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kathy gildersleeve FOSTERNEWS EDITOR

SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE is the 25th of every month. Submit items in

writing at the church office; fax 274-7126; email: [email protected];

or mail: 375 Hendersonville Rd. Asheville, NC, 28803. Submissions by phone are not


The Mission of Foster Church is to Love the Returning Christ, Love others, and Serve Both.


bryan aalborg SENIOR PASTOR eddie cornejo ASSISTANT PASTOR

phil rosburg WORSHIP PASTOR kathy gildersleeve COMMUNITY SERVICE DR.

kathy gildersleeve CHURCH ADMIN.

828-274-2014 CHURCH OFFICE www.fosterchurch.com











Perhaps you heard about the “Basic Religion Test” in connection with a recent study conducted by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. The test featured 32 questions which were posed to over 3,400 Americans covering the Bible, Christianity and other world religions, religious history, and geography. On average people answered half the questions correctly. Many incorrectly responded to questions about their own religious background. Those who scored the highest identified themselves as atheist/agnostic, Jewish, or Mormon. An abbreviated form of the test is available at http://features.pewforum.org/quiz/us-religious-knowledge/index.php. A blog at the New York Times invited readers to take a sample test and then react to their score. Comments ranged widely. Some answered all the questions correctly and thought the quiz was rather easy simply from the perspective of general knowledge. Others commented that they were familiar with questions stemming from their religious background but uniformed of religious knowledge outside of their personal arena. One response stood out uniquely from most others: “I personally am not going to take this test because I think that it is not appropriate for someone to ask you to test your knowledge on your religion. I think that is invading your privacy.” The idea of assessing religious knowledge prompted me to recall some statements in the Bible. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge” wrote Solomon (Proverbs 1:7). When praying to His Father Jesus said, “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

Issue [4]: October, 2010 PASTOR’S LINE

Asheville, NC

On this Issue • pastor’s line • community service • current news • bulletin board






Issue [4]: October, 2010  

continued…PASTOR’S LINE

We often equate knowledge with information. Certainly, information is integral to knowledge. However, notice carefully both the comment of Solomon and the prayer of Jesus. “Knowledge” also includes the components of “attitude” and “relationship.” Knowledge includes “fear” meaning respect, reverence. Jesus states that eternal life is not just knowing about God, possessing information about God. Eternal life is knowing God as a person. Eternal life is found in knowing God and Jesus Christ through a relationship. Of the early followers of Jesus it was well known that they were “uneducated and untrained men” meaning they did have an expected background in “the knowledge” of the day. But people marveled because “they realized that they had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13). They did not “know.” Yet, they “knew.” They possessed experiential knowledge that comes from a relationship with Jesus. The apostle wrote of how he prayed for friends: “that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power” (Ephesians 1:17-19). Knowledge requires information. Then knowledge steps onto relationship. Such knowledge of God is found in the Bible and then my response or attitude. Let’s join the apostle praying for each other that together we will be “in-the-know” with Jesus. Bryan Aalborg




Issue [4]: October, 2010  


“I remember a little boy last year who started the school year clomping around in his grandfathers worn out, oversize, shoes; and how happy he seemed to be

with the new shoes you all bought for him. He wore those shoes every day,” the teacher chuckled, “they were in pretty rough shape by the end of the school year!” On Wednesday, September 29th, two bus-loads of students from Madison County Schools pulled up to Discount Shoes, on Brevard Road, and unloaded fifty students, eager to find just the right pair of shoes. What a pleasure it was to share this experience with them as they patiently waited their turn, had the shoe size measured, and then traded their old worn-out shoes in for nice new ones! All made possible by your generosity! The children all said thank-you, several came up and thanked us personally – they truly do appreciate it. If you would like to sponsor a child’s shoes, there is still time; just mark a tithe envelope “community services shoe project.” Thank you very much!

“One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the LORD, and

He will repay him for his good deed.” Prov 19:17

PRAY FOR EACH OTHER On April 2, 2010, a husband and father of two sat on his porch, here in Buncombe County, playing chess when he was caught in the crossfire of a gun battle. He was shot in the abdomen and nearly died. He is still battling serious health issues; and has not been able to work. We were able to provide him and his family with food, clothing, a warm jacket, and most importantly, prayer. CART COWBOYS

We extend a huge thank-you to Jay Pintacuda, Frank Anello, and Joe Boone, for lassoing a grocery cart that recently capsized into the ravine. It was a risky venture, to be sure, but Jay braved the steep terrain and Frank and Joe had him anchored on top, and brought a much needed cart back into service. A heartfelt “Thanks” to all of the volunteers who come so faithfully every week, to be a vessel through whom the Lord ministers to those in need – drawing their hearts to Him, our peace.








