+ All Categories
  • Bank Holiday at Besicubbin.PROCLAMATION

    WESTERN AUSTRALiA, By His Excellency Sir James Mitchell,TO WIT. j K.C.M.G, Lieutenant-Governor in and

    JAMEs MiTCHELL, over the State of Western AustraliaLieutenant-Governor, and its Dependencies in the Common-

    [L.s,) wealth of Australia.

    i pursuance of the prorislolls contained in the fifthettion of the Bank I-Iolidays Act, 1884, I, the Lieuten-

    ant-Governor of the said State, do by this my Proclama-tion appoint Saturday, 16th September, 1939, a specialday to be observed as a Bank Holiday in the Town ofBeneubbin.

    Given under my baud and the Public Seal of thesaid State, at Perth, tins 20th day of June,1939.

    By His Excellency's Command,

    W. II. KITSON,Chief Secretary.


    JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.Premier's Department,

    Perth, 29th June, 1939.ILlS Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive(ouncil has been pleased to approve of the followinga ppointments to the Commissioss of the Peace:

    Senator James Mackintosh Fraser, of 26 Teddingtonroad, Victoria Park, as a ,justice of the Peace for theState of Western Australia;

    Stanley William Robinson, Esquire, of Brooklands,Denmark, as a Justice of the Peace for the PlantagenetMagisterial District in lieu of the Northam MagisterialDistrict.

    L. E. SHAPCOTT,Under Seoretary Premier 's Department.

    FARMERS' DEBTS ADJUSTMENT ACT, 1930-1934.NOTICE is hereby given that adjustment of debtsnuder section 11 of the Act of the following farmershas been finalised and the Stay Orders have lapsed as

    WESTERN AUSTRALIA.[Published by Authority at 3'3 p.m.]


    front the date specified Woods, Francis Janies, Mujavia Collie; Thomson, Angus Egbert, Moora; 24th June,1939; Lewis, Deals William and Max Swinburne (trad-ing as Lewis Bros.), Caron; 26th June, 1939.

    W. A. WHITE,Director.

    28th June, 1939.

    L'A SMERS' DEBTS ADJ USTMENT ACT, 1930-1934.NOTICE is hereby given that the following Stay Ordershave been issued in accordance with sectiosi 7, subsec-tiOn (I), of the Farmers' Debts Adjustment Act, 1930-1934, which reads as follows:

    A Stay Order shall direct that no action, execu-tion, distress for rent, proceedings on default forbreach of covenant under any mortgage or othersecurity for money, or under an agreement for saleand purchase of lands, or other process or proceed-ing, shall be commenced or proceeded with or put inforce against the farmer or any of the farmer'sassets, whether utilised in cosineetion with or form-irig portion of the assets comprised in his farmingbusiness or not, during the operation of such StayOrder: Provided that, by leave of a Judge, anyaction snay, notwithstanding the Stay Order, beinstituted anti/or carried on against the farmer,but nut beyond judgment.

    Granted under section 11 (Writing down or suspensionof Debts).

    Farmer (Surname and Christian Names), Address, andDate of Order.

    Harvey, Frank Buttfield and Cedric Clement Bruce;Holt Rock via Lake Biddy; 26th June, 1939.

    Waters, Alice Maud and O'Connor, Robert Elliot (Exe-cutors Estate of Robert O'Connor); YouangarraStation, Youansni; 27th June, 1939.

    Whyatt, Gladstone James Olaresice; Kwobrup; 27thJune, 1939.

    All elaitns against these farmers to be forwarded tothe Director, Teniple Court, William street, Perth.

    W. A. WHITE,Director.

    28th June, 1939.

    0t4tfl atte

    No. 30.] PERTH: FRIDAY, JUNE 30. [1939.

  • 1182 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. IJuxn 30, 1939.

    PA P11 P llt- ' I) I]B'f't-4 A IV) ITS'! JET AC'!', 1930 1 934.NOTICE is hereby givell that the following amendmentof Stay Order issued under section ii has beeneffected :Mclntcre, Archie Copeland, Lomos, amendedto McIntyre, Archie Copeland and McIntyre, O1iveBertha, Lornos.

    \\ WHITE,Direct or.

    28th Juue, 1939.

    FARMERS' DEBTS APi I'STMENT ACT, 19304934.NOTICE is hereby given that the following Stay Ordersissued under section 11 of the Act have been cancelledas froni the date specified: Hammond, Arthur Quin-

    LAN!) AGENTS ACT, 1921.THE following information is published in accordance with section 5, subsection (3), of the Laud Agents Act, 1921.

    A. J. RET!).Under Treasurer,


    Allen, Cyril JohnAllen, Cyril WilliamAnderson, Robert WilliamA rnott, William

    Barker, Ednnud Shelly

    Barker, Robert Walter RaleighBarr, John EnglishBates, RobertBerry, Horace Thurston -Bird, Cyril PangbourneBlack, Duncan Bricelllaeklock, Stanley EclwanlBogle, Alfred CleusentBooth, Alfred Arthur.Bovell, Alexander RobertBrewis, EdwardBrown, Cecil LeonardBrown, JamesBrown, John DavidBrown, Stephen AndrewBurgess, Claude CyrilBuruham, JamesBurridge, Leslie

    Cameron, Robert AlanCampbell, Robert HillCargeeg, Garfield SilvertonCargeeg, Raymond ArthurCarmichael, Harold James

    Carson, Richard ......Cavanagh, Cyril VictorCharles, Gerald Joseph

    Christie, John PollockClarke, George EphriamClarke, Leslie GeorgeCoffey, PatrickCouncil, John EdwardCoughliri, Michael ......(inmmiug, Gavin Miller('urlewis, George CampbellCurtis, Lewis Leonard

    i)avey, Percy J. Ii.Davies, Alfred Llewellyn Owen

    Dent, Cecil

    Deshon, Frederick William AlstonDevenish, Charles Roy BaldwinDiamond, EdwardDorsett, Kenneth CharlesDouglas, ThompsonDts Boulay, Edgar FrancisDudley, Cyril GeorgeDungey, Henry GeorgeDnreau, Keith Francis ......

    On Behalf of

    Himself ,..HimselfHimselfW'estralian Partners, Ltd.

    W.A. 'h'rustee, Executor & Agency Co.,Ltd.

    himselfl-limsclfEdwards & Co....Himself . ...The National Service to., Ltd.U imself'l'he Park Land & tOe AgencyBogle Bros. ...A. A. Booth & Co.HimselfToodyay Valley Co-opera tire to., I Ad.Cecil Brown & Co.James Brown & (o.I limself ...Brown, Clinch & Co....HimselfHimselfHimself ... .

    i)algety & Co., Ltd.HimselfCargeeg Bros.HimselfMcLean, Carmichael, Ltd.


    HimselfHimself ...Steere & ClarkeHimself ...J. ill. Burke Ptv., Ltd.Shugg & CoughlinHimselfHimself ...H. IV. Bevilaqun, Ltd.

    himselfGreat Southern Roller Clour Shills,

    Ltd.Cecil Dent, Ltd.

    HimselfS. B. Devenish & SonsHimselfThe General Agency Co.HimselfHimself ...Dudley & DwyerHimself ...Brown & Dureau IPty., Ltd.

    ton, Bonnie Rock; iBrondbemst, harry Franklin, Beacon;Owens, Llewellyit, Pingrup 22nd June, 1939.

    W. A. WHITE,Director.

    FARMERS' DEBTS ADJUSTMENT ACT, 1930-1934.NOTICE is hereby given that the following Stay Orderhitt lapsed under section 5 as front the date specifiedLewis, Denis Willi:mui and Max Swiuburne (trading asLewis Eros.), Union, 26th June, 1939.

    W. A. WHITE,Director.

    28th June, 1939.

    59 Marine terrace, Geraldion.Fortune street, Narrogin.206 William street, Perth.569 Wellington street, Perth.

    135 St. George's terrace. Perth.

    80 Barrack stm-eet, Pert It.97 William street, Perth.223-225 Hannan etnet. 1talgoorlie.Safety Bay.A.M. P. Chanibers, Perth.Johnson street, Bruce Bock.426 Albany road, Victoria Park.175 Marine terrace, Geraldton.97 St. George's terrace. Perth,Q imeen street, Busselton.Toodyay.95 Hannan street. Knlgooi-lie.Sheffield House, i-lay street, Perth279-281 Albany road, Victoria Park.Railway parade, Midland JunO ion.W'aroona.191 Murray street, Perth.19-20 AAI.P. Buildings, Perth.

    15 William street, Perth.20 Paclbury Buildhigs, Forrest Place, Perth.62 St. George's terrace, l'erth.39-41 Barrack street, Perth.Perpetual Trustee Buildings, St. George's ter-

    race, Perth.Geraldton.Marine terrace, Geraldton.Wrest Australian Chambers, St. George's terrace,

    Perth.411 Oxford street, Mt. Hawthorn.Victoria street, Bunbury.14 Stephen street, Bunbury.Duke street, Northam.Gledclen Buildings, William street, Pet-tb.T. & G. Chambers, St. George's terrace. Perth.103 Burt street, Boulder.145 Fitzgerald street, Northam.51 St. George's terrace, Perth.

    Stirling terrace, Albany.Thompson road, North Fremantle.

    ('ity Mutual Buildings, St. George's terrace,Perth.

    Perth road, Bassendean.187 James street, Guildford.45 Market street, Fremantle.30 Padbury Buildings, Forrest place, Perth.15 Preston street, Come.146 Heytsbury road, Subiaco.Victoria House, 98 St. George's terrace, Perth.30 Queen street, Fremantle.312-4 Murray street, Perth.

    Principal Place of Business.

  • Name.

    Elvev, Robert Montgomery

    Fihner, Walter JamesFinla , Gilbert GeorgeFloyd, Thomas AlexanderForbes, Arthur ErnestForistal, [saac

    Fox, EdmundFry, Harry VincentFuller, .Joseph James

    Gannaway, HenryGart rell, Ashburv He nvGeere, Arthur Norman

    Gobv, William HenryGraham, Donald HubertGrange, StanleyGreen, WilliamGriffith, Edward Arthur

    Halbert, Thomas GrahamHamilton, Alexander PorterHammond, Sidney Fred ericHancock, NeilsonHarper, Ernest Walterl-Iaywood, George HerbertHendy, William GeorgeHickey, AlbertHiekey, Olive Edwi,s SliltonHieks, James AlbertITigham, Frank GaytonII ill, Arthur Henry Edmondsllodcl, William CharlesH odder, ArnoldHolland. Archibald JuliusHolland, Flenrv LewisHolmes, Frank AlbertHoney, Lionel Rieha r IHunter, Christ opher

    lnkpcn, RoyIrvin, Samuel

    ,Jackson, George Canning.Johnson, Richard A.Jones. Francis AlexanderJones, horace

    Keanc, John VivianKearney. Gordon BrendonKendall, Thomas LeoKont. kenneth ,JolnsKerr, L'crcy Cviii

    Langsford, 1 oseph \VomII earnionth, .1 ohii I 'carson

    Liclnnere, JaneLockhart, Eric John

    Manners, William Mo it goine ryMartin. Ernest William.\[athcson, \Vin. SutherlandIteCal I Inn, 1 olni ArchibaldMcCarthy, .John RichardSleKail, Hugh FrancisMcKenzie, Irvine CecilMeadoweroft, Arnoldl[eldrnni, John AlexanderMerritield, Richard B.Miles, Henr EdgarShIne, GeorgeMilner, John GeorgeMitehinson, David EdwardS[unro, Norman .JohnMunyard, Frank WilliamMurray, Slatthew H.

    Newman, Richard LawrenceNewnham, Henry LawrenceNoble, Richard WilliamNorthovor, John Edgar

    LAS1) .AGEN'L'S ACT, 1921contiuued.


    Filmer & Forbes, Ltd.HimselfFloyd & Leishman. Ltd.Ferris & ForbesForital & Co....HimselfElder, Smith & Co.Fuller & Son

    W. E. Clarke & Co.HimselfA. N. Geere & Ncwnhans

    HimselfCullen & GrahamGrange & GrangeHimselfHimself

    flalbert Service, Ltd....HiniselfHimselfHimself ...E. & S. Harper, Ltd....HimselfBritish Finance & Agency Co.HimselfHiekey & SonHimself1. .1. & F. G. 1-[ighamThe \Vestralian Trust Co., Ltd.Ftodd, (ut hbertson & North, Ltd.Himself ...HimselfHimselfHolmes Bros.....L. R. Honey & Co.......Hunters

    HimselfRoy S. Irvin, Ltd.

    Himself ...Richard .1 ohnson, Ltd....General Estate & Agency Co....The l'erpetual Executors, Trtist.cs and

    Agency Co., Ltd. (WA.)

