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Keys to

Unlock Your Dreams


Keys to Unlock Your Dreams Workbook

Section One: The Introduction and First Key Welcome to Keys to Unlock Your Dreams! My intention with this workbook is to share information as efficiently as I can, that you can easily begin to apply, to noticeably enhance your life experience. Instead of working hard to create your dreams, this workshop will help you see that your dreams are already alive and growing. You can learn to hear and follow their call, feel their pull, enjoy the process and step into and live your dreams. This is demonstrated well, in a fun and enchanting book called, The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, about Santiago, a shepherd who is true to his dreams and who he really is. I believe this story touches a core inherent in our being here living life. And that is, when you are creating your personal legend; the entire universe comes together, and even conspires, to help you. You may have experienced Universal Forces coming together to help you already if you wished for something and you received it faster than you believed possible or you received something even better than you had imagined, or when you experienced fun coincidences! Take some time here to recall instances of this happening for you. How often would you say these experiences occur for you now? For example, how many times a year, month, week or a day, do you experience these types of occurrences? _______________________________________________________________________ What would your life be like if these occurrences were happening several times a day? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

You can consciously learn to increase these occurrences in your life experiences and that’s what this is about. This workshop is about discovering a new way to process of your own experiences.

The first key is. . .

All the power and resources have been given to you at birth to create the life of your dreams.

There was no “playing favorites” when you came here. You have right now within you, all it takes to get there. This is about getting back in touch with those resources.

This workshop is about practicing a new way to process life to enjoy the journeys to what you want more fully

and feel powerful as the creator of your own experiences.

Section Two: The Map This is the Overview of the Territory we are covering in this workbook. It may feel like a journey that you can even “map” out as we go along, so there will be markers along the way to add to your map. Mostly, you want to begin to map out this journey in your mind whether you draw out a physical map or not. There is a path marked “A”, that most people are on. It is crowded, with lots of clamoring and where people want to please others, so they learn to conform. It is very main stream. You’re born, you go to school, work, die. Also on this path, which is very goal oriented and action based and they believe they must struggle and sacrifice. Many people on the “A Path” try in vain to discover “how” to achieve their dreams, and many eventually give up and bury their dreams and compromise their lives. Today you are going to focus on the journey of arriving into a “B” area, on the right side of your map, where your dreams are, where you live your dreams and create new ones. Any new ideas you get and any dreams and desires you think of are launched over here in B. Santiago dreams about a treasure at the pyramids- that is over here in his “B” area. Solutions are here. There is never a crowd of people here. You feel like you are on a leading edge as you are creating this map as you go. This B area feels exciting, and adventurous, full of good feelings and ideas. In this formattable, the keys are key ideas. They are used as clues on your paths and open up gateways into the B area, where you rendezvous with all you want. There are 8 examples of the paths and gateways described here, and although they are separated to look at individually, they really are all interrelated, and you may come up with your own creative combinations as well, as this is merely a simple guide.

I The first passageway or gateway we will look at, into the B side is Dreaming the Wanted where you begin to find alignment with your dreams in the “B” area. II The next gateway to possible paths into the B area, is the idea of Leverage and some of its many forms. Here, you become aware of the idea of leverage that is available for you to use to get your dreams easier and faster than you ever thought possible. You will also get the “Master Key” here. It is the Secret that gets edited out of things created to give you the “secret.” The greatest leverage of all, same as the billionaires use, gets introduced and is further explained in the next section called. . . III The Science. The scientific basis bridges many into the “B” Area by bridging beliefs for this to all work. IV The fourth idea is called “the Why.” It is a simple but powerful way to begin to easily use that leverage I just mentioned. V On the way to your dreams, and creating your personal legend, you access the path of least resistance to your dreams, and we show you an example of this with the subject of money. VI The sixth path is Mindset. There are many people who are able to inspire others into the “B” area and we are going to look at the core of what they are all doing so you can do that for yourself. VII The Calling, the seventh path, my favorite, is where you practice hearing and following the call of the dreams today. Here you learn about a guidance system to your dreams that can lead you along your path easily. I fully expect that at this point you’ll feel closer to your dreams. There is also special bonus called Time and Relativity. VIII The last gateway is Opening Up New Possibilities and reaching beyond what you belive is possible. The paths beyond this Gate are some of the most exciting and adventurous. At the end of this workshop you will understand how it is you are getting what you are getting and be at a new platform to begin the journey to your dreams and experience them. Also, write down questions or comments that come up and feel free to contact me to get clarification.

