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Page 1: Kidney Stones, Bph, Renal Nclex Style

Kidney stones, bladder cancer, prostate issues

1. A client is complaining of severe flank and abdominal pain. A flat plate of the abdomen

shows urolithiasis. Which of the following interventions is important?

A. Strain all urine

B. Limit fluid intake

C. Enforce strict bed rest

D. Encourage a high calcium diet


2.     A client is receiving a radiation implant for the treatment of bladder cancer. Which of the

following interventions is appropriate?

1. Flush all urine down the toilet

2. Restrict the client’s fluid intake

3. Place the client in a semi-private room

4. Monitor the client for signs and symptoms of cystitis


3.     A client has just received a renal transplant and has started cyclosporine therapy to prevent

graft rejection. Which of the following conditions is a major complication of this drug therapy?

1. Depression

2. Hemorrhage

3. Infection

4. Peptic ulcer disease


4.     A client received a kidney transplant 2 months ago. He’s admitted to the hospital with the

diagnosis of acute rejection. Which of the following assessment findings would be expected?

1. Hypotension

2. Normal body temperature

3. Decreased WBC count

4. Elevated BUN and creatinine levels


Page 2: Kidney Stones, Bph, Renal Nclex Style

5.     The client is to undergo kidney transplantation with a living donor. Which of the following

preoperative assessments is important?

1. Urine output

2. Signs of graft rejection

3. Signs and symptoms of rejection

4. Client’s support system and understanding of lifestyle changes.


6.      A client had a transurethral prostatectomy for benign prostatic hypertrophy. He’s currently

being treated with a continuous bladder irrigation and is complaining of an increase in severity of

bladder spasms. Which of the interventions should be done first?

1. Administer an oral analgesic

2. Stop the irrigation and call the physician

3. Administer a belladonna and opium suppository as ordered by the physician.

4. Check for the presence of clots, and make sure the catheter is draining properly.


7.     A client is admitted with a diagnosis of hydronephrosis secondary to calculi. The calculi

have been removed and postobstructive diuresis is occurring. Which of the following

interventions should be done?

1. Take vital signs every 8 hours

2. Weigh the client every other day

3. Assess for urine output every shift

4. Monitor the client’s electrolyte levels.


8.     A client has passed a renal calculus. The nurse sends the specimen to the laboratory so it

can be analyzed for which of the following factors?

1. Antibodies

2. Type of infection

3. Composition of calculus

4. Size and number of calculi


Page 3: Kidney Stones, Bph, Renal Nclex Style

9.     Which of the following symptoms indicate acute rejection of a transplanted kidney?

1. Edema, nausea

2. Fever, anorexia

3. Weight gain, pain at graft site

4. Increased WBC count, pain with voiding


10.  Adverse reactions of prednisone therapy include which of the following conditions?

1. Acne and bleeding gums

2. Sodium retention and constipation

3. Mood swings and increased temperature

4. Increased blood glucose levels and decreased wound healing.


11.  The nurse suspects that a client with polyuria is experiencing water diuresis. Which

laboratory value suggests water diuresis?

1. High urine specific gravity

2. High urine osmolarity

3. Normal to low urine specific gravity

4. Elevated urine pH

 12.  A client is diagnosed with prostate cancer. Which test is used to monitor progression of this


1. Serum creatinine

2. Complete blood cell count (CBC)

3. Prostate specific antigen (PSA)

4. Serum potassium

 13.  a 27-year old client, who became paraplegic after a swimming accident, is experiencing

autonomic dysreflexia. Which condition is the most common cause of autonomic dysrelexia?

1. Upper respiratory infection

2. Incontinence

3. Bladder distention

4. Diarrhea


Page 4: Kidney Stones, Bph, Renal Nclex Style

14.  When providing discharge teaching for a client with uric acid calculi, the nurse should an

instruction to avoid which type of diet?

1. Low-calcium

2. Low-oxalate

3. High-oxalate

4. High-purine


15.  The client with urolithiasis has a history of chronic urinary tract infections. The nurse

concludes that this client most likely has which of the following types of urinary stones?

1. Calcium oxalate

2. Uric acid

3. Struvite

4. Cystine


16.  The nurse is receiving in transfer from the postanesthesia care unit a client who has had a

percutaneous ultrasonic lithrotripsy for calculuses in the renal pelvis. The nurse anticipates that

the client’s care will involve monitoring which of the following?

1. Suprapubic tube

2. Urethral stent

3. Nephrostomy tube

4. Jackson-Pratt drain


17.  The client is admitted to the ER following a MVA. The client was wearing a lap seat belt

when the accident occurred. The client has hematuria and lower abdominal pain. To determine

further whether the pain is due to bladder trauma, the nurse asks the client if the pain is referred

to which of the following areas?

