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  • 7/26/2019 LCD Configuration Tool Instruction Manual en General X R1.00 (en GJRJ0303.0086.0001)


  • 7/26/2019 LCD Configuration Tool Instruction Manual en General X R1.00 (en GJRJ0303.0086.0001)


  • 7/26/2019 LCD Configuration Tool Instruction Manual en General X R1.00 (en GJRJ0303.0086.0001)


    L C D C o n f i g u r a t i o n T o o l



    CopyrightRelease: R1.00

    P/N: EN_GJRJ0303.0086.0001

    Copyright NR 2009. All rights reserved

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    The information in this manual is carefully checked periodically, and

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  • 7/26/2019 LCD Configuration Tool Instruction Manual en General X R1.00 (en GJRJ0303.0086.0001)


    L C D C o n f i g u r a t i o n T o o l


  • 7/26/2019 LCD Configuration Tool Instruction Manual en General X R1.00 (en GJRJ0303.0086.0001)


    L C D C o n f i g u r a t i o n T o o l


    Table of Contents

    Preface.............................................................................................................................................. i

    Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... iii

    Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 Application.................................................................................................................... 1

    1.2 Human-Machine Interface ........................................................................................... 1

    Chapter 2 Usage Instruction ......................................................................................................... 3

    2.1 Run Software ................................................................................................................ 3

    2.2 Set the File Path ........................................................................................................... 3

    2.3 Symbol Editor............................................................................................................... 4

    2.4 LCD Project Configuration.......................................................................................... 7

    2.4.1 Open or Create a Project .................................................................................. 8

    2.4.2 Add or Delete a Station..................................................................................... 8

    2.4.3 Add or Delete an LCD file ................................................................................. 9

    2.5 LCD File Configuration .............................................................................................. 10

    2.5.1 Open or Create an LCD File ........................................................................... 10

    2.5.2 A-Type Page ................................................................................................. 12

    2.5.3 B1-Type Page ............................................................................................... 16

    2.5.4 B2-Type Page ............................................................................................... 18

    2.5.5 C1-Type Page ............................................................................................... 19

    2.5.6 C2-Type Page ............................................................................................... 19

    2.5.7 D-Type Page ................................................................................................. 19

    2.5.8 T-Type Page.................................................................................................. 20

    2.6 Download and Save the File ..................................................................................... 25

    2.6.1 Save the File .................................................................................................... 25

    2.6.2 Create the Downloading File.......................................................................... 26

    2.6.3 Download the File............................................................................................ 26

    2.6.4 Create and Download a Batch of Files ......................................................... 27

    Chapter 3 Release History........................................................................................................... 29

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    L C D C o n f i g u r a t i o n T o o l


  • 7/26/2019 LCD Configuration Tool Instruction Manual en General X R1.00 (en GJRJ0303.0086.0001)


    C h a p t er 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n


    Chapter 1 Introduction

    1.1 Application

    The LCD Configuration Tool is an independent PCsoftware, and it can be used to create and

    modify the LCD interface configuration for the RCS-9700C series bay control units (i.e.: BCU:

    such as RCS-9701C, RCS-9702CRCS-9710C). The LCD interface includes menu interface,

    metering displaying interface, remote control interface, report interface and main diagram.

    According to the demands of the practical engineering, this tool can create and modify the relevant

    LCD interface configuration, and then downloads it to the corresponding BCU. This software

    provides friendly and convenient menus for the user to configure the communication devices.

    System requirements of the LCD Configuration Toolsoftware:

    Hardware requirements

    At least 128 MB main memory

    At least 200 MB of free hard disk space

    Software requirements

    Windows 2000 andWindows XPcan both support the LCD Configuration Tool software.

    1.2 Human-Machine Interface

    The main interface of theInterlocking Configuration Toolis shown in the following figure. 4 main

    parts are contained in this main interface: Toolbar, File List Tree,Page List Treeand Page

    Preview Area.

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    C h a p t er 1 In t r o d u c t i o n



    Page List Tree

    Page Preview Area

    File List Tree

    Figure 1.2-1 Main menu of theLCD Configuration Tool

    The tree structures of the BCUs and all the applied files are shown in the File List Treeaccording

    to the practical engineering.

    The LCDpage of the selectedBCU is shown in thePage List Tree.

    The selected LCDpage is shown in the Page Preview Area.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Click the button to select the expected path or input the expected path directly, and then click

    OK to finish setting the file path.

    2.3 Symbol Editor

    Click the submenu Operate Symbol Edit Tool or the button on the toolbar to run the

    symbol editor.

    The button on theToolbarof the main interface is shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2.3-1 Button for running the symbol editor

    The main interface of the symbol editor is shown in the following figure.

