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Page 1: Keynote #3 when policy meets design by jung joo lee

When Policy Meets Design

8 Sept 2016 | UXSG’16

JJ Lee Assistant Professor. Division of Industrial Design School of Design and Environment. NUS

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When Policy Meets Design

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When Policy Meets Design A decision-making system that the government adopts for its governance & public services

A decision-making system that aims at changing existing situations into preferred based on design doing

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Why the Modern Government Needs Transformation? Why & How Design can Bring the Transformation? What are Our Challenges & Remaining Questions? Transformation is a Mutual Process.

When Policy Meets Design

1 2 3 4

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21st Century Problems

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21st Century Problems

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21st Century Problems

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21st Century Problems

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Complex network of problems

People’s needs & contexts are complex & dynamic

Hard to define what is the core problem

21st Century Problems

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Complex network of problems

People’s needs & contexts are complex & dynamic

Hard to define what is the core problem

21st Century Problems




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Problem-fixing culture

Modern Government?




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Parliament of Britain

1793 2015

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Are we trying to solve 21st Century problems with the 18th Century tool?

Parliament of Britain

1793 2015

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Problem-fixing culture

Modern Government? Design


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Problem-fixing culture

Modern Government? Design

Empathy to Humans

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Problem-fixing culture

Modern Government? Design

Empathy to Humans


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Problem-fixing culture

Modern Government? Design

Empathy to Humans

Framing Opportunities


Prototyping & Iterations

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Very recently, this is happening in Asia, too. Gov 3.0 Design Group, Korea (2015)

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Singapore government starts to see potentials of design.

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“It was a fresh, potential approach to try! …not sure how I can apply to my work, tho.”

“Can I have the toolkit? We can then do design thinking!”

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Truly embedding design capabilities, beyond one-off projects

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Collaboration with the Ministry of Manpower since 2014

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MOM’s Journey to Adopt Design Sought a new approach to bridge a gap between policy intent & people’s experience

Collaboration projects with external design experts (e.g. IDEO)

Sending the public officers to Stanford d.School

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Behavioral Insights and Design Unit (BDU)

Internal agency (est. 2013) that brings BI + Design approach to the Ministry

MOM’s Journey to Adopt Design

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Collaboration with NUS Design

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Collaboration Model of NUS Design x MOM

How could we truly embed design capabilities within the Ministry, beyond one-off projects?

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Collaboration Model of NUS Design x MOM

Reflection & Implementation

Design Capability Building

A Series of Collaborative Projects 1 2 3• BA Design Studios (11-13 week project)

• 4th project now started

• Student internship for the development

• Follow-up project for implementation

• Follow-up interviews with MOM officers

• Workshops

• Design capability mapping tool

Pilot Project (2014)

How could we truly embed design capabilities within the Ministry, beyond one-off projects?

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Design-Driven Transformation of the Government

Service Offerings

Practices, Skills & Mindsets

Organizational Structure & Belief

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Design-Driven Transformation of the Government

Service Offerings

Practices, Skills & Mindsets

Organizational Structure & Belief

Collaborative Design Projects

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Design-Driven Transformation of the Government

Service Offerings

Practices, Skills & Mindsets

Organizational Structure & Belief

Follow-up interviews Student Interns

Collaborative Design Projects

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Design-Driven Transformation of the Government

Service Offerings

Practices, Skills & Mindsets

Organizational Structure & Belief

Design capabilities workshops Mapping tool

Follow-up interviews Student Interns

Collaborative Design Projects

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Design-Driven Transformation of the Government

Design capabilities workshops Mapping tool

Follow-up interviews Student Interns

Collaborative Design Projects Service Offerings

Practices, Skills & Mindsets

Organizational Structure & Belief

Scaling up

Long-term functioning structure

Sharing cases

Evaluating Success & Impact

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Design-Driven Transformation of the Government

Public Sector Design Ladder (Design Council UK, 2013)

Service Offerings

Practices, Skills & Mindsets

Organizational Structure & Belief

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MOM Services Centre (2014) 1 Temporary Job Scheme Process (2015) 2

Employment of Foreign Domestic Workers (2016 3 Job redesign for Older Workers (2016) 4

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Some Principles for Designing with Government

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Reframing the Project Brief: Problem-Solving à Exploratory

Project 1 (2014): Original Brief

Efficient service for walk-in customers at the MOM services centre

Reframed brief

Supporting Self-Help (effective education & communication, outreach)

MOM game card set & ambassador program for dormitories

Outreach e-kiosk

Some Principles for Designing with Government

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Continuous Involvement of the Public Officers

Testing prototypes at the Services Centre (2014)

Students learn complex issues around policies & enhance feasibility of their ideas

Public officers build empathy, understand design, gain ownership

Some Principles for Designing with Government

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Perspective Shift from “Why this is impossible” to “What can make this possible”

done by John Teo, Chan Shi Ming, Wilmer Tay (2016)

Some Principles for Designing with Government

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Aiming at Impact, beyond Deliverables

Progressive learning toolkit for employers & FDWs (2016)

done by Chan Wing Kei, Huang Yixuan, Jomains Neo & Shanti Alberti

Some Principles for Designing with Government

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Deliverables: Toolkits Impact: Co-creation project for Implementation

Some Principles for Designing with Government

Aiming at Impact, beyond Deliverables

Progressive learning toolkit for employers & FDWs (2016)

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Follow-up interviews

•  How the officers think of the benefits and limitations of design in their work?

