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  • 8/9/2019 Knowledge Mgnt


    Knowledge managementKnowledge management

  • 8/9/2019 Knowledge Mgnt


    What is knowledge?What is knowledge?

    It is the full utilization of information and data,It is the full utilization of information and data,

    coupled with the potential of peoples skills,coupled with the potential of peoples skills,

    competencies, ideas, institutions, commitmentscompetencies, ideas, institutions, commitmentsand motivators.and motivators.

    -- Grey, 1996Grey, 1996

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    Types of knowledgeTypes of knowledge

    Tacit and explicit knowledgeTacit and explicit knowledge

    Culturally based knowledgeCulturally based knowledge

    Knowledge structures and mappingKnowledge structures and mapping

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    Nonakas knowledge creation modelNonakas knowledge creation model

    SocializationSocialization from tacit knowledge to tacitfrom tacit knowledge to tacitknowledge; outputknowledge; output conceptual knowledgeconceptual knowledge

    ExternalizationExternalization from Tacit knowledge to explicitfrom Tacit knowledge to explicitknowledge; outputknowledge; output sympathetic knowledgesympathetic knowledge

    CombinationCombination from explicit knowledge to explicitfrom explicit knowledge to explicitknowledge; outputknowledge; output operational knowledgeoperational knowledge

    InternalizationInternalization from explicit knowledge to tacitfrom explicit knowledge to tacitknowledge; outputknowledge; output systematic knowledgesystematic knowledge

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    Knowledge management approachesKnowledge management approaches

    Mechanistic approachesMechanistic approaches

    Cultural/ behavioristic approachesCultural/ behavioristic approaches

    Systematic approachesSystematic approaches

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    Exploring 3 CsExploring 3 Cs

    ContentContent Tacit or ExplicitTacit or Explicit

    CommunityCommunity -- CollaborationCollaboration

    ComputingComputing Gathering, storage andGathering, storage andmaintenance of contentmaintenance of content

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    Implementing knowledgeImplementing knowledge

    managementmanagement Step 1. Analyze the existing infrastructureStep 1. Analyze the existing infrastructure

    Step 2. Align knowledge management and business strategyStep 2. Align knowledge management and business strategy

    Step 3. design and knowledge infrastructureStep 3. design and knowledge infrastructure

    Step 4. auditing existing knowledge assets and systemsStep 4. auditing existing knowledge assets and systems Step 5. Design the knowledge management teamStep 5. Design the knowledge management team

    Step 6. Create the knowledge management blueprintStep 6. Create the knowledge management blueprint

    Step 7. Develop the knowledge management systemStep 7. Develop the knowledge management system

    Step 8. Prototype and deploy [Step 8. Prototype and deploy [Result driven incrementalism (RDI)]Result driven incrementalism (RDI)] Step 9. Manage change, culture, and reward structureStep 9. Manage change, culture, and reward structure

    Step 10. evaluate performance, measure ROI, and incrementallyStep 10. evaluate performance, measure ROI, and incrementallyrefine knowledge management systemrefine knowledge management system

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    Maturation of knowledgeMaturation of knowledge

    Discovered knowledgeDiscovered knowledge

    Codified knowledgeCodified knowledge

    Migratory knowledgeMigratory knowledge

    Invisible knowledgeInvisible knowledge

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    Knowledge networksKnowledge networks


    By promoting a sense ofBy promoting a sense of

    being as part of totalitybeing as part of totality

    Ensuring regular faceEnsuring regular face--toto--

    face communication amongface communication among


    Redefining the traditionalRedefining the traditional

    hierarchical boundarieshierarchical boundaries




    division of labordivision of labor


  • 8/9/2019 Knowledge Mgnt


    Learning in organizationsLearning in organizations

    Learning organizations (Senge):Learning organizations (Senge):

    Personal masteryPersonal mastery Mental modelMental model

    Building shared visionBuilding shared vision

    Team learningTeam learning

    Systems thinkingSystems thinking

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    How does a learning organization functionHow does a learning organization function

    Systematic problem solvingSystematic problem solving

    Experimentation with new approachesExperimentation with new approaches

    Learning from own experience and past historyLearning from own experience and past history

    Learning from experiences and best practices of otherLearning from experiences and best practices of otherorganizationsorganizations

    Transferring knowledge into practiceTransferring knowledge into practice

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    Two programs for KMTwo programs for KM Once every year, business is assessed by a crossOnce every year, business is assessed by a cross--functionalfunctional

    team from other parts of the organizationteam from other parts of the organization

    Each business documents upto five of its best practicesEach business documents upto five of its best practices

    Valued best practices with description of contact nameValued best practices with description of contact name

    enters the Whirlpool databaseenters the Whirlpool database Other parts can then match their particular business needsOther parts can then match their particular business needs

    with the practices that could improve performancewith the practices that could improve performance

    Simple guidelines based on research and experience areSimple guidelines based on research and experience arepublished to help make the transfer successfulpublished to help make the transfer successful

    Whirlpool also institutionalizes information sharingWhirlpool also institutionalizes information sharingthrough the use of global teams and councilsthrough the use of global teams and councils