1. Shoulder

2. Umbilicus

3. Costovertebral angle

4. Hip


Page 5: Kidney Stones, Bph, Renal Nclex Style

18.  The client complains of fever, perineal pain, and urinary urgency, frequency, and dysuria.

To assess whether the client’s problem is related to bacterial prostatitis, the nurse would look at

the results of the prostate examination, which should reveal that the prostate gland is:

1. Tender, indurated, and warm to the touch

2. Soft and swollen

3. Tender and edematous with ecchymosis

4. Reddened, swollen, and boggy.


19.  The nurse is taking the history of a client who has had benign prostatic hyperplasia in the

past. To determine whether the client currently is experiencing difficulty, the nurse asks the

client about the presence of which of the following early symptoms?

1. Urge incontinence

2. Nocturia

3. Decreased force in the stream of urine

4. Urinary retention


20.  The client who has a cold is seen in the emergency room with inability to void. Because the

client has a history of BPH, the nurse determines that the client should be questioned about the

use of which of the following medications?

1. Diuretics

2. Antibiotics

3. Antitussives

4. Decongestants


21.  The nurse is preparing to care for the client following a renal scan. Which of the following

would the nurse include in the plan of care?

1. Place the client on radiation precautions for 18 hours

2. Save all urine in a radiation safe container for 18 hours

3. Limit contact with the client to 20 minutes per hour.

4. No special precautions except to wear gloves if in contact with the client’s urine.


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22.  The client passes a urinary stone, and lab analysis of the stone indicates that it is composed

of calcium oxalate. Based on this analysis, which of the following would the nurse specifically

include in the dietary instructions?

1. Increase intake of meat, fish, plums, and cranberries

2. Avoid citrus fruits and citrus juices

3. Avoid green, leafy vegetables such as spinach.

4. Increase intake of dairy products.


23.  The client returns to the nursing unit following a pyelolithotomy for removal of a kidney

stone. A Penrose drain is in place. Which of the following would the nurse include on the client’s

postoperative care?

1. Sterile irrigation of the Penrose drain

2. Frequent dressing changes around the Penrose drain

3. Weighing the dressings

4. Maintaining the client’s position on the affected side


24.  The nurse is caring for a client following a kidney transplant. The client develops oliguria.

Which of the following would the nurse anticipate to be prescribed as the treatment of oliguria?

1. Encourage fluid intake

2. Administration of diuretics

3. Irrigation of foley catheter

4. Restricting fluids


25.  A week after kidney transplantation the client develops a temperature of 101, the blood

pressure is elevated, and the kidney is tender. The x-ray results the transplanted kidney is

enlarged. Based on these assessment findings, the nurse would suspect which of the following?

1. Acute rejection

2. Chronic rejection

3. Kidney infection

4. Kidney obstruction


Page 7: Kidney Stones, Bph, Renal Nclex Style

26.  The client with BPH undergoes a transurethral resection of the prostate. Postoperatively, the

client is receiving continuous bladder irrigations. The nurse assesses the client for signs of

transurethral resection syndrome. Which of the following assessment data would indicate the

onset of this syndrome?

1. Bradycardia and confusion

2. Tachycardia and diarrhea

3. Decreased urinary output and bladder spasms

4. Increased urinary output and anemia


27.  The client is admitted to the hospital with BPH, and a transurethral resection of the prostate

is performed. Four hours after surgery the nurse takes the client’s VS and empties the urinary

drainage bag. Which of the following assessment findings would indicate the need to notify the


1. Red bloody urine

2. Urinary output of 200 ml greater than intake

3. Blood pressure of 100/50 and pulse 130.

4. Pain related to bladder spasms.


28.  Which of the following symptoms is the most common clinical finding associated with

bladder cancer?

1. Suprapubic pain

2. Dysuria

3. Painless hematuria

4. Urinary retention


29.  A client who has been diagnosed with bladder cancer is scheduled for an ileal conduit.

Preoperatively, the nurse reinforces the client’s understanding of the surgical procedure by

explaining that an ileal conduit:

1. Is a temporary procedure that can be reversed later.

2. Diverts urine into the sigmoid colon, where it is expelled through the rectum.

3. Conveys urine from the ureters to a stoma opening in the abdomen.

4. Creates an opening in the bladder that allows urine to drain into an external pouch.

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30.  After surgery for an ileal conduit, the nurse should closely evaluate the client for the

occurrence of which of the following complications related to pelvic surgery?

