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Page 1: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta

Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space

Sam Pluta

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Musical Arts

in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences



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© 2012

Sam Pluta

All rights reserved

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Laptop Improvisation in a Multi-Dimensional Space

Sam Pluta

Using information theory as a foundation, this paper defines virtuosity in the context of laptop

performance, outlines a number of challenges that face laptop performers and software designers,

and provides solutions that have been implemented in the author's own software environment. A

summary of the argument is that by creating a multi-dimensional environment of Sonic Vector

Spaces (see page 17) and implementing a method for quickly traversing that environment, a

performer is able to create enough information flow to achieve laptop virtuosity. At the same

time, traversing this multi-dimensional environment produces a perceptible sonic language that

can add structural signposts for the listener to latch on to in performance. Specifics of the author's

personal approach to this problem, a software environment coded in SuperCollider, are then

shared. Lastly, Mihály Csíkszentmihályi's concept of flow psychology is applied to the three

stages of creation in the laptop performance process - software design, patch design, and


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Table of Contents

1) List of Graphs, Charts, and Illustrations ii

2) Acknowledgements iii

3) Dedication iv

4) Introduction 1

5) Part I: Virtuosity, Complexity, Modularity 3

1. Virtuosity 3

2. Perception - What the Listener Hears 4

3. Complexity and Unpredictability 5

4. Complexity from Nested Arrays of Modules 7

5. Grouping Structure, Language, and Form 12

6. The Sound Module Vector Space 17

7. Sound Module Vectors in Action 19

8. The Complex Vector Space 23

9. The Interaction Gray-Scale 24

6) Part II: Implementation 29

1. Why Modular? - David Foster Wallace and Total Noise 29

2. Original Concept 31

3. Software Features 34

4. Goals of Performance - Flow 38

5. Good Plumbing, Good Flow 40

7) Conclusion 41

8) Works Consulted 44


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9) Appendix I - Core Components of the Live Modular Interface 46

10) Appendix II - Selected Modules from the Live Modular Interface 118


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List of Charts, Graphs, and Illustrations

Figure Name Page

1) Five-Point Listening Space 5

2) Simple Patch 7

3) Simple Patch with Switch 9

4) Simple Patch with Switch and Interrupt Modules 10

5) Augmented Transition Network 12

6) Formal Structure I 14

7) Formal Structure II 17

8) Analysis/Resynthesis 20

9) Harmonic Shifter X 21

10) Cycle Gripper 22

11) Loop Machine 23

12) Complex Vector Space 24

13) The Interaction Gray-Scale 27

14) Software Features 33

15) Multi-Dimensional Array 34

16) Four Simultaneous Layers 35

17) Interaction of Layers 36

18) Module Connection 41


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I am indebted to many individuals and groups who have led me towards this research. I would

especially like to thank Brad Garton and George Lewis for their priceless insights during my

time at Columbia University and Russell Pinkston for starting me down the road of live-

processing software at the University of Texas at Austin. I would also like to thank the

developers of SuperCollider for their outstanding programming language that has allowed me

to be so expressive in code and Jeff Snyder for his hardware controller, the Manta. Many of the

ideas in this paper were developed concurrently while I was creating software for the Manta. In

our time together at the Computer Music Center at Columbia University, Jeff and I also worked

extensively with the Buchla 100/200 modular synthesizer, using it to create our exclusiveOr

album in 2007. Working with modular synthesizers changed the way I look at sound creation

and manipulation, and was a driving force in initializing my work on a modular live-processing

software system. Finally, without instrumental performers, my role in live-processing

improvisation would not exist. I would like to thank Jim Altieri, Caroline Mallonee, Alex Ness,

and Meighan Stoops of Glissando bin Laden for our three years of music-making as a band.

Our weekly rehearsals, constant sonic discovery, and friendship were some of the finest music-

making I have ever experienced. I would like to thank the Wet Ink Ensemble for taking me on

as Technical Director and giving me the opportunity to use my software in chamber music

settings. I would like to thank the Peter Evans Quintet for letting me play jazz, even though I

know nothing about it. Lastly I would like to thank all of the performers that I play with in duo

performance, mostly: Jim Altieri, Peter Evans, Anne LaBerge, and George Lewis, who provide

constant new challenges and exciting performance opportunities.


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To my teachers, who have been the most supportive group I could possibly imagine:

Brad Garton, George Lewis, Russell Pinkston, Tristan Murail, Fabien Levy, Fred Lerdahl, Pat

Plude, Leo Wannanchak, Kevin Putts, Donald Grantham, Tom Lopez, Lynn Shurtleff, Teresa

McCollough, Nancy and Leroy Kromm, and Hans Boepple


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Ultimately music is, at its core, a means of communication; computers offer

ways of enhancing interconnection.

-- Scott Grasham-Lancaster, “The Aesthetics and History of the Hub: The Effects

of Changing Technology on Network Computer Music”

Throughout history, technology has a been a driving force behind musical invention. One

cannot imagine the Symphonies of Bruckner without the development of the valved horn in the

19th century or the string music of Vivaldi without the development of the violin family of

instruments in the 16th and 17th centuries. Such is the case with my argument. Recent

developments in technology make the software this paper describes and thus the music it

creates possible. While the theories presented in this paper derive much of their substance from

previous research, the specific implementation that I have realized would not have been

possible but ten years ago. There are three main reasons for this. First of all, ten years ago

computers were simply not fast enough to deal with the large amount of information that I

process with my software. Second, the relative stability of computer music software

environments, in my case SuperCollider, has given me the ability to work with the same

programming language for almost a decade. Prior to this, the constant turnover of software

environments forced musical software engineers to not only learn new techniques in mastering

their trade, but to constantly learn new languages and new software. The relative stabilization

of SuperCollider, Max/MSP, and Pure Data around the turn of the 21st century, with the

addition of few new processing techniques over the past decade, has allowed me to focus on

one software environment for almost ten years, and to build up the substantial cache of

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techniques necessary for my argument. Lastly, the shift of focus of the research community

away from processing techniques and into the realm of controllers has released a floodgate of

new hardware interfaces for musical expression, giving laptop performers newer and better

ways to control software with hardware. Because of these three developments I believe we are

standing on a watershed moment where live laptop performance is moving away from quaint

novelty and into the realm of serious musical achievement.

Please consider this paper as a philosophical discussion of the nature of live-processing-based

laptop performance, the challenges faced by the designers of laptop-based improvisation

software interfaces, and an outline of how I have designed my own software. A number of

topics are discussed simply to illuminate my thinking, but should not confused with my actual

implementation. For instance, I talk a bit about my software's similarity to an Augmented

Transition Network. My software does not deal with artificial intelligence and does not employ

any kind of scheme to aid in phrase generation. However, the network of modules I create is

similar in look and feel to an ATN, and thus I use this as a metaphor to help describe how I was

thinking in creating the software.

Lastly, while I believe the problems presented in this paper are universal, the solutions

presented here are not to be seen as final. Rather, they are simply as the solutions that I have

realized in my research. In the end, this paper exists simply to convey my thinking on the

subject of laptop improvisation software and display some of the methods I have employed in

my own software. My hope is that others find it helpful in finding their own methods and

techniques to achieve laptop virtuosity.

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Part I: Virtuosity, Complexity, Modularity


One way to define instrumental virtuosity would be to say that it is the ability to instantly

access any technique, sound, note, fingering, or timbre available on one's instrument. It is the

facility to move between loud and soft, high and low, noisy and clear, rich and thin sounds - at

will and at any moment. A trumpet virtuoso, for instance, can move between a crystal clear note

in the highest register to a subtone to a split tone in an instant and with total ease.

To rephrase this, the instrumental virtuoso brings everything he has to the table at all times. In

any performance situation he can execute anything he is able to execute at any given moment.

The goal of the laptop performer should be to have the same ability. If performing using a

granular synthesis tool, the laptop performer should be able to change to a delay tool at literally

the flip of a switch. However, this has not historically been the case. In most situations, the

delay tool is only available in another patch or piece of software. The laptop performer has to

close the current program and open a new one to access the desired tool. To do this he needs to

disengage with the performance, re-engage with the mouse and keyboard, close the program,

find the new program, open the program, activate the appropriate setup routine, and finally re-

engage with his hardware interface; at which point the performance may have already moved to

a new space where the delay tool is not appropriate. To continue the trumpet analogy, the

performer's plunger mute is in a bag off stage, and he needs to leave the performance to go get

it. This is obviously not ideal.

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To be clear, virtuosity is not to be confused with musicality, so I am not saying that this is a

prerequisite for good music-making. Musicality can be achieved with little or no element of

virtuosity. However, the ideal situation would be the ability to do everything one can do, at any

time, with the musicality to do what is necessary to make great art.

Perception - What the Listener Hears

Quantifying human perception of music is a difficult task, to say the least. Traditional

approaches focus on pitch, rhythm, and duration as their quanta. This is likely because of the

historical importance of notation in music from the Baroque through Modern Eras. As Trevor

Wishart claims, “it is notability that determines the importance of pitch, rhythm, and duration.”

(Wishart 1996:6-7) However, when music moves beyond notes and more into the worlds of

timbre and gesture, there needs to be further criteria from which to describe how we perceive

sound. Denis Smalley, in his excellent essay on Spectro-Morphology expands the descriptive

criteria beyond pitch, rhythm, and duration, to include timbre and space, claiming that “the

wide-open sonic world of electro-acoustic music encourages imaginative and imagined

extrinsic connections because of the variety and ambiguity of its materials, because of its

reliance on the motion of colorful spectral energies, its emphasis on the acousmatic, and not

least through its exploration of spatial perspective.” (Smalley 1997:110)

I will claim that in an improvisational setting, one further element surfaces. This is interaction –

defined by the OED as “action or influence of persons or things on each other.” (OED 1989)

How much are the performers interacting with one another and in what way? Who is in the lead

and who is following? What relationship does one performer's material have to another's?

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figure 1

By adding interaction into the listening space defined above, we can visualize our listening

experience as a five point star surrounding a single point of focus. This map pertains to both

listeners and performers. At any point in a musical performance the listener/performer is

shifting his focus between these five elements, leaning more towards one and away from

another. Any given performance may focus heavily on one element or another, but a virtuosic

performer or listener is able to move around the entire space at will, while at the same time

keeping all elements in his awareness.

Complexity and Unpredictability

Uncertainty is the basis for a lot of my work. One always operates somewhere

between the totally predictable and the totaly unpredictable

-- Don Buchla, The Buchla 100 Series

How do we quantify a situation through which a laptop performer is able to easily traverse our

five point perception map? How do we quantify the situation in which he is able to achieve


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“The simpler an object is, the less information it conveys. The more complexity, the more

information.” (Gleick, 2011:loc 5953) The virtuosic performer strives for the possibility of

creating a great deal of information and thus the possibility of complexity. The basic problem is

that most computer music processes are not capable of producing complex results. Given an

input, they are not capable of producing a multiplicity of perceptibly different sonic outputs.

Most digital processes are likely have one state in which they are performed, and can be turned

on or off. Given a specific input, the output is highly predictable.

There are, of course, processes which are very complex. An example of this is a ring modulator,

which has two analog inputs multiplied together, combining to create a continuous and

constantly changing output. Any slight variation in either of the two inputs results in a change

in the output. Therefore, the infinite possibilities of the two inputs result in infinite possible


The goal of the virtuosic performer is to create a setup where the user can inhabit a gray scale

from simple to complex, as “everything we care about lies somewhere in the middle, where

pattern and randomness intersect.” (Gleick, 2011:loc 6257) On the listener's end, the software

environment should be able to be unpredictable at times and predictable at others. The

challenge is in creating unpredictability. There are two solutions to this problem. The first

solution is to make each and every process in a setup as complex as possible, essentially

simulating the complexity of a ring-modulator with each and every patch one uses. This is a

viable solution. While it does not facilitate a means of moving between ideas, it does give the

user a multiplicity of sonic outputs, which could result in interesting music.

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The second solution, and the solution of this paper, is to take the modular approach. If we are

to assume that all processing modules are equally simple and essentially one bit, the solution is

to create complexity by setting up a system with access to a variety of modules. This would

result in a range of possible outputs with any given input, thus facilitating the possibility of

more complexity. I will once again emphasize the word “possibility.” An overly complex

system is just as uninteresting as a simple system. An unmusical performer creates more

problems than he solves.

Complexity from Nested Arrays of Modules

To continue with the argument, we will assume that all sound processing modules available to a

laptop performer are equally minimally complex. Since the goal of this paper is to create a

complex setup, we will build our complexity not in each sound producing module we use, but

rather by creating a complex matrix of simple modules. Here I will outline the process of

building up such a system, starting with the simplest design and growing to a setup that

resembles a multi-layered Augmented Transition Network (Bates, 1978) of modules.

The first and most obvious solution to creating a complex setup would be to create a system

where more than one process is available to the performer. In the following figure, each box

represents a sound producing or manipulating module.

figure 2

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This setup gives us five available unique processing options, with the possibility of mixing

down multiple processes into combined sonic spaces. For the sake of simplifying the argument,

we will assume that the performer will not want to mix more than two processes together at

once. Furthermore, in a real-world situation, too many processes sounding simultaneously are

likely to create a muddy sonic space, especially when other signals like instrumental performers

are present. Therefore, we will assume a maximum of two simultaneous process. The result is

an environment with fifteen available spaces - (A B C D E AB AC AD AE BC BD BE CD CE


The above system is appropriate for many situations, but it has its limitations. In this setup,

moving between sound spaces is clunky. It would have to be achieved either using five faders

that can be moved up and down, or five switches that turn each module on and off. The fader

method is graceful but slow, and is likely to take up all of the laptop performer's focus during

the performance. No focus is left to control different elements of the modules themselves. The

switch method is fast but gruff, and requires a complicated five way switching mechanism,

where the performer needs to remember which modules are on and which are off.

To solve the problem of the previous setup, the next level in the modular design uses both

methods (faders and switches), adding a switching mechanism between a set of predefined

mixes, each of which can be mixed down individually with faders. This setup takes advantage

of one of the defining characteristics of modular systems - the ability to create complex

structures out of many simpler structures. In this case, the advantage of the design is not

necessarily complexity; it is speed. Now there are two simple systems that can be toggled

between at the push of a button. Fewer setups are available, but predefined groupings are more

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quickly accessed. Each of the available groupings can be mixed gracefully, and once the

performer is controlling a group, he can manipulate each module in that group at will.

figure 3

Complexity comes through the combination of multiple simple spaces, while the switching

mechanism simplifies how the performer reacts to his environment. Rather than having to look

at the screen to know where he is, the performer can aurally recognize which module group he

is currently playing in, thereby increasing visceral connection to the performance system.

As I continue to build the modular matrix in size, any base grouping of modules will remain

small. This gives the user access to the maximum number of sonic spaces while maintaining

maximum control over the modules that are sounding at any one time. The result is complexity

without being complicated.

Adding a third layer to the system involves what I will call “interrupt modules.” An interrupt

module is added to the audio chain in series, and its normal state it does nothing, letting sound

pass unaffected. When turned on, however, it can interrupt a signal with its own process. In a

digital system an interrupt module might 1) do nothing, 2) filter or distort incoming sound, 3)

grab a portion of incoming sound and repeat it, or 4) replace the current output with something

else. The classic interrupt module on the Buchla 200 was the Programmable Spectral Processor

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Model 296. This module takes a complex input and adjusts the filtration on that input to a

different state upon receiving a trigger.

The complexity of interrupt modules comes from a combination of multiple processes; a

complex sonic input plus additional filtration/distortion. This creates an unpredictable and

complex sonic result. The interrupt module has the possibility of adding to the sound it

receives, replacing it altogether with new audio, or doing nothing, thus greatly adding to the

complexity of the system without enforcing any kind of prescribed change.

figure 4

The complexity of the system is greatly increased. The setup's possible states are (A B AB C D

E CD CE DE)*(Int123) = 36. There are thirty-six possibilities in a system with eight modules,

with the ability to move quite quickly between different setups and quickly engage and

disengage interrupt modules.

The final step in creating a complex modular setup is to encapsulate multiple smaller groups of

modules into separate layers. In the example below (which is an abstraction of an actual system

that I use in live performance), there are four layers of modules. The user can only access one

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layer of modules at a time, though modules can and do exist in multiple layers. The user

switches layers with a switching mechanism, then uses internal switches to access different

groups of modules within any layer.

Once again, the complexity of the system has increased greatly, while it is no more complicated

than the previous setup. The available states are (A B AB C D J B JB K L KL M)*(IntEFGHI)+

(N O P)+(Q R S T U). There 68 available states in the system. Because modules are nicely

packaged into small groups, the system is easily traversable and the user can generally know

which module group is sounding based on the audio stamp of the currently enacted layer.

The diagram below gives an augment transition network representation of the final modular

matrix. Not only does the diagram show the signal path of the system - black lines with arrows

represent probable signal flow - but it also shows probable switching decisions that will be

made by the user. Certain decisions by the user are more likely than others simply because of

the layout of the software. Thus, solid black lines represent more probable changes within

layers and dotted lines represent less likely switches between layers. Because a switch from one

layer to another is just as likely to result in any module group in the second layer, all switches

between layers can be represented with single dotted lines. Probable phrase structres result from

the layout, which favors certain changes of modules over others. The resulting musical

language is discussed in the following section.

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figure 5

Grouping Structure, Language, and Form

If confronted with a series of elements or a sequence of events, a person

spontaneously segments or 'chunks' the elements or events into groups of some


-- Fred Lerdahl and Ray Jackendoff, A Generative Theory of Tonal Music

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One of the main impetuses for developing this framework for improvisation was the desire to

create larger formal structures inside the constraints of laptop improvisation. My experience

was that most laptop improvisation was one dimensional. Performers had the ability to make

great sounds, but moving between sounds was slow and clunky. Envelopes were limited to

fades in and fades out and in general most improvisations had a golden arch form, where ideas

would slowly accumulate over time, build to a climax, and then decrescendo to the end. I

wanted to create a situation where I could quickly move through a large number of processing

modules at will, developing a musical language out of these rapid changes in ideas. In other

words, I wanted to create my own personal musical language out of the timbres associated with

specific combinations of sound processing and synthesis modules.

As Fred Lerdahl and Ray Jackendoff state in A Generative Theory of Tonal Music, “If

confronted with a series of elements or a sequence of events, a person spontaneously segments

or 'chunks' the elements or events into groups of some kind.” Though Lerdahl and Jackendoff

are dealing with tonal music, the same can be said for any kind of sound organized in time. The

exact way a listener might group a noise improvisation, however, would be very difficult to

quantify. Even with a single performer, bifurcation points in an improvisation are far from

objective, and are likely different from one listener to the next. A listener focusing on timbre

could hear changes very differently from one focusing on pitch or envelope. Furthermore,

bifurcation points are likely to be the result of the interaction of all elements of our five point

focus star. Adding a second or third performer muddies the situation considerably. One

performer may pivot, changing to a new section. The second performer may continue in the

previous space, slowly moving to the new space over time. Where the change from one section

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to the next actually is perceived is subjective, and likely different from one listener to the next.

The grouping structure created by the proposed software design is but one layer of many in a

performance, contributing to but not dictating what the listener perceives. What the modular

design described in this paper affords is the ability to suggest bifurcation points that may or

may not be perceived as phrases and formal sections of music. The software allows the

performer to stop on a dime and move to a new improvisational space. How the listener

separates pivot points is influenced by many factors: phrase structure of the instrumental

performer, resultant envelope/gestural structure created by the interaction of instrumental and

laptop performers, which performer is in the lead, interplay between modules, and time-spans

between changes of modules, etc. The power of the software is that it provides the laptop

performer with the possibility of creating an underlying phrase structure which will contribute

to how the improvising ensemble is interacting, plus the ability to change along with the

ensemble as they move into new sound spaces. Instant access to change facilitates expressive

and dynamic free improvisation.

Using the same modular setup found in figure 5, the following is a possible phrase structure

grouping that might occur in performance:

Layer1([AB] [D C D C] [D H D H D H]

) Layer3(


) MultiLayer Grouping(

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[Layer1(D) Layer3(KL M) Layer1(D)])Layer2(

[N -> P])Layer1(

[AB] [D C AB C D] [AB][D G D AB G D AB G I G I]

)figure 6

In my experience performing with the software, this might be 30 seconds to one minute of

music. Once again quoting Lerdahl/Jackendoff, “A hierarchical structure...is an organization

composed of discrete elements or regions related in such a way that one element or region

subsumes or contains other elements or regions” (Lerdahl 1983:13). Looking at the diagram,

the highest level grouping structure is the Layer. Layers encapsulate groups of modules which

encapsulate modules. Once inside a layer, the performer can quickly move between modules

encapsulated in that layer. This is likely to create phrases that are perceived by the listener. If

the performer focuses on a certain set of modules, then moves to a second set, two different

phrases exist. If the perform plays one module for an extended period of time, then moves to a

set of modules which he plays in rapid succession, two phrases exist.

The proximity effect in Gestalt Grouping Theory tells us that elements placed close together

tend to be perceived as a group (Wolfe 2009). The laptop performer improvising within a Layer

can create phrase groups by quickly moving between modules and groups of modules. When a

sound event is short enough, the listener does not perceive it as a phrase, but instead groups this

sound object into a set with other sound objects. When the performer moves away from a

perceived method of switching between objects, this can signify the end of one phrase and the

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beginning of the next. Phrase groups do not have to contain multiple modules. If a module is

distinct enough or lasts long enough, it can be perceived as its own phrase or even may create a

number of phrases.

Phrases are not the only elements the listener perceives. It is likely that some modules will pop

out of the texture and be perceived as motifs that recur over time. These modules will be part of

other phrases, but their repetition over time can also be heard. The listener will likely group

these modules as a single object that is repeated over time.

Larger formal structures can also be created within the software's framework. If, in a given

performance, the laptop performer inhabits Layer 1 for an extended period, then moves away

into other Layers, a return to Layer 1 can, but does not necessarily, indicate a return to a

previously explored sonic environment. Depending on how the performers interact with the

software when returning to an already explored area, relationships between larger sections in

the music may be perceived by the listener, thus facilitating the creation of large formal


In this compositional scheme, the resultant music consists of a large number of distinct ideas

chopped up, with the possibility of repetition and return available throughout the improvisation.

These repetitions provide the listener items to latch on to and associate with one another inside

a sea of constant change. In the figure below, which is a flattened version of figure 6, four types

of repetition are present:

1) Large formal repetition, in this case of Layer 1, which bookends the structure.

2) Layer repetition, similar to type 1, but which does not create a larger formal

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structure. In this case, Layer 3 repeats inside the structure, but in one of these cases it

exists as part of another phrase, thus it is merely referencing the previous instantiation

of the Layer without differentiating itself as a phrase.

3) Groups of modules may repeat inside different phrases. The phrases themselves

are built out of many different groups of modules, but portions of these phrases can be

related to one another.

4) And lastly, there is the repetition of a single module or module group which can

occur in multiple contexts over time.

figure 7

The Sound Module Vector Space

Ideally the technology should be transparent, or at least the music needs to be

composed in such a way that the qualities of its invention override any tendency

to listen primarily in a technological manner.

-- Denis Smalley, “Spectromorphology: Explaining Sound Shapes”

The syntax described in the previous section would likely not be perceived if all modules in a

given setup were sonically similar. It only works if each sound module creates a distinct sonic

object, unique from the others in the setup. To describe the sonic uniqueness of a sound module,

I will present a set of descriptors that can be given a value from 1 to 10. The set of descriptor

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values for each sound processing module results in a feature vector that describes that module.

Uniqueness among processing modules could then be measured by plotting the feature vectors

for a group of modules in an multi-dimensional space and comparing their closeness. In the

end, this is probably too extreme. The vector also provides and easily readable description of

modules, which can then be compared by a knowledgable programmer or musician.

In this section I will present some sound processing descriptors. I will preface this description

by noting that some of the following descriptors are difficult if impossible to quantify and can

only be described subjectively. We are not dealing with digital signal processing values like

Spectral Centroids or MFCCs, which can be measured by a computer with perfect accuracy.

These are values described by humans, not computers. For example, a module might add a

great amount of delay or very little, but giving that description a value from one to ten is

subjective. We can always add more delay to the system, so it is difficult to say what would

constitute a ten on this scale. Furthermore, any given module may allow a range of delay

values, making it even more difficult to quantify. Interaction is even less objective. There is no

way to mechanically measure this value. However, it is a vital descriptor when differentiating

between modules. Finally, this is a rubric of some of the possible descriptors. These are simply

the ones I have come up with. I can imagine others exist which could be added to the argument.

