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  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    Introduction to Kritiks

    Ryan Galloway

    Samford University

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    K Lecture Overview

    Introduction to Kritiks

    Answering Kritiks

    Kritik Tricks

    Kritiks specic!likely on t"e topic

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture



    Kritik comes from t"e German meaning tocritici#e

    It is an argument t"at c"allenges t"ephilosophicalor linguisticassumptions of t"eA$rmative case

    %&ample' ("y would it )e wrong to saymankind w"en referring to "uman )eings*

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    Structure of t"e Kritik

    Kritiks usually start wit" a frameworkde)ateor a +uestion regarding w"at t"e de)ate isa)out

    Kritiks often say t"e de)ate is not a)out autilitarianframework

    T"e de)ate mig"t )e a)out educating people ora)out "ow to )est use language

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    Link ,e)ate

    Kritiks- .ust like disads- "ave links

    T"e di/erence is t"e link is not always to t"eplan

    It mig"t )e to any language or assumptionmade in your evidence

    %&ample' If you assume t"at t"e environments"ould )e protected )ecause of )enets tohumans0t"at is a link to a kritik

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture



    1ust like disads- Kritiks "ave impacts

    Unlike disads- Kritiks often "ave deontologicalimpacts0or somet"ing you s"ould re.ect nomatter w"at2

    3an someone t"ink of a deontological


  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture



    Kritiks often also "ave systemic impacts0meaningt"e continuation of a system causes oppressionoreven makes e&tinction inevita)le

    T"e te&t)ook e&ample of t"is is t"e 3apitalism Kritik0it will argue

    3apitalism is unet"ical

    3apitalism is t"e root cause of environmental


    3an someone t"ink of a reason w"y t"is mig"t )e


  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture



    Kritiks usually "ave an alternative2

    T"e )est way to t"ink a)out t"e Kritikalternative is to t"ink of it like a counterplan

    An alternative is often to wit"draw from anoppressive system or to ret"ink t"e oppressive


    ("at is an alternative to t"e capitalism Kritik*

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    Kritik %&ample

    A4 5ramework' T"e .udge is not a policy maker0t"e .udge is a critical intellectual assessingt"e assumptions of t"e a$rmative

    64 Link' T"e plan up"olds t"e prot motive ofcapitalism0it treats immigrants as cogs in amac"ine merely makes capitalism looksustaina)le and environmentally friendly

    34 Impact' 3apitalism is t"e root cause ofenvironmental destruction0e&tinction isinevita)le unless we c"allenge capitalism2

    ,4 Alternative' T"e .udge s"ould intellectuallywit"draw support from t"e system of capitalism

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    Answering t"e K

    Solvency' Alt doesn7t solve

    T"eory' ,efend your framework

    O/ense' 8rove w"y your a$rmative is a goodidea- and t"eir t"eory is a )ad one

    8erms' 3om)ine t"e a$rmative and t"ealternative

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    Alt doesn7t solve t"e

    case 8rimary way to )eat t"e K is to prove t"e alt

    doesn7t solve t"e case

    T"en win t"e case outweig"s

    8ragmatism' 9ou s"ould assess w"at canpragmatically )e done

    Specicity' 8rove t"at t"e alternative won7tsolve t"e specics of t"e case

    ("y does c"allenging capitalism solve fora+uaculture*

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture



    5ramework is usually t"e :; t"eory argument

    ,e)ate s"ould only )e policy

    A55 c"oice

    Resolution is a policy resolution

    5airness' innite : of p"ilosop"ies < discursive arguments

    (eig" our A55

    =ague alts can get you somew"ere as well0usually as asolvency decit to t"e kritik

    3ross>? can t"e alternative ever do t"e A55* If so- w"y is t"e

    alternative inconsistent wit" t"e A55*

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture



    6est way to generate o/ense is to indict t"et"eory

    Argue capitalism is good- argue neo>li)eralismis good

    Also aut"or t"eory arguments like @eidegger7s

    t"eory leads to a#ism etc2

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture



    Always- always permute a kritik

    Argue Bdo )ot"C and Bdo t"e plan and all non>mutually e&clusive parts of t"e alt2C

