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Board of Supervisors Meetings

Monday August 8 @ 7 PM - Work Session

Monday August 22 @ 7 PM - Regular Meeting

All Meetings will be held in the Board Room of the Administration Building,

180 Horse Landing Road.

Planning Commission Meeting

The Planning Commission will meet on Tuesday August 2, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in

the Board Room of the Administration Building. (CANCELLED)



King William County Board of Supervisors

Vision Statement

King William County envisions a united community built on the foundation of its past, the

strength of its diverse population and the promise of the future generations by focusing on

quality of education for all citizens, quality of public services and quality of life balancing

rural and suburban life-styles.

Adopted October 19, 2002


King William has two new Virginia Cooperative Extension Agents here to serve you. Please contact us and let us know what the community needs are.

Please “like” your Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent’s Facebook page to stay up to date on programs offered in our county: https://www.facebook.com/KingWilliamKingandQueenVaCooperativeExtension/

Please contact Tracy Porter at (804) 219-7014 for more information on the upcoming events be-low:

Please “like” your 4-H Agent’s Facebook page to keep up to date on programs offered in our county.


Please contact Rachael Winston at (804) 769-4957 for the upcoming events below:

August 15th-19

th Junior 4-H Camp @ Jamestown 4-H Center. Register before July 1.


The King William/King and Queen Virginia Cooperative Extension held a farm tour and work-shop for beginning farmers and current farmers interested in starting a new agriculture venture on Friday, July 8. The program began in the morning with beginning farmer Luke Hallman, own-er of Riverside Produce Farm, 6709 Mount Olive Cohoke Rd in King William, providing a tour of his 20-acre irrigated melon and tomato operation.


Following the farm tour, attendees met at the Pamunkey Baptist Association build-ing in King William to hear a series of presentations by federal and state agencies, local businesses and beginning farmers. The USDA agencies such as the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resource Conservation Service,nand Rural Development discussed programs designed to assist beginning farmers such as grants, cost share programs, technical assistance and low interest loans. Three Rivers Soil and Water Conservation District discussed programs available to farmers designed to help protect our surface and ground water and the Chesapeake Bay water-shed. Representatives from Virginia Tech's Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coali-tion and Virginia State University's Small Farm Outreach Program discussed pro-grams available to new and beginning farmers locally and across the state. The Virginia Farm Bureau and Colonial Farm Credit explained the products they offer to help beginning farmers such as business plans, financing and insurance options.

Lunch was provided and followed by a series of agriculture ventures by VSU, VT and current beginning farmers for attendees to consider. VSU School of Agriculture presented topics on direct and wholesale marketing of agriculture products; field and high tunnel production of small fruits (blackberries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries) and high value crops such as ginger and tumeric; and how to apply square foot gardening techniques on a commercial scale.

Tracy Porter, KQ/KW County Extension Agent gave a presentation on ways to raise fresh water shrimp, talipia and bass and a presentation on pastured layers and broilers. Bob Lavoie of Golden Days Farm, King William gave a presentation on how to get started in beekeeping for honey production, hive rentals for pollination and raising bees to sell nucleuses to other beekeepers. The audience also heard testimony on starting up a new farm business by Craig Leggett, a new farmer in his second year of farming row crops in in lower KQ.

Tracy Porter, KW/KQ Extension Agent will be holding a pastured broiler demonstra-tion this fall. The demonstration will cover the entire process from how to raise broilers day old chicks to processing and packaging for retail and wholesale cus-tomers. If you are interested in attending this demonstration, or future agriculture demonstrations, please contact Tracy Porter at [email protected].










Citizens Sheriff’s Academy

The first Citizen Sheriff’s Academy in King William graduated June 9. The academy began April

14, one night a week covering topics such as; the history of the Sheriff’s Office, 911 emergency

communications, court security, introduction to criminal law, patrol operations, traffic stops, DUI

Enforcement, criminal investigations, crime scene processing and forensics.

Training Officers instructed participants on the usage of firearms and other weapons employed

by deputies. They learned how officers are trained on the use of force and split second decision

making. They were given tours of the historic courthouse as well as the current courthouse and

Sheriff’s Office and 911 Dispatch Center.

The next Academy is planned for early September.


The King William Fatherhood Support Program is meeting the 2nd and 4th

Mondays at 6:30 at King William Social Services located at 172 Court-

house Lane. If you are interested in knowing more about the program,

please call 769-4905 for more information.

The Cooling Assistance Program began June 15 and runs until Au-gust 15. There must be a vulnerable person in the household (disabled person, over the age of 60 or have a child under the age of 6). There are other requirements and regulations to the pro-gram. Call King William Social Services at 769-4905 for questions or to request an application. Application can be made online at commonhelp.virginia.gov.


Community Service Positions Available



Help Keep King William Clean - If you would like to Volunteer for Litter

Pickup in your Area, Please Contact Tori Rowsey, Exec Asst -Operations @

769-4985 or by email [email protected]

Code Red Emergency Notification System

Get alerted about emergencies and other important community news by signing up for

our Emergency Alert Program. This system enables us to provide you with critical infor-

mation quickly in a variety of situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road clo-

sures, missing persons and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.

You will receive time-sensitive messages wherever you specify, such as your home, mo-

bile or business phones, email address, text messages and more. You pick where, you

pick how.

You can register for Code Red here: https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/


If you need assistance, or have questions about the system please feel free to contact

the King William County Emergency Management Department either by email,

[email protected], or phone (804) 769-2654.


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Come out & meet your fellow neighbors!

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