1. Peritonitis

2. Thrombophlebitis

3. Ascites

4. Inguinal hernia


31.  The nurse is assessing the urine of a client who has had an ileal conduit and notes that the

urine is yellow with a moderate amount of mucus. Based on the assessment data, which of the

following nursing interventions would be most appropriate at this time?

1. Change the appliance bag

2. Notify the physician

3. Obtain a urine specimen for culture

4. Encourage a high fluid intake


32.  When teaching the client to care for an ileal conduit, the nurse instructs the client to empty

the appliance frequently, primarily to prevent which of the following problems?

1. Rupture of the ileal conduit

2. Interruption of urine production

3. Development of odor

4. Separation of the appliance from the skin


33.  The client with an ileal conduit will be using a reusable appliance at home. The nurse should

teach the client to clean the appliance routinely with what product?

1. Baking soda

2. Soap

3. Hydrogen peroxide

4. Alcohol


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34.  The nurse is evaluating the discharge teaching for a client who has an ileal conduit. Which

of the following statements indicates that the client has correctly understood the teaching? Select

all that apply.

1. “If I limit my fluid intake I will not have to empty my ostomy pouch as often.”

2. “I can place an aspirin tablet in my pouch to decrease odor.”

3. “I can usually keep my ostomy pouch on for 3 to 7 days before changing it.”

4. “I must use a skin barrier to protect my skin from urine.”

5. “I should empty my ostomy pouch of urine when it is full.”


35.  A female client with a urinary diversion tells the nurse, “This urinary pouch is embarrassing.

Everyone will know that I’m not normal. I don’t see how I can go out in public anymore.” The

most appropriate nursing diagnosis for this patient is:

1. Anxiety related to the presence of urinary diversion.

2. Deficient Knowledge about how to care for the urinary diversion.

3. Low Self-Esteem related to feelings of worthlessness

4. Disturbed Body Image related to creation of a urinary diversion.


36.  The nurse teaches the client with a urinary diversion to attach the appliance to a standard

urine collection bag at night. The most important reason for doing this is to prevent:

1. Urine reflux into the stoma

2. Appliance separation

3. Urine leakage

4. The need to restrict fluids


37.  The nurse teaches the client with an ileal conduit measures to prevent a UTI. Which of the

following measures would be most effective?

1. Avoid people with respiratory tract infections

2. Maintain a daily fluid intake of 2,000 to 3,000 ml

3. Use sterile technique to change the appliance

4. Irrigate the stoma daily.


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38.  A client who has been diagnosed with calculi reports that the pain is intermittent and less

colicky. Which of the following nursing actions is most important at this time?

1. Report hematuria to the physician

2. Strain the urine carefully

3. Administer meperidine (Demerol) every 3 hours

4. Apply warm compresses to the flank area


39.  A client has a ureteral catheter in place after renal surgery. A priority nursing action for care

of the ureteral catheter would be to:

1. Irrigate the catheter with 30 ml of normal saline every 8 hours

2. Ensure that the catheter is draining freely

3. Clamp the catheter every 2 hours for 30 minutes.

4. Ensure that the catheter drains at least 30 ml an hour


40.  Which of the following interventions would be most appropriate for preventing the

development of a paralytic ileus in a client who has undergone renal surgery?

1. Encourage the client to ambulate every 2 to 4 hours

2. Offer 3 to 4 ounces of a carbonated beverage periodically.

3. Encourage use of a stool softener

4. Continue intravenous fluid therapy


41.  The nurse is conducting a postoperative assessment of a client on the first day after renal

surgery. Which of the following findings would be most important for the nurse to report to the


1. Temperature, 99.8

2. Urine output, 20 ml/hour

3. Absence of bowel sounds

4. A 2×2 inch area of serous sanguineous drainage on the flank dressing.


Page 11: Kidney Stones, Bph, Renal Nclex Style

42.  Because a client’s renal stone was found to be composed to uric acid, a low-purine, alkaline-

ash diet was ordered. Incorporation of which of the following food items into the home diet

would indicate that the client understands the necessary diet modifications?

1. Milk, apples, tomatoes, and corn

2. Eggs, spinach, dried peas, and gravy.

3. Salmon, chicken, caviar, and asparagus

4. Grapes, corn, cereals, and liver.


43.  Allopurinol (Zyloprim), 200 mg/day, is prescribed for the client with renal calculi to take

home. The nurse should teach the client about which of the following side effects of this


1. Retinopathy

2. Maculopapular rash

3. Nasal congestion

4. Dizziness


44.  The client has a clinic appointment scheduled 10 days after discharge. Which laboratory

finding at that time would indicate that allopurinol (Zyloprim) has had a therapeutic effect?