    HimselfHimselfKendall and. ('liftonDonald JiudgeHimself

    I angsford & SonLearnionth, Duffv & Co.

    Hallamn & Co.Himself

    W. St. Manners & Co., Ltd.Ernie Martin & (0.. Ltd.HimselfCanning and South.\Vest Land 4Himself ...HimselfHimselfHimselfHimselfHimselfHimselfHimselfMilner & Co.James Hall.James Gardiner, Ltd.Orr and MnnyardHimself

    HimselfHimselfHimselfNorthover & Roberts

    25 Stirling lughway, Nedlands.

    Clive street, Katanning.St. George's House, St. Georges terrace, Perth.Victoria House, St. George's terrace, Perth.S Bay View terrace, Claremont.Bank of' N.S.W'. Chambers, 65 St. George's ter-

    race, Perth.62 Eighth avenue, Maylands.Elder House, St. George's terrace, Perth.Robert street, Norsernan.

    \Vagin.76 Adelaide street, Fremantle.New Zealand Chambers, St. George's terrace,

    Perth.Donnybrook.Fortune street, Narrogin.815 Colonial Mutual Buildings. Pert Ii.36 Paclbury Buildings, Forrest place, Perth.Throssell street, Collie.

    London Court, St. George's terrace. Perth.147 High street, Fremantle.Wickepin.205 St. George's terrace, Perth.70 Stirling highway, CottesloeYork street, Albany.169 High street, Fremantle.Bay View terrace, Claremont.120 Sheflield House, Hay street, Perth.148 South terrace, Fremantle.206 High street, Fremantle.47 A.M.P. Chambers, Perth.Warwick House, St. George's terrace, Perth.57 AMP. Chambers, \Villiam street, Perth.York street, Atbany.41-42 A.M.P. Chambers, William street, Perth.Gledden Buildings, Hay street, Perth.31 Stephen street, Bunbury.249 Murray street. Perth.

    Avon terrace, York.97 St. George's terrace, Perth.

    ljnited Chambers, Howard street, J'erl Ii.Parade street, Pingehly.165 High street, Fremantle.Cr. Howard street and St. George's terrace, l'ert h.

    65 St. George's terrace, Perth.98 St. George's terrace, Perth.61 Stirling highway, Cottesloe.32 I'iesse street, Boulder.135 St. George's terrace, Perth.

    AMP. Chambers. William street, Perth.Perpetual Trustee Buildings, St. George's terrace,

    l'erth.10 Newspaper House Arcad.e, Perth.149 Hannan street, Kalgoorhie.

    Alliance Buildings, St. George's terrace, l'erth.219 Murray street, Perth.467 Albany road, Victoria Park.Albany road, Gosnells.263 William street, Perth.81 St. George's terrace, I'erth.\ork street, Albany.Duriacher street, Geraldton.Clive street, Katanning.York street, Albany.N.Z. Chambers, 105 St. George's terrace, Perth.\\'elshpool road, Welshpool.755 Hay street, Perth.29 Barrack street, Perth.\Vithnehl Chambers, Howard street, Perth.23 Barrack street, Perth.101 St. George's terrace, Perth.

    151 Rokeby road, Subiaco.62 St. George's terrace, Perth.135 St. George's terrace, Perth.98 St. George's terrace, Perth.

    .Jtt 30, 1939.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, \V.A. 1183

    On Behalf of: Principal Place of Business.

  • 1184 QO\ERNMT GAZETTF WA. !1JUNE 30, 1939.

    Olifent, Frank Vounder

    Ottewell, Harry ......Pacey, Roy HenryPage-Wright, GeorgeParker, David JonathanParker, Elaine LouisePayne, Raymond Frederick Easton

    Pearson, Frederick Reid

    Peet, Cyril ErnestPfeil, Leo MartinPerrett, Absalom FrederickPiesse, Harold VivianPriestley, Frank Hubert

    Pursey, PercyPyman, Edwin Arthur

    Quilty, Michael Joseph

    Rainsford, Geo. HenryReynolds, Thomas Davis

    Ridge, Maurice HennessyRoberts, Joseph ......Robertson, William

    Robertson, William CarlRocke, AntonioRowledge, James

    Sainsbury, Wifflain EdwardSamson, William FrederickSchofield, WilliamSewell, Christina ......

    Sewell, Henry Carington

    Sharp, Edmund WalterShearn, Harry VivianSmith, Charles HaroldSnowden, Clarence HuftenStevens, JamesStiles, Arthur GeorgeStirling, Edmund Horace A.Stratton, John Peter

    Synnot, Maud Marie

    Teede, Gerald H.......Throssell, CecilTomlinson, Ralph HughesToy, William DuncanTrenaman, Victor Roy

    Truscott, AlbertTruscott, Robert ......Turner, Arthur EdwardTurner, John Wm. Gifford

    Van-Dal, Sidney ......Van-Noort, Cornelis AntoniusVerschuer, John James P. Z.Villiers, Frederick George

    Wadley, Bernard ......Wailis, RoyWalters, Albert JamesWaters, George JamesWest, Walter ThomasWheeldon, WalterWilson, Edward LionelWilson, MatthewWilson, Reginald BoulderWinslade, James GordonWood, HildericWoodhouse, Bertie Ernest AlfredWroth, Milton Taylor Lloyd

    Yeaman, Vernon CharlesYeldon, Richard. Charles

    Young, Edwin Jesse

    LAND AGENTS ACT, 1921continued.


    Ottewell's, Ltd.

    HimselfHimself ...Himself ...Elaine L. & W. B. ParkerMontgomery, Anderson & Co.


    Messrs. Peet & Co., Ltd.HimselfHimselfHimselfHimself


    A. Shepherd & Co., Ltd.

    HimselfT. D. Reynolds, Ltd.

    Himself ...Mangimup Trading Co.. Ltd.Robertson Bros., Ltd.

    Mortgages Securities, Ltd.HimselfPaterson & Co., Ltd.

    W. E. Sainsbury & Co.Himself ...HimselfMrs. T. H. Blake

    11. C. Sewell & Co., Ltd.

    HimselfShearn Bros.Smith & DaughtersSnowden & Wilison Agency, Ltd.Himself .........0Stiles & Stiles, Ltd....HimselfJ. P. Stratton, Ltd.

    Synnot & Synnot

    HimselfHimselfHimselfW. D. Toy & SonHimself

    HimselfHimselfHimselfThe Agency

    Arthur Niall & Co.HimselfHinisclfHimself

    HimselfWaffis & SonsWalters, Ltd.......HimselfHimselfHimselfHimself ...Barrett.LennardHimselfWinslade & LawrenceHimselfHimselfE. H. Fothergill & Co.

    Goldsbrough, Mort & Co., Ltd.Himself

    London Court Agency

    City Mutual Buildings, 62 St.. Gcore's terrace,Perth.

    Withnell's Chambers, 12 Howard street, Perth.

    62 St. George's terrace, Perth.Victoria House, St. George's terrace, Perth.814 Albany road, Victoria Park.Orient Line Buildings, 56 William street, Perth.Bank of Adelaide Chambers, 97 St. George's ter-

    race, Perth.City Mutual Buildings, 62 St. George's terrace,

    Perth.46 St. George's terrace, Perth.408 4th Floor, CML. Buildings, Perth.42.1 Fitzgerald street, North Perth.Austral terrace, Katanning.Bank of N.S.W. Chambers, 65 St. George's ter-

    race, Perth.10 Broadway, Nedlands.42 St. George's terrace, Perth.

    C.T.A. Buildings, 73 St. George's terrace, Perth.

    148 Hannan street, Kalgoorlie,102 N.Z. Chambers, 105 St. George's terrace,

    Perth.83 Maritana street, Kalgoorlie.Manjimup.Colonial Mutual Buildiugs, St. George's terrace,

    Perth.48 St. George's terrace, Perth.14 Queen's street, Fremantle.Yorkshire House, St. George's terrace, Perth.

    10 Padbury Buildings, Forrest place, Perth.5 Queen street, Fremantle.N.Z. Chambers, St. George's terrace, Perth.Bank of Adelaide Chambers, St. George's ter-

    race, Perth.Commercial Bank Chambers, St. George's ter-

    race, Perth.Gibson street, Mandurals.188 Railway terrace, Maylands.Phoenix Park, Naval Base.47 St. George's terrace, Perth.128 High street, Fremantle.1st Floor, Sheffield House, 713 Hay street, Perth.12 Howard street, Perth.Second Floor, Commercial Bank, Forrest place,


    Smith's Buildings, Bunbury.A.M.P. Chambers, Northam.Stirling terrace, Albany.1 A.M.P. Chambers, William street, Perth.5 National Mutual Buildings, 81 St. George's

    terrace, Perth.88 Rokeby road, Subiaco.Marine terrace, Geraldton.9 Barrack street, Perth.Juil street, Armadale.

    18 Howard street, Perth.Mount Barker.Stephen street, Bunbury.South British Chambers, Barrack street, Perth.

    87 South crescent, Bayswater.Attwell Arcade, Fremantle.131 William street, Perth.Chancery House, Howard street, Perth.2 Cantonment street, Fremantle.York street, Albany.Forrest street, Collie.W.A. Chambers, St. George's terrace, Perth.Hannan street, Kalgoorlie.99 St. George's terrace, Perth.Gooseberry Hill.561 Albany road, Victoria Park.16 Mouatt street, Fremantle.

    162-164 St. George's terrace, Perth.4 Commercial Bank Chambers, St. George's ter.

    race, Perth.No. 6 London Court, Perth.

    Name. On Behalf of: Principal I'lace of Business.


    THE following persons have been duly licensed under the Auctioneers Act, 1921.

    (Sgd.) A. J. REID,TJnd er Treasurer.

    Name. Benefit of: Address. Nature ofLicense.

    Airey, L. 0....... Dalgety & Co., Ltd. Perth General.Allanson, Geo. Himself Dowerin District.Allnutt, E. H. L. Himself Katanning District.Angelo, A. C. Himself Carnarvon District.Arnott, H. K. Himself Fremasitle General.Ashendon, Edward Ashendon & Co. Perth General.

    Bagot, F. N. Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Perth General.Baker, D. G. Himself Moora District.Baker, M. H. Elder, Smith and Co., Ltd. Bunbury Country.Ball, H. C. Dalgety & Co., Ltd. Katanning Country.Ball, K. E....... Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. York District.Bardwell, B. E. Himself Broome District.Bennett, W. E. F. W. Lantzke Perth General.Bernard, D. G. Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Geraldton District.Bloomfield, Gordon Berryman & Langley, Ltd. Perth General.Bogle, A. C....... Himself Geraldton District.Boyd, Alex H. Himself Busselton District.Brede, W. H. 0. Himself Geraldton District.Brewis, Edward Himself Toodyay District.Brown, Cecil L. Himself Kalgoorlie District.Brown, F. H. Himself ... Kalgoorlie District.Bruns, 0. E. W. Goldsbrough, Mort & Co., Ltd. Perth General.Buirski, J. A. W. Himself Northam District.Burgess, Claude C. Himself Waroona District.Buzacott, H. McK. Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Carnamah District.

    Caliagher, S. J. Westralian Farmers, Ltd. Geraldton District.Campbell, Ivan C. Himself Perth General.Campbell, W. D.... Berryman & Langley, Ltd. Perth General.Carmichael, H. J.... McLean, Carmichael, Ltd. Perth General.Charles, G. J. Himself Perth General.Chidgzey, G. J.... Paterson & Co., Ltd. Bridgetown District.(hairs, W. J. G.... Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Narrogin Country.Clarke, G. E. Himself Bunbury District.Clark, W. G. Himself Wiluna District.Cohen, Lewis Georges, Ltd. Perth General.Conigrave, W. P.... Learmonth, Duffy & Co.... Fremantle GeneralConway, F. F. J. Himself Boulder District.Cribb, H. V. Himself Northam District.Cumming, G. H. ... Himself ... Boulder District.

    Davey, P. J. Himself Albany District.Davies, Thomas Mt. Lawley Auction Mart Perth General.Daw, A. C....... Goldsbrough, Mort & Co., Ltd. KManniug Country.Denny, Eric H.... Government of Western Australia Perth General,Derry, Brian H.... Dalgety & Co., Ltd. Perth General.Dobson, E. R. Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Perth General.Duffey, J. S. Learmonth, Duffy & Co. Perth General.Duncan, T. A, Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Bruce Rock Country.Dunstan, Donald K. Dalgety & Co., Ltd. Donnybrook Country.

    Edwards, Wffliam P. Himself Geraldton District.Ellis, Rowland Unity Motors Auction Perth General.

