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Ning RangdaA long time ago in the southern area of Borneo Island, lived a beautiful girl named Rangda. She had excellent weaving and sewing skills. Her beauty was known in the whole area. Many young men fell in love with her.One day, the prince who had heard about Rangdas beauty, came to her house to order a dress from her. The prince was amazed by Rangdas beauty and her humbleness. He fell in love with her. After he got his dress, the prince immediately went back to the palace. He wanted to tell his father that he already found his future wife. However, right after the prince arrived at the palace, he suffered a terrible illness. He was unconscious and got high fever. Every night in his sleep, he always whispered a name, "Rangda... Rangda... Rangda."The king was really worried. He asked his advisors about the Rangda's name. One of the kings advisors, Wakil Mangkubumi was familiar with the name. Rangda is a beautiful young girl who lives at the southern area. She had excellent weaving and sewing skill. All of the princes clothes were made by her, explained Wakil Mangkubumi.The king knew that his son had fallen in love with the girl. The next day, he ordered his soldiers to take him and the prince to Rangda's house. Wakil Mangkubumi went first to Rangdas house. The king had ordered him to tell Rangda and her parents about the wedding proposal. Rangda was very happy because she also fell in love with the prince.When the prince heard that he would meet with Rangda, he was very happy. His health improved significantly. Then the prince, the king, and the soldiers went to Rangda's house. But the trip was very tiring and made the prince suffered his illness again. The illness was worse than the previous one. It was so bad that finally the prince died on the journey.The king was so sad. He thought it was useless to continue the trip. Then he went back to the palace. Meanwhile, Rangda did not know that the prince had died. She was sewing a wedding dress for the wedding. She wanted to give the prince the best wedding dress. Everyday, she waited and waited for the prince, but he never came. She kept on sewing the wedding dress until she was old. People then called her Ning Rangda. She was called Ning because she was old and had a hunchbacked body.

Created By A. Bau Rezky Wahyuni Ardam (9791)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Kebango Rengseng

Once upon a time at Dasan Beleka in Ganti Village there lived an old widow with his son. They earned money by making traps on the river flow named Tibu Nangke. Fate doesnt always lucky, sometime none fish come into the traps, but if lucky, the traps were full many kinds of fish like: eel, catfish and various of fishes that can be sold and exchange with rice.

One day the old man called his son Come here my son weve run outof the food and no money, lets go to Tibu Nangke, who knows there are many fishes come into thetraps. In the midnight when the old man kept the traps, there was a strange human shadow closed to the traps and said Dont be prejudice to me, I just want to have a close friend, not more!

Since then, They have been a close friend. Someday his son asked the father Father,with whom did you talk every night in the traps place? Let me know father The old man told about his new friend that he is kind and helpful person. He asked to the son to continue it if he is died later.

Day by day the old man was getting weak. uhuk2x, get closer my son, Iam getting weak, tired and getting pain on my back. Remember if you are given something justchoose the worst of the worst The old man passed away. Daddy..daddy..why am I left alone..daddy..?(crying) screamed the boy.

To survive his life he continued what his father did before. How pity on him, he saw the content of the traps just only head and the bones of fish left. Anyone who could do this? I was a poor orphan uuu uuuu(cry) who hurt me? Iam going to fight and catch it soon!

One day, he went to Tibu Nangke, hid in the bushes and herd This is the traps Im going to eat them all, Im starving, Im not a bad person, I just want to see my best friendschild. The boy saw the big heron was eating the fish, he got mad and cath it hap!.. The heron promised to return all those were eaten.

The heron invited him to go to his house. When they got there, in an instant he turn into the Genie. Wuuuush Orphan, Im not a human being, Im the Genie.. this is my place on Rinjani Mountain, just pick anything you want, look at the gold, diamond, jewels and other antic objects. Wow the goods are good! But I remember my pa, choose the worst of the worstSo he chose the ugliest things, they are ablack thin horse whose hurt on its leg and a rusty gong its called Gong Robek. Those thing were sacred, these things will bring prosperty for a better life. The orphan just noded and got permission to go home. Bye-bye Genie. see you around

Since then, the orphan become rich but his not arrogant even helpful to others. He left the wealth and the Gong Robek. The orphan was disappear with his thin black horse and never comeback again. While the Gong Robek up to now can bee seen in Dasan Beleka.

Created By Akbar Rahmat (9712)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

A Gold Snail

Once upon a time, there was a couple living in a palace. They were Prince Raden Putra and Dewi Limaran. Prince Raden Putra's father was the king of the kingdom.One day, Dewi Limaran was walking around in the palace garden. Suddenly she saw a snail. It was ugly and disgusting. "Yuck!" said Dewi Limaran and then she threw it away into a river.She did not know that the snail was actually an old and powerful witch. She could transform herself into anything. The witch was angry to Dewi Limaran. The witch put a spell on her and changed her into a golden snail. The witch then threw it away into the river.The golden snail was drifting away in the river and got caught into a net. An old woman was fishing and used her net to catch some fish. She was surprised to see a golden snail in her net. She took it and brought it home. When the old woman woke up in the morning, she was surprised that the house was in the good condition.The floor was mopped. And she also had food on the table. She was thinking very hard. "Who did this to me? The person is very kind." It happened again and again every morning.The old woman was very curious. One night she decided to stay up late. She was peeping from her room to know who cooked for her. Then, she could not believe what she saw. The golden snail she caught in the river turned into a beautiful woman. The old woman approached her. "Who are you, young girl?", "I am Dewi Limaran, Ma'am. A witch cursed me. I can change back as a human only at night," explained Dewi Limaran."The spell can be broken if I hear the melody from the holy gamelan," continued Dewi Limaran.The old woman then rushed to the palace. She talked to Prince Raden Putra about her wife. Prince Raden Putra was so happy. He had been looking for his wife everywhere. He then prayed and meditated. He asked the gods to give him the holy gamelan. He wanted to break the witch's spell.After several days praying and meditating, finally gods granted his wish. He immediately brought the holy gamelan to the old woman's house. He played it beautifully. And then amazingly the golden snail turned into the beautiful Dewi Limaran. The couple was so happy that they could be together again. They also thanked the old woman for her kindness. As a return, they asked her to stay in the palace.

Created By Sri Mega Kurnia Anas (10260)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

The Legend Of Situ Bagendit

Far away in an isolated village there was a young rich woman. The house that she had been living in was very big. Her wealth was plentiful. The young woman lived by herself. She didnt have any friend at all.Wouw, I am very rich! Hahaha, I am the richest woman in this village! said the young woman while she was looking at her gold and jewelries. It was so pity, that the young woman was very miserly. Her plentiful wealth never been used to help others. All of the wealth is mine, isnt it? So what am I give it all to other for? The young woman thought. However, many of villagers were poor. They lived in less condition. Sometimes some villagers were hunger, and didnt get any food for days.Because of the young woman miserly, the villagers called her Bagenda Endit. Bagenda Endit meant the miserly rich person. Bagenda Endit, have mercy on me! My child has not eaten for few days, said an old woman sadly. Hi, you crazy old woman! Get away from me! yelled Bagenda Endit threw the old woman away. Because the old woman didnt want to go, Bagenda Endit splashed her with water. Splash!, and all over the old woman body and her baby became wet.Bagenda Endit was a feeling less woman. She didnt even have a little bit mercy to the old woman and her baby. She even got more angry. After that, she asked the old woman to get out of her house yard. And then, she was dragging her out of the yard. Although Bagenda Endit was very miserly, the village people kept coming in.The came for the water wheel. No, I wont let you to take away the water from my wheel! The water in the wheel is mine! Bagenda Endit yelled angrily. Hahahayoure all stupid! You think you just can take the water from my wheel! Bagenda Endit said while she was watching the thirst villagers outside the fence. Suddenly, a decrepit man was standing in Bagenda Endit house yard. He was walking tottery to the wheel while holding his stick.When the old man was trying to take the water, Bagenda Endit saw it. Then, she hit the old man with a founder. Have mercy on me Bagenda Endit! I want to take the water just for a drink, said the old man when he was trying to get up. Bagenda Endit kept beating the old man. And then, an astonishing thing happened. Suddenly the old man got up with a healthy body.He walked closer to Bagenda Endit. He pointed his stick at the cruel rich womans nose. Hi, Bagenda Endit, take the punishment from me! said the old man loudly. Then he pointed at the wheel with his stick. Wusbyuur, the wheel was sprinkling the water swiftly. Not long enough, the water was flooding up. Bagenda Endit couldnt save herself. She drawn with all of her wealth. The village was disappeared. The thing that left was a wide and deep lake. The lake was named Situ Bagendit. Situ means a wide lake. It was named Situ Bagendit, because the wide lake came from a wheel that belongs to Bagenda Endit

Created By Ratna Sasmita (9737)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

