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  • 8/17/2019 L1 DO FOBS 2015 Addiction and Recovery Copy


     Addiction and Recovery Addiction and RecoveryOverviewOverview

    Mechanisms of Action,Mechanisms of Action, Epidemiology, Genetics,Epidemiology, Genetics,

    Diagnosis and TreatmentDiagnosis and Treatment

    By Les mith MDBy Les mith MD

    Than!s to Brian mart MD, "ar#orview Medical $enter for onThan!s to Brian mart MD, "ar#orview Medical $enter for on

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    "ave a #asic 'nderstanding of the #rain(s pleas're"ave a #asic 'nderstanding of the #rain(s pleas're

    center)reward systemcenter)reward system

    *dentify the diagnostic criteria for s'#stance+related*dentify the diagnostic criteria for s'#stance+related


    Descri#e the epidemiology of s'#stance+related disordersDescri#e the epidemiology of s'#stance+related disorders

    Discern intoication)withdrawal of different s'#stancesDiscern intoication)withdrawal of different s'#stances

    Descri#e treatment optionsDescri#e treatment options

     Apply the information to clinical cases Apply the information to clinical cases

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    '#stance $lasses'#stance $lasses

     Alcohol Alcohol



    "all'cinogens"all'cinogens -$--$- othersothers



    edatives, hypnotics,edatives, hypnotics,

    and aniolyticsand aniolytics



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    .e'ro#iology& Dr'gs of A#'se.e'ro#iology& Dr'gs of A#'se

    +Dr'g Addiction is a disease of the #rain and+Dr'g Addiction is a disease of the #rain and

    associated #ehavior is the res'lt of #rain tiss'eassociated #ehavior is the res'lt of #rain tiss'edysf'nctiondysf'nction

    +Altho'gh the initial target receptor varies, it is+Altho'gh the initial target receptor varies, it is#elieved that ALL dr'gs of a#'se increase#elieved that ALL dr'gs of a#'se increasedopamine concentration in the /entral Tegmentaldopamine concentration in the /entral Tegmental

     Area 0/TA1 and .'cle's Acc'm#ens Area 0/TA1 and .'cle's Acc'm#ens

    +Dr'gs of A#'se provide longer and larger 02+34+Dr'gs of A#'se provide longer and larger 02+34

    fold1 increases in dopamine than nat'ralfold1 increases in dopamine than nat'ralreinforcers s'ch as food or sereinforcers s'ch as food or se

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    0 1 2 3 4 5 hr

       %   o

       f   B  a  s  a   l   R  e   l  e  a  s  e









    0 1 2 3 4 5 hr


       o   f   B  a  s  a   l   R  e   l  e  a  s  e




    &%e Af$er Dru'







    0 1 2 3 hr

    &%e Af$er Dru'

       %   o

       f   B  a  s  a   l   R  e   l  e  a  s  e




     Di Chiara and Imperato, PNAS, 1988

     Effects of Drugs on Dopamine Release

       %   o

       f   B  a  s  a   l   R  e   l  e  a

      s  e






    0 1 2 3 4 5 hr









  • 8/17/2019 L1 DO FOBS 2015 Addiction and Recovery Copy


    $riteria for '#stance$riteria for '#stance A#'se A#'se 

    DM+*/DM+*/+Maladaptive pattern of s'#stance 'se,+Maladaptive pattern of s'#stance 'se,leading to impairment or distressleading to impairment or distress

    +Manifested #y one or more of the following+Manifested #y one or more of the followingin a 35+month period&in a 35+month period&

    6ail're in ma%or role o#ligations6ail're in ma%or role o#ligations -hysically ha7ardo's sit'ations-hysically ha7ardo's sit'ations

    Legal pro#lemsLegal pro#lems ocial or interpersonal pro#lemsocial or interpersonal pro#lems

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    $riteria for '#stance$riteria for '#stance

    DependenceDependence DM+*/DM+*/Maladaptive pattern of 'seMaladaptive pattern of 'seManifested #y 8 or more of the following inManifested #y 8 or more of the following insame 35+month period&same 35+month period&

