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Keynesian Models for Analysis of Macroeconomic Policy1

Keshab R Bhattarai Business School

University of Hull, Hu6 7RX, UK

ABSTRACT This paper reviews the Keynesian IS-LM model and the neoclassical and endogenous economic growth models that are widely used in analysing fluctuations of output in the short run and economic growth in the long run. Numerical examples are provided to evaluate impacts to fiscal and monetary policy measures on aggregate demand with a sensitivity analysis of model results to various parameters contained in the model. It is an overview of simple macroeconomic models that are often applied for policy analysis.

Key words: Keynes, Macroeconomic policy

JEL Classification: E12, E63

September 2005

1 Correspondence address: Business School, University of Hull, HU6 7RX, UK. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 01482-463207 and Fax: 01482-643484.


I. Introduction

Macroeconomic models have been in use for formulation of economic policy

almost in every country in the world. These models not only provide an analytical

framework to link the demand and supply sides and the resource allocation process in

an economy but also may help in reducing fluctuations and enhancing the economic

growth, which are two major aspects of any economy. Classical, Keynesian, new

classical and new Keynesian approaches have evolved over time to analyse

fluctuations of output, employment and price level over years (Keynes (1936), Hicks

(1937), Samuelson (1939), Phillips (1958), Friedman (1968), Phelps (1968), Tobin

(1969), Barro and Gordon (1983), Sargent (1986) Goodhart (1989), Nickell (1990),

Lockwood Miller and Zhang (1998), IMF (1992)). Empirical validity of these models

are tested using either macro-econometric simulations models, applied multisectoral

general equilibrium models or by using stochastic dynamic general equilibrium

models (Wallis (1989), MPC (1999), Pagan and Wickens (1989), Kydland and

Prescott (1977)). There is a considerable controversy about the causes, consequences

and remedies for the macroeconomic fluctuations in the short run in the literature.

New classical and new Keynesian models use rational expectation and market

imperfections and frictions in the labour market or technological shocks in explaining

these fluctuations. There is less controversy in the literature about the economic

events in the long run despite plenty of work that has been done in area of endogenous

and exogenous growth models (Solow (1956), Lucas (1988), Romer (1990), Mankiw,

Romer and Weil (1992), Parente and Prescott (1993)).

Price system played a crucial role in the classical macroeconomic models.

Real wages that equate demand for labour to its supply, determined the level of

employment and that determined the level of output. Income is either spent on the


current consumption or saved for the future consumption. The real sector equilibrium

is guaranteed by equality between the saving and investment. The price level is

proportional to supply of money and the monetary neutrality is maintained by

perfectly flexible real prices. Unemployment or glut cannot happen in the classical

system because of the flexibility of prices. Aggregate demand always equals the

aggregate supply. The major objective of government is to ensure law and order so

that business enterprises could thrive. As such less intervention is considered better.

Capital accumulation and saving drives the dynamics of economy in the classical

system. More saving means more investment and larger amount of capital stock and

higher output. Rapid rate of economic growth through out the 19th century, except few

interruptions, provided a strong support for the classical system that influenced

thoughts of policy makers from the time of Adam Smith (1776) up to Marshall or

Pigou in 1920s. This was the period of industrial revolution and structural

transformation and unprecedented improvement in production technology as well as

in the living standards of the majority of people in the Western economies.

The assumption of equality between aggregate demand and aggregate supply

did not hold true in late 1920s. Factories were producing a lot more than they could

sell. Firms laid off employees, people became pessimistic about their future prospects

and started spending less. This further reduced the aggregate demand and production

capacity became under utilised. More than a quarter of working population became

unemployed causing both social and economic problems. Inefficiency of aggregate

demand had far reaching consequences on employment and output. This is the

starting point of the Keynesian macroeconomic analysis.

Keynes showed how deficiency in aggregate demand may continue for a long

period if the government does not step in to solve the problem. In the national income


identity, sum of consumption, investment, government spending and net exports, the

aggregate demand, should equal aggregate supply. The aggregate demand may remain

less than aggregate supply and the productive capacity may be under utilised. Keynes

spent a significant amount of time in explaining consumption and investment

behaviour of the economy. Values of multiplier and accelerator coefficients were

determined based on the key structural parameters such as the marginal propensity to

consume, productivity of capital and the sensitivity of imports to the national income.

While the ratios of consumption, investment, government expenditure and trade

balances to the GDP provide broad indicators of resource constraints, the behavioural

assumption behind each of these demand components give a good framework for

analysing how fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policies that determine the level of

aggregate output, employment and savings and investment activities in the economy.

Though the supply shocks, such as the rise in the oil prices in 1970s, gave rise to new

classical and new Keynesian approaches with more focus in the supply side of the

economy, the basic structure of Keynesian model are still very useful in policy

analysis. These models are popular because they are simple and easy to understand.

They can be used to compute the impacts of various policy scenarios such as tax cuts,

increase in spending, increase in money supply or increase in external demand or

change in the behaviour of consumers and producers in an economy.

Macro-econometric models aim to test a macroeconomic model with time

series or cross section data on major economic variables (Wallis (1989), MPC (1999),

Pagan and Wickens (1989), Hendry (1995), Holly Weale (2000)). Once these models

can mimic an actual economy then they are used for policy analysis. Structural

parameters such as the marginal propensity of consume and imports, elasticities of

investment to the interest rate or change in aggregate demand, elasticity of production


to capital and labour inputs. When real parameters are known then a model can be

used for policy simulation. Policy makers have control over policy instruments such

as the tax rate, or government spending or exchange rate or the interest rate. They like

to know how the real output, employment and trade balances change when certain

policy measures are implemented. Macro models provide a systematic framework to

analyse these questions. These exogenous variables include judgement and decisions

of policy makers regarding taxes, money supply, exchange rate, division of resources

across various sectors or between consumption and saving. They may include

perception of people regarding inflation and expected wages rates and their labour

supply behaviour. Traditional econometric models were based on Keynesian

structural models as found in the Macro Modelling Bureaus. After the Lucas Critique