    Farr, John E. Farr Bros. & Wade Narrogin Two Districts.Farrell, J. N. Producers' Markets Co.op., Ltd. Perth General.Farrell, R. W. MeN. Himself ... Narrogin Country.Fergie, H. T. S. Peet & Co.......... Perth General.Fielding, H. C. Goldsbrough, Mort & Co., Ltd. Bruce Rock Country,Flaherty, H. Goldsbrough, Mort & Co., Ltd. Mt. Barker District,Flint, A. J....... Ideal Auction Mart Perth General,Forbes, D. H. Himself ... Beverley District,Francis, Nicholas A. J. Langford & Co. Perth General,Fraser, D. L. Westralian Farmers, Ltd....... Perth General,French, L. J. Goldsbrough, Mort & Co., Ltd. Narrogin Country.Fuller, J. J. Fuller & Sons Norseman District.

    Galloway, J. D. Himself Narrogin Country.Gannaway, Henry Himself Wagin District.Garratt, Charles C. W. Dalgety & Co., Ltd. Geraldton Two Districts.Gartrell, A. H. Himself ... Fremantle General.Geere, A. N. A. N. Ocere & Newuham Perth General.Giles, Ecl.ward C. B. Goldsbrough, Mort & Co., Ltd. Geralciton District.Gilleft, W. J. L. Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Northam Country.Goldsmith, H. S. Himself Wagin District.Gray, J. E....... Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Perth General.Gregg, S. M. Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Bun bury Country.Gregson, William Gregson's Auction Mart Perth General.Griffith, E. A. Himself (hollin District.

    JtXE 30, 1939.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. W..\ 1185

  • 1186 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [JuNE 30, 1939.

    A[CTIONEERS' LTCENSESconiinuexl.

    Name. Benefit of: Add reds.Nature ofLicense.

    Hands, J. B. Himself . - - - -. .. - . - - Bunhurv - - - District.Hanna, Greer Producers' Markets Co-op.. Ltd..-. Perth - - - General.Harley, K. N. -. Elder, Smith k Co., Ltd------- Katauning - - - Country.Hatch, H. B. Himself . - - . - - . -. . -. Fremantle - - - General.Helliar. Norman W.A. Fruit and Produce \[arkets ... Perth . - - General.Higham, F. 0. .1. 3. & F. 0. Highane ... ... Fremantle General.Hilder. L. R. ...Nelson's Meat Markets ... ... Perth General.Hocid, W. C. ...Hodd, Cuthbertson &. North .. Perth . - - General.lodge, E. J. K. - -. Elder, Smith & Co., . - Perth General.

    lnkpen, Roy Himself Yosk District.

    Jackson, 1-I. A. Westrahian Farmers. Ltd. Perth General.James, 0. H. Golclsbrough, Mort & Co., Ltd. Bu nburv Two Districts.Johnson, A. F. Himself . -. Leonora District..lones, H. S. Himself Perth General.

    Kearney, 0. B. Himself . - - . - - Pci-tb General.Kerr, P. C. Himself . - - . - - . -. Perth GeneralKeyser, H..C. Elder, Smith & Co.. Ltd. - -. ikeilerberrin Country.T(irkhans, B. J. Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. - -. Bnnburv Country

    Lake, Thomas Himself ... . - - . -. \ierredin District.Langlands, J. f) Producers' Markets Co.op.. Ltd. Perth General.Langley, 0. S. W.A. Fruit & Produce Markets Perth General.Langley, T. W. Berryman & Langley, Ltd. Perth General.Lantzke, F. W. I-[imself Perth . -. General.Lantzkc, Quentin F. \V. Lantzke - Perth . -. General.Lee, John C. Goldsbrough, I\lort & Co., Ltd. Geralclton District.Lee, 1\1. K. }iimself Bunbury Two DistrhLiewellyn, William Scanlan & Simper, Ltd. . - - Frensantle General.Lockhart, E. J. Himself ... ... . -. Kalgoorhic- Dist ric-t.Lowes, John Westralian Farmers, Ltd. . -. Perth General.

    Mair, Thomas Thomas Newby . - - . -. Perth General.Maleo]m, C. K ... Elder, Smith & Co. . -. Bunbu rv Country.Meachem, A. F.... Meaehiem Bros. Perth Generaj.Meadoweraft, Arnold Himself . -. Geraidton District.Merrifield, R. B.... Himself . -. Albany District.Miller, H. L. Himself ... . - - Midland Junction General.Montgomerie, J. B. Himself . -. Port Hedland District.Moran, W. T. Himself Kalgoorlie District.More, Noel ... ... Goldsbrough, i\lort & Co., Ltd. Bririgetown Coinitry.

    \Iaenaniara, G........ Glendinning & Co., Ltd. Perth O encral.McCarthy, E. .1. Himself . . - . - - . -. .Esperancc District.MeClellanci, A. MeB. Westrahian Farmers, Ltd. Perth General.McGowan, J. L. Elder, Smith &. Co., Ltd. Beverlev l)istrict.McKay, Donald Himself . - - .. - Manjisnup l))istric-t.MeKinnell, K. F. Elder. Smith & Cu., Ltd. . -. Northamn Country.MeLennan, Donald H ugh Elder. Smith & Co., Ltd. . - - Kellerberrin Country.MeLeiman, M. J. Golclsbrough, Mort & Co., Ltd. Perth General.

    North, H. J. Himself . -. Aiba iiv District.Northover, J. B. Burridge & Warren, Ltd. Perth General.Nunn, \V. J. Himself . - - . -. (oil ic District.

    OCallaghan, P. J. Thomas Newby Perth General.Owens, Harry Wigmore's, Ltd. Perth General.

    Page-Wright, George Himself Perth General.Palmer, J. 0. Paterson & Co.. Ltd. . -. Perth General.Patek, J. W. Westralian Farmers. Ltd. . -. Perth General.Paterson, P. B..... Himself .. - . - - . -. T(ellerberrin District.Payton, Norman . -. G. H. Tcecle ... . - - Buisburv District.Pearce, Leslie Himself ... Dalwahlinn Country.Pell, H. D....... H. D. I'd! & Co.... . -. Perth General.Peploe, R. H. Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Perth General.Philp, A. W. G. Westralian Farmers, Ltd. .. - Perth General.Powell, H. W. Scanlan & Simper, Ltd. . - - Frernantle General.Prevost, J. L. Dalgetv P Co., Ltd. Perth General.

    Rainsford, 0. H. Himself Kalgoorli.... District.Reynolds, T. D. T. D. Reynolds, Ltd. Perth General.Rigg, R. A....... Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Perth General.Rintoul, T. S. Clayton & Rintoul ...... Kalgoorhie .. - District.Roberts, George F. . - - Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Perth General.Roberts, Robert Edward Elder, Smith & Co., Ltd. Kehlerberrin Country.Robertson, William Robertson Bros., Ltd. Perth .. - General.Robinson, Charles . -. A. J. Laugford, Ltd. Perth . -. General.Robinson. L. L . -. John Robinson & 5c,ns Pertis General.Routledge, W. E. Dalgety & Co., Ltd. Perth GeneralRushton, A. Ti. I-[imseif ... ... Morowa District.Ryan, W......... Producers larkets Co.-op., Ltd. Perth General.

  • Jixa 30, 1939.1 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA. 1187


    l'ublie Works


    (rowmi Law Department,Perth, 29th June, 1939.

    1115 Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has approved of the inidermentioned appoint-ment :-

    Constable C. Lawson as acting Clerk of the LocalCourt and acting I lerk to Magistrates, 'Wyalkatcliem,vice Constable A. ii. Melrose, transferred.

    Til C lIon. Minister for .5 ustice has approved of theundermentiommed appo stmnemits :-

    Constable F. P. Eniberson as Bailiff of the Wyal-katelmeni Local Court, vice Constable A. B. MoRose,transferred.

    l)avid Frank Laverack, Esq., of Cottesloc WilliamEdward Sliller, Esq., of Lake Varley; Mark ArthurFrancis, Esq., of Ilolt Rock Arnold Merryfield Ver-yard, Esq., of Moora; Philip Charles Hagan, Esq., of



    5Shiniug Registrar, Wilona (Iteni No. .564)5Slining Registrar, Cue (Item No. 572)55lining Registrar, Laverton (item 579)...Chief Draftsman (Iteum .559)Assistant Engineer (Designing), Drafting

    Branch (item 1070)



    t378f402£342i366£342-3O6 -I'£411 £486£414-1438


    1939.July 8.


    * Official quarters provided and rent charged. t Limit fixed (t354) under clause 10 of Clerical _grcemneut.Applications are called under section 38 of the Public Service Act, 1904, and are to be addressed to

    the Public Service Commissioner and should be made on the prescribed form,,, obtainable from the offices oftIme various Permanent Heads of Departuments.

    GEO. W. SIMPSON,Public Service Commissioner.

    Departmnent of Public health,C'S.!). 19/39. Perth, 23rd ,Tune, 1939.

    IX accordance with, lime approval of his Excellency theLieutemiam,t-Govermmor in Executive Council Doctor E. J.T. 'llmoumpson has heemi appointed Acting Su1,erintendentof time Clarenmommt Mental hospital as frommi the 1st Juice,1939, vice Dr. James Bemitley, whose a ppoiutmmient asSupem'intendemit has been cancelled a mid detci-mmmimmed asfrom (lint date.

    F. J. IIUELIN,Under Secretary.

    .tUCT IONCEI3S' LICENSES conCise,].

    Nature of'Name. Benefit of: .*ddress. License.

    Scanlan, SI. .J. Seanlamm & Simper, LI C. - - - Freinaim tie - Gener,, I.Scarf, K. 13. I). II inseli - - - - - - - - Northaus District.Schofield. William Himself ... - - - - -. Perth General.Scott, Robert Elder, Smith & Co., Lid. -- - Katimnning - Country.Seymour. U. H. Dalgety & Co., Ltd. Perth General.Sheridan, P. .T. Producers' Slarkets (o..op., Ltd. Perth General.Sherlock, G. H. Himself - - - . -. ... . . - Northam Country.Shilling, Allan Goldsbrough, Slort & Co., LId. I'ertlm Genera I.Skinner, Frank C. himself ... - 1.00r,la District.Smith, Gilbert Westralian Fin-users, Ltd. - l'crth General.Spicer, SI. I'. Elder. Smith & Co. Perth General.Stecnlioldt, C. C. Dalgetv & (o.. Ltd. l'erth Gcueral.Stephens, \V. R. Himself Eat,,,,,, lug - District.Swan, B. U....... \\eatralja ii 1'armners, LI d....... PerIl, General.Telfer, A. II. Shines Department Pert!, U enema I.'L'elfer, W. F. Himself Slcrrcdim, District.Thomson, George Nelson & Son, Ltd. Perth General.

    \ince, Francis .1. Il

    Wade, JUiward J.

    Goldsbrough, Slort & Co., Ltd.

    Edwards & Co....




    District.\Veedon, I. H hnaelf - . . Kalguoriic District\Vells, El. F. H imse It I'ertb General.\VelIs, N. .J. 11. F. Wells Perth General.Wharton, H. H. Elder, Smith & Co.. Ltd. arrogin Country.SVheeldon. 'IV. Himself' Albam,v District.\Vhelan, Jas. P. -I-I imseif Tanunjim District.\Vilkinson, B. F. I)a!gety & Cu., Ltd. (hraldto,, ( oimmmt,y.\Villis, .1 (thu IVillis & Grieve - . - l'memna,,t Ic - Cemiemal.Wilson, L. 13. I-I imself - . . Nom-tlman, - I )istrict.Wilson, [3. 13. H imnself ... - . - I'algoorlk. - District.Wilson, W. H. 1. \Vilson & C,. - . - lioul,ler District\\ishart, C. \V. Elder, Smuit Ii & ( 'i., LId. - (iemnldtoii ('mint rs.Wright, Oscar Producers' .11 arket a - Ca Igoorlie District.

    Sates, Harry Elder, Suut h & ( V., LId . . I'crt h General.Yull, G. \Vcstralian Es rulers, LI ii ... liridgetown Dial rb-I.

    SI iling; Ar thur .Janies Purslowe, Faq., of North Perth,amid Clarence Ryan, Faq., of Moora, as Conmunssionersfor Declarations under the Declarations and AttestationsAct, 1913.

    H. B. CORDON,Under Secretary for Law.

  • 1188 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [JUNE 30, 1939.

    THE HEALTH ACT, 1911-1937.Qualification of Inspectors.

    IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by theHealth Act, 1911-1937, I hereby exempt from the opera-tions of section 30 of the said Act the office of Inspectorin the Marble Bar Health District.

    Health Inspector as from the 12th June, 1939.

    EVERITT ATKINSON,Commissioner of Public Health.

    NATIVE ADMINISTRATION ACT, 1905-1936.Department of Native Affairs,

    Perth, 27th June, 1939.Native Affairs 1150/38.