    ToleranceTolerance 9ithdrawal9ithdrawal Larger amo'nts than intendedLarger amo'nts than intended :na#le to c't down or control 'se:na#le to c't down or control 'se

    Great deal of time spent 'sing)recoveringGreat deal of time spent 'sing)recovering

    *mportant activities given 'p to 'se*mportant activities given 'p to 'se $ontin'ed 'se despite health conse;'ences$ontin'ed 'se despite health conse;'ences

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    $hanges from DM+*/ to DM+$hanges from DM+*/ to DM+

    22+DM+*/ 'sed A#'se)Dependence dichotomy vs DM+2DM+*/ 'sed A#'se)Dependence dichotomy vs DM+2

    mild)moderate)severe contin''m, which is more consistentmild)moderate)severe contin''m, which is more consistent

    with o#served #ehavior with o#served #ehavior +Terms s'#stance dependence and physical dependenceTerms s'#stance dependence and physical dependence

    ca'sed conf'sion< -hysical dependence one criteria, #'tca'sed conf'sion< -hysical dependence one criteria, #'t

    not re;'ired or eno'gh to ma!e diagnosis of '#stancenot re;'ired or eno'gh to ma!e diagnosis of '#stance


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    '#stance+Related Disorders'#stance+Related Disorders

    DM+2DM+25 Gro'ps&5 Gro'ps& '#stance :se Disorders'#stance :se Disorders

    = -revio'sly split into a#'se or dependence-revio'sly split into a#'se or dependence

    = *nvolves& impaired control, social impairment, ris!y*nvolves& impaired control, social impairment, ris!y

    'se, and pharmacological criteria'se, and pharmacological criteria

    '#stance+*nd'ced Disorders'#stance+*nd'ced Disorders

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    Substance Use Disorder Substance Use Disorder 

    DSM-5DSM-5+:sing larger amo'nts or for longer time than+:sing larger amo'nts or for longer time thanintendedintended

    +-ersistent desire or 'ns'ccessf'l attempts to c't+-ersistent desire or 'ns'ccessf'l attempts to c't

    down or control 'sedown or control 'se+Great deal of time o#taining, 'sing, or recovering+Great deal of time o#taining, 'sing, or recovering


    +6ail to f'lfill ma%or roles 0wor!, school, home1+6ail to f'lfill ma%or roles 0wor!, school, home1

    +-ersistent social or interpersonal pro#lems+-ersistent social or interpersonal pro#lemsca'sed #y s'#stance 'seca'sed #y s'#stance 'se

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    '#stance :se Disorder '#stance :se Disorder 

    DM+2DM+2 0cont10cont1

    +*mportant social, occ'pational, recreational+*mportant social, occ'pational, recreational

    activities given 'p or red'cedactivities given 'p or red'ced

    +:se in physically ha7ardo's sit'ations+:se in physically ha7ardo's sit'ations+:se despite physical or psychological+:se despite physical or psychological

    pro#lems ca'sed #y 'sepro#lems ca'sed #y 'se

    +Tolerance+Tolerance+9ithdrawal+9ithdrawal 0not doc'mented after repeated 'se0not doc'mented after repeated 'seof -$-, inhalants, hall'cinogens1of -$-, inhalants, hall'cinogens1

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    Severity DSM-5Severity DSM-5

    everityeverity Depends on > of symptom criteria endorsed+Depends on > of symptom criteria endorsed+

    none rated more important or necessary thannone rated more important or necessary than


    Mild& 5+8 symptomsMild& 5+8 symptoms Moderate& ?+2 symptomsModerate& ?+2 symptoms evere& @ or more symptomsevere& @ or more symptoms

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    pecifiers DM+2pecifiers DM+2

    pecifierspecifiers *n early remission& no diagnostic criteria*n early remission& no diagnostic criteria

    present for 8 months #'t 35 monthspresent for 8 months #'t 35 months0ecept craving which may persist10ecept craving which may persist1