Section Three: The Eight Paths I The First Path or Gateway: Dreaming the Wanted. In the book, The Alchemist, Santiago dreams of traveling. As you are going through this workshop, dreams and desires that seem to call you may come up. They can be something you want more of, or something physical, or a feeling or an emotion, like more fun, or adventure, or well-being, most people want more money. You can sketch or list anything “wanted” to journey towards in this B area on the map (without judging or justifying them.) Dreams and Desires that come up for me include. . . ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Many times, when people on “path A” dream or desire, they are aware of the absence of their dream and feel the lack or an uncomfortable yearning as they can’t see how to get their dreams. Have you felt that? To soothe those uncomfortable feelings, many people, on the “A” path, next try to stop dreaming or shrink their dreams. This workshop, however, shows you how you can get there and it can be an enjoyable ride. You have been desiring and dreaming your whole life consciously and unconsciously. Would you agree? Knowing it’s natural to dream and desire and feeling good about it is forking to B. You don’t have enough money, you want more money, that’s natural. Dreams and desires can feel like the beginning of new journeys and adventures with this new way to process life.

So a key is:

Desire is a natural feeling of anticipating expansion or an awareness of new possibilities. (Evolution depends on this!) Let it feel natural. Eagerness is natural. When you read over your dreams and desires, remember that it is natural to dream and desire and superimpose a feeling of ease about this natural process on these specific dreams and desires. The people on the A path know what they don’t want. They say things like “I’m tired of being so broke,” and “I hate working so hard and never getting anywhere.” Also their dreams are sometimes less organic as they conform to please others and they take their cues from the media as another example. Fear is an easy sale over here. Can you think of examples of this?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To enter this leading edge B area, you not only can state what you want but it feels good emotionally. You make your dreams authentic to who you are. You are inspired to things that would feel better in some way. Santiago’s father wanted a more reputable job for his son, instead of shepherding, but Santiago followed his heart. He makes his own decisions and then asks others for their blessing. Also, you have been on “A”, and you created things that everybody expects you to create, and you say, “I did that!” It becomes easy. Then you are inspired to be, do, and have more beyond the mainstream! Well, the people in the B area did that also. They desired or dreamt or imagined first.

So, a key is:

This is a process. (And you are doing well!) Participating in this workshop is very B, especially if you are feeling eager and hopeful.

II The Second Path is Leverage. Leverage is the ability to do more with less; it makes things easier. They love leverage in the “B” area and it is commonly used and talked about. They talk about how cleverly they leveraged their money, OPM, their assets, etc. You can get really creative with the different forms of leverage to make things fun and easy. Robert Kiyosaki gets really creative with the idea of leverage in Retire Young, Retire Rich. He has the leverage of fairy tales, and the leverage of generosity, the leverage of habits; the whole book is different leverage! Santiago leverages off of his past experiences, for example, and the experiences of the Alchemist, and other mentors that show up to help him. We are going to leverage off your knowledge of who you really are and your past and future experiences, on the way to discover the greatest leverage for creating any dream. Here is where you get what we call the Master Key. It’s the secret behind the secret, the information that keeps getting edited out of many works that are produced to give this to you! We will work with this key a little later and you will see how important it is!

Here is the Master Key

There is a larger part of you,

and therefore two points of relativity, and they both exist as YOU in an “Attraction Based Universe.”

You get to interpret this larger part in your own way! Some call it God, the Universe, Voices, subconscious mind, intuition, your Inner Being, etc. (We allow everyone to interpret this in their own way.) Next, you are about to discover the greatest leverage for creating any dream.

III The Science Here’s the scientific basis for how we are creating our dreams. In the Alchemist, there is the “Master Work”, or“Alchemy” which is a distillation process. Here’s where we get to the core of things. When we break down anything on a molecular level, and then even smaller, what we find, that any quantum physicist will tell you, and. . .

This is a key:

Everything is energy.

What appears to be solid is actually a dance of particles in space. Are you solid? Is anything solid?

Here are some keys: Energy is transmitting and moving to a destination & Energy transmutes in and out of form. So change is all there is. There is a Law of Vibration. You’ve heard of “frequencies”. Thoughts are very high frequencies. Science has discovered thoughts are things in preform, AND, all thoughts still exist. Scientists come up with different laws of physics, like gravity. You may have heard of Law of Attraction.

A very important key is: We live in an “ATTRACTION BASED” UNIVERSE. So, with these keys and ideas, you want to understand which transmission and which change will net you what you want. That is specifically what we want to practice today. You will consciously direct the transmission of energy and the direction of change.