(Sargent and Wallace (1975), Lucas (1976), King and Plosser (1984)) there has been

more effort in modelling the supply side, dynamic optimisation, and incorporating

fiscal or monetary or exchange rate policy rules based on fundamentals of an


The applied general equilibrium models of an economy have more elaborate

specification about the price mechanism, consumption, production, trade in the

economy. These models use input-output tables that provide micro consistent data set

on income, expenditure and demand side of the more decentralised economy (Shoven

and Whalley (1984), Aurbach and Kotlikoff (1987), Bhattarai (1999), Rutherford

(1995), Perroni (1995), Bhattarai and Whalley (1999 and 2003), Kehoe, Srinivasan

and Whalley (2005)). A calibrated applied general equilibrium model can reproduce

the sufficiently decentralised benchmark economy as its solution and can act as a

laboratory of economic policy analyses in which one can estimate the impact of

various policy alternatives available to the policy makers. These models can be single


country, multiple country or the global economy models which can be used to analyse

the impacts of not only domestic policies but also the impacts of external events in the

domestic economy. The general equilibrium impacts of tax, trade, labour market,

financial sector policies, monetary and fiscal policy measures can be quite deep and

penetrating when the all sorts of chain reactions of policy actions are taken into

account. These general equilibrium models aim to capture these impacts.

Stochastic dynamic general equilibrium models are outcome of the research

programme of new classical economists who oppose the interventionist idea of

Keynes to contain economic fluctuations. These models claim that economies are

always in equilibrium and fluctuations are outcome of optimising behaviour of

economic agents. Economic policies are ineffective in generating real impacts in an

economy. The shocks to the production technology or government spending are

outcome of a random process. Workers supply more hours when wage rates are high

due to technological breakthrough and less hours when wage rates are low. The

degree of response depends upon the inter-temporal substitution of labour supply. The

model generated solutions are often used to analyse the underlying factors behind

macroeconomic series by comparing their variance or covariance to actual time series.

Infinite period economy is approximated by steady state characterisation of the first

order conditions linking two consecutive periods.

An attempt is made here to provide a general review about the aspects of

these macroeconomic models, particularly in its three aspects a simple Keynesian

model for analysis of economic policy and its empirical counterpart simultaneous

equation model, comparative static analysis in the Keynesian model with a production

function and a neoclassical growth model which takes many features of the Keynesian

model for the long run prospects of the economy.


II. A Simple Macroeconomic Model

Macro economic models aim to explain the level of aggregate demand,

employment, interest rates, price level, trade balances, consumption, investment and

saving activities of the households and firms and government expenditure and net

exports. Keynesian models assume the aggregate supply to be perfectly flexible in the

short run with a constant level of prices. Behavioural parameters such as the marginal

propensities to consume and import and tax rates determine the impact of policy in the

real sectors of the economy. A simple version of Keynesian model can briefly be

explained in terms of 12 equations as presented in this section.

Consumption, the major component of the aggregate demand, is determined

by disposable income as following

( )ttt TYC −+= 10 ββ (1)

where tC is consumption, tY is the national income, tT is the tax rate. Parameters 0β

and 1β represent the consumption behaviour in this model; 0β can be considered as

the level of consumption for subsistence and 1β representing the marginal propensity

to consume out of disposable income has value between 0 and 1; 10 1 <∂∂


Investment is another major component of aggregate demand. In simplest

form the investment demand is determined by the rate of interest, the cost of capital

and the change in the demand in the previous period as:

110 −∆++= ttt YRI φµµ (2)

where tI is investment demand, tR is the rate of interest, tY∆ is the change in demand,

i.e. 11 −− −=∆ ttt YYY . Interest rate denotes the cost of capital and determines the level


of investment, as shown by 01 <∂∂

=RIµ . Producers invest more if there is more

aggregate demand, 0>∂∂


φ .

The government demand ( )tG and exports ( )tX are other two components of

aggregate demand. The tG component is fixed because the government has

commitment to a set of public services which cannot be easily altered. The tX may be

determined by the real exchange rate and the foreign income. We assume that both

tG and tX as exogenous variables in the model.

Imports provide for part of these demand as all goods and services consumed

or invested in the economy cannot be produced at home. Most of Keynesian models

relate imports to level of domestic income and the real exchange rate:

ttt mYmmM λ210 ++= (3)

tM is the imports and tλ is the real exchange rate may be defined as *PeP

t =λ where e

is the nominal exchange rate, P is the domestic price level and P* is foreign price

level. Parameters 0m 1m and 2m represent import behaviour of the economy. Import

rises with a rise in the level of national income, 01 >=∂∂ m

YM , and the real exchange

rate 02 >=∂∂ mMλ

. Higher real exchange rate makes the domestic economy less

competitive in the world. Nominal exchange rate may not always be aligned with the

real exchange rate. The purchasing power parity theory implies that currency should

appreciate (depreciate) if the domestic inflation rate is lower (higher) than the foreign

inflation rate. Evidence suggests that PPP holds in the long run but the risk adjusted

uncovered interest parity theory is more appropriate for the short run.


Macroeconomic balance requires the aggregate demand to be equal to

aggregate income. Households use part of their income in consumption, other parts to

pay taxes or to save as:

tttt STCY ++= (4)

This equation defines income constraint of an economy. An economy with more

consumption has less amount for saving or taxes or both.

Most often the collection of taxes by the government is mainly determined by the

level of income as:

tt YttT 10 += (5)

here 0t is the collection of lump sum taxes and 1t is the tax rate proportional to the

national income, 01 >=∂∂ tYT .

