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  • 8/14/2019 LCB Presentation Doc Lores v2


    Lagos City Brand Changing Perceptions

  • 8/14/2019 LCB Presentation Doc Lores v2



    1Smile and the worldsmiles with you.

    A smile costs nothing but givesmuch. It enriches those who receivewithout making poorer thosewho give. It takes but a moment,but the memory o it sometimeslasts orever. None is so rich ormighty that he cannot get alongwithout it and none is so poor

    that he cannot be made rich byit. Yet a smile cannot be bought,begged, borrowed, or stolen, or itis something that is o no value toanyone until it is given away.Some people are too tired to giveyou a smile. Give them one o yours,as nobody needs a smile so muchas he who has no more to give.

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    gos Identityogo can equally be a combinationypographic elements - letters,rds, numerals and punctuation markset in a chosen typeace.

    1 Smile and the worldsmiles with you.

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    aphic Devicepired by the personality o the Lagosople, weve created a visual identityt will support all brand material.

    ColourWe eel that the identity shouldntbe restricted to set colour ways,and thereore we propose thatthe identity has an ever-growinguniversal colour palette to reectthe values o Lagos City.

    1 Smile and the worldsmiles with you.

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    plicationgos have to inhabit a huge rangeenvironments and branded applications,d to look at home in each one, thereorer approach is simple, beautiully crated,ible and timeless.

    1 Smile and the worldsmiles with you.

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    vertisingrough outdoor advertising we canmmunicate our message to help the Lagos brand and concept.

    1 Smile and the worldsmiles with you.

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    hibitionrough a combination o design andour weve applied the Lagos brand toious materials that support the concept.

    ochures, goodie bags and brand medias are an essential part o the rebrand.

    1 Smile and the worldsmiles with you.

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    nd-a-Smileve created a dynamic advertising

    mpaign to back up our concept.e people o Lagos are invited to becomert o brand story by taking photos omselves smiling and sending them viaS messaging to eature on the brandbsite where theyre able to print out theirtures in a Lagos branded postcard.

    Brand WebsiteThis is much more than just aninormation portal, the campaigneatures heavily to promote theconcept and brand.

    Through our viral campaign it alsoopens opportunities or sponsorshipwith major global brands to be parto the Lagos experience.

    1 Smile and the worldsmiles with you.

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  • 8/14/2019 LCB Presentation Doc Lores v2



    gos Identitypired by the unique personalityd values o the city, we createdespoke logotype, introducingments and treatments that suggestngs about the activities and attributeshe city.

    ColourA strong colour palette will reect theconfdence o the city. Weve chosen a simpleprimary palette that is positive and upliting.

    2 Timeless.Contemporary.Dynamic.

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    gotypepired by the landscape and architectureLagos, this route explores a message thatonveyed through abstract shapes.

    e mind is adept at interpreting symbols,reore we elt it was right to keep things

    mple and colourul, this logotype issigned to reinorce the Lagos brandh place and culture.

    ColourThrough exploring colour we can easilyidentiy the logotype with sectors withinthe City, weve looked at colours that reecteach sector, this is an evolving universalcolour palette that can grow with the brand.

    2 Timeless.Contemporary.Dynamic.

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    nnerstdoor advertising plays an importante in the launch o a reinvented brand.e message must be clear and upliting,gn o change. Be bold and confdent

    allow your city brand to shine.

    ExhibitionA well designed exhibition stand isimperative to the growth o the Lagosbrand, its your podium to shout aboutthe City - to encourage tourism andinvestment.

    2 Timeless.Contemporary.Dynamic.

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    plicationomotional literature is a vehicle to promote

    city brand, through brochures, media kits,d branded items.

    EndorsementYour brand can say a lot without havingto shout, product endorsement is aneective way o reaching new audiences.

    2 Timeless.Contemporary.Dynamic.

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    and Websitethis route we elt that imagery plays an

    portant part in the growth o the brand,we are reinventing the Lagos brand itsportant that we promote the city as onets ull o character.

    2 Timeless.Contemporary.Dynamic.

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    Consistent, ubiquitousdistribution and promotiono a brand is paramount tothe level o success wewant to achieve.

    3 Lagos With Us

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    th Usa accompany a clean and legible logotypeve also written a exible strapline that willrk through all elements o the city brand.ynamic strapline will help sell the concepthe rebrand, its also a sign o change - to bed, be confdent - great things a re ahead.

    3 Lagos With Us

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    aplinee copy is written in a way that nea rlyything can be put with it to create a positivessage, promoting any sector.

    3 Lagos With Us

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    ageryotography also plays an important rolehe launch o the rebrand, it must be

    oessional, directed and on-brandorder or the message to work.

    3 Lagos With Us

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    ardingyour brand shout, use developments asin ocus o advertising, construction is asitive message that things are changing, bert o that and promote the city brand.

    ApplicationMedia kits, corporate reports, tourismbrochures and advertising is consistentor the brand to be memorable.

    3 Lagos With Us

  • 8/14/2019 LCB Presentation Doc Lores v2


    amedia Oyns Niemi / Andrew Shawone +358 (0)44 55 66 270ail [email protected]

    Studionji Holroydurth Floor, 4.631 Parliament Streeterpool, L8 5RN

    one +44 (0) 151 709 5635ail [email protected]


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  • 8/14/2019 LCB Presentation Doc Lores v2


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