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Page 1: KeyVision - legal software timesheets, billing, reports

Smart control for lawyers

Fast time tracking, billing and reporting

Page 2: KeyVision - legal software timesheets, billing, reports

Why KeyVision?

Instant access to vital information and performance indicators in a

single page – dashboard;

Full time tracking features considering worked hours and billable

hours per lawyer, contract, file or project;

Fast calculation and issuing of invoices based on billable hours;

Complete clients, contracts and files management;

Management and tracking of cases;

Comprehensive reports and performance analysis;

Highly configurable application;

Single database for the complete business management;

Friendly interface;

Fixed cost per user per month;

KeyVision allows lawyers to

monitor all key factors in

their business: full reports

about revenues, unpaid

invoices, efficiency for each

lawyer and for the

company, billing status,

clients, contracts, time

spent per each contract,

file or project.

KeyVision as a service

No complications regarding infrastructure. No servers, no licenses, no

initial investments. We take care of everything related to hosting and


Easy to use due to the intuitive and friendly user interface. Lawyers

are not required to install any software or to read a user manual;

Significantly lower costs due to small implementing and maintenance

effort, and also to the elimination of licence purchase costs;

Free and automated access to all new versions of the legal software


High accessibility guaranteed, the only concern for lawyers being the

internet connection;

Hosting in professional data centers, with up-time guaranteed;

24/7 availability;

Security and redundancy.

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How much I cash in?

What is my efficiency?

What is the status of my clients?

You will know exactly how much your clients paid, what you must cash in

and the total amount of open invoices. Plus, you can calculate the average

number of days required to cash invoices for each client.

Efficiency calculation is our specialty. In dashboard you have immediate

access to this indicator, calculated for the current month or previous

month, and it’s evolution for the past 12 months. You can further detail this

analysis for each lawyer.

To monitor clients is essential. KeyVision automatically calculates how

many new clients you’ve attracted in the current month, how many clients

were active and how many generated revenues.

Dashboard is the key element of

KeyVision because it synthesizes all

essential information for lawyers in a

single page: vital performance

indicators and reports that can be

accessed based on user rights –

manager, senior lawyer or junior.

Moreover, it provides a

comprehensive view on company’s

financial health: efficiency,

productivity, revenues, open

invoices, top clients, top efficient

lawyers and many others.

How much I invoice?

The legal software KeyVision

automatically calculates the amount

to be invoiced based on the current

timesheets and contract settings.

Also, presents an overall situation of

issued, paid or open invoices. With

a single look you will know how

much you have to invoice for the

current month and compare it to

results on previous months.

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Smart calendar.

Complete details regarding clients and contracts

Comments in client’s language

Validation of timesheets by the superviser

E-mail notifications for incomplete timesheets

One look to understand the timesheet status. Green for complete and

correct timesheet, orange for incomplete timesheet, red for the days

missing timesheets, blue for holidays.

Time tracking is made taking into account the client, the contract, the file

or even an explicit activity such as drafting a legal opinion.

KeyVision guides you even when filling in comments for each timesheet by

suggesting the language preferred by the client.

KeyVision allows you to validate a timesheet before being included in an


If an employee doesn’t fill in the time-sheet or the timesheet is incomplete,

you are automatically notified by email.

We know that convincing lawyers to

keep accurate and up to date

timesheets can be difficult.

KeyVision solves this problem by

transforming the entire process of

time tracking in a simple and fast

one. We started with a calendar that

highlights, in a single view, the status

of timesheets for the current month:

days with incomplete timesheets,

days missing any record of worked

hours, days with full timesheets and

even holidays. Moreover, a series of

reminders will notify you about any

possible derails.

KeyVision assists you throughout the

entire process of time tracking, the

user being guided to fill in certain


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All items can be edited with a single click, directly from the calendar.

You can save daily tasks directly in KeyVision by simply filling in a form with

basic information. Once saved, they become immediately visible in the

calendar, both for the responsible person as well as for its colleagues.

Reminders are available on the first page of KeyVision. This way, you can

immediately see urgent tasks, contracts about to expire, court hearings or

open invoices. Moreover, a simple click on a reminder will open a window

with detailed information about it.

You can define holidays and leaves directly from KeyVision. They will

automatically become visible in the calendar and time-sheet page.




Now you can access in a single

page all planned activities for the

current day, week or month.

This means immediate access to

court hearings, tasks, deadlines for

ongoing projects, even reminders

for unpaid invoices or contracts


You can easily identify them by


green for your own tasks and


grey for your colleagues’ tasks

and cases

red for any exceeded task or


blue for holidays







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In KeyVision, the terms of court file

or cases are implemented at all

levels. Namely, once you have

defined a client and a court file, you

can track time on this file and you

can record all cases at which you

must participate.

Each case will have complete

information for lawyers. Additionally,

KeyVision automatically notifies you

about the date of the case.