1. Decreased urinary alkaline phosphatase level

2. Increased urinary calcium excretion

3. Increased serum calcium level

4. Decreased serum uric acid level


45.  When developing a plan of care for the client with stress incontinence, the nurse should take

into consideration that stress incontinence is best defined as the involuntary loss of urine

associated with:

1. A strong urge to urinate

2. Overdistention of the bladder

3. Activities that increase abdominal pressure

4. Obstruction of the urethra


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46.  Which of the following assessment data would most likely be related to a client’s current

complaint of stress incontinence?

1. The client’s intake of 2 to 3 L of fluid per day.

2. The client’s history of three full-term pregnancies

3. The client’s age of 45 years

4. The client’s history of competitive swimming


47.  The nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client with stress incontinence. Which of the

following instructions should be included?

1. Avoid activities that are stressful and upsetting

2. Avoid caffeine and alcohol

3. Do not wear a girdle

4. Limit physical exertion


48.  A client has urge incontinence. Which of the following signs and symptoms would the nurse

expect to find in this client?

1. Inability to empty the bladder

2. Loss of urine when coughing

3. Involuntary urination with minimal warning

4. Frequent dribbling of urine


49.  A 72-year old male client is brought to the emergency room by his son. The client is

extremely uncomfortable and has been unable to void for the past 12 hours. He has known for

some time that he has an enlarged prostate but has wanted to avoid surgery. The best method for

the nurse to use when assessing for bladder distention in a male client is to check for:

1. A rounded swelling above the pubis.

2. Dullness in the lower left quadrant

3. Rebound tenderness below the symphysis

4. Urine discharge from the urethral meatus


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50.  During a client’s urinary bladder catherization, the bladder is emptied gradually. The best

rationale for the nurse’s action is that completely emptying an overdistended bladder at one time

tends to cause:

1. Renal failure

2. Abdominal cramping

3. Possible shock

4. Atrophy of bladder musculature


51.  The primary reason for taping an indwelling catheter laterally to the thigh of a male client is


1. Eliminate pressure at the penoscrotal angle

2. Prevent the catheter from kinking in the urethra

3. Prevent accidental catheter removal

4. Allow the client to turn without kinking the catheter


52.  The primary function of the prostate gland is:

1. To store underdeveloped sperm before ejaculation

2. To regulate the acidity and alkalinity of the environment for proper sperm development.

3. To produce a secretion that aids in the nourishment and passage of sperm

4. To secrete a hormone that stimulates the production and maturation of sperm


53.  The nurse is reviewing a medication history of a client with BPH. Which medication should

be recognized as likely to aggravate BPH?

1. Metformin (Glucophage)

2. Buspirone (BuSpar)

3. Inhaled ipratropium (Atrovent)

4. Ophthalmic timolol (Timoptic)


54.  A client is scheduled to undergo a transurethral resection of the prostate gland (TURP). The

procedure is to be done under spinal anesthesia. Postoperatively, the nurse should be particularly

alert for early signs of:

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1. Convulsions

2. Cardiac arrest

3. Renal shutdown

4. Respiratory paralysis


55.  A client with BPH is being treated with terazosin (Hytrin) 2mg at bedtime. The nurse should

monitor the client’s:

1. Urinary nitrites

2. White blood cell count

3. Blood pressure

4. Pulse


56.  A client underwent a TURP, and a large three way catheter was inserted in the bladder with

continuous bladder irrigation. In which of the following circumstances would the nurse increase

the flow rate of the continuous bladder irrigation?

1. When the drainage is continuous but slow

2. When the drainage appears cloudy and dark yellow

3. When the drainage becomes bright red

4. When there is no drainage of urine and irrigating solution


57.  A priority nursing diagnosis for the client who is being discharged t home 3 days after a

TURP would be:

1. Deficient fluid volume

2. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements

3. Impaired Tissue Integrity

4. Ineffective Airway Clearance


58.  If a client’s prostate enlargement is caused by a malignancy, which of the following blood

examinations should the nurse anticipate to assess whether metastasis has occurred?

1. Serum creatinine level

2. Serum acid phosphatase level

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3. Total nonprotein nitrogen level

4. Endogenous creatinine clearance time


1. 1. Urine should be strained for calculi and sent to the lab for analysis. Fluid intake of 3 to 4 L

is encouraged to flush the urinary tract and prevent further calculi formation. A low-calcium

diet is recommended to help prevent the formation of calcium calculi. Ambulation is

encouraged to help pass the calculi through gravity.

