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  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Lets get into the Delorean

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law


    Identify the relationship between force and extensionof a spring.

    Use PowerPoint on VLE to draw correct table, decidewhether it is di rect ly o r inversely propor t ional, to

    identify dependent, independent and control

    variablesand calculate the uncerta inty.

    Draw a graph. Graph should include results from all 3experiments and have 3 separate lines of best fit.

    Use work done equation and graph to calculate

    elast ic strain energy.

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Results tables

    Headings should be clear

    Physical quantities should have units

    All measurements should be recorded (not just theaverage)

    Correct s.f. should be used.

    The average should have the same number of s.f. as the original


    3.05 0.15 0.13 0.140.14

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Force (N)Extension (cm)

    Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Mean

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Each axis should belabelled with a quantityname (or symbol) and its






  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Both vertically and horizontally your points should

    occupy at least halfof the available graph paper


  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Best fit linesBest fit lines can be curves!

    The line should be drawn so thatthere are roughly the samenumber of points above andbelow.

    Anomalous points should berechecked. If this is not possiblethey should be ignored whendrawing the best-fit line

    too hightoo low

    too steep

    too shallowcorrect

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Measuring gradients

    gradient = y-step (y)

    x-step (x)

    The triangle used to find thegradient should be shown on thegraph.

    Each side of the triangle shouldbe at least 8cmlong.

    Gradients usually have a unit.



  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Direct proportionPhysical quantities are directlyproportional to each other if when one ofthem is doubled the other will also double.

    A graph of two quantities that are directlyproportional to each other will be:

    a straight line ANDpass through the origin

    The general equation of the straight line in thiscase is: y = mx, in this case, c= 0




  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Inverse proportionPhysical quantities are inverselyproportional to each other if when one ofthem is doubled the other will halve.

    A graph of two quantities that are inverselyproportional to each other will be:

    a rectangular hyperbola has no y- or x-intercept

    Inverse proportion can be verified by drawing

    a graph of yagainst 1/x.This should be:

    a straight line ANDpass through the origin

    The general equation of the straight line inthis case is: y = m / x


    1 / x




  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Mean value

    Mean value calculated by adding the readings

    together and dividing by the number ofreadings.

    Readings: 45g; 44g; 44g; 47g; 46g; 45g

    Mean value of mass :

    = (45+44+44+47+46+45) / 6

    = 45.2 g

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    The uncertainty (or probable error) inthe mean value of a measurement is

    half the range expressed as a value

    Example: If mean mass is 45.2g and the

    range is 3g then:

    The probable error (uncertainty) is 1.5g

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Uncertainty in a single readingOR when measurements do not vary

    The probable error isequal to the precision in

    reading the instrument

    For the scale oppositethis would be:

    0.1 without the magnifyingglass

    0.02 perhaps with themagnifying glass

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Percentage uncertainty

    percentage uncertainty = probable error x 100%


    Example: Calculate the % uncertainty the mass

    measurement 45 2g

    percentage uncertainty = 2g x 100%45g

    = 4.44 %

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Combining percentage uncertainties1. Multiplication or Division

    Add the percentage uncertainties together.


    1. Calculate the percentage uncertainty in force causing a

    mass of 50kg 10% to accelerate by 20 ms -25%.

    F = ma

    Hence force = 1000N 15% (10% plus 5%)2. Calculate the percentage uncertainty in the density of amaterial of mass 300g 5% and volume 60cm32%.

    D = M / V

    Hence density = 5.0 gcm-37% (5% plus 2%)

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Significant figures and uncertaintyThe percentage uncertainty in a measurement or calculation

    determines the number of significant figures to be used.

    Example:mass = 4.52g 10%

    10% of 4.52g is 0.452g

    The uncertainty should be quoted to 1sf only.i.e. 0.5g

    The quantity value (4.52) should be quoted to the same

    decimal places as the 1sf uncertainty value.i.e. 4.5

    The mass value will now be quoted to only 2sf.

    mass = 4.5 0.5g

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law


    s law

    The force(F ) needed to stretch a spring is directlyproportional to the extension(L ) of a spring from itsnatural length.

    F L

    Adding a constant of proportionality:

    F = k Lkis called the spring constant

    The spring constant is the force required to produce anextension of one metre.

    unit = Nm-1

    M i H k L

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Elastic limit

    Up to a certain extension if the force is removed thespring will return to its original length. The spring issaid to be behaving elastically.

    If this critical extension is exceeded, known as theelastic limit, the spring will be permanently stretched.

    Plasticbehaviour then occurs and Hookes law is nolonger obeyed by the spring.

    M i H k L

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    QuestionA spring of natural length15cm is extended by 3cmby a force of 6N. Calculate

    (a) the spring constant and(b) the length of the springif a force of 18N is applied.

    (a)F = k L k = F / L= 6N / 0.03m

    spr ing constant , k

    = 200 Nm-1

    (b)F = k L

    L = F / k

    = 18N / 200 Nm-1

    L= 0.09 m

    = 9 cm

    And so thespring

    s length

    = 24 cm

    M i H k L

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Elastic strain energy

    The graph opposite shows

    how the force varies as thespring extends.

    The work done in extending

    the spring is given by:work = force x distance




    M i H k L

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    Elastic strain energy

    = average tensile force x extension

    = F L

    = area under the curve

    = energy sto red in the spr ing

    and so:

    elastic strain energy = F L0


    area = F L




    M i H k L

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law


    tensile force extension strain energy

    120 N 2 m

    40 N 15 cm

    3 kN 50mm 150 J

    2MN 6 m 12 J


    120 J

    3 J



    M i H k L

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    KeywordsElastic Behavior, Plastic Deformation, Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law


    A spring of original length 20cm

    extends to 25cm when a weight

    of 4N is hung from it. Calculate:

    (a) the elastic strain energy

    stored in the spring,

    (b) the spring constant

    (c) the length of the spring when

    it is storing 0.5 J of energy.

    (a)strain energy

    = F L

    = x 4N x 0.05m

    strain energy= 0.10 J

    Meas ring Hookes La

  • 8/10/2019 LAW OF HOOKE


    You MUST investigate and use Hookes Law, F = kx, and know that it applies only to some materialsYou SHOULD identify the uncertainty in measurements. (Most)You COULD calculate the elastic strain energy Eelin a deformed material sample, using the expression Eel=1/2Fx, and from the area under its force/extension graph

    Keywords Elastic Behavior Plastic Deformation Directly Proportional

    Measuring Hookes Law

    (b)F = k L k = F / L= 4N / 0.05mspring constant, k = 80 Nm-1

    (c)strain energy = F Land F = k Lwhen combined

    give: strain energy = k (L)2 L = (2 x strain energy / k)= (2 x 0.5 / 80)= (0.0125)

    = 0.112mTherefore spring length = 20cm + 11.2cm

    = 31.2 cm

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