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JULY 2020

Message From The HeadteacherWow, what a difficult couple of months we have had, we could never have foreseen what was coming our way. Despite the challenges, I believe that as a community and a school we have come out of this stronger and more united than ever before.

I have been overwhelmed by the support and feedback from parents and staff who have worked so hard to continue our children's education and care in these challenging times. A very big thank you to all our families who have supported their children’s home learning where possible, whilst dealing with many challenges such as working from home or caring full time for a family. I know that we have all faced our own challenges and yet we have been humbled by your engagement and support.

A very big thank you to all our staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure that children can either access home learning or return safely to school. Our children and parents have been constantly in our thoughts.

Finally, of course, a very big thank you to all our amazing children who have either been working hard at home or have come back into school to learn; full of positivity and smiles on their faces.

We have been lucky enough to welcome back around 150 children these last few weeks and all systems and structures are in place to keep your children as safe as possible.


Again, a very big thank you to parents who have supported us so well following our one way systems, letting the children go into school independently and lining up 2 metres apart. Our children have very quickly got into positive routines and are now experts at hand washing!

We look forward to welcoming back ALL CHILDREN in September, please don’t forget to send them in in their full school uniform and we look forward to seeing all our parents too.

I hope you all have a very safe summer and that you are able to enjoy some quality time with your children and families.

Best wishes and thanks

Mrs Rice

Page 2: KNOWLES PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERknowlesprimaryschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · There will always be a special place for Knowles in my heart. Don’t worry, I am not leaving

You Will Be Missed

To all the families and children at Knowles,

It has been an absolute pleasure working at Knowles. Living in Bletchley myself, I have felt honoured to have been part of this school community. I have watched the school grow from strength to strength and have loved being part of the journey.

I will miss you all greatly and will cherish all the memories I have of Knowles. Thank you for all your support, love and care over the years.

There will always be a special place for Knowles in my heart.

Don’t worry, I am not leaving for another school in Milton Keynes. An opportunity arose for me to work abroad in an International School in Abu Dhabi.

It’s an exciting time for Knowles and I cannot wait to see what’s next for the school.

All my love, Miss Dobson xXx




Key Points To Remember For September

★ All children MUST attend school from September (under current government guidance)

★ All children must wear full school uniform

★ When it is your child’s PE day they can arrive in PE kit and wear it all day

★ All children must bring their own named water bottle each day

★ All children must bring their own packed lunch or order a school dinner from the main office.

★ Children can only bring in a reading book, water bottle and lunch box to school, no other personal belongings.

★ Parents must observe our one way system when arriving and collecting children.

★ Parents must observe playground markings and let their children enter the school building on their own (keeping 2 metres away from the classroom doors). If parents and children need to queue they must keep 2 metres apart using the lines marked on the playground.

We Say Goodbye To The Following Staff

I know you will echo me in my thanks for all the support they have given us over the years.

We also say ‘farewell for now’ to Miss Hilton as she says goodbye to Knowles for her maternity leave.

We hope that she has a restful summer and we all look forward to hearing about the news of the birth of her baby.

We also say goodbye and best wishes for the future to Mrs Crawford and Miss Murphy.

Some truly incredibly staff who have worked tirelessly to support your children grow, learn and develop and be the best they possibly can.

I know how much they have enjoyed working alongside your children every step of the way and again.

Goodbye From Miss Dobson

Page 3: KNOWLES PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERknowlesprimaryschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · There will always be a special place for Knowles in my heart. Don’t worry, I am not leaving

Welcome To The Family

Welcome to our new Deputy Head Teacher Sophie Simpson

I’m very excited to begin working at Knowles in September. I’ve heard and seen lots of amazing things about the school and the community and I’m looking forward to meeting you all soon. I’ve had experience working with a range of ages in different schools in Milton Keynes and Northampton. I strongly believe children need to feel happy and safe in school so always put the children’s needs and wellbeing first and I know that this is at the heart of the community at Knowles.