2. 4. Cystitis is the most common adverse reaction of clients undergoing radiation therapy;

symptoms include dysuria, frequency, urgency, and nocturia. Clients with radiation implants

require a private room. Urine of clients with radiation implants for bladder cancer should be

sent to the radioisotopes lab for monitoring. It is recommended that fluid intake be increased.

3. 3. Infections is the major complication to watch for in clients on cyclosporine therapy

because it’s an immunosuppressive drug. Depression may occur posttransplantation but not

because of cyclosporine. Hemorrhage is a complication associated with anticoagulant

therapy. Peptic ulcer disease is a complication of steroid therapy.

4. 4. In a client with acute renal graft rejection, evidence of deteriorating renal function is

expected. The nurse would see elevated WBC counts and fever because the body is

recognizing the graft as foreign and is attempting to fight it. The client would most likely

have acute hypertension.

5. 4. The client undergoing a renal transplantation will need vigilant follow-up care and must

adhere to the medical regimen. The client is most likely anuric or oliguric preoperatively, but

postoperatively will require close monitoring of urine output to make sure the transplanted

kidney is functioning optimally. While the client will always need to be monitored for signs

and symptoms of infection, it’s most important post-op will require close monitoring of urine

output to make sure the transplanted kidney is functioning optimally. While the client will

always need to be monitored for signs and symptoms of infection, it’s most important

postoperatively due to the immunosuppressant therapy. Rejection can occur postoperatively.

6. 4. Blood clots and blocked outflow if the urine can increase spasms. The irrigation shouldn’t

be stopped as long as the catheter is draining because clots will form. A belladonna and

opium suppository should be given to relieve spasms but only afterassessment of the

drainage. Oral analgesics should be given if the spasms are unrelieved by the belladonna and

opium suppository.

7. 4. Postobstructive diuresis seen in hydronephrosis can cause electrolyte imbalances; lab

values must be checked so electrolytes can be replaced as needed. VS should initially be

taken every 30 minutes for the first 4 hours and then every 2 hours. Urine output needs to be

assessed hourly. The client’s weight should be taken daily to assess fluid status more closely.

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8. 3. The calculus should be analyzed for composition to determine appropriate interventions

such as dietary restrictions. Calculi don’t result in infections. The size and number of calculi

aren’t relevant, and they don’t contain antibodies.

9. 3. Pain at the graft site and weight gain indicates the transplanted kidney isn’t functioning

and possibly is being rejected. Transplant clients usually have edema, anorexia, fever, and

nausea before transplantation, so those symptoms may not indicate rejection.

10.  4. Steroid use tends to increase blood glucose levels, particularly in clients with diabetes and

borderline diabetes. Steroids also contribute to poor wound healing and may cause acne, mood

swings, and sodium and water retention. Steroids don’t affect thermoregulation, bleeding

tendencies, or constipation.

11.  3. Water diuresis causes low urine specific gravity, low urine osmolarity, and a normal to

elevated serum sodium level. High specific gravity indicates dehydration. Hypernatremia signals

acidosis and shock. Elevated urine pH can result from potassium deficiency, a high-protein diet,

or uncontrolled diabetes.

12.  3. The PSA test is used to monitor prostate cancer progression; higher PSA levels indicate a

greater tumor burden. Serum creatinine levels may suggest blockage from an enlarged prostate.

CBC is used to diagnose anemia and polycythemia. Serum potassium levels identify

hypokalemia and hyperkalemia.

13.  3. Autonomic dysreflexia is a potentially life-threatening complication of spinal cord injury,

occurring from obstruction of the urinary system or bowel. Incontinence and diarrhea don’t result

in obstruction of the urinary system or bowel, respectively. An URI could obstruct the

respiratory system, but not the urinary or bowel system.

14.  4. To control uric acid calculi, the client should follow a low-purine diet, which excludes

high-purine foods such as organ meats. A low-calcium diet decreases the risk for oxalate renal

calculi. Oxalate is an essential amino acid and must be included in the diet. A low-oxalate diet is

used to control calcium or oxalate calculi.

15.  3. Struvite stones commonly are referred to as infection stones because they form in urine

that is alkaline and rich in ammonia, such as with a urinary tract infection. Calcium oxalate

stones result from increased calcium intake or conditions that raise serum calcium

concentrations. Uric acid stones occur in clients with gout. Cystine stones are rare and occur in

clients with a genetic defect that results in decreased renal absorption of the amino acid cystine.

16.  3. A nephrostomy tube is put in place after a percutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy to treat

calculuses in the renal pelvis. The client may also have a foley catheter to drain urine produced

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by the other kidney. The nurse monitors the drainage from each of these tubes and strains the

urine to detect elimination of the calculus fragments.

