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Leading Diversity Discovering the Keys to Inclusion John Fuller, Ed.D. Chief Diversity Educator Department of Veterans Affairs Examine VA Brand, Trust External/Internal Workplace Factors DefiningDiversity, Inclusion, Integrity IdentifyIncivility, Implicit Association, Personalities/Preferences HighlightReligion, LGBT, Generations Keys to Inclusion 3 AK MT WY ID WA OR NVNV UT CA AZ ND SD NE CO NM TX OK KS AR LA MO IA MN WI IL IN KY TN MS AL GA FL SC NC VA WV OH MI NY PA MD DE NJ CT RI MA ME VT NH HI Fallout Branding Incidents Impact Leading Diversity Culture of Trust Straight Talk - No BS Psychological Safety Got your six External Workplace Factors Work life out of balance Financial, family, marital, medical issues 33% making ends meet Morning/evening commute Road Rage to Desk Rage The Texter generates the most fury The Tailgater narrowly edging out The Left Lane Hog, The Crawler, and the Multi-Tasker Nearly 7 in 10 Americans (69%) report having been flipped off only 17% have admitted to doing so themselves. Expedia Road Rage Report, May 2015 Workplace Factors Internal Current supervisor/manager Recognition, career development Sound of Silence Change the culture of the VA Repeating failed processes over and over again expecting different results defines.. WD-40 Psychological Safety Internal Factor Employees are safe for interpersonal risk-taking Ability recommend, debate without retaliation People think like lawyers versus scientists Civil conversations versus igniting confrontations Pen and Paper Identify a Challenge Identify an interpersonal challenge you are facing (at work, home, etc.) e.g.: Someone you just dont get Someone who just doesnt get you Someone who frustrates you and/or you frustrate them Someone you just dont click with Leading Diversity Workplace Environments What makes us who we are? What factors color our perceptions of everything around us? Primary Dimensions of Diversity Secondary Dimensions of Diversity Inclusion Everyone counts Everyone knows they count Everyone knows they can count on each other Amazingly few people know how they get things done. Indeed, most of us do not even know that different people work and perform differently. Too many people work in ways that are not their ways, and that almost guarantees nonperformance. Like one's strengths, how one performs is unique. It is a matter of personality. Peter Drucker Why Consider Personality? Option 1: The Enigma No one can put me in a box I am too complex to be understood so dont even try Option 2: The Old Dog This is how I am. Im not going to change. If you dont like it, tough. Option 3: The Open Book Let me tell you about myself My strengths and weaknesses Lets consider how we might work best together Preferences 21 Action Talking it through Spoken communication Sharing thoughts Groups Reflection Thinking it through Written communication Holding thoughts Solitude or a few close friends Where do you get energy? Preferences 22 Order Closure Goals Routine = Efficiency Planning Flexibility Exploration Options Routine = Boredom Brainstorming How do you engage with the world around you? Preferences 23 Facts and details first Pragmatic, practical Predictability, realistic Wheres the data? How do you take in information? Ideas and big picture Imaginative, innovative Possibilities Whats the story? Preferences 24 Logic Data Objective Pros and cons Emotion People Personal, empathy Involved How do you make decisions? Brandings Importance Implicit Associations Development Exhibit 10% of ourselves Conscious, easily changed and observable Traditions, customs, objective knowledge 90% remains under the surface Difficult conversations never started Filtered facts, assumptions Unconscious preferences Implicit Association How the brain reacts Amygdale and prefrontal neo-cortex Rostral Anterior Cingular Cortex Anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex Neuroplastic (adaptable) brain Perceptions Interpretations Preferences Selective Attention 11 million pieces of information at any one time pieces of information get absorbed pieces of information get absorbed SLBCFLTK SPRNDHLMGCFLTK SLBSPRNDSLB SPRNDHLMGCFLTK HLMGSPRNDCFLTK REDGREENYELLOW BLUEGREENBROWN PURPLEYELLOWBLUE BROWN BLUE YELLOWGREENRED Leading Diversity Integrity Quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy The time is always right to do the right thing. Martin Luther King Choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong. Robert McDonald, VA Secretary Unethical Behaviors Eliminating dilemmas Trusting your first reaction Fraternization effects on the unit/facility Deliberate deception Waiting lists/Veteran claims not adjudicated but destroyed Ashley Madison. Using positions for manipulating assignments Time theft Leading Diversity Strategy of Recognition Thank you, great job! *Single most sustainable motivation at work *Bonuses get spent, titles get old, a thank you lingers *Janice Kaplan, The Gratitude Diaries, August 2015 Incivilitys Impact Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior in company and conversation George Washington, 1748 A..holes A Theory Dr. Aaron James, New York Times Bestseller Incivility Jerks