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    Teams are formed to solve key business issues or designTeams are formed to solve key business issues or design

    global business productsglobal business products

    Global councils meet either in person, or by phone, withGlobal councils meet either in person, or by phone, with

    international managers from similar functionsinternational managers from similar functions

    For example, global council may bring together theFor example, global council may bring together the

    human resources, or quality management executives ofhuman resources, or quality management executives of

    Whirlpools businesses which are located in more thanWhirlpools businesses which are located in more than

    140 countries140 countries Primary purpose of these meetings is to develop worldPrimary purpose of these meetings is to develop world--

    class processes by sharing best practicesclass processes by sharing best practices

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    Foremost producer of electronic equipment, systems andForemost producer of electronic equipment, systems andservices and a dominant force in its marketsservices and a dominant force in its markets

    Intensive benchmarkingIntensive benchmarking

    Quality goals, programs and metrics were expanded toQuality goals, programs and metrics were expanded to

    include suppliers, customers and learning consortiainclude suppliers, customers and learning consortia Reward and recognition systems were instituted toReward and recognition systems were instituted to

    reinforce learningreinforce learning

    Invested in employee education to achieve companyInvested in employee education to achieve company--

    wide quality goalswide quality goals Team functioningTeam functioning


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    Creation ofMotorola University for inCreation ofMotorola University for in--house educationhouse educationand training of employeesand training of employees

    Creation of companywide quality teams that workedCreation of companywide quality teams that workedtogether in pursuit of operational excellencetogether in pursuit of operational excellence

    Formation of executive groups with responsibility forFormation of executive groups with responsibility forovercoming barriers among different divisionsovercoming barriers among different divisions

    The executive groups developed documentation andThe executive groups developed documentation anddissemination methods to improve knowledgedissemination methods to improve knowledge--sharingsharingacross the firmacross the firm

    Modified productModified product--oriented focus on learning to includeoriented focus on learning to include

    more about the processesmore about the processes Created new management and learning processes withCreated new management and learning processes with

    the help of specialists in planning, scanning,the help of specialists in planning, scanning,measurement and education designmeasurement and education design


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    Involvement of employees in action learning, whereInvolvement of employees in action learning, whereactual problems form the basis of education designactual problems form the basis of education design

    Wide array of knowledge dissemination programs areWide array of knowledge dissemination programs areavailable to employees on both a voluntary andavailable to employees on both a voluntary andrequired basisrequired basis

    Development of and participation in joint ventures withDevelopment of and participation in joint ventures withothers companies for speeding up the acquisition,others companies for speeding up the acquisition,dissemination and utilization of knowledge through thedissemination and utilization of knowledge through thesharing of diverse resourcessharing of diverse resources

    Formal methods and modes for sharing knowledgeFormal methods and modes for sharing knowledgeinside and outside the firm constitute an important ofinside and outside the firm constitute an important ofMotorolas KM systemMotorolas KM system

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    Companys cultureCompanys culture producer of a larger number of productproducer of a larger number of productinnovators or heroes, champions or entrepreneursinnovators or heroes, champions or entrepreneurs

    Innovators can spend up to 15% of their onInnovators can spend up to 15% of their on--thth--job timejob timepursuing their own dreams and have access to companypursuing their own dreams and have access to companyresourcesresources

    Empowerment and mentor relationshipEmpowerment and mentor relationship

    Eleventh commandmentEleventh commandment Thou shall not kill ideas for newThou shall not kill ideas for newproductsproducts

    Failures in the pursuit of innovation are accepted and don notFailures in the pursuit of innovation are accepted and don notconstitute a stigmaconstitute a stigma

    Compensation at the senior levels is linked to the percentageCompensation at the senior levels is linked to the percentageof sales that comes from new productsof sales that comes from new products

    Funding and pilot testing for virtually any ideaFunding and pilot testing for virtually any idea

    ProblemProblem--solving missionssolving missions small teams sent out tosmall teams sent out tocustomer sites in response to specific customer problemscustomer sites in response to specific customer problems


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    New product forumsNew product forums

    Technical forumsTechnical forums Dual ladderDual ladder career track that enables technicalcareer track that enables technical

    and professional interests or having to switch to aand professional interests or having to switch to amanagerial trackmanagerial track

    Technical honor societyTechnical honor society Carlton SocietyCarlton Society Members areMembers arechosen in recognition of their outstanding and originalchosen in recognition of their outstanding and originaltechnical contribution within 3Mtechnical contribution within 3M

    Own business opportunitiesOwn business opportunities persons who successfullypersons who successfully

    champion a new product, get the opportunity to run it aschampion a new product, get the opportunity to run it ashis/her own project department, or division, depending onhis/her own project department, or division, depending onsales levels of productsales levels of product

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    Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) fostersfostersorganizational learning and KMorganizational learning and KM

    MSDN provides technical support to users of the companysMSDN provides technical support to users of the companys

    development products like compilers and languagesdevelopment products like compilers and languages

    Ensures that Microsoft maintain close relationships withEnsures that Microsoft maintain close relationships withsoftware developerssoftware developers its most technically sophisticated groupits most technically sophisticated group

    of customersof customers

    Opinions of the customer segment influence technicalOpinions of the customer segment influence technical

    decisions and led to invention ofMSdecisions and led to invention ofMS--DOS, Windows, Excel,DOS, Windows, Excel,

    Word, Power point and Access etc.Word, Power point and Access etc.

