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Page 1: Lecture 14  Interoperability for information discovery

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Lecture 14 Interoperability for information discovery

CS 502 Computing Methods for Digital Libraries

Cornell University – Computer ScienceHerbert Van de [email protected]

Acknowledgements: Carl Lagoze

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Why interoperability?

The distributed information environment creates enormous challenges regarding the provision of coherent services. Addressing these challenges requires some form of interoperability.

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herbert van de sompel

Information resources: distributed

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range of authorities, technologies

herbert van de sompel

Information resources: different authorities, technologies

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¡¡ challenges re integrated access !!

herbert van de sompel

Information resources: challenges re coherent services

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Interoperability helps!

• UNICODE• XML• XML Schema, XML Namespaces• HTTP• Metadata formats (MARC, Dublin Core, …)

• This lecture: interoperability for resource discovery (searching)• Next week: interoperability for reference linking

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• reaching interoperability is an organizational challenge (not only technical)

• the challenge is to create incentives for independent digital libraries to adopt specifications

Interoperability: technical & organizational

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Functionality versus cost of acceptance


Cost of acceptance

Metadata HarvestingOAI



This picture does not show the eventual benefit of a protocol in the creation of coherent services

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federated searching





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• Permits one computer (z3950 client) to search and retrieve information on another computer serving a database (z3950 target)

• Important both technically and for its wide use in library systems, A&I databases

• Most development has concentrated on bibliographic data

• Most implementations emphasize searches that use a bibliographic set of attributes to search databases of MARC records

Aims of z39.50

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• Developed for X.25 networks (connection orientation), conversion to run over TCP fitted later

• Original concept in days when repeating a search was expensive computation (about 1980)

• NISO standard

Technical history of z39.50

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Abstract view of database searching.

• Server stores a set of databases with searchable indexes

• Interactions are based on a session

• The client opens a connection with the server, carries out a sequence of interactions and then closes the connection.

• During the course of the session, both the server and the client remember the state of their interaction.

z39.50 - principles

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• The server carries out the search and builds a results set

• Server saves the results set.

• Subsequent message from the client can reference the result set.

• Thus the client can modify a large set by increasingly precise requests, or can request a presentation of any record in the set, without searching entire database.

z39.50 - state

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init -- client connects to the server and exchanges initial information, e.g., preferred message size

explain -- client inquires of the server what databases are available for searching, the fields that are available, the syntax and formats supported, etc.

search -- client presents a query to a database; choices of syntax for specifying searches

• Boolean queries widely implemented

z39.50 - services

manipulation of results sets -- e.g., sort or delete

present -- requests the server to send specified records from the results set to the client in a specified format

scan – browse indexes

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In the database named Books find all records for which the access point title contains the value evangeline and the access point author contains the value longfellow.

Z39.50 defines a rich variety of search access points (use attributes) that can be extended by implementers

z39.50 – sample query


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z39.50 – issues

No general acceptance (for instance not supported by web browsers => httpd/z3950 gateways)

Merging results for distributed search

Semantic interoperability ~ z39.50 profiles

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Simple Digital Library Interoperability Protocol


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• Compromise between a full-scale, all encompassing approach such as Z39.50 and the “anything goes” approach typical for ad-hoc search interface design on web

• Developed jointly by Stanford, Berkeley, and UC Santa Barbara

• Heavily influenced by DASL from IETF


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SDLIP – search middleware

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SDLIP – managing complexity via separating interfaces

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• Search Interface – defines simple query language, protocol can then include other languages

• Result Interface – parking meter metaphor (server decides on length of session)

• Source Metadata Interface – allows to query a library proxy about its capabilities (subcollections, attributes that can be searched, …)

SDLIP - interfaces

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Open Archives Initiative Metadata Harvesting Protocol


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• Low-barrier framework for repository interoperability• Minimal burden for parties providing databases• Plug-in concept to allow community and service

specialization (placeholders – about, descriptor ; parallel metadata formats; …)

OAMH protocol

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OAMH - metadata harvesting

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OAMH – federated services

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service provider data provider



repos i tory

harves ter


OAMH – protocol

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• low-barrier interoperability

• data-provider & service-provider model

• metadata harvesting model OAMH protocol

Dublin Core

HTTP basedReply • XML Schema

• Self contained• shared metadata format and parallel, community-

specific metadata formats

OAMH – core concepts

• authentication etc. : on purpose outside of the


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service provider data provider



repos i tory

harves ter

OAMH – protocol tools

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Supporting protocol requests:• Identify• ListMetadataFormats• ListSets

Harvesting protocol requests:• ListRecords• ListIdentifiers• GetRecord

repos i tory

service provider data provider

harves ter

OAMH – protocol tools

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ListMetadataFormats / Time / Request REPEAT

• Format prefix• Format XML schema


repos i tory

service provider data provider

harves ter

OAMH – a supporting protocol request

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* from=a * until=b * set=klmListRecords * metadataPrefix=dc

ListRecords / Time / Request REPEAT

• Identifier• Datestamp

• Metadata/REPEAT

repos i tory

service provider data provider

harves ter

OAMH – a harvesting protocol request

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• federated services [S&R, SDI, alerting, linking, ...]• database synchronization• harvesting the deep Web• ...

OAMH – applications?

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OAMH – issues

• sync between data provider and service provider (cf. Web page harvesters)

• everyone harvesting from everyone? (cf. brokers)

• CAN attractive cross-community services be built?

• gaining critical mass

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• There is (and will never be) one right solution (technical vs. cost vs. complexity vs. ??) (cf metadata)

• Distributed technical solutions have organizational ramifications

• A revival of the simplicity approach: specifications that require little effort by the digital libraries involved, but that can eventually lead to appealing services (when combined with brute force computing and intelligent tools)

Some thoughts

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