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7/27/2019 Lecture 09 - CSS II

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CSS: Controlling presentation

INFO 1300

September 23, 2009

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So far …h1 { color : #A0BBF2; }

p { font-size: 12px;

font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; }body { background-color: black; }

CSS rules let you style HTML elements

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What if you wanted to style an

element uniquely…

 All paragraphs are red

 All paragraphs are redBut one is blue

 All paragraphs are red

 All paragraphs are red

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What if you wanted to have

differently styled groups of anelementThese paragraphs are red

These paragraphs are redThese paragraphs are blue

These paragraphs are red

These paragraphs are redThese paragraphs are blue

These paragraphs are blue

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Styling an element use uniquely

with an id

Let’s look under the hood 

This a <p>,But it has different

styling than other 


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Using ID for unique styling•  #idName {property: value; property:value}!

 –   #contactinfo {color: orange}!

•  Remember: an ID can only be used in ONE place inan HTML document.

•  But – the same ID can be used in multiple HTML

documents. And a CSS file using a ID as a selector 

can be linked to by multiple HTML documents.

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Styling a group of elements the

same with a class…

Let’s look under the hood 

This a <h2> and a

<p>, both have


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Using classes to styled a group

of elements the same…

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Of course you can make this

element specific…

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Class Syntax•  .className {property: value; property:value}!

 –   .contactinfo {color: orange}!

•  element.className {property: value}! –   p.contactinfo {color: orange}!

•   A class can be used as many times as you wish in a


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Class vs. idUse “class” when you want toaffect two or more XHTMLelements

<p class="caption">

Mod Crusher's Club




<p class="caption">Scooters Outside a

Mod Hangout


Use “id” when you wantto affect only one, single element

<p id="pointers">

Learn more about Mods at

these sites.


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So why is it a “cascading”

style sheet

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Understanding XHTML Structure

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From this…

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To this…

Tree structure reflects nesting. The children of a parent are

those tags nested within it.

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Styles are inherited or 

cascade through the tree

Understanding inheritance…

body {color: red}

p {color: blue}

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What if we want to style a

whole branch (or subtree)

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Use div and span to add


•  Group together parts of the document

that represent logical information units

•  Then using id or class, style those units

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 Adding to the tree

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div vs. span<div class="imagebox"><img


width="84" alt="" />

<p class="caption">Scooters Outside a Mod


Div is a block-level element.

It groups items that should bestyled together.

Like <p>.

<p><span id="opening"> A

Mod was a product of 

working class British

youth of the

mid-sixties.</span> They

portrayed an image of 

being stuck up, emulating

the middle classes, snobbish

and phoney. …..


Span is an in-line element. It is

used to style inside block-levelelements.

Like <em>.

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<div> allows us to put a new

“invisible” parent in the tree

•  Group a set of elements in some logical

structure (cat group, dog group)

•  Then use “class” to style those groups

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Dogs and Cats…

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Some selector variations• Element: p { font-size: 1em; }

• Descendent: p em {

font-weight: bold; }• Class: p.urgent { color:red; }

• ID: h1#page-title { font-size: 250%}

• Multiple: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {

text-align: center; }

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It starts to get hard to figure out

what rule applies…

•  Generally the most specific rule

matches (e.g., class is more specific

than element)

•  If no match then use inhertance

•  HF page 322 (simple)

•  HF page 417 (the gory details)

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Caveat on CSS

Beware, or you will rip your hair out

Develop CSS file step-by-step, debugging as you go

Test in multiple browsers

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CSS defines rules that change how

content is presented

With picky syntax

Lots of properties are available for styling

Color; links

You can select different (sets of) HTMLelements to be styled

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