    *n s'stained remission& no criteria for 35*n s'stained remission& no criteria for 35

    months 0ecept craving1months 0ecept craving1 *n a controlled environment& access to*n a controlled environment& access to

    s'#stance restricted 0e< Cail1s'#stance restricted 0e< Cail1

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    '#stance+*nd'ced DM+2'#stance+*nd'ced DM+2



    +-sychotic Disorder +-sychotic Disorder 

    +Bipolar Disorder +Bipolar Disorder 

    +Depressive Disorder +Depressive Disorder 

    +Aniety Disorder +Aniety Disorder 

    +leep Disorder +leep Disorder 



    +e'al Dysf'nction+e'al Dysf'nction

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    +Reversi#le s'#stance+specific syndrome+Reversi#le s'#stance+specific syndromed'e to recent ingestion of a s'#stanced'e to recent ingestion of a s'#stance

    +Behavioral)psychological changes d'e to+Behavioral)psychological changes d'e to

    effects on $. developing after ingestion&effects on $. developing after ingestion& e< Dist'r#ances of perception, wa!ef'lness,e< Dist'r#ances of perception, wa!ef'lness,

    attention, thin!ing, %'dgment, psychomotor #ehaviorattention, thin!ing, %'dgment, psychomotor #ehavior

    and interpersonal #ehavior and interpersonal #ehavior 

    +.ot d'e to another medical condition or+.ot d'e to another medical condition ormental disorder mental disorder 

    +Does not apply to to#acco+Does not apply to to#acco

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    $linical pict're of intoication$linical pict're of intoication

    depends on&depends on&+'#stance+'#stance


    +Ro'te of+Ro'te of Administration Administration


    +*ndivid'al degree of+*ndivid'al degree oftolerancetolerance

    +Time since last dose+Time since last dose

    +-erson+-erson(s epectations(s epectations

    of s'#stance effectof s'#stance effect

    +$ontet'al varia#les+$ontet'al varia#les

  • 8/17/2019 L1 DO FOBS 2015 Addiction and Recovery Copy


    Dr'g and 'se varia#les thatDr'g and 'se varia#les that


     ris! of a#'seris! of a#'se+ Rapidity of onset+ */, intranasal, orRapidity of onset+ */, intranasal, orsmo!ing prod'ces faster effect

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    +'#stance+specific syndrome d'e to+'#stance+specific syndrome d'e to

    stopping or red'cing prolonged 'sestopping or red'cing prolonged 'se

    +-hysiological cognitive components+-hysiological cognitive components

    +ignificant distress in social, occ'pational+ignificant distress in social, occ'pationalor other important areas of f'nctioningor other important areas of f'nctioning

    +.ot d'e to another medical condition or+.ot d'e to another medical condition or

    mental disorder mental disorder ++.o.o withdrawal& -$-, other hall'cinogens,withdrawal& -$-, other hall'cinogens,

    inhalants Minimal)moderate with canna#is,inhalants Minimal)moderate with canna#is,


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    '#stance+*nd'ced Mental'#stance+*nd'ced Mental

    Disorder Disorder +-otentially severe, 's'ally temporary, #'t+-otentially severe, 's'ally temporary, #'t

    sometimes persisting $. syndromessometimes persisting $. syndromes

    +$ontet of s'#stances of a#'se,+$ontet of s'#stances of a#'se,

    medications, or toinsmedications, or toins

    +$an #e any of the 34 classes of s'#stances+$an #e any of the 34 classes of s'#stances

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    '#stance+*nd'ced Mental'#stance+*nd'ced Mental

    Disorder Disorder +$linically significant presentation of a+$linically significant presentation of amental disorder mental disorder 

    +Evidence 0", -E, la#s, prior episode1+Evidence 0", -E, la#s, prior episode1 D'ring or within 3 month of 'seD'ring or within 3 month of 'se $apa#le of prod'cing mental disorder seen$apa#le of prod'cing mental disorder seen

    + Evidence of independent mental disorder + Evidence of independent mental disorder 