do these things 1.Disrupting meetings 2.Giving the silent treatment 3.Rolling eyes 4.Credit hog 5.Leaving a jammed printer for someone else to fix 6.Disparaging language or aggressive behavior 7.Disrupting cubicle behavior long winded conversations or micromanaging Incivility 8.Creating non-verbalwars or e-venting 9.Sarcastic jokes and teasing used as insults 10. Laser beam stare downs toward others 11. Ignoring repeated requests to help others meet their job requirements 12. Condescending attitude or anyone elses fault but yours 13. Cyberbulling Jerk Detector Brasshole Certification Survey Answer True/False on all 20 questions Count number of True answers Write your total number of TRUE answers inside circle below on your survey. Goodbadboss.com Religious Awareness Respect for all life is the foundation. " The Great Law of Peace Iroquois Nation Religion and Culture Personal convictions and beliefs Includes written laws, scriptures, writings, pronouncements Bible, Koran, Vedas, Torah, Book of Mormon, Book of Shadows, Sutras, Bhagavad Gita Conduct, modesty, acceptance; tolerance with other beliefs or non believers/affiliated Religion and Culture 55% of Millennials responded positively of their perception of religious institutions 18% dip since 2010 First time that Millennial perceptions drop below that of older generations Older generations more likely to view religious groups positively 62% percent of Gen Xers 67% of Boomers Religious discussions, stereotypes, differences, accommodations Changing Religious Demographics US Muslims are projected to become the second-largest religious group in the U.S., after Christians by 2040 Faster population growth than Jewish or Hindu faiths By 2050, the American Muslim population is projected to reach 8.1 million people 1% increasing to 2.1% of the total population driven by birth rates compared to other religions Pew Research Center Study, January 6, 2016 What If... I have moral or religious concerns? No expectation to change beliefs Loma Linda, CA Do not have to embrace to tolerate Two-way street; acknowledgement of differences Supreme Court decision on Gay marriage LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender Sexual Orientation - an individual's enduring physical, romantic and/or emotional attraction to another person Use preferred pronouns of individuals, i.e. Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgender Woman/Man Historically derogatory (reclaimed) pronouns USA LGBT Population Estimated 9 million LGBT Americans Estimate of approximately 1 million Veterans 3.5% USA Adults identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual 0.3% as transgender *DoD: LGBT will be given same equal opportunity procedures for complaints All 50 States and DC have legal gay marriage 40% Americans still oppose gay marriage 62% of VHA providers do not ask Nine times the average of suicide attempts 36% LGBT Attitudes and Policies Transgender Awareness Gender Identity - One's internal, deeply held sense of one's gender Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same May be straight, lesbian, gay, or bisexual. For example, a person who medically transitions from male to female and is attracted solely to men would identify as a straight woman. LGBT Terms Coming Out (ing) Closeted Two-Spirit Drag Performers Gender Expression FTM MTF Transitioning Questioning Gay Generational Awareness Commitment to the VA Future From Typing to Texting Letters tos Generations TraditionalistBaby BoomerGeneration XMillennial 1927 2000 Greatest Generation Matures Silent Generation Veterans BoomersBaby Bust Gen X Xers Digital Generation Echo Boomers Generation E Generation Y Nexters N-Gens Net Generation Percent Onboard Age Group% Onboard Retirement Eligible Retire FY # Empl % Elig 21 st Century Realities Millennials Demographic shift 40% African American, Latino, Asian or racially-mixed More accepting of wide range of diversity 9 in 10 take part in Christmas but only 40% consider it religious 26% Millennials live with Parent(s) 19% live in poverty More move out of cities than move in Generational Stereotypes Loyalty, Gratitude, Fortitude. Theyre dead, man. You might want to get prepared to laugh the first time one of your young subordinates tells you he intends to work a mere 40 hours a week so he can go scuba diving. We are dealing with a lot of tender little egos. They have to be told theyre loved quite frequently. They are less respectful of authority Resents us because we feel they have no experience They leave jobs they dont like We dont know who we are hiring Generation X Boomers The young have superior notions, because they have not been humbled by life, they feel they have superior ideas. Aristotle ( BC) Book II, 1389.a31 Wisdom from the Ages Examined VA Brand, Trust External/Internal Workplace Factors DefinedDiversity, Inclusion, Integrity IdentifiedIncivility, Personality/Preferences Implicit Association HighlightedReligion, LGBT, Generations Keys to Inclusion Leading Diversity Discovering the Keys to Inclusion John Fuller, Ed.D. Chief Diversity Educator Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Diversity and Inclusion

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