The national income identity emerges by putting all above features together from

income and demand sides as:

ttttttttt MXGICYSTC −+++==++ (6)

where the left hand side represents components of national income and the right hand

side represents components of aggregate demand. This also implies that the net

national saving, public plus private net savings, should equal the current account

balance of the economy, which is often called the fundamental identity of an economy.

( ) ( ) ( )tttttt MXISGT −=−+− (7)

If the net public spending is bigger than the net private saving, it is met by net

capital inflow. A country which is less credit worthy or has accumulated heavy debt

will not be able to finance its deficit by borrowing from abroad. Imbalances between

revenue and government spending represents a change in the national debt

( )ttt GTB −=∆ and debt accumulates over time 1−+∆= ttt rBBB . Trade imbalances


result in external debt ( )ttt MXD −=∆ and debt accumulates over

time 1−+∆= ttt rDDD . Persistence in budget or trade imbalances results in massive

accumulation of debt.

Equations (1) to (7) represent the real sector in the Keynesian model, where tY ,

tC , tM , tI , tR and tT are endogenous variables and 1−∆ tY , tG , tX and tλ are

predetermined or exogenous variables. It assumes that the aggregate supply is fixed in

the short run and output is completely determined by the demand side of the economy.

Fluctuations in consumption, investment, government consumption or exports are the

sources of fluctuation in income and employment in the short run. Hicks(1937)

formalised the Keynesian analysis in terms of investment saving and money market

equilibrium, IS-LM model in which the IS curve represents the equilibrium in the

goods market (IS) given the aggregate supply by a production function, ( )ttt LKFY =

in which variation in output is due to variation in employment as the capital stock is

fixed in the short run.

National income consistent with equilibrium in the saving and investment (the IS

curve) is derived by using (1), (2) and (5) in (6) tttttt MXGICY −+++= and

substituting all demand components (1) to (4) in (5).







111 mtY



Y ttttt ++−




= −





The first part on the right hand side shows impacts on output due to changes in

exogenous or policy variables, the second component shows how the aggregate

demand increases (decrease) with low (high) real interest rate, since 01 <µ . The third

component gives the dynamics of income, the acceleration effect of increase in

income in the previous period (we 01 =∆ −tY in our first two tables).


We take the above investment saving equilibrium (IS) model of Keynes and solve it

for various policy issues specifying eight different policy specifications as presented

in Tables 1 - 4. First is tax cut scenario where tax reduces from 30 percent to 20

percent. It is expected that the tax cut will have expansionary impact on output,

consumption and imports. One may expect that government budget surplus to

decrease after the tax cut as the government revenue falls due to the lower rate of tax

though it rises due to expansion in income which may lead to more collection of taxes

after an increase in income. Tax cut results in trade deficit as imports rise while

exports are fixed at exogenous level.

Table 1 Parametric Specification of the Keynesian Model

Parameters Base Case

Tax cut Spending MPC T &G

High X

High I MMM

G 200 200 200 400 200 400 200 200 200

X 100 100 100 100 100 100 300 100 100

r 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

C0 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300

b 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

I0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 200 50

d 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

t0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

t 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3

m0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

m1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.4

Raising government spending from 200 to 400 has significant impact on output and

hence in tax revenue, consumption and imports. It also worsens the trade balance. The

national saving fall because of deficit in government budget and balance of payment

situation becomes worse as imports rise due to increase in income. When both tax and

government spending rise it has more pronounced expansionary impact in the



Table 2 Solutions of the Basic Keynesian Model

Y T C I G X M S T-G X-M S-I Bal Base case 876.8 293.0 767.0 49.0 200.0 100.0 239.2 -183.2 93.0 -139.2 -232.2 -139.2 Tax cut 991.8 228.4 910.8 49.0 200.0 100.0 268.0 -147.3 28.4 -168.0 -196.3 -168.0 Spending 1166.7 380.0 929.3 49.0 400.0 100.0 311.7 -142.7 -20.0 -211.7 -191.7 -211.7 MPC 971.0 321.3 884.7 49.0 200.0 100.0 262.7 -235.0 121.3 -162.7 -284.0 -162.7 T&G 1319.7 293.9 1120.6 49.0 400.0 100.0 349.9 -94.9 -106.1 -249.9 -143.9 -249.9 High X 1166.7 380.0 929.3 49.0 200.0 300.0 311.7 -142.7 180.0 -11.7 -191.7 -11.7 High I 1094.2 358.3 888.8 199.0 200.0 100.0 293.6 -152.8 158.3 -193.6 -351.8 -193.6 MMM 720.2 246.1 679.3 49.0 200.0 100.0 308.1 -205.2 46.1 -208.1 -254.2 -208.1

The marginal propensities to consume (MPC) and import (MMM) are very

important. While the higher MPC implies more expansion of demand in response to

any policy induced or autonomous changes in the system, higher propensity to import

implies more leakages of resources from the economy, which sets a contractionary

impact to the domestic economy. Higher export like expansion in the government

spending has an expansionary impact in the economy.

So far we have taken only the real sector of the economy. More realistic model

should take account of both real and monetary sectors. This is done by integrating the

monetary and sectors with the goods market presented above under the IS-LM model.

The monetary sector has to complement the real side of the economy. Keynes

considers that total liquid wealth is divided either in money or bonds. The demand for

money arises for transaction, precautionary or speculative purposes. Higher level of

income raises the precautionary and transaction demand for money and higher rate of

interest reduces demand for money by raising the opportunity cost of holding money.

Putting these things together the money demand function takes the following form:

Money demand function: tt



MM210 −+=


Money supply tMM is considered a policy variable to be determined by a monetary

authority. In every period the rate of interest is set so that the demand for money


equals the supply of money. Since the price level is assumed to be fixed both the real

and nominal interest rates are equal. The money market equilibrium implies



t Ybb






0 1+

−= . (10)

The intersection points of the IS curve and the LM curves give the overall equilibrium

that satisfy both goods and money market equilibrium, this is also the aggregate

demand. Substitute (10) in (8) to find out the level of output and the interest rate

consistent with simultaneous equilibrium in goods as well as money markets.