    PHESUANT to the provisions of section 7 of the NativeNdniicistration Act, 1905-1936, the Honourable the Min-ister for the North-West has appointed the following tohe Protectors of Natives -Constable J. C. Maller fortile Moora District, until the 14th October, 1939, viceConstable MeGowon, who is on long service leave;(o'istable J. F. Crowe for the Yalgoo Distriet, untilthe 22nd August, 1939, vice Constable Kay, who is onlong service leave; Constable J. A. Watts, for theBridgetown District, until the 16th October, 1939, viceConstable O'Brien, who is oil long service leave; Mrs.F. E. Woodland for the Kiinberley Goldfields Magis-terial District; Mr. G. A. W. Ash for tho KatanningMagisterial District for one month as from the 13thlane, 1939; Mr. J. Ahlsopp for the Nullagine District,to,' one month as from the 16th June, 1939.

    A. 0. NEVILLE,Commissioner of Native Affairs.

    THE LAND ACT, 1933-] 937.(Section 116.)

    Notice of Intention to Lease.Department of Lands and Surveys,

    Corres. 6h79/26. Perth, 29th June, 1939.TT is hereb notified that it is proposed to grant a lease,for residential purposes, of Sussex Location 3084, con-taining 2 roods, at East Witehcliffe, for a term oftveut,- (20) years.

    C. L. NEEDHAM,Under Secretary for Lands.

    WIT I-IDRAWA L NOTICE-PERTH LAND AGENCY.Department 0f Lands and Surveys,

    Perth, 23rd June, 1939.Corr. 7148/23. (Plan Peel Estate, Sheet 1.)

    IT is hereby notified, for public information, that PeelEstate Lot 793, open for reselectioa on 12-7-1939, hasnow be en withdrawn from selection.

    G. L. NEEDHAM,Under Secretary for Lands.

    GOVERNMENT LAND SALES.THE imdermentioned allotments of land will be offeredfor sale at public auction on the dates and at the placesspecified below, under the provisions of the Land Act,1933-1938, and its regulations:-

    COLLIE.5th July, 1939, at 11 n.m., at the Court House-

    Colhie__*1450, 9a. Or. 22p., 1456, lOa. Or. 3p., £30each.


    5th July, 1939, at 2 p.m., at the Mining Registrar'sOffice-tBig Bell-Town 5, 20, 35, 212, lr. each, £12 lOs.

    each.tReedy-Town 190, ir. 3.2p., 219, lr., £12 lOs. each.


    5th july, 1939, at 2 p.m., at the Mining Registrar'sOffice-

    i-.Leonura----Town 529, lr., 530, 36p., £12 lOs. each.



    6th .Julv, 1939, at ii a.m., at the Mining Registrar'sOffice'-

    Norseman-Town 160, lr., £12 lOs.; 492, 716, 717,349, 1r. each, £10 each.

    MARBLE BAR.6th July, 1939, at 11 n.m., at the Mining Registrar's

    Office-Marble Bar-Town 76, lr., £15.

    BUNBURY.12th July, 1939, at 3.30 p.m., at the District Lands

    Office-IDonuybrook-"98, 99, 273, 274, 279, 280, 281, 282,

    2a., £18; 100, 101, 271, 272, 275, 276, 277, 278,2a., £18.

    GERALDTON.12th July, 1939, at 3.15 p.m., at the District Lands

    Office-IKadathiuna-Town 57, lr., £50.

    Pcrenjori-"98, 4a. 2s. Op., £12.

    SOUTHERN CROSS.I 2t1, july, 1939, at 3 p.m., at the District Lands Office-

    Mount Cahsner-To\vn 5, ir., £17; 95, ii'., £15; 1176,ir., £12 lOs.; t209, 1r., £20.

    Westonia-Town 258, 39.9p., £15; 31, ir., £15.

    BRUCE ROCK.14th July, 1939, at 3 p.m., at the Agricultural Bank-

    IBruce Rock-Town 184, 301, 302, ir. each, £25 earl'.


    14th, Ji,13'. 1.939, at 11 am., at tile Department of Landsand Surveys-iJlingin-12l, 3a. ir. lip., £10.

    SIERREDIN.19th, July, 1939, at 4 p.m., at the Court House-

    :Nokaning-"66, 4a. 3r. 'Ip., £10.

    'Suburbau for cultivation.iSold subject to the condition that the lessee shall

    not carry on, or suffer or permit to be carried on, onthis lot any trade or business whatsoever without theecnsent in writing of th,e Minister for Lands being firstohtaine,l ; and, further, tl,e conditions under winch thishot is made available shall not entitle the lessee now orat any future time to tl,e right to convert same to feesi,nple.

    'I'l,e provision of clause 22 of the regulations for thesale or leasing of 'town and Subt,rban lands at auctionshall not apply at the sale of these lots.

    All improvements On tim land offered for sale are theproperty of tlio Crown, and shall be paid for as theII ii,iater may direct, whose valuation shall be final andU ndmg tl,e purchaser.

    Pin an and further particulais of these sales may heobtaim,e,l at. this office. Laud sol,l to a ,ieptl, of 200feet below the tiaturn I surface, except in mining dis-tricts, inhere it is granted to a depth of 40 fcet or 20feet only.

    0. L. NEEDT-IAM,Under Secretory for Ianfls.

    6th .3 uly, 1939, at ii am., at the District LandsAppointment. 061cc-

    THE following appointment made by the undermen- I Tenterden-"118, 119, 120, 121, 133, 134, 25a. 2r.tioi'ed Local Health Authority is hereby approved 2p., £25; iii, 112, 113, 129, 132, 25n., £25; 1.14,

    Marble Bar Road Board-Alfred James Pooh to be 115, 116, 117, 123, 24a. ir. 7p., £35.

  • LOTS OPEN FOR SALE.Department of Lands and Surveys,

    Perth, 28th June, 1939.IT is hereby notified, for general information, that theundernientioned lots are now open for sale, under theconditions specified, by public auction, as provided bythe Land Act, 1933-37, at the following upset prices:

    Applications to he lodged at Kalgooilie.13148/99.KALGOORL1E, Town, 1235 (ir. 27p.),

    £15; Reserve 7109 (Excepted from Sale) is hereby re-

    (Gilberton street) and 3214 (Oberthur street) (lr. Op.each), £30 each; 3212 (Gilberton street) (lr. Gp.), £23.

    i'lans showing tile arrangement of the lots referredto arc now obtainable at this ofiiee and the offices ofthe various Government Land Agents.

    G. L. NEEDHAM,iJnder Secretary for Lands.

    FORFEITURES.TB E nndernientioned Leases have been cancelled undersection 32 of the Land Art, 1898, and/or section 23 ofthe Land Art, 1933-1937, for non-payment of rent orutlir r reasonsNanie, Lease No., District, Reason, Corres. No., Plan No.Bagshav, Walter; 12012/56; Ninghan 380; £01 as. Sd.;

    1070/15; 35/80, P2.lloyd!, .1. .1.; 347/1874; Peel Estate, 300, 304 ; aban-

    (tolled 760/38; 311 IJ)/40, B3.!ialcer, .1. K. Ii.; 38914/55; Fitzgerald 47 ; £318 iSs. id.;

    7018/21 402/80, Cl; 392/80, C-i.('aupbell, C. ii.; 3! 1.7/2286; 211. Pahllle1. 1a8; £0 (is.

    ltd. 1070/35; Mt 121101cr.ham herlain, A. B. ; 70 7(1/68 ; .'lalltagenet323ti, 3257

    £46 7s. 3d.; 9784/11 ; 436/80, A & 112.Clyne, Midil{lel ; 68/1107; Ninglian 3186 ; abandoned

    4799/28; 67/80.(Ivlle, Michael; 347/14-il; AingIlali 3772; abandoned;

    7(31/37; (17/80. A3.(oi:inan, C. .1.; 68/37101; Avoll 93054, 95% (Ii, 24273,

    94027 £24 i9s. Gd-; 1.5.15/52; 24/80, Bi, Cl.((dl 1(1 In, ( I il/1011) \ on 21121 Il) ilId000d, 1(40/

    :12 ; 24/81), B & (31.C001(el, P7. J; (18/31:04; Avon 1921)8; £53 14s. Sd.; 194/

    32; 5/80, E2.00fl1.L T 1 71/14 , M OIl 2081! ih (Ild011ud 48 /

    32; 5/80, E2.DelirIng, Richard; 20173/68; Einghau 2318; £170 Ss.

    -Id.; 1263/26; 65/80, 112.1k Ill 1fl, ThGi nd 249S1 /74 NinglI 111 2441), lb indoncti

    1426/26; 65/80, B2.Delaporte, Winifred G.; 347/1626; Wellington 2030,

    2031; £1 Os. 8d.; 2103/37; 413B/4O, Fl.Fordham, N. A.; 68/3209; Melbourne 2628; £6 14s. 66.;

    1713/31; 32/80, B2.Gale, S. H.; 55/1381; Ninghan 3079; £145 7s. 06.;

    4673/28; 67/80.Gale, 5.11.; 74/497; Ninghan 3369; abandoned; 5325/

    28; 67/50.Godvin, H. P.1 3117/1827; C'oolgardie 1619; £1 is. Gd.;

    1703/36; Coolgardie.Hayden, J. W.; 347/818; Ninghan iSO, 208, 1441; aban

    doned; 714/33; 64/80, A & F4; 65/SO, A & P4.Johnson, L. C.; (18/412; .Iilbadji 505; £12 2s. 16.; 3927/

    28; 23/SO.Lawson, Samuel; 68/3268; Ninglian 2944; £28 iGs. 4d.;

    1931/31; 66/80, Cl; 36/300.Lawson, Samuel; 74/1356; Ninghan 3830; abandoned;

    2207/31; 66/80, Cl.Lissi, Giacomo; 3117/2220; Agnew 51; £0 12s. Gd.;

    1963/37; Agnew.Mackie, Robert; 395/745; Edjudina; abandoned; 1665/

    35; 34/300.Page, Stephen; 338/1913; Pemberton 139; £13 lOs. 06.;

    411/33; Pemberton.l'nge, Stephen ; 338/1944; Penderton 438; £9 Os. 06.;

    412/38; Pemberton.Pcre,ch, Ivan; 3117/2301 ; Boulder 772; £0 Se. 06.; 1646/

    00; Boulder, Sheet1 I na Tloheit 68/21)27 Ningi rn 391) f-I-I Os 96

    251(1/30; 66/80.

    Robb, 0. 5.; 40778/55; Ninghan 1340; £154 15s. 3d.;7404/23; 66/80, All & 4.

    Rohb, 0. S.; 17771/OS; Ninghan 1337; £189 Os. 7d.;1614/24; 66/80, A$ & 4.

    Robb, 0. S.; 23944/74; Ninghan 909; abandoned; 1600/94; (16/80, AS & -1.

    hobuis (Ii ( Il 145 lo O8 1 it/gee dd 24o £104 8stab; .1269/21; 392/80.

    Korrell, N. W.; 42593/53; pt. Jilbadji 380; £160 13s.Gd.; 6081/27; 36/SO, E4.

    Sorrell, N. W.; 13241/56; pt. Jilbadji 380; £24 7s. Gd.;1145/28; 56/80, El.

    lassone. Natali; 3117/2444; Big Bell 172; £0 Ss. Gd.;9440/36; Big Bell.

    \Villiamson, Thomas; 20/1564; Uduc 3531; £379 us.Sd.; 2470/20; Uduc.

    G. L. NEEDHAM,Under Secretary for Lands.

    LAND OPEN FOR SELECTION.IT is hereby notifled, for general information, that tueareas scileduled hereunder are available for selectionunder Part V. of the Land Act, 1933-1938, and theRegulations appertaining thereto, subject to tile p101visions of tile said Act.

    Applications 1111.1St be lodged at the Land AgencyOffice as specified iiereuiider Ilot later than tile datespecified, but may be lodged before such date if sodesired.

    All applications lodged on or before Sucil date will betreated as having been received on tile cbs ig day, andif there arc illore applicants than one for nay block, tileapplication to 1)0 granted lviii be determined by theLand Board. Should any lands remain unselected suchwill continue available until applied for or otherwisedIalt with.

    If a La11d Board sitting becomes necessary, the appli-rants for the Idoeks will he duly notified of tile (late,time, and place of (lie meeting (If tile Board, and thereshall be an interval of at least three days between theclosing date and tile sitting of tile Board.

    If an applicant wishes to appear before the LaudBoard in person he mar apply to (lie Head Office orto the Clerk in Charge of any of the District or BraneilLand Offices for a certificate to the Railway Depart-lilelit which, on jnesentation at (lie neal-oct RailwayStation will entitle 111111 to a Returll 'l'ickct, at Excur-111011 Rlltes, to (1(0 place where Idle iloard will sit, avail-able for seven days from till' date (If 55110.