The BlowpiperLong time ago in a small village in Bangka Island, lived a young man who was an expert in using blowpipe, especially for hunting. That why people in the village called him the blowpiper. He also had excellent medical skill that was passed down from his late father. One day, the village chief Pak Raje came to the blowpipers house, asking him to chase away the fold of wild boars that entered and ruined his paddies. Pak Raje told the blowpiper that his father once owed him some money. Thus, the blowpiper should work for him voluntarily. The blowpiper took the job, though he would not be paid.In the next day, the blowpiper went to Pak Rajes field. He watched the field and did some patrols to every side of the fields. He watched the field everyday, but he still not found any suspicious movements. Entering the seventh day of his work, the blowpiper noticed a suspicious movement from the far distance. He walked slowly to the source of voice where he saw a fold of boars trying to enter the field. The blowpiper then hid behind a big tree with a blowpipe in his hand. When the fold of boars ruined the paddies, the blowpiper pointed his blowpipe toward one of the boars that was closest to him. He blew his blowpipe. The dart hit the boar, but it didnt paralyze the boar as the blowpiper expected. The fold of boars then runs outside the field and disappeared from the blowpipers view. Hmm... My dart had hit one of them, it must hurt it, said the blowpiper curiously.In the morning, the blowpiper went to follow the blood trail of the boar he shot last night. The trail led him to the forest and finally it ended in front of a big cave. Cautiously, the blowpiper entered the cave. He was surprised to found a beautiful lady bleeding on a soft bed, surrounded by some other beautiful ladies. One of them was an old lady, the mother of the fainted lady. Who are you? What are you doing here? asked the old lady. Im sorry to interrupt. Im looking for my lost dart, it was stuck to a wild boar, the blowpiper explained to the old lady. The stuff you are looking for is on my daughter, said the old lady angrily. How come it is on your daughter? asked the blowpiper surprised. Thats because... the boar that you shot with your blowpipe last night is in fact my daughters manifestation, explained the old woman sadly.The old womans explanation surprised the blowpiper. So..., all of you were the boars that I saw last night? asked the young man. What you have said is right young man, answered the old woman softly. I did not mean to. I am so sorry to hear that. I would not do that if I knew that the boars were you, the blowpiper apologized. Never mind, said the old woman. Forget all about that. The most important thing right now is how to release the dart from my daughters body, added the old woman sadly. I can help you with that, said the blowiper. He came closer to the beautiful lady and uncovered the blanket. He then took out the dart from her body and with his medical skill he immediately stopped the bleeding.In a short time, the wound recovered, leaving no traces. Now, she has recovered. Let me go home now. May be we can meet again someday, said the blowpiper politely. Yes young man... But before you leave, I have something to give to you as my gratitude, said the old lady while giving the blowpiper a wooden box. Do not open the box until youre in home, added the old lady. Thank you for your kindness, said the blowpiper. He then left the cave and returned home. At his home, the blowpiper opened the wooden box. Surprisingly, the young man found jewelry, gold and diamonds inside the box. Wow...! Im rich, murmured the young man happily.In the next morning, the blowpiper sold all the precious stuff and used the money he got to purchase a field, garden, house, and paid all debt his father had owed to Pak Raje. The news about the blowpiper fortune quickly spread throughout the village. Everyone knew including Pak Raje. He intended to be like the blowpiper, so he went to borrow the blowpipe from the blowpiper to hunt a boar in his own field. On the way, he met with a boar, and shot it with the blowpipe. Then he followed the blood trail left by the boar until he entered the cave. It was like what happened with the blowpiper. Pak Raje was asked to cure the bleeding woman, but he could do that as he had no such skill. Suddenly, tens of boars attacked him, making him bleeding and seriously wounded. With all his strength, he escaped from the cave. He fainted when he finally arrived in front of his own house.Pak Rajes daughter informed what happened to her father to the blowpiper. Hearing the bad news, the blowpiper rushed to Pak Rajes house to help him. With his medical skill, he tried to cure Pak Rajes injuries. Finally, Pak Raje could make it and recovered from his serious wounds. After thinking about what he had been through, Pak Raje realized his own bad intention. He felt sorry for being greedy. Thank you, young man. Youve help me once again. As my gratitude, I would like to appoint you as the next village chief. Would you accept? asked Pak Raje. Of course, Pak Raje. Thank you, answered the blowpiper happily.After a week, the blowpiper asked Pak Rajes daughter to be his wife. They live happily as a couple. The blowpiper was a polite and kind person, and Pak Rajes daughter was a beautiful woman. Under the leadership of the blowpiper, all the villagers lived in prosperous and harmony.

Created By Khaliq Ibnu Waliq (9844)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Legend of Gunung Bromo

Long long time ago there lived a couple in the village near the top of mount Bromo. Joko Seger is his name. He lived peacefully with his wife Roro Anteng. But they were not happy because after some time they did not have any children. Then Joko Seger meditated in mount Bromo asking for god to give them children.

Some times later Joko Seger had a dream. In his dream he was told that he would have descendants but on one condition. The god asked him to sacrifice his children to the crater of mount Bromo. If he refused to sacrifice, then the god will be angry. Without thinking twice Joko Seger agreed to the condition.

After that every year Roro Anteng gave birth to twenty five children. They were very happy and they loved their children so much that they were reluctant to sacrifice them to the crater. They did not give anything to the crater. Then something happened.

One day there was a big eruption of mount Bromo. Smoke, fire, hot cloud of ash came out of its crater. The earth was trembling. The sky was dark. Animals ran away from the mountain. People were very scared since some of them became victims of the hot cloud.

Joko Seger and Roro Anteng remembered their promise to god. He realized that god was very angry. So he decided to sacrifice one of his sons. Then he went to the crater with his youngest son Kusuma. Because Joko Seger did not really want to sacrifice his son to the crater, he tried to hide him. But suddenly an eruption began and made Kusuma fall. Afterwards, Kusuma, who had fell to the crater, gave a voice,"I have to be sacrificed by my parents so that you will all stay alive. From now on, you should arrange an annual offering ceremony on the 14th ofKesodo(the twelfth month of Tenggerese calender.)"

Since then on Joko Seger and Roro Anteng gave offerings to the crater. Every year on the 14th day of the month of Kesada the people of Tengger held a ceremony to give offerings.

Created By Petrianto Nua Pasha (9574)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Princess MandalikaOnce upon a time, there was a kingdom in Lombok Island that was ruled by a king named Raja Tonjang Beru. He was a wise king. He had a queen named Dewi Seranting. He also had a beautiful daughter named Princess Mandalika. It is said that princess Mandalika was the prettiest girl in the whole island. Everybody knew about Princess Mandalikas beauty and kindness, even the people from other kingdom around the island.Princes from all over the place wanted to marry her. One by one, they came to propose her. Princess Mandalika was a kind girl. She hated to make people sad. So, when those princes came to propose her, she was very confused. She could not decide, and she didnt want to make them sad. She also didnt want to cause a war to happen because of her.To solve the problem, Raja Tonjang Beru then held a competition in Seger Kuta beach. He asked all the princes to take part in archery competition. The rule was simple; whoever shot the target perfectly will be accepted as Princess Mandalikas future husband. One by one, all participants tried their best. After some time, there was no winner. All the participants were great in archery.Because there was no a winner, all the participants started to argue. They claimed to be the best. The argument was getting hotter. Finally, they all were fighting. Soon, the fighting got bigger. It was like a war, because all the princes brought their soldiers in the archery competition. Princess Mandalika was really worried. She did not want the war to get bigger and hurt many people. Finally, she had an idea. "Everybody, listen up! I know you all love me and want me to be your wife. But I don't want you to fight because of me. And I don't want you to be sad either. I want you all to have me, but not as your wife. I want to be someone that everybody can have," said Princess Mandalika.Raja Tonjang Beru and all other people in the beach did not understand what she meant. The king then came to her. But suddenly, Princess Mandalika jumped to the sea. She disappeared in the big waves. Everybody was surprised. It was chaos on the beach. All the princes tried to swim to find the princess, but they found nothing.After several hours trying to search the princess, suddenly they found a lot of colorful sea worms on the beach. Raja Tonjang Beru then realized that his daughter had returned as sea worms. The worms were then called nyale. Until now, people in Lombok always try to catch nyale. Nyale is very delicious and that is why a lot of people come to Lombok to catch it. However, they can only find it once a year, in February or March. The tradition to catch the sea worms is called Bau Nyale

Created By Nurliah (9529)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Sura And Baya

A long time ago in East Java there were two strong animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in a sea. Actually, they were friends. But when they were hungry, they were very greedy. They did not want to share their food. They would fight for it and never stop fighting until one of them gave up. It was a very hot day.Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, Baya saw a goat. Yummy, this is my lunch, said Baya. No way! This is my lunch. You are greedy! I had not eaten for two days! said Sura.Then Sura and Baya fought again. After several hours, they were very tired. Sura had a plan to stop their bad behavior. Im tired of fighting, Baya, said Sura. Me too. What should we do to stop fighting? Do you have any idea? asked Baya. Yes, I do. Lets share our territory. I live in the water, so I look for food in the sea. And you live on the land, right? So, you look for the food also on the land. The border is the beach, so we will never meet again. Do you agree? asked Sura. Hmm... let me think about it. OK, I agree. From today, I will never go to the sea again. My place is on the land, said Baya.Then they both lived in the different places. But one day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he knew that Sura broke the promise. Hey, what are you doing here? This is my place. Your place is in the sea! But, there is water in the river, right? So, this is also my place! said Sura.Then Sura and Baya fought again. They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya's tail. Baya did the same thing to Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up. He went back to the sea. Baya was very happy. He had his place again.The place where they were fighting was a mess. Blood was everywhere. People then always talked about the fight between Sura and Baya. They then named the place of the fight as Surabaya, its from Sura the shark and Baya the crocodile. People also put their fight as the symbol of Surabaya city.

