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  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Land Use And LandUse Problems InTurkey


  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni



    The Definition of Land Use

    Land Capability Classification

    Land Use in The World

    Land Use Policies And Applications In Turkey Main Determinants Of Land Use And Land Use


    The Cost Of Land Degradation And The Economics



  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni



    Land use is the human modification ofnatural environment or wilderness into

    built environment such as fields, pastures,

    and settlements.

    The significant effects of land use include

    urban sprawl, soil erosion, soil degradation,salinization, and desertification.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Lands are so important for the industry and

    urbanization like for the agriculture

    The land use which is very important for

    sustainable development should beactivated with the policies, planning orobligations by the states because of beinginsufficient and not renewable source andimpossibility of accelerate of land formationtime.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Today, there are 22 institutions whichapply planning, applications and controlsand also 24 laws about these subjects. So, itcauses an authority distribution problem.

    However, the reconstruction laws aboutshanty cause crooked urbanization and

    then wrong land use.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    The effects of land degeneration could not be

    measured exactly, but it is estimated thatlosses are huge amounts.

    The wrong use of lands creates negativeeffects on extant flora and animal along withagriculture production.

    On the other hand, the decreasing outputlands have a huge cost to reacquire because ofwrong use.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    The Land Use And Land CapabilityClassification

    The land use includes the type of activity on a certain areathat is available for physical, economic and socialconditions of any region and defined characteristics.

    In order to efficient land use , experts improved several

    methods for efficient planning. Two of the most common the land usage methods which

    applied international are Land Capability Classificationand Land Evaluation Principles which are determined byThe World Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

    In our country, Land Capability Classification method ismostly used.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    In Land CapabilityClassification Method, lands

    are classified into 8 category. The first four category are

    considered as suitable areasfor agricultural production.Other four category are notsuitable for agriculture and

    must be used forurbanization and for otheractivities.

    Land in Class 5 is generallylimited to the production of

    perennial crops or otherspecially adapted crops.Productivity of these suitedcrops may be high.

    Land Capability Class What they must be used for

    Class Lands

    Class Lands

    Class Lands

    Class Lands

    Agricultural Production (best)

    Agricultural Production (good-moderate)

    Agricultural Production (moderate)

    Agricultural Production (insufficient)

    5. Class Lands Particular Class

    6. and 7. Class Lands Forest, Pasture, Grassland, Brushwood

    8. Class Lands Urbanization, Industry, Tourism andOther

    Table 1. Land Capability Classification

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    The Land Structure of Turkey

    Turkey is the 36th in earth wideness in the worldwith 779,452 square meters area. But, if we look forproductivity, 35-40 % of Turkeys area is themountains which are not economic. Although the

    forest areas are about 30%, 2/3 of them are themarquis, thickets etc.

    30-35% of the lands in our country are available for

    the agriculture but there has the erosion risk. The soilareas which are watered are limited and they aredelta plains mostly.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    In Turkey, because of the dry and half dry climate, a

    lot of watering projects realized, but they were notcompleted, the enough information was not given tothe farmers, and not enough measures.

    As a result the productive lands started to becomebarren. So, the barren lands increased. However,Mesopotamia plain which has the wide flatnessopened to be watered with completing of SoutheastAnatolian Project (GAP); but, there is getting barrenand saltinization risks.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Land Capability


    Hectare %

    1. Class Lands

    2. Class Lands

    3. Class Lands

    4. Class Lands









    Total Agriculture


    26.546.585 34.6

    5. Class Lands

    6. Class Lands

    7. Class Lands







    Total Forest,

    Pasture and


    46.692.633 60.09

    8. Class Lands 3.455.514 4.6

    Total Lands 76.694.731 100.0

    As it can see from the table,

    Turkeys total land quantityis 26.546.585 ha in first fourclass according to the landcapability classification.This amount is 34,6 % of

    total lands

    Quantity of 5., 6. and 7.class lands are 60,9% oftotal lands and 8. class

    lands are 3.455.513 ha,meanly 4,6 % of total lands.

    Table 2. Land Capability Qualification of Turkey

    Souce: Trkiye Ziraat Mhendislii Teknik Kongresi,1995.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Table 3. Current Land Use in Turkey

    Land Class Dry Agriculture Watery Agriculture Gardens Nut-Olive Total

    1 3.155.146 1.413.256 176.264 33.333 4.778.299

    2 4.876.280 835.791 187.972 86.823 5.986.866

    3 5.438.715 476.222 204.989 109.507 6.229.433

    4 4.062.580 233.081 172.414 135.054 4.603.129

    5 13.340 3.980 143 - 17.463

    6 3.377.458 34.290 201.714 235.037 3.848.499

    7 1.683.515 4.260 115.041 442.398 2.245.214

    8 - - - - -

    Error term 6.111.176 ha (%23) 27.708.903

    Source: TEMA Erozyonla Mcadele Seminer Notlar

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    In Table 3, its shown the existing usage figures

    of the lands.