    Tile selector of a I-lollleste;ld Farm from any locationmust take the balance thereof, if any, under ConditionalPllre base.

    All marketable timber, including sandalwood andIflllllet., is resell-eli to the Crown, subject to the pro-visions of clause 18 of the regulations.



    Wollgalllino llcpurcilased EstateAvon District.Open under Part P. of tile Land Act, 1933-38, as

    modified by Part VIII.Con-. 116/20. (Plans 27A/4O, C2.; 27B/40, D2.)Location 21554, containing 531a. ir. lip.; purchase

    1110ne7------f3,470 15s. ; ilalf-yearly illstallileilts first fiveve,I rs, interest onlyto (-;villalls, at S per cent. p.a.377s. 3d.; lla,lf-veal'lv mstallllellts over tile balance (35years), including principal and interestto civilians, at5 per cent. p.a.f44 6s. 46.; subject to AgriculturalBank and lAB. indebtedness; being A. H. Mutter'sfoifeited Lease 20/1415.

    Quelagetting Repurchased EstateAvon District.Open under Part V. of the Land Act, 1933-38, as

    modified liv Part VIII.Coi-r. 4-346/21.. (Plan 26A/4O, B and Ci.)Locations 5352, 7826, 11173 and 22494, containing

    1 ,2SOa. 3r. .3sp.; purchase moneyto civiliaiisfs,16412s. Gd. ; to returned soldiers--f4,832 ils. 8d.; half-Vefl I] V illstalnlIllts first five (-ears, interest univto returned soldiers at 4(5 per eellt. p.a.f-19 lOs. 2d.; 10e\-illans, 11(01(11 (-ellt. pn.Ln lOs.Rd. ; llalf-7-earl\- instalments over the 11;llande (33 7-ears) including princi-


    street) and 1873 (BoundaryTown,street),


    (Balfoureach; 1832

    (Carrington Street), £12 lOs.;(rum Sale) is hereby reduced.







    and 3213

    JUNE 30, 1939.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA. 1189

  • 1190 GO\TERXMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [JUNE 30, 1939.

    1)01 and iterelto returned soldiers, at 4). per ('('lit.paAOl I 8s.; to civilians, at 5 pCi' 'eiit, ]).(,t6) 1½.subject to \gricultural Bank, [Alt., oil Sli uistei forLii mu io debt ed ness being P. I). Itu 16 's to rfeite (1Lease 20/1739.


    1'luiut agend District (about two nudes ivest of Tool-brunup)

    Corr. No. 479 37. (Plan 436A/40, C2.)Location 4406, containing 334a. 2r.3p., at 2s, 3d. pci

    acre; classification page 17 of 479/37; sulpect to exenip-tion from road board rates for two years front date ofapproval of application; being F. 'V. Fanning's for.tinted 1ease 347') 3-58,

    NAIIROGTN LAN)) AGENCY.A voiu l)ist rid (about 101 nules sooth-east of Bullaring)

    Corr. No, 818/37. (Plans 377/SO, CD1; 377A/4U.('1.)

    I oral ions 21968 and 19770, containing 1,2SOa. lr. 24p.,at s. pci' acre; clascifii'atioii page iS of 818/37; sub',jeet to paynment for inprovcments and to exenipt;onirons i'oad board m'atas for two years front (late of ap-proval of application; being A. B. Alcocic's forfeitedLease 347/1387.

    Roe District (about live miles sooth-west of Karlgarin).Con'. No. 2691/34. (Plan 376/80, Di.)Location 1312, containing 1,079a. ir. 28p., at 3s. 3d.

    pci' acre; classification page S of 2691/34; subject toexemption froni road board rates for two years fromdate (If approval of ,'11)1)li('litiOli and to flue conditionI lint the poison niust 1)0 eradicated to the satisfaction olflu' )[iusb'r for Lasmds before the Crown grant willissue; being Ii. ,J. Siunumecs' forfeited Lease 348/471.

    I aais I )ist rb't (about 2½ miles noi'th-west 01'Pingaring)

    Corr. No. 2461/29. (['lan 376/80, D3.)Location 1 331)0, cout;uning GOOn. In. 39p., at 4s. Gd.

    pci' acre; elassi Oration page 3 of 2461/29; subject toexemption fs'onm road board rates for two years front(late of approval of application; being C. Podger 's for-feited Lease 68/1977.

    FORTHAM LAND AGENCY.Ningban District (about 21/2 miles east of Illollenin)

    Cou'r. No. 3512/26. (Plan 65/80, ff2 & 3.)Locatiomi 1314, contal nag 971a. Or. 24p., at Os. 9d.

    per acre; classification page 19 of 3512/26; also Loca-tions 1312 and 1313, contannng 1,94On. Or. 301)., at 7s.per acre; classification pages 75 and 76 of 9152/12;subject to Agricultural Bank and Industries Assistancehoard indebtedness and tIme right of the Govei'nnienl toresume for railway oi' other ptblic puoses an)' land i'e-qurecl, and no compensatiosi to he given, except for timeactual value of any improvements that ma)' be resumed,also subject to a cropping lease winch expii'es on time28th February, 1940; being C. V. Smith's forfeitedLeases 20691/68 nd 347/1341.

    Ninghman District (about 1 miles north-west of Kuija).Corr. No. 2711/26. (Plan 65/SO, C23.)Location 2322, containing l,647a. 2r. 3Sp., at 8s. 9d.

    pci' acre; classification icge 60 of 2463/25; subject toAgricultural Bank mdebtcdness and to a cropping leasewinch expires 28th February, 1941, also subject to sur-vey; beisig time forfeited Lease 41926/55 of B. G. Miller,Trustee of the assigned estate of H. II. Hedge.

    Ninglian District (about 12½ miles north-east ofKalaanie).

    Corr. No. 1167/30. (Plan 88/SO, BC3, 4.)Location 3333, containing 2,510a. Or. 6p., at Ss. per

    ale; classification page 2 of 2534/29; subject to Agri-cultural Bank and 1.A.B. indebtedness; being H.Edwards' forfeited Lease 68/2349.

    PE1IT1[ LANI) AGENCY.Melbourne District (about 12 miles west of Moora).

    Cmv. No. 1355/13. (Plan 58/80, Al.)[oral ion 2371, containing 160 acres; subject to pric

    bug ; subject to exenipt io,m for I 00 yeiui's from date of(pprov1ml of ;uppl cation. TIm is cancels I lie pm'evious Coy-e('nlne)ml Ca:clfe notice relating to tIns block.

    )[n'lbourae District (about 1 nnlcs west of Wathmeroo).(0mm'. No. 734/37. (Plan 63/80, Ci.)Location 3389, containing 706a. 3r. Sp., at 2s. 6d. pci'

    acre; classification page 7 of 734/37; subject to exeomp-lion from road board rat es fom' two years from (late ofapproval of application; being J. 31., ST. B., and A. It.\ulc s forfeited Lease 347/1382.

    ['eel Estate (about three nnles e;mst of Wellard)Opemi under Part V. of the Land Act, 1933-1938.Corn. No. 29/39. (Pla,m 341D/40, C$.)Lots 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, and 1121, containing 155a.

    Om'. 27p.; purchase mone)-4iO1 18s.; lust half-year'si nstmmlmmmemit as deposit £2; lmalf-yearl1- isistalnients over29 i-ears, ineludimmg pm'immcipal aimd imitem'est :tocivihismos, at 5 pci' cemit. p.a.fi3 Si. 7d.; to returnedsoldiers, at 4½ per ceimt. p.a.f3 is. 9d.; subject to timeconditions app])-ing to this Estate. This cancels time)OeVh)05 (lorccnmcn Cact Ic notices relating to theseblocks.

    I'eel Estate (neal' Bahmimanup)Opeim nuder Past V. of time Laud Act, 1933-1938.Corn. No. 847/39. (Plan I'eel Estate.)Lot 676, contuning G2a. 3m'. lip.; puu'clmase money

    £81 13s. 4d.; first half-year's instalnient as deposit£2; lmalf-yeam'ly nmstalments over 29½ ycam's, iumcludingprincipal nsd iimtei'est :to civilians, at 5 11Cr cent. p.a.f2 12s. Sd.; to returned soldiers, at 4½ per cent. p.a.112 Os. 3d.; subject to Agricultural Baumk indebtednessand to time coisditions applying' to this Estate. Thiscumncels the previous Go ees'nsiicnt Ga:c tIc notice relatingto this block.


    I 'laumtageoet District (about four itmi les south of MountBarker).

    Corn. No. 4238/29. (Plan 451/80, El.)Locatioums -1659 and 5080, containing 992a. 2i'. 3p., at

    3s. Pd. pci' acre; classification page 17 of File 4238/29;subject to pnyimient for improvements amid to tinmbem' con-ditions; being 11. F. Tiummeivchl 's fom'feitcd Leases 68/2333amid 7 [/941.

    BItVERLEY LAND AGENCY.Avon Dist i'ict (about 17 muiilcs soutim-ivest of Beverley).

    Corn. No. 963/37. (PLum 3-12B/40, Di & 2.)Locations 23596, 19673, 23558, 16570, 4789, 4788,

    2375't, 10121, 6188, 9391, 23755, 23598, 23443, 23933,mmd 21835, coustaining 3,935a. 2r. 22p.; subject to pric-ing, to pa)'nlemit for improvements, and to exemptionfrom road rates for two ycuuns fi'oni date of approval ofapplicatn ; also subject to timimber conclitiomis ; being ST.Canstairs' forfeited Lease 347/1584.

    GEJiALI1TON LAND AGENCY.Sictora District (about 13 miles east of Ogilvie Sidiuig).

    Con'. No. 2756/23. (Plan 160/80, D2.)Locatioum 4080, containing 2,496a. ir. Op.; subject to

    pricing and to the pmiyoicnt for iniproi-emsicnts ; being'C. II. S . McNaumght's fom'feited Lease 16745/68.

    'Victoria District (neam' Ei'adu).Coin. No. 933/23. (Plan 157C/40, E4.)Location 7940, contloniag 2,536a. ii'. 7p., at is. Gd.

    per acre; classification pages 18 and 27 of File 933/23;subject to exemption from road boai'd rates for twoyeam's from date of approval of application; being I. 31'.Drew 's forfeited Lease 18756/68.

    1cATAANJNG LAN1) AGENCY.Kojonump Dislm'ict (about two aisles south of Nowci'el-

    lup).Con'. No. 1693/38. (Plans 407/80, A4, and 418/80,

    Al.)Locatiomms 8288 and 5320, containing 1,380 acres; sub-

    ject to sui'vey, classification, and pricing; also subjectto cx'inption fi'oimu road rates for two yeas's from dateof approvsml of application; being E. ST. Batt 's cancehlcdapplication.

  • JuNE 30, 1939.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1191

    Plautagenet District (about three miles north-east ofWansbrougli).

    Corr. No. 1750/38. (Plan 43615/-lu, 11$.)Locations 1685, 3365, and 5013, containing 620a.

    Or. 16p., at 3s. per acre classification PLD 6 of 1750/38;subject to payment for improveusents, also subject tothe poison being eradicated to the satisfaction of theMinister for Lands before the Crown grant will issue;being A. 11. Grove's cancelled application.

    NARIIOGIN LAND AGENCY.Hoe District (near Lake Kathleen).

    Core. No. 1554/35. (Plan 389/80, C2.)Location 1688, containing 1 ,382a. 3r. 3Op., at 5s. per

    acre; classification page 28A of Pile 3975/29; subjectto exemption from road sates for two years from dateof approval of application, also subject to mallet mdsandalwood conditions; being J. A. Baron's forfeitedLease 348/467.

    NOIITIIAM LAND AGENCY.Ninahan District (about four unles aort.i -west of

    MarinTo).Core. No. 3937/28. (Plan 66/80, A & 132.)Locations 2974 and 3342, containing 1,846a. Sr. Ip.,

    at 7s. pci' acre; classification File 5537/27; subject toAgricultural Bank and Minister for Lands' indebted-ness; being H. L. Farteh 's forfeited Leases 08/438 and74/315.

    Avon District (about 6½ miles west of ]lolgart)Core. No. 2174/38. (Plan 32/80, A4.)Location 23042, containing lOOn. Or. up. ; subject to

    ('lassification and pricnsg and to exemption from roadhoard rates for two years from date 1' t pi'ovil ofapplication; being IV. S. Dennis' cancelled a pplication.

    Melboin'ne District (about three miles south-west ofElpbin)

    Core. No. 3187/17. (Plan 57/80, C3.)Location 1010, containing 60 acres, at 15s. pes'asne;

    classification page 16 of 9858/06; subject to paymentfor improvements, if ally, and to exemption from roadrates for two a-ears feous date of approval of ipplica-lion; being E. P. Bernard's forfeited Lease 12240/56.

