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Page 1: Key-Notes: November Division 5 Newsletter, NYDKC

Division 5 Newsletter, NYDKC

November, 2014 Issue 1

Page 2: Key-Notes: November Division 5 Newsletter, NYDKC


Table of Contents

“Greetings!” from Your Lieutenant Governor…………………………………………………Page 3

All About Key Club……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 4

Events…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 5

District Projects…………………………………………………………………………………………...Page 6

Eliminate Project…………………………………………………………………………………………Page 7

Service Spotlights……………………………………………………………………………………...Page 8,9

Paperwork Report………………………………………………………………………………….…..Page 10

Fun and Games……………………………………………………………………..…………..……...Page 10

Letter from International Trustee Shane Meyers……………………………….…………..Page 11

Getting Involved: From Club to International, Why to Run for Office….………..Page 12

Getting Involved: How to Reconnect with the K Family…………………………………Page 13

District Board…………………………………….…………………………….………………………..Page 14

Quotes, Jokes, and Folks……………………………………..………………………………………Page 15

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Greetings Division Five,

First of all, I want to congratulate all of you on all of the great work that we’ve done

so far this service year. Even though paperwork hasn’t been good, I have gotten a glimpse

of what we’ve accomplished at Kiwanis Divisionals, and it truly makes me proud to be at

the helm of the Division Five ship.

As I am writing this letter on Thanksgiving morning, and think about how I am tru-

ly thankful to have everything that I do, and it reminds me once again of all the people

who are not so lucky. As we all know, with the December holidays just around the corner,

it is again time for us to give what we can to make a time of joy and plenty a time of joy

and plenty for all of those in our communities.

Even though I was only installed as LTG this month, I still will push for great ser-

vice from our clubs as if I was a two-year veteran. Let’s make Division Five clubs into the

greatest Division Five there ever was, and let’s start that right now, in the middle of the

most important months of service of the year.

I hope that everyone in our division and beyond has had a fantastic November of

service and a Thanksgiving of family, and I hope that the upcoming month will be a

month of the greatest service we can give. I wish all a happy

holiday season, a productive and strong month of school and

service, and a New Year’s to remember. Happy Key Clubbing!

Yours in Service,

Lt. Governor Matt Garber


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All About Key Club

Key Club is the largest high school service organization in the world, with more than 270.000

members from more over than 5,000 clubs in over 30 countries. It exemplifies the ideas of ser-

vice, leadership, compassion, inclusion, and integrity.

Key club is organized into four levels, Club, Division, District, and International.

The club level is the most important. It is where the service is done. Each club must have a Presi-

dent, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, but after that, they are mostly administrated

how the club wants.

A Division is headed by a Lieutenant Governor, and is made up of an average of about 9 or 10

clubs in close geographical locations. The Lt. Governor can appoint other divisional officers as

he chooses. The division is all about communication, as it is the bridge between the clubs and

the upper levels of Key Club. It is small enough to be unified in service projects and big enough

to be a larger unit of the organization.

The District is organized by state, group of states, or country, depending on the area. For us, it is

New York State. The District is headed by a Governor, Secretary, and Treasurer, as well as Execu-

tive Assistants, a Bulletin Editor, and a Webmaster. The rest of the board is made up of the Lt.

Governors of the Divisions in the District. District is all about administration. I keeps track of

the overall service of the clubs within its boundaries and sets goals and projects to help focus the


International, the highest level of Key Club, is run by the International President and Vice-

President along with a Board of 13 Trustees (each representing three Districts). The District Gov-

ernors also play a role in International. This highest level is all about leadership. It plots the

course for Key Club.

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Divisional Meetings

We need host schools for upcoming divisional meetings. We

are looking to hold one sometime in early January and one in

the very beginning of February (for elections). Please contact

LTG Matt Garber if you are interested in hosting. It is incredi-

bly important that we find host schools, so please consider it

at your next Club Board meeting. Our first is December 3rd

at 6:30 PM at Calhoun High School.

Leadership Training Conference

Every year, our district holds a conference of all of our clubs. This year, the 67th Annu-

al Leadership Training Conference will be held at the Desmond Hotel in Albany from

March 27-29. It is an incredible event where we hold workshops on aspects of Key

Club, officer training, service projects,

and plain old cool stuff. There will be

dances, socials, meals, and free time

during which you will meet Key Club-

bers from all over the state of New

York, all with the same passion for ser-

vice that you have. We will also be

electing our new District Governor,

Secretary, and Treasurer as well as endorsing candidates for runs at International posi-

tions. It will truly be one of the most memorable weekends of your life. As far as the

theme, I would tell you but then I’d have to– wait I can tell you! The theme this year is

espionage, so all Agents of Service, join us at LTC this year!

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District Projects District Projects are the main foci of the District for the Service Year. The following (plus Elimi-nate Project, which is on the next page) are the District Projects.

