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Page 1: LAKE COUNTY SCHOOLS Hiring Procedures Human Resource Services Revised 7/31/12.

LAKE COUNTY SCHOOLSHiring ProceduresHuman Resource Services

Revised 7/31/12

Page 2: LAKE COUNTY SCHOOLS Hiring Procedures Human Resource Services Revised 7/31/12.


Selection Procedures and Information for advertising positions, selection of employees, and hiring.

PROCEDURES:Advertise ALL positions until the

advertisement period has ended.

Advertise positions with the qualifications that will be your guide in making your personnel selections.

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Screen applicants based on the skills and qualifications that were advertised for the positions. Veterans who live in Florida have preference to an interview even if they only have the minimal qualifications to fill the position. The preference is usually indicated on the application. Lake County Schools does not use a point system for its application process; therefore, there is no need to add points to the veteran’s score during interviews. When using Ventures, it is not necessary to add points to the final score. If you use tests such as a typing test in the interview process, there is no need to add extra points for Veteran Preference applicants. According to new regulations, Veterans may use the preference many times to be hired. Be careful with gaps in the employment history of any candidate. Be careful of employees who do not remain at any job for over a year or change jobs rapidly.

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Schedule interviews for applicants who meet the qualifications and special requirements that were advertised and included in the job description. Hiring Managers should always try to be a part of the interview process or the preparation for the interview process.

Prepare for the interviews with a group of questions that are pertinent to the skills and qualifications that are relevant to the advertised positions.

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Try to create questions that are open ended.Example: Provide strategies that you have used to create a positive discipline atmosphere in your classroom.

Ask the same questions of ALL applicants for any advertised positions. Deviate only for the purpose of clarification and gaining more information.

Questions that are prepared for an interview must be legal and appropriate and allowable by the law.

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The following examples of legal & illegal questions are provided as a guide when preparing for an interview:

AgeIllegal: How much longer do you plan to work before you

retire?How old are you?What is your birth date?What was the date of your graduation from high


Legal: What are your long-term career goals?

Armed ServicesIllegal: What is the reason for discharge?

Legal: Explain the circumstances around your discharge of ________.

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GenderIllegal: We’ve always had a man/woman do this job. How do

you think you will stack up?How do you feel about supervising men/women?What do you think of interoffice dating?Do you have a problem with a female supervisor?

Legal: What do you have to offer our company?Tell me about your previous experience managing

teams. Have you ever been disciplined for your behavior at work?

Health & Physical AbilitiesIllegal: Do you smoke, drink or use tobacco products?

Legal: In the past, have you been disciplined for violating company policies forbidding the use of alcohol or tobacco products?

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Health & Physical AbilitiesIllegal: What is your weight?/How much do you weigh?

Do you have a disability?When did you last visit the doctor & what was the

reason?Have you ever claimed for disability?What is your height?/How tall are you?

Legal: Are you able to lift boxes weighing up to 50 pounds?Are you able to perform the specific duties of this


Marital & Family StatusIllegal: Are you married?

Are you in a long term relationship?Is this your maiden name?Do you have or plan to have kids?

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Marital & Family Status continuedIllegal: How many dependents do you have?

Can you get a babysitter on short notice for overtime or travel?

How does your husband/wife feel about you applying for this job?

Are you expecting a baby?If you get pregnant, will you continue to work, and

will you come back after maternity leave?Who is your closest relative to notify in case of an

emergency?What do your parents do for a living?What is your sexual orientation?

Legal: Do you have responsibilities that will interfere with job attendance?

Have you worked or earned a degree under another name?

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Marital & Family Status continuedLegal: Are you available to work after hours or overtime on

occasion?Can you travel?Do you have responsibilities that can prevent you

from participating in team building events over weekends?

What are your long-term career goals?In case of emergency, who should be notify?Tell me how you became interested in “x” industry.

NationalityIllegal: What is your home/native language?

Are you a U.S. Citizen?How long have you lived here?What is your nationality/ethnic group


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Nationality continuedLegal: What languages do you read, speak or write

fluently?Can you legally work in this country?What is your current address & phone number?Do you have any alternative locations you can be


ReligionIllegal: What religion do you practice?

Which religious holidays do you observe?What church group do you belong?

Legal: What days are you available to work?Are you able to work with our required schedule?List memberships of clubs, professional & cultural


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Prepare a rating criteria process or a way to defend your selection and summary for all advertised positions during the interview process.

Keep a file of questions, list of applicants, list of applicants who were interviewed, rating criterion, rating sheets, rating summaries, advertisements, copies of job descriptions, and applicants offered positions for at least four years from the date of the interviews. This is a change. Four years has been the change in the Record Retention Standards.

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Have a list of anticipated questions about the district ready to answer if the applicant asks about hours, possible salary, working conditions, etc.

References should be checked before making a final offer of employment to any applicant.

Each applicant must have at least two references. One of the references must be a telephone reference provided by the hiring manager from the most recent employer.

When making a job offer, avoid phrases like “Welcome to the Family.” This may be interpreted to the applicant that a contract is implied.

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Florida Public Service Union (FPSU) Contractual Information

Advertisement posted for 6 business days.

Interviewing may begin before deadline.

No offer until after posting deadline.

Five most senior qualified employees from the district who applied must be interviewed.

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Florida Public Service Union (FPSU) Contractual Information

Preference should be given to the internal candidate who meets advertised qualifications when applicable.

When qualifications are equal, the most senior (district-wide) candidate is selected if he/she is the one most suitable for the position.

Persons hired from outside the district must be more qualified than district employees who apply. The ability to verify “more qualified” is important.

It is courteous to acknowledge all applicants who are interviewed in a formal way.

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Lake County Education Association (LCEA) Contractual Information

All instructional vacancies must be advertised for a minimum of five days.

Interviewing may begin before deadline.

No offer until after posting deadline.

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All qualified applicants will be screened and given due consideration if applicable. When requested, unsuccessful applicants shall be given reasons for not attaining the position.

It is courteous to notify all applicants interviewed the results of the selection process.

Lake County Education Association (LCEA) Contractual Information

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Review all applicationsBe sure everyone who is interviewed has

submitted an application. Be sure to check for Veteran Preference


Remain objective throughout the hiring process.

Avoid the appearance that one candidate is favored over the other during the interview process.

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Carefully choose members of the selection committee.Be sure these individuals don’t have a

relationship with any of the candidates or any biases.

Use a standard interview format and keep thorough documentation for four years.

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Wait for all hiring steps to be completed and verified prior to allowing a new employee to begin a work assignment.

Selected candidates must complete the fingerprint registration online prior to scheduling an appointment for New Employee Orientation.

Selected candidates must be drug tested within 24 hours of receiving the signed approval form.

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Always verify with HRS that an instructional candidate meets all certification and highly qualified standards before making a final offer of employment.

Applicants must be scheduled for New Employee Orientation.

Maintain interview questions and scoring rubrics or standards for four years.

Follow contract provisions when selecting new employees.

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Conduct a thorough check of references:Review resume and question breaks in

service or unusual job progression.

Contact the most recent supervisors of the applicant and get as much information as possible according to the HRS Telephone Reference form which is located on the Intranet.

Conduct an internet search of the applicant (i.e. Google).

Do not let an employee begin a work assignment without clearance from HRS.

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