Created By Nurhaswan Haris (9733)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Mouse Deer and Crocodile

One day, Mouse Deer went down to the river to take a drink. But he knew that the crocodile might be waiting underwater to eat him, so he said out loud. I wonder if the waters warm. Ill put in my leg and find out. Of course Mouse Deer didnt put in his leg. He picked up a stick instead and put one end into the water. Chomp! Crocodile grabbed the stick and pulled it underwater. Mouse Deer laughed. Ha haha Stupid crocodile! Cant you tell the difference between a stick and a leg? Then Mouse Deer ran off to drink somewhere else. In the next day, Mouse Deer wanted to cross the river. He wanted to eat the fruits on the other side of the river. He saw a floating log in the river. He knew that Crocodile looked like a log when he floated. Mouse Deer didnt want to be eaten by Crocodile when he crosses the river. He had an idea. He called out loud, Crocodile! Crocodile rose from the water, Hello, Mouse Deer. Have you come to be my lunch? Mouse Deer smiled. Sorry, not today, Crocodile. I have orders from the King. He wants to invite all the crocodiles in this river to a party. He wants me to count all the crocodiles so he could prepare enough meal for you. Really? Tell us what to do, said Crocodile. You must line up from this side of the river to the other side, said Mouse Deer. Crocodile then got all his friends and family. They lined up across the river. Mouse Deer then jumped onto Crocodiles back. One, he counted. He jumped onto the next crocodile, Two. And the next crocodile, Three. Mouse Deer kept jumping until he arrived on the other side of the river. How many are there? asked Crocodile. Just enough, said Mouse Deer. He laughed as he ran to the forest.

Created By Muh Nawir (9523)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

CindelarasRaden Putra was the king of Jenggala kingdom. He had a beautiful queen and concubine. Unlike the queen, the concubine had bad personalities. She was envious and jealous with the queen, so she planned to make the queen leave the palace. The concubine then asked the royal healer to help her in her plan. One day, the concubine pretended to be ill. Raden Putra called the royal healer to give the concubine treatments. What is her disease? Raden Putra asked the royal healer. Im very sorry, My Majesty. She is sick because the queen put poison in her meal, the royal healer lied.Raden Putra was shock and angry to hear the explanation. He called the queen and asked her if the story was true. Of course the queen denied, but Raden Putra wont listen. Please Your Majesty, have mercy. I really didnt do anything, cried the queen in her tears. Raden Putras anger ended in a decision. The queen should be banished to the woods and terminated. He did not know that the queen was already pregnant. Raden Putra commanded one of his general to do the punishment. The queen was banished to the woods, but the wise general didnt have the heart to kill her. He built a simple house in the woods for her. On his way back to the palace, he smeared his sword with rabbit blood, so Raden Putra would believe that he had killed the queen.After the general left, the queen lived by herself in the woods. Several months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The baby was named Cindelaras. He grew up as a nice, healthy, and handsome boy. One day, while Cindelaras helped her mother to collect some fire woods, an eagle dropped an egg. Cindelaras brought the egg to be brooded by a chicken behind their house. The egg hatched into a chick and then it slowly became a strong rooster. The rooster is no ordinary rooster. The rooster could sing. Every morning, the rooster woke Cindelaras up with its beautiful song, My master is Cindelaras. His house is in the woods. Hes the son of Raden Putra. The rooster often sang that song.Cindelaras always woke up early in the morning and listen happily to his roosters song. He didnt realize the meaning of the song until one day, he started to think. Who is Raden Putra? he asked his mother. The queen then told him the whole story. She also told him why they were banned from the kingdom and lived in the woods. Cindelaras was very surprised. He decided to go to the palace to meet the king, his father. Cindelaras asked her mothers permission to go to the kingdom and to tell the king what really happened. He also brought his rooster that grew bigger and stronger each day.On his way, Cindelaras stopped at a village. There, he met some people who were involved in cockfighting. They challenge him to see how strong his rooster was. If your rooster wins, youll get a reward, said the man who challenged him. Cindelaras accepted the challenge. In a few minutes, his rooster defeated the opponents rooster. He was challenged again by other man, and one more time, his rooster won. He won again and again.The news about Cindelaras rooster quickly spread to the whole Jenggala kingdom and made Raden Putra curious. So, he invited Cindelaras to the palace. What is your name, boy? Raden Putra asked as Cindelaras arrived in the palace. My name is Cindelaras, Your Majesty, Cindelaras answered. He felt both thrilled and happy to see Raden Putra.Raden Putra challenged Cindelaras with one condition. If Raden Putras rooster won, Cindelaras head would be cut off. But if Cindelaras rooster won, Raden Putra would share half of his wealth. Cindelaras accepted the condition. The competition was held in the front yard of the palace. The two roosters fought bravely. But in just a few minutes, Cindelaras rooster won the fight! Raden Putra shook his head and stared at Cindelaras from his seat, That rooster is no ordinary rooster, and the boy is not an ordinaty boy either. Who is he exactly? he thought. Raden Putra was about to asked when suddenly Cindelaras rooster sang the song, My master is Cindelaras. His house is in the woods. Hes the son of Raden Putra.Raden Putra was surprised. Is it true? he asked. Yes, My Majesty. My name is Cindelaras and my mother was the queen, said Cindelaras. Raden putra called the general who had banished the queen. The general then confessed that he never killed the queen. Later, the royal healer also admitted his mistake. Raden Putra was so shocked. He immediately went to the woods to pick up the queen. Ever since, Cindelaras and his parents lived happily together. As for the concubine, she was sent to the jail as punishment.

Created By Andi Rina Ayu Astuti (9750)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Jaka Tarub and Nawang WulanJaka Tarub was a handsome and diligent young man. He lived in a village near a lake. One day, when Jaka Tarub passed the lake, he heard some giggles and laughs of some girls who were bathing in the lake. He was curious, so he peeped through the bushes. There were seven beautiful girls in the lake. Theyre fairies from the heavenly kingdom of kahyangan. Jaka Tarub saw a scarf near the bushes. It belonged to one of the fairies. Jaka Tarub then took it and hid it.Crack!!! Accidentally, Jaka Tarub stepped on a twig. Theres someone! said one of the fairies. Lets get back. Hurry! she said. They pulled over and wear their scarf. Where is my scarf? one of the fairies couldnt find her scarf. She was the youngest fairy called Nawang Wulan. They tried to search for it, but it was no where to be found. Were sorry, Wulan. We have to go back to kahyangan, said the eldest fairy. Youll have to find it by yourself. Well wait for you in kahyangan, she said in empathy. The other fairies then flew to the sky leaving Nawang Wulan behind. Nawang Wulan saw them leaving in tears. She was so sad.Excuse me , said Jaka Tarub, startling Nawang Wulan. Are you okay? he asked. Nawang Wulan moved backward, Who are you? she asked. My name is Jaka Tarub. I was passing by and I heard you crying, so I came to see what happen, Jaka Tarub lied. Nawang Wulan then told him about her problem. I cant fly without my scarf, she said. Jaka Tarub then asked Nawang Wulan to come home with him. At first, Nawang Wulan refused the offer. But since she didnt have anywhere else to go, Nawang Wulan then decided to follow Jaka Tarub.Nawang Wulan stayed with Jaka Tarub in the village. A month passed, and they decided to get married. Nawang Wulan was willing to marry a human because she fell in love with Jaka Tarub. After a year, they had a beautiful daughter. They named her Kumalasari. They lived happily.Jaka Tarub was also happy to live with Nawang Wulan and Kumalasari. Especially because he always got a lot of harvest since he married Nawang Wulan. He couldnt even keep all of his harvest in the barn because it was always full. Its so weird. Nawang Wulan cooked everyday, but why is my barn always full, Jaka Tarub mumbled to himself. He was so curious. One day, Jaka Tarub stayed at home. I want to stay home today. Id like to play with Kumalasari, he said to his wife. Well, Ill go to the river to wash the clothes. Please keep an eye on Kumalasari, asked Nawang Wulan. Im cooking rice now. Please do not open the pan cover before its done, she said just before she left. Could this be the secret? Jaka Tarub thought. After Nawang Wulan left, he curiously opened the pan cover. He found only one single paddy. How come? he wondered.Before lunch, Nawang Wulan came home. She headed to the kitchen to see the rice she had cooked. She found that the rice turned into only a few grains. Did you open the pan cover? she asked her husband. I Im sorry. I was curious, Jaka Tarub said as he realized his fault.Ever since, Nawang Wulan had lost her power. She couldnt cook rice with only a single paddy. Their paddy supply was slowly lessened. Their barn was almost empty. One day, Nawang Wulan went to the barn to get some paddy. When she took one of them, she found a scarf. Whats this? This is my scarf, said Nawang Wulan startled.That night, Nawang Wulan asked her husband about the scarf. Jaka Tarubs eyes widened, You found it? he asked. Jaka Tarub looked down and asked for her forgiveness. Because Ive found my scarf, its time for me to go back to where I belong, Nawang Wulan said. Jaka Tarub tried to stop her, but Nawang Wulan had made up her mind. Please take good care of Kumalasari, she said. If she wanted to see me, take seven grains of candlenut and put it into a basket. Shake it as you play the bamboo flute. Ill come to see her, she explained.Jaka Tarub promised to take good care of their daughter. He once again asked for forgiveness for all of his mistakes. Ive forgiven you, so you dont have to feel guilty. I must go now. Take care, said Nawang Wulan as she flew to the bright full moon

