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  • 7/30/2019 La Comedie Des Arts How To


    Adobe Illusraor CS5 How-o Guide

    Emmanuel Romeuf lives and works in Paris, and akes his inspiraion

    from grea ariss of he pas such as Ren Magrie. In he pas year

    his work has included aspecs of ypographic design, illusraion,

    phoography, and se design.

    His designs are characerized by a quirky humor and playfulness bu

    wih ruly amazing and houghful deail. His pieces can be found

    worldwidefrom concepual ediorial illusraion and cover ar o

    original posers and apparel design.

    Adobe Illusraor CS5How-o Guide

    La Comedie des Artsby Emmanuel Romeuf

  • 7/30/2019 La Comedie Des Arts How To


    2Adobe Illusraor CS5 How-o Guide

    Where I work

    My desk is a big glass able, and on i I have my iMac wih able, wo

    conainers full of pencils, a big Mickey Mouse lollipop, he famous

    poser of Bob Dylan by Milon Glaser, a prism, a phone, and usual hings.

    Around me is a se of signed silk-screen prins from he French comics

    aris and illusraor Blexbolex. heres a deep green wall, los of plans,

    and many graphic and ar hisory books, comics, novels, and old

    illusraed childrens books. I have a collecion of small plasic dogs, a

    collecion of New Age vinyls, various graphic maerials and many

    differen ypes of media.

    How I work

    Generally, creaing an arwork for me is solving a problem. I mean, if you

    manage o express wha you inend a he very beginning, he execuion

    sage will be easier. So I always sar projecs wih a pen, wriing words

    and drawing lile ugly humbnails. he firs drafs need o be quickly

    drawn o keep he inenion. I urn he quesion around and around, and

    I look wha ideas or humbnails are opposie. his sep is really exciing.

    Making choices is as challenging as making a drawing. You no only

    design a beauiful picure bu a space where you can express yourself

    and develop a message. I like o discuss my ideas wih oher people a

    his poin. We alk and bounce around our differing poins of view.

    When Ive decided on wha o do, I proceed o crafing a beer rough.

    Now I ry o hink abou he layou, he deails, and he colors. Myroughs are ofen drawn in black and whie and I don spend oo much

    ime a his sage; I simply make noes abou my color inenions.

    Nex I sar o creae he arwork on he compuer, someimes using a

    scan of he rough, someimes no. I always feel free o respec or ignore

    he deails drawn on he rough; is really all abou he feeling.

    When I ge suck during a projec, I go over o he library jus near of my

    home. I like o roam around in he shelves looking for an unexpeced

    idea. Mos of he ime, my ideas don come from design books, bu

    from science or hisory books.

    I like to look to the past or ideas. Jrome Bosch,Giacomo Puccini, Marcel Duchamp, Salvador Dali,Stphane Mallarm, Boris Vian, Andr Masson,

    and Walter Gropius are among my inuences.

    I suppose that our perception o the world depends

    on the times, but even today, their work makes us

    travel, discover, think, understand, extrapolate,

    and maybe look at things a little bit diferently.

  • 7/30/2019 La Comedie Des Arts How To


    3Adobe Illusraor CS5 How-o Guide


    On a shee of paper, wih a black

    pen, I began he projec by rying

    differen layous for my arwork.

    Only he inenion and overall

    layou is imporan a his sage.

    o make my picture, I workedin the style o a contemporary

    artist who is designing an artinstallationusing real objects

    and drawings.

    I thought o my idea like I was

    staging symbols, trying to beenigmatic, digging deep into

    diferent kinds o art.

  • 7/30/2019 La Comedie Des Arts How To


    4Adobe Illusraor CS5 How-o Guide

    Global shapes

    In Illusraor, I sared by drawing he wood

    frames and he bucke wih basic shapes. I

    added a warm, ligh background color because

    I waned my drawing o be warm-heared and

    welcoming. his helped me choose he oher

    colors of he arwork as I wen, making i easier

    o develop my palee.

    You can always use your skeches as a model,

    bu once Ive gone hrough he process of

    skeching I leave hem. I prefer o make up

    my shapes direcly in Illusraor because is

    really easy o adjus he elemens. I always

    begin like his, by creaing and placing hebasic, main elemens.

    he new Shape Builder

    ool in Illusraor helped

    me build he wood

    frames really quickly.

  • 7/30/2019 La Comedie Des Arts How To


    5Adobe Illusraor CS5 How-o Guide

    Te bucke

    For he bucke, I use he Draw Inside mode o

    make he wood paern on he bucke shape.

