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Kick Ass 2 Opening analysis

The opening of kick ass 2 involves an establishing shot of New York to show of the location. There is a pan though the buildings in new york showing off the location, this is to not only show the location but it is to show that the next scene is very remote because there is not many tall buildings in the next shot. This show that what they are doing is wrong or that the characters don’t want to anyone else to know, the secrecy runs throughout, this could be because the films is about super heroes, and they like to keep there real identity a secret this is why I think the film is set in new york, because in such vast and large city little things would get un noticed and it would be hard to find someone in new york.

For the next shot there is a cut to a small remote field where there are two teenagers (Dave Lizewski and Mindy Macready). There is sound bridge between two scenes where Mindy is talking; this joins the two completely different scenes, from a vast big city to a small and remote area. After that there is a close up of Mindy’s hand where she pulls out a gun out of her bag. This can be used to show secrecy and juxtaposition. This is because the pink bag has connotations of school and the pick colour could be seen to stereotypically represent girls. This is why it is juxtaposed because school girls don’t usually carry guns about which give of the impression that this girl is very responsible and independent, until he shoots Dave who is wearing a bullet proof vest. This shows that she still has the aspect of childish behaviour. Also the to clarify that the area is remote the director uses an establishing shot to show the city of new york far in the distance, this just clarifies my earlier point that what the two teenagers are doing needs to be in secrete.

After the first few scenes there is a transition of a school bus driving bye which shows the area Via a tracking shot, as soon as the bus is out of shot the school is

revealed then a quick cut to where Mindy is leaving her car, its almost a zoom but its really quick. the bus could represent that time is moving forward or backwards as the scene changes, also the title says earlier in a comic book theme which shows

the theme of superheroes and villains. The idea of the comic book themed text connotates the meaning behind the film. With the two contrasts of the themes cartoon and realism the scene becomes interesting. This is because an idea to involve the original idea of a comic book with a film really works because it shows how the idea can become reality, like the theme of superheroes in reality.

In this scene, there is a blur transition, this can be used to show that time is passing again, which is kind of un common to have loads of shots in an intro because it can confuse the audience whilst trying to establishing a storyline. But in the cuts the story of the previous movie, this establishes a timeline within the movies.

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