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Kick-off meeting

Transnational project meetings


BCIME team

8. – 9. October 2018

Košice, Slovakia


Transnational project meetings

The following transnational project meetings will take place during project implementation period:

E1: Kick-off meetingSlovakia, UPJS (2nd month of the project)

E2: 2nd project meetingCzech republic, MU (15th month of the project)

E3: 3rd project meetingPoland, JU (21st month of the project)

E4: Closure project meetingRomania, UMF (32nd month of the project)


Transnational project meetings

The following transnational project meetings will take place during project implementation period:

E1: Kick-off meetingSlovakia, UPJS (2nd month of the project)

E2: 2nd project meetingCzech republic, MU (15th month of the project)

E3: 3rd project meetingPoland, JU (21st month of the project)

E4: Closure project meetingRomania, UMF (32nd month of the project)



Transnational project meetings


Kick-off meeting

Multiplier events


BCIME team

8. – 9. October 2018

Košice, Slovakia


Multiplier events

The following multiplier events are planned to be organized:

M1: Workshop: The needs for curriculum innovations (institutional requirements gathering)Jaroslav Majernik (UPJS)

M2: MEFANET 2019: Workshop on curriculum innovations (sharing experience)Martin Komenda (MU)

M3: MCSB 2020: Joint pre-conference workshop on curriculum mappingAndrzej Kononowicz (JU)

M4: GMA 2020: Workshop on curriculum innovationsInga Hege (UAU)

M5: MEFANET 2020: Symposium on best practices in medical curriculum managementMartin Komenda (MU)

M6: CONGRESIS 2021: Students workshop on curriculum evaluationMihaela Moscalu/Adrian Ciureanu (UMF)


Multiplier events

The following multiplier events are planned to be organized:

M1: Workshop: The needs for curriculum innovations (institutional requirements gathering)Jaroslav Majernik (UPJS)

M2: MEFANET 2019: Workshop on curriculum innovations (sharing experience)Martin Komenda (MU)

M3: MCSB 2020: Joint pre-conference workshop on curriculum mappingAndrzej Kononowicz (JU)

M4: GMA 2020: Workshop on curriculum innovationsInga Hege (UAU)

M5: MEFANET 2020: Symposium on best practices in medical curriculum managementMartin Komenda (MU)

M6: CONGRESIS 2021: Students workshop on curriculum evaluationMihaela Moscalu/Adrian Ciureanu (UMF)


Multiplier events

The following multiplier events are planned to be organized:

M1: Workshop: The needs for curriculum innovations (institutional requirements gathering)Jaroslav Majernik (UPJS)

First of five multiplier events will be focused to summarize institutional requirements for curriculum innovation and mapping processes and to prepare guidelines of optimal curricula development. The workshop will be held in Kosice (Slovakia), and the local participants (curricula designers, guarantors of individual study programmes, teachers) as well as representatives of all partners’ organizations (MU, JU, UAU, UMF) will be involved in specification of needs analysis’ initial phase within O1 activity. Based on the interinstitutional requirements resulting from workshop discussions, UPJS will formulate the structure of the survey that will be used to collect relevant input data of BCIME project across medical faculties in all five partner countries. Furthermore, the recent methods of curriculum mapping will be presented to the participants of the workshop. MU will share experiences obtainedfrom previously realised activities and projects in this area. Partner institutions will also formulate the core structure of guidelines for effective curriculum design applicable within BCIME project. Here, the essential factors, used to build a well structured framework, will be based on institutional needs in particular disciplines.


Multiplier events

The following multiplier events are planned to be organized:

M2: MEFANET 2019: Workshop on curriculum innovations (sharing experience)Martin Komenda (MU)

The workshop will be arranged as a parallel event to the MEFANET annual conference, which has been organized since 2007 and now it is established as the main meeting for all medical and health care faculties involved in the network. It will be held in Brno (Czech Republic), where MU is located. Approximately 100 delegates (medical teachers, medical students, IT stuff, faculty management members, etc.) are expected to participate in the MEFANET conference and 30 (25 local and 5 international participants) of them are expected to take part in the BCIME workshop aimed on how curriculum innovations can enhance the comprehensibility of medical curriculum and streamline efficiency during its definition. The aim is to organize the workshop, which will allow participants to acquire knowledge about the needs analysis of five independent medical faculties regarding the curriculum management systems. The workshop will cover the guidelines and best practice presentationincluding methodological background how to address the challenge of curriculum innovations based upon the experiences of the contributing organizations. The workshop is oriented to a community interested in curriculum harmonization process provided by higher education institutions across the MEFANET network, especially teachers, tutors, curriculum designers, institutional management and anyone, who might be engaged in innovation of education.