Because all thoughts still exist, what you think and feel, and therefore vibrate, matters to the universe. Whatever energies you send out sets up an attraction or activation of like energies. You are thinking thoughts all day that keeps this in motion around your two perspectives, and the thoughts are then managed by Attraction. Your vibration now is a gate to what attraction is giving you back to interpret which is your reality, or life experience. So instead of controlling your experiences, which is what people on the A path do, you go to the original creation point, sort of like the headwaters, and direct the currents, and manage your own vibration, and allow attraction to work for you. I think you’ll like how easy this plays out. Let’s use money as an example. Feeling wealthy in your present environment brings more wealth. How about feeling free? Beginning to feel more free in your present environment brings more experiences of freedom from Law of Attraction. So feeling happy now, brings more things to feel happy about. Feeling clear in my present environment brings clarity.

Feeling strong in my present brings strength. Feeling loving in my present brings love. Focusing on things that please me brings more that pleases me.

So, by far the greatest leverage, same as the billionaires use whether they know it consciously or not. . .

My favorite key is. . .

Finding vibrational alignment with your dreams is your greatest leverage

for creating them. The vibrations you transmit are your

point of attraction.

So how does it feel to be finally addressing the vibrational nature of your being?

At this point, you may be starting to realize that the B area is not a physical area. So the journey to the things you want in this workshop goes beyond the physical journey that most people are taking.

IV The Vibrational Essence of What is Wanted

Finding WHYS is a way to find vibrational alignment with your dreams and desires. Santiago is thinking of buying a ticket to Africa and leaving his sheep and all he knows to pursue his dreams. As he is looking out in the distance, and pondering his decision, he feels the force of a wind on his face, and he thinks about how free the wind is to go wherever it wants. At first he is jealous of the freedom of the wind, but it helps him get down to the vibrational essence of what he wants, which is the feelings of freedom and his eagerness for adventure. Do you think he buys the ticket? When you leverage your own vibrational nature, and match it to the vibrational essence of what you want, even dreams and physical things that seem unreachable get closer and you begin to feel their pull. A very easy way to do this is to find your why, which is the fourth path. So forget about the “how” for now. I know this seems backwards in such an action-based society. For example, say you want to allow more dollars to flow into your experience. Why? Because it would feel free and fun. Because you are feeling eager for new experiences. Because you like the feeling of unlimitedness. Now, at this point, you may be thinking, how can this be moving me towards my dreams? Well, do you see how you can get down to a feeling tone? (Because it would feel so free and fun.) Doesn’t it seem to call you to things that feel free and fun? If you can use a why to feel that, then you discovered something HUGE vibrationally speaking. When you can learn to find alignment by finding your whys, which was easy and fun, the hows will begin to materialize for you, easily and sort of like magick, in waves of possibilities. To continue this example of allowing more money, and getting to the feeling tone of freedom and fun, some inspired action occurs to you, that matches the free/ fun vibration, such as an impulse to go somewhere or call someone. Now when you do that, you may get an idea and it pays off. Anytime you get a piece of your dream, it is an indication that you found vibrational alignment with your dream. Do you see how you positioned yourself for that occurrence?

This is what we practice specifically in the next workshop with dollars and in the Wave Riding Game. When you really think about it, why do you want anything, whether it is a relationship or more adventures, or ________________________?

You want them because

you believe you will feel better in some way. So, what is also nice is that you get to enjoy the feelings of the thing before the thing, and you really wanted the feeling any ways right? You are always emitting feeling tones and things that match the feeling tones line up for you to converge with. Why not consciously choose to emit feeling tones and vibrations that feel really good and match what you want? There is great power in each NOW to do this. Your life now is a result of sorts from what you have been vibrating in the past. Your now vibration dictates the options the Universe gives you to choose your future.










Do you choose how to respond or just knee jerk react? Are you taking inspired action or are you busy without alignment? Have you figured out that you CAN set up useful habits and Law of Attraction helps with that? Do you want to know the really good news? You don’t even have to emit the exact feeling tones to attract what you are wanting, you just have to get within range, and we’ll see that more when we learn to hear the calling of our dreams.