Created By Ahmad Firjatullah Hakim (9828)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Lake TobaIn the northern area of Sumatra Island, lived a young man. Everyday, he work hard as a farmer. One day in the morning, the young man went fishing in a river. Not so long after he threw the bait, it was bitten by a fish. He pulled the fishing rod and was amazed by the fish he caught. It was a golden fish. Wait, please dont eat me, the fish suddenly spoke to the young man. Startled, the young man dropped the golden fish and it suddenly turned into a beautiful girl.I must have been dreaming, the young man said to himself. Dont afraid, Sir. I was a princess cursed by the gods because a mistake I did. Youve save me, said the girl. As my gratitude, Im willing to be your wife. The young man was so amazed to see the beauty of the girl, so he accepted her as his wife. They became man and wife but with one condition, the young man promised not to mention about the fish form of the girl. Terrible disaster will happen if the promise is broken.A year passed, the young man and his wife already had a son. They were so happy. Their son grew up as a healthy boy. But he was a little naughty. He also had a habit, he was always hungry. One day, the wife asked their son to deliver lunch to his father. But, the son ate the food on his way to the fields. The father had been working since morning. He was so hungry. Finding that theres no food left for him, he said angrily, Stupid boy! You little fish boy! He didnt realize that he broke the promise.After he said those words, his son and wife mysteriously disappeared. From their footstep on the ground, theres water bursting out. The water kept coming out and started to flood the area. The whole village and the surrounding area became a lake. Theres a small island in the middle of the lake, known as Samosir Island. And the lake is known as Lake Toba.

Created By Nur Haris Munandar (9571)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Legend of Gunung Batu BangkaiMany years ago, in Loksado, lived a young man with his mother. He was called Andung Kuswara. He was a smart young man. He had medical skill that he learned from his late father. Andung Kuswara worked hard everyday to fulfill their daily needs. One day, Andung Kuswara went to the forest alone, searching for fruits and vegetables. On his way home, he found an old man squeezed badly between two big trees. Andung Kuswara immediately helped him. He then healed his wound perfectly. Dear young man, I thank you for your help, the old man said and took something hanging on his neck. As my gratitude, I give you this necklace. Hopefully it would bring good fortune for you, said the old man. Andung Kuswara took the gift and went home.Both Andung Kuswara and his mother passed their times happily. But Andung Kuswara wanted a better life for him and his mother. Maybe it is better to leave my home to another country and practice my medical skill, he thought. However, he had not enough courage to tell his intention to his mother. He knew his mother would be alone if he left. After a month passed, finally Andung Kuswara told his mother about his intention. Mother, I want to make our life better. I want to go to other country and find a better job, he said to his mother. Andung my son. If it is your final decision, I wont stop you. All I can do is pray for you to find what youre searching for, his mother said wisely. Thank you, Mother, Andung Kuswara smiled happily.The next morning, Andung Kuswara left his homeland to pursue his dream. He went overseas. He walked for weeks until he reached the kingdom of Basiang. On his way, he met a farmer whose body was full of ulcers and scabies. Andung Kuswara tried to help him. He cured the farmer with his medical skill.The farmer was so happy. He offered Andung Kuswara to stay at his home. He also told Andung Kuswara that almost all inhabitants of the country were suffering from the same diseases. The news about Andung Kuswaras medical skill quickly spread throughout the whole country. All sick people come to him to be cured from their sickness.The king of Basiang also heard the news about Andung Kuswaras excellent medical skill. The king then ordered his guard to brought Andung Kuswara to cure the princess who was also been sick. My daughter has been on her bed for two weeks. She can not do anything. Many healers had attempted to recover her, but they failed. Will you cure her? asked the king to Andung Kuswara. My Majesty, I am just a poor wanderer and I have minimal medical skill. So, please forgive me if I also fail in recovering the princess, Andung Kuswara replied.Andung Kuswara was then allowed to enter the princesss room. The princess was very pale and weak. However, her beauty clearly seemed through her wonderful face. Andung Kuswara was amazed looking at her, Ah, the princess is so beautiful, he said to himself. He then tried to cure the princess with all his skill, but the princess did not move at all. Andung Kuswara then thought of another way. He took the necklace hanging on his neck. The necklace was soaked in the cup of water for a moment. After reading some prayers upon the water, Andung Kuswara spattered it on the princesss face for several times. Suddenly, the princess could move her body. Her eyes and lips opened, and her face turned bright. The princess was eventually able to sit on her bed.The king was very grateful for Andung Kuswaras help to his only daughter. To express his gratefulness, he allowed Andung Kuswara to marry his daughter. The princess was happy to welcome Andung as her husband. The same was felt by Andung who fell in love with the princess.A year passed, and the princess was pregnant. She told her husband that she desired to eat kasturi fruit that only grew in Kalimantan Island. Andung Kuswaras accompanied by several kingdom troops went to search the fruit. After arriving at the Kalimantan Island, Andung Kuswara headed to Loksado to find the kasturi tree which, according to local people, was bearing fruit. Andung Kuswara stood surprisingly after knowing that the tree grew exactly in front of his mothers small hut. Andung Kuswara immediately commanded the troops to return to the kingdom without taking the fruit to avoid meeting his own mother.But suddenly Andung Kuswaras mother went out from the hut. She saw her son among the troops in front of her home. AndungAndungmy son, she tried to call her son. Andung Kuswara and the troops continuously walked to keep away from the old woman. However, she ran after them and kept calling for his son. Feeling ashamed in front of the troops, Andung Kuswara said angrily to his own mother, Stop calling me as your son, old woman. I am a nobility of the Basiang Kingdom. I never know an old woman like you. After that, Andung kuswara continued walking.Andung Kuswaras mother was shocked to hear those words from her beloved son. She cried and prayed with trembling lips, Oh my God, show your power and justice. Her tears had not been drying when the sky suddenly turned dark and thunder stroke repeatedly. After that, a sudden storm smashed and heavy rain fell dementedly. Suddenly Andung Kuswaras body slowly turned into stone.Since the time, the locals called the mountain as Gunung Batu Bangkai (mountain of decease stone), because the stone that lays on it resembles human body. The mountain located in the sub district of Loksado, South Kalimantan .

Created By Rizka Aulia Syafruddin (9623)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Lutung KasarungPrabu Tapa Agung had led a kingdom in West Java for a long time. He was getting old and therefore wanted to choose a successor. But unfortunately, he had no son. He thought of choosing one of his daughters, Purbararang and Purbasari. But it wasnt an easy choice. They were both very pretty and smart. The only difference was their temperament. Purbararang was rude and dishonest, while Purbasari was kind and caring. With those considerations, Prabu Tapa Agung finally chose Purbasari to be his successor.Purbararang didnt agree with her fathers decision. Its supposed to be me, Father. Im the eldest daughter! Purbararang said. Prabu Tapa Agung smiled. Purbararang, to be a queen takes more than age. There are many other qualities that one must possess, explained Prabu Tapa Agung wisely. What does Purbasari have that I dont? Purbararang pouted. Youll find out when Purbasari has replaced me, Prabu Tapa Agung answered.After the discussion, Purbararang went back to her room. Is there something wrong? asked Indrajaya. Indrajaya is Purbararangs future husband. Im upset! Father chose Purbasari as his successor and not me! I have to do something! Purbararang said. Driven mad by her anger, she came to a witch and asked her to send rash all over Purbasaris body. Before going to bed, Purbasari started to feel itch all over her body. She tried applying powder to her body, but its no use. Instead, the itching grew even worse. She didnt want to scratch it, but she just couldnt help it. In the next morning, there were scratch mark all over Purbasaris body. What happened to you? asked Purbararang, pretending to be concerned. I dont know, sis. Last night, my body suddenly felt very itchy. I scratched and scratched, and this is what happened, Purbasari answered. Purbararang shook her head. You must have done something really awful. Youve been punished by the gods!That day, the whole kingdom was scandalized. What have you done, Purbasari? demanded Prabu Tapa Agung. Purbasari shook her head. I didnt do anything that would upset the gods, Father, she answered. Then how can you explain what happened to your body? Prabu Tapa Agung asked again. If you dont confess, Ill banish you to the woods. Purbasari took a deep breath. Like I said before, I didnt do anything wrong. And Id rather be thrown into the woods than to confess to a deed I didnt commit.After a short discussion with his advisor, Prabu Tapa Agung ordered Purbasari to be moved to the woods. Purbasari was very sad, but she couldnt do anything to defy her fathers order. She was accompanied to the woods by a messenger. He built a simple hut for Purbasari. After the messenger left, suddenly a black monkey came to Purbasaris hut. He carried a bunch of bananas. From behind him, some animals looked on. Are the bananas for me? Purbasari asked. The black monkey nodded, as if he understood what Purbasari said. Purbasari took the bananas with pleasure. She also said thanks. The other animals that were looking on also seemed to smile. Are you willing to be my friend? Purbasari asked them. All the animals nodded happily. Although she was living by herself in the woods, Purbasari never lacked of supplies. Everyday, there were always animals bringing her fruits and fish to eat.A long time had passed since Purbasari was banished to the woods, but her body still itched. At some places, her skin was even ulcerating. What am I supposed to do? Purbasari sighed. The monkey who was sitting next to her stayed still, there were tears in his eyes. He hoped Purbasari would remain patient and strong.One night, on a full moon, the monkey took Purbasari to a valley. There is a pond with hot spring water. The monkey suddenly spoke, The water of this pond will heal your skin, he said. Purbasari was surprised, You can talk? Who are you? she asked. Youll find out, in time, the monkey said. Purbasari didnt want to force the monkey. She then walked to the pond. She bathed there. After a few hours, Purbasari walked out of the pond. She was shocked to see her face reflected on the clear pond water. Her face was beautiful again, with smooth and clean skin. Purbasari observed her entire body. There were no traces of any skin ailments. Im cured! Im cured! Purbasari shouted in joy. She quickly offered thanks to the gods and also to the monkey.The news of Purbasaris condition quickly spread to the kingdom, irritating Purbararang. She then accompanied by Indrajaya go to the woods to see Purbasari. Purbasari asked if she would be allowed to go home. Purbararang said she would let Purbasari return to the palace if Purbasaris hair were longer than hers. Purbararang then let her hair down. It was so long, it almost touched the ground. But it turned out that Purbasaris hair was twice longer than Purbararangs hair.Fine, so your hair is longer than mine. Purbararang admitted. But there is one more condition you must fulfill, do you have a future husband who is handsomer than mine? said Purbararang as she walked toward Indrajaya. Purbasari felt miserable. She didnt have a future husband yet. So, without much thought, she pulled the black monkey beside her.Purbararang and Indrajaya burst out, but their laughter didnt last long. The monkey meditates and suddenly transformed into a very handsome young man, a lot more handsome than Indrajaya. Im a prince from a kingdom far away. I was cursed to be a monkey because of a mistake I committed. I could regain my true form only if theres a girl who would be willing to be my wife, said the young man.Finally, Purbararang gave up. She accepted Purbasari as the queen, and also confessed everything she had done. Please forgive me. Please dont punish me, Purbararang said, asking for forgiveness. Instead of being angry, Purbasari smiled. I forgive you, sis, she said. Soon after, Purbasari become queen. Beside her was the handsome prince, the former monkey known as Lutung Kasarung.