Multiplier events

The following multiplier events are planned to be organized:

M3: MCSB 2020: Joint pre-conference workshop on curriculum mappingAndrzej Kononowicz (JU)

The workshop will be organized as a conference event of the international Cybernetic Modeling of Biological Systems conference (http://mcsb.cm-uj.krakow.pl). This conference is held each five years since 1980. It is co-organized as a joint endeavour of the medical faculty of Jagiellonian University and AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. It gathers around 100 Polish and international researchers in the disciplines of computer science, engineering and medicine. In the scope of the conference are topics around bioengineering, telemedicine, bioinformatics but also computer-aided medical education. The goal of the workshop is to disseminate the outcomes of the BCIME project to members of the technical and medical community attending the conference and interested in innovation in education. This will involve presentation of the developed software and discussion of methods and outcomes of curricular data analysis. Around 25 (20 local and 5 international participants) are expected.


Multiplier events

The following multiplier events are planned to be organized:

M4: GMA 2020: Workshop on curriculum innovationsInga Hege (UAU)

The workshop will be organized as a pre-conference workshop at the annual meeting of the German Association for Medical Education (GMA). The achieved results of the innovations will be discussed and the improvements of medical and healthcare curriculum development will be presented. The curriculum innovations at UAU will be presented and discussed with participants as well as skills, methodologies and the process of organizing curriculum mapping, used to develop or advance a medical curriculum. Also, the aim of the workshop will be to disseminate knowledge to participants from all partner institutions. Recommendations and guidelines will be summarised and presented to be used and implemented correctly into the project’s curriculum management system. The workshop will be oriented on teachers, tutors, curriculum designers, and anyone engaged in innovation ofhealthcare education.


Multiplier events

The following multiplier events are planned to be organized:

M5: MEFANET 2020: Symposium on best practices in medical curriculum managementMartin Komenda (MU)

The workshop will be arranged as a parallel event to the MEFANET annual conference, which has been organized since 2007 and now it is established as the main meeting for all medical and health care faculties involved in the network. It will be held in Brno (Czech Republic), where MU is located. Approximately 100 delegates (medical teachers, medical students, IT stuff, faculty management members, etc.) are expected to participate in the MEFANET conference and 30 (25 local and 5 international participants) of them are expected to take part in the BCIME workshop aimed on presentation of four parts of local curricula from partner institutions as well as frou version of major medical discipline (Anatomy) created in English. Moreover, the curriculum innovations experiences and gain know-how will be shared by curriculum designers and technicians. The workshop is oriented to a community interested in curriculum harmonization process provided by higher education institutions across the MEFANET network, especially teachers, tutors, curriculum designers, institutional management and anyone, who might be engaged in innovation of education.


Multiplier events

The following multiplier events are planned to be organized:

M6: CONGRESIS 2021: Students workshop on curriculum evaluationMihaela Moscalu/Adrian Ciureanu (UMF)

These activities allow an excellent vector for the disseminating the principles and the stage results of the project. Also, they provide the best opportunity to communicate the fundamentals of this new Curriculum Infrastructure in Medical Education to students and academic staff either from UMF, Romania, and other countries. They also represent a very good opportunity to gather feedback from the congress participants through an Intranet based polling tool within the e-learning platform of UMF. The conclusions of the post-polling statistical analysis will represent the starting point of O5. Besides written feedback, theauthors will also get face-to-face feedback from the reviewers and other authoring teams during the project meeting. Each partner has defined a project team that will attend all project meetings. Each team will consist of one specialist in relevant domains for the project: team manager, educational/pedagogical manager, medical curriculum manager, and IT manager. For each of them proper conditions, including individual access to the platform and secured access to internet will be provided. Also all participants will have access to study and evaluation groups ensuring an optimal access to information and information exchange. UMF will provide, through Romanian College of Physicians, CME credits to all participants, differentiating their roles as students, teachers and trainers. Third project meeting during Congresis 2021 (“The International Congress for Medical Students and Young Doctors” (http://congressis.ro/, international congress of Medical Students Society of UMF Iasi, the main congress of medical students in Romania).



