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Language and Information

LIS 610

November 6, 2002

Nina Wacholder

[email protected]

Language and Information 11/06/02 Nina Wacholder 2


Role of language in information science

Current research: Human Computer Interaction with Electronic Indexes and Index Terms

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Textual information

Information conveyed by alphabets, digits and punctuation Organized into meaningful units recognized by some group of


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Other techniques for conveying information

Spoken language Gesture Facial expression Sound Images (drawings, photographs …)

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Uniquely human Learned Conventional

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Understanding language is hard

Expresses complex concepts Ambiguity – words, phrases and sentences have more than one

meaning Synonymy – words, phrases and sentences have more than one


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Complex concepts

Pencil Face Directions to Alexander Library Theory of relativity U.S. election law

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child, kid, adolescent, baby

flammable, inflammable

I was walking up the street that day. I was walking down the street that day.

Moxie wrote that report. That report was written by Moxie.

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Ambiguity-- semantic


Make a bed

Moxie ate potatoes with a fork. Moxie ate potatoes with fish.

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Ambiguity– structural (syntactic)

Red airplane terminal

• [[red airplane] terminal]

• [red [airplane terminal]]

Moxie saw Toxie in the park with a telescope

• Moxie saw [Toxie in the park with a telescope]

• Moxie [saw] Toxie in the park [with a telescope]

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Natural language processing (NLP)

Natural language Computer language

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The NLP controversy: rules vs. statistics

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NLP by rule

Lexicon (vocabulary) Det: a ProperName: Moxie Noun: report Verb: wrote

Syntactic rules NounPhrase[a report] Det[a] Noun[report] NounPhrase[Moxie] ProperName[Moxie] VerbPhrase[wrote a report] Verb[wrote] NounPhrase[a

report] Sentence[Moxie wrote a report] NounPhrase[Moxie]

VerbPhrase[wrote a report]

Language and Information 11/06/02 Nina Wacholder 14

NLP by statistics

Luhn (1958) tf*idf (Salton and Buckley 1988) Maximum entropy (Berger, Della Pietra and Della Pietra 1996)

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Information-access tasks with significant natural language component

Information retrieval Information extraction Automatic summarization Question answering

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Sparck Jones (2001)

Task core vs. task context Information retrieval: 30-40% accuracy for systems in natural

environment Information extraction: 50% for core systems Automatic summarization: no sound basis for core evaluation

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Evaluation of Head Sorting Mechanism Wacholder, Klavans and Evans (2000)


compare domain-independent, corpus-independent methods for automatic identification of terms to represent a document or collection of documents

Methods for term identification

Head-sorted NPs (HS) (Wacholder 1998)

Keywords (KW)

Technical Terms (TT) (Justeson and Katz 1995)

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Examples of terms identified by indexing method

Keywords Head-sorted NPs Technical terms

asbestos/asbestosis workers cancer deaths

worker/workers/worked asbestos workers lung cancer

cancer 160 workers kent cigarette

death cancer dr. talcott

make lung cancer cigarette filter

lorillard asbestos u.s.

fiber cancer causing asbestos

dr. lung cancer deaths

… ...

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Ranking of terms by cumulative percentage


0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5











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Ranking by cumulative number of terms

1 = best; 5 = worst

Number of termsranked at or better than

Method 2 3 4 5KW 27 75 124 166HS 41 96 132 160TT 15 21 21 21

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Summary of results

Head-sorted terms mixed quality terms good document coverage

Technical terms high quality terms poor document coverage

Keywords low quality terms good document coverage

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ISATC Pilot Project

Nina Wacholder, PIPhD Students: Lu Liu, Mark Sharp, Peng Song,

Xiaojun Yuan

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Research question

Null hypothesis: Properties of index terms do not affect information seeker’s selection of terms

What properties of index terms affect the selection of terms?

What effects do these properties have?

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TextRice, McCreadie and Chang (2001)

Index termsHead sorted terms (Wacholder 1998)Technical terms (Justeson and Katz)Human index terms

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Experimental Searching and Browsing Interface (ESBI)


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Initial results

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Future work

Further analysis of experimental data Compare subjects by type (e.g., undergraduate, MLIS) Effectiveness of searches (ie did they get the right answer) Overlap of words in index terms with words in question …

Evaluation of ESBI interface Comparison of additional techniques for identifying terms Use of different texts

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