Created By Amal Fajrin (9511)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Mentiko BetuahA long time ago, there was a kingdom in Simeulue, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. The king and the queen had a son, Prince Rohib. They loved the prince very much and they always gave him anything he wanted. Thats why the prince grew as a spoiled young man. The prince was then sent to study in a school. The King told him to study seriously. But because the prince was used to be spoiled, he couldnt finish his study in time. The King was so angry. He realized his mistake. He wanted to give the prince a lesson. He then ordered the prince to leave the palace and became a merchant. "I will give you some money. Use the money only for trading. Don't come back until you are rich!" said the king.Prince Rohib was sad. He knew his father was angry with him because he was a spoiled boy. He then promised himself that he could become a great merchant. After he left the palace, he went to a village. While he was walking, he saw some kids were trying to shoot a bird using their slingshots. Stop Don't hurt the bird! Rohib tried to stop the kids. Hey, its none of your business, replied one of the kids. I'll give you some money if you stop hurting the bird," said Rohib. After that, he gave some money to those kids.Later on his journey, Rohib saw some men were torturing a snake. Again, he asked them to stop hurting the snake. He also gave them some money. He kept on giving some money to people who tortured animals. Finally he ran out of money. He was so worried. He knew he could not become a merchant without any money in his pocket. He was also scared of going home. He knew that his father would be very angry at him.The prince then went to the forest because he didnt know anywhere to go. He was so tired, so he took some rest. While he was sitting under a big tree, a giant snake came to him. He was so scared. Don't worry, young man. I will not eat you, said the giant snake. Youyou can talk? Who are you? Rohib asked. I am the king of snakes in this jungle. I heard you helped many animals from being tortured. Now, I want to give you a gift. This is Mentiko Betuah. This magical stone can give you anything you want." Then the snake went deep into the forest. The prince was very happy. He asked the Mentiko Betuah to give him a lot of money. Then he went home and told his father that the money was from his business as a merchant. Rohib kept the Mentiko Betuah carefully. He then went to a goldsmith and asked him to make the magical stone as a ring. But the goldsmith stole the Mentiko Betuah. Luckily Rohib had made friends to the animals. He asked a cat, a dog, and a mouse to help him find Mentiko Betuah. The dog followed the smell of the goldsmith, and they found his hideaway. However they could not enter his house because it was locked. Only the mouse was small enough to enter through a small hole in the door.After waiting for a moment, the mouse came out of the house. He said he could not find the magical stone. After that they all went back to the palace. The cat and the dog did not know that the mouse actually had found the magical stone. He was hiding it in his mouth. The mouse then gave the Mentiko Betuah to the prince. Rohib was so happy and said that the mouse was the hero. The cat and the dog were jealous and angry. They knew that the mouse had tricked them. According to the local people, thats why until now cats and dogs always tried to catch mice.Created By Andi Sardi An Asfahri (9513)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.comPak Lebai MalangPak Lebai was an old man living in a village by the river. Everyday, he used his sampan for travelling at the river. Pak Lebai had a bad habit. He always changed his mind before he did something. He was an inconsistent man. One day, Pak Lebai was invited to a party by his neighbor. Pak lebai was happy. He loved party because he could eat delicious food. He also could get a buffalo's head from the party. Still on the same day, he got another invitation. Those two party invitations made him confused. The two parties were held at the same time, but at different places. The two neighbors who invited him lived in different sides of the river. One neighbor lived on the east side and the other one lived in the west side. "If I go to the west side, I will only get one buffalos head. If I go to the east side, I can have two heads of buffalo. But the host at the west side is friendlier, he said to himself. He was confused.On the following day, Pak Lebai paddled his sampan to the party at the west side of the river. But then he changed his mind and went to the east side. On the way there, he met with some friends. "The party is awful. There are not many buffalo's heads," said one of them. So, Pak Lebai turned back his sampan again and went to the west side. Unfortunately, the party was already over when he arrived there. Pak Lebai immediately paddled his sampan to the east side again. But he also missed the party.Pak Lebai was upset and blaming himself for being so inconsistent. He was so hungry and tired because he was padding back and forth in the river. He then fell asleep in his sampan. He did not realize that his sampan was drifting away at the river. When he woke up, he was already in the different village. Thats why all his neighbors started to call him Pak Lebai Malang (poor mister Lebai).

Created By Arfah (9553)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

The Greedy ManOnce upon a time in Riau, lived a pair of husband and wife. They were very poor. The wife was very diligent, while the husband was very lazy. He just slept and slept everyday. He did not want to help his wife to earn a living. The wife was helpless, she often prayed to God to help her husband.One night the husband had a dream. In his dream, an old man came to him. He told the husband to take his sampan and went to river. "Go to the middle of the river and wait until a rope appears from the river. Take the rope slowly, and then you will find a golden chain. You can cut and take it, but don't take the chain too long," said the old man. The husband then woke up from his dream.In the next day, the husband took his sampan and went to river. He wanted to do the old man's advice as said in his dream last night. "Where are you going?" asked the wife. She was so surprised to see her husband was busy preparing the sampan. "I want to go fishing, Honey. See you later!" the husband didnt want to tell his wife about his dream. He knew his wife would think he was crazy by following up a dream.After the husband arrived in the river, he rowed his sampan until he reached the middle of the river. He then looked around the water surface very carefully. Suddenly a rope appeared from the river. "The old man was right!" said the husband to himself. He then slowly pulled the rope and at the end of the rope he saw a golden chain! The chain was sparkling and glowing. It was made from pure gold. "Wow! Its really made of gold. Im rich. Im rich," the husband said happily. He kept pulling the chain. He forgot the old man's advice to take only short chain because it was enough for him. The poor man became greedy. He wanted to take the golden chain as long as possible.While he was busy pulling out the golden chain, a bird came to him. It talked, "Remember the old man's advice. Take only a short golden chain." But the poor man ignored the bird and kept on pulling out the chain. Slow but sure, his sampan was full of the golden chain. It was so full that finally the sampan could not hold the weight any more. The sampan started to drown. The golden chain was sinking and went to the bottom of the river creating a big wave in the river. The wave almost swallowed the poor man. He was so panicked. He swam as fast as possible to the river side.When he arrived on the river side, he felt sorry to himself. He blamed himself for being a greedy man. But it was already too late. But then he realized that it was a lesson for him to work hard if he wanted to earn money.

