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  • 8/11/2019 La Casa de La Colina - The House on the Hill


    Nong lived with his family in a small

    village in Southeast Asia. Like most

    people in their village, Nongsfamily

    were farmers. The villagers had their

    houses next to their fields on the wide

    plain, except for Nongsfamily, whosehouse stood alone on top of a hill.

    Since Nongsfamilys fields were on

    the plain below like everybody elses, his

    mother and father had to go up and

    down the hill every day to work the

    fields. During the harvest they had to

    bring the harvested rice up the hill to

    their storehouse. And because the school

    was also down on the plain, Nong had to

    go down the hill to school every morning

    and climb back up the hill to go home

    every evening.

    Nong viva con su familia en una aldea

    del Sudeste Asitico. Como la mayora de

    los aldeanos, su familia se dedicaba a la

    agricultura. Los campesinos tenan su

    vivienda junto a los campos de la llanura.

    Todos, menos la familia de Nong, cuyacasa se alzaba en la cima de una colina.

    Como los campos de la familia de

    Nong estaban en la llanura junto a los de

    los dems, a diario el padre y la madre

    tenan que subir y bajar de la colina para

    trabajar. En la poca de la cosecha

    llevaban el arroz cosechado a un

    cobertizo donde lo almacenaban en lo

    alto de la colina. La escuela tambin

    quedaba en la llanura, y Nong tena que

    bajar cada maana para ir a clase y

    regresaba al atardecer.

  • 8/11/2019 La Casa de La Colina - The House on the Hill


    One day Nong talked to his father about

    this. Its not fair. I have to walk up and

    down the hill every day, but my friends

    dont. Why do we have to live up here on

    the hill?Nongsfather thought about this for a

    while before he answered. Im not sure

    why we live here on the hill. Our house has

    stood here for many generations. Im

    thankful for our little house up here. Think

    of it this way: We are the first to see the

    sun come up in the morning and the last to

    see it set in the evening.

    But this didnt mean much to Nong.

    But we have to work so much harder than

    everyone else. And I have to walk much

    further than my friends. Its notfair!

    Oh, but we shouldnt say that, Nongs

    father replied. God has given us this place

    and we should be thankful for it.

    Yet Nong was not convinced. He wished

    he could live down on the plain.

    Un da, Nong habl con su padre: -No

    hay derecho. Todos los das tengo que

    subir y bajar la colina. Mis amigos no

    tienen que hacerlo. Por qu vivimos

    aqu arriba?Su padre reflexion antes

    de responderle: -No s bien por qu

    viviremos aqu arriba. Nuestra casa existe

    desde hace generaciones. Yo me alegro

    de vivir aqu. Pero mira, somos los

    primeros que vemos salir el sol y los

    ltimos que lo vemos ponerse.

    Esta respuesta, sin embargo, no

    signific mucho para Nong, que replic:

    -Pero tenemos que trabajar ms que

    nadie. Y tengo que recorrer ms distancia

    que mis amigos. No es justo!

    El padre contest: -No digas eso. Dios

    nos ha dado este lugar y tenemos que

    estar contentos.

    Nong no qued convencido. Deseaba

    vivir en la llanura.

  • 8/11/2019 La Casa de La Colina - The House on the Hill


    One day not long after this

    conversation, the clouds began to gather

    in the sky over Nongsvillage. It was only

    a few weeks after the rice harvest, andso the villagers looked to the sky with

    concern for the stored rice. And the

    weather got only worse. The sky became

    darker and darker. Then it happened. The

    rains came down and wouldnt stop. It

    rained and rained and rained. The houses

    and fields in the plain were all flooded.

    The harvest and stores of rice were lost.

    Only Nongshouse on top of the hill

    was dry, so thats where all the villagers

    fled. They were all thankful for Nongs

    house on the hill, and they ate of the rice

    that was stored there.

    Now, Nongsfather said to him with

    a gentle look in his eye, are you thankful

    for our house on the hill?

    Nong smiled sheepishly and nodded.

    Un da, no mucho tiempo despus de

    aquella conversacin, comenzaron a juntarse

    las nubes sobre la aldea de Nong. Haban

    transcurrido unas cuantas semanas de larecoleccin, y los aldeanos observaban el

    cielo preocupados por el arroz almacenado.

    El tiempo empeor. Los cielos se ponan cada

    vez ms negros. Y llegaron las lluvias y no

    paraban. Precipitaciones torrenciales y

    continuas inundaron las casas y la llanura,perdindose el arroz almacenado.

    La nica vivienda que no se inund fue la

    de Nong por su situacin elevada. All fueron

    a refugiarse los aldeanos. Todos estaban muy

    contentos por la casa de Nong. Y comieron el

    arroz all guardado.

    El padre de Nong le pregunt con una

    tierna mirada: -Te alegras de que nuestra

    casa est aqu arriba?

    Nong sonri tmidamente y asinti con

    la cabeza.

  • 8/11/2019 La Casa de La Colina - The House on the Hill


    So often we complain about some hardship or are

    tempted to feel that lifeand therefore God

    isnt fair to us. But if we can accept whatever God

    has allowed to come into our lives and be thankful

    for it, one day we will see that He can turn ourseeming hardship or handicap into a lifesaver for

    us and others.

    Muchas veces nos quejamos de una dificultad o

    pensamos que la vida -y por consiguiente,tambin Dios en algunos casos- no nos tratanbien. Pero si aceptamos con gratitud lo que l ha

    permitido que nos ocurra, un da veremos que denuestra aparente penalidad o impedimento Dios

    puede sacar algo que nos salve la vida a nosotros

    o a otros.

    Photo credits:

    Page 1Wikimedia Commons

    Page 2 Ninara via Flickr

    Page 3 European Commision DG Echo via Flickr

    Page 4Wikipedia

    Story by Colin C. Bell, The Family International . Featured on www.freekidstories.org


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