    I used my graphic able and a special sroke

    profile, par of he new variable widh sokes,

    o make he paern less linear and

    more naural.

    I like i when paerns are hand drawn. he

    irregular aspec of drawing is somehing

    has imporan o me.

  • 7/30/2019 La Comedie Des Arts How To


    6Adobe Illusraor CS5 How-o Guide

    Anoher arboard

    Nex, I creaed a new arboard o be able o draw he pencils and brushes

    properly. I like o draw he elemens of he arwork ouside of he final piece.

    Is cleaner, and you can keep a copy of each elemen if you decide o

    ransform hem or do somehing differen wih hem inside he ar layou.

    Using clipping mask in Illusraor, I placed he brushes and pencils inside

    he bucke. I hen added some spos and drips of pain on he brushes and in

    he bucke.

  • 7/30/2019 La Comedie Des Arts How To


    7Adobe Illusraor CS5 How-o Guide

    Te Well

    For drawing he well, I creaed a new arboard ha is he same size as he

    cener frame of he design. In his way, I can make he new objecs

    proporionally correc.

    he rope is a Paern Brush ha I designed and applied o a sroke. I use

    only black and whie for his par of he arwork because his will appear

    in a picure frame as a drawn elemen in he scene.

  • 7/30/2019 La Comedie Des Arts How To


    8Adobe Illusraor CS5 How-o Guide

    Te clarine

    I used he same echnique for he clarine,

    using he Mesh ool o creae a gradien

    mesh o develop he appearance of shape

    and volume.

    Arranging he elemens

    Te masks

    Nex, I buil a mask on anoher arboard. o model i, I used he Mesh

    ool o creae a gradien mesh o give he mask shape is volume.

    I designed he basic, underlying shape firs and gave i he global color I

    waned. hen, I added rows and columns o he gradien mesh and

    changed he colors a he differen poins o give he mask he

    appearance of shape and volume. Once I have he volume perfeced, I

    drew he eyes, nose, and mouh wih gradien shapes. I used a color-o-ransparency gradien o creae hese effecs.

  • 7/30/2019 La Comedie Des Arts How To


    9Adobe Illusraor CS5 How-o Guide

    Once mos of he individual objecs

    were creaed, i was ime o place

    hem all ino he final arwork and

    finish he composiion.

    Te playing hands

    While in Draw Inside mode, I drew

    he hands playing he clarine

    wihin he picure frame.

    Geting a color range

    I used he same range of colors for he ineriors of he

    picure frames, using a gradien o creae he mirror

    effec. Since we can make holes in a an objec wih agradien mesh, I had o creae separae shapes wih

    gradiens o creae he see-hrough appearance.

    I hink my arwork is more powerful when here are

    wo o hree dominan colors (brown, orange, purple).

    his is a echnique used by he old poser ariss. I hink

    is more difficul o achieve sunning arwork when

    you choose a Harlequin palee.

  • 7/30/2019 La Comedie Des Arts How To


    10Adobe Illusraor CS5 How-o Guide

    Te rope, ribbons, and shees

    I made a new Paern Brush o creae he rope,

    using he orange and brown colors of my palee.I drew he ribbons and he shees using gradiens

    o express he volume.

    Te topic or this piece,Depth o Expression, made me thinkabout La rahison des Images by Ren Magritte. I love the

    ambiguity o this paintingbetween the drawn object and the

    real object. Its ull o humor and so clever. I also love Magrittes

    creative touch with his riddle paintings, his use o hidden

    meanings and symbols.

  • 7/30/2019 La Comedie Des Arts How To


    Adobe Systems Incorporated

    345 Park AvenueSan Jose, CA 95110-2704USAwww.adobe.com

    Adobe, he Adobe logo, and Illusraor are rademarks of Adobe Sysems Incorporaed in he UniedSaes and/or oher counries. All oher rademarks are he propery of heir respec ive owners. 2010

    Adobe Sysems Incorporaed. All righs reserved. 04/10

    Confeti and ears

    I added confei and ears ha I

    waned o appear o be falling from

    he masks. he ears made a paining

    on he floor, and o accen his, I ook

    a brush and placed i on he floor

    wih some exra pain.

    La Comedie des Arts

    was commissioned by Adobe and

    creaed using Adobe Illusraor CS5.

    For more information

    Produc deails:www.adobe.com/illustrator

    A background gradien

    I waned o beer sugges he floor

    so I finished he arwork by adding

    a gradien in he background.

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