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center is dedicated to securing proper treatment for young trauma victims. It has partnered with Cohen Children's Medical Center in New Hyde Park, and is now helping to provide the resources necessary to properly recognize, diag-nose as well as to transport patients to the proper facilities and treat trauma in kids, saving many children from death and/or permanent disability.

The Pediatric Lyme Disease Foundation is a part of the efforts of the New York District Kiwanis. It raises money to help pay for the treatment of Lyme Disease, which causes se-vere brain problems as it progresses. Over the years, it has payed over $267,000 for treat-ment for young patients of this disease.

Make-A-Wish is a nationwide charity that grants cancer patients' wishes. They bring happiness to children all around the country at the time when they need it most. Make-A-Wish has received significant publicity for its wish-granting, and is one of the supported charities of the district.

St. Jude's is one of the premier hospitals in the world for all kinds of pediatric illnesses, and is often a child's last hope. They provide top-notch care, regardless of the financial, or any other, for that matter, state of the patient and his/her family.

Kamp Kiwanis is a summer camp in upstate New York run by Kiwanis that allows underpriveleged children and special needs individuals of all ages to go to camp when otherwise they could not. Kampers attend for free, so all the expenses are paid by donations. Kamp Kiwanis is all about bringing smiles in the way only summer camp can to people who would not normally be able to attend.

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Eliminate Project The Eliminate Project is the large scale effort of UNICEF and Kiwanis (supported by all

of its SLPs) to eliminate Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) from the globe. By raising

$110 million, enough vaccinations can be made and distributed to eradicate the disease.

As of now, over $72 million have been raised.

What is MNT?

MNT kills one baby every 11 minutes around the world and in excruciating fashion. It

causes extreme sensitivity to light and touch and repeated, painful convulsions in the

child, and also affects the mother. It is difficult to treat, but can prevented by vaccina-

tions for a total of just $1.80 per mother.

UNICEF workers around the globe are working tirelessly to distribute and administer

vaccines to people in the 24 remaining countries with MNT. Their efforts have been sup-

ported by the K-Family’s fundraising efforts. It has been eliminated in 35 countries so


What is being done?

What can we do?

Keep those funds coming in. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is again a great success. Key

Club’s overall fundraising goal for the year is $1.4 million, which we are expected to ex-

ceed. Since the start of the project, Key Club has raised over $2.4 million, saving more

than 1.3 million mothers and their babies.

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Service Spotlights

A Service Spotlight is a brief article about an event or project that

has been done by one or more clubs and is written by an officer or

member of the club. They can be submitted to your LTG by email-

ing one, along with any pictures that you may want included, to

[email protected]. I encourage you to submit them,

and they are great opportunities to have your club and its work fea-

tured and recognized by the whole division.

No One Submitted A

Service Spotlight!!!

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Service Spotlights




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Fun and Games

So far, Monthly Report Forms haven’t been good. This spreadsheet contains information

from 11/28/14. Please start submitting MRFs. They reflect well on your club and our divi-

sion, and the also help the district keep track of our progress towards our service goals.

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Letter from Trustee Meyers

Hello Division 5!

First of all, I’d like to briefly introduce myself. I’m Shane Meyers and I currently serve the New York District as an International Trustee. That basically means that I’m a member of the International Board who works on committees and represents three districts. In the past, I’ve had the pleasure of serving as a club officer, as a Lieutenant Governor from the West Palm Beach, Florida area, and as Florida’s District Treasurer.

Throughout high school, I’ve been an officer on every possible level of Key Club: club, Division, District (as an executive), and International. With this perspective, I’ve realized that the Division is one of the most important levels of Key Club. The club level is undoubtedly the most important level because without it, we wouldn’t have any members to perform service. The purpose of the International level is to set a gen-eral direction for Key Clubs everywhere. The purpose of the District level is to further refine that direction. The purpose of the Lieutenant Governor is to relay this direc-tion to the clubs in his or her division. This officer, in your case Matt Garber, is able to greatly influence your success in creating positive change in your community. All you need to do is listen up and prepare to participate.

When all the levels of Key Club International work together, something beautiful happens. When International creates initiatives like the Eliminate Project, the District

Governor guides the district effectively, and your Lieutenant Governor cares as much as Matt does, you have the oppor-tunity to make that ‘something beautiful’ happen. You have the perfect storm for an effective year of service in Division 5; you, the club member, have the power to inspire more ser-vice than ever before. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish during the rest of your Key Club year. If you ever have any questions for me, please feel free to send me an email at [email protected].

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Getting Involved

How to Reconnect with K-Family

2015 is the 100th Anniversary of Kiwanis’s founding, and it is the goal of Kiwanis

District Governor Eric Paul to reconnect with all parts of the K-Family. So, as Key Clubs,

we can take initiative and go to a Kiwanis meeting, speak to a Kiwanian about what we’re

up to.