( )































000102 11


µββ µφ(11)

This is also an aggregate demand function in the Keynesian model which is

downward sloping in prices. The equilibrium interest rate is found using the aggregate

demand (11) equation in the money market equilibrium condition (10). The interest

rate and the level of income are consistent with the equilibrium in both the goods and

money markets. No gap remains to be covered between the demand and supply. It

becomes a static model if 1−∆ tY term is left out.

( )





































000102 11








µββ µφ (12)

Finally, model with a change in income term, 121 −−− −=∆ ttt YYY , would be a

multiplier accelerator dynamic IS-LM model. Stating from an initial condition such as

01 YYt =− , not only the current demand but also the past demand will determine the

current equilibrium. This happens because of the adjustment process in investment. If

tY∆ was positive for a given time t, depending on the parameterφ , in the current

formulation, investment component will change.


Table 3 Parameters of the IS-LM Model

beta0 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 22114.16 beta1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.9 0.459078 mu0 500 500 500 500 500 500 1000 500 500 500 105457 m0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 -65167 t0 200 500 200 500 200 200 200 200 200 200 -201384 t1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.476403 m1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.387408 mu1 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1720.051 phi 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 G 20000 20000 25000 25000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 155880 X 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 8000 10000 10000 8000 289225 y0 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 b0 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 -78809 b1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.333992 b2 300000 300000 300000 300000 300000 600000 300000 300000 300000 300000 -1829.75 M4 10000 10000 10000 10000 15000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

In a simultaneous system any change in one variable will have repercussion in

all other variables. The dynamic path for income over years can be simulated using

this equation. More appropriately, as above, one should use both goods and money

market equilibrium conditions to do this simulation by modifying the exogenous or

policy variables such as the government spending tG or the level of exports tX .

Table 4 Solution of the IS-LM Model


Base case 0.0251 66901 51968 525 20000 20270 13480 8000 -5337 -5480 -5862 270

More Tax 0.024 65640 50453 524 20000 20692 13228 8000 -5505 -5228 -6029 692

More Spending 0.0324 75660 57486 532 25000 22898 15232 8000 -4724 -7232 -5256 -2102

Tax and Spend 0.032 75187 56918 532 25000 23056 15137 8000 -4787 -7137 -5319 -1944

More money supply 0.0084 66872 51949 508 20000 20262 13474 8000 -5339 -5474 -5847 262

More Sensitive Asset demand 0.0126 66977 52015 513 20000 20293 13495 8000 -5332 -5495 -5844 293

More investment 0.026 67777 52519 1026 20000 20533 13655 8000 -5276 -5655 -6301 533

More Exports 0.028 70405 54175 528 20000 21321 14181 10000 -5092 -4181 -5620 1321

Low MPC 0.01 48985 30454 510 20000 14896 9897 8000 3636 -1897 3126 -5104

High MPM 0.017 56928 45685 517 20000 17278 17178 8000 -6035 -9178 -6552 -2722

The model solutions in response to various policy changes as presented in the

above table show that the both fiscal and monetary policy can have significant impact

in the economy. These results are subject to the set of parameters presented above.

Behaviour of households and importers can have most dramatic macroeconomic


effects are shown by the scenarios for lower MPC and higher MPM, both of which are


The above tables show comparative static effect of a policy change. This

model also can be made recursively dynamic setting a dynamic path for income and

the interest rate, consumption, investment, tax revenue and imports by introducing

monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policy rule for the economy. However, more

information is needed on policy (exogenous) variables on exports and government

expenditure, two major exogenous variables in the current model. This model could

also be used to study a structural shift in the components of GDP by changing the

slopes and intercept parameters, which ideally should come from an econometric


The aggregate demand (AD) can be derived from the IS-LM model by tracing out the

economy in response change in the prices. A downward sloping AD implied that the

aggregate spending decreases in higher prices. This happens because of reduced real

balances, appreciation of domestic currency and reduction in external demand for

goods, or by lowering the expectations of income among people.

Above model can be applied to real economy using the macroeconomic time

series data and applied fore economic forecasting and simulation.


Figure 1 Macroeconomic Time Series of the UK,1960-2000

1960 1980 2000 2020



1960 1980 2000 2020



1960 1980 2000 2020



150000 I

1960 1980 2000 2020




1960 1980 2000 2020



1960 1980 2000 2020


750000 DY

1960 1980 2000 2020




1960 1980 2000 2020



1960 1980 2000 2020



1960 1980 2000 20200


1960 1980 2000 2020


20 Inflation

1960 1980 2000 2020


250000 S

1960 1980 2000 2020



1960 1980 2000 2020



1960 1980 2000 2020



1960 1980 2000 2020



1960 1980 2000 2020



1960 1980 2000 2020



1960 1980 2000 2020


10 Unrate

1960 1980 2000 2020



Source: World Bank database.

3SLS Estimation of Reduced form of a Keynesian Model with PcGive Consumption function C = 1.407*G + 0.1767*X + 0.2128*M4 + 8.059e+004

(SE) (0.212) (0.154) (0.0266) (1.63e+004)

Investment function: I = 0.0684*G + 0.2681*X + 0.02907*M4 + 4.292e+004 (SE) (0.182) (0.132) (0.0229) (1.4e+004)

Tax Reveneu: T = + 0.9521*G - 0.08909*X + 0.3204*M4 - 7.533e+004

(SE) (0.159) (0.116) (0.02) (1.23e+004)

Import function: M = - 0.4738*G + 1.003*X + 0.06508*M4 + 4.34e+004 (SE) (0.157) (0.114) (0.0198) (1.21e+004)

Interest rate: i = 0.0001148*G + 6.273e-005*X - 2.384e-005*M4 - 7.408

(SE) (4.93e-005) (3.58e-005) (6.2e-006) (3.79) log-likelihood -1798.42246 -T/2log|Omega| -1500.44537

no. of observations 42 no. of parameters 20 The above model can be applied to simulate and forecast the model economy as

illustrated in the following sets of diagrams.