KeyVision looks after your court files

Organize your cases

To define a file is as simple as any other activity in KeyVision. You even

have the possibility to set specific invoice fees – global fees, fee per case,

hourly fees.

The legal software KeyVision helps you organize your activity. Starting with

date, hour, location and status, you can record all information required by a

complete management of cases.

Each case with full information, including the resolution and comments

published by portal.just.ro.

For each court file or case, you have the option to access the information

published on portal.just.ro by courts or other competent institutions

regarding the file in question. You can do this based on the file number and

because of that is very important to input the correct identification number.

Current status for active court files

and cases

You have access, in a single page,

to a full situation regarding active file

courts, with reference to the

following case.

From this window, you can edit files

and sincronize the information with

the ones published in portal.just.ro.

Integration with portal.just.ro

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Billing & Payments

KeyVision calculates in real time

what needs to be invoiced

More than that, takes into account

all possible types of financial

settings – whether we talk about

hourly fee, global fee, subscriptions,

fee per activity or per project phase.

Sounds complicated, but the entire

process consists in going through a

number of steps that starts with the

selection of client and ends with the

validation of the final invoice. Billing

was never more simple for lawyers.

Real time calculation

What needs to be invoiced?

The legal software KeyVision takes into account everything that was

recorded and calculates in real time the value of invoices. The information

is also available in dashboard, one click away.

Unlike other legal systems, KeyVision shows you everything that neeeds be

invoiced. You just have to select and confirm the items included in the


Invoice by email

You can send invoices to clients

directly form KeyVision.

Using the Email option, you can

send the pdf format of invoices to

the contact person set as default for

that client. The email body text can

be predefined and includes several

language options.

Proforma and fiscal invoice

Invoice annex

We know how important the proforma invoice can be for lawyers. This is

why KeyVision offers you the possibility to create both proforma and fiscal

invoices. Thus, you can optimize your tax policy while having a clear image

on all invoices, regardless their type.

Send your invoices together with complete information regarding the

services provided, timesheets with working hours, recorded expenses.

KeyVision helps you do all this by creating a detailed annex for each


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Clients and contracts

KeyVision includes all types of fees

required by lawyers so far:

subscriptions, global or hourly fees,

defined per each contract, project

or court file.

You can even set different fees per

user roles, taking into account the

experience and the professional

background of each of them.

However, in each case, options are

much more diversified.

For example, KeyVision allows you

to set a budget of hours for a

certain file, with the possibility of

being notified when the budget is

exceeded. If you agreed with the

client on a payment per project

phase or on a success fee, the

information can be simply uploaded

in KeyVision.


Files, Projects

Activity types

You can save all information required by the contract in a single page:

general information about number, name, responsible, contract currency,

invoice due date, budgeted effort, financial settings. Plus, you can

configure a standard fee that can be used later on for all projects or files

related to this contract.

KeyVision allows you to save consultancy projects and files under a

standard contract. For each of them, lawyers can set different fees or rules

for calculating fees. The legal software takes into account all these

configurations when is calculating the amount to be invoiced.

KeyVision ensures “quantitative” calculation of the invoice when, for

example, you agreed with the client on fixed fees for court hearings or for

drafting documents. Moreover, we have all information required to compare

the invoiced value with the effort implied by each activity.

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KeyVision provides a complete set

of reports specific to the legal

market, starting with unpaid

invoices and up to efficiency and

tops. Plus, the list is constantly

improved with new analysis that

allow you to identify the strengths

and weaknesses of your business.

We divided them into four main categories, each category including detailed

reports with multiple filters:

General invoices report;

Efficiency and productivity at company, client and lawyer level

Timesheets general report;

General report of activity and activity report per client and lawyer;













Total amounts to be invoiced;

Open invoices by delay intervals and due invoices;

Invoiced per practice and departments;

Invoiced per industry.


Total invoiced per lawyer;

Activity per practice.












Payments per contract or project;

Payments per responsibles;

General expenses report;

Expenditures by type.

Top 10 invoiced clients;

Active clients and outstanding clients;

Portfolio analysis by contract type.

Payments per clients;

Average fee per client and per


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Departments and practices

KeyVision allows you to define

departments within the company

and to allocate legal practices per

each department. Thus, you have

access to a clear situation about

contracts, invoices, expenses

recorded per each line of business.

For example, within the Litigation

department, you can define the

arbitration and court practice. Later

on, you can generate reports

regarding timesheets and financial

status for each practice.

Security andconfidentialityAll KeyVision accounts use SSL encrypted connections. Information is

never sent or received in plain text, readable format. Plus, KeyVision

servers are hosted in latest-generation datacenters, being protected

against physical or remote access.

Moreover, some of the facilities provided by our datacenter is protection

against earthquake or fires and an electric generator that allows us to

achieves an average 99.9% uptime.

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61 Dr. Felix Iacob Street, Sector 1,

Tel: +40 723 694 193

E-mail: [email protected]


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