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    MSDNhelps in the following waysMSDNhelps in the following ways

    Enables to increase the amount and richness of biEnables to increase the amount and richness of bi--directionaldirectionalinformation flow, provides developers with CDinformation flow, provides developers with CD--ROMSROMS

    containing same information sued internally by Microsoftcontaining same information sued internally by Microsoft


    Company employs technology to increase significantly theCompany employs technology to increase significantly thenumber of ways customers can communicate with it likenumber of ways customers can communicate with it like

    electronics mail, internal bulletin board systemelectronics mail, internal bulletin board system

    Sophisticated automated tools to developers for producingSophisticated automated tools to developers for producing

    detailed problem reports which helps in diagnosis of problemsdetailed problem reports which helps in diagnosis of problems

    Environmental scanning, extensive customer problemEnvironmental scanning, extensive customer problem--solvingsolving

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    NASANASA Capturing and TransferringCapturing and Transferring



    NASA became concerned about its organizational knowledge,NASA became concerned about its organizational knowledge,which is with the retiring peoplewhich is with the retiring people

    Most knowledge in organizational memory about technicalMost knowledge in organizational memory about technicalapproaches was stored with specific individualsapproaches was stored with specific individuals Collective action were taken by the engineering teams to transferCollective action were taken by the engineering teams to transfer

    and capture the knowledgeand capture the knowledge The engineering directors workforce is made up of engineers,The engineering directors workforce is made up of engineers,

    scientists, and computer scientistsscientists, and computer scientists The goal of engineering directors were to: capture and transferThe goal of engineering directors were to: capture and transfer

    knowledge and skills to junior engineers; develop ways toknowledge and skills to junior engineers; develop ways tomaintain knowledge and skills apart from the experts; create amaintain knowledge and skills apart from the experts; create aculture where ongoing debate, discussion and inquiry aboutculture where ongoing debate, discussion and inquiry abouttechnical methods were encouragedtechnical methods were encouraged

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    Culture of minimum interaction between seniorCulture of minimum interaction between seniorexperts and younger employeesexperts and younger employees

    Senior experts were resistant to document theirSenior experts were resistant to document theirknowledge in accessible forms such as manuals,knowledge in accessible forms such as manuals,training courses, or expert system databasestraining courses, or expert system databases

    Communication has been limited due to lack ofCommunication has been limited due to lack ofinformal interaction with other departments,informal interaction with other departments,management, and most importantly senior technicalmanagement, and most importantly senior technical


    Action taken:Action taken:

    Each team developed a plan including formal andEach team developed a plan including formal andinformal methods to transfer information from seniorinformal methods to transfer information from seniortechnical experts to younger employees and withtechnical experts to younger employees and withother organizational unitsother organizational units

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    Formal methodsFormal methods electronic bulletin boards that would be updatedelectronic bulletin boards that would be updatedmonthly to focus on new techniques and lessons learned and othermonthly to focus on new techniques and lessons learned and otherimportant technical informationimportant technical information

    Brown bag meetings were conducted once in a month to discussBrown bag meetings were conducted once in a month to discusstechnical problems and issuestechnical problems and issues

    These were advertised across departments to maximize exposure andThese were advertised across departments to maximize exposure andinformation exchangeinformation exchange

    Training and documentation of procedures and processesTraining and documentation of procedures and processes Instituted program for senior experts and younger employees toInstituted program for senior experts and younger employees to

    come together on an ongoing basis, to hear about currentcome together on an ongoing basis, to hear about currenttechnologies outlines in journal articles or at conferencestechnologies outlines in journal articles or at conferences Younger employees took vigorous role in the process, includingYounger employees took vigorous role in the process, including

    scheduling of meetings and ensuring that technical experts arescheduling of meetings and ensuring that technical experts areavailableavailable


    Amount of time that senior experts were willing to devote to teamAmount of time that senior experts were willing to devote to teamactivitiesactivities

    Senior experts tended to view the problem as trainingSenior experts tended to view the problem as training--related and notrelated and not

    associated with organizational cultureassociated with organizational culture

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    Knowledge management diagnosticKnowledge management diagnostic

    (KMD)(KMD) a tool to diagnose the status of knowledgea tool to diagnose the status of knowledge

    management in your organizationmanagement in your organization

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    Sections of KMDSections of KMD



    LearnLearn ContributeContribute


    Build/ sustainBuild/ sustain DivestDivest

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    GetGet ArticulationArticulation





    UseUse PermeabilityPermeability


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    LearnLearn VisibilityVisibility




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    AssessAssess PerspectivePerspective


    DivestDivest ForbearanceForbearance ConversionConversion

    Build & sustainBuild & sustain DirectionDirection




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