•  What are the challenges in bringing design within the government? •  What are the opportunities?

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There are design advocates! Then, how to support them to apply in everyday work?

Different expectations of what design can do, due to their experience & job scope

Growing interests in design & support from the management

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In the organization’s process of adopting design,

how could we help the members realize different expectations of design among themselves, and achieve a shared understanding and a goal?

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Design Capability Mapping Tool

Allows employees to map their current perceptions on design, and facilitate a shared understanding within a team and an organization

Design Capability Mapping Tool

Tool that helps members map their current perceptions on design, and facilitate a shared understanding within a team and an organization

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Research by Yvonne Yeo (NUS)

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Questions related to key mindsets & practices for each phase

Research by Yvonne Yeo (NUS)

Levels of maturity

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Research by Yvonne Yeo (NUS)

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Research by Yvonne Yeo (NUS)

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Research by Yvonne Yeo (NUS)

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•  6 month-long employee-driven design projects (Mar– Aug 2016)

•  Two rounds of testing: First & last workshop

Setting for the Pilot Test: Behavioral Design Platform

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• Map their design-related perceptions & practices • Goal-setting for what skill sets they want to develop

• Identify (mis)alignment in members’ understanding • Facilitate a shared understanding of design & their goals


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as Conversation Piece

Enhance designers’ ability to engage organizations into a conversation about their own design legacies & visions (Junginger 2015)

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Forunderstandingprojectchallenges,yourteamtendstochurnavailabledataorseeksviewsfrominternaldiscussionsorthroughcross-departmentcollaborations.Yourteamconsiderstheroleofend-usersas’functionalinformants’whocangiveyoufeedbackonservicetransactions(MOMster).Thereseemstobelessexperiencesonend-userengagement inthedesignprocess,especiallyfortheproductowners.

Yourteammaybenefitfromdeeperunderstandingofend-users’realexperiences, includingtheirmotivations,goals,valuesystem,socialrelationships,worriesandfrustrationsbothatworkandlife.Thesemayhelpyourteam identifywhatactuallystopsthemfromusingMOMster (perhapsnotonlybecauseofitsfeaturesbutbecauseoftheirsocialandculturalsurroundings),andwhatcanmotivate themtouseMOMster.

UnderstandingtherootcausesoflowuserengagementofMOMster mayhelpyoudesigninamoreplatform-level thanafragmented, singleproblem-solvinglevel.Yourteamhasstrengthinprototypedevelopment,engaging inaseriesofco-creationactivitiesbyusingprototypesinvariousfidelity-levels,partneringproductowners,developers (programmers)anduserswillbenefityourproject.

Whereasyourteammembershavedoneprototypetestingwithend-usersandotherstakeholders,theprojectownermightlacktheexperience ofinvolvingend-usersforprototypetesting.Gainingend-users’feedbacksearly inthedesignprocessanditerativealongtheprocesswillhelptheteamrefinedesigndirectionsrelevant totheendusers.Asmajorityofteammembershavedoneprototypetestswithendusers,itwillbegreattoexploremore testingmethodsthatcanbedoneindifferentphasesofthedesignprocess.Youmayconsidertoseekwaysandresourcestodopilottestwithrealusersinlong-term.

Yourteamhasexperiencesoncreatingcommunicationmaterials tobriefinvolvedstakeholders, includingimplementingdepartments.Perhapsyoucouldalsothinkofwaystoinvolvethesepeoplewhowill‘actually’implement inessentialstagesoftheprojecttoincreasetheirunderstanding.Overall, yourteamhasthemind-settomonitortheimpactsoftheproject.Yourteammayconsidercreatingeffective, regularcommunicationmilestoneswiththe implementers. IfthemeasurementoftheimpactoftheprojectisagainstKPIs,makesurethatthecriteria tomeasureKPIsaresharedbythevariousstakeholderstohavethesameview.

project MOMstars

• Expertswhoareusedtofixtheproblems• Couldbenefitfrom‘holisticviewstousers’:theirmotivationsandvaluesatworkand


• Dotaponexistingprototypingskillstomakethemmoreparticipatoryanditerative• Benefitfromempathicdesignmethodstolearnusers’experiences,journeysystem



Conversation Piece for a team, and between a designer & a team

Research by Yvonne Yeo (NUS)

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Transformation is a mutual process.

Government / Policy making


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Mindset: Learning organization’s legacy & tapping on enablers

Discipline & Community: Expanding, redefining the areas of expertise

Transformation is a mutual process.

Government / Policy making


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Critical questions.

Portability of this collaboration model?

Teaching design to the staff who has domain knowledge? Or teaching designers the domain knowledge?

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Thank you. Q&A

Jung-Joo Lee [email protected]


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