    ("at is t"e di/erence*

    If t"e alternative can do t"e plan- t"en Bdo t"ealternativeC also works2

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    %&ample of a Kritik 5ront>

    Line ;4 T"e Kritik doesn7t solve t"e case'

    A4 T"e Kritik doesn7t solve for agriculture

    64 T"e Kritik doesn7t save t"e economy

    D4 T"e de)ate s"ould )e a)out is t"e plan )etter t"an a policyalternative or t"e status +uo

    A4 A55 c"oice makes us Ee&i)le to )e )ot" a policy and akritik de)ater

    64 T"e resolution is a policy resolution0it asks w"at s"ould )edone

    34 T"e implication is to re.ect t"e kritik or allow us to weig"our A55

    F4 3apitalism is good0it solves for t"e environment

    4 8ermute' do t"e plan and all non>mutually e&clusive partsof t"e alternative

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture



    K>)om)s is my nickname for t"e argument t"atcertain Kritik arguments if you drop- you almostautomatically lose

    If de)ating t"e K team- you must answer t"esearguments

    If you are t"e K team0drop K>)om)s

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    K>6om) ;'

    Unpredicta)ility B(e can7t evaluate conse+uencesC usually t"e

    e&perts are as accurate as Bmonkeys t"rowingdarts at a dart)oard2C

    ("y is it important not to drop t"is*

    Usually you answer t"is )y saying t"at w"ile

    t"ere are no a)solute trut"s- t"ere can )elimited trut"s2

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    K>6om) D' %t"ics are all

    t"at matter T"is is t"e second side of t"e conse+uences

    de)ate0t"at t"ey don7t matter2

    Deontology0we "ave certain principles wes"ould not violate0no matter w"at2

    To answer t"is- you "ave to win t"at

    conse+uences are key to et"ics

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    K>6om) F' Ontology

    3omes 5irst Ontologyis t"e t"eory of )eing

    It is t"e BIC in t"e BI t"inkC

    Are we corrupted people- are we evil*

    5amous card from Himmerman t"at ontological

    damnation o!ws nuclear war2

    Answer t"is )y saying we will never get to a discussionof conse+uences- )ecause we can t"ink a)out ontologyforever2

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    K>6om) ' %pistemology

    3omes 5irst Epistemologyis "ow we know w"at we know2

    @ow do you know t"at capitalism saves t"eenvironment*

    8er"aps our sources are corrupted or )iased or"ave incentives to create war

    T"e )est answer is to say t"at even if we don7tknow everyt"ing- we can know some t"ings2

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    K>6om) ' 5iat is an

    illusion 5iat is t"e assumption t"at t"e plan s"ould


    T"is argument says t"at t"e plan will neveractually "appen

    Argues t"at )ecause t"e plan never "appens-

    you can claim no impacts from t"e plan

    5re+uently run wit" t"e Brepresentations are allt"at matterC K>)om)

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    K>6om) J' Representations

    are all t"at matter T"is is t"e Bdiscourse is all t"at mattersC argument2

    T"ey say t"at all we are doing is talking

    T"ey say t"at representations create reality

    3an you give an e&ample of representationscreating reality*

    6est answer is to say t"at an over focus onrepresentations distracts from policy

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    K>6om) ' B&C is t"e root

    cause of everyt"ing B&C is somet"ing like capitalism- patriarc"y-

    statism- etc2

    3"allenge t"at anyt"ing is t"e root cause ofeveryt"ing else2

    T"ere are pro&imate causes- )ut no root causes

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    K>6om) ' T"ere is no valueto life in your framework

    Usually t"is is )ecause you .ustify Bkilling tosaveC

    @ow could t"e a$rmative .ustify killing to save*

    3"allenge t"is )y saying t"at life always "asmeaning

  • 7/24/2019 Kritik Basics Lecture


    K>6om) M' 9our impact is

    inevita)le T"ey will say t"at a certain system makes

    e&tinction inevita)le

    T"is means you s"ould Btry or dieC you s"ouldtry to g"t capitalism- patriarc"y- etc or we alldie

    8rove t"at e&tinction is not inevita)le0life isgetting )etter0t"e environment is getting)etter

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