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Page 1: Larry's Newsletter No.130

NO.130 APRIL 2011

Larry’s Newsletter

Page 2: Larry's Newsletter No.130

Coventry Transport Museum .......Sunday April 3rd was Mothers Day - Emma’s first with her beautiful little boy, Callum-John. The weather was sunny, though cold, and we headed off to Stratford for the morning. Breakfast at MacDonalds was followed by a walk along the River Avon, and a chance to feed the ducks, before returning home for Sunday Dinner cooked by Dad!!

Mothers Day at Stratford

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Coventry Transport Museum .......

On the 4th, 5th and 6th of April Larry spent three ‘Happy Days’ with Staff and Year 11 pupils at Rossall School in Fleetwood for the Annual Residential. As well as revision lessons, the time was spent in several activities and finished at Blackpool Pleasure Beach - a great experience.

Larry’s first Residential -Fleetwood with Yr11

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On Saturday April 9th, Larry,

Lynne, Emma and Callum headed

off for Kingsbury Waterpark

w h e r e t h e y w a l k e d i n t h e

sunshine. Heading for Kingsbury

Village it was time for ice cream,

and Callum’s first ride on a


S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g a t

K i n g s b u r y W a t e r p a r k

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Coventry Transport Museum .......Sheldon Country ParkOn Sunday April 17th it was off to

Sheldon Country Park. Another

beautiful sunny morning, and

Callum had the opportunity to meet

his first farm animals - cows, pigs

and chickens, with ponys in the


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Coventry Transport Museum .......Bourton-on-the-WaterOn Monday 18th April Larry, Lynne Emma and Callum travelled to Bourton-on-the-Water, where they met up with Sue and Nan & Grandad - much to their surprise. We spent the morning looking around the shops and feeding the ducks, before sharing a picnic lunch, making the most of another sunny day.

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Coventry Transport Museum .......Back to the Airfield

Callum’s First Villa Kit

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Coventry Transport Museum .......On Sunday 24th April Larry, Lynne, Emma, C a l l u m a n d A u n t i e Shirley visited Ash End House Farm-Callum’s first visit to a real farm. He t h o r o u g h l y e n j o y e d h i m s e l f , f e e d i n g t h e a n i m a l s , r i d i n g t h e rocking horse and holding the baby chicks.

Ash End House Farm

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Coventry Transport Museum .......M o r e F a r m F u n

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Coventry Transport Museum .......H o l i d a y B a r - B - QAs School ‘workers’ we all found

ourselves on Easter holiday and were

invited to Lorraine and Dereks’ for a

Bar-B-Q. with family and friends.

Plenty of food, and children as


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L y n n e ’ s B i r t h d a y F u n

Saturday April 30th was

Lynnes **nd Birthday. The

sun shone so we spent the day

at Attenborough Country

Park, before returning home

for a ‘Take-out’ dinner with

the Family.

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