Delay - The amount of time between when a source sound first occurs and when it

reemerges from the software. A sound with minimal delay has a delay value of 0, while

a sound with eight seconds or more of delay has a value of 10.

Space Change - In general, Space Change refers to added reverb. Other factors can also

influence space change. Filters can move a sound further away. Distortion and

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synthesized elements can move a sound closer up. A large amount of added distance has

a value of 6 to 10, while no added distance has a value of 5. Removal of space has a

value from 0 to 4.

Instrumental Interaction Value - This is a measure of how much interaction an

instrumental performer has with a module. If the instrumental performer is in total

control of a module, this has a value of 10. If he has no control, this has a value of 0.

Laptop Interaction Value - This is a measure of how much interaction a laptop

performer has with a module. If the laptop performer is in total control of a module, this

has a value of 10. If he has no control, this has a value of 0.

Timbral Distortion - If the timbre of a sound is significantly changed by a module, the

Timbral Distortion has a value of 10. If the timbre is unchanged, it has a value of 0.

Envelope Distortion - If the envelope of a sound is significantly affected by a module,

the Envelope Distortion has a value of 10. If the envelope is unchanged, it has a value

of 0.

Synthesis/Processed Value - The Synthesis/Processed Value measures how much of the

signal is synthesized and how much is processed. A value of 10 represents a highly

synthesized sound and a value of 0 represents a purely processed sound.

Sound Module Vectors in Action

In this section I will make a slight digression away from the abstract and into the real world. I

believe it is necessary to clarify the concept of the Sound Module Vector by providing four

concrete examples of different modules in my setup and explaining their particular vector.

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Analysis/Resynthesis - This module takes an incoming signal, tracks the pitch of the signal and

also monitors it for amplitude peaks. On an amplitude peak the pitch of the signal is analyzed.

The resultant pitch is then treated as if it were a harmonic of a false fundamental between 7 and

50 hertz. The software creates four other harmonics of the fundamental above the analyzed

pitch. If the analyzed pitch were 250 hertz and the fundamental were 10 hertz and the software

is creating every other harmonic, the five harmonics would be 250, 270, 290, 310 and 330

hertz. The software then sends these values into five sine wave oscillators. A sound only results

when the volume of the input is above a threshold, at which point its amplitude is controlled by

the amplitude of the incoming signal.

figure 8

The Analysis/Resythesis module adds no delay to the signal; creates sound in a space with no

reverb, thereby reducing the space of the signal; is highly effected by the instrumentalist but not

at all by the laptop performer; adds significant timbral distortion to the signal; has an envelope

effected by the instrumentalist, but not exactly the same; and is highly synthesized.

Harmonic Shifter X - This module takes a signal, records it into a buffer, then asynchronously

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plays the recorded buffer back with a granular synthesis unit generator. The playback is pitch

shifted to just intervals above and below the incoming signal in ratios of 1/4, 1/2, 5/4, 3/2, 7/4,

5/2, 3, and 7/2.

figure 9

Harmonic Shifter X adds significant delay to the signal; the delay and pitch shifting add a large

amount space; the instrumentalist has a large amount of control over the signal, but the delay

reduces his overall interaction with it; the laptop player has some control, being able to control

which harmonies result; there is significant timbral distortion due to the granular synthesis and

pitch shifting; the envelope of the input is largely kept in tact, with some distortion present due

to the asynchronous granular playback; and there is no synthesis present.

Cycle Gripper - This module takes the input signal, grabs a small portion of audio (as small as

one block size), and replaces the input signal by looping the small portion of recorded audio. It

also adds an envelope to the output by slightly boosting the amplification on each cycle of the

looping output, resulting in a crescendo.

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figure 10

The Cycle Gripper adds very little delay to the system; removes space; has very little

interaction with the instrumental performer, but a great deal of interaction with the laptop

performer; greatly distorts the signal and adds its own envelope to the signal, essentially

destroying the original envelop; and adds no synthesis.

Loop Machine - This module records a buffer containing the previous eight seconds of sound at

its input, then once engaged plays back the buffer at a rate anywhere from four times faster to

zero to four times faster in reverse. Playback rate is controlled by a slider. The input signal is

muted when the module is engaged, and replaced with the sound of the Loop Machine module.

The loop machine adds a variable amount of delay, up to eight seconds or more; does not

change the space in which sound exists; has very little interaction from the instrumentalist, but

a great deal from the laptop performer; adds some timbral distortion when playback rates are

different from normal; greatly distorts the envelope of sounds, especially when sounds are

reversed; and has no synthesis value.

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figure 11

The Complex Vector Space

The four examples presented in this section should give a sense of how to create a Complex

Vector Space, a system of Sound Module Vectors that the performer can traverse during a

performance. Each of these modules has a different vector, thus it interacts with sound in a

unique way. By creating a setup where the performer is able to easily switch between

combinations of sound modules, as described above, we create a system where multiple ways

of interacting with sound are available to the performer at all times. It is as if the performer is

able to move around a multi-dimensional space with different parameter values available to him

wherever he goes. Thus we have laptop performance in a mulit-dimensional space.

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figure 12

The Interaction Gray-Scale

It is likely obvious from the preceding sections that timbral and temporal differentiation

between sound modules is vital to constructing an effective modular design. Differentiation of

these elements also has a significant effect on how laptop performers and instrumentalists

interact with each other during performance. The reason for this is what Denis Smalley calls

source bonding, or “the natural tendency to relate sounds to supposed sources and causes, and

to relate sounds to each other because they appear to have shared or associated origins”

(Smalley 1997:110).

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Source bonding is what makes laptop improvisation with an instrumentalist or instrumentalists

work. To the listener, the instrumental performer is a known quantity with a known and/or

visible sound production method. The live-processing patch is not only a foreign entity,

meaning the audience is unlikely to know how it works, but in most cases, unlike

instrumentalists, the performer's interaction with his instrument does not physically convey its

mechanism for sound creation. Therefore, if there is any similarity between the sounds

produced by the two performers, the audience member will more than likely link the generation

of all or most of the sounds directly to the instrumental performer, even in the case where the

two are completely unrelated.

While this may at first seem like a disadvantage, it gives the laptop performer a large distortion

space in which to improvise without destroying the audience member's sense of a relationship

between the performers on stage. In effect, the audience member's sense of source bonding can

be stretched from perfectly obvious to almost imperceptible to the imagined. This stretching

and relaxing puts the relationship between performers in a constant state of flux, keeping the

audience on their toes and focused on the performance at hand. Whether the laptop performer is

distorting the instrumentalists incoming signal, playing samples, or synthesizing sounds for the

instrumentalist to play against, this element is always at play.

At the same time, the standard goal of most any improviser is the ability to switch roles

between leader and follower, guiding the improvisation at points and following a leader at

others. Historically, however, the tendency of the laptop performer has always been to play the

role of the follower. This is primarily due to the temporal relationship the laptop has with an the

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real world. In most cases, sound from the instrumental performer is informing the responses of

the computer component in the improvisation.

Therefore, in both live-processing and analysis/reaction models of interaction, the computer is

by nature temporally behind the instrumentalist. There is always a latency between when the

sound is made, when the sound is available for processing or analysis, and when the processed

or synthesized sound re-emerges from the system. The smallest possible delay is the block size

of the digital to audio converter times two - around 3 to 6 milliseconds for a 64 or 128 sample

block size. This is a tiny amount of time, but one whose presence is unavoidable. In any

situation where information comes from the audio signal, the computer is always behind or at

least cannot take the lead.

Aside from a situation where the laptop performer completely disassociates himself from the

instrumentalist by using no information from the audio signal, as is George Lewis's occasional

method in his Voyager program (Lewis 2000), it would therefore follow that the computer

improviser cannot take the lead in a performance situation. However, I believe the situation is

more complex than this. Let us take into account that there are three possible temporal

relationships between the instrumentalist and the laptop:

1) With the smallest possible delay as close as possible the block size times two),

maybe in the case of a distortion or pitch shifting module, the sound coming from the

laptop is perceived as an effect. The laptop and the instrumentalist become one

instrument, contributing to an immediate and temporally fused sonic result.

2) With a slightly larger amount of delay, somewhere between 10 milliseconds and

4 to 8 seconds, the laptop signal is heard as an echo of the instrumentalist, resulting in a

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sort of canon of ideas.

3) With a large amount of delay (more than 4 to 8 seconds), there is a bit of a

paradox at play. At this point the laptop performer can go far enough behind the

instrumentalist to break the perception of source bonding, effectively allowing himself

the possibility of taking the lead in performance.

Distortion magnifies the process. With more distortion on the signal, the break in source

bonding caused by delay is amplified. Even though the instrumentalist may be performing next

to a delayed version of himself, the addition of substantial delay and distortion liberates the

sound object from source bonding, giving the laptop performer the independence to take the

lead and influence in the improvisation by producing new sounds.

figure 13

In essence, this is how the laptop performer is able to contribute to the interaction value that is

present in Figure 1 of this paper. The ability to occupy multiple points on concurrent scales of

distortion and delay creates a significantly complex relationship between the laptop performer

and instrumentalist(s). The resultant continuum of source bonding reduction allows the laptop

performer the possibility of instantaneously changing roles and relationships in the middle of

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performance. In my mind, a good improvisation is one where performers are engaged in a

dialog of sounds and ideas. To quote George Lewis (1991:203), “Improvisation must be open -

that is, open to inputs, open to contingency - a real-time, real-world mode of production.” The

dialog must go both ways, with the laptop performer on equal footing with any other member

of the performing ensemble; able to contribute new ideas to any improvisation dialog. Oddly

enough, these new ideas can simply be distortions of the past.

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Part II: Implementation

Why Modular? - David Foster Wallace and Total Noise

In his brief essay Deciderization 2007 - A Special Report, David Foster Wallace defines Total

Noise as “the tsunami of available fact, context, and perspective” (Wallace 2007:xii). We live in

an age of information overload, being hit from all sides with constant streams of information.

Wallace's full throttle prose, in my view, can be seen as an artistic and philosophical realization

of what our lives have become in the information age. His works not only describe and portray

worlds of over-information; his books and essays actually mimic this hypertext barrage of

information in prose. Aside from the perdurable need for dictionary consultation, the most

obvious composition method is his telescoping story-within-a-story-within-a-story...etc formal

style accentuated by hypertextual endnotes and endnotes within endnotes. Multitudes of plot-

lines, subplots, asides, digressions, elaborations, and distractions intersect, creating an

onslaught of information that often takes multiple highly stimulated readings to digest.

Gargantuan sentences are split in the middle by twelve page, five point font endnotes, which

also have multiple footnotes. Three days later, upon returning to the main text the reader has to

trace back a page and a half to remember where he is. Even though Infinite Jest, his largest and

most ambitious novel, was written during the decade preceding the internet's rise to world

domination, it is clear that Wallace is mimicking its essential modus operandi - more

information is always just one click away.

Wallace's work is one of the strongest influences on my music and therefore on my software

design. I began exploring his formal structures first in my acoustic composition (American

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Tokyo Daydream IV (data structures/monoliths), 2007), and then began applying this structure

to software based works (data structures/monoliths ii (for chion), 2008). Over the past three

years I have developed the software described in this paper to create those structures in a real-

time live processing environment. It is my attempt at total noise, virtuosity, the tsunami of

available timbre and gesture, and complexity through over-information.

The idea of using a multi-dimensional matrix or hyperspace environment for live performance

is not new. As far back as 1997, in Improvisation, Hypermedia, and the Arts since 1945, Hazel

Dean and Roger Smith claim that “the application of hyperspaces for improvised performance

is overwhelmingly attractive. Instead of the space dictating limitations of the improvisation, the

improvisation will be able to dictate the nature, disposition of, and access to, the space. Each

'transition' in an improvisation could be associated with a corresponding transition of the event

spaces in which it occurs.” (Smith 1997:53) Furthermore, the method of juxtaposing cut up

parts to create a whole is certainly not new in music. As early as 1920, Stravinsky was cutting

up scores with scissors to create works like Symphonies of Wind Instruments. One of the

earliest masterpieces of musique concrète is John Cage's Williams Mix, a cut-up mix of nearly

600 samples that took the composer and assistants over a year to splice together. Yet the idea is

new in live laptop performance, at least in its execution. I believe this is simply because, as a

culture, we are still in awe of the sonic possibilities of live manipulation and have not thought

to move beyond this base approach and into the formal structures that can arise through

complex modular interaction.

In the musical language that results from traversing the modular matrix, the basic units are

block timbres, not notes. This makes sense. In a language that is trying to convey total noise,

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the basic unit of sound should be as dense as possible, while at the same time being easily

differentiated from items beside it. Timbres are unique building blocks, especially those with

ample internal motion. They have the distinction of being able to act not only as objects inside a

phrase, but also when long enough, as phrases themselves. Thus they are perfect for a language

of noise, a language that conveys meaning by presenting too much information, which is in turn

sculpted by its practitioners in real-time.

Original Concept

The Modular Live Interface has been developed between the summer of 2007 and the present,

and it continues to undergo changes and updates. It is written in the SuperCollider

programming language and runs on Apple Macintosh computers. With subtle reworking it

would also run in Linux. Because of the modular design of the interface I have been able to

incorporate all of my live-processing algorithms into the program, some written as part of my

original endeavors into SuperCollider 2, as far back as 2002.

Prior to 2007, I had written a number of interface programs, each created for a particular

composition or installation. I came to understand that interface design was a major part of each

of these pieces of software, and I was wasting significant portions of time designing the control,

audio routing, and MIDI/HID connection software to make these interfaces work. Furthermore,

each time I made a new piece of music, any older processing software I wanted to incorporate

into the new piece had to be rewritten to fit the new environment. Forced to focus on these

lower-level processes, sound, the most important element to me, often had to take a back seat to

interface. My goal became to write a piece of software that could do this lower-level grunt work

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for me while at the same time adapting to each new composition or improvisation situation I

found myself in.

The result is the Modular Live Interface, a program designed for high level performance and

infinite expandability. Because the software is written in SuperCollider, it can be programmed

to do almost any task, but because the code is hidden behind a graphical user interface, lower-

level features do not burden the user in performance.

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figure 14

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Software Features

figure 15

1) The Multi-Dimensional Array - In order to facilitate the easily traversable matrix of

modules that were described in Part I of this paper, the software is set up so that

modules exist in an array of layers, with each layer a five by five array of module slots.

In essence, the result is a five by five by four array of modules with the possibility of

one hundred different processes interconnected through pre-assigned busses. The multi-

dimensional array takes care of one of the nastiest problems the designer faces in

dealing with digital processing software - order of operations. Order of operations is

enforced by a top left to bottom right queuing scheme, following a z-x-y ordering to

module slots.

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2) Four Simultaneous Layers - While there are four separate layers of module slots, only

one layer is active at any one time. When a layer is activated, all of the modules of that

layer are brought to the front. All modules not in that layer are hidden and paused.

figure 16

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3) Layer Pausing - Only one layer is available to the user at any one time. Items and

processes not in the current layer are paused and can be unpaused when a layer in which

they exist is enabled. This efficiency consideration allows the software to run nearly

four times as many unit generators as it otherwise could. This allows incredibly dense

patches without overtaxing the CPU.

figure 17

4) Modules Can Exist in More Than One Layer at a Time - The z-x-y ordering described

above may at first seem odd, however this allows a specific function of the software that

is essential to its operation. In order to create some similarity between module groups in

different layers, some modules may exist in two or more layers simultaneously. Putting

modules in multiple layers allows audio to flow in three directions: left to right, top to

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bottom, and front to back. This allows complex bussing strategies that would look

complicated in two dimensions, but are simple in three.

5) Drag-able Module Creation and Click-able Removal - In order to create a module the

user simply drags the name of the desired module from the list of available modules,

into the “Syn” dragsink of the desired module slot. Modules are removed by pressing

the “K”ill button. All MIDI assignments and internal processes are also removed when

a module is deactivated.

6) Automatic Bussing - When a module is created in a module slot, its output is

automatically routed to the output bus of that module slot. The output of a module slot

can then be routed to any other module slot by dragging the output bus number for the

slot to the “Bus” dragsink of the desired target slot.

7) Multichannel Support - Each and every module in the setup can run in 2, 4 or 8 channel

mode. Because the busses between objects are already 8 channels, there no extra steps

necessary when running in multichannel mode.

8) Automatic Controller Assignment - Every slider, knob, and button in every module can

be automatically assigned to any slider, knob, and button on any controller. Attached to

each control object is an AI or “Assign Instantly” button. The user touches the AI

button, then touches the desired controller and the controller is instantly assigned to the

slider or button.

9) Distinct Controller Layout in Different Layers - Controller assignments in one layer do

not transfer to another unless the associated module also exists in the second layer. This

means that each layer can have a distinct controller layout with hardware buttons and

sliders used differently in each of the four different layers. This minimizes the number

of controllers needed while maximizing control.

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10) Saving and Loading Patches - All setups can be saved into xml format files to be loaded

at any time. All module assignments, bussing assignments, controller assignments, and

controller states are stored in the saved file.

Goals of Performance - Flow

The translation of performance-gesture into gestural-structure of the sound

object is most complete and convincing where the technology of instrument

construction does not present a barrier. --Trevor Wishart, On Sonic Art

While my goals as a laptop performer are to create a musical language consisting of a varied

sonic output by accessing multiple Sonic Vector Spaces, and to provide a suitable interaction

with my instrumental colleagues by traversing the Interaction Gray-Scale, these are not things I

want to be thinking about in performance. My goal in performance is to enter a flow state

(Csíkszentmihályi, 2008), a fully immersed state of focus, where all I am thinking about is the

sound being produced by my setup and by those around me. Distractions from the sound

environment are to be avoided at all cost. These push the user out of a flow state, and into a

world of technical issues, where performance becomes a side note. The computer is a

problematic instrument. Before the performability of the performance software even comes

into the picture, it presents a variety of anxiety inducing and distracting problems: Did I boot

the server? Is the MIDI controller on? Will the software update I ran yesterday make my

computer crash during the gig? This list could go on for pages.

A musical software environment should reduce the user's anxiety about performance, not

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increase it. The Live Modular Interface does this by providing a multi-dimensional space for

the user to traverse. The user is then not thinking about controller assignments, correct bussing,

phrase creation, whether the correct sounds are available in the current patch, source bonding,

etc. The interface gives the user access to a flow state, because with proper preparation, the

performer only needs to think about interacting with hardware controllers and sound and

nothing else. In performance, my setup is such that I hardly ever look at the screen. The screen

is distracting. I avoid the mouse and keyboard, two very poor interfaces for sound

manipulation. In my setup, faders and buttons on hardware controllers represent interactions

with sound. This is all I have to think about. A complex system of layers and controls exists

behind the abstraction of my interface, but it is not what I am thinking about.

The modular design allows my setup to be complex while the focus of my current sound world

is simple. Many manipulation objects are available at the flip of a switch, but only a few are

acting on sound at any one time. My ear tells me where I am in the setup and guides my fingers

to the correct controllers for that part of the setup. I am not thinking. I am performing. Because

of this, I maintain a visceral connection to the sound at all times.

Good Plumbing, Good Flow

Flow is not only an important element of the performance situation. It is important in every step

of the design process, especially in two steps along the way: 1) the creation of modules and 2)

the patching together of a module layout to be used in performance.

In a modular design, or one with independent parts, an engineer is able to focus on details of a

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single item of the product with no effect on the design as a whole. In the Modular Live

Interface, order of operations, MIDI assignment, bussing, and mixing are taken care of by the

larger software package. When the engineer is working on a new sound module, lower-level

operations are not a distraction. Sound is the only focus, and because of this the designer is

more capable of achieving a flow state during the design process. In a flow state the engineer is

more capable of producing interesting sounding modules that will be useful in a performance


The Modular Live Interface is also an outstanding environment for creating performance

patches. Modules and audio connections between modules are easily created by dragging

sources and dropping them into destinations. Complex routing is simplified, without the

presence of hundreds of messy wires. In the current setup, over 800 audio busses are in use

before a single module is created. However, they are completely invisible and do not get in the

way. Furthermore, they are easily traceable with numbered labels. Modules can easily be added

or removed from layers with a unique button interface. Control objects are assigned to

hardware controller with the push of a button. A completed patch can be saved to be loaded

later. When the user sits down to create a performance patch, the software provides an

environment to create the interface that is immediately ready for performance, without the

distraction of lower-level elements that would interrupt the flow state. In performance, the user

can also modify a patch without interrupting the performance to pause audio and change the


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figure 18

Because modules serve specific functions, new and interesting combinations can be made on

the fly by daisy-chaining different modules with different Vector Spaces. The results can be

outstanding or terrible, but are seldom predictable. In a flow state of patching, the user is able to

expand his performance vocabulary by improvising new connections and interactions.

Feedback is immediate. As soon as the modules are are instantiated, they are able to make

sound. The user knows in an instant whether the combination works or not. He is able to

interact with it as soon as he assigns his controllers, which takes just a moment.


The goal of virtuosic interactive laptop improvisation is to produce a dynamic performance of

an evocative sound world in an open creative environment. This paper theorizes that in order to

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achieve laptop virtuosity, a software environment should allow a multiplicity of possible

outputs with a method of quickly accessing each of those possibilities. By providing the user

with multiple Sonic Vector Spaces arranged in a multi-dimensional matrix, and giving him a

creative approach to moving between different Vector Spaces, the software described in this

paper provides a system where the performer can virtuosically adapt to different performance

situations and produce varied sonic results. At the same time and through the same method, the

user is able to produce a perceptible sequence of events that gives the performance audible

phrases and formal shape and contributes to the larger structure perceivable by the audience.

Concurrently, interactive improvisation software should give a performer the tools necessary to

be an integral part in the developing dialog of an improvisation. By manipulating levels of

distortion and delay, a software improvisation environment provides a method of traversing the

Interaction Gray-Scale, affording the performer the ability to act in roles from follower to

leader and everywhere in between, thus putting him on equal footing with instrumental

performers in steering the course of an improvisation.

Finally, a musical software environment should facilitate a flow state in every step in the

process of software/sound creation – module design, patch design, and performance. The

Modular Live Interface described in this paper provides the laptop performer with a framework

for dynamic performance in a flow state by providing a multi-dimensional matrix of Sonic

Vector Spaces with varying levels of interaction between instrumental and laptop performers.

The user does not have to think about the elements of laptop performance during an

improvisation, thus these technical matters do not hinder the performer's ability to improvise.

He simply needs to traverse the multi-dimensional matrix and react to the sonic results to create

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the necessary variance in parameters. Opportunities for uninhibited creation in a flow state are

also available while creating modules and performance patches. By isolating the software

framework design from the sound-module and patch design processes, the software structure

allows the engineer to focus on sound module creation and patch design as separate from low-

level features of the software.

While I believe Sonic Vector Spaces and the Interaction Gray-Scale are universal to all live-

processing situations, the solution of the modular matrix provided by this paper is personal,

developed over multiple years of trial and error. The specific software structure of the Modular

Live Interface works well with my aesthetic considerations of total noise and over-information,

therefore the resulting musical language is not necessarily something I would impose on other

performers and composers. I imagine there are other solutions to these problems that will result

in equally unique musical languages, and I hope that this paper, if nothing else, will encourage

others find these solutions.

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Pluta, Sam. "Maximize Information Flow: How to Make Successful Live Electronic Music." New Music Box. American Music Center, 18 June 2008. Web. <http://www.newmusicbox.org/articles/Maximize-Information-Flow-How-to-Make-Successful-Live-Electronic-Music/>.

Smalley, Denis. "Spectromorphology: Explaining Sound-shapes." Organised Sound 2.2 (1997): 107-26.

Smith, Hazel, and Roger Dean. Improvisation, Hypermedia and the Arts since 1945. London: Harwood Academic, 1997.

Wallace, David Foster. Infinite Jest: a Novel. Boston: Little, Brown and, 1996.

Wallace, David Foster. "Deciderization 2007 - A Special Report." The Best American Essays 2007. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007.

Wishart, T. 1996. On Sonic Art, S. Emmerson (ed.). Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers.

Wolfe, Jeremy M. Sensation & Perception. Sunderland, Mass: Sinauer Associates, 2009.