    4 main parts are contained in this main menu: Symbol Toolbar,Symbol List,Element Listand

    Symbol Preview Area.

    All the opened symbol groups are shown in theSymbol List.

    All the elements in each group are shown in the Element List.

    The selected symbol element is shown in the Symbol Preview Area.

    Figure 2.3-2 Main menu of the symbol editor

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Click the button Add Group or Delete Group to add or delete a symbol group.

    Now click the button Add Group to add a new group as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2.3-3 Menu for adding a new group

    Input the name, width and height of the symbol in the corresponding input box, and then click OK

    to add a new group.

    Figure 2.3-4 Dialog box for adding a new group

    4 blank symbols are contained in the new added group, and the name of each symbol is formatted

    as Symbolname_x (x: 0~3).

    For example, if the symbol name is Switch1616, and then the 4 symbols are named as

    Switch1616_0, Switch1616_1, Switch1616_3, Switch1616_4.

    All the symbols are listed in theElement List as shown in the following figure.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n



    Figure 2.3-5 Dialog box for adding a new group

    By the tools on the Symbol Toolbar, each symbol element can be edited or modified.

    Figure 2.3-6 Description of the tools on Symbol Toolbar

    A finished symbol element is shown in the following figure.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.3-7 A finished symbol element

    Click the button on theSymbol Toolbaror click the submenu File Save Symbol Group

    to save the current symbol library after finishing the edition.

    Click the button on the toolbar or the submenu File Open Symbol Group to open an

    existing symbol library (*.slib) and modify it.

    2.4 LCD Project Configuration

    After editing the symbol library successfully, an LCD project configuration can be created and


    The Toolbarof theLCD Configuration Tool is shown in the following figure.

    The Toolbarconsists of 2 parts: General ToolbarandDrawing Toolbar. The tools ofGeneral

    Toolbarare explained in the following figure.

    The tools ofDrawing Toolbarare explained in Figure 2.5-17.

    Figure 2.4-1 Toolbar of theLCD Configuration Tool

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    2.4.1 Open or Create a Project

    Click the button on the toolbar and select the expected project through the opening dialog box

    to open an existing project.

    Figure 2.4-2 Dialog box for opening an existing project

    Click the button on the Toolbaror click the submenu File New Project to pop up a dialog

    box as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2.4-3 Dialog box for creating a new project

    Input the project name and the path in the dialog box, and at last click OK to create a new project.

    A node named LCD configuration is listed in theFile List Tree.

    Figure 2.4-4 NewLCD configuration node

    The following sections will guide to modify and finish anLCD configuration project step by step.

    2.4.2 Add or Delete a Station

    Double click on the node LCD configuration to pop up the station configuration dialog box.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    The existing stations are listed in the dialog box.

    Figure 2.4-5 Station configuration dialog box

    Click the right button and select the submenu Add Station on the popup menu or click the button

    Add Station on the dialog box to add a new station. The default station name is formatted as

    Station_x. Here, x is the station id number of the new added station, and the station id is

    created by this tool and can not be modified. Click the station name item of a certain station and

    modify the station name.

    Click a certain expected station, then select the submenu Delete Station on the popup menu or

    click the button Delete Station to delete the selected station.

    Figure 2.4-6 Nodes in the File List Tree

    All the existing stations are listed in theFile List Treeas shown in the above figure.

    2.4.3 Add or Delete an LCD file

    Double click a certain entry in the File List Treeto popup the LCDconfiguration file dialog box as

    shown in the following figure.

    4 attributes of the LCDconfiguration file are contained in this dialog box:

    File Description,File Path,IED Address and IED Type.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.4-7LCD configuration file dialog box

    Click the right button and select the submenu Add File on the popup menu or click the button

    Add File on the dialog box to add a new LCD configuration file. The default file name is

    formatted as LCD File_x. Here, x is the sequence number of the file. Click a relevant entry of

    the 4 attribute items to modify it.

    Click a certain expected LCDconfiguration file, and then select the submenu Delete Station on

    the popup menu or click the button Delete Station to delete the selected file.

    Figure 2.4-8 File list of a certain station

    2.5 LCD File Configuration

    2.5.1 Open or Create an LCD File

    Double click the LCDfile name in the File List Tree. If theLCD file exists, it will open the entire

    page nodes of the relevant LCD file in thePage List Tree. Otherwise, a dialog box shown in the

    following figure will pop up.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.5-1 Dialog box for setting LCDfile attribute

    There are 2 types ofLCD files: A-Typeand B-Type. We can selectFile Type AorFile Type B in

    the File Type item.

    The A-Type LCD file is created by the manufacturer, and it contains all kinds of pages, and these

    pages are described as below.