Issue [4]: October, 2010  



A new seven week message series, Beyond, begins next Sabbath, October 9.

Beyond explores what the Bible says about life-change toward becoming more like

Jesus. Beyond will be relevant to both the individual who has little or no Christian orientation on the Bible as well as to the person who "knows" quite a bit about the Bible and encounters the challenge of living a Christ-honoring life.

The series begins with the first message titled "Beyond Today."

Seeking Personal Testimonies and Answers to Prayer

Please share with your church family the wonderful ways in which the Lord is leading and blessing your life, so we may rejoice with you to the glory of God! Send them to Kathy or Eddie.


YEAR ANNIVERSARY On October 1, 1860 leaders among a group of Christian believers who often referred to themselves as "Adventists" (because they believed in the return of Jesus Christ) met in Battle Creek, Michigan to discuss the selection of a name identifying their publishing house. After considerable discussion they agreed upon the name "Seventh-day Adventist." Soon that same name was employed to identify their churches. The name, "Seventh-day Adventist" clearly identifies two key elements of the Bible's message to us: (1) God's gift to us in the Sabbath; and (2) Jesus' promise to return to reunite us with Himself. About 2,500 persons in the northeastern United States and southern Canada comprised the Adventist community at that time. Today, 16 million people around the globe have a connection with the SDA Church.   On Sabbath, October 2nd, in recognition of the 150th anniversary of our name, Dr. Jud Lake of Southern Adventist University (Collegedale, TN) presented the message "It's All in the Name," at Foster; CD recording are available.  


AIR PERSONALITY OF THE YEAR Christian Music Broadcasting Momentum 2010 Radio Echo Awards: Congratulations to Foster Member Jerry Woods, who received the “Air Personality Of the Year” award on September 11, 2010; for his work with WMIT, here in Asheville.

CRAZY LOVE The Women's Bible Study Group that meets in room 402, on Sabbath morning, will start a new 10 week study on Oct. 9, using the book: Crazy Love, Overwhelmed by a Relentless God, by Francis Chan. For more information you can go to the web site: www.crazylovebook.com or contact Sharon




calendar COMMUNITY SERVICE RETREAT: With Dr. Philip Samaan, theology professor at SAU, and well known author and loved speaker at Adventist gatherings around the globe, will speak on Christ’s Way to Restoration. Dr Samaan is very excited about coming and speaking of a real love in his heart for the community service ministry, and following Christ’s example in a ministry of compassion. The retreat is at NOSOCA on Nov. 12-14, for more information pick up a gold flyer in the church foyer or contact Ruby Haugstead (704-596-3200). CLIENT NEEDS AT COMMUNITY SERVICES: -Baby diapers - All sizes. -Men’s clothing - Jeans, underclothing, white socks, & shoes. -Asheville High School - School supplies (college ruled paper, black ink pens, colored markers, colored pencils, mechanical pencils, dividers with color tabs, & lined 3x5 index cards), deodorant, feminine hygiene products. Please place items in basket in lower lobby. SENIOR CITIZENS SEMINAR: At MPA Church on Nov. 5-7; it will focus on matters of interest to Senior Citizens: health, social, and estate planning issues. For more information contact David White (667-3711 home) (368-0148 cell).

SOUTHERN SINGLES FALL RETREAT: October 15-17 at beautiful Sterchi Lodge (TN/NC state line near I-40). Enjoy inspirational messages from Gospel Ministries International, wonderful music, vegetarian & vegan meals, hiking on the Appalachian Trail, warm fun and fellowship. Come be refreshed physically, spiritually, relationally – and see what makes the Southern Singles “family” so special. For more info, email [email protected] or call Joanne at 423-784-9484; flyers are available in the foyer. WALLER MEMORIAL SERVICE: There will be a memorial service for Sue Waller, wife of Dr. Lewis Waller, at the MPA SDA Church, at 1 PM on Friday, October 18, 2010; family visitation will begin at Noon. SAVE THE DATE- FOSTER’S 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION-November 13th 2010! You won’t want to miss it! Thank you! ADVENT COURIERS MALE QUARTET: is currently seeking a first tenor. Contact Jim Sullenberger at (828) 692-2717. SEEKING VOLUNTEERS: Newsletter - If you have an interest in having a lot of fun assisting with the monthly newsletter, please contact: Kathy or Eddie. Community Services - Is a great place to serve the Lord, make new friends, and have a good time, all at the same time! We currently need someone to head the Children’s Clothing room on Tuesday mornings, from 8:45 to 12:00; please contact Kathy.

[October 02] . Message – Jud Lake . 150th Celebration of the Seventh-day Adventist Church  


[October 15-17] . Southern Singles Fall Retreat  

[November 13th] . Foster’s 50th Anniversary Celebration

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