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Appendix I

Core Components of the Live Modular Interface

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ModularSynthBar {var group, win, point, mainProcessingWindow, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, soundInBusses,

stereoSoundInBusses, objectBusses, synthRow, modularClassList, modularObjects, panel, outputBusses, tempObject, numObjects, xmlModules, floppedBusses, objectBusNums, tempList, temp;

*new {arg group, win, point, mainProcessingWindow, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, objectBusses, synthRow, modularClassList;

^super.newCopyArgs(group, win, point, mainProcessingWindow, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, objectBusses, synthRow, modularClassList).init;


init {objectBusNums = List.new;objectBusses.flatten.do{|item| objectBusNums.add(item.index)};floppedBusses = objectBusses.flop;numObjects = 5;panel = SCCompositeView.new(win, Rect(point.x, point.y, (100*5), 90));modularObjects = List.new;numObjects.do{arg i; modularObjects.add(NewMainModularObject(Group.tail(group),

panel, Point(point.x+(100*i), 0), i, this, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, floppedBusses[i], mainProcessingWindow, synthRow, i, modularClassList))};


changeSetup {arg num;modularObjects.do{arg item; item.changeSetup(num)}


requestBusValidity {arg object, bus;^mainProcessingWindow.requestBusValidity(object, bus);


requestBusAssignInfo {arg object, inputBusses;mainProcessingWindow.requestBusAssignInfo(object, inputBusses);


getOutputBusses {^objectBusNums;


getOutputBussesBeforeX {arg x;tempList = List.new;objectBusses.do{arg item;

if(x>0,{(0..(x-1)).do{arg i; tempList.add(item[i].index)};


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includes {arg object;^modularObjects.includes(object);


requestObjectXCoor {arg object;^modularObjects.indexOf(object);


killMe {modularObjects.do{arg item; item.killMe};


save {arg xmlDoc, xmlSynthBar;xmlModules = List.new;modularObjects.do{arg item, i;

xmlModules.add(xmlDoc.createElement("MainModularObject"++i.asString));xmlSynthBar.appendChild(xmlModules[i]);item.save(xmlDoc, xmlModules[i]);


load {arg xmlSynthBar, busMap;modularObjects.do{arg item, i;

item.load(xmlSynthBar.getElement("MainModularObject"++i.asString), busMap);



MainProcessingWindow : MIDIHIDObject {var <>group, <>soundInBusses, <>stereoSoundInBusses, <>liveInterface, <>whichClassList,

win, synthList, availableModules, synthLocation, availableBusses, paths, file, text, num;var saveButton, loadButton, xmlSynthBars, xmlBusses, xmlSoundInBusses, xmlInternalBusses,

soundInBussesTemp, stereoSoundInBussesTemp, availableBussesTemp, <>busMap, soundInBoxes, stereoSoundInBoxes, classBoxes, modularClassList, xmlBounds;

var setupButtons, objectBusses, assignMantaButton, mantaIsSet, smallWin;var xmlLocalBusses, xmlLocalBussesSize, extraLocalBusses, temp;

*new {arg group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, liveInterface, whichClassList;

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init {win = SCWindow("Modular Live Interface", Rect(0, SCWindow.screenBounds.height,

100*5+300, 90*5+60));win.alwaysOnTop_(true);

soundInBoxes = List.new;soundInBusses.do{arg item, i;

soundInBoxes.add(SCDragSource(win,Rect(5+(45*i), 0, 45, 16)));soundInBoxes[i].setProperty(\align,\center);soundInBoxes[i].object = [item, "S"+i.asString];soundInBoxes[i].string="S"+i.asString;soundInBoxes[i].dragLabel="S"+i.asString;


stereoSoundInBoxes = List.new;stereoSoundInBusses.do{arg item, i;

stereoSoundInBoxes.add(SCDragSource(win,Rect(5+(90*i), 20, 90, 16)));stereoSoundInBoxes[i].setProperty(\align,\center);stereoSoundInBoxes[i].object = [item, "S"++(i*2).asString++((i*2)+1).asString];stereoSoundInBoxes[i].string="S"++(i*2).asString++((i*2)+1).asString;stereoSoundInBoxes[i].dragLabel="S"++(i*2).asString++((i*2)+1).asString;


objectBusses = List.new;4.do{arg i;

objectBusses.add(List.new);5.do{arg i2;

objectBusses[i].add(List.new);5.do{arg i3;



classBoxes = List.new;modularClassList = ModularClassList.new(whichClassList);modularClassList.classArray.do{arg item, i;

classBoxes.add(SCDragSource(win,Rect(500+((i/20).floor*100), i%20*25, 100, 20)));

classBoxes[i].object = item;};

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synthList = List.new;5.do{arg i; synthList.add(ModularSynthBar(Group.tail(group), win, Point(0,90*i+40),

this, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, objectBusses.flop[i], i, modularClassList))};

saveButton = SCButton(win, Rect(5, 90*5+45, 120, 16)).states_([["Save", Color.black, Color.green]]).action_{

CocoaDialog.savePanel({ arg path;liveInterface.save(path);



loadButton = SCButton(win, Rect(110, 90*5+45, 120, 16)).states_([["Load", Color.green, Color.black]]).action_{

CocoaDialog.getPaths({ arg paths;paths.do({ arg path;




setups = [\setup0, \setup1, \setup2, \setup3];

this.initControlLists(4);controls = List.new;assignButtons = List.new;

4.do{arg i; controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(220+(60*i), 90*5+45, 60, 16))

.states_([["setup"++i, Color.green, Color.black],["setup"++i, Color.black, Color.green]])

.action_{arg butt;setupButtons.do{arg item; item.value = 0;};butt.value = 1;liveInterface.changeSetup(i)

};);this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(220+(60*i), 90*5+65, 60, 16),i,0);


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assignMantaButton = SCButton(win, Rect(465, 90*5+45, 16, 16)).states_([["A", Color.black, Color.red],["C", Color.red, Color.black]])

.action_{arg butt;if(butt.value==1,{

mantaIsSet = true;4.do{|i| manta.addGlobal(\noteOn, 49+i, {|val|


mantaIsSet = false;4.do{|i| manta.removeGlobal(\noteOn, 49+i)}


mantaIsSet = false;win.front;

win.onClose = {group.free;liveInterface.killMe;synthList.do{arg item; item.killMe}


changeSetup {arg num;synthList.do{arg item; item.changeSetup(num)};


requestBusValidity {arg requestObject, bus;

//add routing busses

synthList.do{arg item, i;if(item.includes(requestObject),{

synthLocation = [item.requestObjectXCoor(requestObject), i];});

};availableBusses = List.new;if(synthLocation[1]>0,{

synthLocation[1].do{arg i;availableBusses.addAll(synthList[i].getOutputBusses);



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//this is bad, but hopefully works for nowavailableBusses.addAll(ModularBusCenter.getBusses);

if((soundInBusses.indexOfEqual(bus)!=nil) or: (stereoSoundInBusses.indexOfEqual(bus)!=nil),{




requestMixerBusValidity {arg requestObject, bus, location;availableBusses = List.new;if(location==nil,{

synthList.size.do{arg i;availableBusses.addAll(synthList[i].getOutputBusses);


location[1].do{arg i;availableBusses.addAll(synthList[i].getOutputBusses);




if((soundInBusses.indexOfEqual(bus)!=nil) or: (stereoSoundInBusses.indexOfEqual(bus)!=nil),{




setName {arg name;win.name_(name);


save {arg xmlDoc, xmlMainProc;xmlBusses = xmlDoc.createElement("Busses");xmlMainProc.appendChild(xmlBusses);xmlSoundInBusses = xmlDoc.createElement("soundInBusses");8.do{arg i;

xmlSoundInBusses.setAttribute("soundInBus"++i.asString, soundInBusses[i].asString);

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xmlSoundInBusses = xmlDoc.createElement("stereoSoundInBusses");4.do{arg i;

xmlSoundInBusses.setAttribute("stereoSoundInBus"++i.asString, stereoSoundInBusses[i].asString);


xmlInternalBusses = xmlDoc.createElement("internalInBusses");availableBusses = List.new;synthList.do{arg item;

availableBusses.addAll(item.getOutputBusses);};availableBusses.do{arg item, i;

xmlInternalBusses.setAttribute("internalBus"++i.asString, item.asString);};xmlBusses.appendChild(xmlInternalBusses);xmlSynthBars = List.new;synthList.do{arg item, i;

xmlSynthBars.add(xmlDoc.createElement("ModularSynthBar"++i.asString));xmlMainProc.appendChild(xmlSynthBars[i]);item.save(xmlDoc, xmlSynthBars[i]);


mantaData.do{arg item, i;xmlMainProc.setAttribute("manta"++i.asString, item.asString);

};midiData.do{arg item, i;

xmlMainProc.setAttribute("midi"++i.asString, item.asString);};

xmlMainProc.setAttribute("bounds", win.bounds.asString);xmlMainProc.setAttribute("mantaIsSet", mantaIsSet.asString);


load {arg xmlMainProc;xmlBusses = xmlMainProc.getElement("Busses");xmlSoundInBusses = xmlMainProc.getElement("soundInBusses");soundInBussesTemp = List.newClear(8);8.do{arg i;



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xmlSoundInBusses = xmlMainProc.getElement("stereoSoundInBusses");stereoSoundInBussesTemp = nil;if(xmlSoundInBusses!=nil,{

stereoSoundInBussesTemp = List.newClear(4);4.do{arg i;



availableBusses = List.new;synthList.do{arg item;


xmlInternalBusses = xmlMainProc.getElement("internalInBusses");availableBussesTemp = List.newClear(availableBusses.size);availableBusses.size.do{arg i;



busMap = IdentityDictionary.new;soundInBussesTemp.do{arg item, i;

busMap.add(item.asSymbol -> soundInBusses[i]);};soundInBussesTemp.do{arg item, i;

busMap.add(item.asSymbol -> soundInBusses[i]);};if(stereoSoundInBussesTemp!=nil,{

stereoSoundInBussesTemp.do{arg item, i;busMap.add(item.asSymbol -> stereoSoundInBusses[i]);

}});availableBussesTemp.do{arg item, i;


temp = item.asInteger+i2;busMap.add(temp.asSymbol -> (availableBusses[i].asInteger+i2))


synthList.do{arg item, i;item.load(xmlMainProc.getElement("ModularSynthBar"++i.asString), busMap);


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xmlBounds = xmlMainProc.getAttribute("bounds");if(xmlBounds!=nil,{win.bounds_(xmlBounds.interpret)});mantaIsSet = xmlMainProc.getAttribute("mantaIsSet");if(mantaIsSet!=nil,{

mantaIsSet = mantaIsSet.interpret;if(mantaIsSet,{assignMantaButton.valueAction_(1)});

},{mantaIsSet = false;


midiData.size.do{arg i;midiHidTemp = xmlMainProc.getAttribute("midi"++i.asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

midiHidTemp = midiHidTemp.interpret;if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{



mantaData.size.do{arg i;midiHidTemp = xmlMainProc.getAttribute("manta"++i.asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

midiHidTemp = midiHidTemp.interpret;if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

this.setManta(midiHidTemp[0], midiHidTemp[1], i);});



ModularLiveInterface {var server, inBus, outBus, whichClassList, mainGroup, inGroup, synthGroup, mixerGroup,

volumeInRack, mainMixer, mainProcessingWindow;var manta, midiHid, mantaWindow, uc33Window, oxygen49Window, inBusses, inBusIndexes,

stereoInBusses, stereoInBusIndexes;var xmlDoc, xmlRoot, xmlMainProc, xmlMainMixer, xmlVolumeRack, file, bcf2000;

*new {arg server, inBus=0, outBus=0, whichClassList;^super.newCopyArgs(server, inBus, outBus, whichClassList).init;


init {server.waitForBoot({

//set up groups

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mainGroup = Group.tail(server);inGroup = Group.tail(mainGroup);synthGroup = Group.tail(mainGroup);mixerGroup = Group.tail(mainGroup);

//modularAudioRouter = ModularAudioRouterModularBusCenter.reset;

//set up the control devices and control GUImanta = Manta.new;(3..0).do{arg i; manta.store('setup'++i.asSymbol)};manta.setup(\setup0);MIDIResponder2.currentSetup_(\setup0);

if(MIDIClient.initialized.not,{ MIDIIn.connectAll });bcf2000 = MIDIClient.destinations.detect({ |ep,epi|

ep.device == "BCF2000" and: {ep.name == "Port 1"}});if(bcf2000!=nil,{bcf2000 = MIDIOut.newByName("BCF2000", "Port 1")});

midiHid = MIDIHIDControl.new;

//set up the inputs and outputsinBusses = List.new;inBusIndexes = List.new;8.do{arg i;


};stereoInBusses = List.new;stereoInBusIndexes = List.new;4.do{arg i;



volumeInRack = ModularVolumeRack(inGroup, [inBusses, stereoInBusses], midiHid, manta, bcf2000, [\setup0, \setup1, \setup2, \setup3]);


if(whichClassList == nil, {whichClassList = 'normal'});

mainProcessingWindow = MainProcessingWindow(synthGroup, inBusIndexes, stereoInBusIndexes, midiHid, manta, bcf2000, this, whichClassList);

mainMixer = MainMixer.new(mixerGroup, inBusIndexes, stereoInBusIndexes, outBus, "Main Mixer", nil, 8, midiHid, manta, bcf2000, [\setup0, \setup1, \setup2, \setup3],

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changeSetup {arg num;manta.setup('setup'++num.asSymbol);MIDIResponder2.currentSetup_(('setup'++num.asSymbol).asSymbol);mainProcessingWindow.changeSetup(num);mainMixer.changeSetup(num);


save {arg path;mainProcessingWindow.setName(path.basename);

xmlDoc = DOMDocument.new; // create empty XML documentxmlRoot = xmlDoc.createElement("ModularLiveInterface");xmlDoc.appendChild(xmlRoot);

xmlMainProc = xmlDoc.createElement("MainProcessingWindow");xmlRoot.appendChild(xmlMainProc);mainProcessingWindow.save(xmlDoc, xmlMainProc);

xmlMainMixer = mainMixer.saveMainMixer(xmlDoc);xmlRoot.appendChild(xmlMainMixer);

xmlVolumeRack = volumeInRack.save(xmlDoc);xmlRoot.appendChild(xmlVolumeRack);

file = File(path, "w");xmlDoc.write(file); // output to file with default formattingfile.close;


load {arg path;xmlDoc = DOMDocument.new(path);


xmlMainProc = xmlDoc.getDocumentElement.getElement("MainProcessingWindow");mainProcessingWindow.load(xmlMainProc);

xmlMainMixer = xmlDoc.getDocumentElement.getElement("ModularMainMixer");mainMixer.load(xmlMainMixer, mainProcessingWindow.busMap);

xmlVolumeRack = xmlDoc.getDocumentElement.getElement("ModularVolumeRack");if(xmlVolumeRack!=nil,{

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killMe {mainMixer.killMe;volumeInRack.killMe;manta.clearDicts;mainGroup.free;inBusses.free;MIDIResponder.removeAll;


ModularVolumeObject {var <group, <win, <bounds, <inBus, <outBus, <stereoOutBus, top, synth, volInBus, volIn;

*new {arg group, win, bounds, inBus, outBus, stereoOutBus;^super.newCopyArgs(group, win, bounds, inBus, outBus, stereoOutBus).init;


*initClass {{

SynthDef("modularInput", {arg inBus, outBus, stereoOutBus, volInBus, vol=1, gate=1;

var in, env;

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), gate);

in = SoundIn.ar(inBus)*env;

Out.kr(volInBus, LagUD.kr(Amplitude.kr(in), 0.01, 0.5));Out.ar(outBus, in*Lag.kr(vol,0.01));Out.ar(stereoOutBus, in*Lag.kr(vol,0.01));



init {volIn = 0;volInBus = Bus.control(group.server);synth = Synth("modularInput", [\inBus, inBus, \outBus, outBus, \stereoOutBus,

stereoOutBus, \volInBus, volInBus.index], group);}

update {

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volInBus.get({arg val;volIn = val;

});Color.black.set;Pen.strokeRect(bounds);if(volIn>=1,{Color.red.set},{Color.green.set});top = bounds.top + (bounds.height-((volIn*bounds.height)));Pen.fillRect(Rect(bounds.left+2, top, bounds.width-4, volIn*bounds.height-4));


setVol {arg vol;synth.set(\vol, vol);


mute {synth.set(\gate, 0);


unmute {synth.set(\gate, 1);


ModularVolumeRack : Module_Mod {var dispArray, win, <>outBusses, run;

init {}

init2 {arg inBusOffset;outBus.postln;

run = true;win = SCWindow("Inputs", Rect(500, SCWindow.screenBounds.height,

60*outBus.size+10, 120));win.userCanClose_(false);win.alwaysOnTop_(true);

modName = "ModularVolumeRack";this.initControlLists(outBus[0].size*3);

controls = List.new;assignButtons = List.new;

outBus[0].do{arg item, i;dispArray = dispArray.add(ModularVolumeObject(group, win,

Rect(i*60+5,0,60,80), i+inBusOffset, item.index, outBus[1][(i/2).floor.asInteger].index+(i%2)));

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//for lightpipe//dispArray = dispArray.add(ModularVolumeObject(group, win,

Rect(i*60+5,0,60,80), i+14, item));

controls.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(60*i, 80, 20, 20)).states_([ [ "U", Color.red, Color.black ] ,[ "U", Color.black,

Color.blue ] ]).action_{|v|

dispArray[i].unmute;controls[i*3+1].value = 0;controls[i*3].value = 1;

});this.addAssignButton(Rect(60*i, 100, 20, 20),i*3);controls.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(60*i+20, 80, 20, 20))

.states_([ [ "M", Color.red, Color.black ] ,[ "M", Color.black, Color.blue ] ])

.action_{|v| dispArray[i].mute;controls[i*3].value = 0;controls[i*3+1].value = 1;

});this.addAssignButton(Rect(60*i+20, 100, 20, 20),i*3+1);

controls.add(EZSlider(win, Rect(60*i+5, 120, 60, 120), "Amp", ControlSpec(0.001, 2, \amp),

{arg slider;dispArray[i].setVol(slider.value);

}, 1, true, layout:\vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(60*i+5, 240, 60, 20),2+(3*i),1);

controls[i*3].value = 1;};

win.front;win.drawHook = {

dispArray.do{arg item, i;item.update;

}};{ while { run } { win.refresh; 0.1.rand.wait } }.fork(AppClock);


killMe {group.free;run = false;

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ModularMixerStrip {var group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, outBus, location, win, point, color,

<>midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, <>setups, mainProcessingWindow, assignedChannelsArray, mixer, index, ampSpec, ccResponders, midiData, mantaData, inputBusses, discardBusses, inputBusString, assignInputButton, inputDisplay, volSlider, assignMidiButton, muteButton, sepInputBusses, xmlMixerStrip, inBusTemp, inBusTempList, counter, label, numBussesMenu, numBusses, channelOutMenu, temp, channelOutTemp, panKnob, busAssignSink, panel, waitForSet, waitForType;

*new {arg group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, outBus, location, win, point, color, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups, mainProcessingWindow;

^super.newCopyArgs(group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, outBus, location, win, point, color, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups, mainProcessingWindow).init;


init {

inputBusses = List.new;

mixer = ModularMixer(group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses);mixer.setMainMixerOutBusses([outBus]);

panel = SCCompositeView.new(win, Rect(point.x, point.y, 50, 300));if(color!=nil,{


ampSpec = ControlSpec(0,1,'amp');

busAssignSink=MixerBusAssignSink(this, panel, Point(0,0));

panKnob = EZKnob(panel,Rect(0, 50, 50, 50), nil, ControlSpec(-1,1,'linear'),{arg knob; mixer.setPan(knob.value)}, 0, true, labelHeight:0);

volSlider = SCSlider.new(panel,Rect(0, 100, 50, 120)).action_{|v|


this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(0, 220, 50, 16), 0, 1);

label = SCTextField.new(panel, Rect(0, 246, 50, 16));

numBusses = 8;

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channelOutMenu = SCPopUpMenu.new(panel, Rect(0, 262, 50, 16));channelOutTemp = Array.series(8,0,1);channelOutTemp.do{arg item, i; channelOutTemp.put(i, item.asString)};channelOutMenu.items = channelOutTemp;channelOutMenu.action = {arg pop;

mixer.setMainMixerOutBusses([outBus+pop.value]);mixer.mixers.do{arg item; item.set(\outBus, outBus+pop.value)};


waitForSet = false;

ccResponders = (setup0: nil,setup1: nil,setup2: nil,setup3: nil


addDoubleAssignButton {|rect, num, type, layout = \horz, specialClearAction = nil|assignMidiButton = DoubleAssignButton.new(panel,rect,layout)

.instantAction_{|butt| if(butt.value==1,{

midiHidControl.requestInstantMidiAssignInfo(this, num);waitForSet = true;waitForType = type;if(type == 3, {waitForType = 0});



specialClearAction.value;});waitForSet = false;



setControlWNext {arg controllerType, dataType, controlsIndex, controlInfo;//dataType - 0 is onOff info, 1 is continuous//controllerType - 0 is Manta, 1 is Midi"setControlWNext".postln;[controllerType, dataType, controlsIndex, controlInfo].postln;

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if(dataType.postln==waitForType, {waitForSet = false;if(controllerType.postln ==0,{

this.setManta(controlInfo[0], controlInfo[1], controlsIndex);},{

this.setMidi(controlInfo[0], controlInfo[1], controlsIndex);});midiHidControl.clearInstantMidiAssignInfo;


mute {mixer.mute;


unmute {mixer.unmute;


hide {panel.visible = false;


unhide {panel.visible = true;


requestBusValidity {arg bus;^mainProcessingWindow.requestMixerBusValidity(this, bus, location);


createSepInputBusses {arg inputBusses;sepInputBusses = List.new;2.do{sepInputBusses.add(List.new)};inputBusses.do{arg item, i;

index = soundInBusses.indexOfEqual(item);if(index==nil,{




setInputBusses {arg inputBussesIn;"setInputBusses".post;[inputBussesIn, numBusses].postln;

Page 72: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


inputBusses = mixer.setInputBusses(inputBussesIn, numBusses);}

updateInputBusGUI { arg inputBussesIn;inputBussesIn[0].do{arg item, i; item = "S"++item.asString; inputBussesIn[0].put(i,

item)};inputBussesIn = inputBussesIn.flatten;inputBusString = "";inputBussesIn.do{arg item; inputBusString = inputBusString+item.asString};inputDisplay.string = inputBusString;


clearMidiHid {ccResponders.do{|ccResponder|


});};midiData = nil;if(manta!=nil,{


0,{setups.do{arg setup;

manta.removeNoteOnSetup(setup.asSymbol, mantaData[0])};},1,{

setups.do{arg setup; manta.removePadSetup(setup.asSymbol, mantaData[0])};


setups.do{arg setup; manta.removeSliderSetup(setup.asSymbol, mantaData[0])};

});mantaData = nil;



assignChannel {arg channelIn;index = assignedChannelsArray.indexOfEqual(channelIn);if(index==nil,{

assignedChannelsArray.add(channelIn);mixer.addBusPair([channelIn, 0]);

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removeChannel {arg channelIn;index = assignedChannelsArray.indexOfEqual(channelIn);if(index==nil,{

assignedChannelsArray.removeAt(channelIn);mixer.removeBusPair([channelIn, 0]);


setDefaultMidi {arg data, dataType, controlsIndex;this.clearMidiHid;this.setMidi(data, dataType, controlsIndex);assignMidiButton.value_(1);


setMidiForSetup {|setup, data| "data".post;data.postln;

ccResponders.put(setup.asSymbol, CCResponder2({ |src,chan,num,val|{volSlider.value_(val/127)}.defer;mixer.setVol(ampSpec.map(val/127));