Figure 2 Actual and Simulated values, Cross Plots of actual and simulated values, Fitted and

Simulated values and Simulation residuals

1960 1980 2000






1960 1980 2000



1960 1980 2000



1960 1980 200050000100000150000

100000 15000050000


1960 1980 2000



1960 1980 2000



1960 1980 2000



0 100000200000300000400000



1960 1980 2000



1960 1980 2000



1960 1980 2000



100000 200000 300000



1960 1980 2000



1960 1980 2000



1960 1980 2000



5.0 7.5 10.0



1960 1980 2000



1960 1980 2000



Figure 3

Ex-Ante Forecast of the Model Economy

2000 2005 2010



Forecasts C

2000 2005 2010





250000Forecasts I

2000 2005 2010



600000 Forecasts T

2000 2005 2010


500000Forecasts M

2000 2005 2010




10Forecasts i

2000 2005 2010



1.6e6Forecasts Y


III. Multiplier analysis using implicit functions: Linearization and Comparative Static Analysis in the Keynesian Model

The analysis of the demand determined model conducted above did not explicitly

include a production function with the level of output determined by demand. In a

neoclassical synthesis of Keynesian model a production function is included along

with demand side equations to represent the aggregate economic activities of the

economy. The capital (K) and labour (N) are the standard inputs in production and

each subject to diminishing marginal rate of productivity as following.

( )NKFY ,= ; 0>NF ; 0>KF ; 0<NNF 0<KKF (13)

The stock of capital is fixed in the short run implying variability of output directly

associated with the amount of labour input in use.

Consumption depends on disposable income

( )dYCC = (14)

where the disposable income is defined as ( )YY d τ−= 1 . (15)

The demand for labour is given by the marginal productivity of labour


N ,= (16)

In spirit of the Keynesian model it is assumed that involuntary unemployment exists;

not all individuals in the labour force are employed in present of excess supply of

labour. It is possible to increase output by increasing demand for labour by fixing the

market wage rate to a specific rate such as 0W until the employment rate reaches a

certain point such as N . The labour market condition in such situation can be

represented as ( )NWWW += 0 (17)

where ( ) ∫ >+≤





Finally the aggregate supply equals aggregate demand (aggregate income) as:

IMXGICY −+++= (18)

Money demand depends on income and the interest rate reflecting both precautionary

and speculative demand for money and money supply is assumed exogenous.

Equilibrium interest rate is given by intersection between demand and supply of


( )rYMPM ,= ; 0>yM , 0<rM (19)

Solution by linearization

A good solution strategy would be to reduce the above model into three equations by

substituting (13)-(15) into (18) and using the resulting equation along with other two

equations for labour and money markets.

( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) NXGrIKNFcKNF +++−⋅= τ1,, (20)

The left side represents the supply of goods and services and the right hand side gives

the aggregate demand. For simplicity assume exports equals imports and the net

export equals to zero.

The demand for labour equals the supply of labour in equilibrium in the classical

model and is obtained by combining (4) and (5) which equate real wage rate with the

marginal productivity of labour as:


N ,= (21)

The equilibrium interest rate is determined by intersection of demand for and supply

of money:

( )rYMPM ,= (22)


With the reduced form model consisting of (20) to (22) it is possible to determine the

solutions and conduct comparative static analysis taking total differentiation of these

three functions resulting in equations for employment, price and the interest rate.

( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( ) dGdrIKNFcdKNFdcdKFdNF rKN ++−+−=+ ,1,1 ττ or

( ) ( ) ( ) dGdrIKNFcddKFcdNFcdKFdNF rKNKN ++−−+−=+ ,11 τττ (23)



NKNN +=− 2 (24)



rKyNy ++=− 2 (25)

By further expansion and rearrangement for endogenous variable labour (dN), price

(dP) and interest rate (dr) this model is succinctly written as:

( ) ( ) ( ) dGKNFcddKFdKFcdrIdNFcdNF KKrNN +−−−=−−− ,11 τττ (26)


dMdrMdPPMdNFM KyrNy −=++ 2 (27)


dWdPPWdNF NKNN −=+ 2 (28)

Or this can be written in a matrix notation

( )( ) ( ) ( )

















rN ,1







This matrix can be solved for the changes in the employment, price level and the

interest rate if the determinant of the coefficients of endogenous variable in the left

side (Jacobian matrix) is non-singular; the determinant of this matrix should be non-


( )( )( )( )[ ]



=∆ 222


2 11

















The first term of the determinant is positive since slope of money demand function

rM is negative NF is positive. The second term also is positive since the slope of the

investment function rI is negative, the production function is subject to the

diminishing returns, 0<NNF . This means that determinant is non-vanishing and it is

possible to find a solution for this model. The Cramer’s rule can be applied to find out

the solution for each endogenous variable.

( ) ( )















rKK ττ


( ) ( )( )




∆= dGKNFcddKFdKFc





PWIdN KKrNKrKyr ,11


(32) As can be seen the change in the employment depends upon the monetary and fiscal

policy variables as well as the structural parameters of the model. Impact on output

can be found using the total derivative of the production function. dKFdNFdy KN +=

But the capital stock is constant in the short run, 0=dK . The above value of dN can

be used to solve for dy.

( ) ( )( )




∆= dGKNFcddKFdKFc






Fdy KKrNKrKyr

N ,1222



This equation can be used to find the output multiplier of change in tax, or money

supply or the government expenditure, or the because of the changes in the structural

features of the economy. For instance a multiplier effect of the change in the marginal

income tax is given by

( )




rτ (35)


Thus increase in the tax rate will reduce the level of income. The size of such

reduction depends upon the value of c, rM and 2P

W .