    Ningban District (about 7½ miles south of Sloondon).Core. No. 1960/27. (Plan 66/80, P4.)Location 2727, containing 1,699a. 2r. 1 7p., at Os. pd]'

    acre; classification page 4 of 1960/27; subject to Agri-cultural Bank and 1.A.B. indebtedness; being J II FO'Neil's foi'feited Leases 42382/55 and 13196/56.

    N inghan District (about 9) miles north of Slollerin)Corr. No. 2690/30. (Plan 65/SO, Fl.)Locations 2930 and 3816, containsing 1,4Ola. Ir, 181).,

    at lOs. 6d. pci' acre; classification page 24 of 4237/27;subject to Agricultural Bank and TAB, indebtedness;being B. W. Harpur's forfeited Leases 55/1976 and74/1122.

    PEHTII LAND AGENCY.Oldfield District (about I no aiiles iiort li-east of (niham

    Inlet).Corr. No. 2831/18. (Plan 420/80, P4.)Location 102, containing 61.la. ir. subject to

    pricing and to exensption from road board rates fortwo yeas's froni date of approval of application; bemgS. Bastian's forfeited Lease 13820/68.

    Oldfield Disti'ict (about eight miles north-east ofKundip).

    Core. No. 6182/26. (Plan 421/80, Bl & 2.)Locations 399 and 400, containing 1 ,216a. (0', 25p.;

    subject to pricing, to payment for improvements, and tomining conditioiss. This cancels the previous (evei'n-meet Gazette notice relating to these blocks.

    Peel Ests to (near \\'ellard).Open nndei' Part 'V. of the Land Art, 1933-38.Goes'. No. 5523/21. (Plan 341D/4O, ID.)Lots 10 and 74, eoistaining' GSa. Or. 4P ; purclitise

    money'-472 ; first half-year's instalment as depositf2half-yearly instalments over 291/2 years, including 1)1111-

    cipal and interest :to civilians, at 5 pci' cent, pa.£2 Ss. -Id.; to returned soldiers, at 4½ per cent. p.a.-22 2s. 4d.; subject to the conditions applying to thisEstate. This cancels tile preiious Government Caret tenotice relating to these blocks.

    Peel Estate (about two miles east of \Vchlard)Open under Part V. if the Land Act, 1933-38.Con'. No. 5441/22. (Plan 34U)/4O, CS.)Lots 37, 38, 39, 40, and 41, containing 2O3a. ir. 32p.;

    lurclusse inoney-4l5O lOs. Sd.; first half-year's instil-inent as deposit-42 half-yearly instalmeists over 291/,years, including 111'mlciPal and interest to civilians, at

    Per cent. p.a. '£4 17s. 3d.; to returned soldiers, al413 P cent. p.a.fl 1 is. Sd.; subject to the conditionsapplying to this Estate. This cancels the previonsGoecransent Gazette notices relating to these blocks.

    Peel Estate (near \Vellard)Open nodes' Part V. of the Land Act, 1933-38.Core. No. 274/31. (Plan 341D/4O, B3.)Lot 61, containing 7Oa. Or. 281).; purchase inoneyf38

    l2s. fist half-year's instalment as deposit-42; half-yearly instahnessts over 29)4 7-ears, including principaland interest :to civilians, at 5 per cent. pafl 4s.46.; to returned soldiers, at 4½ per cent. pafl 2s.9d.; subject to the conditions applying to tins Estateand to drainage conditions; also subject to payment foeimprovements; being S. A. llrooks' foi'feited Lease55/2059.

    Peel Estate (near IVehlard)Oie'ii under Part 'V. of the Land Act, 1933-38.Core, No. 5321/21, (Plan t4iD/4O, B3.)Lots 76 and 150, containing 46a. 3r. 31r. ; purchase

    inoney-44O l8s. 106.; first half-year's sstalmemmt asdepositf2; half-yearly instalments over 29½ 7-ear,s, ineluding principal audi interest :to civilians, at 5 percent. 1).a.fl 9s. lOd.; to returned soldiers, at 4½ perremit. pafl 7s. lid.; subject to the conditions applying to thus Estate and to Agricultural Lank indebted-ness. 'l'lns cancels the pi'evious Gorci'n meet Gazettenotice relating to these blocks.

    Peel Estate (hear \Vellard).Open under Psn't V. of the Lund Act, 1933-38.tory. Ni). 1354/31. (Plan 341D/4O, B3.)Lot 78, eontssining 37a. Or. 'l : purchase mnolsey-

    4110; fist half-year's instalment as deposit-42 ; half-)-en17- instalments over 29 1A years, including prine paland interest to civilians, sit 5 per cent. p.a.-43 lOs.lid.; to returned soldiers, at 4½ per cent. p.a.-43 Os.76.; snb,jeet to the conditions applying to this Estate.This cancels the pi'evious Government Gazette noticereferring to tins block.

    Peel Estate (about 1/2 nnles northi-ivest of Kaeimp).Opel) nuder Part V. of the Land Act, 1933-38.Core. No. 2117/29. (Plan 3-I1D/4O, 114.)Lot 731, containing 97a. Or. ISp.; purchase money

    £76 Os. 06.; first halt-yeas's instalnsent as deposit-42;half-7-earlv instalments over 29½ 7-oars, including pl'in-cipal and interest:to civilians, at S per cent. p-£2 8s. lOci.; to returned soldiers, at 4½ per cent. p.o.-£2 Ss. lOd.; subject to the conditiouss appl-ing to thisEstate and to drainage conditions. This cancels theprevious Government Gazette notice i-elating to thisblock.

    l'eel Estate (about three miles southl-)vest of Wellard)Opeis under Part 'V. of the Land Act, 1933-38.Core. No. 2885/32. (Plans 341 D/4t), B & CS, mid Peel

    Estate.)Lot 915, containing 83a. lr. 2 Op.; purchase money

    £148; fist half-year 's instalment as depositf2; half-yearly instalments over 29½ yessrs, including principaland inteu'est:to civilians, at p' cent. P.a.f4 15s.Sd.; (o returned soldiers, at 4 tmi per cent. p.a.-44 lOs.Id.; subject to the conditions applynig to thus Estateand to drainage coisditi oils; being F. S. Smirk's for-feited Lease 55/2482,

  • 1192 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. W.A. [JUNE 30, 1939.

    SALMON GUMS LAND AGENCY.Esperance District (about 16 ashes west of Collier).

    Corr. No. 2928/17. (Plan 423/80, A3 & 4.)Location 471, containing 4,852a. ir. 26p.; subject to

    pricilig and to payment for improvements; being F.Wrillianisoii's forfeited Lease 11616/68.

    Esperance District (about 10 miles south-west ofScaddan).

    Corr. No. 964/22. (Plan 402/80, A4.)Locations 602 and 919, containing 1,000 acres, at 5s.

    6d. per acre; classification page 28 of Pile 964/22; sub-ject to payment for improvements, if any; being H. C.Steel's forfeited Leases 38997/55 and 22627/74.

    Esperance District (abont three miles south-east ofCaitnp Siding).

    Corr. No. 6367/22. (Plan 423/80, El.)Location 831, containing 250 acres; subject to pricing

    and to payment for improvements, if any; being C. P7.Laton's forfeited Lease 16136/68.

    Fitzgerald District (about one mile south of Red Lake).Corr. No. 2296/38. (Plans 402/80, Cl; 392/80, C4.)Location 88, containing 640a. 2i'. Pip., at 6s. per acre;

    classification page 4 of File 991/35; subject to Agri-cnitural Bank indebtedness and to a grazing lease ex-piring on the 31st December, 1939; being C. Thompson'scancelled application.

    Fitzgerald District (about three miles east of Bed Lake).Corr. No. 2583/31. (Plan 392/80, CD4.)Location 135, containing 1,000 acres, at 5s. per acre;

    classification pages 13 and 24 of File 2583/31; subjectto paymemit for imnproveuieiits; being J. F. Starcevich'sforfeited Lease 55/2280.

    Fitzgerald District (about 10 miles west of SalmonGums).

    Corr. No. 4796/27. (Plans 392/80, A3; 11/300.)Location 1271, containing i3O00a. Or. l4p., at 5s. 6d.

    per acre; classification page 5 of 4796/27; subject topayment for iniprovenients, if any; being W. J.Salmon's forfeited Lease 42643/55.

    SOUTHERN CROSS LAND AGENCY..Jilbadji District (about 2k/a nsiles south-west of

    Garratt).Corr. No. 296/23. (Plan 36/80, D3 & 4.)Locations 202 and 305, containing 1,000 acres and

    147a. 2r. 21p., respectively, at 8s. 9d. per acre each;classifications pages 18 and 57 of File 5000/22; subjectto Agricultural Bank and Industries Assistance Boardindebtedness; also subject to mining, timber, and Gold-fields Water Supply firewood conditions. TIns cancelsthe previous Government Gazette notiee relating to theseblocks.

    Jilbadji District (about seven niiles south of Noongaar).Corr. No. 327/25. (Flail 23/80, AB1.)Location 243, containing 1,199a. 3r Pip., at 7s. per

    acre; classification page 21 of 327/25; subject to Agri-cnitural Bank indebtedness, to timber and mining con-ditions, and to the right of the Govcrmnent to resumefor railway or other public purposes any land required,and no compensation to be given, except for the actualvalue of any improvements that may be resumed; beingT. J. Puddey's forfeited Lease 41729/55.

    Jilbadji District (about six and five miles respectivelyfrom Moorine Rock).

    Corr. No. 3060/28. (Plans 23/80, Dl, and 36/80,D4.)

    Location 270, contaissing 3,171a. lr. 15p., at 5s. peracre; classification page 9 of File 3060/28, and Loca-tion 76, containing 1,393a. 2r. 25p., at 6s. per acre;classification page 25 of File 5001/22; subject to Agri-cultural Bank indebtedness, to minisig and timber con-ditions; Jilbadji Location 76 also subject to GoldfieldsWater Supply firewood conditions; being A. Norris'and H. P. Barbary's forfeited Leases 68/1660 andi 3025/56,

    Yilgarn Distriet (about 41/a miles south-east ofCanipion).

    Coi'i'. No. 3790/23. (Plan 35/80, Dl.)Location 239, containing 848a. lr., at Gs. per acre;

    subj eet to Agricultural Bank aisd Industries AssistanceBoard indebtedness and to mining and tiniber con-ditions; being P. W. Hall's forfeited Lease 40382/55.

    Yilgarn Distriet (near Corinthia).Corr. No. 1540/35. (Plan 36/80, DE2.)Location 1108, Containing 2,362a. Or. 3Sp., at 7s. per

    acre, including survey fee and improvements; classifi-cation page 24 of File 6220/27; subject to mining andtimber conditions; being A. Greemisill's forfeited Lease347/989.

    WAGIN LAND AGENCY.Roe District (about four miles south-east of Newdegate).

    Con'. No. 374/38. (Plan 3S8/80, B & C4.)Locations 62 and 96, containing 2,094a. ir. 7p., at Os.

    Gd. per acre; classification page 17 of File 7572/22; sub-ject to Agricultural Bank and Industries AssistanceBoard indebtedness; also to the Government retainingthe right to resume for railway or other public purposesany land required, and no compensation to be given,except for the actual value of any iniprovememsts thatmay be resumed; beiisg E. Giant's forfeited Lease347/2007.

    Williams District (about eight miles north-west ofNyabing).

    Corn. No. 1536/38. (Plan 408/80, E3.)Location 13577', containing 70a. 3r. 38p., at 5s. pci'

    acre; classification page 4 of 1536/38; being C. A. G.Ilamni 's cancelled application.


    Avon District (about six miles west o±'Mt. T(okeby).Corr. No. 176/38. (Plan 342B/40, P2.)Location 8709, coataiaisig 160 acres, at 5s. 6d. pci'

    acre; classification page 8 of File 8532/19; subject topayment for iniproveineuts asici to exemption from roadrates for two yeas's from date of approval of applica-tion; being W. Bengin 's cancelled application.

    Roe District (about seven miles north-east of Hyden)Corn. No. 776/37. (Plan 346/SO, B4.)Locations 1462, 1917 and 1918, containing 2,283a. 2m'.

    2p., at ds. Gd, per acre; classification page 1 of Pile1057/28; subject to payment for npm'oveuiemsts and alsoto mallet and sandalwood conditions; being .J. L. andM. B. Brown's forfeited Leases 347/1440, 365/562, amid3 65/563.

    GERALDTON LAND AGENCY.Victoria District (about fous' miles south-east of


    Cons'. No. 2242/36'. (Plans 160C/4O, 1) and E4;157B/40, P and El.)