    According to table 3, we see that it is madeagriculture in the areas which should not be

    made agriculture according to the land usageclassification.

    On this table, the most important point is that

    the standard deviation is too high. And thisshows the difficulties to measure.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    An Outlook of Land Use in the World

    According to thedatas of UNCCD,70 % of 5,2 billionha agriculture areahas been

    deteriorated andfor fighting landuse corruptions ina global scale, it isrequired that 10-

    22,4 billion dollarsof investment mustbe done over 20years.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Kyoto Protocol that is on the agenda is veryimportant for sustainable development and showsgiven importance by the world. The land use, landuse changing and forestry activities are put onKyoto Protocol in order to apply the carbon dioxidediscount emission contract of developed countries.

    In this way, both planned and efficient land use anddecreasing the amount of carbon dioxide would beprovided.

    Because land-use change, together with use of fossilfuels, are the major anthropogenic sources of carbondioxide, a dominant greenhouse gas

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Land Use Policies and Applications inTurkey

    Today, there are lots of laws and institutions thatdetermine how lands will be used. For example in1982 Constitution, in Environmental Law, in Law ofAgricultural Reform, in Law of Municipalities andin Law of Reconstruction there are many provisionsabout usage of lands.

    In planning processes, some complications occurabout which rule will be applied and whichinstitution is the top authority.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Main Determinants of Land Use and LandUse Problems in Turkey

    Main determinants of land use are naturalstructure, legal and institutional effects,demography, economical situations and

    infrastructure investments.

    Rapid increase in industrialization andincrease in population caused a requirement

    of new housing places. Hence, this ended upwith unplanned and uncontrolledurbanization process and land use in cities.

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    According to the end of 1987 registration of

    Ministry of Industry and Trade, 62% of 17,999hectare that appropriated for organized andsmall industry is on the earths that available forI-IV. class agriculture

    This situation shows insensitivity of theministries to this subject. Because, the

    importance of agriculture and land usage are nottaken into consideration by this acts.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Touristic areas have used planless and

    improperly for attracting more tourist. Ownersof lands in these areas have been selling them toearn more money for non-agricultural use.

    At the same time there are some problemsoriginated from planning deficiencies. Forexample, in Kuadas-Davutlar 24 hectare land

    has opened to tourism with license

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    On the other hand some public investments bygovernment have destroyed the productive lands.

    Infrastructure, highways, railways, brick androofing-tile factory and such investments damage to

    existing lands with high costs. At these investments,more importance is given to cost and so, the landstructure is not concerned.

    Brick and roofing-tile factories demolish more than17.000.000 tones valuable alluvional lands and it isvery hard to regain them

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    The Cost Of Land Degradation And The

    Economic Results

    The cost of land degradation is quite high and tocalculate this cost, it is necessary to estimate theprimary situation of the land, existing conditions

    and the potential returns in the future. However, in Turkey, more importance is given to

    short term returns rather than long term returns andlong term effect are not taken into consideration.

    There are many factors that increase the cost ofregaining efficient lands such as destroyer effects toflora and fauna, the decrease in the value of land

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  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Effects of land degradation do not harm only

    agricultural area, at the same time this affects thewhole environment.

    Most significant effects of land use includeurban sprawl, soil erosion, soil degradation,saltinization and desertification. Land usechange is one of the sources of carbon dioxide

    that is a dominant greenhouse gas.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    All of these are the examples of externality,because both government and the owners oflands take into consideration only short termreturns of them; but this will affect not onlyTurkeys economy but also next generation.

    In order to achieve an optimum efficiency levelin land use, direct, indirect and cumulativeeffects must be calculated in the process of


  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Conclusion And Policy Implications

    In recent times, the concept of sustainabledevelopment has come into prominence somuch. However, in Turkey, it is concentrated

    only economical and industrial developmentand the importance of environment does notset off. It is not thought that it will be facedwith high costly environmental problems inthe future.

  • 8/10/2019 Land Use Yeni


    Some arrangements must be realized withcontinuity improvement framework to provide ahealthy environment for new generation.

    Otherwise, buildings would increase on the areasthat should be made agriculture and use upagriculture lands. Thats why; it must not be

    thought the costs of the present time and soplanning, arrangements and auditing must berealized to provide benefits in the future.

    As a result

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