    1. A-Typepage: Page for displaying the menu

    2. B1-Typepage: Page for displaying the single entry repeatedly

    3. B2-Typepage: Page for displaying the single-entry definition entries repeatedly

    4. C1-Typepage: Page for displaying the setting-modified single entry repeatedly

    5. C2-Type page: Page for displaying the single-entry definition setting-modified entries


    6. D-Typepage: Page for executing the command

    7. T-Typepage: Page for displaying the graph

    The B-Type LCD file is reserved for the user to create the special graph pages according to a

    practical engineering, so it only contains the T-Type pages.

    The LCD Type item is used to choose the LCDdot-matrix size of the IED.

    The Cell Size item is used to define the basic cell size.

    The Character Types item is used to define the size of a single character. The Symbol Size

    item is used to define the self-defined symbol size.

    The File Description item is used to add some description for the current LCD file.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s ag e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Click OK after finishing the modification of the LCDfile, a new A-Type LCDfile is created as

    shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2.5-2 A new A-TypeLCD file in thePage List Tree

    2.5.2 A-Type Page

    Click the right button on the node Page-A in thePage List Tree, and select the submenu New

    Page to popup a dialog box as below.

    Figure 2.5-3 Dialog box for adding a new page

    The page structure of the A-Type page is demonstrated as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2.5-4 Page structure of the A-Type page

    Click the right button on the newly added page and select the submenu New Menu Bar to add anew menu bar.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.5-5 How to a dd a new menu bar

    Click the right button on the newly added menu bar and select the submenu Add Menu to add a

    new menu.

    Figure 2.5-6 How to add a new menu

    Select a node in the Page List Treeand click the button on theToolbarto show the attribute

    of the selected node.

    For example, select a newly added menu and click the button on theToolbar to show the

    attribute of this menu as shown in the following figure.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.5-7 Menu attribute box

    The menu attribute box includes the following attributes:

    Row Position, Col Position(i.e.: column position),Sequence Length, Length of Character

    String, Menu Character String, Password Sign, Target Page, etc.

    The page head attribute is shown in the following figure. It contains the following attributes:

    Page Id,Cursor Type, etc.

    Figure 2.5-8 Page head attribute box

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    The relationship among the nodes in the Page List Tree, page graph and attribute box of the

    A-Type page is demonstrated in the following figure.

    Figure 2.5-9 Relationship among the page node, graph and attribute box of the A-Type page

    How to set the target page of the menu bar is shown in the following figure.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.5-10 Dialog box for setting the target page of the menu bar

    2.5.3 B1-Type Page

    The procedure for adding a new B1-Type page is similar to the procedure for adding a new

    A-Type page described in the former section.

    The B1-Type page doesnt have the Menu Bar node, but it has the Item Group node.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.5-11 Add a detailed item for the B1-Type page

    Click the right button on the Item Group node and select the submenu Add Items to add a new


    The relationship among the nodes in the Page List Tree, page graph and attribute box of the

    B1-Type page is demonstrated in the following figure.

    Figure 2.5-12 Relationship among the page node, graph and attribute box of the B1-Type page

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    In the above figure, select and then click the button on the Toolbarto pop

    up the page attribute dialog named as The Attribute of Page B1.

    Figure 2.5-13 Page attribute dialogs for setting the data source

    In the The Attribute of Page B1 dialog, click the Select the Data Source item to pop up a

    dialog named as Select the Point.

    In the Select the Point dialog, set the data source as shown in the above figure.

    Inputting the group number and entry number of the corresponding metering point in the input box

    The Group Id of Data Source and the input box The Item Id of Data Source respectively also

    can set the data source for the selected page.

    2.5.4 B2-Type Page

    By adopting the same method just like the description in section 2.5.3, a new B2-Type page can

    be created. This kind page has several items in the Displayed Item Group.

    Figure 2.5-14 Add a display item for the B2-Type page

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    The relationship among the nodes in the Page List Tree, page graph and attribute box of the

    B2-Type page is demonstrated in the following figure.

    Figure 2.5-15 Relationship among the page node, graph and attribute box of the B2-Type page

    2.5.5 C1-Type Page

    By adopting the same method just like the description in section 2.5.3, a new C1-Type page can

    be created. Other operation is similar to the operation described in section 2.5.3.

    2.5.6 C2-Type Page

    By adopting the same method just like the description in section 2.5.3, a new C2-Type page can

    be created. Other operation is similar to the operation described in section 2.5.3.

    2.5.7 D-Type Page

    By adopting the same method just like the description in section 2.5.3, a new D-Type page can

    be created. D-Type page is very simple: the user only needs to set the page attribute.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.5-16 Dialog box for setting the page attribute of the D-Type page

    2.5.8 T-Type Page

    The T-Type page is used to display the main diagram and relevant metering points, so it contains

    the background diagram, metering points and dynamic graphic element.

