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Leafbeet TimbalesKate did an event at the weekend with Bath chef Rachel Demuth; and is nowhooked on the recipes from Rachel's delicious veggie cookbook Green Seasons(demuths.co.uk). Use up our lovely courgettes in Rachel's tasty timbales recipe:yummy parcels or 'drums,' perfect with a garlicky tomato sauce! We've gone abit crazy on the potatoes this week, because they are so great at the moment;so serve the timables with buttered steamed spuds, or baked crispy wedges.

Serves 4250g leafbeet/chard, cut into stems & leaves2 small onions, sliced1 courgette, in small chunks4 large tomatoes, in small chunks1 sweet pepper, deseeded & sliced2 cloves garlic, crushed1 tin flageolet/haricot beans2 tbsp olive oilhandful fresh parsley, chopped1 tsp paprika1 tsp thyme

Roast the onions in the oil in a large roasting tin at 200C for 10 minutes. Add thepeppers and roast for another 10 minutes; then add the tomaatoes, leafbeet stems,courgette, paprika and thyme and roast for another 10 minutes. Stir in the drained beansand parsley and season. Steam the leafbeet whole for a minute then drain and dry. Oilfour small bowls or large ramekins; line with overlapping beet leaves with the ribs on theinside; spoon in the filling and fold the leaves over the top; drizzle some oil on top. Putthe bowls in a deep roast pan half-filled with water, cover with foil and roast at 180Cfor 20 minutes. Stand uncovered when ready, then invert on plates to serve.





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