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  • Spectral photo-manipulation

    Today I gonna show you how to realize from scratch a ghostly scene in few steps. We will use a couple of stock photos and modify them so they will look harmoniously combined. In particular we will deal with the burn tool, layer masks and some Photoshop filters often overlooked.


  • Step 1

    Open the photo in Photoshop.

    Step 2

    To darken the room, duplicate the layer (ctrl+J) and set the duplicated layer blend mode to Color Burn with opacity 30%.

  • Step 3

    Now I dont like this warm atmosphere. So go to Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Black & White to play a bit with colors. Move the cursors to modify the room colors.

  • Step 4

    To make the details of the room more evident, press shift+alt+ctrl+E to merge all the layers into a new layer. Then apply the high pass filter (Filter>Other>High pass).

  • Then set the layer blending mode to Overlay. Below you can see the difference between the room before and after the effect.

  • Step 5

    You can notice there is a light coming from the left, there should be a window in front of the bed. I want this light stronger, as if the entire left wall disappeared. To do so, we will use a filter that allows you to manage and create light effects. As we made in step 4, merge all the layers into a new layer. Then go to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects. Here you need to set up the style to omni blu and then move the light to the left, in correspondence with the mirror.

    Now press shift+ctrl+U to desaturate the layer and set its blending mode to screen. The light effects looks perfect now.

  • Step 6

    Its time to introduce the first character of the scene, a melancholy child. After downloaded the image, extract the boy with the pen tool and merge him into the Photoshop document. Then press ctrl+T to re-size the kid, and put him on the bed.

  • Step 7

    Since light comes from the left of the scene, we have to create the shadow effect of the boy on his left. Create a layer and move it below the kids layer. Grab a large soft (hardness 0%) black brush and paint to create the shadow. Reduce a bit the layer opacity and create other layers with other shadow effect. If you use several layers with different opacities the final result will look more realistic.

  • Step 8

    To darken more the boy and to make his color contrasts stronger, grab the Burn tool in Shadows mode. Reduce exposure to around 50% and paint over the boy, in particular on his left (shadow area).

  • Step 9

    The kid is too mush saturated. So press ctrl+U and reduce saturation to -35.

  • Step 10

    To create the ghostly presence, Ive used another beautiful shot of a child, realized by Angi Nelson. Extract the child with the pen tool and paste her into the document.

  • Go to Edit>Transform>Flip Horizontal. Then re-size and rotate the child (ctrl+T) so she will look oriented in the direction of the boy.

  • Add a layer mask and use a large soft black brush to gently eliminate the bottom of the child.

  • Step 11

    To transmit the idea of a ghostly presence, duplicate the ladys layer by pressing ctrl+J. Then go to Filter>Blur>Motion Blur and enter a distance around 80 pixels.

    Then, using the mask, eliminate the head from the duplicate layer. In this way the head of the original layer will appear without the blur effect.

  • Step 12

    As we made with the boy, reduce the saturation (ctrl+U).

  • Step 13

    Create a new layer an set its blending mode to overlay. Then grab a soft white brush and paint over the child to create a light effect. Reduce the opacity of the layer if necessary.

  • Step 14

    Select all the layers of the flying spectral presence and group them (ctrl+G). Then add a layer mask to the group and eliminate another part of the child. Then reduce the opacity of the group to 80%. Here is how my ghostly child looks at this stage:

  • Step 15

    To increase the dark effect on the right, I created a new group of layers where Ive painted on using black soft brushes.

  • Step 16

    Its time for the last adjustment layers. Lets start with the Vibrance layer (Layer>New Adjustment layer>Vibrance) to lower down saturation to -30.

  • Then use the Color Balance layer (Layers>New Adjustment Layers>Color balance) to modify the colors of the entire scene. I played with the options to turn the atmosphere from normal to spectral, with a blue cold room as result.

  • And here is the result:

    Step 17

  • The last touch: merge all the layers into a new layer (shift+alt+ctrl+E), then switch the layer blending mode to Color Burn with opacity 30%.

    Finito! For every problem or suggestion, you can use the comments;-)

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