I live in Milton Keynes with my husband and my zoo (two cats and two dogs) and enjoy running and travelling in my spare time.

I hope you all have a fantastic summer break and I’ll see you all in September.

New Staff


Welcome to our new Attendance Officer Shanie Jamieson

Shanie has been the attendance officer for the Bletchley Partnership of Schools for 7 years and has worked in 10 local schools over the years. Shanie is a former Headteacher and has over 30 years of education experience.

Shanie’s work for the Bletchley Partnership has involved supporting families to engage with the education of their children, by helping with strategies to assist with timekeeping, getting prepared for school, coping with the demands of school, including support with bullying, routines, additional resources and homework.

Shanie’s main role is to ensure children and families can access their education and therefore will hold meetings with parents if support is needed, and will also explain the requirements and legislation regarding attendance which includes the penalties for non attendance and holidays taken in term time.SHANIE JAMIESON

Also Welcome ToMR ROBINSON














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The safety of our pupils, staff and parents is our priority and so we have taken lots of additional measures to make sure that we are well prepared for children's return in September.

Children will have their own equipment and regular access to handwashing facilities in their newly laid out classrooms.

What Learning Will Look Like In September

Ready For September







Page 5: KNOWLES PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERknowlesprimaryschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · There will always be a special place for Knowles in my heart. Don’t worry, I am not leaving

Well done to everyone for working so hard this term from home. We have been blown away by the spectacular learning that you have shared with us over the last few months.

We’ve all had to adapt to new ways of working, so we wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to all parents and carers. What an amazing job you have done in supporting your child’s wellbeing and learning through homeschooling during this time.

It’s definitely been a strange and challenging time for us all, so it’s ok if you and your child feel anxious or worried at the moment. We’re here for you every step of the way as we reopen the school and get ready to welcome everyone back safely. We have missed the children greatly and can’t wait to see you all again in September to get stuck in to some amazing learning!

What Learning Will Look Like In September

Amazing Homeschooling






Page 6: KNOWLES PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERknowlesprimaryschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · There will always be a special place for Knowles in my heart. Don’t worry, I am not leaving

A Love Of Reading

We decided to give the school Libraries a lockdown makeover!

The Woodlands Library (KS2 Library) has been completely transformed by Miss Cleaver and Miss Sinclair. While the Orchard Library (KS1 Library) has been moved to a bigger, brighter room which feels more inviting for the children to read in.

With plenty of new books to choose from, the children can sit in our shared reading corners with their class and get lost in an exciting story! There are a range of big floor books, including some favourite tales such as Six Dinner Sid and Commotion in the Ocean, for the class teacher to share with their class.

Research and fact finding is key to all our Topics in school. In this area they can use the Non-Fiction books to help them reference and research information about the class Topics. Books about The Great Fire of London, Our Local Area, Ancient Times and many, many more will aid the children's learning in these areas.

Children are more than welcome to take books home. These books need to be looked after and returned once the child has finished with them. The children will not be allowed to take more than one book out at a time so please encourage your child to bring their book back once they have finished. Children will have an allocated library time each week to visit the school library with their class. During this time they can return and change books or simply enjoy looking through the range of books in the new libraries!

Library MakeoversORCHARD LIBRARY


Page 7: KNOWLES PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERknowlesprimaryschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · There will always be a special place for Knowles in my heart. Don’t worry, I am not leaving

Green Fingers

Since the lockdown there have been many wonderful changes at Knowles Primary School, a couple of which all the children will be able to enjoy and take part in throughout the academic year ahead.

During the schools partial re- opening staff have been working hard to create a functional allotment for children to enjoy and get involved in. We now have lots of vegetables growing, this includes a strawberry patch, peas, corn and pumpkins to name but a few.

This is an ongoing project which I’m sure all the children will love being a part off.

We have also created a wildlife garden which will include a pond, and has many other diverse areas for our children to explore and learn.