17.  1. Bladder trauma or injury is characterized by lower abdominal pain that may radiate to one

of the shoulders. Bladder injury pain does not radiate to the umbilicus, CV angle, or hip.

18.  1. The client with prostatitis has a prostate gland that is swollen and tender but that is also

warm to the touch, firm, and indurated. Systemic symptoms include fever with chills, perineal

and low back pain, and signs of urinary tract infection (which often accompany the disorder).

19.  3. Decreased force in the stream of urine is an early sign of BPH. The stream later becomes

weak and dribbling. The client then may develop hematuria, frequency, urgency, urge

incontinence, and nocturia. If untreated, complete obstruction and urinary retention can occur.

20.  4. In the client with BPH, episodes of urinary retention can be triggered by certain

medications, such as decongestants, anticholinergics, and antidepressants. The client should be

questioned about the use of these medications if the client has urinary retention. Retention can

also be precipitated by other factors, such as alcoholic beverages, infection, bedrest, and

becoming chilled.

21.  4. No specific precautions are necessary following a renal scan. Urination into a commode is

acceptable without risk from the small amount of radioactive material to be excreted. The nurse

wears gloves to maintain body secretion precautions.

22.  3. Oxalate is found in dark green foods such as spinach. Other foods that raise urinary

oxalate are rhubarb, strawberries, chocolate, wheat bran, nuts, beets, and tea.

23.  2. Frequent dressing changes around the Penrose drain is required to protect the skin against

breakdown from urinary drainage. If urinary drainage is excessive, an ostomy pouch may be

placed over the drain to protect the skin. A Penrose drain is not irrigated. Weighing the dressings

is not necessary. Placing the client on the affected side will prevent a free flow of urine through

the drain.

24.  2. To increase urinary output, diuretics and osmotic agents are considered. The client should

be monitored closely because fluid overload can cause hypertension, congestive heart failure,

and pulmonary edema. Fluid intake would not be encouraged or restricted. Irrigation of the foley

catheter will not assist in allievating this oliguria.

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25.  1. Acute rejection most often occurs in the first 2 weeks after transplant. Clinical

manifestations include fever, malaise, elevated WBC count, acute hypertension, graft tenderness,

and manifestations of deteriorating renal function. Chronic rejection occurs gradually during a

period of months to years. Although kidney infection or obstruction can occur, the symptoms

presented in the question do not relate specifically to these disorders.

26.  1. Transurethral resection syndrome is caused by increased absorption of nonelectrolyte

irrigating fluid used during surgery. The client may show signs of cerebral edema and increased

intracranial pressure such as increased blood pressure, bradycardia, confusion, disorientation,

muscle twitching, visual disturbances, and nausea and vomiting.

27.  3. Frank bleeding (arterial or venous) may occur during the first few days after surgery.

Some hematuria is usual for several days after surgery. A urinary output of 200 ml of greater

than intake is adequate. Bladder spasms are expected to occur after surgery. A rapid pulse with a

low blood pressure is a potential sign of excessive blood loss. The physician should be notified.

28.  3. Painless hematuria is the most common clinical finding in bladder cancer. Other

symptoms include frequency, dysuria, and urgency, but these are not as common as the

hematuria. Suprapubic pain and urinary retention do not occur in bladder cancer.

29.  3. An ileal conduit is a permanent urinary diversion in which a portion of the ileum is

surgically resected and one end of the segment is closed. The ureters are surgically attached to

this segment of the ileum, and the open end of the ileum is brought to the skin surface on the

abdomen to form the stoma. The client must wear a pouch to collect the urine that continually

flows through the conduit. The bladder is removed during the surgical procedure and the ileal

conduit is not reversible. Diversion of the urine to the sigmoid colon is called

a ureteroileosigmoidostomy. An opening in the bladder that allows urine to drain externally is

called a cystostomy.

30.  2. After pelvic surgery, there is an increased chance of thrombophlebitis owing to the pelvic

manipulation that can interfere with circulation and promote venous stasis. Peritonitis is a

potential complication of any abdominal surgery, not just pelvic surgery. Ascites is most

frequently an indication of liver disease. Inguinal hernia may be caused by an increase in

abdominal pressure or a congenital weakness of the abdominal wall; ventral hernia occurs at the

site of a previous abdominal surgery.

31.  4. Mucus is secreted by the intestinal segment used to create the conduit and is a normal

occurrence. The client should be encouraged to maintain a large fluid intake to help flush the

mucus out of the conduit. Because mucus in the urine is expected, it is not necessary to change

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the appliance bag or notify the physician. The mucus is not an indication of an infection, so a

urine culture is not necessary.