    Locatiomis 4474 and 4139, containing 960a. Os'. 5p.;also Locations 4041 and 7932, containing 2,488a. lr. 29p.and 2,475a. Or. 2Op., i'espectively; subject to ps'icing;classification pages 6 and 7 of 3279/25 and page 23 of335/21; also subject to Ags'iculturnl Bank and I.A.B.indebtedness; being E. C. Brede 's forfeited Lease 347/1596 over Victoria Locations 4474 and 4139, also can-celling the previous Government Gazette notice relatingto Victoria Locations 4041 and 7932.

    Victoria Disti'ict (near Esseabba Spring).Core. No. 188/31, (Plan 94/80, C3 and 4.)Locations 6214 and 9455, containsng 1,191a. is'. 35p.,

    at 3s, Od. pci' acre; classification page 4 of Pile 8957/13;suh,eet to the condition that the poiSon must be eradi-cated to the satisfaction of time Minister for Lands be-fore time Croon grunt will issue; also subeet to pay-cent for improvements ; being L. IL isimson's for-feited Leases 68/2987 end 74/1381,

  • JincE 30, 1939.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1193

    N(NiT1IASJ LNi) AGENCI.Ninglian District (about nine miles west of Kalannie).

    Corr. No. 8032/19. (Plan 64/80, Fl.)Locations 1687 and 1794, containing 2,000 acres, at

    Ss. (id. Per acre; classification pages 21 and 28 of 7104/12; subject to Agricultural Bank and Industries Assis-tance Board indebtedness; being F. B. IGerry 's for-feited Leases 11612/68 and 21569/74.

    Niughan District (about 22 miles cast of Nugadong).Corr. No. 2092/27. (Plan 88/80, A3.)Location 2617, containing 1,839a. 3r. l3p., at 7s. 9d.

    per acre; classification page 16 of 2092/7; subject toAgricultural Bank indebtedness and to survey, if notselected by the same holder as Ninglian Location 2749;being P. B. Davies' forfeited Lease 22860/68.

    Ninghan District (about 3½ miles north of BonnieRock).

    (orr. No. 4220/28. (Plan 67/80, A and B3.)Locations 3057 and 3388, containing 1,250 acres, at

    7s. Pd. per acre; classification page 43 of 6455/27; sub-ject to Agricultural Bank and industries AssistanceBoard indebtedness and to a cropping lease which ex-pires 28/2/1940; being A. Makinson's forfeited Lease68/839 and 74/485.

    PERTh LAN]) AGENCY.Coolup A_i. (about seven miles west of Pingrup).Corr. No. 381/32. (Plan 380D/40, B3.)Location 223, containing lOOa. ir.; subject to pricing

    and to exemption from road rates for two years fromdate of approval of application; also subject to timber(auditions; being W. P. Fair's forfeited Lease 74/1440.

    Murray District. (about seven miles south-west ofPinjarra).

    (err. No. 1137/33. (Plan 380D/40, A3.)Location 737, containing 130a. 3r. 2lp.; subject to

    pricing and to time inarketmible timber being reserved tothe Crown; also subject to exemption from road ratesfor two years froni date of approval of application;being W. P. Pair's forfeited Lease 68/3847.

    Oldfield District (about four miles north-east ofCuihan Inlet).

    ('err, No. 2409/2-I. (Plan 420/80, P4.)Location 359, containing 697a. 3r. 9p., at 2s. 3d. PCI

    acre; classification page 4 of 2409/24; Locations 438mad 430. containing 310a. 3r. 14p., at 2s. 3d. per acre;and Location 338, containing 156a. 2r. 131)., at 2s. 3d.per acre; classification page 4 of 1140,/28; subject topayment for improvements, if any, and to mining conditions; being F. Veal's forfeited Leases 18512/68, 68/1088, and 25095/74.

    Peel Estate (about 4½ miles south-east of Bahuanup).Open under Part V. of the Land Act, 1933-1938.('err. No. 193/37. (Plan Peel Estate.)Lots 408. 123, 124 and 711, containing 372a. Or. lip.;

    purchase moneyfl25S; first half-year's rentfl2; half-yearly instalments over 29½ years, including principaland interestto civilians, at 5 per cent. p.a.fS 7s. 5d.;to returned soldiers, at 4½ per cent. paSI i7s. lOd.;subject to tile conditions applying to this Estate and totimber conditions; being F. B. Laurance 's forfeitedLease 347/1302.

    SALMON PlJi\IS LAN]) AGh1NCY.Esperancc District (about three niles south-west of

    Truslove).Corr. No. 446/22. (Plan 402/80, B3.)Locations 4-10 and 848, containing 1,000 acres, at 6s.

    per acre; classification page 6 of File 6967/10; subjectto pavuicnt for improvements, if any, and to exemptionfrom road hoard rates for tw-o years froni date of appro-val of application; heing S. \V. Smythe 's forfeitedLeaSes 39077/55 antI 22594/74.

    Esperaace District (about 4½ miles east of Truslove).Corr. No. 3407/22. (Plan 402/80, 0 and D 2 and 3.)Locations 504, 600, 936 and 891, containing 2,022a.

    ii'. 25p., at 5s. per acre; classification page 53 of File3-407/22; subject to Agricultural Bank indebtedness;being T. E. Story's forfeited Leases 39420/55, 22893/74,and 56/285.

    Lsperanre District (about 4½ miles north-west ofScaddan).

    Con'. No. 1867/22. (Plan 402/80, B3.)Locations 614 and 930, containing 1,000 acres, at 6s.

    pci' ac-i-c; classification page 2 of Pile 66/12; subject toexemption from road board i'ates for two years from(llit e &f approval of application; being C. G-. Somers'forfeited Leases 39208/55 and 22751/74.

    Esperance District (about four miles north-west ofCollier).

    ('err. No. 5023/24. (Plan 423/80, CD 3 and 4.)Location 715, containing 399 acres; Locations 716

    and 668, containing 3-14a. Or. 3Op., and Location 717,containing 320 acres; subject to classification and pric-ing; Location 715 is subject to paDnelit for improvements, it' any; Locations 716 and 668 to exemption fromroad board rates for two years from date of approvalof application and Location 717 to Agricultural Bankindebtedness; being B. J. B. Douglas' forfeited Leases18)16/68 amid 16724/68, and F. A. Douglas' forfeitedLeases 38428/55 and 22081/74.

    Esperance District (about three miles east of Scaddan).Com'r. No. 792/22. (Plan 402/80, D4.)Location 791, containing 1,000a. Or. RIp., at 3s. Gd.

    per acre; classification page 44 of Pile 792/22; and Loca-tion 792, containing 999a. 2r. BGp. subject to pricing;classification page 18 of File 4710/24; subject to exemnp-tion from road board rates for tu-o years fm'om date ofapproval of application. This cancels the previous Coy-crnnieuit Gazette notice relating to these blocks.

    llsperamice District (about two miles east and south-eastof Caitup Siding respectively).

    Coi-i'. No. 6436/27. (Plan 423/80, E3.)Location 1337, contaimng 286a. 3r. 3Op., at 2s. Gd.

    pci' acre; classification page (1 of File 6436/27; alsoLocations 564, 565, and 832, containing 566a., at 2s. Gd.pci- acm-c; classification page 75 of Pile 9885/12, Vol.2, and pages 3 and 4 of Pile 593/25; subject to exemp-t ion from road board rates for two years from date ofapproval of application, amid to payment for improve-mnents, if any; being J. 11. 0. Page's forfeited Leases68/1111 and 68,/315.

    Esperauee and Dalyup A.A. (about I 5/ miles west ofCaitup Sidumig).

    Corr. No. 10617/12. (Plan 423/80, B3.)Espem'ance Location 683, containing 291a. 2r.; classi-

    fication page 33 of File 10617/12; also Dalyup Agricul-tural Area Lot 41, containing 372a.; classification page28 of File 13303/10; subject to pricing and to paymentfoi' improvements, if any; being the forfeited Leases34670/55 and 29659/55 of M. and A. W. White (Execu-tors of the Will of J. W. Winte, deceased).

    SOUrI1IERN CROSS LAND AGENCY.Silgai-u Distm'ict (about two miles north of

    Warrachuppin).('or!-. No. 1343/26. (Plan 54/80, D4.)Location 346, containing 852a. Or. 2Sp., at 4s. 3d.

    pci' acre; classification page 19 of 1343/26; subject toAgricultural Banlc indebtedness and also to mining andtimber conditions; being P. E. Fox's forfeited Lease55/2639.

    Jilbadji District (about eight miles south of Boddalin).tori. No, 2981/30. (Plan 23/80, A2.)Location 289, containing 198a. Om'. 2p., at Gs. 6d. per

    acre; classification page 18 of 2981/30; subject to mm-immg amid timber conditions; this cancels the previousGovem'nmcnt Gazette notice relating to tins block.

    Vilgarn District (about 6½ miles north-west of Garratt).tori'. No. 1804/28. (l'lan 36/80, CD 2.)Location 1135, containing l,663a. Or. 12p., at 4s. per

    acre; classification pages ii and 25a of Pile 1804/28;subject to mninimmg amid timber conditions and to pay-nient for improvements, if any; tIns cancels the pre-vuus Govei'aineait Gazette notice i'elatirig to this block.

    Yilgarn District (about nine miles miorth of MoorineBock).

    Com'r. No. 3080/29. (Plan 36/80, C2.)Locations 1262 and 1269, containing i,490a. Sr. 2p.,

    at 2s. 9d. per acre; classification page 11 of File

  • 119-I GOVIG4N7IIENT GAZETTE, \V.A. [JuNe 30, 1939.

    .1080/29 ; stil 'j ti tO 111111 ]1i3 a] id t I inl)er con 0/lions andto exemption from road board rates for two years fromdate of approval of application; this cancels the pre-vious Government Gaztlfe notice relating to this block.


    Nelson I )istri rt (about I ivo In iles west of l'algarup)Corr. No. 1831 '31. (Plan 439(740, E4.)Location 9733. containing I iOa. ii'. 121)., at I 4s. Gd.

    per acre; classification page 17 of File 3924/23; sub-ject to exemption from road sates for two years from(late of approval of application; being C. I-I. Ken-nedy 's forfeited Lease 55/2294.


    (1 asrovne District (near Carnarvon)('orr. No. 8412/07. ( Plan Locations near Carnarron.)Location 35, containing 20a., at £1 5s. per acre; sub-

    ject to tile spe'ial conditions applying to blocks in thissubdivision; being T. A. Black's forfeited License1032/GO.

    (iascovne District (near Carnarvon).Open under Part \., sec. 54.Corr. No. 8413/07. (Plan Locations near Carnarvoa.)Location 36, eontaiung 20a., at £1 per acre; subject

    I o ictynient for improvements, if any, and to the specialcoitthtions applying to blocks in tips subdivision; beingI). If. Cannon 's forfeited License 1034/60.


    Ninglian Division.Norti-\VesI District (late Bungar Station).

    Corr. 3158/18. (Plans 36/300 & 44/300.)That area of unsnrveyed land, containing about

    168,776 acres, being C .A. Rutherford and C. A.\'ickery's forfeited i'astoral Lease No. 394/864; sub-ject to Agricultural Dank indebtedness.

    C. L. NEED1IAM,Under Secretary for Lands.

    TIlE ROAd) DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1934.\V Ii If REAS B. J. May, being the owner of land overor along winch the uaderuientioued road in tile ALBANYRoad District passes, has applied to the Albany RoadBoard to close the said road, which is more particularlydescribed hereunder, (bitt is to say:-

    701/38.A.] 23 :-Tlie surveyed road passiig along part of the

    conthern l(oUndarV of Torbay Agricultural Area Lot.ts, troin a surveyed road at its south-west corner toRoad No. 9920 passing through said lot. (Plan 457A/40, Al.)

    II ERR A S I lie Ti onourable the Minister for Lands,Iii ing (lie owner of laud over or along which the under-mentioned road in the BALINGUP Road District passes,has applied to tile Baliugup Road Board to close thesaid road, wInch is more particularly described here-under, that is to say:-

    4139/96.13.440. (a) Portion of Road No. 51, in Nelson Loca-

    iou 23, hounded by lines commencing on its south-western side at a point sitnate 327deg. 10mm. 1 chain38.1 links, h28deg. 21mm. 7 chains 63.3 links and323deg. 51 nun. 15.9 links from the east boundary of saidlocation and extending (as shown on Diagram No. 59625)SOOdeg. 9min. S chains 39.7 links; thence S9deg.41mm. 1 chain 92.5 links; thence l33deg. 23mm. 2chuanis 93.4 links; thence l4Sdeg. 51mm. 94 links to thestarting point;

    (h) Portion of the said road bounded by lilies corn-niencing en its north-eastern side, in Nelson Location. 23,7 nouns 66.2 links from its east boundary, anti extend-ing (as shown on said Diagram) 323deg. Slmiii. 40links; thence I 2odeg. 59mm. 6.8 links and l48deg.2luun. 33.8 links to the starting point. (Plan 414(740,D3.)