Created By Arli Magfirah Utami (9514)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

The Parakeet KingOnce upon a time, there was a group of parakeets in the forest. The parakeets group was led by a king. One day, their peaceful life was threatened by a hunter who planned to catch and sell them in the market. The hunter put some glues around the parakeets nests to trap them. Some parakeets and the parakeet king were trapped on the glues that the hunter set up before. They had tried to release themselves from the trap, but their efforts resulted nothing. All of them cried for help, except their king. Relax my friends! This glue is put by the hunter. He wants to catch us alive. If we die, he will not bring us with him. I suggest we all pretend to be dead when he comes to take us tomorrow. When the hunter releases us from this trap, he will checks whether we still alive or not. If he thinks we are dead, he will leave us here. Please wait for my counting to one hundred, and then we will fly together, the parakeet king said calmly. All parakeets agreed with the idea, Good idea. Tomorrow we will pretend to be dead to free ourselves from the hunter.The hunter came in the next morning, and released those parakeets one by one from the trap. Finding all of them had not breathed, the hunter was very upset. The parakeets were left unattended in the ground, and the hunter walked home. But suddenly, the hunter slipped and felt down. Surprised by the accident, the pretending parakeets flied and scattered to all directions without waiting for the kings counting. The hunter realized that the parakeets had deceived him. But then he saw one bird was still on the ground. It was the parakeet king who was still pretending to be dead. "Gotcha!" he seized the parakeet king. Ill kill you, said the hunter in his anger. Forgive me, sir! Please do not kill me! Please release me, the parakeet king asked for mercy. But the hunter replied angrily, I will not release you. Your friends and you have fooled me. But Ill not kill you if you promise to entertain me, the hunter said. Okay, sir. Ill chirp for you everyday, said the parakeet king agreed.The hunter then brought the parakeet king to his home. He put the parakeet in a cage. The parakeet king chirped melodiously everyday to please the hunter. Wonderful voice, luckily I didnt kill him, said the hunter. The news about the beautiful voice of the parakeet king was heard by the king of Aceh. The king decided to invite the hunter to come to his palace. The king intended to buy the parakeet.At first, the hunter refused to sell the parakeet. Oh my Majesty, I do not intend to go up against your wish to have this bird, but it is hard for me to hand over him to you, said the hunter. I would like to buy him with high price, replied the king. After thought the price offered by the king for a while, the hunter finally said, Oh my Majesty, if you really intend to have the bird, I would gladly sell it to you. The king was delighted to hear the hunters answer, and quickly paid him the amount of the promised money.At the palace, the parakeet king was put in a golden cage. He was given so many delicious foods, but he still felt imprisoned. He wished that he could back home to the forest and could fly freely with his parakeet fellow. His sorrow made him sick. He stopped singing at all. Why does my beloved bird stop chirping? Is he sick? the king asked the guard. My Majesty, I do not know exactly the causes. I have provided him with many delicious foods and taken care of him carefully, but he still keeps silent, replied the guard. The king was so sad hearing the guards explanation.Meanwhile, in his golden cage, the parakeet king began to think a way to escape. He came up with an idea. I will pretend to be dead as I had ever done before, he said to himself. In the next morning he began to do his plan and imagined could fly freely. The palace guard who saw the condition of the parakeet king came to the king to tell the bad news. The king was very sad hearing the news, because the parakeets beautiful twitter was no longer be heard. To express his love for the parakeet king, the king had his guards dug a cemetery for the dead parakeet.The burial ceremony would be held with the kingdom tradition in the next morning. The parakeet was then taken out from the golden cage. Everybody thought that he had been dead. Suddenly, the parakeet king flied fast and high on the sky. All people were amazed seeing him, because they thought that he had died. The parakeet king got his freedom again, and flied directly to the forest.

Created By Ilham Sumarsono (9600)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Too-too-moo and the Giant

Once on the island of Java there was a little girl named Too-too-moo. She lived with her Mama in a one-room house in a forest. They were poor but they were happy. Or theywouldhave been happy, if not for a terrible giant who came every day.Each morning, when Too-too-moo woke up, she fastened her hair in a knot with her long hairpin. Then she hurried into the woods to help Mama gather firewood and herbs to sell at the village market.When that was done, Mama cooked a small pot of plain rice and shared it with Too-too-moo for breakfast. She also cooked a huge pot of sweet porridge. She made it from tasty rice flour, fragrant coconut milk, and lots of sugar. But not even the tiniest bit of the porridge was for Too-too-moo and her Mama. It was all for the giant. Mama knew, if the giant came and did not find a full pot of porridge, he would eat Too-too-moo instead!Then Mama left for the market, while Too-too-moo did the housework. She shook out their sleeping mat, swept the floor, and washed their few dishes. Then she went outside to play. Soon she heard the giants terrible footsteps. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!Too-too-moo ran into the house, picked up the covered pot of porridge, placed it outside on the doorstep, and shut and locked the door. Then she crouched and trembled in a corner. The giant stamped up to the house. With one huge finger, he knocked on the doorTock, tock, tock.Then he called, Too-too-moo! Where areyou?And Too-too-moo answered, In the house. And where is yourMama? At the market. And where is my PORRIDGE? In the pot!The giant took off the cover, picked up the pot, and swallowed the porridge in one big gulp. Then he threw down the pot and stamped back through the forest. This happened every day. When Mama returned in the evening, she brought food that she had bought with the money earned at the market. But since they had to feed the giant, there was never enough for themselves.One day, Mama did not sell as much as usual. When she came home, she had only enough food for the giant. She and Too-too-moo had to go hungry. The next day was the same. And so was the day after that. Too-too-moo and her Mama were starving.On the fourth morning, Too-too-moo got up, fastened her hair with her long hairpin, and helped Mama gather firewood and herbs. Then Mama cooked the porridge for the giant and left for the market. The sweet smell of the porridge filled the little house. Too-too-moo was so hungry, she couldnt stand it.Ill eat just one spoonful, she said to herself. The giant will never know.Too-too-moo uncovered the pot and ate one spoonful. But she was too hungry to stop! Before she knew what she was doing, a quarter of the porridge was gone. Then she heard the giants terrible footsteps. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!Too-too-moo quickly covered the pot, placed it outside on the doorstep, and shut and locked the door. Then she crouched and trembled in a corner. The giant stamped up to the house. With one huge finger, he knocked on the doorTock, tock, tock.Then he called,Too-too-moo! Where areyou? And Too-too-moo answered, In the house. And where is yourMama? At the market. And where is my PORRIDGE? In the pot!The giant took off the cover, picked up the pot, stopped, and looked. This pot is notfull! bellowed the giant. He threw it down and called again, Too-too-moo! Where are YOU? Too-too-moo did not answer. With one blow of his fist, the giant knocked down the door. He reached in his long arm and felt all around till he found Too-too-moo. Then he pulled her from the house, tossed her in his mouth, and swallowed her in one big gulp.Too-too-moo tumbled into the giants stomach. Please let me out! she shouted. But the giant didnt listen as he turned and stamped back through the forest. Too-too-moo cried and shook with fear. Then all of a sudden, she remembered her long hairpin. Quickly she pulled it from her hair. With both hands and all her strength, Too-too-moo stuck it into the giant. YOW! howled the giant. Too-too-moo stuck him again. OUCH! YOW! The giant danced about, but there was nothing he could do. TOO-TOO-MOO, STOP!But Too-too-moo did not stop. She stuck the giant again and again. The bellowing giant raced through the woods. Mad with pain, he did not look where he was going. He tripped on a root and cracked his head on a rock. The giant was dead! But Too-too-moo was still trapped inside.At that moment, Mama was on her way home. She had been lucky that day, and had quickly sold all she had carried to market. So she had bought rice and fish and vegetables, and even roasted peanuts as a special treat for Too-too-moo. But when she reached the house, she saw the porridge thrown down and the door knocked in. She called, Too-too-moo! Where areyou? There was no answer.Mama grabbed a big cooking knife and ran along the trail of the giants footsteps, calling, Too-too-moo!Where are YOU? Still no answer. Then she came to where the giant lay dead. But her daughter was nowhere to be seen, so she called one last time, TOO-TOO-MOO!WHERE ARE YOU?And Too-too-moo answered, IN THE GIANT! With both hands and all her strength, Mama slit open the giants side. And out climbed Too-too-moo!From that time on, Too-too-moo and her Mama were happy. There was no more giant to bother them. They always had enough to eat. And they had sweet porridge for breakfast, every single day.