V The Path of Least Resistance You may see how these ideas are interrelated at this point. When you focus energy on the wanted and begin to attract the wanted into your life, the Universe, which is in a constant state of motion, is matching energies up. The “wanted” lines up for you in many possible ways. Money is an idea, or thought agreed upon by so many people as a marker of energy that gets to be exchanged, that it is many times in the path of least resistance between you and your dream. Making peace with money is leveraging your vibration, your personal energy, to get to your dreams. Many people were taught/trained certain negative things about money over here on the “A” path. “Millionaire” and “money” and “rich” are highly charged words for many people, so all you do is take the negative charge off these words. Reframe what money is in your mind to where it feels good to you emotionally. If you ask people in the B area what they think of money they will commonly say it is a tool. There’s not much negative emotional charge around that. Remember this is a process!

Here is another key:

You live in an abundant universe. Start noticing abundance.

Well-being abounds. It does. This is pretty easy to notice abundance and well-being in nature and I challenge you to find examples of this.

My Examples of Abundance ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Santiago is in search of a treasure he believes is buried by the pyramids, and the story seems to shift to the discovery of the treasure within. Can you feel the treasure within? There is a wealth of emotion that can guide you to all that you are and when you are in touch with it, it can feel like soaring. Here is a fun video link about The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, made by Paulab-raconnot on Youtube. It can help you feel the soaring feeling within or “the ride.”

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuBmkEuxLd4 The Path of Least Resistance is about smoothing things out emotionally, which is what this is all about. Do you want a few more clues about dollars? ~Eventually you may understand how things are really unlimited and it isn’t like a pie that if one person takes a big piece there is less for the others. ~Someone said, “It’s always the guy with the money, who says it’s not about the money.”

Financial Intelligence Training forks many people over into the B area as it Appeals to people’s Logic. (In A-H language you are bridging beliefs.) On the A path they believe TIME is a limited asset and then they tie their income to time. “How much do you earn an hour?” They are tying the things they dream about with what they believe to be their only limited asset, so they are saying, “I’m choosing to limit my income and dreams. A financial key is to begin to untie your dollars from time. This makes sense. It’s logical. Because of what you now know, you want to untie your dollars from time vibrationally as well as physically. And just to let you know, because thoughts about dollars come up hundreds or even thousands of times a day for most people, and because they are many times synonymous with freedom, which is the basis of life, we have dedicated a whole workshop/training where we use these keys to specifically allowing more dollars. It’s called Opening Vibrational Doors to Dollars.

VI Mindset Number 6 is Mindset. Every subject has a vibrational range and you want to find where you are on that range and keep leaning more towards the side of what is wanted to change your point of attraction. On the subject of money, for example, are your thoughts and feelings closer to the desperate absence of money in your life, or the magnificent abundance? Many teachers/trainers are showing you the opposite ends of this range on different subjects, and this helps people to lean to the better feeling side and get to the “B” area. For example, in Harv Eker’s book, The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, there are wealth files where he does this: “Rich people believe ‘I create my life.’ Poor people believe ‘Life happens to me.’ Rich people think big. Poor people think small. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles. Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.” He has 17 of these files. The Robert Kiyosaki books are about mindset also. He uses the analogies framed as his rich dad taught him one thing and his poor dad taught him another. For example, when his poor dad would say, “We can’t afford that”, his rich dad asks how CAN you afford this. My poor dad taught me to work hard for money. My rich dad taught me to have money work hard for me.

A trainer named Dani Johnson calls it balanced thinking. For example, “Walk by sight” gets balanced with “Walk by faith.” What if it doesn’t work? What if it does? What if you fail miserably? What if you succeed beyond your wildest dreams?

Santiago demonstrates this as he talks to himself regarding relationship and a loneliness situation, “Don’t think about what you left behind. Think about the return.”

Now that you are aware of what they are doing, you can do that for yourself on your subjects as they come up in your life.

VII The Language of Life Next we come to my favorite path, the Calling.