32.  4. If the appliance becomes too full, it is likely to pull away from the skin completely or to

leak urine onto the skin. A full appliance will not rupture the ileal conduit or interrupt urine

production. Odor formation has numerous causes.

33.  2. A reusable appliance should be routinely cleaned with soap and water.

34.  3, 4. The client with an ileal conduit must learn self-care activities related to care of the

stoma and ostomy appliances. The client should be taught to increase fluid intake to about 3,000

ml per day and should not limit intake. Adequate fluid intake helps to flush mucus from the ileal

conduit. The ostomy appliance should be changed approximately every 3 to 7 days and whenever

a leak develops. A skin barrier is essential to protecting the skin from the irritation of the urine.

An aspirin should not be used as a method of odor control because it can be an irritant to the

stoma and lead to ulceration. The ostomy pouch should be emptied when it is one-third to one-

half full to prevent the weight from pulling the appliance away from the skin.

35.  4. It is normal for clients to express fears and concerns about the body changes associated

with a urinary diversion. Allowing the client time to verbalize concerns in a supportive

environment and suggest that she discuss these concerns with people who have successfully

adjusted to ostomy surgery can help her begin coping with these changes in a positive manner.

Although the client may be anxious about this situation and self-esteem may be diminished, the

underlying problem is disturbance in body image. There are no data to support a diagnosis of

Deficient Knowledge.

36.  1. The most important reason for attaching the appliance to a standard urine collection bag at

night is to prevent reflux into the stoma and ureters, which can result in infection. Use of a

standard collection bag also keeps the appliance from separating from the skin and helps prevent

urine leakage from an overly full bag, but the primary purpose is to prevent reflux of urine. A

client with a urinary diversion should drink 2000-3000 ml of fluid each day; it would be

inappropriate to suggest decreasing fluid intake.

37.  2. Maintaining a fluid intake of 2,000 to 3,000 ml/day is likely to be effective in preventing

UTI. A high fluid intake results in high urine output, which prevents urinary stasis and bacterial

growth. Avoiding people with respiratory tract infections will not prevent urinary tract

infections. Clean, not sterile, technique is used to change the appliance. An ileal conduit stoma is

not irrigated.

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38.  2. Intermittent pain that is less colicky indicates that the calculi may be moving along the

urinary tract. Fluids should be encouraged to promote movement, and the urine should be

strained to detect passage of the stone. Hematuria is to be expected from the irritation of the

stone. Analgesics should be administered when the client needs them, not routinely. Moist heat

to the flank area is helpful when renal colic occurs, but it is less necessary as pain is lessoned.

39.  2. The ureteral catheter should drain freely without bleeding at the site. The catheter is rarely

irrigated, and any irrigation would be done by the physician. The catheter is never clamped. The

client’s total urine output (ureteral catheter plus voiding or foley catheter output) should be 30


40.  1. Ambulation stimulates peristalsis. A client with paralytic ileus is kept NPO until

peristalsis returns. Intravenous fluid infusion is a routine postoperative order that does not have

any effect on preventing paralytic ileus. A stool softener will not stimulate peristalsis.

41.  2. The decrease in urinary output may indicate inadequate renal perfusion and should be

reported immediately. Urine output of 30 ml/hour or greater is considered acceptable. A slight

elevation in temperature is expected after surgery. Peristalsis returns gradually, usually the

second or third day after surgery. Bowel sounds will be absent until then. A small amount of

serous sanguineous drainage is to be expected.

42.  1. Because a high-purine diet contributes to the formation of uric acid, a low-purine diet is

advocated. An alkaline-ash diet is also advocated, because uric acid crystals are more likely to

develop in acid urine. Foods that may be eaten as desired in a low-purine diet include milk, all

fruits, tomatoes, cereals, and corn. Food allowed on an alkaline-ash diet include milk, fruits

(except cranberries, plums, and prunes), and vegetables (especially legumes and green

vegetables). Gravy, chicken, and liver are high in purine.

43.  2. Allopurinol is used to treat renal calculi composed of uric acid. Side effects of allopurinol

include drowsiess, maculopapular rash, anemia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and bone

marrow depression. Clients should be instructed to report skin rashes and any unusual bleeding

or bruising. Retinopathy, nasal congestion, and dizziness are not side effects of allopurinol.

44.  4. By inhibiting uric acid synthesis, allopurinol decreases its excretion. The drug’s

effectiveness is assessed by evaluating for a decreased serum uric acid concentration.

Allopurinol does not alter the level of alkaline phosphatase, not does it affect urinary calcium

excretion or the serum calcium level.