Created By St Surya Musdalifah (9666)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Aji SakaA long time ago there was a kingdom called Medang Kamulan. The kingdom of Medang Kamulan was ruled by Prabu Dewata Cengkar. The people in the kingdom were very scared by the king. It was because the king liked to eat human flesh. Once a week, he commanded his messenger, Patih Jugul Muda, to find him a human to eat.Far away from the kingdom of Medang Kamulan, there was a village called Medang Kawit. A young man named Aji Saka lived there. Aji Saka was a brave young man. He loved to help people who needed help.One day, Aji Saka saw an old man lying unconscious on the ground. The old man was wounded. Some thieves just hit him and stole his money. Aji Saka then carried the old man to his hut. Soon after, the old man started to regain consciousness. Wheream I? he asked. Youre in my house. Youre safe now, said Aji Saka. It turned out that the old man was from the kingdom of Medang Kamulan. Everybody was leaving Medang Kamulan, the old man told Aji Saka. He also told him about Prabu Dewata Cengkars bad habit. We were terrified, thats why we left, The old man said.After he heard the explanation from the old man, Aji Saka decided to go meet Prabu Dewata Cengkar and make him stop the menace. With his magical white turban on his head, Aji Saka went to the kingdom. The turban was a gift from his Guru that could be used to fight evil. On his journey to Medang Kamulan, Aji Saka passed through a very dark forest where he met an evil genie.The genie blocked his path. If you want to get through this forest, you must be my slave for ten years, the genie demanded. Aji Saka refused to be the genies slave. The two of them then fight for seven days and seven nights, until at last Aji Saka came out as winner. The genie finally allowed Aji Saka to pass through the forest.When Aji Saka arrived in the kingdom of Medang Kamulan, the king was angry to Patih Jugul Muda. He was not able to find the king some humans. If you cant find me any humans, Ill eat you instead, Prabu Dewata Cengkar said to Patih Jugul Muda. After Patih Jugul Muda left, Aji Saka revealed himself. Prabu Dewata Cengkars eyes suddenly widened upon seeing Aji Saka.He could already imagine how delicious his meat would taste. Who are you? asked Prabu Dewata Cengkar. I am Aji Saka from the village of Medang Kawit, Aji Saka answered. Ha...ha...ha.... Im glad you came here. You would be my meal. I'm starving, said the king.I would gladly let you eat me, but I want something in return. Aji Saka said. What is it that you want? asked Prabu Dewata Cengkar. I want a land as large as my turban, said Aji Saka. He then took off his turban and threw it on the ground. Prabu Dewata Cengkar agreed. He himself would measure the land with Aji Sakas turban.Suddenly the turban grew bigger and bigger. It just kept on stretching until it finally covered the whole kingdom. Prabu Dewata Cengkar was angry. He then attacked Aji Saka. But, then the turban wrapped itself around him and began to strangle him. The turban then threw the kings body to the South Sea. The waves carried Prabu dewata Cengkar away until he finally drowned and died.Aji Saka then asked the people of Medang Kamulan to come back to the kingdom. They all thanked the brave Aji Saka. They also agreed to make Aji Saka to be their king. Aji Saka then ruled the kingdom wisely. Under the leadership of Aji Saka, Medang Kamulan become a peaceful and prosperous kingdom

Created By Fathu Rida (9796)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Damar Wulan

Damar Wulan was born in the village of Paluh Amba, not far from the capital city of Majapahit. He was the son of Udara, the former prime minister of Majapahit. Since his father had retired his family live in a quiet and prosperous village outside the capital. Damar was a smart boy so he could easily learned the lessons his father taught him. He learned martial art, religion, politics, and literature. He was very good at all those subjects. When his father thought that he is mature enough, he asked Damar to find job in Majapahit. He told Damar to apply for a job at the Prime Ministers office. He hoped that his close relation with the new prime minister would help him get the prime ministers attention. Furthermore Damar was a smart boy so his father was sure Damar was capable to do any job.Damar was very confident he would get a good position at the prime ministers office. Early morning he left his village. At midday he got to Majapahit and he directly went to the prime ministers house. Prime Minister Logender was his name. The guards sarcastically questioned him when he told them he would see the prime minister.Who do you think you are?I am Damar Wulan. I am the son of the former prime minister Udara. My father told me to see the prime minister hereIf you think you can impress us by telling us about your father, you are completely wrong poor boy. The son of a prime minister would never go anywhere on footBut, thats true. My father told me to find job hereListen poor boy, the prime minister is a very busy person. He does not have time for job seeker like you. But if you need a job, there is a vacant position here. Let me report my chiefThen the soldier reported to his superior. After that someone called Damar to get into the commanders chamber. He told Damar that the prime ministers office needed several boys to take care of the horses. Damar was surprised because he expected clerical job but then he accepted the offer. Since that day he lived in a simple hut behind the prime ministers house.Damar did a good job so his superior was satisfied with him. He was also very sociable. Soon he had a good relationship with the prime minister and his family. The prime minister had two sons Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir and a daughter Anjasmoro. His sons were very arrogant and lazy. They treated Damar cruelly. They wanted Damar to do whatever they want. Every body hated them but nobody dare to express their feeling. Anjasmoro, on the other hand, liked Damar very much. Gradually she fell in love to Damar. So did Damar. They had a secret love. When Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir knew what happened to Damar and Anjasmoro, they were very angry. They treated Damar more and more cruelly.At the time the kingdom of Majapahit faced a very serious problem because of the rebellion of Menak Jinggo. He was a half brother of the Queen Kecono Wungu. He was a prince of Majapahit and a highly respected general of the Majapahit army. For his great achievement for his country his father appointed him as the ruler for the kingdom of Blambangan, a vassal state under Majapahit. When his father passed away he was sure that he would become the successor. But he was very disappointed when his father appointed his sister instead. He thought that he was more capable than Kencono Wungu so he rebelled.Menak Jinggo proved to be a good general. Under his leadership the Blambangan army could win several battles with Majapahit army. The territory of Majapahit one by one fell to Blambangan. At the time the morale of the Majapahit army was already down. They were not sure that they could win the war. So the queen and the prime minister met everyday to discuss the worsening situation. Some weeks went by but still they did not have any ideas to solve the problem. Every report they received about the war was only about the defeat of the Majapahit army.Prime Minister Logender was shocked when his wife reported to him about the affair of Anjasmoro and Damar Wulan. For a highly respected person like him, it was a very serious blow to his ego. He was a very respectable person while his daughter dated with a poor boy. It was a serious humiliation. He could not accept it. This fact made him very angry. He thought very hard to find a solution. Suddenly an idea struck his sharp mind when he was meditating at midnight.Early in the morning he went to the palace and asked the queen for an audience. Then he explained his plan.Your Majesty, last night I had an ideaTell me about itOur army could not win because we apply a wrong strategy. The Blambangan army is very good at a frontal open warfare like that. Furthermore our armys morale is now down. So we have to avoid open warfare. Since now on we have to launch a new tactics of secret operation. We must send a small army unit to kill Menak Jinggo secretly Who will do that?I have a body guard. His skill in martial art is excellent. He is very capable at individual fight. So he is ready for this duty. I am sure he is the right personOK, I think you are right. Send him as soon as possible to Blambangan. If he can do his job well I will give him great rewardWhen Logender got home he called Damar Wulan immediately. He asked him about his martial art skill. Damar said he had mastered some fighting skill. His father had trained him Pencak Silat, the Indonesian martial art. As a result, he was very skillful at using sword, lance, as well as empty hand fighting technique. Then Logender asked him to fight both Layang Seto and Layang Kumitir. Both of them fought emotionally since they hated Damar very much. But Damar was smart, skillful, strong and tough. In just several minutes he could beat both of them without difficulty. Logender was angry but also satisfied since he found a way to get rid of both problems his home and his country.Damar, you are a great fighter. I am very proud of you. And thats why you will receive a great honor to fight for your country. Now there is a rebellion in Majapahit. The king of Blambangan has done a crime. His name is Menak Jinggo. Find him in his palace and Blambangan and kill him. Are you ready?I am ready any time SirGood. Today you have to prepare everything and tomorrow you must leave for Blambangan secretly. Do not tell any one about this duty. Not even Anjasmoro. Dont be afraid because the Majapahit army will fully support you. They will back you and provide all your needs. When you can kill Menak Jinggo behead him and bring his head here. If you can do this job well you will be promoted to a high position as the commander of Majapahit army Yes, Sir. I am very glad to receive this order. I will do my bestThe next day, very early in the morning Damar Wulan left Majapahit alone. Meanwhile Prime Minister Logender had implemented his own plan. He prepared a small army unit under the leadership of his two sons. They went behind Damar in a distant so that Damar did not notice them. They went secretly so no one knew it. Their task was not to protect Damar but to kill him and seize the head of Menak Jinggo if he could kill Menak Jinggo. But if Damar was killed then they had nothing to do.Several days later Damar Wulan arrived in Blambangan. The Majapahit army kept on spying on him. They were surprised to see Damar did not directly attack the palace. He applied for a job instead. Once again he was accepted to work in the palace to take care of the horses. Everybody including the king Menak Jinggo liked him because he was very polite and he did his job well. He was also very handsome that two of the kings wife fell in love with him. Waito and Puyengan were the wives of King Menak Jinggo.As everybody trusted him, it was easy for Damar to search the palace. He knew where Menak Jinggo lived. One night he secretly jumped the palace wall to kill the king. Finally he was inside the kings bedroom. But unfortunately the king was ready to welcome him. A small army unit was there to arrest him. He was no match for Menak Jinggo. But Menak Jinggo was a smart person. He did not kill Damar instantly. He wanted to gather information from him. So he ordered his guards.Dont kill him. Let him alive, treat him well. I will question him tomorrow.Yes, Your MajestyHe ordered his men to treat him well. He even let Waito and Puyengan to see Damar. By doing so he hoped that Damar would give him valuable information. But Damar was also a smart person. He dated Waito and Puyengan and he asked them the way to kill Menak Jinggo. Since the two women loved Damar they revealed a secret.Nobody can hurt him. He is a tough guy and he is protected by god. God gave him a secret weapon called Wesi KuningWhat is that?Thats a golden amulet. It is just a small amulet, as small as a thumb but it is very powerful. Its shape is like a stick. It is stored in his bedroomHe is a dangerous man. We have to stop him. Could you help me find his amulet?I will help you if you marry meSure I will marry both of you as soon as I can arrest himWhen their turn to amuse the king arrived Waito and Puyengan could get into the kings chamber. They used that opportunity to steal the amulet. Then they gave it to Damar Wulan. Menak Jinggo did not realize their conspiracy. When the night was very quiet they opened the door for Damar Wulan. There was a fight but it was too late for Menak Jinggo. The sudden attack did not give him much chance to survive. Consequently Damar could beat his enemy and Menak Jinggo was beheaded.Damar Wulan immediately left Blambangan palace that night while promising Waito and Puyengan to be back after he received the rewa.

