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Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality Chapter 23 Latinos Americans of Latin American descent Mexican Americans 1848 100,000 Mexicans 1910s 1 million 1940s and 1950s braceros temporary laborers Better paying jobs Puerto Ricans in NYC Cubans in Miami, Florida Flee the rule of Fidel Castro Central Americans come in the 1960s Latinos Ethnic prejudice, discrimination in jobs and housing Most lived in segregated barrios Jobless rate was 50% higher Cesar Chavez Organizes farm workers to form a union Forms the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee in 1966 Hunger strike grape growers refuse to recognize the union Cesar Chavez Farm workers go across country to convince people to boycott California grapes 1970 Huerta negotiates a contract higher wages and some benefits Cultural Pride 1968 Bilingual Education Act Chicano Studies 1968 Brown Berets organize a walkout in East LA high schools 15,000 students Want smaller classes, more Chicano teachers La Raza Unida (Mexican-Americans United) 1970s run Latino candidates in five states Win races for mayor, city council, school boards https://libraries.ucsd.edu/farmworkermovement/ufwarchives/DuePe arcyCollection/Why%20We%20Boycott.pdf https://libraries.ucsd.edu/farmworkermovement/ufwarchives/DuePe arcyCollection/Why%20We%20Boycott.pdf Women Fight for Equality Section 2 Feminism The belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men 40 percent work - less pay and opportunities - active in the Civil Rights Movement but had lesser roles NOW Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission National Organization for Women (1966) Child-care facilities Guidelines to employers Gloria Steinem Changes Some refused to take their husbands last name 1972 Congress passes a ban on gender discrimination for educational programs taking federal assistance - women go to previous all-male colleges Roe v. Wade 1973 Supreme Court rules women can have the right to an abortion during the first three months of pregnancy Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Congress passes it in 1972 The pro-family movement begins Only 35 of 38 states ratify it Gender Paycentral-texas/central-texas/

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