    IV II Eli lfAh'l'. \Vlnatlev being flue owner of land overa long which t lie inidernuentioned road iii the BRIDGE-

    'I'OWN Road District passes, has applied to the Bridge-town Road Board to close the said road, which is moleparticularly described hereunder, that is to say:-

    9509/00, Vol 2.13. 441 All that portion of Lewis street passing along

    the north-western boundary of Lot 5S4, in time Bridge-totvn Toirusite, hounded by lines comnmencing at themiort hiernmost cormurr of said lut tiiid extending 222deg.i7nnn. 2 chains 61 links, l3deg. 44mm. 2 chains 9.3links, 42deg. l7nun. 2 chains 2.1 links; thence l83deg.37mm. 1 chain 60 links to (lie starting point. (PlanBricigetown Townsite.)

    WE If ERAS W. B. Clarke and 31. 51. Easton, being theowners of land over or along which the undermentionedi'ead iii tile UPPER BLACKWOOD Bead Districtpasses, have applied to (lie Upper Blau'kwood Roadhoard to close the said road, which is niece paitictilarlydescribed hereunder, that is to say:-

    2077/38.B. 453:-The surveyed road passing along (lie west

    boundary of Nelsen Location 2810; frenm Road No. 3860at its sOuth-west corner to a closed road at its north-irest corner. (Plan 415D/40, C4.)

    \VIIIIREAS .1. J. and P. M. O'Brien, F. D. Keeffe, andIf. K. Loton, being the Owners of land over or alongwhich tho uiudermentioned road in the Si ULLI3WA RoadDistrict passes, have applied to the Mullewa Road Boardto close tIm suud road, which is more l)mrticuia1ly de-scribed hereunder, that is to say:-

    89 7/3 7.M386.----The surveyed i-end along the north boundaries

    of Victoria Location 9379 and Lets 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and13 of Location 1922, from a stock route at the north-west. corner of said Location 9379, to a stock route ata iuorth-eat corner of said l,ot 13 (except where crossedby Read No. 5137). (Plan 156/80, D3.)

    And whereas suchu applications have been duly pub-I ished in time Ge iv un inca I Gazelle:

    And whereas the said i3oarcls have assented to thesaid applications:

    Amid whiereuus the Lieutenant Governor in ExecutiveCouncil has confirmed time said assents:

    t is lucre)))- not i lied that the said reads are closed.Dated this 30th day of June, 1939.

    C. L. NEEDHAIt[,Under Secretary for Lamids.

    T1[E ROAD DISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1934.Closure of Road.

    I, TIlE lION. MINiSTER FOR LANDS, being tIleowner of hand over em' along winch tIm portion of readhuereuuider described passes, have applied to (lie Kal-georhie Road Board to close (lie said portion of real],viz. :-

    Kaigoorhie.5410/13.K. 271 ----Portion of Johnson street, in the Ora Banda

    Towmmsite, together w-ithi portion of tIme road along thewestern hotmdary of Let 102; bounded b- hues cclii-inenciug at the westernmost coisier of State BatteryReserve Ne. 14782 amid extending l300eg. 13mm. 4chains 37.1] links along a north-eastern side of .J ohnsonstreet ; thiemuce 279deg. 20nnn. to time souths-ivestern sideof Jolnison street; thence 31 Odeg. I .jnimn. ahuimg tIme hat-(or side of said street to the eastern side uf the roadalong the irest lounulary of Lot 102 aforesaid; thuenee1 89deg. I 9mm. and 279deg. 20mm. along psmrt of theeastern side and acm'ess (lie hatter reacT to its w esteu muside; thence mmerthmward along said western side of roadto tlue north-eutstern side of Johnsomi street; thence south-eastward along' the north-eastern side of ,Johinson streetto the starting point. (Plan Ora Banda Townsite.)

    C. L. NEEDHAM,for Minister for Lands.

    I, \Vihhiamn Reaper Hall, on behalf of the KalgoorhieRoad Board, hereby assent to the above application tochose Cue road therein described.

    W. R. HALL,Chairmnan Iflalgoorlie Read Board.

    16th June, 1939.

  • .Jrxe 30, 1939.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. UPS

    TilE 11011) 1)ISTRICTS ACT, 1919-1934.Closure of Road.

    WE, William George Phu and Edwa id (liarles 31ottle,being the owners of land over ora long svineli I lie por-tion of road hereunder described passes, have appliedto the Corrigin Road Board to close the said portion ofroad, viz.:-

    Corrigin.1493/12.C. 199: The sui'veved road piisiig along pa it of tile

    no rtli and eastern iiiost bonn darv of A voi i Inca ti on 7794from the south-east corner of Location 17753 to thesouth-west corner of Location 18837. (Plan 343C/40,E3.)

    W. G. DI{U (deed.),per E. B. DIlL.

    B. C. NOTTLE.I, James Adams, on behalf of the Corrigin Road

    Board, hereby assent to the above :cplihieation to closeI lie road therein described.

    J. ADAMS,Chairman Corrigimm Road Board.

    22nd .lnmme, 4939.

    Date ofNotice.

    Nature of Work.


    Date and Timefor Closing.

    1939.(2-30 p.m. on

    llnnhnrv Hospital- -Seweiage (89:17) -(Iii 3 imlv

    Stratherne School umd Qmnuters hltlSale of (8938)

    Suminydale School Quu-ters Sale liiiof (893)))

    I rishtoivn New 11)11. x 209. Si-liool II tli .3 nh(8940)

    Window Cleaning of various (iovei-n-ment Buildings (8943)

    leralclton II igh School (a ret ckersQuarters (8942)

    I 8th Jnl . . -

    I 8th .1 uly .. -

    rjp B R011) DISTIl] CTS ACT, 1919-1938.Slurrav Road Board.

    Br-la os relating to hawkers aiid Stahlholdem's.L'.\V. 1128/35.

    Wit ElI EAS he time Road Districts Act, 1919-1938, theBoard of any road district is empowered, for the orderand good government of its district, to make by-laws formill or any lmrPo-s in (lie said Act mentioned : Andwlierc'as, I iy the [oterpretation Act, 1915, the power tomake be laws is (leenied to include (lie power to revoke(lie same : Now, therefore, the \Iurray Road Board, inpursuance of the powers vested in (lie said Board, underand 1w virtue of (lie said Acts and of every other autho-rity enabling it iii that behalf, dotli hereby revoke theby-laws relating to hawkers and stailkeepers, numbered1-4, inclusive, and every Schedule thereto annexed. whichsaid by-laws were made on (lie 12th day of December,1936, and published in the Corers en mU (larch ( on (lie25th dam' of Starch, 1937, and (lie amendment thiercom'made on the 11th clay of September. 1937, and publishediii the Governnsent Garette on (lie 26th day of Novem-her, 1937, and (loth hereby niake and publish the following new by-laws iii substitution therefor : --

    Interpretation.1. in (lie construction of these by-laws:(a) ' District'' means the district rout rolled by (lie

    Murray Road Board.


    'Ill B 1010 I) 1.STIILCTS ACT, 1919-1 934.Closure of Road.

    1, l'Eli(l VAL .J Xtl ES ST. 0 [(OBOE BARWISE, being(lie owner of land oi Cr or along which (lie portion ofcoad hereunder described passes, have applied to theS[nkinbudin Roa,l Board to close (lie said portion ofroad, viz. :-

    642 4/2 S.SI - Il) I : TIme surveyed ioad extending along parr of

    acm rt Ii lion nda rv of Xingha n LocmJ ion 2623 ; from thesouth-east coiner of Location 2691 to a surveyed roadmit (lie north-west corner of (lie former location. (Plan66/SO, F-i.)

    P. .1. BARWISE.

    T, .Johin Ferguson, on behalf of (lie Slukinbudin RoadBoard, hereby assent to (lie above application to c-loseI lie road therein described.

    J. FERGUSON,Chairni an Mukinbudin Road Board.

    ,Tune, 19:19.

    \Vliero and when Conditions of Contract, etc..to be seen.

    ('cut i-actors' Ruonu, l'ertli, and I ''mV. I )., Dii ii lui iv, onand after rfi,esdut\. (lie 2013, .3 line, I 939.

    ('out ractors' I oom, l'ei-th ; i'u bIle Works I )epa it -nment, 1.lami inning. mind ('unit I-louse, Narrogin, on aimdafter Tui si liv. lb e 27th .J nime. 1 939.

    Contractors' Ilooni, Perth. and Co ut II olin'. I'm I eirei liii.ou amid aft i- Tuesday, the 27th J nile, l93l).

    Contractors' Room, Perth, and Water Supply I )epart-mnent, Northani, on a nil mutter Tuesday, (lie 27(1,,Jummc, 1939.

    ('onti-aetors' Room, Perth, on amid after Tuiesdusy, 4thJuly, 1939.

    Contractors' Rooni, l'emthu, mind [bW. Ib, (ieralclton, ona,id after Tsmenhav, 4th .1 uly, 1939.

    Tenders, together w-ithi (lie prescribed deposit, are to be msdilressed to ' '('lie lieu. (lie Mimmister for Works,Public Works Departancmil, 'I'hie Barrachcs, St. Geom-ge 's terrace, Perth, ' amid mimmist he indorsed ''Tender.'''l'hie lowest or amy temmder will nut necessarily be accepted.

    IV. S. ANDIIE\\',Under Secretary for I 'ublic \Vorks.

    (h) ' 'hawker' ' includes any person who trades ortravels on foot or with mmmv vehuicle cu animal from onetowmi to another touvms, or fromim place to place, or tooilier mcii's houses, carrying with hmimmu any fruit, fish,,meat, poultry, game, vegetables, drink, eatables, or anyarticle of merchandise, for (lie purpose of selling tImes:ulue, or exposing ui offering (lie same for sale, and alsoincludes any persomi mvhio sells amiy such commodity, ordxposes or offers time same for sale by outcry or somesimmula m form of advertisemnent, in or near any puhilicrca el-re or common or street or w my, or omi the fore-shore of any river, or (lie sea -and ''Hawk'' includescu-cry act done by a person ivhuiehi would cause him to beregarded as a hawker as defined above.

    (c) ' ' Stall'' inc-lrmcles any movable and/or teinpor-arilv fixed stall amid any i-elude in or froni w'hnch (liestallholiler sells mmient, fish, poultry, game, fruit, \'cge-tables, drimik, eatables, or articles of micechiandise. Afixed stall shall be dcem,ied to have been temporarilyfixed, unless it is a building em-ected in accordance withI lie Building Regulations of (lie Board amid with (lieapproval of (lie Board, as proi'idod for in those i-egcmla-(ions.

    (dl) ' Fish ' ' shall include fresh, salted, smnolcedl, ordricul fish, oysters, crayfish. em-mm hs, Pricwns and shrimps.

    Ilmu uvkers.

    2 Auy person who desires to hawk any fruit, uishm,nme:it, poultry, ganue, u egetables, drink, eatables, or anyart ide of mncrcluandhise within :uiy part of time distm-ict


    .3 mine 1 I

    )inie 21

    lone 21

    .111111' 21

    June 28

    luiii' 28

    .1 'lv - - -


  • 1196 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA. [JUNE 30, 1939.

    shall first apply for a lieiise froni the Board by coin-pletnig and signing ass application, in Form number (1)in the Schedule hereto.

    3. The Board may either(a) Giant the application, or(Ij) Refuse to grant the same, for any of the fol-

    loiving reasons:If in the opinion of the Board the applicant

    s not a lit and proper person to hold alicense.

    If the applicant has not been a bonn tide resi-dent and ratepayer of the district for a periodof at least one year expiring on the date oflbs application.

    If the commodities which the hawker intends toline-k will not he produced in the district.

    If in the opinion of the Board the granting ofa license or hawking by the applicant mayprejudice the interests of any bone jibe scsi-dent and ratepayer of the district.

    If the Board does not desire hawkers to oper-ate in the portio of the district in whichthe applicant wishes to hawk.

    4. If the Board grants the application, it shall issueto the applicant a license, in Form number (2) in theSchedule hereto, and also a badge, with a number andthe year of issue displayed, upon the licensee payinto the Board a fee of 25. Gd .for his license nub 2s. 6d.for his badge.

    5. Every license shall be granted subject to the roll-ditions :-

    (a) that the licensee shall not hawk any commoditywhich was not produced in the district, unlessno such commodity is being produced in timedistrict at the time such commodity ishawked;

    (h) that the licensee shall not hawk any eonsmoditvother than those specified in his

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