As your dreams of what you want have the power to call you, you want to learn to hear that call. As Santiago is shepherding, he establishes a relationship with his animals and nature and there is a unique communication or language he taps into and he calls it the “Language of Life”. People who are good at creating their dreams speak about following and using their intuition and gut instincts a lot!! They rely on their gut to steer them and if something doesn’t feel right they don’t take action. So, this is about taking the gut route. When Santiago is crossing the desert with a caravan on his way to the pyramids, they re-orientate by the stars each night and as they keep going they eventually get there. Similarly, you know how to get to places physically using a map and signs, and people pointing the way. On the way to your dreams, however, you don’t see signs and mile markers. Many don’t recognize how to quantify that journey and subsequently they keep getting turned around half way and then turned around again, going back and forth never getting there. The good news is, you do have a navigational device you can use on the way to your dreams, so you can really get there. The information that follows is mostly from books and workshops by Jerry and Esther Hicks and the teachings of Abraham. This information has helped me beyond words. The guidance system that you were born with and trained away very early from is called your “emotional guidance system.” by Abraham-Hicks. Some call it their gut feeling, and some call it instincts, but it is a vibrational language, or the Language of Life. If you want to more specifically quantify your emotional journey, in, Ask and It Is Given, by Jerry and Esther Hicks, they have an emotional guidance scale you can use. With practice, you will know as you are moving up the scale on different subjects, that you are getting closer to them. You can even begin to feel a tipping point or line to cross in your emotions around hope and belief on the scale. So instead of noticing your life experience and taking physical action to correct it, and risk getting turned around without knowing it, you can navigate by taking the emotional, vibrational journey first, then follow with the physical inspired action.

So actually you are always taking two journeys together. An easy way A-H is demonstrating this is, “telling a different story.” Now once again, this may sound slow-going, and simplistic and you may tend to think that after taking so much action for so many years and only getting this far, how can this?, doing this?, net me what I want? This is the energy that creates worlds. This is what really does it. Anyone who has ever created anything has aligned with it vibrationally, without exception. When telling a different story, you start with where you are on a subject and find where you are emotionally with it. You next find a series of statements that feel better. If you continue to practice the new story and make the new vibration from the higher emotions your dominant vibration, soon you will see physical evidence of it in your experience.

So a key Moment by moment, find relief; a visceral gut feeling.

Now let’s first just practice feeling the direction of our thoughts. Think of something you have been dreaming about for awhile. Now really doubt or feel disappointed that you won’t ever experience it. Really feel that. Now, feel hopeful about it even if you are making up a story and expect it if you can. Feel the difference? Next is an example of changing a story from a frustration and worry range to a more hopeful range on the emotional scale, and then even into appreciation.

Chris’s New Money Story I have been working on a new story. The subject or aspect of my life that I picked is career and money. My old story was, sometimes I do feel I don’t have enough money and I worry I won’t have enough when I’m older. I also feel a little limited because I usually get my income from an occupation that has a certain salary, and it feels a little limiting. My new story is. . . “Recently I felt very inspired to write a book that I am very optimistic about. It’s very fun to talk about and think about, and work on. I can see how there are many creative and fun possibilities for money to flow to me in the future. I understand that as I am maintaining higher vibrations for longer periods of time, more ideas and actions like this will match up to me. I am seeing the correlations of my thoughts and my experiences and I am seeing these also with others. Because I understand the vibrational basis of my life now, and I am paying attention to how I feel, I am appreciating my current position and I do appreciate the dollars that are flowing and I do have it good!” (Did you hear how she went from frustration to appreciation?) In telling a new story, you are speaking your dream into existence. In the B area you are aligning energy. You adjust your vibration and allow fun coincidences and even miracles. It is easier and fun and it yields huge results. I love the A-H workshops also, where they demonstrate this and other processes on all kinds of subjects that people come up with. You can demonstrate this to yourself and make some correlations! Notice what people are saying and what they are getting. Really sit down and write out where you are emotionally on different subjects in your life and move them up the scale. Once you really show yourself the power of this leverage, all kinds of possibilities will open up for you.

Here are a few more things that are nice to know about this. ~Usually you are vibrating in the same range on many subjects in your life, and moving up the scale on the easiest subject will magickally move the others up. So, you can leverage off of your favorite subjects! ~The very best place to be vibrating from is a state of appreciation and love. People in the B area are appreciating constantly. The best stance to take is happy where you are and eager for more. ~You want to keep it fun and easy and as there is a buffer of time. You did have momentum going with the old vibration, so be consistent with the new and keep going. It becomes really fun to see the correlations between what you are thinking and feeling and what you are getting. You have a formula for understanding your world and it’s like math, it yields consistent results. So it gets really fun. Results show up first as well-being, then more opportunities for inspired action, fun coincidences, what people refer to as luck AND living your dreams. ~Sometimes you want something so much that when you think about it you think more of not having it. In other words, we get in the way of what we want. So, sometimes not thinking about something at all lets it in. That’s still creating what you want. ~After awhile you really begin to feel your vibration viscerally. It gets really fun. When you “feel” like you are getting closer to something, you are. ~When things come in, a lot of times they feel like the next logical step, so the journey really does become the fun, exciting part. After you get the hang of this you find tricks to feel better faster, which is creating. You learn to appreciate more and milk your good feelings and enthusiasm as you create. It gets the momentum going. In the Alchemist, Santiago recalls good thoughts and experiences and leverages off of those, for example, he uses his meeting a King to feel “on track” over and over. It’s like a touchstone that he evokes certain feelings from. So the “call” or the language of your dreams is not necessarily something you hear, but everyone has emotions so it can always be something you FEEL.