( )( ) ( ) ( )













rKKN τττ


( )( ) ( ) ( )

















It is even simpler to find the solution of the system for the short run.

For empirical analysis a standard modelling approach is to estimate the

structural parameters using time series data, and make these parameters as reliable as

possible and compute the values of multiplier and accelerator coefficients under

interest and find out the impacts of changes in government spending or tax rates or

money supply in output, employment and prices. The major issue, however, remains

about the stability of these parameters. A policy change is not only likely to change

the levels of variables but also the behaviour of people which further might change

the value of those parameters itself. The policy analyses based on a given set of

parameters, therefore, are less likely to be accurate though their value in providing a

benchmark scenario is unquestionable.

IV. Aggregate Supply and the Phillip’s Curve

Assumption of the infinite elasticity of aggregate supply (horizontal AS) in a standard

Keynesian IS-LM model presented has met with serious criticism in macroeconomics.

The first starting point in this direction was the Phillips’ curve (1957), which

recognised the trade-off between inflation and unemployment and thus an upward


sloping AS in the short run. Policy makers can reduce unemployment by increasing

demand through expansionary monetary policy but more demand for output exerts

extra pressure in both labour and capital markets. This causes increase in factor prices.

Higher factor prices lead to an increase in the price level. This fact is presented in the

form of short run aggregate supply curve as:

( )ePPYY −+= 50 and ( ) 7.03.0 10001000, === βα LKLKFY (38) Lucas critique (1976) introduces rational expectation among economic agents,

which states that only unanticipated demand management policies can have real

impacts in the economy. Given the structure of a macroeconomic model like above,

workers, employers, consumers or producers change their behaviour in order to

mitigate the consequences of anticipated changes.

The new Keynesian analysis introduces market imperfection to suggest why

the aggregate supply is upward-sloping but not as horizontal as suggested by Keynes

(Blanchard and Kiyotaki (1987), Manning (1995), Rankin (1992)). Imperfections

ultimately results in mark-up behaviour of firms and workers. The most of these

market imperfection models treat labour as the only variable input as the plants and

machineries cannot be varied in the short run. The simplest form of the market

imperfection model contains monopolistic mark up of product prices by firms and

similar mark on wage rates by the union. This process of wage price mark up as


Firm make sure the prices (P) of commodities cover the cost of labour (W). In

addition they charge a mark up (θ ) over the price. The extra amount is called the

mark-up as given by in the equation below.

( ) tt WP θ+= 1 (39) Unions (or workers) care for real wages. They also charge a mark-up over the

expected price while negotiating the wage rate from the employer.


( ) ett PW γ+= 1 (40)

Using (16) in (17) we have ( )( ) e

tt PP γθ ++= 11 (41)

Dividing both sides of (41) by 1−tP and defining ( )1



tt P

Pπ , the equation (41) can

be written as ( ) ( )( )( )ett πγθπ +++=+ 1111 . Using the law of small numbers this can

be approximated by γθππ ++= ett .

Both type of mark-ups, θ and γ , are normally higher in boom periods and

lower during the recession (Burda and Wyplosz (2002 p. 287) as given by the

equation below:

( ) ( )uubyya tt −−=−=+ γθ (42)

where the term γθ + are the sum of the mark ups charged by the unions and firms, y

is the actual output and y is the trend output, thus the term ( )yyt − reflects the

deviation of output from the trend, ( )uut − reflects how the actual unemployment rate

differs from the natural rate of unemployment. The parameters α and b are positive.

The firms can charge higher mark up if the actual aggregate demand is higher than the

trend and lower if the actual unemployment is higher than the natural rate of


The equation (41) includes only the labour cost. All sorts of non-labour costs

in the economy such as an increase in oil prices, increase in the prices of raw

materials, increase in the interest rate or the cost of capital are taken by the aggregate

supply shock. Then the aggregate supply function or the Phillips curve become:

( )

( )s



t +


−+= ππ (43)

The short run dynamics of trade-off between inflation and unemployment are given

by the expectation augmented Phillips’ curve. In case of an adaptive expectation


( )nttt uub −−=− −1ππ (44)

where tπ is inflation rate; tu is actual unemployment rate; nu natural rate of

unemployment. The impact of output gap on unemployment is given by Okun curves

is presented as:

( )nytytt ggauu ,,1 −−=− − (45)

tyg , is actual growth rate of output; nyg , is natural growth rate of output .

Finally link between money supply and price level can be derived using a simple

version of quantity theory of money PY=M, or by log differentiation

ttmty gg π−= ,, (46)

tmg , is growth rate of money supply.

Given the actual growth rate of output, increase in money supply raises the

price level and which can increase output in the short run but over time workers adjust

their expectation about the price level. Wage rates rise in proportion to change in the

price level, leaving output and employment levels at their natural rates.

To sum up macroeconomic general equilibrium is characterised by prices,

wage rates, interest rates, exchange rates which equate demand and supply in goods,

labour, money and foreign exchange markets. Disequilibrium may result when these

prices are not free to change because of institutional or policy reasons in the short run

but disequilibrium may not continue over a long period as wage rates adjust in

proportion to a rise in the price level. The impact of demand management is even

smaller under the rational expectation model as there is instantaneous price

adjustment in response to an expansionary fiscal policy with no impact of output and

employment implying a vertical AS even in the short run.


Policy makers may reduce unemployment below its natural rate in the short

run at the cost of higher inflation rate but the economy moves back to the natural rate

of unemployment once workers take account of rise in price level in their wage

contract. For instance suppose the economy is at point a in the beginning and

government wants to reduce unemployment rate below the natural rate, nu , by using

expansionary policy which creates extra demand for labour and reduces the

unemployment rate. Overtime, however, workers learn that prices have increased.

Their expectation of inflation rises. Phillips curve shifts out and becomes vertical

without any real impacts in the output and employment. Living standard of people

ultimately depends on the long run economic growth, more even so in case of

developing economies.