},nil, // any sourcedata[0], // desired channeldata[1], // desired numbernil, // any valuesetup.asSymbol


setMidi {arg data, dataType;midiData = [data,0]; //0 means control datasetups.do{arg setup;


this.setMidiForSetup(setup, data);},1,{

"you shouldn't do that!".postln;}



setStoredMIDI {

Page 74: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta






removeSetup {arg setup;setups.remove(setup);if(mantaData!=nil,{


manta.removeNoteOnSetup(setup.asSymbol, mantaData[0]);},1,{

manta.removePadSetup(setup.asSymbol, mantaData[0]);},2,{

manta.removeSliderSetup(setup.asSymbol, mantaData[0]);}




addSetup {arg setup;"addSetupMixer".postln;midiData.postln;setups.add(setup);if(mantaData!=nil,{this.setMantaForSetup(setup, mantaData)});if(midiData!=nil,{this.setMidiForSetup(setup, midiData[0])});setups.postln;


setMantaForSetup {arg setup, item;[setup, item].postln;if(item!=nil,{


"whaaaaat? don't do that".postln;},

Page 75: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


1,{manta.addPadSetup(setup.asSymbol, item[0], {|val|


manta.addSliderSetup(setup.asSymbol, item[0], {|val| {volSlider.valueAction_(ampSpec.map(val/4096))}.defer});



setManta {arg buttonNum, buttonType;if(manta!=nil,{

mantaData=[buttonNum.deepCopy, buttonType.deepCopy];mantaData.postln;setups.do{arg setup;

this.setMantaForSetup(setup, mantaData)}


getMidiHid {^[midiData, mantaData];


save {arg xmlDoc, xmlSynth, index;xmlMixerStrip = xmlDoc.createElement("Mixer"++index.asString);xmlMixerStrip.setAttribute("manta", mantaData.asString);xmlMixerStrip.setAttribute("midi", midiData.asString);xmlMixerStrip.setAttribute("volSlider", volSlider.value.asString);inputBusses.do{arg item,i;

xmlMixerStrip.setAttribute("inBus"++i.asString, item.asString);};xmlMixerStrip.setAttribute("outBus", channelOutMenu.value.asString);

if(label.string!=nil,{xmlMixerStrip.setAttribute("label", label.string)});xmlSynth.appendChild(xmlMixerStrip);


load {arg xmlMainMixer, busMap, index;soundInBusses.postln; busMap.postln;if(xmlMainMixer!=nil,{

xmlMixerStrip = xmlMainMixer.getElement("Mixer"++index.asString);

temp = xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("manta").interpret;

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if (temp!=nil, {this.setManta(temp[0], temp[1], 0)});temp = xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("midi").interpret;if (temp!=nil, {this.setMidi(temp[0], temp[1], 0)});if(xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("label")!=nil,{label.string =

xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("label")});counter = 0;

channelOutTemp = xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("outBus").interpret;if(channelOutTemp!=nil,{

"channelOutTemp".post; channelOutTemp.postln;


temp = xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("volSlider");if (temp!=nil, {volSlider.valueAction = temp.interpret});

//loads the desired businBusTemp = xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("inBus"++counter.asString);

inBusTempList = List.new;while({inBusTemp!=nil},{

counter.postln;inBusTempList.add(busMap[inBusTemp.interpret.asSymbol]);counter = counter + 1;inBusTemp = xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("inBus"+

+counter.asString).postln;});inBusTempList.do{arg item;





"stereoSoundInBus".postln;busAssignSink.assignBus(item, "S"+


"assignNormalBus".postln;busAssignSink.assignBus(item, item.asString);


Page 77: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta





MainMixer {var group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, outBus, name, location, numMixers,

midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, <>setups, mainProcessingWindow, mixerStrips, window, assignDefaultsButton, midiHidArray, xmlSynth, currentLayer, xmlMixerLayer;

*new {arg group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, outBus, name, location, numMixers, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups, mainProcessingWindow;

^super.newCopyArgs(group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, outBus, name, location, numMixers, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups, mainProcessingWindow).init;


init {window = SCWindow(name, Rect(0, 0, 10+(numMixers+1*55), 278));window.userCanClose_(false);window.alwaysOnTop_(true);

mixerStrips = List.new;4.do{|i|

mixerStrips.add(List.new);((numMixers/2)..numMixers).do{arg i2;

mixerStrips[i].add(ModularMixerStrip(group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, outBus, location, window, Point(5+(i2*55), 0), [Color.blue, Color.green, Color.red, Color.magenta].at(i).multiply(0.5).alpha_(0.25), midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups[i], mainProcessingWindow))};

};mixerStrips.add(List.new);(numMixers/2).do{arg i2; mixerStrips[4].add(ModularMixerStrip(group,

soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, outBus, location, window, Point(5+(i2*55), 0), nil, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups, mainProcessingWindow))};

(1..3).do{|i| mixerStrips[i].do{|item|item.mute;item.hide}};currentLayer = 0;


changeSetup {arg num;mixerStrips[currentLayer].do{|item| item.mute; item.hide};currentLayer = num;mixerStrips[currentLayer].do{|item| item.unmute; item.unhide; item.setStoredMIDI};

Page 78: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta



killMe {"kill the mixer";group.free;window.close;


saveMainMixer {arg xmlDoc;xmlSynth = xmlDoc.createElement("ModularMainMixer");xmlSynth.setAttribute("bounds", window.bounds.asString);

5.do{arg i;xmlMixerLayer = xmlDoc.createElement("MixerLayer"++i.asString);mixerStrips[i].do{arg item, i2; item.save(xmlDoc, xmlMixerLayer, i2)};xmlSynth.appendChild(xmlMixerLayer);



load {arg xmlMainMixer, busMap;if(xmlMainMixer.getElement("MixerLayer0")!=nil,{

5.do{arg i;xmlMixerLayer = xmlMainMixer.getElement("MixerLayer"++i.asString);xmlMixerLayer.postln;mixerStrips[i].do{arg item, i; item.load(xmlMixerLayer, busMap, i)};


mixerStrips[0].do{arg item, i; item.load(xmlMainMixer, busMap, i)};});window.bounds_(xmlMainMixer.getAttribute("bounds").interpret);window.front;


show {window.visible = true;


hide {window.visible = false;


ModularMainMixer : MainMixer {

Page 79: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


init {window = SCWindow(name, Rect(0, 0, 10+(numMixers+1*55), 280));window.userCanClose_(false);window.alwaysOnTop_(true);

mixerStrips = List.new;numMixers.do{arg i; mixerStrips.add(ModularMixerStrip(group, soundInBusses,

stereoSoundInBusses, outBus, location, window, Point(5+(i*55), 0), nil, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups, mainProcessingWindow))};


setStoredMIDI {arg num;mixerStrips.do{|item| item.setStoredMIDI};


load {arg xmlMainMixer, busMap;mixerStrips.do{arg item, i; item.load(xmlMainMixer, busMap, i)};



addSetup {|setup|mixerStrips.do{|item| item.addSetup(setup.asSymbol)}


removeSetup {|setup|mixerStrips.do{|item| item.removeSetup(setup.asSymbol)}


save {arg xmlDoc;xmlSynth = xmlDoc.createElement("Mixer");xmlSynth.setAttribute("bounds", window.bounds.asString);mixerStrips.do{arg item, i; item.save(xmlDoc, xmlSynth, i)};^xmlSynth;


pause {mixerStrips.do{|item| item.mute};


unpause {mixerStrips.do{|item| item.unmute};


Page 80: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


show {window.visible = true;


hide {window.visible = false;


SignalSwitcher_Mod : Module_Mod {var localBusses, synths, controls, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, location,

mainProcessingWindow, mixerGroup, synthGroup, mixerStrips, pulseRate, impulseOn, dustOn, currentOnChan;

*initClass {{

SynthDef("signalSwither_mod", {arg inBus0, inBus1, outBus, whichModulator = 0, pulseRate0=0, pulseRate1=0, onBypass=0, gate = 1, pauseGate = 1;

var in0, in1, env, out, impulse, dust, whichSignal, pauseEnv;

impulse = Impulse.kr(pulseRate0);dust = Dust.kr(pulseRate1);

whichSignal = Lag.kr(Select.kr(whichModulator, [0, 1, Stepper.kr(impulse+dust, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0)]), 0.001);

//Out.ar(0,In.ar(inBus0, 2));

out = (In.ar(inBus0, 8)*(1-whichSignal))+(In.ar(inBus1, 8)*whichSignal);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), gate, doneAction:2);pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

Out.ar(outBus, out*env*pauseEnv);}).writeDefFile;


init {}

init2 {|soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, location, mainProcessingWindow|[soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, location, mainProcessingWindow].postln;

this.makeWindow("SignalSwitcher",Rect(0, 0, 10+(3*55), 294));this.initControlLists(5);

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synths = List.new;

controls = List.new;assignButtons = List.new;

mixerGroup = Group.tail(group);synthGroup = Group.tail(group);

localBusses = List.new;2.do{localBusses.add(Bus.audio(group.server, 8))};localBusses.postln;

mixerStrips = List.new;2.do{arg i; mixerStrips.add(SwitcherMixer_Mod(mixerGroup, soundInBusses,

stereoSoundInBusses, localBusses[i].index, location, win, Point(5+(i*55), 0), nil, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups, mainProcessingWindow))};


synths.add(Synth("signalSwither_mod", [\inBus0, localBusses[0].index, \inBus1, localBusses[1], \outBus, outBus], synthGroup));

currentOnChan = 0;

dustOn = false;impulseOn = false;

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(5, 280, 75, 16)).states_([["left", Color.blue, Color.black],["left", Color.black, Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;

impulseOn = false;dustOn = false;currentOnChan = 0;synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, 0, \pulseRate1, 0, \whichModulator, 0);butt.value_(1);controls[1].value_(0);controls[2].value_(0);controls[3].value_(0);


controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(85, 280, 75, 16)).states_([["right", Color.blue, Color.black],["right", Color.black, Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;

impulseOn = false;dustOn = false;

Page 82: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


currentOnChan = 1;synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, 0, \pulseRate1, 0, \whichModulator, 1);butt.value_(1);controls[0].value_(0);controls[2].value_(0);controls[3].value_(0);


controls[0].value = 1;

this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(5, 300, 75, 16), 0, 0);this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(85, 300, 75, 16), 1, 0);

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(5, 320, 75, 16)).states_([["impulse", Color.blue, Color.black],["impulse", Color.black,

Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;

if(impulseOn,{impulseOn = false;if(dustOn,{

synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, 0, \pulseRate1, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1])*2, \whichModulator, 2);

},{synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, 0, \pulseRate1, 0,

\whichModulator, currentOnChan);if(currentOnChan==0,{controls[0].value_(1)},


},{impulseOn = true;if(dustOn,{

synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1]), \pulseRate1, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1]), \whichModulator, 2);

},{synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, rrand(pulseRate[0],

pulseRate[1])*2, \pulseRate1, 0, \whichModulator, 2);});butt.value_(1);controls[0].value_(0);controls[1].value_(0);



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controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(85, 320, 75, 16)).states_([["dust", Color.blue, Color.black],["dust", Color.black, Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;

if(dustOn,{dustOn = false;if(impulseOn,{

synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1])*2, \pulseRate1, 0, \whichModulator, 2);

},{synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, 0, \pulseRate1, 0,

\whichModulator, currentOnChan);if(currentOnChan==0,{controls[0].value_(1)},


},{dustOn = true;if(impulseOn,{

synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1]), \pulseRate1, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1]), \whichModulator, 2);

},{synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, 0, \pulseRate1,

rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1])*2, \whichModulator, 2);});butt.value_(1);controls[0].value_(0);controls[1].value_(0);



this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(5, 340, 75, 16), 2, 0);this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(85, 340, 75, 16), 3, 0);

controls.add(EZRanger(win, Rect(115, 5, 50, 275), "speed", ControlSpec(0.25, 30, 'linear'),

{arg val;pulseRate = val.value.postln;if(impulseOn&&dustOn,{

synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1]), \pulseRate1, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1]));


synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1])*2);

Page 84: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta



synths[0].set(\pulseRate1, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1])*2);


})}, [4, 7], true, layout:\vert));


addSetup {|setup|mixerStrips.postln;mixerStrips.do{|item| item.postln; item.addSetup(setup.asSymbol)};

setups.add(setup);mantaData.postln;midiData.postln;mantaData.do{arg item, i;

this.setMantaForSetup(setup, item, i);};midiData.do{arg item, i;

if(item!=nil,{this.setMidiForSetup(setup, item[0], item[1], i);



setStoredMIDI {mixerStrips.do{|item| item.setStoredMIDI};


save {arg xmlDoc;xmlSynth = xmlDoc.createElement(modName);mantaData.do{arg item, i;

xmlSynth.setAttribute("manta"++i.asString, item.asString);};midiData.do{arg item, i;

xmlSynth.setAttribute("midi"++i.asString, item.asString);};controls.do{arg item, i;

xmlSynth.setAttribute("controls"++i.asString, item.value.asString);};xmlSynth.setAttribute("bounds", win.bounds.asString);

Page 85: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


mixerStrips.do{arg item, i; item.save(xmlDoc, xmlSynth, i)};^xmlSynth;


load {arg xmlSynth, busMap;this.loadMidiData(xmlSynth);mantaData.size.do{arg i;

midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("manta"++i.asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

midiHidTemp = midiHidTemp.interpret;if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

this.setManta(midiHidTemp[0], midiHidTemp[1], i);});

});};controls.do{arg item, i;

midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("controls"++i.asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{


};mixerStrips.do{arg item, i; item.load(xmlSynth, busMap, i)};win.bounds_(xmlSynth.getAttribute("bounds").interpret);win.front;


killMeSpecial {"kill the mixer";localBusses.do{arg item; item.free};synthGroup.free;mixerGroup.free;



SignalSwitcher4_Mod : Module_Mod {var localBusses, synths, controls, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, location,

mainProcessingWindow, mixerGroup, synthGroup, mixerStrips, pulseRate, impulseOn, dustOn, currentOnChan, randArray, seqArray, seqArray2, seqArray3, temp, arrayIsGood, stepperOn, randOn, seqOn, whichSeq;

*initClass {{

SynthDef("signalSwither4_mod", {arg inBus0, inBus1, inBus2, inBus3, outBus, stepTo = 3, whichModulator = 0, whichSelector=0, pulseRate=0, onBypass=0, gate = 1, pauseGate = 1,

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whichSeqArray=0, seqArray0 = #[0,1,2,3], seqArray1 = #[0,1,2,3,0], seqArray2 = #[0,1,2,3,0,1,2];var in0, in1, env, out, impulse, dust, whichSignal, pauseEnv, stepper,

rand, pattern, selector, env0, env1, env2, env3;

impulse = Impulse.kr(pulseRate);

stepper = Stepper.kr(impulse, 0, 0, stepTo, 1, 0);rand = Demand.kr(impulse, 0, Dxrand([0,1,2,3], inf));

pattern = Select.kr(whichSeqArray, [Demand.kr(impulse, 0, Dseq(seqArray0, inf)), Demand.kr(impulse, 0, Dseq(seqArray1, inf)), Demand.kr(impulse, 0, Dseq(seqArray2, inf))]);

selector = Select.kr(whichSelector, [stepper, rand, pattern.poll]);

whichSignal = Select.kr(whichModulator, [0, 1, 2, 3, selector]).poll;

env0 = Select.kr(whichSignal, [1,0,0,0]);env1 = Select.kr(whichSignal, [0,1,0,0]);env2 = Select.kr(whichSignal, [0,0,1,0]);env3 = Select.kr(whichSignal, [0,0,0,1]);

out = (In.ar(inBus0, 8)*Lag.kr(env0, 0.01))+(In.ar(inBus1, 8)*Lag.kr(env1, 0.01))+(In.ar(inBus2, 8)*Lag.kr(env2, 0.01))+(In.ar(inBus3, 8)*Lag.kr(env3, 0.01));

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), gate, doneAction:2);pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

Out.ar(outBus, out*env*pauseEnv);}).writeDefFile;


init {}

init2 {|soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, location, mainProcessingWindow|[soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, location, mainProcessingWindow].postln;

this.makeWindow("SignalSwitcher4",Rect(0, 0, 10+(5*55), 345));this.initControlLists(5);

synths = List.new;

controls = List.new;assignButtons = List.new;

Page 87: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


mixerGroup = Group.tail(group);synthGroup = Group.tail(group);

localBusses = List.new;4.do{localBusses.add(Bus.audio(group.server, 8))};localBusses.postln;

mixerStrips = List.new;4.do{arg i; mixerStrips.add(SwitcherMixer_Mod(mixerGroup, soundInBusses,

stereoSoundInBusses, localBusses[i], location, win, Point(5+(i*64), 0), nil, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups, mainProcessingWindow))};


synths.add(Synth("signalSwither4_mod", [\inBus0, localBusses[0].index, \inBus1, localBusses[1], \inBus2, localBusses[2].index, \inBus3, localBusses[3], \outBus, outBus], synthGroup));

currentOnChan = 0;

dustOn = false;impulseOn = false;

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(5, 260, 75, 16)).states_([["0", Color.blue, Color.black],["0", Color.black, Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;

stepperOn = false;seqOn = false;randOn = false;currentOnChan = 0;synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, 0, \whichModulator, 0);butt.value_(1);this.setValue0(0);


controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(85, 260, 75, 16)).states_([["1", Color.blue, Color.black],["1", Color.black, Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;

stepperOn = false;seqOn = false;randOn = false;currentOnChan = 1;synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, 0, \whichModulator, 1);butt.value_(1);this.setValue0(1);


Page 88: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta



controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(165, 260, 75, 16)).states_([["2", Color.blue, Color.black],["2", Color.black, Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;

stepperOn = false;seqOn = false;randOn = false;currentOnChan = 2;synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, 0, \whichModulator, 2);butt.value_(1);this.setValue0(2);


controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(245, 260, 75, 16)).states_([["3", Color.blue, Color.black],["3", Color.black, Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;

stepperOn = false;seqOn = false;randOn = false;currentOnChan = 3;synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, 0, \whichModulator, 3);butt.value_(1);this.setValue0(3);


controls[0].value = 1;

this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(5, 280, 75, 16), 0, 0);this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(85, 280, 75, 16), 1, 0);this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(165, 280, 75, 16), 2, 0);this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(245, 280, 75, 16), 3, 0);

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(5, 300, 75, 16)).states_([["stepper", Color.blue, Color.black],["stepper", Color.black,

Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;

randOn = false;seqOn = false;if(stepperOn,{

stepperOn = false;synths[0].set(\pulseRate, 0, \whichModulator, currentOnChan);


Page 89: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta



stepperOn = true;synths[0].set(\pulseRate, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1])*2,

\whichModulator, 4, \whichSelector, 0);butt.value_(1);this.setValue0(4);



controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(85, 300, 75, 16)).states_([["rand", Color.blue, Color.black],["rand", Color.black, Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;

stepperOn = false;seqOn = false;if(randOn,{

randOn = false;synths[0].set(\pulseRate, 0, \whichModulator, currentOnChan);


},{randOn = true;synths[0].set(\pulseRate, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1])*2,

\whichModulator, 4, \whichSelector, 1);butt.value_(1);this.setValue0(5);



controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(165, 300, 75, 16)).states_([["seq", Color.blue, Color.black],["seq", Color.black, Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;

randOn = false;stepperOn = false;if(seqOn,{

seqOn = false;

synths[0].set(\pulseRate, 0, \whichModulator, currentOnChan);



Page 90: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


seqOn = true;whichSeq = [0,1,2].choose;


switch(whichSeq,0, {

synths[0].set(\pulseRate, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1])*2, \whichModulator, 4, \whichSelector, 2, \whichSeqArray, 0);

synths[0].set(\seqArray0, this.makeSeqArray(4).postln);

},1, {

synths[0].set(\pulseRate, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1])*2, \whichModulator, 4, \whichSelector, 2, \whichSeqArray, 1);

synths[0].set(\seqArray1, this.makeSeqArray(5).postln);

},2, {

synths[0].set(\pulseRate, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1])*2, \whichModulator, 4, \whichSelector, 2, \whichSeqArray, 2);

synths[0].set(\seqArray2, this.makeSeqArray(7).postln);




stepperOn = false;randOn = false;seqOn = false;

this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(5, 320, 75, 16), 4, 0);this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(85, 320, 75, 16), 5, 0);this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(165, 320, 75, 16), 6, 0);

controls.add(EZRanger(win, Rect(261, 5, 50, 255), "speed", ControlSpec(0.25, 30, 'linear'),

{arg val;pulseRate = val.value.postln;

synths[0].set(\pulseRate0, rrand(pulseRate[0], pulseRate[1]));}, [4, 7], true, layout:\vert));

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makeSeqArray {arg size;^this.makeArray(size);


makeArray {arg size;temp = List.newClear(0);size.do{|i| temp.add(i.wrap(0,3))};temp = temp.scramble;^temp;


setValue0 {|notThisOne|7.do{arg i;




addSetup {|setup|mixerStrips.postln;mixerStrips.do{|item| item.postln; item.addSetup(setup.asSymbol)};

setups.add(setup);mantaData.postln;midiData.postln;mantaData.do{arg item, i;

this.setMantaForSetup(setup, item, i);};midiData.do{arg item, i;

if(item!=nil,{this.setMidiForSetup(setup, item[0], item[1], i);



setStoredMIDI {mixerStrips.do{|item| item.setStoredMIDI};


save {arg xmlDoc;

Page 92: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


xmlSynth = xmlDoc.createElement(modName);mantaData.do{arg item, i;

xmlSynth.setAttribute("manta"++i.asString, item.asString);};midiData.do{arg item, i;

xmlSynth.setAttribute("midi"++i.asString, item.asString);};controls.do{arg item, i;

xmlSynth.setAttribute("controls"++i.asString, item.value.asString);};xmlSynth.setAttribute("bounds", win.bounds.asString);

mixerStrips.do{arg item, i; item.save(xmlDoc, xmlSynth, i)};^xmlSynth;


load {arg xmlSynth, busMap;this.loadMidiData(xmlSynth);mantaData.size.do{arg i;

midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("manta"++i.asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

midiHidTemp = midiHidTemp.interpret;if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

this.setManta(midiHidTemp[0], midiHidTemp[1], i);});

});};controls.do{arg item, i;

midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("controls"++i.asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{


};mixerStrips.do{arg item, i; item.load(xmlSynth, busMap, i)};win.bounds_(xmlSynth.getAttribute("bounds").interpret);win.front;


killMeSpecial {"kill the mixer";localBusses.do{arg item; item.free};synthGroup.free;mixerGroup.free;



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SwitcherMixer_Mod : ModularMixerStrip {}

DiscreteInput_Mod : ModularMixerStrip {

init {mainProcessingWindow.postln;

inputBusses = List.new;

panel = SCCompositeView.new(win, Rect(point.x, point.y, 50, 300));

mixer = ModularMixer(group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses);mixer.setOutBusses([outBus]);mixer.setVol(1);

ampSpec = ControlSpec(0,1,'amp');

busAssignSink=MixerBusAssignSink(this, panel, Point(0,0));

numBusses = outBus.numChannels;

waitForSet = false;

ccResponders = (setup0: nil,setup1: nil,setup2: nil,setup3: nil


setInputBusses {arg inputBussesIn;"setInputBusses".post;[inputBussesIn, numBusses].postln;inputBusses = mixer.setInputBusses(inputBussesIn, numBusses);


save {arg xmlDoc, xmlSynth, index;xmlMixerStrip = xmlDoc.createElement("Mixer"++index.asString);xmlMixerStrip.setAttribute("numBusses", numBusses.asString);inputBusses.do{arg item,i;

xmlMixerStrip.setAttribute("inBus"++i.asString, item.asString);};xmlMixerStrip.setAttribute("outBus", channelOutMenu.value.asString);xmlSynth.appendChild(xmlMixerStrip);

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load {arg xmlMainMixer, busMap, index;xmlMixerStrip = xmlMainMixer.getElement("Mixer"++index.asString);

numBusses = xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("numBusses");if(numBusses!=nil,{

numBusses = xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("numBusses").interpret;},{

numBusses = 2;});

counter = 0;

inBusTemp = xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("inBus"++counter.asString);inBusTempList = List.new;while({inBusTemp!=nil},{

counter.postln;inBusTempList.add(busMap[inBusTemp.interpret.asSymbol]);counter = counter + 1;inBusTemp = xmlMixerStrip.getAttribute("inBus"++counter.asString).postln;


inBusTempList.do{arg item;if(soundInBusses.indexOf(item)!=nil,{

busAssignSink.assignBus(item, "S"+soundInBusses.indexOf(item).asString);


busAssignSink.assignBus(item, "S"++soundInBusses.indexOf(item).asString++(soundInBusses.indexOf(item)+1.asString));