    -receded onset of 'se of s'#stance-receded onset of 'se of s'#stance -ersists for s'#stantial time after 'se 0which-ersists for s'#stantial time after 'se 0which

    wo'ld not epect if s'#stance ind'ced1wo'ld not epect if s'#stance ind'ced1

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    Refers to 'nderlying $. changes thatRefers to 'nderlying $. changes that

    occ'r following repeated 'se s'ch thatocc'r following repeated 'se s'ch that

    person develops tolerance and)orperson develops tolerance and)or

    withdrawalwithdrawal  -harmaco!inetic adaptation of meta#oli7ing-harmaco!inetic adaptation of meta#oli7ing


    -harmacodynamic a#ility of $. to f'nction-harmacodynamic a#ility of $. to f'nctiondespite high #lood levelsdespite high #lood levels

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    .eed to 'se an increased amo'nt of a s'#stance.eed to 'se an increased amo'nt of a s'#stancein order to achieve the desired effectin order to achieve the desired effect


    Mar!edly diminished effect with contin'ed 'se ofMar!edly diminished effect with contin'ed 'se ofthe same amo'nt of the s'#stancethe same amo'nt of the s'#stance

    +/aries significantly #y dr'g class+/aries significantly #y dr'g class

    +All physiologic tolerances are .OT e;'al+ get+All physiologic tolerances are .OT e;'al+ getm'ch less tolerance to constipation and miosism'ch less tolerance to constipation and miosisthan to other physiologic effects of opioidsthan to other physiologic effects of opioids

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    The 8 F$s of AddictionThe 8 F$s of Addiction

    3131 $$raving+ a strong desire or 'rge to 'se,raving+ a strong desire or 'rge to 'se,

    often precipitated #y specificoften precipitated #y specific

    circ'mstances, places, or emotionalcirc'mstances, places, or emotional

    states associated with previo's 'sestates associated with previo's 'se0-avlovian10-avlovian1

    5151 $$ontin'ed :seontin'ed :se

    8181 Loss ofLoss of $$ontrolontrol

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    Epidemiology& -revalenceEpidemiology& -revalence

    +Recent meas're of prevalence in 5435 for persons greater than 35yo+Recent meas're of prevalence in 5435 for persons greater than 35yowho met criteria for specific 'se disorderwho met criteria for specific 'se disorder in that year

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    Epidemiology 0cont

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    Epidemiology 0cont

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    ER /isits 0.*DAER /isits 0.*DA N41N41


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    +M'ltiple interacting factors infl'ence 'sing+M'ltiple interacting factors infl'ence 'sing

    #ehavior and loss of decisional flei#ility#ehavior and loss of decisional flei#ility

    +.ot all who #ecome dependent eperience+.ot all who #ecome dependent eperience

    it same way or motivated #y same factorsit same way or motivated #y same factors

    +Different factors may #e more or less+Different factors may #e more or less

    important at different stages 0dr'gimportant at different stages 0dr'g

    availa#ility, social acceptance, peeravaila#ility, social acceptance, peer

    press'repress're // personality and #iology1personality and #iology1

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    +elf+medication+elf+medication EtO")#en7os + panicP opioids +angerPEtO")#en7os + panicP opioids +angerP

    amphetamine + depressionamphetamine + depression

    +Genetic 0initially esta#lished with alcohol, #'t+Genetic 0initially esta#lished with alcohol, #'t

    appears to #e more general1 ?4+@4K of varianceappears to #e more general1 ?4+@4K of variance

    +$onditioning& #ehavior maintained #y its+$onditioning& #ehavior maintained #y its


    Terminate aversive state 0pain, aniety, w)d1Terminate aversive state 0pain, aniety, w)d1 pecial stat'special stat's E'phoriaE'phoria

    econdary reinforcers 0e< -araphernalia1econdary reinforcers 0e< -araphernalia1

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    Learnin and !hysioloical "asis #orLearnin and !hysioloical "asis #or


    ++ After 'sing dr'gs or when stop leads to a After 'sing dr'gs or when stop leads to adepleted state res'lting in dysphoria and)ordepleted state res'lting in dysphoria and)or

    cravings to 'se, reinforcing the 'se of more dr'g

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    :p to 24K of addicts have co+occ'rring:p to 24K of addicts have co+occ'rring

    psychiatric disorder psychiatric disorder  Antisocial -D Antisocial -D Mood Disorder Mood Disorder  Aniety Disorder  Aniety Disorder  AD"D AD"D

