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Key Tips For Creating A User Friendly

E-commerce Website

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E-commerce is the soon-to-be mega trend of every society


Many peoples thinks search engine optimization is the easiest term but know one know that it’s a hardiest one. Seo now is very calculated. core principle of Seo haven't change but Google started to implement on it strictly.

There are plenty of new things we need to include when it comes to on-page for ecommerce websites. After panda 4.0 updates. We need to do extra care for our business website here I discuss most basic and important tips for E-commerce website. these following tips I hope you will enjoy:

Basic On-page Startup Technical SEO we must need to Remember

• Keyword research• Easily searchable• Website Navigation• Load timing both desktop and mobile• Call to action button• No duplicate title and description• No duplicate pages/ make it canonical or 301 redirect• Meaningful internal linking• No 404 Errors and broken links

If your website is setup on these Following basic On-page SEO you will outrank your competition in the SERPs, in your targeted search terms.

There are plenty of SEO on-page factors involved to out rank your competition for E-commerce website but here we will discuses most important and basic things

“Lets GET STARTED in detail step by step”

Generally mots of the 70% internet marketers spend time in searching new ideas and thing. Weather it is Re-research on blog topics, competition research, keyword research anything else. Once the research is complete perfectly your half work don.

Always Research:

Put your most important items at the beginning of the navigation and the least important items in the middle. “Contact” should be the last item on the list, putting it at the far right in top-level horizontal navigation, a standard location.”You can also use Breadcrumbs techniques that will help visitor to find content easily on your website. But if your website has more than 500 pages then you need to categorize broad topics or subjects and plan out a sitemap accordingly. Refer to this broad guideline on how to create easy site navigation.

Create Easy to Access Site Navigation

Keep your E-commerce site easily searchable. It should be convenient for the people to navigate through the site and find their required products without wasting a lot of their time. Also offer them with keyword suggestions related to their queries so that customers can find a bigger range of options to choose from.

Easily Searchable Products

Research shows that Mobile users wait on average of 5 seconds for your website to load. Desktop users wait only 3 seconds.

To Keep pace with busy consumers, website must load efficiently or risk loosing business.Google prefers website load time to be 1-3 seconds.

Website Load Timing

Place a decent number of calls-to-action on your E-commerce site that will help customers place their order anytime without having to search for the relevant buttons. Moreover, there should be sign-up buttons placed on the site as well that lead towards a simple and to-the-point sign up form which consumers don’t feel reluctant to fill in.

Call To Action Button:

start writing unique content for each category & product. Try to write at least 200 to 300 words lengthy description so people and search engines can easily find the category and their offering. Sometime people use manufacturer’s content for category and product pages, but I would recommend this, you need to create completely new, unique content for each category and product pages.

Create Unique content for each category and page.

make sure that the meta elements ( Description, Titles) of your web-pages are unique as well. You can check this in your GWT under HTML improvement tab, see snapshot above: Do not use same description and title tags for multiple product pages, every page should have a unique description and Title tag.

Unique Title and Description for each page:

Meaningful Internal linking to each other pages is the most important for E-commerce website. It is an most important factor in SEO its increase keyword ranking and also helpful to consumer to navigate whole website. It’s allow to distribute link equity, helps Google to crawl pages easily and reduce your website bounce rate.

Meaningful Internal Linking

E Commerce websites are not easy to manage and optimize, they might have hundreds or thousands of product pages and thus require extra caution while optimizing. Almost all large ecommerce websites which were hit by Panda have had large number of product pages containing duplicate description of the product which leads to the shallow page label. click here to read more bout shallow pageSo there are two solutions to overcome this problem.Block search query using robots.txtUse canonical URL, that is, tell search engines which are your preferred URL. The URL structure is < link rel=”canonical” href=”http://domain.com/canonical.html”>. You can check more guide on canonical URL read more about canonical tag

No Dynamic pages/Duplicate pages

Finding a broken link on a website is bad practice for SEO and it can hurt your ranking on search engine. Always monitor broken link using tools like deadlinkchecker.com, brokenlinkcheck.com, and xenu. I usually monitor my client’s website over 15 days or sometime once in 1 month and whatever broken link found, I immediately remove it.

Broken Links 404 pages

On 21st April, Google rolled out mobile friendly algorithm update with the aim to improve search over mobile device. If your website is not mobile friendly and your target customer are mainly found on mobile than you can lose your traffic and ranking over mobile devices read more about Why Your Website Must Have Responsive In 2015

Responsive Website

For ecommerce marketer, handing out of stock product is the biggest hurdle because there is no hard and fast rules for dealing with unavailable or out of stock products. But after all, you have to strategically manage out of stock product to avoid decrease in sales. Read more in this article

Handle Out of Stock Page Strategically

For ecommerce site, there are many important step occurred in ecommerce transaction like providing payment details, user details etc

so customer always want to check whether your website is secure with socket or not before buying a products or services. So before boarding on an ecommerce project, you need to ensure that all the necessary systems are secured with high socket layer like encrypt 256 bit or more. You can use socket license provider like Norton, Godaddy, Comodo etc. Moreover follow these ecommerce site security essentials to fight fraud and virus attack.

For Ecommerce, Site Secure is Must

Sitemap is a kind of gateway through which search engine understand flow of your site. Search engine giant Google only accept XML sitemap.Whenever you make any changes on webpages or attempt any of the above activities, you need to submit sitemap immediately after updating. While creating sitemap, follow these xml rules and regulations. If you have more than 500 pages, then use free tools like Xenu, GS site crawler.

Submit XML Site map consistently

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