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Feature a Philanthropist: Emma Watson

Kendall Klumpp, Julianna Lambert, Rachel Miller, and Montravius AdamsFeature a Philanthropist:Emma WatsonActing CareerEmma Watson got her acting breakthrough when she committed herself to the Harry Potter film franchise when she was 9 years old and has since starred in many motion pictures.Her net worth has been estimated to be around $60 million.

EducationShe studied at Brown University and earned a bachelors degree in English literature.

FashionI love fashion. I think its so important, because its how you show yourself to the world.She works with People Tree, a fashion company that promotes fair trade. She even travels to Bangladesh to make sure the work environment was good for the employees.

5Since we have to address the four pillars (4T's): say this and it really emphasizes her thoughts on money/treasure v. what she cares about in the worldMission, Vision & ValuesMissionTo empower men and women to take action toward gender equality.VisionIf you really put your heart in what you believe in, even if it makes you vulnerable, amazing things can and will happen. Emma WatsonValues: sustainability, compassion, equality, & empowerment

Someone can make this sound way way betterUN Womens Goodwill AmbassadorShe is the UN Womens Goodwill Ambassador and has strong views on Gender EqualityTraveled to Bangladesh and Zambia to promote education for girls.She plays an ongoing role in promoting the organization HeForShe which promotes men involvement in womens rights and gender equality.

7Maybe we can just say this point out loud to eat up our speaking time and maybe put in a different point about HeForShe?United Nations HeForShe Speech

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkjW9PZBRfk Can't see the video, but I would suggest playing the entirety of the UN Speech about HeforShe. It is really informative and really addresses her viewpoints. We could then transition to us addresses various points in her speech and how that shapes our views of her as a philanthropist.

Legacy/ImpactShe uses her prominence to inspire young women everywhere to pursue there on vision.She makes it clear that she doesnt want to be known as just a celebrity who gives money places. Instead she wants to give her time to show people that she really cares.

10How can you incorporate some of her giving strategies into your own giving plan?

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