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2. What might you see and hear during the eruption of a volcano? An eruption happens when something bursts through a surface. 3. What might an explorer find in the depths of the ocean? The depths of something are its deepest parts. 4. Which of these events happens gradually a pond warming up in the sun, or a bolt of lightning striking a tree? Something that happens gradually happens very slowly over time. 5. How could a puppy hiding under a blanket be revealed? When something is revealed, it was hidden but can now be seen. 6. What might cause a snail to contract into its shell? To contract means to get smaller by shrinking. 7. What is an example of a constant sound? If something is constant, it happens without stopping. 8. How would you feel if you said Hi to someone and did not get an immediate response?An immediate event is one that happens right away.

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