Created By Andi Rezki Wulandari (9512)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

Lau KawarOnce upon a time, there was a very fertile land at the Karo Regency. It was known as the Kawar Village. Its people were mostly farmers, and the land did produce wonderful harvest. It is said that one day the harvest was doubled compared to the previous year. The barns were extremely full with rice. For this reason, the people agreed to have a celebration party. On one beautiful day, all the villagers gathered in a field. They wore beautiful dresses and made delicious food. Everybody was having good times. They were singing, laughing, and of course, eating delicious food.All of the villagers attended the party except an old woman who was paralyzed. Her son, her daughter-in-law, and her grandson all went to the party. The old woman lay on her bed alone. I really want to be at the party but I cannot even stand on my feet, sobbed the old woman. She could only see the merry party from distance. The lunch time came and all of the people at the party gathered around the table for the foods that had been prepared. All of them enjoyed the foods happily. Contradictory to what was going on at the party, the old woman was starving in the house. She didn`t eat even a bite since morning. My goodness, I am so hungry. Why any of my family didn`t come to bring me something to eat? sighed her with her body shivering for hunger. She forced herself up from the bed and searched for something to eat in the kitchen, but theres nothing. Her daughter in law did not to cook that day, realizing that foods would be prepared in the feast. The poor old woman came back to her bed. She was so disappointed and sad that her tears dropped. She cried for her poor life.At the party, the son asked her wife, "Why don't you take some food from the party and give it for my mom. Ask our son to deliver it. Alright, said the woman while hurriedly wrapping the foods for the mother. After that, she asked her son to take the foods home for her as her husband told her previously, My son, please take these foods for your grandmother. The old woman was very happy for the foods. Finally, she got something to eat. But her happiness turned into sadness when she saw find only leftovers. It just had little rice and there were only some bones of beef and lamb which were almost without any meat to eat. What is this!? Do they think Im an animal? Why did they give me leftovers and bones! moaned her furiously.The mother stored complete grilled meat into the package in fact. However, the grandson ate the foods on his way to his grandmother that only bones were left. The old woman didn`t know anything about this that she thought her son and daughter in law did it on purpose. She felt so disappointed and humiliated that she hardly held her tears to fall down. She then prayed to God to curse both her son and daughter in law. My God, they were sinful to me. I beg You to punish them! said the woman in her prayer.Suddenly, there was a very strong earthquake not even a minute when the woman completed her prayer. The sky was turned dark and cloudy, and there was a great thunder followed by heavy rain. All the villagers were so scared. They wanted to save themselves. They tried to find shelters. The village was drowned in a short time and there was not even a single person survived. The drowned village turned into a big crater and flooded by water. The people in the surroundings later on call it Lau Kawar.Created By Hurulaeni Khaerunnisa (9598)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.comThe Crying StoneOne upon a time, lived a poor old widow in a small village. She lived with her daughter. Her daughter was very beautiful but also very lazy and arrogant. She never helped her mother and didnt want to know what problem her mother had. Everyday, she put make up and wears her best clothes. She always wanted to look rich and beautiful.One day, the mother and her daughter went to the market to buy some food. At first, the daughter refused to accompany her mother, but finally she agreed. Ill go with you, but you must walk behind me, said the daughter. She didn't want to walk side by side with her mother. Although her mother was very sad, she agreed to walk behind her daughter.On the way to the market, everybody admired the girl's beauty. But they were also curious. Behind the beautiful girl, there was an old woman with a simple dress. The girl and her mother looked very different. Hello, beautiful girl. Who is the old woman behind you? Is she your mother?" they asked. No, she is not my mother. She is my servant, the girl answered. Her mother was very sad to hear that, but she didn't say anything. She could understand that her daughter was ashamed.The girl and the mother met other people. Again they asked who the woman behind the beautiful girl. And again the girl answered that her mother is her servant. She always said that her mother is her servant every time people asked.At last, the mother cannot hold the pain anymore. She prayed to God to punish her daughter. Suddenly, the girl's leg turns into stone. Slowly, the process continues to the upper part of the girl's body. The girl was in panic. "Mother, please forgive me! Mother!" she cried and asked her mother to forgive her. But it's already too late. Her whole body finally becomes a big stone. Until now, people can still see tears falling down from the stone. People then call it batu menangis (it mean the crying stone)

Created By Isma Hardiana (9843)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

The Legend of Danau Maninjau

Long time ago, in an area in west sumatra, there is a very active volcano named Mount Tinjau. In one village at the foot of Tinjau's brothers lived ten people consisting of nine men and one woman. Ordinary citizens about their call Bujang Sembilan. These ten brothers are Kukuban, Kudun, Bayua, Malintang, Galapuang, Balok, Batang, Bayang, and the youngest man named Kaciak. While their brother the youngest was a girl named Siti Rasani, nicknamed Sani. Both their parents died long ago, so Kukuban as the eldest son became the head of household. All decisions in his hand.

Tenth brothers lived in a house of their parents' heritage. To make ends meet, they worked on farms large enough legacy of their parents. They are very skilled at farming, because they diligently to help his father and mother when they were alive. In addition, they are also guided by their uncle named Datuk Limbatang, which they called Engku familiar.

Datuk Limbatang is a mamak in the village and has a son named Giran. As a mamak, Datuk Limbatang have great responsibility to educate and watched the life of its citizens, including the nephew's tenth man. For that, every other day, he visited the house Kukuban brothers to teach them farming skills and various customs procedures for the area. Not infrequently Datuk Limbatang also took his wife and son to participate with him.

On one day, when Datuk Limbatang with his wife and visited the house of Bujang Sembilan, Sani accidentally exchanged Giran. Apparently, both boys and girls are equally placed liver. Sani was invited to meet Giran in a field on the riverbank. With hearts pounding, Giran even express his feelings to Sani.

Datuk Limbatang wanted to marry his son with Sani. But the elder brother Sani, Kukuban, did not agree because Giran has been embarrass him in the martial arts arena. But eventually Datuk Limbatang not force.

One day, Giran found treat wounds in the thigh Sani. But people think they do custom distortion. Sani and Garin brought to court. They try to convince citizens that they did not do anything.

After that, of the second Giran lifted his hand to the sky and praying. "My God! Please hear and grant our prayers. If we were really guilty, destroy our bodies in the water hot crater of this mountain. However, if we are not guilty, this mountain letuskanlah and curses Bujang Sembilan to fish!"

It turned out that prayer was answered. Sani and Giran jump down and submerged in the water crater. Mountain erupted, Bujang Sembilan into fish. Over time the crater of Mount View expanded and formed a lake which we now know as Lake Maninjau

Created By Nurwahidah (9853)Taken From: http://indonesianfolklore.blogspot.com

The Origin of Landak RiverLong time ago, lived a farmer and his wife in a village by the side of a forest. They lived simply and they like to help other people, especially one who in afflictions. One night, the farmer and his wife were resting in their house. The farmer was sitting beside his sleeping wife. Suddenly, a white centipede came out from the wifes head. The farmer was amazed. He then followed the centipede until they reach a small pond not far from their house. Then the centipede suddenly disappeared. The farmer went home and found his wife still soundly asleep.In the morning, the wife told his husband about the dream she had last night. I was walking through a vast field, and I came to a lake. I saw a giant hedgehog in the lake. It was glaring at me, so I ran away. After he heard his wifes dream, the farmer went back to the small pond. In the pond, he saw something very shiny. He came to the shiny object and took it. It was a golden hedgehog statue. It was very beautiful. Its eyes were made of diamond. The farmer then brought the statue home.At night, the farmer had a dream. A giant hedgehog came to him, Please let me stay in your home. As return, I will give you everything you want. Just caress the statues head and say the prayer. There are two kinds of prayers, one is to start your wish and the second is to stop your wish. Now memorize the prayers.In the next day, the farmer told his wife about his dream. They really wanted to prove it. The farmer slowly caressed the statue's head. He said the prayer and asked for rice. Suddenly, rice came out of the mouth of the statue. The rice kept on coming out from the statue's mouth. The farmer immediately said the prayer to stop it. The rice then stopped coming out from the statue.The farmer and his wife then asked for other things, jewelry and other stuff they needed. They became very rich. But they still like to help other people. A lot of poor came to them for help. Unfortunately, a thief found out about the secret of the golden hedgehog statue. Pretending to be a poor asking for help, he stole the statue from the farmers house.The thief blurred to the district area of Ngabang. There was a drought in the area. The thief wanted sympathy from the people, so he said to them that he would provide them with water. The thief then caressed the hedgehog statue and said the prayer. Water came out of the statues mouth. All the people were so happy. But the water kept on coming out. The thief didnt know the prayer to stop the wish. People who saw the incident were really scared. They ran away to avoid the water as it was started to flood the area. The thief also wanted to run away, but he cannot move his legs. In his vision, there was a giant hedgehog holding both his legs. Water kept coming from the statue and slowly it became a river. The thief was drowned in the river. People then n

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