V. Critique on multipliers of a Keynesian model

As research in macroeconomic models has progressed over years these

Keynesian models have been criticised, revised and refined continuously. These

criticism and refinements can normally be classified into four categories.

First, Keynesian multipliers as presented above assume constancy of structural

parameters such as 0β 1β 1µ φ 0m 1m , 2m , 0t and 1t . As mentioned above

standard Keynesian practice is to use the times series data to estimate these

parameters and conduct economic forecasting assuming that these parameters will

remain stable. Such econometric forecasting lacks rational expectation (Lucas (1976)).

Expectations influence decisions of consumers and producers and economic agents

update information set as time goes by. Given a policy action from the public sector

there can be even more reaction from the private sector and such interaction

significantly changes the values of model parameters. Model results based on


constancy of parameters are likely to be flawed. Many suggestions have been made on

how the rational expectation could be incorporated in a macroeconomic model (see

Sargent and Wallace (1975), Fisher (1977), Wallis (1980), Mankiw (1989), Prescott

(1986), Taylor (1987), Taylor (1993), Sargent and Ljungqvists (2000), Minford and

Peel (2002), Blake and Weal (2003), Garratt, Lee, Pesaran and Shin (2003)) contain

techniques how rational expectation could improve predictions from a

macroeconomic model.

Secondly Keynesian models lack sufficient micro foundation to explain the

optimising behaviour of consumers and producers in a market economy. Though all

endogenous variables are determined simultaneously the equations for consumption,

investment, exports and imports or taxes, or interest rates or demand for money are

not derived from the optimising framework. Therefore the results of a standard

Keynesian model cannot determine whether a solution obtained from the model is

optimal one from the perspective of millions of households and firms in the economy.

The new classical and new Keynesian models that have appeared in the last two

decades have attempted to remedy this problem by explicitly incorporating the

optimising framework in the model (Mankiw and Romer (1993)).

Thirdly early Keynesian models lacked a good dynamic structure though some

attempts were made in this direction by Samuelson (1939), Phillips (1958), Phelps

(1968) and Friedman (1968). Model forecasts depended more on backward looking

adaptive expectation framework or on simple autoregressive structure despite the fact

that Ramsey (1928) already had developed an explicit dynamic structure for a

growing economy with single representative household.

Unhappy with Keynesian pre-occupation with short run fluctuations Harrod

(1939), Domar (1947) and Solow (1956) analysed growth taking the Keynesian set up.


These growth models involve maximising the utility of the infinitely lived household


e tt∫∞ −



1 σ

σρ subject to the technology constraint αα −= 1

tttt NKAY and capital

accumulation process ttttt KCNYK δ−−=& . When simplified, assuming 1=tA 1=tN ,

the optimisation problem is often formulated in the form of a current value

Hamiltonian as

( ) [ ]1


1,, −


= tttt KCK

CKcH δθ

σθ α


where C is consumption, a control variable; K is the capital stock, a state variable, θ

is the shadow price of the capital stock in terms of the utility, a co-state variable.

Market clearing, implicit in the budget constraint, implies that output is either

consumed or invested. The optimal path of capital accumulation is found using four

first order conditions:


tCH ttC θσ =− (47)


ttt K


−= ρθθ& [ ]δαθρθθ α −−= −1tttt K& (48)

tttt KCKK δα −−=& (49)

and the transversality condition 0=∞→


t Ket

Limθρ (50)

The first equation denotes the shadow price of capital in terms of the marginal

utility of consumption. The second shows how the shadow price is sensitive to

subjective discount factor and accumulation constraint. The final terminal condition

implies no need for capital accumulation at the end of the planning horizon. Capital

stock, consumption and the shadow price of capital remain constant in the balanced

growth path; cgCC=

&; Kg



and θθθ


t =&

. Proof of this follows from (48)

[ ]δαρθθ α −−= −1K




ρα α +−=−



1 (51)

This is the most important equation for deriving the equilibrium in this model. It

simply states that the marginal productivity of capital should equal the cost of capital,


where the shadow price measures the opportunity cost of capital. By assumption the

RHS in (51) is constant. This implies that the LHS also should be a constant,

therefore, 0=KK& . Then from the production function, if the capital stock is not growing

then the output is also not growing; and so 0=YY& . From the budget constraint when

output and capital stocks are not growing the consumption is also not growing;

thus 0=CC& . The shadow price also is not changing in the steady state as is obvious by

the log differentiation of (47) t






−= 0=t


θθ& .

The values of capital stock and output in the steady state can be solved from (51):

αδρα +

=−1tK 1


* −



αδρK and


δρα −



*Y .

Though the capital stock does not grow the economy needs positive saving to

maintain the capital stock intact: *** KKC δα −=

The saving rate ( )














KYK (52)

The major difference of this optimal growth model from the standard Keynesian

growth model is that the saving rate is determined in terms of parameters of

preferences and technology rather than being assumed as a constant fraction of the

national income. The higher discount rate for future consumption implies lower

saving rate and more productive capital implies higher saving rate. Higher discount

rate of capital reduces the steady state capital but raises the level of saving in the

steady state.

The transitional dynamics show a process where by the economy converges

towards the steady state once it is disturbed from that path. From the second first

order condition derived above, ( )δαρθθ α +−= −1ttt K& for 0=tθ& , since



δρα −




*K can be used in the ( )tt K,θ space for the transition dynamics of

the shadow price tθ relative to the steady state capital stock as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 4: Transition dynamics for shadow price of capital stock

0=tθ& 0<tθ& 0>tθ&

K* Capital stock can be increased above the steady state only by raising the shadow price

of capital above its steady state value or if the shadow price is lowered it will reduce

the capital stock. Similarly the transition dynamics of the tK in the ( )tt K,θ space

relative to the steady state of the shadow price tθ can be found using FOC (1);

ttC θσ =− σθ1

−= ttC ; ttttt KCNKK δα −−=& σα θδ


−−= tttt KKK&

σα θδ1

−=− ttt KK (53)

Figure 5: Transition dynamics for capital stock

0=K& 0>K& θ

ttC θσ =− 0<K&


δρα −




*K α

δα −



'K α






For sufficiently large value of K there is no θ for which (53) will be satisfied. The

largest such value of K can be found by setting the right hand side of (53) to zero.

tt KK δα = α






11 1K (54)

*KK > since 1<α and the 1>ρ .