Try to develop a strong relationship with your Kiwanis Advisor and the rest of your

sponsoring club, perhaps by going to a Kiwanis meeting, and the opportunities will only

get better from there. Once you have connected to your Kiwanis Club, you can start hold-

ing joint events. They’ll ask you for help, and you’ll ask them. Pretty soon, you’ll get into

contact with your Circle-K and Aktion Club counterparts. You’ll begin to help support K-

Kids and Builders Club. Go to K-Family divisionals, and don’t be shy to talk to people

from other clubs and locations.

When you foster relationships like this, you develop a network of people and or-

ganizations that you can work with and get support from. Establish goals of a certain

amount of (measurable) collaboration with other levels and you’ll be able to do more than

ever have in your work.

The K-Family is the K-Family because when it works together, it works better, like a

family. Knowing the other parts of the K-Fam creates bonds and opportunities that would

never be possible otherwise, so, when you think about yourself, as New York District Cir-

cle-K Governor Renee Girard said at Tri-K weekend, to paraphrase, when you think of

yourself, think more than just, “I’m a proud Key Clubber,” think, “I’m a proud K-

Fammer.” Together, we’ll go far.

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Getting Involved

From Club to International, Why to Run for Office

As Key Clubbers, we have four years, four short years, to do everything that we want

to do in the organization. Once we graduate, that’s it, we’re done, off to college (and may-

be Circle-K) or out into the “Real World,” (and maybe Kiwanis). If we had infinite time

here, we could wait it out, maybe join the Club Board when no one else is willing, see if

we like it, maybe move up. But that’s not the case; we have to take initiative, be decisive. I

was lucky in my path. I got involved enough to go to LTC, where I was inspired. I had al-

ready been elected as Club Treasurer because I had been willing, not because I was jump-

ing out of my shoes to start in a leadership role.

Seeing what it was like on a Club Board, I knew that leadership was where I wanted

to be, and I had learned a little bit about what Key Club International, as in Key Club as an

organization as opposed to just a club, was all about at LTC last March, so when the Lieu-

tenant Governor position opened up, I knew that it was where I was supposed to be. Now,

as only a Sophomore on the District Board, I can see all of the opportunities that lie

ahead of me. I know how far up I want to go. I never could have gotten here without tak-

ing the first step and joining my Club Board.

My advice to people curious about leadership opportunity is always the same; get

involved early, so that when you know where you want to go, you can get there. Find ways

to see what all the levels are like. Attend DCON (District Convention, which is LTC for

us). You may fall in love, and know right away that you are destined to be International

President or District Governor or International Trustee. When you give a leadership role,

even as just a particularly active member, a shot, you can find these things out, and now

you have a starting point. Or, you can decide that you cannot stand the thought of being

even a Club Officer again. But at least you know, at least you tried it out, and I guarantee,

you will be happier for it. There will be no doubt in your mind because you saw where you

could go and knew what you really wanted to do in your four short years.

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District Board

Governor Jacob Spencer Secretary Heather Farley

Treasurer Anusha Syed Bulletin Editor Sharon Lin Webmaster Danny Qiu

Executive Assistant Kiera Solomon Executive Assistant Theresa Lin

Lieutenant Governors by Division Division 1: Sarah Strebel

Division 2: Zachery Payton

Division 3: Christin Shen

Division 4: Rohit Mathew

Division 5: Matthew Garber

Division 6: Zainab Nathani

Division 7: Anish Jain

Division 8: Henry Wang

Division 8A: Cindy Pietrakowski

Division 9: Clifford Young

Division 10: Ryan Coffey

Division 11: Aaron Cheung

Division 12: Diyu Pearce-Fisher

Division 13: Jai Agarwal

Division 14: VACANT

Division 15: Logan Graham

Division 16: Hanna Nicols

Division 17: Hailey Etherton

Division 18: LeeAnn Owens

Division 19: Taylor Barone

Division 20: VACANT

Division 21: Kenneth Vreeland

Division 22: Bryana Snyder

Division 23: Victoria Syracusa

Division 24: Rebecca Monroe

Division 25: Julia Dressler

Division 26: VACANT

Division 27: VACANT

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Quotes, Jokes, and Folks

Lt. Governor Matt Garber: [email protected]

Governor Spencer: [email protected]

International Trustee Meyers: [email protected]

Secretary Farley: [email protected]

Treasurer Syed: [email protected]

Bulletin Editor Lin: [email protected]

Webmaster Qiu: [email protected]

Executive Assistant Solomon: [email protected]

Executive Assistant Lin: [email protected]

District Administrator Goldstein: [email protected]

Kiwanis Committee Representative Scharoff: [email protected]

Kiwanis Lt. Governor Santer: [email protected]

ANY LTG: [email protected]


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did-

n't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the

safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

—Mark Twain

“I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is

false. The hundredth time I am right.”

—Albert Einstein

"A big man is one who makes us feel bigger when we are with him."

—John C. Maxwell



He drove his expensive car into a tree and he found out just how the

Mercedes bends.

The only difference between a sharp-dressed man on a tricycle and a

poorly dressed man on a bicycle is a tire.

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Key--Notes Division 5 Newsletter, NYDKC

Edited by: Matt Garber

November, 2014, Issue 1


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