Wildlife Garden & AllotmentWILDLIFE GARDEN BUG HOTEL




Page 8: KNOWLES PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERknowlesprimaryschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · There will always be a special place for Knowles in my heart. Don’t worry, I am not leaving

Open For Business

Whilst you’ve been away, we’ve been really busy building our curriculum departments!

Are you crazy about science? Do you have a passion for painting? From September, you will be able to use our very special Art, DT and Music rooms for your lessons with lots of amazing opportunities to build, create and make.

We also have a spectacular science lab complete with our very own life size skeleton!

We are so lucky to be able to have a whole building to support your learning and we can’t wait to see all the wonderful lessons that will happen there next year.

EvergreensMUSIC ROOM



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Page 10: KNOWLES PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERknowlesprimaryschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · There will always be a special place for Knowles in my heart. Don’t worry, I am not leaving

Always Here To Help

Family SupportFamily Support offer support and advice to both the children and parents.

Summer holidays can sometimes be a long, lonely and hard time so we would like to offer our services during this time.

Family Support will be available during the summer break for advice and support if needed.

You can contact Cheryl Weight on 07703 829 542MRS WEIGHT

Breakfast ClubBreakfast Club is available from 8:00am every morning in the main hall. We will offer a selection of bagels and cereal.

Teachers will collect children at 8.25am. There is a cost of £1 per child session, unless you qualify for pupil premium, then it will be free.

Please contact the office for a registration form.

Term Dates

Page 11: KNOWLES PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTERknowlesprimaryschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/... · There will always be a special place for Knowles in my heart. Don’t worry, I am not leaving

School Uniform

All Children are expected to wear uniform from September.

★ Grey/Black Trousers/Skirt/Dresses

★ Blue Summer Dresses

★ White Polo Shirt

★ Black school shoes

Children must come in wearing their PE kit on the days they have PE.

★ Knowles PE T Shirt

★ Black shorts/Tracksuit bottoms/Leggings

★ Black plimsolls/trainers

You can order uniform from:

Maisies 60/64 Church Street, Wolverton, MK12 5JW 01908 313 313

Kedaph SchoolwearUnit A, Lennox Road, Bletchley, MK2 2HH01908 850 554

If you are struggling and need help with uniform, please see family support.


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We have successfully been awarded the Bronze Rights Respecting award for the academic year of 2019 - 2020. Next year, we will be working hard to gain the silver award.

The award is created by Unicef and uses the UN conventions on the rights of the child (UNCRC) as a guide to ensure schools create safe and inspiring environments to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive.

The Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.

The children learn about the 54 articles that cover all aspects of a child’s life and set out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all children everywhere are entitled to. It also explains how adults and governments must work together to make sure all children can enjoy all their rights.

We would like to inform you of an on-going project we are engaged in and are working with Milton Keynes Council; in the hope to improve the congestion and parking around the school during drop off and pick up times.

This is called the STARS project; we are developing a sustainable travel plan for the school. The council commenced a pick up count, where there was a noticeable spike in congestion around drop off and pick up times. A reminder that at no point should individuals be parking on the ‘Keep Clear’ Zig Zagged lines and on the yellow lines. These protect the entrance and exit to the school, and most importantly keeps the students safe when coming out of school, and crossing the busy road.

The school is working towards becoming recognised as a nationally accredited school, which we cannot do without you! As part of creating the travel plan we are encouraging all students to actively travel to and from school e.g. walking or cycling. As part of the project your son/daughter will have the opportunity to engage in a number of different activities choosing from a menu of different activities. These activities can range from: raising awareness of Road Safety, practical sessions students can participate in, assemblies, different competitions and featured weeks throughout the year.

An initiative we would like to inform you about is called Park and Stride. This is to encourage our children and families to walk to school and avoid parking in the carpark or on the main road. The map shows a 5 minute and 10-minute walking zone. We’re asking you to park outside those zones and walk to school or if you live inside the zones already to walk, bike or scoot to school to promote an active travel plan.

We look forward to continue working with you next year to reduce the amountof congestion around drop off and pick up times.

Let’s make our school the safest place it can be for all students.

STARS Get To School Map

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