},{busAssignSink.assignBus(item, item.asString);




ModularBusCenter {classvar <>monoRouterBusses;

Page 95: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


*initClass {monoRouterBusses = List.newClear(0);


*reset {monoRouterBusses = List.newClear(0);


*addMonoRouterBus {arg busNum;monoRouterBusses.add(busNum);


*removeMonoRouterBus {arg busNum;monoRouterBusses.remove(busNum);


*getBusses {^monoRouterBusses


*monoRouterMatch {arg num;if(monoRouterBusses.indexOf(num)!=nil,{




MIDIHIDControl {var midiRequestObject, setNextMidiNum, instantMidiRequestObject, instantNextMidiNum,

instantCCResponder, instantValueResponder, instantSliderResponder, instantNoteOnResponder, instantNoteOnMantaResponder;

*new {^super.newCopyArgs().init;


init {}

requestMidiAssignInfo {arg object, num;midiRequestObject = object;setNextMidiNum = num;


Page 96: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


requestInstantMidiAssignInfo {arg object, controlNum;[object, controlNum].postln;

instantMidiRequestObject = object;instantNextMidiNum = controlNum.postln;

instantCCResponder = CCResponder2({|src,chan,num,val|instantMidiRequestObject.setControlWNext(1,1,controlNum,[[chan,num],0]);


instantNoteOnResponder = NoteOnResponder2({|src,chan,num,val|instantMidiRequestObject.setControlWNext(1,0,controlNum,[[chan,num],1]);


instantValueResponder = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/manta/value', {|t, r, msg| instantMidiRequestObject.setControlWNext(0,1,controlNum,[msg[1],1])}).add;

instantSliderResponder = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/manta/slider', {|t, r, msg| instantMidiRequestObject.setControlWNext(0,1,controlNum,[msg[1],2])}).add;

instantNoteOnMantaResponder = OSCresponderNode(nil, '/manta/noteOn', {|t, r, msg| instantMidiRequestObject.setControlWNext(0,0,controlNum,[msg[1],0])}).add;


clearInstantMidiAssignInfo {instantMidiRequestObject = nil;instantNextMidiNum = nil;instantCCResponder.remove;instantNoteOnResponder.remove;instantValueResponder.remove;instantSliderResponder.remove;instantNoteOnMantaResponder.remove;


sendMidiAssignInfo {arg data, dataType;[midiRequestObject, data].postln;if(midiRequestObject!=nil,{

midiRequestObject.setMidi(data, dataType, setNextMidiNum);midiRequestObject = nil;


sendMantaAssignInfo {arg buttonNumber, buttonType;[midiRequestObject, buttonNumber, buttonType].postln;if(midiRequestObject!=nil,{

midiRequestObject.setManta(buttonNumber, buttonType, setNextMidiNum);midiRequestObject = nil;

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DoubleAssignButton {var win, rect, layout, regButton, instantButton, <>regAction, <>instantAction, <bounds;

*new {arg win, rect, layout;^super.newCopyArgs(win, rect, layout).init;


init {bounds = rect;//regAction = {};instantAction = {};if(layout.asSymbol==\vert,{

instantButton = SCButton.new(win,Rect(rect.left, rect.top+(rect.height), rect.width, rect.height))

.states_([ [ "AI", Color.red, Color.black ] ,[ "C", Color.black, Color.red ] ])

.action_{|v| instantAction.(v);


instantButton = SCButton.new(win,Rect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height))

.states_([ [ "AI", Color.red, Color.black ] ,[ "C", Color.black, Color.red ] ])

.action_{|v| instantAction.(v);



bounds_ {arg rect;instantButton.bounds_(Rect(rect.left+(rect.width/2), rect.top, rect.width/2, rect.height));


setInstBut {arg val; instantButton.value = val}}

ModularClassList {var <>whichArray, <>classArray, classDictionary;

*new {arg whichArray;

Page 98: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta



init {("whichArray"+whichArray).postln;switch(whichArray,

'normal', {classArray = ["GlassSines", "RingMod", "FilterDelays",

"PulsatingDelays", "BitCrusher", "TriggerDelays", "OverLapSamples", "LoopBuf", "Combulation", "BuchlaFilters", "BuchlaModelSolo", "ReverbDrone", "ShifterFeedback", "Compander", "MouseDistortion", "CycleGripper", "Mixer", "Freeze", "AmpMod", "SignalSwitcher", "SignalSwitcher4", "LoopMachine", "LoopBuf2", "GrainAge", "GingerMan", "SwoopDown", "EQ", "DistortMono", "GrainFreezeNoise", "TFreeze", "PulseBP", "DownShift", "InterruptDistortion", "StraightLoop", "Sand", "GrabNLoop", "FloatShifter", "HarmDoublerUp", "GrainFreezeDrums", "StarDust", "AmpFollower", "StraightDelays", "EightDelays2", "SpecMul", "Melter", "GVerb", "HarmonicDoubler2", "Cutter", "LongDelay", "Filters", "ShifterX2", "Record", "RingModStereo", "InterruptSine", "MiniGripper", "BitInterrupter", "SampleBank", "DecimateGrains", "InterruptDelay", "DelayFeedback", "TriggerSines", "DelayRingMod", "SnareSine", "CutterB", "EQmini", "SpecDelay", "LowSines", "EnvGen", "DrumBombs", "GrainInterrupt", "SampleMashup", "FilterGrains", "FilterGrainsB", "ScaleShifterB","UpDownSines","SinArray", "SweepingNoise", "SpaceJunk", "MonoRouter"].sort;

},'wubbels', {

classArray = ["WubbelsSine", "WubbelsSine2", "WubbelsSine3", "FilterDelays", "AutoTune", "RhythmicDelays", "Mixer", "EQ", "Compander", "LoopBuf"].sort;

},'neuwirth', {classArray = ["NeuwirthSine", "RingModStereo", "Mixer", "EQ",

"Compander"].sort;},'atdV', {

classArray = ["GlassSines", "RingMod", "FilterDelays", "PulsatingDelays", "BitCrusher", "TriggerDelays", "OverLapSamples", "LoopBuf", "Combulation", "BuchlaFilters", "BuchlaModelSolo", "ReverbDrone", "ShifterFeedback", "Compander", "MantaBuffers", "MouseDistortion", "CycleGripper", "Mixer", "Freeze", "AmpMod", "SignalSwitcher", "SignalSwitcher4", "LoopMachine", "LoopBuf2", "GrainAge", "GingerMan", "SwoopDown", "EQ", "DistortMono", "GrainFreezeNoise", "TFreeze", "PulseBP", "DownShift", "InterruptDistortion", "StraightLoop", "Sand", "GrabNLoop", "AtdV", "FloatShifter", "HarmDoublerUp", "GrainFreezeDrums", "StarDust", "AmpFollower", "StraightDelays", "EightDelays2", "SpecMul", "Melter", "GVerb", "HarmonicDoubler2", "Cutter", "LongDelay", "Filters", "ShifterX2", "Record", "RingModStereo", "InterruptSine", "MiniGripper", "BitInterrupter", "SampleBank", "DecimateGrains"].sort;


classDictionary = IdentityDictionary.new;classDictionary.add('WubbelsSine'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

Page 99: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


bcf2000, setups; WubbelsSine_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('WubbelsSine2'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; WubbelsSine2_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('GlassSines'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; GlassSines_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('RingMod'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; RingMod_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('FilterDelays'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; FilterDelays_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('PulsatingDelays'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; PulsatingDelays_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('BitCrusher'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; BitCrusher_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('TriggerDelays'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; TriggerDelays_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('OverLapSamples'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; OverLapSamples_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('LoopBuf'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000,

setups; LoopBuf_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('Combulation'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; Combulation_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('BuchlaModelSolo'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; BuchlaModelSolo_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('BuchlaFilters'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; BuchlaFilters_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('ReverbDrone'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; ReverbDrone_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('ShifterFeedback'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; ShifterFeedback_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('EightDelays'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; EightDelays_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('EightDelays2'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; EightDelays2_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('Compander'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; Compander_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('MantaBuffers'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; MantaBuffers_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('MouseDistortion'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; MouseDistortion_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('CycleGripper'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; CycleGripper_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('Freeze'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000,

setups; Freeze_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('TFreeze'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000,

setups; TFreeze_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('AmpMod'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

Page 100: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


bcf2000, setups; AmpMod_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('LoopVidBuf'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; LoopVidBuf_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('LoopMachine'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; LoopMachine_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('LoopBuf2'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; LoopBuf2_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('GrainAge'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; GrainAge_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('GingerMan'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; GingerMan_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('SwoopDown'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; SwoopDown_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('EQ'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000,

setups; EQ_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('DistortMono'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; DistortMono_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('GrainFreezeNoise'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; GrainFreezeNoise_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('SignalSwitcher'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; SignalSwitcher_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('SignalSwitcher4'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; SignalSwitcher4_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('PulseBP'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000,

setups; PulseBP_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('DownShift'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; DownShift_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('StraightLoop'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; StraightLoop_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('Sand'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000,

setups; Sand_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('GrabNLoop'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; GrabNLoop_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('AtdV'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000,

setups; AtdV_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('InterruptDistortion'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl,

manta, bcf2000, setups; InterruptDistortion_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('FloatShifter'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; FloatShifter_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('HarmDoublerUp'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; HarmDoublerUp_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('GrainFreezeDrums'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; GrainFreezeDrums_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('StarDust'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000,

Page 101: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


setups; StarDust_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('AmpFollower'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; AmpFollower_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('StraightDelays'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; StraightDelays_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('SpecMul'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000,

setups; SpecMul_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('Melter'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000,

setups; Melter_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('GVerb'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000,

setups; GVerb_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('HarmonicDoubler2'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl,

manta, bcf2000, setups; HarmonicDoubler2_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('Cutter'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; Cutter_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('LongDelay'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; LongDelay_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('AmpInterrupter'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; AmpInterrupter_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('Filters'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; Filters_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('ShifterX2'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; ShifterX2_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('Record'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; Record_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('RingModStereo'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; RingModStereo_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('InterruptSine'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; InterruptSine_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('MiniGripper'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; MiniGripper_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('BitInterrupter'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; BitInterrupter_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('SampleBank'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; SampleBank_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('DecimateGrains'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; DecimateGrains_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('InterruptDelay'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; InterruptDelay_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('DelayFeedback'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; DelayFeedback_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('AutoTune'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; AutoTune_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('RhythmicDelays'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; RhythmicDelays_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

Page 102: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


classDictionary.add('WubbelsSine3'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; WubbelsSine3_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('TriggerSines'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; TriggerSines_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('DelayRingMod'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; DelayRingMod_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('SnareSine'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; SnareSine_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('CutterB'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; CutterB_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('NeuwirthSine'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; NeuwirthSine_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('EQmini'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; EQmini_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('SpecDelay'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; SpecDelay_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('LowSines'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; LowSines_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('EnvGen'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; EnvGen_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('DrumBombs'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; DrumBombs_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('GrainInterrupt'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; GrainInterrupt_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('SampleMashup'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; SampleMashup_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('FilterGrains'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; FilterGrains_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('FilterGrainsB'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; FilterGrainsB_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('ScaleShifter'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; ScaleShifter_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('ScaleShifterB'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; ScaleShifterB_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('ScaleShifterC'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; ScaleShifterC_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('UpDownSines'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; UpDownSines_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('ReverseMachine'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; ReverseMachine_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('SinArray'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; SinArray_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('SweepingNoise'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups; SweepingNoise_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});

classDictionary.add('SpaceJunk'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

Page 103: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


bcf2000, setups; SpaceJunk_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});classDictionary.add('MonoRouter'->{arg synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups; MonoRouter_Mod(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups)});}

initModule {arg className, synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups;"initModule".postln;^classDictionary[className.asSymbol].value(synthGroup, bus, midiHidControl, manta,

bcf2000, setups);}

initMixer {arg group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, outBus, name, location, numMixers, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups, mainProcessingWindow;

"initMixer".postln;location.postln;^ModularMainMixer(group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, outBus.index, name,

location, numMixers, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups, mainProcessingWindow)}checkSynthName {arg name;



ModularSetInputWindow {var <>availableBusIns, <>requestingObject, inputBusses, window, applyButton,

soundInButtons, busInButtons, returnList, index;

*new {arg availableBusIns, requestingObject, inputBusses;^super.newCopyArgs(availableBusIns, requestingObject, inputBusses).init;


init {returnList = List.new;2.do{

returnList.add(List.new);};window = SCWindow.new("Assign Inputs",Rect(654, 690, 5+(35*8), 60+


soundInButtons = List.new;busInButtons = List.new;

availableBusIns[0].do{arg item, i;soundInButtons.add(SCButton.new(window,Rect(5+(35*i), 5, 30, 20))

.states_([ [ "S"++i, Color.blue, Color.black ], [ "S"++i, Color.black,

Page 104: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


Color.blue ] ]).action_{|v|





availableBusIns[1].do{arg item, i;busInButtons.add(SCButton.new(window,Rect(5+((i%5)*35), 30+

((i/5).floor*25), 30, 20)).states_([ [ item.asString, Color.blue, Color.black ], [ item.asString,

Color.black, Color.blue ] ]).action_{|v|





applyButton = SCButton.new(window, Rect(5, (availableBusIns[1].size/5).ceil*25+30, 50, 30))

.states_([ [ "Apply", Color.blue, Color.black ]]).action_{|v|



inputBusses[0].do{arg i; soundInButtons[i].valueAction = 1};inputBusses[1].do{arg i;

index = availableBusIns[1].indexOfEqual(i); if(index!=nil,{

busInButtons[index].valueAction = 1;})




Page 105: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


ModularMixerInfoObject {var <>numInChannels, <>numOutChannels, <>inBus, <>outBus, <>volBus, <>muteBus;

*new {arg numInChannels, numOutChannels, inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus;^super.newCopyArgs(numInChannels, numOutChannels, inBus, outBus, volBus,



ModularMixer {var <>group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses, <>mixers, modularMixerInfoObjects,

index, <>volBus, <>muteBus, <>panBus, singleMixer, <>inputBusses, outBusses, outInNums, outBussesMonoStereo, outBusTemp;

*new {arg group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses;^super.newCopyArgs(group, soundInBusses, stereoSoundInBusses).init;


*initClass {{

SynthDef("modularMixer1-1", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, In.ar(inBus)*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer1-2", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, panBus,

gate=1;var env, vol, muteVol, in;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);in = In.ar(inBus);

Out.ar(outBus, Pan2.ar(in, In.kr(panBus))*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer1-3", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol, in;

Page 106: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);in = In.ar(inBus);

Out.ar(outBus, [in,in,in,]*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer1-4", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol, in;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);in = In.ar(inBus);

Out.ar(outBus, [in,in,in,in]*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer1-5", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol, in;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);in = In.ar(inBus);

Out.ar(outBus, [in,in,in,in,in]*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer1-6", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol, in;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);in = In.ar(inBus);

Out.ar(outBus, [in,in,in,in,in,in]*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer1-7", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol, in;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

Page 107: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);in = In.ar(inBus);

Out.ar(outBus, [in,in,in,in,in,in,in]*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer1-8", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol, in;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);in = In.ar(inBus);

Out.ar(outBus, [in,in,in,in,in,in,in,in]*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;

SynthDef("modularMixer2-1", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, Mix.ar(In.ar(inBus, 2))*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer2-2", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, panBus,

gate=1;var env, vol, muteVol, in;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

in = In.ar(inBus, 2);

Out.ar(outBus, Balance2.ar(in[0],in[1],In.kr(panBus))*env*vol*muteVol);

}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer3-3", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol;

Page 108: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, In.ar(inBus, 3)*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer4-4", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, In.ar(inBus, 4)*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer5-5", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, In.ar(inBus, 5)*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer6-6", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, In.ar(inBus, 6)*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer7-7", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, In.ar(inBus, 7)*env*vol*muteVol);

Page 109: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer8-8", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, In.ar(inBus, 8)*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;

//N-1 mixers

SynthDef("modularMixer3-1", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, Mix.ar(In.ar(inBus, 3))*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer4-1", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, Mix.ar(In.ar(inBus, 4))*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer5-1", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, Mix.ar(In.ar(inBus, 5))*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer6-1", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol;

Page 110: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, Mix.ar(In.ar(inBus, 6))*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer7-1", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, Mix.ar(In.ar(inBus, 7))*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("modularMixer8-1", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, muteBus, gate=1;

var env, vol, muteVol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);muteVol = Lag.kr(In.kr(muteBus), 0.01);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, Mix.ar(In.ar(inBus, 8))*env*vol*muteVol);}).writeDefFile;


init {volBus = Bus.control;volBus.set(0);muteBus = Bus.control;muteBus.set(1);panBus = Bus.control;panBus.set(0);

inputBusses = List.new;

mixers = IdentityDictionary.new;modularMixerInfoObjects = IdentityDictionary.new;


//outIn is a number here, signifying the number of channels that the mixer outputs

Page 111: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


setMainMixerOutBusses {arg outIn;if(outIn.size>0,{

outBussesMonoStereo = Pseq(#[2], inf).asStream;outBusses = Pseq(outIn, inf).asStream;


//outIn is a Bus here, signifying the bus that is being used as a transfer bussetOutBusses {arg outIn;

if(outIn.size>0,{outInNums = List.new;outIn.do{arg item, i; outInNums.add(item.index)};outBussesMonoStereo = List.new;outIn.do{arg item, i; outBussesMonoStereo.add(item.numChannels)};outInNums.postln;outBussesMonoStereo.postln;outBussesMonoStereo = Pseq(outBussesMonoStereo, inf).asStream;outBusses = Pseq(outInNums, inf).asStream;


add11InputMixer {arg inputBusIndex, outBusIndex;outBusIndex.postln;singleMixer = mixers[inputBusIndex.asSymbol];if(singleMixer==nil,{

outBusTemp = outBusses.next;mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer1-1", [\inBus,

inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group));modularMixerInfoObjects.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol ->

ModularMixerInfoObject(1, 1, inputBusIndex, outBusTemp, volBus, muteBus));});


add12InputMixer {arg inputBusIndex, outBusIndex;outBusIndex.postln;singleMixer = mixers[inputBusIndex.asSymbol];if(singleMixer==nil,{

outBusTemp = outBusses.next;mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer1-2", [\inBus,

inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index, \panBus, panBus.index], group));

modularMixerInfoObjects.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> ModularMixerInfoObject(1, 2, inputBusIndex, outBusTemp, volBus, muteBus));


Page 112: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


add21InputMixer {arg inputBusIndex, outBusIndex;singleMixer = mixers[inputBusIndex.asSymbol];if(singleMixer==nil,{

outBusTemp = outBusses.next;mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer2-1", [\inBus,

inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group));modularMixerInfoObjects.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol ->

ModularMixerInfoObject(2, 1, inputBusIndex, outBusTemp, volBus, muteBus));});


add22InputMixer {arg inputBusIndex, outBusIndex;outBusIndex.postln;singleMixer = mixers[inputBusIndex.asSymbol];if(singleMixer==nil,{

outBusTemp = outBusses.next;mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer2-2", [\inBus,

inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index, \panBus, panBus.index], group));

modularMixerInfoObjects.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> ModularMixerInfoObject(2, 2, inputBusIndex, outBusTemp, volBus, muteBus));


addNNInputMixer {arg inputBusIndex, numBusses;"addNNInputMixer".postln;singleMixer = mixers[inputBusIndex.asSymbol];if(singleMixer==nil,{

outBusTemp = outBusses.next;switch(numBusses,

2, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer2-2", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index, \panBus, panBus.index], group))},

3, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer3-3", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

4, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer4-4", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

5, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer5-5", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

6, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer6-6", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

7, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer7-

Page 113: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


7", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

8, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer8-8", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))}

);modularMixerInfoObjects.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol ->

ModularMixerInfoObject(numBusses, numBusses, inputBusIndex, outBusTemp, volBus, muteBus));});


add1NInputMixer {arg inputBusIndex, numBusses;"add1NInputMixer".postln;singleMixer = mixers[inputBusIndex.asSymbol];if(singleMixer==nil,{

outBusTemp = outBusses.next;switch(numBusses,

2, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer1-2", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index, \panBus, panBus.index], group))},

3, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer1-3", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

4, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer1-4", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

5, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer1-5", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

6, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer1-6", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

7, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer1-7", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

8, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer1-8", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))}

);modularMixerInfoObjects.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol ->

ModularMixerInfoObject(1, numBusses, inputBusIndex, outBusTemp, volBus, muteBus));});


addN1InputMixer {arg inputBusIndex, numBusses;"addN1InputMixer".postln;

Page 114: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


singleMixer = mixers[inputBusIndex.asSymbol];if(singleMixer==nil,{

outBusTemp = outBusses.next;switch(numBusses,

2, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer2-1", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index, \panBus, panBus.index], group))},

3, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer3-1", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

4, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer4-1", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

5, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer5-1", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

6, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer6-1", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

7, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer7-1", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))},

8, { mixers.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol -> Synth("modularMixer8-1", [\inBus, inputBusIndex, \outBus, outBusTemp, \volBus, volBus.index, \muteBus, muteBus.index], group))}

);modularMixerInfoObjects.add(inputBusIndex.asSymbol ->

ModularMixerInfoObject(numBusses, 1, inputBusIndex, outBusTemp, volBus, muteBus));});


setInputBusses {arg inputBussesIn, numBusses;"numBusses ".post; numBusses.postln;inputBusses.postln;"bussesIn".post;inputBussesIn.postln;

//remove the extra mixersinputBusses.do{arg item, i;

item.postln;index = inputBussesIn.indexOfEqual(item);if(index==nil,{



//add the new mixers

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inputBussesIn.do{arg item;this.addABus(item, numBusses);


^inputBusses = inputBussesIn.deepCopy;}

addABus {arg item, numBusses;if((soundInBusses.indexOf(item)!=nil)||(stereoSoundInBusses.indexOf(item)!=nil),{

if((soundInBusses.indexOf(item)!=nil),{("settingSoundInBus"+item).postln;if(outBussesMonoStereo.next.postln == 1,{


this.add1NInputMixer(item, numBusses);})

},{"stereo input bus".postln;if(outBussesMonoStereo.next.postln == 1,{





if(outBussesMonoStereo.next.postln == 1,{"add11Mixer".postln;this.add11InputMixer(item);

},{"add1NMixer".postln;this.add1NInputMixer(item, numBusses);


("settingNormalBus"+item).postln;//this is for the cockimamey scheme i was using to deal with the ring

modulatorif(outBussesMonoStereo.next.postln == 1,{

//force 8 channel input mixed down to 1 channel - hopefully this doesn't add too much noise to the signal

"8-1?".postln;this.addN1InputMixer(item, 8);


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this.addNNInputMixer(item, 8);})



resetNumBusses {arg numBusses;"resetNumBusses".postln;mixers.do{arg item, i;

item.set(\gate, 0);};mixers = IdentityDictionary.new;modularMixerInfoObjects.do{arg item;

this.addABus(item.inBus, numBusses);};modularMixerInfoObjects.do{arg item;

item.numInChannels.postln; item.numOutChannels.postln;};


removeMixer{arg index;"removing".postln;mixers[index.asSymbol].set(\gate, 0);mixers.removeAt(index.asSymbol);


removeAllMixers{arg index;mixers.do{arg item;

"removing".postln;item.set(\gate, 0);

};mixers = IdentityDictionary.new;inputBusses = List.new;


mute {muteBus.set(0);


unmute {muteBus.set(1);


setVol {arg val;volBus.set(val);


Page 117: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


setPan {arg val;panBus.set(val);


MIDIHIDObject {var <>midiHidControl, <>manta, <>bcf2000, <>setups, waitForSet, waitForType,

assignButtons, win, midiHidTemp, midiData, mantaData, noteOnResponders, ccResponders, controls;

initControlLists {arg num;mantaData = List.newClear(num);midiData = List.newClear(num);ccResponders = (

setup0: List.newClear(num),setup1: List.newClear(num),setup2: List.newClear(num),setup3: List.newClear(num)