Multiplier events


Kick-off meeting

Intellectual Outputs


BCIME team

8. – 9. October 2018

Košice, Slovakia


Intellectual Outputs

The following outputs and activity leaders are identified:

O1: Needs analysis - Jaroslav Majerník (UPJS)

O2: Methodological and technical step-by-step manual on curriculum innovations in medical and healthcare study fields - Andrzej Kononowicz (JU)

O3: Implementation of standard-compliant curriculum management system - Martin

Komenda (MU)

O4: Metadata description of outcome-based curriculum - M. Moscalu / A. Ciureanu (UMF)

O5: Outcome-based curriculum evaluation - Inga Hege (UAU)

O6: Testing of curriculum management system implementation - Jaroslav Majernik (UPJS)

O7: Formulation of research and exploratory questions - Andrzej Kononowicz (JU)

O8: Curriculum mapping (problem solving in accordance with CRISP-DM methodology) -Martin Komenda (MU)

O9: Promotion endeavour - Jaroslav Majernik (UPJS)


Intellectual Outputs

The following outputs and activity leaders are identified:

O1: Needs analysis - Jaroslav Majerník (UPJS)

O2: Methodological and technical step-by-step manual on curriculum innovations in medical and healthcare study fields - Andrzej Kononowicz (JU)

O3: Implementation of standard-compliant curriculum management system - Martin

Komenda (MU)

O4: Metadata description of outcome-based curriculum - M. Moscalu / A. Ciureanu (UMF)

O5: Outcome-based curriculum evaluation - Inga Hege (UAU)

O6: Testing of curriculum management system implementation - Jaroslav Majernik (UPJS)

O7: Formulation of research and exploratory questions - Andrzej Kononowicz (JU)

O8: Curriculum mapping (problem solving in accordance with CRISP-DM methodology) -Martin Komenda (MU)

O9: Promotion endeavour - Jaroslav Majernik (UPJS)


Intellectual Outputs

The following outputs and activity leaders are identified:

O1: Needs analysis - Jaroslav Majerník (UPJS)

This output covers the project preparation and data collection which is crucial forsubsequent activities and scheduled outputs. It includes gathering of institutional requirements related to the goals, aspirations and functions of curriculum system, process of innovations and mapping on local level of involved partners. This phase will fully respect the independence of individual partner faculties and many differences between partners´needs are expected. The needs analysis aims to put all aspects together and create a comprehensive specification of curriculum system’s key characteristics and features. Based on this document, final methodological guidelines will be created.

Output TypeLearning / teaching / training material – Manual / handbook / guidance material


Intellectual Outputs

The following outputs and activity leaders are identified:

O2: Methodological and technical step-by-step manual on curriculum innovations in medical and healthcare study fields - Andrzej Kononowicz (JU)

This output covers the compilation of recommendations and best practices to improve a platform for medical and healthcare curriculum management as well as optimise curriculum innovations and mapping processes. The activity will depend on outputs of O1 activity that will be used in combination with expertises of partner institutions to compile optimal methodological material acceptable not only for curricula in medical education.

Output TypeMethodologies / guidelines – Methodological framework for implementation


Intellectual Outputs

The following outputs and activity leaders are identified:

O3: Implementation of standard-compliant curriculum management system - Martin

Komenda (MU)

This output covers the curriculum management system extension and improvement (newfeatures and modules design, development, prototyping, testing and deployment) based onthe needs analysis results. The final instance will be fully in accordance with internationalstandards (core system modules) and moreover it will cover all local requirements forcurriculum innovation process on particular partner institution (extended system modulesand features).