Figure 6: Saddle path for Steady State Solutions 0=K& 0=θ& θ I II

ttC θσ =− IV III


δρα −




*K α

δα −



'K α





The saddle points for this model consists of points in ( )tt K,θ space where the

economy will converge to its steady state as shown by lines with arrows in region I

and II in Figure 6. The 0=K& path shows set of values of θ , for which there will be no

change in the stock of capital. Capital stock is rising above this line and falling below

this line. Similarly 0=θ& shows capital stock where there is no change in value ofθ .

The shadow price θ is rising to the right of this and falling to the left of this line.

Right balance between the shadow price and accumulation is obtained only by the

parameter sets in region I and III which guarantee the convergence of the system to

the steady state.

As seen from above derivations the long run growth path of the economy is

determined by a set of parameters in preferences and technology. Values of these

parameters are determined by cultures and institutions. Economies with a hard drive


for growth have lower discount rates for future consumption and higher rates of

saving than economies that value current consumption more. More efficient

economies produce more from the given sets of inputs.

Once the model parameters are specified it is possible to trace the growth

paths of consumption, output and capital stock in this model. There can be too much

capital if solutions lie in the region II and too little capital if the solution remains in

region IV. Analysis of data on economic growth suggests that OECD and many

middle income economies fall in convergence regions I and III. Fast growing

economies of East Asia belong to region II and they are accumulating too much

capital. Growth disaster economies such as those of Sub-Saharan Africa have not

saved enough and caught in poverty trap in region IV of the above figure.

Implications of the Keynesian models are closer to the conclusions of

endogenous models of economic growth that have become more popular after Lucas

(1988) and Romer (1989) in which the rate of economic growth need not to be limited

by the diminishing rate of marginal productivity of capital as in the above neoclassical

model when accumulated knowledge resulting from work of researchers in

universities or research laboratories is applied in the production process. Infinite

elasticity of supply assumed under the Keynesian models have same implications as

in these endogenous growth models as the demand can drive the rate of economic

progress. The stock of knowledge that exists in the form of designs, formulas or

models is a non-rival good with positive externality as it can be borrowed from the

library. These models assume separate production functions for research, intermediate

and the final goods sector while illustrating the endogenous process of technical

progress and its impact in economic growth. Workers in the research sector produce

new ideas that they sell to an intermediate sector, which apply them in production of


final goods. Productivity of workers in the final goods sectors rises when they get

better tools to work with. Economic growth is ultimately the result of human

resources employed in the research sector such as universities and research

laboratories. The production function is similar to the labour augmenting technology

in the Solow model with a standard neoclassical production function, ( )βαYALKY = .

Now technology A is the result of efforts of researchers working in the knowledge

sector. Total labour resource (L) can either be used in the knowledge sector AL or in

the production of final goods sector yL : Ay LLL += . As presented in Jones (1995)

any change in the stock of knowledge depends upon the number of people employed

in the knowledge sector, AL , average productivity in the research sector δ and the

stock of existing knowledge A as λφδδ ALA= and φ

λδ−== 1A


dAa A . By log

differentiating this equation one finds that the growth rate of technology is determined

by the rate of population growth in the steady state, φ



na . Higher rate of growth

of population is beneficial rather than harmful for economic growth because the

economy can afford to put more people in research. This type of endogenous growth

model shows increasing return to scale relative to all inputs used in production. Since

there is imperfect competition in the intermediate goods sector it is possible that

inventors can extract profits by selling patent rights to producers of intermediate

goods. Protecting research in terms of patent rights or subsidies to researchers

becomes optimal as research drives up productivity by increasing the stock of

knowledge in the whole economy. More demand drives higher growth rate both in

Keynesian and endogenous growth models.


The real economic growth process is much more complicated than explained

by the above models. Growth involves structural transformation in production, trade

and consumption. Conclusions received from simple single sector models are elegant

but can provide little intuition for actual policy analysis that involves assessments of

the underlying factors that determine demand and supply in the various sectors of the

economy and evaluation of redistribution impacts of policies implemented by public

authorities. Analysis of structural change requires more details on technologies

production across sectors and system of trade, preferences of households and about

the process of capital accumulation and finance. There has been some progress in

constructing more disaggregated dynamic general equilibrium models in recent years.

Sargent and Ljungqvists (2000) have shown how dynamic programming techniques

can be used to provide a consistent dynamic structure of an economy.

Fourth, the majority of Keynesian macro models only have a single good and a

representative firm and a household and lack structural details of an economy required

for evaluation of a policy that can affect various sectors and sections of the economy

in many different ways. Multi-sectoral multi-period dynamic general equilibrium

models developed in recent years provide both micro foundation and inter-temporal

optimising frameworks required for a policy model (Fullerton, Shoven and Whalley

(1983), Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987), Perroni (1995), Rutherford (1995), Bank of

England, NIESR) Bhattarai (1997, 1999), Kehoe, Srinivasan and Whalley (2005)).

V. Conclusion

This paper briefly reviews the Keynesian IS-LM model and the neoclassical

and endogenous economic growth models that are widely used in analysing

fluctuations of output in the short run and economic growth in the long run.

Numerical examples are provided to evaluate impacts to fiscal and monetary policy


reforms and to assess the importance of model parameters that describe the

behavioural aspect of the economy. Discussion here provides an overview of the

macroeconomic models often applied for policy analysis in the literature.

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