it. I pray this day will be a new

    beginning. You will see mighty things happening in your life. I strongly

    feel there is going to be mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit as you sing

    and dance in Gods presence. Just celebrate today.

    CELEBRATING THE TRUE SPIRIT OF FREEDOMAll over India people are celebrating Independence Day. What joy to

    know we are free from the British. We praise God for the freedom of

    our nation. But we must be thankful to God for a freedom that God has

    given us. We are set free from the law of sin and death. We are in the

    spirit which gives us life. What a joy it is friend that we are made whole

    in Jesus. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. This liberty has

    come inside you and me. I think this has more meaning. We have a

    reason to celebrate that we are free from sin and also we are free fromslavery. But the real slavery is that once we were slaves to sin. Now we

    are righteous in Christ. Christ has freed us from the curse of the law.

    How much we need to be grateful to God. I think this completes the

    meaning of freedom. We have received freedom in our hearts. Unless we

    experience this freedom how can we experience the freedom we got for

    our country? Praise God that we as children of God have experienced

    this and are walking in light. But there are many who still have not

    found this freedom in Christ. As we celebrate the 64th Independence day

    of India let us join hands and pray for our nation. Let the people be set

    free from sin and come to worship the Lord. India belongs to Jesus.

    Lets break every curse of the enemy and claim India for Jesus.

    Prayer for our nation

    Father in the name of Jesus I come before your throne of grace. Lord as

    we celebrate the freedom of our nation. Lord we thank you for you have

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    given us this freedom. More than outwardly freedom you have set us

    free from the curse of the law. Jesus we thank you. Lord I pray for all

    the people in India. Jesus open their eyes of understanding. Lord let

    them also come to this salvation experience. Of being set free from sin.

    Lord we bring India under the covering of the blood of Jesus. All the

    works of the enemy be destroyed in Jesus name. Let the peace of God

    rule our country. Lord we pray that there may be no corruption and no

    violence in our country. People may live in peace and harmony. Lord the

    people who rule our country the president. Prime Minister, the cabinet

    ministers lord bless them. Lord give them wisdom and speak to them on

    how to rule this country. Jesus let the people of India be saved and know

    you. Jesus India belongs to you. Lord as people of God bless our nation.

    Thank you Lord you are a prayer answering God and you are going to

    do it. In Jesus name Amen!


    What a day to worship the Lord. Even as I went to church expecting a

    fresh touch from the Lord. It just happened. I was soaked in the

    anointing. As the worship songs were being sung I saw Jesus in front of

    me. He blessed me with his loving hands and wiped away my tears. He

    said this I have carved you on the palm of my hand. My favor is uponyou. You are called to win many more souls to the kingdom of god. I will

    be with you always. I know the hurts you have gone through I have wept

    with you. Move on. When these loving words I heard I just burst into

    tears and said Jesus how loving you are. I have made many mistakes. I

    am sorry. Jesus looked at me and said you are my child. I am always

    with you. At this time I felt the love of the father I never felt before. This

    is what I call the love anointing. I encourage you all to know how much

    Jesus loves us and he will lead us.

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    What a loving and compassionate God we serve. All of us face

    difficulties at some point and the worst thing is when someone hurts you

    who are close to you. You feel like no one understands you and you seem

    so down and discouraged. It pains and it breaks your heart. You may

    even feel what is the use of living no one respects me. I think I am a

    waste. I am nothing. These thoughts come to your mind. It tears you

    down. Cheer up beloved Jesus will never leave you. He will never leave

    you nor forsake you. Dont listen to the thoughts of the devil. He is the

    accuser and wants you to feel discouraged and miserable. At that time

    you know who you ask for help. It is none but Jesus. Instead of telling

    your problems to everyone speak it out to Jesus. He is the God of peace

    and gives you peace. This peace you only find in Jesus. And you willrealize that he is what you need always. Dont nag yourself down but lift

    your head high and move.

    I know people who are in the ministry this happens most of the time.

    Beloved dont allow the devil to steal your joy. Paul encourages us

    Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I say rejoice. God is with you. Break

    that power of the enemy in your life. Jesus said I have given you

    authority to trample over snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the

    power of the enemy. Dont feel down my beloved. Jesus knows how hardyou have worked for his kingdom. So calm down and let the peace of

    God rule your heart. I know some of you may be in tears I encourage

    you my brother/my sister Jesus has chosen you as his vessel. He will

    never put the righteous to shame.

    This is my word to all people of God. Gods favor is upon you. God

    wants to show forth his love lavishly on you. Because you are his child

    and precious to him. He has carved you on the palm of his hand. Jesus

    has wiped all your tears. Stay joyful. REMEMBER THE JOY OF THE


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    My dear beloved in Christ today I want you to tell about the favor of

    God. Gods favor is an enabling favor which boosts us all the time.

    Favor is GRACE OF GOD. The Grace of God is defined as unmerited,

    unearned and undeserved favor of God. All of us have experienced his

    favor. But sometimes or for a period of time it feels as if nothing is

    working out. And you go like what is happening in my life. Nothing is

    working. I tried to be good and loving my friends dont understand me.

    BOOHOOO. You go on crying. My friends always remember the

    favor of God is with you. Grace is favor of God. Every time you feel low

    sing this song Jehovah Jireh my provider His grace is sufficient for

    me. Hmm there is power in what you s

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