Output TypeServices / structures – Database development


Intellectual Outputs

The following outputs and activity leaders are identified:

O4: Metadata description of outcome-based curriculum - M. Moscalu / A. Ciureanu (UMF)

This output covers detailed formal parametric specification of two parts of medical andhealthcare curriculum on each partner institution (major and complementary disciplines) inaccordance with established guidelines, best practice and outcome-based methodology. This approach offers an appealing way to develop and effectively reform medical education with respect to local institution requirements, where the emphasis is on the product – what sort of graduates should be produced – rather than on the educational process itself. Curriculum designers (teachers, guarantors) will create detailed metadata description on a level of particular courses, learning unit and outcomes.

Output TypeMethodologies / guidelines – Methodological framework for implementation


Intellectual Outputs

The following outputs and activity leaders are identified:

O5: Outcome-based curriculum evaluation - Inga Hege (UAU)

This output covers the comprehensive report of outcome-based curricula content in-depthvalidation done by senior medical and healthcare experts (teachers and guarantors). It alsoendeavours to improve the quality of created curricula descriptions and delivers outcomebased methodology to the wide community of educators and students at partner institutions.

Output TypeCourse / curriculum – Design and development


Intellectual Outputs

The following outputs and activity leaders are identified:

O6: Testing of curriculum management system implementation - Jaroslav Majernik (UPJS)

This output covers testing and evaluation procedures checking the final extended curriculum management system including all new features and modules with respect to local requirements analysis. It consists of two steps: (i) Semi-automated exploratory testing will be done by automation-aided scripted testing application. It contains a set of test cases aiming to a specific use case or user story. Evaluation scripts will be constructed via the add-on’s graphical user interface and simply track and record the user interaction with the system. (ii) User acceptance testing cases based on defined user stories to make sure that all required tasks were fully implemented in accordance with the system specification. Each particular user story will represent a user statement picked from the dataset resulting from the needs analysis.

Output TypeMethodologies / guidelines – Evaluation method and tool


Intellectual Outputs

The following outputs and activity leaders are identified:

O7: Formulation of research and exploratory questions - Andrzej Kononowicz (JU)

This output covers curriculum mapping research questions (RQs) formulation, where themost interesting and required issues will be identified. The mapping agenda can significantly help curriculum designers during the building of well-balanced curriculum and explore curriculum content in terms of the searching for potentially problematic, missing,overlapping areas and the construction of comprehensive reports for the subsequent globalin-depth inspection. The final set of RQs will be approved by all partners and bring aninnovative know-how for wide community of medical and healthcare academics at involvedfaculties. This phase is divided into three subphases, which start immediately after the end of O1, O2 and O3 activities. The particular results generated by these activities will serve as a basis for curriculum mapping tasks.

Output TypeCourse / curriculum – Pilot course / module


Intellectual Outputs

The following outputs and activity leaders are identified:

O8: Curriculum mapping (problem solving in accordance with CRISP-DM methodology) -Martin Komenda (MU)

This output covers curriculum mapping issues solution in accordance with the proven datamining process model (CRISP-DM methodology). It allows us to uncover novel and potentially useful information mined from medical curriculum data stored in local systems. Techniques of data pre-processing, data analysis, statistics, natural language processing, and machine learning will be used. The achieved results enable medical curriculum designers and faculty management to better understand the multidimensional structure and complex content of the selected medical disciplines.

Output TypeCourse / curriculum – Pilot course / module


Intellectual Outputs

The following outputs and activity leaders are identified:

O9: Promotion endeavour - Jaroslav Majernik (UPJS)

This output includes dissemination of methodological background and promotion ofextended web-oriented medical curriculum management platform to the wide community of educators and students across MEFANET, MedBiquitous and all involved partners. The results of the project will be published in the form of article in the medicine education related journal (e.g MEFANET Journal). The usage of already existing communication channels inside the MEFANET will also ensure the wide community of teachers and guarantors acting at all medical faculties in Czech Republic and Slovakia will be addressed. Furthermore, all the partners will be involved in promotion of project outputs through their national networks.

Output TypeMethodologies / guidelines – Dissemination / exploitation plan



Intellectual Outputs

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