);noteOnResponders = (

setup0: List.newClear(num),setup1: List.newClear(num),setup2: List.newClear(num),setup3: List.newClear(num)


setMidi {arg data, dataType, controlsIndex;if(controlsIndex<midiData.size,{

setups.do{arg setup;this.setMidiForSetup(setup, data, dataType, controlsIndex)


this.setSpecialMidi(data, dataType, controlsIndex);});


setMidiForSetup {|setup, data, dataType, controlsIndex|if(controlsIndex<midiData.size,{


midiData.put(controlsIndex, [data,0]); //0 means control dataccResponders[setup.asSymbol].put(controlsIndex,

CCResponder2({ |src,chan,num,val|

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{controls[controlsIndex].valueAction_(controls[controlsIndex].controlSpec.map(val/127))}.defer;},nil, // any sourcedata[0], // desired channeldata[1], // desired numbernil, // any valuesetup.asSymbol //signifies the setup of the



midiData.put(controlsIndex, [data,1]); //1 means noteOn datanoteOnResponders[setup.asSymbol].put(controlsIndex,

NoteOnResponder2({ |src,chan,note,vel|

{controls[controlsIndex].valueAction_(controls[controlsIndex].value+1)}.defer;},nil, // any sourcenil, // desired channeldata, // desired notenil, // any valuesetup.asSymbol //signifies the setup of the



midiData.put(controlsIndex, [data,2]); //2 onOff control dataccResponders[setup.asSymbol].put(controlsIndex,

CCResponder2({ |src,chan,num,val|

{controls[controlsIndex].valueAction_(controls[controlsIndex].value+1)}.defer;},nil, // any sourcedata[0], // desired channeldata[1], // desired numbernil, // any valuesetup.asSymbol //signifies the setup of the




this.setSpecialMidi(setup, data, dataType, controlsIndex);

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removeSetup {arg setup;setups.remove(setup);mantaData.do{arg item;


0,{manta.removeNoteOnSetup(setup.asSymbol, item[0]);


manta.removePadSetup(setup.asSymbol, item[0]);},2,{

manta.removeSliderSetup(setup.asSymbol, item[0]);}


};ccResponders.do{arg setup;

setup.do{arg item;if(item!=nil,{


}};noteOnResponders.do{arg setup;

setup.do{arg item;if(item!=nil,{




addSetup {arg setup;setups.add(setup);mantaData.do{arg item, i;

this.setMantaForSetup(setup, item, i);};midiData.do{arg item, i;

if(item!=nil,{this.setMidiForSetup(setup, item[0], item[1], i);


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setMantaForSetup {arg setup, item, i;if(item!=nil,{


manta.addNoteOnSetup(setup.asSymbol, item[0], {|val| {controls[i].valueAction_(controls[i].value+1)}.defer});


manta.addPadSetup(setup.asSymbol, item[0], {|val| {controls[i].valueAction_(controls[i].controlSpec.map(val/180))}.defer});


manta.addSliderSetup(setup.asSymbol, item[0], {|val| {controls[i].valueAction_(controls[i].controlSpec.map(val/4096))}.defer});


manta.addNoteOnSetup(setup.asSymbol, item[0], {|val| {controls[i].valueAction_(1)}.defer});

manta.addNoteOffSetup(setup.asSymbol, item[0], {|val| {controls[i].valueAction_(0)}.defer});



setStoredMIDI {if(bcf2000!=nil,{

midiData.do{arg data, i;if(data!=nil,{





setManta {arg buttonNum, buttonType, controlsIndex;if(controlsIndex<mantaData.size,{

if(manta!=nil,{mantaData.put(controlsIndex, [buttonNum.deepCopy,

buttonType.deepCopy]);setups.do{arg setup;

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this.setMantaForSetup(setup, mantaData[controlsIndex], controlsIndex)


},{this.setSpecialManta(buttonNum, buttonType, controlsIndex);


clearMidiHid {arg num;ccResponders.do{arg setup;

if(setup[num]!=nil,{setup[num].remove;setup.put(num, nil);

});};noteOnResponders.do{arg setup;

if(setup[num]!=nil,{setup[num].remove;setup.put(num, nil);


midiData.put(num, nil);});if(manta!=nil,{


0,{setups.do{arg setup;

manta.removeNoteOnSetup(setup.asSymbol, mantaData[num][0])};},1,{

setups.do{arg setup; manta.removePadSetup(setup.asSymbol, mantaData[num][0])};


setups.do{arg setup; manta.removeSliderSetup(setup.asSymbol, mantaData[num][0])};


setups.do{arg setup; manta.removeNoteOnSetup(setup.asSymbol, mantaData[num][0])};

setups.do{arg setup; manta.removeNoteOffSetup(setup.asSymbol, mantaData[num][0])};


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mantaData.put(num, nil);});


addAssignButton {|rect, num|assignButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,rect)

.states_([ [ "A", Color.red, Color.black ] ,[ "C", Color.black, Color.red ] ])

.action_{|v| if(v.value==1,{

midiHidControl.requestMidiAssignInfo(this, num);},{

this.clearMidiHid(num);waitForSet = false;



setControlWNext {arg controllerType, dataType, controlsIndex, controlInfo;//controllerType - 0 is Manta, 1 is Midi//dataType - 0 is onOff info, 1 is continuous

if(dataType==waitForType, {waitForSet = false;if(controllerType ==0,{

this.setManta(controlInfo[0], controlInfo[1], controlsIndex);},{

this.setMidi(controlInfo[0], controlInfo[1], controlsIndex);});midiHidControl.clearInstantMidiAssignInfo;

},{//this should only happen with midi buttonsif(controllerType==1,{

this.setMidi(controlInfo[0], 2, controlsIndex);midiHidControl.clearInstantMidiAssignInfo;



addDoubleAssignButton {|rect, num, type, layout = \horz, specialClearAction = nil|assignButtons.add(DoubleAssignButton.new(win,rect,layout)

.instantAction_{|butt| if(butt.value==1,{

midiHidControl.requestInstantMidiAssignInfo(this, num);

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waitForSet = true;waitForType = type;if(type == 3, {waitForType = 0});



specialClearAction.value;});waitForSet = false;



Module_Mod : MIDIHIDObject {var <>group, <>outBus, mixerToSynthBusses, synths, assignAllButtons, xmlSynth, modName,

numChannels = 2, rout;

*new {arg group, outBus, midiHidControl, manta, bcf2000, setups;



makeWindow {arg name, rect;win = SCWindow.new(name, rect);win.userCanClose_(false);win.front;win.alwaysOnTop_(true);modName = name;


getInternalBusses {^mixerToSynthBusses;


pause {synths.do{|item| if(item!=nil, item.set(\pauseGate, 0))};


unpause {

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synths.do{|item| if(item!=nil,{item.set(\pauseGate, 1); item.run(true);})};}

show {win.visible = true;


hide {win.visible = false;


numBusses {^mixerToSynthBusses[0].numChannels;


loadMidiData {arg xmlSynth;midiData.size.do{arg i;

midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("midi"++i.asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

midiHidTemp = midiHidTemp.interpret;if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{




load {arg xmlSynth;this.loadMidiData(xmlSynth);mantaData.size.do{arg i;

midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("manta"++i.asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

midiHidTemp = midiHidTemp.interpret;if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

this.setManta(midiHidTemp[0], midiHidTemp[1], i);});


rout = Routine({group.server.sync;controls.do{arg item, i;

midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("controls"++i.asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{


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save {arg xmlDoc;xmlSynth = xmlDoc.createElement(modName);mantaData.do{arg item, i;

xmlSynth.setAttribute("manta"++i.asString, item.asString);};midiData.do{arg item, i;

xmlSynth.setAttribute("midi"++i.asString, item.asString);};controls.do{arg item, i;

xmlSynth.setAttribute("controls"++i.asString, item.value.asString);};xmlSynth.setAttribute("bounds", win.bounds.asString);^xmlSynth;


killMe {midiData.size.do{arg i; this.clearMidiHid(i)};win.close;if(synths!=nil,{

synths.do{arg item; if(item!=nil,{item.set(\gate, 0)})};});mixerToSynthBusses.do{arg item; item.free};this.killMeSpecial;


killMeSpecial {


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Appendix II

Selected Modules

Delayed-Controlled Feedback 119

Loop Machine 128

Cycle Gripper 132

Freeze 138

Harmonic Shifter X 144

Analysis/Resynthesis 157

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//Delayed-Controlled Feedback

MulArray {var <>size, <>mulBus, <>multi0, <>multi1, <>multi4, <>depth, <>calculateMethod, temp, <>threshold=0.5, depth, previousVolArrays, avgVolArray, <>mulArray, counterArray, incrementArray, task, maxes, mulArray2, <>numBinsLong = 10, clipArray;

*new {arg size, mulBus, multi0, multi1, multi4, depth, calculateMethod;



init {incrementArray = Array.newClear(0);size.do{incrementArray = incrementArray.add(rrand(0.04,0.06))};

previousVolArrays = Array.newClear(0);depth.do{|i|

temp = Array.fill(size, 0);previousVolArrays = previousVolArrays.add(temp);

};mulArray = List.fill(size, 1);

mulArray2 = List.fill(size, 1);mulBus.setn(mulArray);counterArray = List.fill(size, 0);

maxes = List.newClear(0);

clipArray = multi4.value;

multi4.action = {arg array;array.value.postln;



addVolArray {arg inArray;previousVolArrays = previousVolArrays.shift(1);

previousVolArrays.put(0, inArray);avgVolArray = (previousVolArrays.sum)/(previousVolArrays.size);if(calculateMethod==0,{



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calculateMulArray0 {avgVolArray.do{|item, i|

if(item>(threshold*clipArray[i]),{counterArray.put(i, 10);



mulArray.put(i, (mulArray[i]-incrementArray[i]).abs);counterArray.put(i, item-1);


mulArray.put(i, (mulArray[i]+incrementArray[i]).abs);incrementArray.put(i, rrand(0.04,0.06));

});if(mulArray[i]>1, {mulArray.put(i, 1)});



calculateMulArray1 {avgVolArray.do{|item, i|

if(item>(threshold*clipArray[i]),{counterArray.put(i, 10);if((maxes.size<numBinsLong)&&(maxes.includes(i).not),



if((item>0)&&(mulArray[i]>0),{mulArray.put(i, (mulArray[i]-incrementArray[i]).abs);counterArray.put(i, item-1);


mulArray.put(i, (mulArray[i]+incrementArray[i]).abs);incrementArray.put(i, rrand(0.02,0.03));maxes.remove(i);

});if(mulArray[i]>1, {mulArray.put(i, 1)});

});};mulArray2.fill(1);maxes.do{|item| mulArray2.put(item, mulArray[item])};

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turnDispOn {task = Task({ {


{multi1.value_(mulArray.asArray)}.defer; },{{multi1.value_(mulArray2.asArray)}.defer;


}.loop });task.start;


turnDispOff {task.stop


killMe {task.stop;



FeedbackDetection {var <>group, <>inBus, <>outBus, <>size, <>multis, thresholdShort=0.5, thresholdLong = 0.5,

temp, mulBus0, mulBus1, synth, task, getArray, finalVals, tot, sepArray, buffer, inc, waitTime=0.5, mulArray0, mulArray1;

*new {arg group, inBus, outBus, multis;^super.new.group_(group).inBus_(inBus).outBus_(outBus).multis_(multis).init;


*initClass {{

SynthDef("spectralLimiter_mod", {arg inBus, outBus, bufnum, threshold, mulBus0, mulBus1, pauseGate = 1, gate=1;

var mulArray0, mulArray1, chain0, chain1, env, pauseEnv, in, fftSize, clip;

fftSize = 4096;

in = In.ar(inBus, 2);

mulArray0 = In.kr(mulBus0, 560);

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mulArray1 = In.kr(mulBus1, 560);

FFT(bufnum, Mix.ar(in));

chain0 = FFT(LocalBuf(fftSize), in[0]);chain1 = FFT(LocalBuf(fftSize), in[1]);

chain0 = chain0.pvcollect(fftSize, {|mag, phase, index|mag*mulArray0[index]*mulArray1[index]}, frombin: 0, tobin: 559, zeroothers: 0);

chain1 = chain1.pvcollect(fftSize, {|mag, phase, index|mag*mulArray0[index]*mulArray1[index]}, frombin: 0, tobin: 559, zeroothers: 0);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(2,1,0), gate, doneAction:2);pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

Out.ar(outBus, [IFFT(chain0), IFFT(chain1)]*env*pauseEnv);}).writeDefFile;


init {size = 560;

mulBus0 = Bus.control(group.server, size);mulBus1 = Bus.control(group.server, size);

mulArray0 = MulArray(size, mulBus0, multis[0], multis[1], multis[4], 25, 0);mulArray1 = MulArray(size, mulBus1, multis[2], multis[3], multis[4], 250, 1);

{buffer = Buffer.alloc(group.server, 4096, 1);group.server.sync;


synth = Synth("spectralLimiter_mod", [\inBus, inBus, \outBus, outBus, \bufnum, buffer.bufnum, \threshold, 0.5, \mulBus0, mulBus0.index, \mulBus1, mulBus1.index], group);

task = Task({ { buffer.getn(2, size*2, { arg buf;var z, x;

z = buf.clump(2).flop;z = [Signal.newFrom(z[0]), Signal.newFrom(z[1])];

x = Complex(z[0], z[1]);getArray = (Array.newFrom(x.magnitude)* 0.05).squared;

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}); waitTime.wait;}.loop });task.start;


setThresholdShort {arg in;mulArray0.threshold_(in);


setThresholdLong {arg in;mulArray1.threshold_(in);


setNumBinsLong {arg in;mulArray1.numBinsLong_(in);


setOverallThresh {arg thresh;synth.set(\threshold, thresh);


pause {if (task!=nil,{

task.pause;synth.set(\pauseGate, 0);


unpause {task.resume;

synth.set(\pauseGate, 1);synth.run(true);


setAnalSec {arg analSec;waitTime = 1/analSec;


turnDispOn {mulArray0.turnDispOn;mulArray1.turnDispOn;


turnDispOff {

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killMe {mulArray0.killMe;mulArray1.killMe;task.stop;

synth.set(\gate, 0);}


DelayFeedback_Mod : Module_Mod {var volBus, feedbackDetection, synthGroup, limiterGroup, multis, tempArray, transferBus;

*initClass {{

SynthDef("delayFeedback_mod", {arg inBus, outBus, volBus, delay = 0.02158, varAmount=0.5, varFreq=0.02, pauseGate = 1, gate = 1;

var in, convolveAudio, volume, env, pauseEnv;

volume = In.kr(volBus);

in = LPF.ar(In.ar(inBus), 3000);

in = Compander.ar(in, in,thresh: 0.5,

slopeBelow: 1,slopeAbove: 0.5,clampTime: 0.01,relaxTime: 0.01


env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), gate, doneAction:2);pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

in = DelayC.ar(in, 0.5, (LFNoise2.kr(varFreq).range(0, varAmount)+delay));

Out.ar(outBus, Limiter.ar(in, 0.1, 0.03)*volume);}).writeDefFile;


init {this.makeWindow("DelayFeedback", Rect(318, 645, 345, 250));

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mixerToSynthBusses = List.new;mixerToSynthBusses.add(Bus.audio(group.server, 2));

transferBus = Bus.audio(group.server,2);

volBus = Bus.control(group.server);

synths = List.new;

limiterGroup = Group.tail(group);synthGroup = Group.tail(group);

feedbackDetection = FeedbackDetection(limiterGroup, mixerToSynthBusses[0].index, transferBus, multis);

4.do{|i|synths.add(Synth("delayFeedback_mod",[\inBus, transferBus.index+(i%2), \outBus, outBus.index+(i%2), \volBus, volBus.index, \delay, 0.025+(i*0.1234)], synthGroup))};

controls = List.new;assignButtons = List.new;

controls.add(EZSlider.new(win,Rect(5, 5, 80, 220), "vol", ControlSpec(0,1,'amp'),{|v| volBus.set(v.value);

}, 0, layout:\vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(5, 230, 80, 20),0,1);

controls.add(EZSlider.new(win,Rect(90, 5, 80, 220), "maxDel", ControlSpec(0.02, 0.1,'linear'),

{|v| //feedbackDetection.setOverallThresh(v.value);synths.do{arg item; item.set(\varFreq, v.value)};

}, 0.02, layout:\vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(90, 230, 80, 20),1,1);

controls.add(EZSlider.new(win,Rect(175, 5, 80, 220), "threshShort", ControlSpec(0,1,'linear'),

{|v| feedbackDetection.setThresholdShort(v.value);

}, 0.5, layout:\vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(175, 230, 80, 20),2,1);

Page 134: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


controls.add(EZSlider.new(win,Rect(260, 5, 80, 220), "threshLong", ControlSpec(0,1,'linear'),

{|v| feedbackDetection.setThresholdLong(v.value);

}, 0.5, layout:\vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(260, 230, 80, 20),3,1);

controls.add(EZSlider.new(win,Rect(345, 5, 80, 220), "numBinsLong", ControlSpec(2,15,'linear',1),

{|v| feedbackDetection.setNumBinsLong(v.value);

}, 5, layout:\vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(345, 230, 80, 20),4,1);

controls.add(EZSlider.new(win,Rect(430, 5, 80, 220), "anal/Sec", ControlSpec(2,15,'linear',1),

{|v| feedbackDetection.setAnalSec(v.value);

}, 2, layout:\vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(430, 230, 80, 20),5,1);

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(5, 260, 90, 20)).states_([["dispOff", Color.blue, Color.black],["dispOn", Color.black,

Color.blue]]).action_({arg butt;if(butt.value==0,{




//multichannel buttonnumChannels = 2;


createMultis {arg size = 560;

multis = List.newClear(0);

multis.add(SCMultiSliderView(win, Rect(515, 5, size, 350)));tempArray = Array.new;size.do({arg i;

tempArray = tempArray.add(i/size);

Page 135: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta



multis[0].readOnly = false;multis[0].xOffset_(1);





multis.add(SCMultiSliderView(win, Rect(515+size, 5, size, 350)));multis[1].value_(tempArray);multis[1].readOnly = false;multis[1].xOffset_(1);





multis.add(SCMultiSliderView(win, Rect(515, 355, size, 350)));multis[2].value_(tempArray);multis[2].readOnly = false;multis[2].xOffset_(1);





multis.add(SCMultiSliderView(win, Rect(515+size, 355, size, 350)));multis[3].value_(tempArray);multis[3].readOnly = false;multis[3].xOffset_(1);


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multis.add(SCMultiSliderView(win, Rect(5, 355, size, 350)));tempArray = Array.newClear(0);size.do{|i|tempArray = tempArray.add(1-(i/(size*2)))};

multis[4].value_(tempArray);multis[4].readOnly = false;multis[4].xOffset_(1);






pause {synths.do{|item| if(item!=nil, item.set(\pauseGate, 0))};feedbackDetection.pause;


unpause {synths.do{|item| if(item!=nil,{item.set(\pauseGate, 1); item.run(true);})};feedbackDetection.unpause;


killMeSpecial {feedbackDetection.killMe;


//Loop Machine

LoopMachine_Mod : Module_Mod {var volBus0, volBus1, phasorBus, rateBus, recordGroup, playGroup, buffer, dustRate,

rateSwitch, controlIndex;

*initClass {{

Page 137: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


SynthDef("loopBufRecord_mod", {arg inBus, outBus, bufnum, phasorBus, volBus, smallGate = 1, gate=1, pauseGate=1;

var in, phasor, vol, env, smallEnv, pauseEnv;

phasor = Phasor.ar(0, BufRateScale.kr(bufnum)*smallGate, 0, BufFrames.kr(bufnum));

Out.kr(phasorBus, A2K.kr(phasor));

in = In.ar(inBus,8);

vol = In.kr(volBus);

smallEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.02,1,0.02), smallGate);env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.02,1,0.02), gate, doneAction: 2);pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

BufWr.ar(in, bufnum, phasor, loop:1);

Out.ar(outBus, in*vol*env*smallEnv*pauseEnv);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("loopBufPlay_mod", {arg outBus, bufnum, rateBus, phasorBus, volBus,

rateSwitch = 0, gate=1, pauseGate=1;var playBack, phaseStart, phase, env, rate, vol, pauseEnv, dust;

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.02,1,0.02), gate, doneAction: 2);pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

vol = In.kr(volBus);

dust = Dust.kr(5);rate = Select.kr(rateSwitch, [In.kr(rateBus),

TRand.kr(2,4,dust)*Select.kr(TIRand.kr(0,1,dust), [-1, 1])]);

phaseStart = Select.kr(rateSwitch, [Latch.kr(In.kr(phasorBus),1), TRand.kr(0,BufFrames.kr(bufnum),dust)]);

phase = (Phasor.ar(0, BufRateScale.kr(bufnum)*rate, 0, BufFrames.kr(bufnum))+phaseStart).wrap(0, BufFrames.kr(bufnum));

playBack = BufRd.ar(8, bufnum, phase, loop:1)*env*vol*pauseEnv;

XOut.ar(outBus, env, playBack);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef("loopBufDuster_mod", {arg outBus, bufnum, rateBus, phasorBus, volBus,

dustRate, gate=1, pauseGate=1;var playBack, phaseStart, phase, env, rate, vol, pauseEnv, dust, stepper;

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env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.02,1,0.02), gate, doneAction: 2);pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

vol = In.kr(volBus);

dust = Dust.kr(dustRate);stepper = Demand.kr(dust, 0, Dseq([0,0,1],inf));

rate = TRand.kr(2,4,dust)*Select.kr(TIRand.kr(0,1,stepper), [-1, 1]);

phaseStart = TRand.kr(0,BufFrames.kr(bufnum),stepper);phase = (Phasor.ar(0, BufRateScale.kr(bufnum)*rate, 0,

BufFrames.kr(bufnum))+phaseStart).wrap(0, BufFrames.kr(bufnum));

playBack = BufRd.ar(8, bufnum, phase, loop:1)*env*vol*pauseEnv;

XOut.ar(outBus, Lag.kr(stepper, 0.05)*env, playBack);}).writeDefFile;


init {this.makeWindow("LoopMachine", Rect(700, 700, 270, 235));


mixerToSynthBusses = List.new;mixerToSynthBusses.add(Bus.audio(group.server, 8));

buffer = Buffer.alloc(group.server, group.server.sampleRate*8, 8);

volBus0 = Bus.control(group.server);volBus1 = Bus.control(group.server);phasorBus = Bus.control(group.server);rateBus = Bus.control(group.server);

synths = List.newClear(2);recordGroup = Group.head(group);playGroup = Group.tail(group);synths.put(0, Synth("loopBufRecord_mod", [\inBus, mixerToSynthBusses[0].index,

\outBus, outBus, \bufnum, buffer.bufnum, \phasorBus, phasorBus.index, \volBus, volBus0.index], recordGroup));

controls = List.new;assignButtons = List.new;assignAllButtons = List.new;

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controls.add(EZSlider(win, Rect(5, 5, 60, 160),"inVol", ControlSpec(0.0,1.0,\amp), {|v|volBus0.set(v.value);

}, 0, true, 40, 40, 0, 16, \vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(5, 165, 60, 16), 0, 1);

controls.add(EZSlider(win, Rect(70, 5, 60, 160),"loopVol", ControlSpec(0.0,1.0,\amp), {|v|volBus1.set(v.value);

}, 0, true, 40, 40, 0, 16, \vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(70, 165, 60, 16), 1, 1);

controls.add(EZSlider(win, Rect(135, 5, 60, 160),"rate", ControlSpec(-4.0,4.0), {|v|rateBus.set(v.value);

}, 0, true, 40, 40, 0, 16, \vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(135, 165, 60, 16), 2, 1);

controls.add(EZRanger(win, Rect(200, 5, 60, 180), "dust", ControlSpec(2, 10), {arg vals;dustRate = vals.value;synths[1].set(\dustRate, dustRate);

}, [4,6], true, layout:\vert));

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(5, 185, 60, 16)).states_([["input", Color.red, Color.black],["loop", Color.black, Color.green]]).action_{arg butt;

synths[1].set(\gate, 0);synths.put(1, Synth("loopBufPlay_mod", [\outBus, outBus, \bufnum,

buffer.bufnum, \rateBus, rateBus.index, \phasorBus, phasorBus.index, \volBus, volBus1.index, \dustRate, rrand(dustRate[0],dustRate[1]), \rateSwitch, rateSwitch], playGroup));

synths[0].set(\smallGate, 0);this.setButtons(4);

});this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(5, 205, 60, 16), 4, 0);

rateSwitch=0;controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(70, 185, 60, 16))

