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  • WHAT IS EDUCATION? Education is not the filling of a vessel but the kindling of a flame Socrates

  • INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? T S Eliot

  • KnowledgePracticalUnderstandingAnalyticalKnowledgePeople SkillsWhat Recruiters ExpectWhat Students Want

  • WHAT IS LEARNING? Learning is a process, not a product Learning involves change in knowledge, beliefs, behaviours, attitudes, and habits Learning implies use of cognitive processes, like problem solving, analysis, creativity and integration Learning is not something done to students, but rather something students do themselves

  • TWO ELEMENTS OF LEARNINGThinkingKnowledgeAction


    Factual the basic elements you need to know

    Conceptual the interrelationships among the facts that let them function together. (categories, principles, models and theories)

    Procedural the steps of how to do something. (how to prepare a balance sheet, how to conduct an interview, when to use a particular financial ratio)

    Metacognitive knowledge about thinking and about a persons own thinking in particular. (I learn best from doing projects, or I write better essays if I make notes beforehand.)

  • LEVELS OF THINKINGCreateEvaluateAnalyzeApply Application (How)UnderstandRemember

    Lower Order Thinking Skills (What)Higher Oder Thinking Skills(Why, When, Where)

  • ENGAGEMENT Your engagement with learning process will determine your transformation Different students are differently engaged; therefore, they are at different levels of learning Higher the participation, higher ownership, higher learning Your self-confidence and self-efficacy affect your learning Your sense of pride in your Institute also affects your learning

  • INDIVIDUAL LEARNING You have to study by yourself Every learning cannot take place in class Your study hours, including classroom hours, are 12 hours a day Pre-read is a prerequisite Analyse case/exercise before a class Review your learning everyday Take notes Discuss your doubts with your instructors When in difficulty, do contact your Programme Director Monitor your learning style and habits

  • TEAM LEARNING Students learn both at individual and team levels Different people bring different perspectives on a subject matter You can teach and learn from one another Discussion, deliberation and debate hone your thinking Augmentation and persuasion are important management tools of group problems solving Team skills, such as collaboration, conflict management, negotiation, and joint problem solving also develop through team learning In the corporate world, there is less independence. Rather there is more interdependence


    Most psychologists believe that intelligence is changeable.Theres a new theory called Multiple Intelligences. It basically says that people are smart in different ways.

  • SELFThese fall into three categories:

    Self-EfficacyBeliefs about future outcomesAttribution TheoryBeliefs about past outcomesSelf-DeterminismBeliefs about the amount of control one has over events

  • STUDENT-CENTRED LEARNINGOnus of learning is on the student rather than on the teacher Instructor is a facilitator Focus on learning as well as learning to learn Experiential learning, with focus on high engagement, is the main pedagogical tool; Lecture is the supplementary tool Focus on vital aspects of contents Peer to peer learning Avenues and opportunities for interaction with faculty outside the classroom

  • EXPECTATIONS FROM THE STUDENTS Be self-motivated and self-driven Think employability Do pre-read Do pre-class group discussion Review your learning every day Participate in class discussion Use Moodle Take your assignments seriously Do extra-readings (Newspapers, magazines, company report, etc.) Share your grievance, if you have one

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