    1. Background diagram

    All the buttons on theToolbaris disabled by default.

    For editing the background diagram, please click the button on the toolbar first to unlock

    the editor. All the buttons on theToolbarwill be enabled.

    By using the tools on the Toolbar, the user can draw the background diagram according to

    the practical engineering. These tools include line, curve, switch, transformers, etc. It is

    enough for drawing an entire main diagram.

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    Chapter 2 Usage Instruct ion


    Figure 2.5-17 Description of the tools of the Drawing Toolbar

    2. Dynamic graphic element

    First import a bitmap group for the dynamic graphic element:

    Click the right button on the node Bitmap Group as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2.5-18 Submenu for importing a bitmap group

    In the above figure, select the submenu Impour Bitmap Group to popup the dialog box as

    shown in the following figure.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.5-19 Dialog box for importing a bitmap group

    Add a dynamic graphic element after importing a bitmap group successfully in the Element

    Group node. Select the added element and put it at the expected place.

    Figure 2.5-20 Submenu for adding a dynamic graphic element

    The Element Attributebox of the dynamic graphic element has aBitmap Groupand 3 data

    sources and some other items.

    The data sources are:

    Positive Data Source, Negative Data Source and Relay Point (i.e.: binary output data

    source for telecontrol).

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.5-21Element Attributedialog box of the dynamic graphic element

    When the item Double BI Sign is set as Double Binary Input, the display value of this

    element is the logic calculation result of the Positive Data Source and the Negative Data


    When the item Double BI Sign is set as Common Binary Input, the display value adopts

    the value of thePositive Data Source.

    Relay Point denotes the GINnumber of the corresponding binary output for telecontrol. The

    method which is used to set the data source ofRelay Pointis shown as below.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.5-22 Dialog box for setting the binary output for telecontrol

    In the item Bitmap Group, click the button to pop up theSymbol Group dialog box,

    and then select the expected bitmap. Click OK to finish associating the dynamic element

    with the selected bitmap. Only the first bitmap of the selected group is shown in the Page

    Preview Area.

    Figure 2.5-23 Dialog box for selecting the bitmap group

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    3. Metering point display

    The Displayed Item Group in the T-Type page is similar to the one in the B2-Type page;

    the method for editing the Displayed Item Group is similar to the method for B2-Type


    Figure 2.5-24 Add a display item for the T-Type page

    The relationship among the items in the Page List Tree, page graph and attribute box of the

    T-Type page is demonstrated in the following figure.

    Figure 2.5-25 Relationship among the page item, graph and attribute box of the T-Type page

    2.6 Download and Save the File

    2.6.1 Save the File

    Click the button on the toolbar to only save the current openedLCD file.

    Click the button on the toolbar to save all theLCD files in the project.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    2.6.2 Create the Downloading File

    Click the button on the toolbar to pop up the dialog box as shown in the following figure, and

    then click OK to create the downloading file with the format of *.bin.

    Figure 2.6-1 Dialog box for creating the downloading file

    2.6.3 Download the File

    Click the button on theToolbarto pop up the dialog box as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2.6-2 Dialog box for confirming the downloading operation

    Click the button to confirm downloading the *.bin file, and then such a dialog box

    shown in the following figure will pop up:

    Figure 2.6-3 Information box for showing the rate of progress

    A dialog shown as below indicates failing to download the *.bin file.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.6-4 Dialog box indicates failing to download the *.bin file

    A dialog shown as below indicates successful downloading process.

    Figure 2.6-5 Dialog box indicates successful downloading process

    NOTE: Before downloading the *.bin file toBCU, a corresponding logic setting on the

    LCD setting menu of theBCU must be set as 1 to enableBCU to accept the *.bin file.

    If the corresponding logic setting is set as 0, theBCU is unable to accept the *.bin file.

    NOTE: The ethernet link between the BCU and the computer which is downloading the

    *.bin file must not be interrupted to ensure successful downloading process.

    2.6.4 Create and Download a Batch of Files

    Click the button on theToolbarto popup the dialog box as below.

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    C h a p t er 2 U s a g e I n s t r u c t i o n


    Figure 2.6-6 Dialog box for the multi-file downloading operation

    Click the button Create BIN File to create the downloading files and then click the button

    Download to download the selected files to the corresponding IEDrespectively.

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    Chapter 3 Release History

    Chapter 3 Release History

    The release histories of the software and the manual for LCD Configuration Tool software are

    listed below.




    ReleaseSource Documentation

    R3.00 R1.00 LCD Configuration Tool_Instruction Manual


    Modifying description of each manual release is shown below.


    ReleaseSection Page No. Description of change Note

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