.states_([["dust", Color.red, Color.black],["dust", Color.black, Color.green]])

.action_{arg butt;synths[1].set(\gate, 0);synths[0].set(\smallGate, 1);synths.put(1, Synth("loopBufDuster_mod", [\outBus, outBus,

\bufnum, buffer.bufnum, \rateBus, rateBus.index, \phasorBus, phasorBus.index, \volBus, volBus1.index, \dustRate, rrand(dustRate[0],dustRate[1])], playGroup));

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this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(70, 205, 60, 16), 5, 0);

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(135, 185, 60, 16)).states_([["norm", Color.red, Color.black],["norm", Color.black, Color.green]])

.action_{synths[1].set(\gate, 0);

synths[0].set(\smallGate, 1);this.setButtons(6);

});this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(135, 205, 60, 16), 6, 0);controls[6].valueAction = 1;


setButtons {arg val;controlIndex = val;(4..6).do{|i| controls[i].value=0};controls[val].value=1;


killMeSpecial {volBus0.free;volBus1.free;phasorBus.free;rateBus.free;


//Cycle Gripper

CycleGripper_Mod : Module_Mod {var bufs, bufnums, bufPlayers, mantaIsSet, midiIsSet, lastValue, seqs, repeatSeq, numPlays,

countToPlays, tempList;

*initClass {{

SynthDef("cycleGripper_mod", {arg inBus, outBus, trigRateDust=0, trigRateImpulse=0, mode=0, inDelay = 0.02, t_trig = 0, gate = 1, pauseGate = 1;

var trig, div0, div1, switch0, switch1, source, local, delay, delayTime;var triga, div0a, div1a, switch0a, switch1a, env, pauseEnv;

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), gate, doneAction:2);pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.01,1,0.01), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

trig = Dust.kr(trigRateDust) + Impulse.kr(trigRateImpulse);

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div0 = PulseDivider.kr(trig, 2, 0);div1 = PulseDivider.kr(trig, 2, 1);switch0 = SetResetFF.kr(div0,div1);switch1 = SetResetFF.kr(div1,div0);

div0a = Trig.kr(t_trig, 0.01);div1a = Trig.kr(TDelay.kr(t_trig, inDelay), 0.01);switch0a = SetResetFF.kr(div0a,div1a);switch1a = SetResetFF.kr(div1a,div0a);

switch0 = Select.kr(mode, [switch0, switch0a, 1]);switch1 = Select.kr(mode, [switch1, switch1a, 0]);

source = In.ar(inBus, 2);

delayTime = Select.kr(mode, [TRand.kr(64/44100, 1024/44100, trig), inDelay, inDelay]);

delay = DelayN.ar(LocalIn.ar(2), 8192/44100, delayTime);

delay = Compander.ar((switch1*delay), (switch1*delay), 1, 1, 0.5, 0.01, 0.01).distort.clip2(0.8);

//delay = (delay+PitchShift.ar(delay, 0.02, TRand.kr(0.9, 1.1, switch1), 0.01, 0));

local = Mix.ar([(switch0*source),delay]);


Out.ar(outBus, local*env*pauseEnv);}).writeDefFile;


getDelay {arg num;numPlays.put(num, numPlays[num]+1);

if(numPlays[num]>countToPlays[num], {numPlays.put(num, 0);countToPlays.put(num, rrand(12,17));

tempList = List.newClear;rrand(3,5).do{tempList.add(rrand(2**(9+num), 2**(10+num))/44100)};seqs.put(num, Pseq.new(tempList, inf).asStream);

});lastValue.put(num, seqs[num].next);^lastValue[num].postln;

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init {this.makeWindow("CycleGripper",Rect(946, 618, 60*9, 20));


mixerToSynthBusses = List.new;mixerToSynthBusses.add(Bus.audio(group.server, 8));

synths = List.newClear(4);synths.put(0, Synth("cycleGripper_mod", [\inBus, mixerToSynthBusses[0].index,

\outBus, outBus, \trigRateDust, 0, \trigRateImpulse, 0, \mode, 2], group));

seqs = List.newClear(0);5.do{arg i; seqs.add(Pseq.new(#[0.1], inf).asStream)};lastValue = List[seqs[0].next, seqs[1].next, seqs[2].next, seqs[3].next, seqs[4].next];numPlays = List[0,0,0,0,0];countToPlays = List[0,0,0,0,0];

repeatSeq = 0;

controls = List.new;assignButtons = List.new;assignAllButtons = List.new;

this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(0, 0, 60, 20), 0, 0);

controls.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(60, 0, 60, 20)).states_([["allOff", Color.red, Color.black ]]).action_{|v|

"allOff".postln;synths.do{arg item;

if(item!=nil,{item.set(\trigRateDust, 0);item.set(\trigRateImpulse, 0);item.set(\mode, 2);


});controls.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(120, 0, 60, 20))

.states_([["manOn0", Color.red, Color.black ]])

.action_{|v| synths.do{arg item;

if(item!=nil,{item.set(\trigRateDust, 0);item.set(\trigRateImpulse, 0);item.set(\mode, 1);

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item.set(\inDelay, this.getDelay(0));item.set(\t_trig, 1);


});controls.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(180, 0, 60, 20))

.states_([["manOn1", Color.red, Color.black ]])

.action_{|v| synths.do{arg item;

if(item!=nil,{item.set(\trigRateDust, 0);item.set(\trigRateImpulse, 0);item.set(\mode, 1);item.set(\inDelay, this.getDelay(1));item.set(\t_trig, 1);


});controls.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(240, 0, 60, 20))

.states_([["manOn2", Color.red, Color.black ]])

.action_{|v| synths.do{arg item;

if(item!=nil,{item.set(\trigRateDust, 0);item.set(\trigRateImpulse, 0);item.set(\mode, 1);item.set(\inDelay, this.getDelay(2));item.set(\t_trig, 1);


});controls.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(300, 0, 60, 20))

.states_([["manOn3", Color.red, Color.black ]])

.action_{|v| synths.do{arg item;

if(item!=nil,{item.set(\trigRateDust, 0);item.set(\trigRateImpulse, 0);item.set(\mode, 1);item.set(\inDelay, this.getDelay(3));item.set(\t_trig, 1);


});controls.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(360, 0, 60, 20))

.states_([["manOn4", Color.red, Color.black ]])

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.action_{|v| synths.do{arg item;

if(item!=nil,{item.set(\trigRateDust, 0);item.set(\trigRateImpulse, 0);item.set(\mode, 1);item.set(\inDelay, this.getDelay(4));item.set(\t_trig, 1);


});controls.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(420, 0, 60, 20))

.states_([["Dust", Color.red, Color.black ]])

.action_{|v| synths.do{arg item;

if(item!=nil,{item.set(\trigRateImpulse, rrand(5,12));item.set(\trigRateDust,rrand(5,25));item.set(\mode, 0);


});controls.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(480, 0, 60, 20))

.states_([["Impulse", Color.red, Color.black ]])

.action_{|v| synths.do{arg item;

if(item!=nil,{item.set(\trigRateImpulse, rrand(5,25));item.set(\trigRateDust, 0);item.set(\mode, 0);



//multichannel buttonnumChannels = 2;controls.add(SCButton(win,Rect(10, 25, 60, 20))

.states_([["2", Color.black, Color.white],["4", Color.black, Color.white],["8", Color.black, Color.white]])


0, {numChannels = 2;

3.do{|i| synths[i+1].set(\gate, 0)};},

1, {

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synths.put(1, Synth("cycleGripper_mod", [\inBus, mixerToSynthBusses[0].index+2, \outBus, outBus.index+2, \trigRateDust, 0, \trigRateImpulse, 0, \mode, 2], group));

numChannels = 4;},2, {

if(numChannels==2,{synths.put(1, Synth("cycleGripper_mod", [\inBus,

mixerToSynthBusses[0].index+2, \outBus, outBus.index+2, \trigRateDust, 0, \trigRateImpulse, 0, \mode, 2], group));

});synths.put(2, Synth("cycleGripper_mod", [\inBus,

mixerToSynthBusses[0].index+4, \outBus, outBus.index+4, \trigRateDust, 0, \trigRateImpulse, 0, \mode, 2], group));

synths.put(3, Synth("cycleGripper_mod", [\inBus, mixerToSynthBusses[0].index+6, \outBus, outBus.index+6, \trigRateDust, 0, \trigRateImpulse, 0, \mode, 2], group));

numChannels = 8;}



mantaIsSet = false;midiIsSet = false;


setManta {arg buttonNum, buttonType, controlsIndex; 8.do{arg i;

mantaData.put(i, [buttonNum.deepCopy+i, buttonType.deepCopy]);setups.do{arg setup;

this.setMantaForSetup(setup, mantaData[i], i)}


mantaIsSet = true;}

setMidi {arg data, dataType, controlsIndex;


clearMidiHid {this.clearAllManta


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clearAllManta {mantaData.postln;

8.do{arg i;if(mantaData[i]!=nil,{manta.removeNoteOn(mantaData[i][0])});mantaData.put(i, nil);

};mantaIsSet = false;


clearAllMidi {8.do{arg i;


midiData.put(0, nil);midiIsSet = false;


load {arg xmlSynth;this.loadMidiData(xmlSynth);//see if the manta is setmidiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("manta0").interpret;if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

this.setManta(midiHidTemp[0], midiHidTemp[1], 0);});//change the number of channels if necessary

midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("controls"++(controls.size-1).asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{





RDVolumeDisplay_Mod {var <win, <bounds, top;

*new {arg win, bounds;^super.newCopyArgs(win, bounds);


init {}

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update {arg val;Color.black.set;Pen.strokeRect(bounds);if(val>=1,{Color.red.set},{Color.green.set});

top = bounds.top + (bounds.height-((val*bounds.height)));Pen.fillRect(Rect(bounds.left+2, top, bounds.width-4, val*bounds.height-4));


Freeze_Mod : Module_Mod {var group, outBus, midiHidControl, manta, buffer, win, frozenAudioBus, fftBus, levelBus,

updateDisplayRout, volDisplay, displayVol, volumeDisplay, onOff, rout, volBus, threshBus, onOffBus, muteGateBus, buffers;

*initClass {{

SynthDef("rdFreeze_mod", { arg audioInBus, audioOutBus, levelBus, t_keyTrig, volBus, threshBus, muteGateBus, onOffBus, buffer, gate = 1, pauseGate = 1;

var audioIn, fftIn, chain, outSig, trig1, trig2, trig, amp, sin, peak, env, pauseEnv, muteEnv, vol, thresh, muteGate, onOff;

vol = In.kr(volBus);thresh = In.kr(threshBus);muteGate = In.kr(muteGateBus);onOff = In.kr(onOffBus);

audioIn = In.ar(audioInBus, 1);

amp = Amplitude.kr(audioIn)*EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.001, 1, 0.001), onOff);

trig1 = Trig1.kr((amp>thresh),0.01);

trig2 = Trig1.kr(t_keyTrig, 0.01);

trig = (trig1+trig2);

chain = FFT(buffer, audioIn);

chain = PV_Freeze(chain, 1 - trig);outSig = IFFT(chain);

peak = PeakFollower.ar(outSig, 0.99);Out.kr(levelBus, peak);

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sin = SinOsc.kr(Rand(0.09,1.1))*0.25;

outSig = Compander.ar(outSig, outSig,thresh: 0.8,

slopeBelow: 1,slopeAbove: 0.5,clampTime: 0.01,relaxTime: 0.01


pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.1,1,0.1), gate, doneAction:2);muteEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.1,1,0.1), muteGate);

outSig = outSig*vol*env*pauseEnv*muteEnv;

Out.ar(audioOutBus, outSig);}).writeDefFile;


init {this.makeWindow("Freeze",Rect(946, 618, 130, 330));


mixerToSynthBusses = List.new;mixerToSynthBusses.add(Bus.audio(group.server, 8));

volBus = Bus.control(group.server);threshBus = Bus.control(group.server);onOffBus = Bus.control(group.server);muteGateBus = Bus.control(group.server);

synths = List.newClear(8);

buffers = List.new;8.do{buffers.add(Buffer.alloc(group.server, 2048, 1))};

controls = List.new;assignButtons = List.new;

levelBus = Bus.control(group.server, 1);

onOff = 0;

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(0, 0, 65, 20))

Page 149: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


.states_([["Locked", Color.red, Color.black],

["Locked", Color.black, Color.green]]).action = {arg butt;

onOff = 1;onOffBus.set(onOff);butt.value_(1);controls[1].value = 0;

});this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(65, 0, 65, 20), 0, 0);

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(0, 20, 65, 20)).states_([

["Free", Color.red, Color.black],["Free", Color.black, Color.green]

]).action = {arg butt;

onOff = 1;onOffBus.set(onOff);butt.value_(1);controls[0].value = 0;

});this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(65, 20, 65, 20), 1, 0);controls[0].valueAction_(1);

controls.add(EZSlider(win, Rect(0, 40, 40, 200), "Amp", ControlSpec(0.001, 2, \amp), {arg slider;volBus.set(slider.value);

}, 1, true, layout:\vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(0, 240, 40, 20),2, 1);

controls.add(EZSlider(win, Rect(45, 40, 40, 200), "Thresh", ControlSpec(0.0, 1.0, \cos), {arg slider;

threshBus.set(slider.value);}, 0.1, true, layout:\vert));

this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(45, 240, 40, 20), 3, 1);

controls[2].value = 1;volDisplay = RDVolumeDisplay_Mod(win, Rect(90, 40, 40, 200));

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(0, 260, 65, 20)).states_([

["trig", Color.black, Color.red],["trig", Color.black, Color.blue]


Page 150: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


.action_{arg butt;synths.do{arg item; item.set(\t_keyTrig, 1)};


this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(65, 260, 65, 20), 4, 0);

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(0, 280, 65, 20)).states_([

["On", Color.red, Color.black],["On", Color.black, Color.green]

]).action_{arg butt;

muteGateBus.set(1);butt.value = 1;controls[6].value = 0;

});this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(65, 280, 65, 20), 5,0);

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(0, 300, 65, 20)).states_([

["Off", Color.red, Color.black],["Off", Color.black, Color.green]

]).action_{arg butt;

muteGateBus.set(0);butt.value = 1;controls[5].value = 0;

});this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(65, 300, 65, 20), 6,0);


//multichannel buttonnumChannels = 2;controls.add(SCButton(win,Rect(0, 325, 60, 20))

.states_([["2", Color.black, Color.white],["4", Color.black, Color.white],["8", Color.black, Color.white]])


0, {numChannels = 2;

6.do{|i| synths[i+2].set(\gate, 0)};},

1, {2.do{|i| synths.put(i+2, Synth("rdFreeze_mod", [\audioInBus,

Page 151: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


mixerToSynthBusses[0].index+i+2, \audioOutBus, outBus.index+i+2, \levelBus, levelBus.index, \onOffBus, onOffBus, \muteGateBus, muteGateBus, \volBus, volBus, \threshBus, threshBus, \buffer, buffers[i+2]], group))};

numChannels = 4;},2, {

if(numChannels==2,{2.do{|i| synths.put(i+2, Synth("rdFreeze_mod", [\audioInBus,

mixerToSynthBusses[0].index+i+2, \audioOutBus, outBus.index+i+2, \levelBus, levelBus.index, \onOffBus, onOffBus, \muteGateBus, muteGateBus, \volBus, volBus, \threshBus, threshBus, \buffer, buffers[i+2]], group))};

});4.do{|i| synths.put(i+4, Synth("rdFreeze_mod", [\audioInBus,

mixerToSynthBusses[0].index+i+4, \audioOutBus, outBus.index+i+4, \levelBus, levelBus.index, \onOffBus, onOffBus, \muteGateBus, muteGateBus, \volBus, volBus, \threshBus, threshBus, \buffer, buffers[i+4]], group))};

numChannels = 8;}



rout = Routine({group.server.sync;

0.4.wait;synths.add(Synth("rdFreeze_mod", [\audioInBus, mixerToSynthBusses[0].index,

\audioOutBus, outBus, \levelBus, levelBus.index, \onOffBus, onOffBus, \muteGateBus, muteGateBus, \volBus, volBus, \threshBus, threshBus, \buffer, buffers[0]], group));

synths.add(Synth("rdFreeze_mod", [\audioInBus, mixerToSynthBusses[0].index+1, \audioOutBus, outBus.index+1, \levelBus, levelBus.index, \onOffBus, onOffBus, \muteGateBus, muteGateBus, \volBus, volBus, \threshBus, threshBus, \buffer, buffers[1]], group));



load {arg xmlSynth;rout = Routine( {


this.loadMidiData(xmlSynth);mantaData.size.do{arg i;

midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("manta"++i.asString).interpret;if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

Page 152: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


this.setManta(midiHidTemp[0], midiHidTemp[1], i);});

};{[2,3,7].do{arg i;

midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("controls"++i.asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{controls[i].valueAction_(midiHidTemp.interpret);});





killMeSpecial {buffers.do{arg item; item.free};


//Harmonic Shifter X

HarmonicShifter_Mod {var buffer, shiftBus, shiftByArray, <>shiftWeightArray, loopLength, inBus, group,

<>randomPitch;var playID, shiftRout, length, delayTime, windowSize, pitchRatio, pitchDisp, volume;var largeEnv, largeEnvBus, largeEnvBusNum, transBus, transBusNum, playRout, resp,

bussesOut1, bussesOut2;var outBus1, outBus2, outBus3, outBus4;var volGroup, recordGroup, playGroup, synthGroup;var playBufSynth, writeBufSynth;

*new {arg buffer, shiftBus, shiftByArray, shiftWeightArray, loopLength, inBus, group;^super.newCopyArgs(buffer, shiftBus, shiftByArray, shiftWeightArray, loopLength,

inBus, group).init;}

*initClass {{

SynthDef("largeEnvShifter_mod",{arg outBusNum, attack, decay, gate;var env, out;

env = Env.asr(attack,1,decay);

Page 153: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


Out.kr(outBusNum, EnvGen.kr(env, gate, doneAction: 2));}).writeDefFile;SynthDef(\playBufShifter_mod, {arg bufNum, outBusNum, length, gate = 1.0;

var out, env;

env = Env.new([0.001, 1, 1, 0.001], [3, length-6.1, 3], 'sine');out = EnvGen.kr(env, gate, doneAction: 2)*PlayBuf.ar(1, bufNum);Out.ar(outBusNum, out);

}).writeDefFile;SynthDef(\writeBufShifter_mod, {arg inBusNum=0, bufNum, rate=1, length;

var in, out, env;in = In.ar(inBusNum);env = Env.new([0,1,1,0],[0.1, length-0.2, 0.1], 'linear');out = BufWr.ar(EnvGen.ar(env,1.0,doneAction: 2)*in, bufNum,

Phasor.ar(0, BufRateScale.kr(bufNum) * rate, 0, BufFrames.kr(bufNum)), 0);}).writeDefFile;SynthDef(\shifterX_mod, {arg inBusNum, outBus1, outBus2, outBus3, outBus4,

length, delayTime, windowSize, pitchRatio, pitchDisp, xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd, largeEnvBusNum;

var in, in2, out1, out2, out3, out4, addToSlope, env, bigEnv, largeEnv;

addToSlope = length/4;env = Env.new([0.001,1,1,0.001], [addToSlope+1,length-

(2+(2*addToSlope)),1+addToSlope], 'linear');bigEnv = Env.new([0.001, 1, 1, 0.001], [0.001, length + addToSlope +

delayTime +2, 0.001], 'linear');

largeEnv = In.kr(largeEnvBusNum, 1);

in = In.ar(inBusNum, 1);in2 = in*EnvGen.kr(bigEnv, doneAction: 2)*EnvGen.kr(env,

doneAction: 0)*largeEnv;

# out1, out2, out3, out4 = Pan4.ar( PitchShift.ar(DelayL.ar(in2, 0.5, delayTime), windowSize,

pitchRatio, pitchDisp), Line.kr(xStart, xEnd, length+2.1+delayTime), Line.kr(yStart, yEnd, length+2.1+delayTime)


Out.ar(outBus1, out1);Out.ar(outBus2, out2);Out.ar(outBus3, out3);Out.ar(outBus4, out4);


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init {volGroup = Group.tail(group);

recordGroup = Group.tail(group);playGroup = Group.tail(group);synthGroup = Group.tail(group);

largeEnvBus = Bus.control(group.server, 1);largeEnv = Synth("largeEnvShifter_mod", [\outBusNum, largeEnvBus.index, \attack,

10, \decay, 10, \gate, 1.0], volGroup);

transBus = Bus.audio(group.server, 1);

writeBufSynth = Synth("writeBufShifter_mod", [\inBusNum, inBus.postln, \bufNum, buffer.bufnum, \length, loopLength], recordGroup);

playRout = Routine.new({{playBufSynth = Synth("playBufShifter_mod", [\bufNum, buffer.bufnum,

\outBusNum, transBus.index, \length, loopLength, \gate, 1.0], playGroup);loopLength.wait;



bussesOut1 = Pxrand(#[0,2,4,6], inf).asStream;bussesOut2 = Pxrand(#[1,3,5,7], inf).asStream;

randomPitch = false;shiftRout = Routine.new({{

length = 5.0.rand + 5;delayTime = 0.05+0.25.rand;windowSize = 0.5+2.0.rand;if(shiftWeightArray.sum>0,{

pitchRatio = shiftByArray.wchoose(shiftWeightArray.normalizeSum);},{

pitchRatio = shiftByArray.choose});if(pitchRatio == 2, {pitchRatio = shiftByArray.choose*[2,4].choose});if(randomPitch, {pitchRatio = pitchRatio*(rrand(0.75,1.25))});pitchDisp = 0.025.rand;volume = 0.5.rand+0.5;

outBus1 = shiftBus.index+bussesOut1.next;outBus2 = shiftBus.index+bussesOut2.next;outBus3 = shiftBus.index+bussesOut1.next;

Page 155: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


outBus4 = shiftBus.index+bussesOut2.next;

Synth("shifterX_mod", [\inBusNum, transBus.index, \outBus1, outBus1, \outBus2, outBus2, \outBus3, outBus3, \outBus4, outBus4, \length, length, \delayTime, delayTime, \windowSize, windowSize, \pitchRatio, pitchRatio, \pitchDisp, pitchDisp, \xStart, 1.0.rand2, \xEnd, 1.0.rand2, \yStart, 1.0.rand2, \yEnd, 1.0.rand2, \largeEnvBusNum, largeEnvBus.index], synthGroup);

(1.5 + (3.5.rand)).wait;}.loop});


killMe {shiftRout.stop;

SystemClock.sched(15, {

playRout.stop;playBufSynth.set(\gate, 0);largeEnvBus.free; nil



FeedBackLooper_Mod {var shiftBus, distortBus, group;var busOut, busOutStream, playRout, waitLine1, waitLine2, durLine1, durLine2, startLine,

endLine, lineDeviation, grainyMouse, resp, resp2;

*new {arg shiftBus, distortBus, group;^super.newCopyArgs(shiftBus, distortBus, group).init;


*initClass {{

SynthDef("tapeFeedback_mod", {arg inBus, outBus, length, startLine, endLine;var local, in, amp, initEnv, envLength, delayTime, env, vol;

in = In.ar(inBus);

in = Compander.ar(in, in, thresh: 0.5, slopeBelow: 1, slopeAbove: 0.5, clampTime: 0.01,relaxTime: 0.01);

amp = Amplitude.kr(in);in = in * (amp > 0.02); // noise gate

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local = LocalIn.ar(1);

local = DelayN.ar(local, 0.5, Line.kr(startLine, endLine, length));

local = LeakDC.ar(local);local = ((local + in) * 1.25).softclip;


env = EnvGen.kr(Env.sine(length), doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, local * 0.1 * env);}).writeDefFile;


init {waitLine1 = LangLine(0.5, 0.25, 30);

waitLine2 = LangLine(3.0, 1.5, 30);

durLine1 = LangLine(5.0, 7.5, 50);durLine2 = LangLine(10.0, 15.0, 50);

lineDeviation = 0;

busOutStream = Pxrand(#[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7], inf).asStream;

playRout = Routine.new({{startLine = rrand(0.15,0.5);

endLine = startLine+(([(startLine-0.15).rand.neg, (startLine-0.5).neg.rand].choose)*lineDeviation.value);