  • 8/17/2019 L1 DO FOBS 2015 Addiction and Recovery Copy


    Typical !resentation and $ourse%Typical !resentation and $ourse%

    +-atient may present in ac'te intoication,+-atient may present in ac'te intoication,ac'te)chronic withdrawal or s'#stance ind'cedac'te)chronic withdrawal or s'#stance ind'cedmood, cognitive disorder or medical complicationsmood, cognitive disorder or medical complications

    +A#stinence depends on several factors& social,+A#stinence depends on several factors& social,environmental, internal factors 0presence of otherenvironmental, internal factors 0presence of othercomor#id psychiatric illnesses1comor#id psychiatric illnesses1

    +Remission and relapses are the r'le 0%'st li!e+Remission and relapses are the r'le 0%'st li!e anyany other other  chronic medical illness1chronic medical illness1

    + :p to H4 K event'ally a#le to a#stain or+ :p to H4 K event'ally a#le to a#stain ordecrease 'se s'fficiently to not meet criteriadecrease 'se s'fficiently to not meet criteria

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    Alcohol 3-5 days

    Amphetamines (except meth) to 3 days!ethamphetamine to 5 days

    Ba"#it$"ates (not pheno#a"#ital) to 3 days

    %heno#a"#ital 7 $o 14 )a,s

    Ben&odia&epines ' to 5 days

    Canna#is 28 $o 49 )a,s

    Cocaine ' to 3 days

    Codeine to 3 days

    Cotinine (p"od$ct o nicotine) to days

    !o"phine to 3 days*e"oin to 3 days

    +S, 2 $o 24 hours

  • 8/17/2019 L1 DO FOBS 2015 Addiction and Recovery Copy



    :rine toicology:rine toicology screenscreen is initial test 0imm'noassay1,is initial test 0imm'noassay1,

    inepensive, #'t ris! of common false positives and falseinepensive, #'t ris! of common false positives and false


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    $a'ses of -otential false$a'ses of -otential false

    positive 'rine dr'g screenspositive 'rine dr'g screens

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    Options for where to treatOptions for where to treat


    +D'e to dr'g OD, ris! of severe withdrawal, medical+D'e to dr'g OD, ris! of severe withdrawal, medicalcomor#idities, re;'ires restricted access to dr'gs,comor#idities, re;'ires restricted access to dr'gs,psychiatric illness with s'icidal ideationpsychiatric illness with s'icidal ideation

    +Residential treatment 'nit+Residential treatment 'nit

    +.o intensive medical)psychiatric monitoring needs+.o intensive medical)psychiatric monitoring needs

    +Re;'ire a restricted environment+Re;'ire a restricted environment

    +-artial hospitali7ation+-artial hospitali7ation

    +O'tpatient -rogram +Low ris! of med)psych mor#idity and+O'tpatient -rogram +Low ris! of med)psych mor#idity andhighly motivated patient< @ month o'tcomes similar tohighly motivated patient< @ month o'tcomes similar toinpatientinpatient

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    Treat&ent '(nitial)Treat&ent '(nitial)

    Manage *ntoication 9ithdrawalManage *ntoication 9ithdrawal

    *ntoication*ntoication= Ranges& e'phoria to life+threatening emergencyRanges& e'phoria to life+threatening emergency


    inpatient& close medical s'pervision)monitoringinpatient& close medical s'pervision)monitoring

      o'tpatient& minimal monitoring, preparation foro'tpatient& minimal monitoring, preparation forongoing treatmentongoing treatment

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    Treat&entTreat&ent a#ter a#ter  ' or i# &ild*' or i# &ild*

    durindurin) Deto+) Deto+Behavioral *nterventions 0target internal and eternal re+inforcers1Behavioral *nterventions 0target internal and eternal re+inforcers1

