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Page 1: Lab 5, simulation of car trailer. EME 121, Spring 2011, UC ...12000.org/.../MAE_121_eng_dynamics/lab/lab_5/lab5.pdf · Lab 5, simulation of car trailer. EME 121, Spring 2011, UC Davis

Lab 5, simulation of car trailer. EME 121, Spring 2011, UC Davis

By Nasser M. Abbasi. May 22, 2011

ManipulateBprocess@u, m, L, abRatio, IgGain, Ct, v0, r0, Θ0, ∆, f, maxt, noslipD,

88u, 79.2, "speed U km�hr"<, 10, 200, 1,

Appearance ® "Labeled", ImageSize ® Small<,

88m, 1800 � 2.2, "mass kg"<, 1, 1000, 1,

Appearance ® "Labeled", ImageSize ® Small<,

88L, 7 * 0.3048, "trailer length m"<, 1, 10, 0.1,

Appearance ® "Labeled", ImageSize ® Small<,

88abRatio, 0.85, "a�b ratio"<, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1,

Appearance ® "Labeled", ImageSize ® Small<,

88IgGain, 0.8, "Ig gain"<, 80.8 ® 0.8, 0.9 ® 0.9, 1 ® 1, 1.1 ® 1.1,

1.2 ® 1.2, 1.3 ® 1.3<, ControlType ® SetterBar, ImageSize ® Small<,

88Ct, 210 * 4.448 * 180 � Pi, "Ct N�rad"<, 30 000, 100 000,

1000, Appearance ® "Labeled", ImageSize ® Small<,

88f, 1, "spring f HHzL"<, 0.1, 3, 0.1,

Appearance ® "Labeled", ImageSize ® Small<,

88maxt, 10, "simulation time HsecL"<, 0.1, 40, 0.1,

Appearance ® "Labeled", ImageSize ® Small<,


Control@88noslip, False, "Apply no-slip condition"<,

8False, True<, ControlType ® Checkbox, ImageSize ® Small<D,


Text@"Initial conditions"D,

88v0, 0, "VH0L km�hr"<, 0, 10,

1, Appearance ® "Labeled", ImageSize ® Small<,

88r0, 0, "rH0L degree�sec"<, 0, 7, 1,

Appearance ® "Labeled", ImageSize ® Small<,

88Θ0, 2, "ΘH0L degree"<, 0, 7, .1,

Appearance ® "Labeled", ImageSize ® Small<,

88∆, 0, "∆sH0L mm"<, 0, 100, 1, Appearance ® "Labeled", ImageSize ® Small<,

SynchronousUpdating ® False, H*important to have this*LContinuousAction ® False,

Initialization ¦

Printed by Mathematica for Students

Page 2: Lab 5, simulation of car trailer. EME 121, Spring 2011, UC ...12000.org/.../MAE_121_eng_dynamics/lab/lab_5/lab5.pdf · Lab 5, simulation of car trailer. EME 121, Spring 2011, UC Davis

process@uu0_, m_, L_, abRatio_, IgGain_,

c_, vv0_, rr0_, ΘΘ0_, ∆∆0_, f_, maxt_, noslip_D := ModuleB8b = 1. � H1 + abRatioL, a, k = m * H2. * Pi * fL^2, u0 = uu0 * 1000 � 3600.,

v0 = vv0 * 1000 � 3600., Θ0 = ΘΘ0 * Pi � 180., ∆0 = ∆∆0 � 1000.,

r0 = rr0 * Pi � 180., F, eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, t, r, v, Θ, ∆, Ig, sol, data<,

a = L - b;

F = c Hb r@tD - v@tDL � u0;

Ig = IgGain m a b;

IfBnoslip � False, :

eq1 = v'@tD �F


k ∆@tDm

- r@tD u0;

eq2 = r'@tD �k ∆@tD a


F b


eq3 = Θ'@tD � r@tD;

eq4 = ∆'@tD � -Hv@tD + u0 Θ@tD + a r@tDL;

sol = First�DSolve@8eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, v@0D � v0, r@0D � r0,

Θ@0D � Θ0, ∆@0D � ∆0<, 8v@tD, r@tD, Θ@tD, ∆@tD<, tD>, :

eq1 = r'@tD �-r@tD Hm b u0L + Hb + aL k ∆@tD

Ig + m b^2;

eq2 = Θ'@tD � r@tD;

eq3 = ∆'@tD � -Hb r@tD + u0 Θ@tD + a r@tDL;

sol = First�DSolve@8eq1, eq2, eq3,

r@0D � r0, Θ@0D � Θ0, ∆@0D � ∆0<, 8r@tD, Θ@tD, ∆@tD<, tD>



8Plot@Chop�Evaluate@r@tD �. solD * 180 � Pi,

8t, 0, maxt<, PlotRange ® All, Frame ® True, FrameLabel ®

88"rHtL Hdeg�secL", None<, 8"t HsecL", "rHtL vs. time"<<,

ImagePadding ® 8840, 10<, 840, 40<<,

ImageSize ® 250, AspectRatio ® 0.8D<,


2 lab5.nb

Printed by Mathematica for Students

Page 3: Lab 5, simulation of car trailer. EME 121, Spring 2011, UC ...12000.org/.../MAE_121_eng_dynamics/lab/lab_5/lab5.pdf · Lab 5, simulation of car trailer. EME 121, Spring 2011, UC Davis


Plot@Chop�Evaluate@Θ@tD �. solD * 180 � Pi,

8t, 0, maxt<, PlotRange ® All, Frame ® True, FrameLabel ®

88None, None<, 8"t HsecL", Row@8"Θ in deg vs. time"<D<<,

ImagePadding ® 8840, 10<, 850, 40<<, ImageSize ® 180D,

Plot@Chop�Evaluate@∆@tD �. solD, 8t, 0, maxt<,

PlotRange ® All, Frame ® True, FrameLabel ® 88None, None<,

8"t HsecL", Row@8"spring displacement HmmL vs. time"<D<<,

ImagePadding ® 8840, 10<, 850, 40<<, ImageSize ® 180D<D

<<, Frame ® All, Spacings ® 0



lab5.nb 3

Printed by Mathematica for Students

Page 4: Lab 5, simulation of car trailer. EME 121, Spring 2011, UC ...12000.org/.../MAE_121_eng_dynamics/lab/lab_5/lab5.pdf · Lab 5, simulation of car trailer. EME 121, Spring 2011, UC Davis

speed U km�hr 79.2

mass kg 818.182

trailer length m 2.1336

a�b ratio 0.85

Ig gain 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3

Ct N�rad 53518.8

spring f HHzL 1

simulation time HsecL 10

Apply no-slip condition

Initial conditions

VH0L km�hr 0

rH0L degree�sec 0

ΘH0L degree 2

∆sH0L mm 0

0 2 4 6 8 10








t HsecL




rHtL vs. time

0 2 4 6 8 10-4







t HsecL

Θ in deg vs. time

0 2 4 6 8 10-0.06






t HsecL

spring displacement HmmL vs. time

4 lab5.nb

Printed by Mathematica for Students

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