Synth("tapeFeedback_mod", [\inBus, shiftBus.index+(8.rand), \outBus, distortBus.index+busOutStream.next, \length, rrand(durLine1.value,durLine2.value), \startLine, startLine, \endLine, endLine], group);



setDeviation {arg bool;if (bool,{

lineDeviation = LangLine(0.0, 1.0, 30);},{

Page 157: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


lineDeviation = 0;})


killMe {playRout.stop;


ShifterFeedback_Mod : Module_Mod {var shiftBus, shiftGroup, tapeGroup, mixGroup, topButtons, sideButtons, randomPitch,

shiftSlide, shiftWeightArray, shiftByArray, harmonicShifters, bombVol;var distortBus, feedBackLooper, shiftButtons, bufferArray, bombVol, mainVol, rout;

*initClass {{

SynthDef("busToOuts2_mod", {arg outBus, bus1, bus2, bus3, bus4, bus5, bus6, bus7, bus8, bus1a, bus2a, bus3a, bus4a, bus5a, bus6a, bus7a, bus8a, fade, volBus, gate=1, pauseGate = 1;

var out, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7, out8, fade2, pauseEnv, env, vol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);

fade2 = Lag.kr(fade, 0.05);

out1 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus1), In.ar(bus1a), fade2);out2 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus2), In.ar(bus2a), fade2);out3 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus3), In.ar(bus3a), fade2);out4 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus4), In.ar(bus4a), fade2);out5 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus5), In.ar(bus5a), fade2);out6 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus6), In.ar(bus6a), fade2);out7 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus7), In.ar(bus7a), fade2);out8 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus8), In.ar(bus8a), fade2);

out = Pan2.ar(out1,1,0.5)+ Pan2.ar(out2,-0.75,0.5)+ Pan2.ar(out3,0.75,0.5)+ Pan2.ar(out4,-0.6,0.5)+ Pan2.ar(out5,0.6,0.5)+ Pan2.ar(out6,-0.2,0.5)+ Pan2.ar(out7,0.2,0.5)+Pan2.ar(out8,-1,0.5);

pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.2,1,0.2), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, pauseEnv*env*LeakDC.ar(out*Lag.kr(vol, 0.05)));}).writeDefFile;

SynthDef("busToOuts4_mod", {arg outBus, bus1, bus2, bus3, bus4, bus5, bus6, bus7, bus8, bus1a, bus2a, bus3a, bus4a, bus5a, bus6a, bus7a, bus8a, fade, volBus, gate=1, pauseGate = 1;

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var outa, outb, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7, out8, fade2, pauseEnv, env, vol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);

fade2 = Lag.kr(fade, 0.05);

out1 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus1), In.ar(bus1a), fade2);out2 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus2), In.ar(bus2a), fade2);out3 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus3), In.ar(bus3a), fade2);out4 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus4), In.ar(bus4a), fade2);out5 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus5), In.ar(bus5a), fade2);out6 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus6), In.ar(bus6a), fade2);out7 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus7), In.ar(bus7a), fade2);out8 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus8), In.ar(bus8a), fade2);

outa = [out1, out3, out5, out7];outb = [out2, out4, out6, out8];

pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.2,1,0.2), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, pauseEnv*env*LeakDC.ar((outa+outb)*Lag.kr(vol, 0.05)));}).writeDefFile;

SynthDef("busToOuts8_mod", {arg outBus, bus1, bus2, bus3, bus4, bus5, bus6, bus7, bus8, bus1a, bus2a, bus3a, bus4a, bus5a, bus6a, bus7a, bus8a, fade, volBus, gate=1, pauseGate = 1;

var out, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7, out8, fade2, pauseEnv, env, vol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);

fade2 = Lag.kr(fade, 0.05);

out1 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus1), In.ar(bus1a), fade2);out2 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus2), In.ar(bus2a), fade2);out3 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus3), In.ar(bus3a), fade2);out4 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus4), In.ar(bus4a), fade2);out5 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus5), In.ar(bus5a), fade2);out6 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus6), In.ar(bus6a), fade2);out7 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus7), In.ar(bus7a), fade2);out8 = XFade2.ar(In.ar(bus8), In.ar(bus8a), fade2);

out = [out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7, out8];

pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

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env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.2,1,0.2), gate, doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, pauseEnv*env*LeakDC.ar(out*Lag.kr(vol, 0.05)));}).writeDefFile;

SynthDef("delayBomb2_mod", {arg buf, outBus, volBus;var out, env, env1, dur, vol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.sine(Rand(0.5, 0.9), 1));

out = PlayBuf.ar(1, buf, startPos: MouseX.kr*BufFrames.kr(buf))*env;

dur = Rand(7.0, 11.0);

env1 = EnvGen.kr(Env.new([0,1,0],[0.1, dur]), doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, Pan2.ar(CombC.ar(out, 0.3, Rand(0.1, 0.3), dur*4)*env1, Rand(-1,1), vol));


SynthDef("delayBomb4_mod", {arg buf, outBus, volBus;var out, env, env1, dur, vol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.sine(Rand(0.5, 0.9), 1));

out = PlayBuf.ar(1, buf, startPos: MouseX.kr*BufFrames.kr(buf))*env;

dur = Rand(7.0, 11.0);

env1 = EnvGen.kr(Env.new([0,1,0],[0.1, dur]), doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, PanAz.ar(4, CombC.ar(out, 0.3, Rand(0.1, 0.3), dur*4)*env1, Rand(-1,1), vol));


SynthDef("delayBomb8_mod", {arg buf, outBus, volBus;var out, env, env1, dur, vol;

vol = In.kr(volBus);

Page 160: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


env = EnvGen.kr(Env.sine(Rand(0.5, 0.9), 1));

out = PlayBuf.ar(1, buf, startPos: MouseX.kr*BufFrames.kr(buf))*env;

dur = Rand(7.0, 11.0);

env1 = EnvGen.kr(Env.new([0,1,0],[0.1, dur]), doneAction:2);

Out.ar(outBus, PanAz.ar(8, CombC.ar(out, 0.3, Rand(0.1, 0.3), dur*4)*env1, Rand(-1,1), vol));



init {this.makeWindow("ShifterFeedback",Rect(490, 510, 170, 490));

mixerToSynthBusses = List.new;mixerToSynthBusses.add(Bus.audio(group.server));


synths = List.new;

bufferArray = Array.with(Buffer.alloc(group.server, 44100*30, 1),Buffer.alloc(group.server, 44100*30, 1),Buffer.alloc(group.server, 44100*30, 1),Buffer.alloc(group.server, 44100*30, 1)


bombVol = Bus.control(group.server);mainVol = Bus.control(group.server);

topButtons = List.new;

randomPitch = false;shiftSlide = false;

topButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(10, 10, 70, 20)).states_([ [ "randOff", Color.red, Color.black ], [ "randOn", Color.black,

Color.green ] ]).action_{|v|

if(v.value==1,{randomPitch = true},{randomPitch = false});harmonicShifters.do{arg item; item.randomPitch = randomPitch};

Page 161: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


});topButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(80, 10, 70, 20))

.states_([ [ "slideOff", Color.red, Color.black ], [ "slideOn", Color.black, Color.green ] ])

.action_{|v| if(v.value==1,{shiftSlide = true},{shiftSlide = false})});topButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(10, 30, 70, 20))

.states_([ [ "noiseOff", Color.red, Color.black ], [ "noiseOn", Color.black, Color.green ] ])

.action_{|v| feedBackLooper = FeedBackLooper_Mod(shiftBus, distortBus,


});topButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(80, 30, 70, 20))

.states_([ [ "slideOff", Color.red, Color.black ], [ "slideOn", Color.black, Color.green ] ])

.action_{|v| if(v.value==1,{feedBackLooper.setDeviation(true)},



shiftButtons = List.new;

shiftButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(10, 60, 50, 20)).states_([ [ "1-4", Color.red, Color.black ], [ "1-4", Color.black, Color.green ] ]).action_{|v| shiftWeightArray.put(0, v.value);harmonicShifters.do{arg item; item.shiftWeightArray = shiftWeightArray};

});shiftButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(10, 90, 50, 20))

.states_([ [ "1-2", Color.red, Color.black ], [ "1-2", Color.black, Color.green ] ])

.action_{|v| shiftWeightArray.put(1, v.value);harmonicShifters.do{arg item; item.shiftWeightArray = shiftWeightArray};

});shiftButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(10, 120, 50, 20))

.states_([ [ "1-1", Color.red, Color.black ], [ "1-1", Color.black, Color.green ] ])

.action_{|v| shiftWeightArray.put(2, v.value);harmonicShifters.do{arg item; item.shiftWeightArray = shiftWeightArray};

});shiftButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(10, 150, 50, 20))

.states_([ [ "5-4", Color.red, Color.black ], [ "5-4", Color.black, Color.green ] ])


Page 162: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


shiftWeightArray.put(3, v.value);harmonicShifters.do{arg item; item.shiftWeightArray = shiftWeightArray};

});shiftButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(10, 180, 50, 20))

.states_([ [ "3-2", Color.red, Color.black ], [ "3-2", Color.black, Color.green ] ])

.action_{|v| shiftWeightArray.put(4, v.value);harmonicShifters.do{arg item; item.shiftWeightArray = shiftWeightArray};

});shiftButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(10, 210, 50, 20))

.states_([ [ "7-4", Color.red, Color.black ], [ "7-4", Color.black, Color.green ] ])

.action_{|v| shiftWeightArray.put(5, v.value);harmonicShifters.do{arg item; item.shiftWeightArray = shiftWeightArray};

});shiftButtons.add(SCButton.new(win,Rect(10, 240, 50, 20))

.states_([ [ "2to4", Color.red, Color.black ], [ "2to4", Color.black, Color.green ] ])

.action_{|v| shiftWeightArray.put(6, v.value);harmonicShifters.do{arg item; item.shiftWeightArray = shiftWeightArray};


shiftWeightArray = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0];shiftByArray = [0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2];

controls = List.new;assignButtons = List.new;

controls.add(EZKnob.new(win,Rect(90, 70, 60, 100), "fade", ControlSpec(-1,1,'linear'),{|v|

synths[0].set(\fade, v.value)},-1, true));

this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(90, 170, 60, 20),0,1);

controls.add(EZSlider.new(win,Rect(90, 190, 60, 160), "vol", ControlSpec(0,1,'amp'),{|v| mainVol.set(v.value)

}, 0, layout:\vert));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(90, 350, 60, 20),1,1);

harmonicShifters = List.new; controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(10, 370, 160, 20))

.states_([ [ "Go0", Color.green, Color.black ], [ "Go1", Color.black, Color.green ], [ "Go2", Color.green, Color.black ], [ "Go3", Color.black, Color.green ], [ "Done", Color.black, Color.red ] ])

Page 163: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


.action_({arg but;if(but.value<4, {

harmonicShifters.add(HarmonicShifter_Mod(bufferArray[but.value-1].postln, shiftBus, shiftByArray, shiftWeightArray, 30, mixerToSynthBusses[0].index, shiftGroup));



this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(10, 390, 160, 20),2,0);

controls.add(SCButton(win, Rect(10, 400, 160, 20)).states_([ [ "delayBomb", Color.green, Color.black ], [ "delayBomb",

Color.black, Color.green ] ]).action_({arg but;switch(numChannels,

2, {4.do{arg i; Synth("delayBomb2_mod", [\buf,

bufferArray[i].bufnum, \outBus, outBus, \volBus, bombVol.index], group)};},

4, {4.do{arg i; Synth("delayBomb4_mod", [\buf,

bufferArray[i].bufnum, \outBus, outBus, \volBus, bombVol.index], group)};},

8, {4.do{arg i; Synth("delayBomb8_mod", [\buf,

bufferArray[i].bufnum, \outBus, outBus, \volBus, bombVol.index], group)};})


this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(10, 420, 160, 20),3,0);

controls.add(EZSlider.new(win,Rect(10, 440, 160, 20), "bVol", ControlSpec(0,4,'amp'),{|v| bombVol.set(v.value)

}, 8));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(10, 460, 160, 20),4,1);

//multichannel buttoncontrols.add(SCButton(win,Rect(10, 485, 60, 20))

.states_([["2", Color.black, Color.white],["4", Color.black, Color.white],["8", Color.black, Color.white]])

.action_{|butt|synths[0].set(\gate, 0);

switch(butt.value,0, {

Page 164: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


numChannels = 2;synths.put(0, Synth("busToOuts2_mod", [\outBus, outBus.postln,

\bus1, shiftBus.index, \bus2, shiftBus.index+1, \bus3, shiftBus.index+2, \bus4, shiftBus.index+3, \bus5, shiftBus.index+4, \bus6, shiftBus.index+5, \bus7, shiftBus.index+6, \bus8, shiftBus.index+7, \bus1a, distortBus.index, \bus2a, distortBus.index+1, \bus3a, distortBus.index+2, \bus4a, distortBus.index+3, \bus5a, distortBus.index+4, \bus6a, distortBus.index+5, \bus7a, distortBus.index+6, \bus8a, distortBus.index+7, \vol, 0, \fade, -1, \volBus, mainVol.index], mixGroup));

},1, {

numChannels = 4;synths.put(0, Synth("busToOuts4_mod", [\outBus, outBus.postln,

\bus1, shiftBus.index, \bus2, shiftBus.index+1, \bus3, shiftBus.index+2, \bus4, shiftBus.index+3, \bus5, shiftBus.index+4, \bus6, shiftBus.index+5, \bus7, shiftBus.index+6, \bus8, shiftBus.index+7, \bus1a, distortBus.index, \bus2a, distortBus.index+1, \bus3a, distortBus.index+2, \bus4a, distortBus.index+3, \bus5a, distortBus.index+4, \bus6a, distortBus.index+5, \bus7a, distortBus.index+6, \bus8a, distortBus.index+7, \vol, 0, \fade, -1, \volBus, mainVol.index], mixGroup));

},2, {

numChannels = 8;synths.put(0, Synth("busToOuts8_mod", [\outBus, outBus.postln,

\bus1, shiftBus.index, \bus2, shiftBus.index+1, \bus3, shiftBus.index+2, \bus4, shiftBus.index+3, \bus5, shiftBus.index+4, \bus6, shiftBus.index+5, \bus7, shiftBus.index+6, \bus8, shiftBus.index+7, \bus1a, distortBus.index, \bus2a, distortBus.index+1, \bus3a, distortBus.index+2, \bus4a, distortBus.index+3, \bus5a, distortBus.index+4, \bus6a, distortBus.index+5, \bus7a, distortBus.index+6, \bus8a, distortBus.index+7, \vol, 0, \fade, -1, \volBus, mainVol.index], mixGroup));



shiftGroup = Group.tail(group);tapeGroup = Group.tail(group);mixGroup = Group.tail(group);

shiftBus = Bus.audio(group.server, 8);distortBus = Bus.audio(group.server, 8);

synths.add(Synth("busToOuts2_mod", [\outBus, outBus.postln, \bus1, shiftBus.index, \bus2, shiftBus.index+1, \bus3, shiftBus.index+2, \bus4, shiftBus.index+3, \bus5, shiftBus.index+4, \bus6, shiftBus.index+5, \bus7, shiftBus.index+6, \bus8, shiftBus.index+7, \bus1a, distortBus.index, \bus2a, distortBus.index+1, \bus3a, distortBus.index+2, \bus4a, distortBus.index+3, \bus5a, distortBus.index+4, \bus6a, distortBus.index+5, \bus7a, distortBus.index+6, \bus8a, distortBus.index+7, \vol, 0, \fade, -1, \volBus, mainVol.index], mixGroup));


load {arg xmlSynth;

Page 165: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


this.loadMidiData(xmlSynth);mantaData.size.do{arg i;

midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("manta"++i.asString);if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{midiHidTemp = midiHidTemp.interpret;if(midiHidTemp!=nil,{

this.setManta(midiHidTemp[0], midiHidTemp[1], i);});


rout = Routine.new({group.server.sync;controls.do{arg item, i;

if(i!=2,{midiHidTemp = xmlSynth.getAttribute("controls"++i.asString);






killMeSpecial {harmonicShifters.do{arg item; item.killMe;};




BitCrusher_Mod : Module_Mod {var sr1Bus, sr2Bus, distVolBus, sineVolBus;

*initClass {{

SynthDef("bitCrusher2_Mod",{ arg inbus, outbus, sr1Bus, sr2Bus, distVolBus, sineVolBus, gate = 1, pauseGate = 1;

var input, fx1, fx2, sines, sine0, sine1, sine2, sine3, sine4, fund, skip, freq, hasFreq, env, pauseEnv;

var sr1, sr2, distVol, sineVol;

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sr1 = In.kr(sr1Bus);sr2 = In.kr(sr2Bus);distVol = In.kr(distVolBus);sineVol = In.kr(sineVolBus);

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.1,1,0.1), gate, doneAction:2);

pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

input=In.ar(inbus, 1);fx1=Latch.ar(input.round(0.125),Impulse.ar(sr1));fx2=Latch.ar(input.round(0.1),Impulse.ar(sr2));

#freq, hasFreq = Pitch.kr(fx1, ampThreshold: 0.02, median: 7);

fund = TIRand.kr(7, 50, hasFreq);skip = TIRand.kr(1, 5, hasFreq);

sine0 = SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, hasFreq);sine1 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);sine2 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(2*fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);sine3 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(3*fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);sine4 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(4*fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);

sines = Pan2.ar(sine0, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + Pan2.ar(sine1, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + Pan2.ar(sine2, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + Pan2.ar(sine3, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + Pan2.ar(sine4, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq));

Out.ar(outbus, sines*0.25*sineVol*env*pauseEnv);Out.ar(outbus,([fx1,fx2])*distVol*env*pauseEnv);


SynthDef("bitCrusher4_Mod",{ arg inbus, outbus, sr1Bus, sr2Bus, distVolBus, sineVolBus, gate = 1, pauseGate = 1;

var input, fx1, fx2, fx3, fx4, sines, sine0, sine1, sine2, sine3, sine4, fund, skip, freq, hasFreq, env, pauseEnv;

var sr1, sr2, distVol, sineVol;

sr1 = In.kr(sr1Bus);sr2 = In.kr(sr2Bus);distVol = In.kr(distVolBus);sineVol = In.kr(sineVolBus);env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.1,1,0.1), gate, doneAction:2);

pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

Page 167: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


input=In.ar(inbus, 1);fx1=Latch.ar(input.round(0.125),Impulse.ar(sr1));fx2=Latch.ar(input.round(0.1),Impulse.ar(sr2));fx3=Latch.ar(input.round(0.1125),Impulse.ar(sr1-50));fx4=Latch.ar(input.round(0.15),Impulse.ar(sr2+50));

#freq, hasFreq = Pitch.kr(fx1, ampThreshold: 0.02, median: 7);

fund = TIRand.kr(7, 50, hasFreq);skip = TIRand.kr(1, 5, hasFreq);

sine0 = SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, hasFreq);sine1 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);sine2 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(2*fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);sine3 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(3*fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);sine4 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(4*fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);

sines = Pan4.ar(sine0, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq), TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + Pan4.ar(sine1, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq), TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + Pan4.ar(sine2, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq), TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + Pan4.ar(sine3, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq), TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + Pan4.ar(sine4, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq), TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq));

Out.ar(outbus, sines*0.25*sineVol*env*pauseEnv);Out.ar(outbus,([fx1,fx2,fx3,fx4])*distVol*env*pauseEnv);


SynthDef("bitCrusher8_Mod",{ arg inbus, outbus, sr1Bus, sr2Bus, distVolBus, sineVolBus, gate = 1, pauseGate = 1;

var input, fx1, fx2, fx3, fx4, fx5, fx6, fx7, fx8, sines, sine0, sine1, sine2, sine3, sine4, fund, skip, freq, hasFreq, env, pauseEnv;

var sr1, sr2, distVol, sineVol;

sr1 = In.kr(sr1Bus);sr2 = In.kr(sr2Bus);distVol = In.kr(distVolBus);sineVol = In.kr(sineVolBus);env = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0.1,1,0.1), gate, doneAction:2);

pauseEnv = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr(0,1,0), pauseGate, doneAction:1);

input=In.ar(inbus, 1);fx1=Latch.ar(input.round(0.125),Impulse.ar(sr1));fx2=Latch.ar(input.round(0.1),Impulse.ar(sr2));fx3=Latch.ar(input.round(0.1125),Impulse.ar(sr1-25));fx4=Latch.ar(input.round(0.15),Impulse.ar(sr2+25));fx5=Latch.ar(input.round(0.125),Impulse.ar(sr1-50));

Page 168: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta



#freq, hasFreq = Pitch.kr(fx1, ampThreshold: 0.02, median: 7);

fund = TIRand.kr(7, 50, hasFreq);skip = TIRand.kr(1, 5, hasFreq);

sine0 = SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, hasFreq);sine1 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);sine2 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(2*fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);sine3 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(3*fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);sine4 = SinOsc.ar(freq+(4*fund*skip), 0, hasFreq);

sines = PanAz.ar(8, sine0, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + PanAz.ar(8, sine1, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + PanAz.ar(8, sine2, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + PanAz.ar(8, sine3, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq)) + PanAz.ar(8, sine4, TRand.kr(-1,1,hasFreq));

Out.ar(outbus, sines*0.25*sineVol*env*pauseEnv);Out.ar(outbus,



init {this.makeWindow("BitCrusher",Rect(718, 645, 135, 270));

mixerToSynthBusses = List.new;mixerToSynthBusses.add(Bus.audio(group.server));

sr1Bus = Bus.control(group.server);sr2Bus = Bus.control(group.server);distVolBus = Bus.control(group.server);sineVolBus = Bus.control(group.server);


synths = List.new;synths.add(Synth("bitCrusher2_Mod", [\inbus, mixerToSynthBusses[0].index, \outbus,

outBus, \sr1Bus, sr1Bus, \sr2Bus, sr2Bus, \distVolBus, distVolBus, \sineVolBus, sineVolBus], group));

controls = List.new;

Page 169: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


assignButtons = List.new;

controls.add(EZKnob.new(win,Rect(5, 0, 60, 100), "blipVol", ControlSpec(0,1,'amp'),{|v| sineVolBus.set(v.value)

}, 0, true));this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(5, 100, 60, 20), 0, 1,\horz);

controls.add(EZSlider.new(win,Rect(5, 120, 60, 120), "bitVol", ControlSpec(0,1,'amp'),{|v| distVolBus.set(v.value)

}, 0, layout:\vert));

this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(5, 240, 60, 20),1,1,\horz);

controls.add(EZKnob.new(win,Rect(70, 0, 60, 100), "sr", ControlSpec(0,127,'linear'),{|v| sr1Bus.set(v.value*40+400);

sr2Bus.set(v.value*40+300);}, 0));

this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(70, 100, 60, 20),2,1,\horz);

controls.add(EZSlider.new(win,Rect(70, 120, 60, 120), "sr", ControlSpec(0,127,'linear'),{|v| sr1Bus.set(v.value*40+400);

sr2Bus.set(v.value*40+300);}, 0, layout:\vert));

this.addDoubleAssignButton(Rect(70, 240, 60, 20),3,1,\horz);

//multichannel buttoncontrols.add(SCButton(win,Rect(5, 265, 60, 20))

.states_([["2", Color.black, Color.white],["4", Color.black, Color.white],["8", Color.black, Color.white]])

.action_{|butt|synths[0].set(\gate, 0);

switch(butt.value,0, {

numChannels = 2;synths.put(0, Synth("bitCrusher2_Mod", [\inbus,

mixerToSynthBusses[0].index, \outbus, outBus, \sr1Bus, sr1Bus, \sr2Bus, sr2Bus, \distVolBus, distVolBus, \sineVolBus, sineVolBus], group));

},1, {

numChannels = 4;

Page 170: Laptop Improvisation in an Multi-Dimensional Space Sam Pluta


synths.put(0, Synth("bitCrusher4_Mod", [\inbus, mixerToSynthBusses[0].index, \outbus, outBus, \sr1Bus, sr1Bus, \sr2Bus, sr2Bus, \distVolBus, distVolBus, \sineVolBus, sineVolBus], group));

},2, {

numChannels = 8;synths.put(0, Synth("bitCrusher8_Mod", [\inbus,

mixerToSynthBusses[0].index, \outbus, outBus, \sr1Bus, sr1Bus, \sr2Bus, sr2Bus, \distVolBus, distVolBus, \sineVolBus, sineVolBus], group));




setManta {arg data;


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