(Bonus)Time and Relativity from Abraham-Hicks We have on this planet linear time and expansion. You can’t go backwards. Time is a focusing mechanism. It’s relative and perceptual. You are actually in control of time. You can learn to allow time to literally stand still in the best moments so you can devour them with more detail, and make some past struggles a blink. You can mentally work on your day, or a segment of your day ahead of time by thinking about what you want to achieve and why. Feel good about it before hand and as you live it later it can be smoothed out for you. The Universe lines things up for you and you just have to get in the flow, following impulses and you get back more time. Think about this. Big things don’t really have to take more time like you thought. It really depends on you and how much time does it take YOU to line up the energy. Once you are in alignment, the Universe will swoop in and arrange it all. Impatience is better than being bored, but eager is better than impatience. I like saying and feeling, “I’m excited to see how this will unfold for me.” Relatively speaking, nobody knows how you think and feel and all the dreams you have been dreaming all your life incrementally and the life experience you have been living. No one else knows how you are vibrating and feeling and where you would like to be vibrating and feeling. So, there really is no book or person or workshop that has all the answers for you and the person you are becoming. They can only offer you clues and at best guide you to your own guidance you were born with. Only you know. Where you are is only a platform to where you are going. You are finding the perfection or your personal legend, your own path, and your own truth.

VIII Opening up New Possibilities (This next part is different, as common logic is transcended.) At the end of the RYRR, when Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad asked him, “What would you do if there was no risk and it required no money to become rich?” and Robert couldn’t conceive of that at first. “A world of no risk and no money required? That does not exist.” Rich Dad asked him, “If such a world existed would it be worth the journey?” Robert kept saying, “But it doesn’t exist.” And I want to ask you what would you do, and would it be worth the journey to you? Then Rich Dad asked Robert if he remembered the story of Alice Through the Looking Glass, and Rich Dad said that he went through the looking glass. Most people will only see the mirror, and all they will see is what most people see in that mirror. This is about an expanded reality and expanding your reality into new places. There are possibilities of different realities that your larger part sees and with a broader and higher perspective, they can open up. Every one has different aspects of their life like relationships and family, fun and recreation, and careers. There’s another aspect that most that most people never really get to, and that is the area of learning to consciously create your reality. If you can begin to wrap your mind around some of the ideas in this workshop, then you are always invited to the next workshop that sets you up to practice using these keys and ideas open some Vibrational Doors to Your Expanded Self.

Santiago's life depended on him turning himself into the wind which he believed at first was impossible. This part is about transcending your beliefs. It is definitely about a leading edge in thought and creation. It is about the on beyond in your story. . .

A Key that you may find for yourself is. . .

You are an eternal being.

You can’t get it wrong because you never get it done.

Section Four: In Closing/Opening Although the A area is a physical place, in the physical world, where you create “things” through physical effort, the B Area is not only a physical area. B is beyond physical, where you begin to experience yourself as a vibrational being having a physical experience which is your vibrational interpretation. I know that to practice these keys, you are doing things upside down and backwards, and yes it does seem sort of through the looking glass, but the world and beyond will open up for you in ways you never imagined if you go there. Santiago and the Alchemist on the way to the Pyramids get detained and searched by tribesmen, and when asked about his belongings, the Alchemist tells them the truth. “That’s the Philosopher’s Stone and the Elixir of Life. It’s the Master Work of alchemists. Whoever swallows the elixir will never be sick again, and a fragment from that stone turns any metal into gold.” So they are laughed at, but allowed to proceed. Santiago asks the Alchemist, Are you crazy? Why did you do that? And the Alchemist says it was to show Santiago one of life’s simplest lessons, “When you possess great treasures within you, and you try to tell others of them, seldom are you believed.” So, I’m saying go test this for your self, and start noticing the correlations, and take the next step to actually use the Master work. We all have choices. You can continue to live as most do, or you can use the guts you were born with and step into your dreams! I love this Abraham Quote about Real Success: “Success is about a happy life and a happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don’t allow the happy moments because they are so busy trying to get a happy life.”

Congratulations! You completed the workshop.


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