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45.  3. Stress incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine during such activities as coughing,

sneezing, laughing, or physical exertion. These activities increase abdominal and detruser

pressure. A strong urge to urinate is associated with urge incontinence. Overdistention of the

bladder can lead to overflow incontinence. Obstruction of the urethra can lead to urinary


46.  2. The history of three pregnancies is most likely the cause of the client’s current episodes of

stress incontinence. The client’s fluid intake, age, or history of swimming would not create an

increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

47.  2. Client’s with stress incontinence are encouraged to avoid substances such as caffeine and

alcohol which are bladder irritants. Emotional stressors do not cause stress incontinence. It is

caused most commonly be relaxed pelvic musculature. Wearing girdles is not contraindicated.

Although clients may be inclined to limit physical exertion to avoid incontinence episodes, they

should be encouraged to seek treatment instead of limiting their activities.

48.  3. A characteristic of urge incontinence is involuntary urination with little or no warning.

The inability to empty the bladder is urinary retention. Loss of urine when coughing occurs with

stress incontinence. Frequent dribbling of urine is common in male clients after some types of

prostate surgery or may occur in women after the development of vesicovaginal or

urethrovaginal fistula.

49.  1. The best way to assess for a distended bladder in either a male or female client is to check

for a rounded swelling above the pubis. The swelling represents the distended bladder rising

above the pubis into the abdominal cavity. Dullness does not indicate a distended bladder. The

client might experience tenderness or pressure above the symphysis. No urine discharge is

expected; the urine flow is blocked by the enlarged prostate.

50.  3. Rapid emptying of an overdistended bladder may cause hypotension and shock due to the

sudden change of pressure within the abdominal viscera. Previously, removing no more than

1,000 ml at one time was the standard of practice, but this is no longer thought to be necessary as

long as the overdistended bladder is emptied slowly.

51.  1. The primary reason for taping an indwelling catheter to a male client soothe penis is held

in a lateral position to prevent pressure at the penoscrotal angle. Prolonged pressure at the

penoscrotal angle can cause a ureterocutaneous fistula.

52.  3. The prostate gland is located below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. It serves one

primary purpose: to produce a secretion that aids in the nourishment and passage of sperm.

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53.  3. Atrovent is a bronchodilator, and its anticholinergic effects can aggravate urinary

retention. Glucophage and BuSpar do not affect the urinary system; timolol does not have a

systemic effect.

54.  4. If paralysis of vasomotor nerves in the upper spinal cord occurs when spinal anesthesia is

used, the client is likely to develop respiratory paralysis. Artificial ventilation is required until

the effects of the anesthesia subside. Convulsions, cardiac arrest, and renal shutdown are not

likely results of spinal anesthesia.

55.  3. Terazosin (Hytrin) is an antihypertensive drug that is also used in the treatment of BPH.

Blood pressure must be monitored to ensure that the client does not develop hypotension,

syncope, or postural hypotension. The client should be instructed to change positions slowly.

Urinary nitrites, white blood cell count, and pulse rate are not affected by terazosin.

56.  3. The decision made by the surgeon to insert a catheter after a TURP or prostatectomy

depends on the amount of bleeding that is expected after the procedure. During continuous

bladder irrigation after a TURP or prostatectomy, the rate at which the solution enters the bladder

should be increased when the drainage becomes brighter red. The color indicates the presence of

blood. Increasing the flow of irrigating solution helps flush the catheter well so clots do not plug

it. There would be no reason to increase the flow rate when the return is continuous or when the

return appears cloudy and dark yellow. Increasing the flow would be contraindicated when there

is no return of urine and irrigating solution.

57.  1. Deficient Fluid Volume is a priority diagnosis, because the client needs to drink a large

amount of fluid to keep the urine clear. The urine should be almost without color. About 2 weeks

after a TURP, when desiccated tissue is sloughed out, a secondary hemorrhage could occur. The

client should be instructed to call the surgeon or go to the ED if at any time the urine turns bright

red. The client is not specifically at risk for nutritional problems after a TURP. The client is not

specifically at risk for nutritional problems after a TURP. The client is not specifically at risk for

impaired tissue integrity because there is no external incision, and the client is not specifically at

risk for airway problems because the procedure is done after spinal anesthesia.

58.  2. The most specific examination to determine whether a malignancy extends outside of the

prostatic capsule is a study of the serum acid phosphatase level. The level increases when a

malignancy has metastasized. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) determination and a digital

rectal examination are done when screening for prostate cancer. Serum creatinine level, total

nonprotein nitrogen level, and endogenous creatinine clearance time give information about

kidney function, not prostate malignancy.

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