    Motivation to change 0M*1Motivation to change 0M*1

    Gro'p TherapyGro'p Therapy

    *ndivid'al Therapy*ndivid'al Therapy

    $ontingency Management$ontingency Management

    elf+"elp Recovery Gro'ps 0AA1elf+"elp Recovery Gro'ps 0AA1

    Therape'tic $omm'nitiesTherape'tic $omm'nities

    6amily *nvolvement)Therapy6amily *nvolvement)Therapy

    Twelve+tep 6acilitationTwelve+tep 6acilitation

    Relapse -reventionRelapse -revention

    0motivational ++interviewing10motivational ++interviewing1

    +EBplore desire to stop drin!ing)'sing vs+EBplore desire to stop drin!ing)'sing vs perceived #enefits of ongoing 'seperceived #enefits of ongoing 'se

      +Gentle confrontation with ed'cation 0ris!s+Gentle confrontation with ed'cation 0ris!s to health1 ) therape'tic allianceto health1 ) therape'tic alliance

     +*nvolve family and friends for s'pport+*nvolve family and friends for s'pport

     +Ed'cation a#o't s'#stance dependence+Ed'cation a#o't s'#stance dependence and need for reha#ilitation planand need for reha#ilitation plan

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    +-harmacologic *ntervention+-harmacologic *ntervention

    +Treat $o+Occ'rring -sychiatric Disorders+Treat $o+Occ'rring -sychiatric Disorders 24K will have another psychiatric disorder 24K will have another psychiatric disorder 

    +Treat Associated Medical $onditions+Treat Associated Medical $onditions

     cardiovasc'lar, cancer, endocrine, hepatic,cardiovasc'lar, cancer, endocrine, hepatic,

    hematologic, infectio's, ne'rologic,hematologic, infectio's, ne'rologic,

    n'tritional, G*, p'lmonary, renal,n'tritional, G*, p'lmonary, renal,m'sc'los!eletalm'sc'los!eletal

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    Treatment, Recovery, RelapseTreatment, Recovery, Relapse

    +  As with other chronic diseases, As with other chronic diseases,

    discontin'ation of treatment is high ris!discontin'ation of treatment is high ris!

    + Relapse)slip #est viewed as temporaryRelapse)slip #est viewed as temporary

    set#ac! d'e to lac! of compliance or c'rrentset#ac! d'e to lac! of compliance or c'rrentineffectiveness of treatmentineffectiveness of treatment

    + Rates of relapse very similar to other chronicRates of relapse very similar to other chronic

    diseasesdiseases+  As with other m'ltisystem diseases, a As with other m'ltisystem diseases, a

    m'ltimodal approach is often re;'ired

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    Stages of ChangeStages of Change

      !re-conte&plation!re-conte&plation + needs ed'cation and+ needs ed'cation andenco'ragementenco'ragement

      $onte&plation$onte&plation + needs personali7ed feed#ac!+ needs personali7ed feed#ac! 

    Decision,!reparationDecision,!reparation + needs a plan for how to+ needs a plan for how toproceedproceed  ctionction + determine level of treatment needed and+ determine level of treatment needed and

    #egin the process of recovery#egin the process of recovery 

    MaintenanceMaintenance + relapse prevention+ relapse prevention  RelapseRelapse + pic! 'p where ever the person has re++ pic! 'p where ever the person has re+

    entered the cycleentered the cycle

    ='!rochas.a / Di$le&ente)

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    Identify the stage ofIdentify the stage of


    +F9hat are yo'r tho'ghts and feelings a#o't+F9hat are yo'r tho'ghts and feelings a#o't

    ;'itting smo!ingU;'itting smo!ingU

    +F"ave yo' tho'ght a#o't %oining the cardiac+F"ave yo' tho'ght a#o't %oining the cardiac

    reha# programUreha# programU

    +F9hat is yo'r eperience with weight loss+F9hat is yo'r eperience with weight loss


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    Identify the stage ofIdentify the stage of


    +-re+contemplation& .ot am#ivalent and+-re+contemplation& .ot am#ivalent and

    does .OT want to changedoes .OT want to change

    +$ontemplation& Am#ivalent, may#e yes to+$ontemplation& Am#ivalent, may#e yes to

    change, may#e nochange, may#e no

    +Decision)-reparation& .ot am#ivalent and+Decision)-reparation& .ot am#ivalent and

    DOE wants to changeDOE wants to change

    +Action& $ommitted to change< .eeds+Action& $ommitted to change< .eeds

    specific plan and reso'rcesspecific plan and reso'rces

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    Move one stage at a timeMove one stage at a time

      -re+contemplation& *ntrod'ce am#ivalence-re+contemplation& *ntrod'ce am#ivalence

      $ontemplation& Resolve am#ivalence$ontemplation& Resolve am#ivalence


    Decision)-reparation& Develop an actionDecision)-reparation& Develop an actionplanplan

       Action& olve pro#lems Action& olve pro#lems


    Maintenance& $onsolidate gainsMaintenance& $onsolidate gains  Relapse& *nto action once againRelapse& *nto action once again

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    +AM"A +AM"A www

  • 8/17/2019 L1 DO FOBS 2015 Addiction and Recovery Copy


     A 82 yo M9M presents to an o'tpatient psychiatrist(s office for an initial eval'ation< 9hen as!ed why he is

    there, he initially tells the doctor FMy wife insisted that * #e eval'ated+ she thin!s that * have a pro#lem #eca'se* 'se cocaine some of the time on wee!+ends< "e goes on to say Fshe #ro'ght me here today, #'t * don(t thin!it(s any #ig deal, * %'st do it to rela with friends a co'ple of wee!+ends a month(< "e denies depression or anytho'ghts to harm self or others<

     Additional ;'estioning reveals that he&  +ometimes misses his !ids sporting events on wee!+ends 0which he had committed to attend1  + stopped 'sing altogether for @ months a year ago in response to his wife(s threats to move o't with the !ids

      + has spent money intended for family vacations to p'rchase cocaine  +calls in sic! several Mondays, after he has 'sed cocaine that wee!+end despite important meetings  + #ecomes very s'spicio's when he is high on cocaine, pee!ing o't the #linds #elieving that the police havehim 'nder s'rveillance<  +has had .O legal or medical pro#lems related to his cocaine 'se<The patient also informs the doctor that he drin!s ?+2 alcoholic #everages on 'nday nights after 'sing cocainein order to Fcalm down and get some sleep< "e will smo!e 8+? cigarettes on days he is 'sing<9hen he is as!ed what he wo'ld li!e to net, the patient says F* !now * need to ;'it, it really is starting to

    interfere with more important things, #'t * %'st want to do it on my own,( and Fif * can(t stop on my own, what!ind of help is availa#leU

  • 8/17/2019 L1 DO FOBS 2015 Addiction and Recovery Copy


    31 The psychiatrist(s most appropriateoption at this time wo'ld #e to&

     A1 *nsist that the patient chec! himself intoFdeto #eca'se of the potentially life+threatening withdrawal symptoms hewill pro#a#ly enco'nter<

    B1 tart an antipsychotic medicine to help

    stop the paranoid thin!ing he iseperiencing<

    $1 $all the police to ta!e the patient to anemergency room for f'rther eval'ation

    D1 $all the patient(s employer to gainadditional leverage in forcing the patient

    into treatmentE1 As! the patient if he wo'ld give consent

    to allow his wife to come in from thewaiting room to get additionalinformation and disc'ss options<

  • 8/17/2019 L1 DO FOBS 2015 Addiction and Recovery Copy


    51 The most appropriate diagnosis0es1 forthis patient, given that yo' have o#tainedreasona#ly acc'rate information is)are&

      A1 -olys'#stance Dependence Disorder   B1 $ocaine :se Disorder, severe andTo#acco :se Disorder, moderate  $1 $ocaine :se Disorder, moderate  D1 -aranoid -ersonality Disorder   E1 The patient does not meet criteria for

    any '#stance :se Disorder or any otherc'rrently accepted mental illness<

  • 8/17/2019 L1 DO FOBS 2015 Addiction and Recovery Copy


    81 The patient(s Freadiness for changecorrelates most closely with which of thefollowing stages&

      A1 -re+contemplationB1 $ontemplation$1 -reparation

      D1 Action  E1 Relapse

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