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Lee Kah Mun (Carmen)

I am an introvert who sensitive with relationships between people and a perfectionist in my

work, however, I can be a cooperator guardian in the team. I mostly work with individual

but I am not an extremist as I able to balance things up such as I done it with my personality.

1. Strength and Weakness from Belbin Test

1.1 Strength

1.2 Weakness

2. Dominant Graph from the analysis of colleagues’ feedback on team role

3. Results of Personality Type test

Myres Briggs Test

3.1 ESFP (Extrovert Sensing Feeling Perceiving type)

3.2 INTP- Architect (Introvert Intuitive Thinking Perceiving type)

The Keirsey FourTypes Sorter test

3.3 Guardians (SJs)

4. Overview- the effectiveness in group

5. Suggestion on maximizing my effectiveness in group

Born: Lee Kah Mun

English name: Carmen

17 April 1995 (age 20)

Occupation: Multimedia Degree Student

Nationality: Malaysian

Residence: Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Lee Kah Mun

6. Annotated Bibliography

7. Appendix

1. Strength and Weakness from Belbin Test

1.1 Strength

Resource Investigator

I always go on research for inspiration before I start my work. Curiosity pushes my passionate to search for answers. Although I

somehow anxious of my working progress, I always have times to open up more opportunities and solutions that can be done.

Completer Finisher

Although there will be obstruct during working on the job, I still manage to overcome it and get it done in time because of the high

internal anxiety that pushes my limits. Besides, I could not tolerate unfinished product although that was just a small imperfect detail.

1.2 Weakness


It is hard to have confidence to confess ideas with others as an introvert. I always work individually therefore I am slow in spotting

talents and use them to pursue group objectives. Schedules and planning is designed for me but not for team mates, therefore

others will feel difficult to follow me to complete certain task.


I am a perfectionist but I do not like to stress myself. People might see me as a person who lack of self-discipline as I used to work

and play at the same time. As a completer finisher, I manage to get my work done but somehow I can give up certain details.

2. Dominant Graph from the analysis of colleagues’ feedback on team role

(Chart above shows a dominant graph from the analysis of colleagues’ feedback on my team role from project 1 & 2.)

As the chart above shown, the rate from team members of project 2 was higher than the rate from project 1. There are 2 issues

from these differences. First, team members from project 2 saw my pro-activeness in participate group work like help to solve

problems and get the work done in time. Second, team members from project 1 didn’t see my team work spirit because of certain

misunderstanding like I did not communicate well with them. My strength of resource investigate seems not fully utilize in group

work as I somehow put too much of controls to my team mates. This also caused my team mates think me as a coordinator. In the

future, I should try to speak out and convey my message to my teammates.

3. Results of Personality Type test

Myres Briggs test:

3.1 ESFP:

- Adventure is part of my living as I like to find excitement and freshness wherever I go. Therefore I often have new ideas on

my story. People might find me love to telling stories and entertaining them. Somehow I like to jump from thought to thought

in mid sentence while talking with friends.

3.2 INTP (Architect):

- I often do things in step by step in other to achieve good results. This somehow causes me limit my search to only what is

relevant to the issue at hand and seems to be more concentrate than others. If one of my principles is violated my

adaptability might cease altogether.

The Keirsey FourTypes Sorter test:

3.3 Guardian (SJ)

- I am more as a concrete cooperator which means concrete in thoughts and speech and cooperative in implementing goals.

Guardians prefer working in safer way and will cooperate with one another in pursuit of common goals. Guardians lifelong

interest in logistical action fuels their daily exercise and as logistical skill increases so does their interest, precisely increased

by the amount of practice. I suffer when not appreciated for my efforts and often fail to find satisfaction in my own hard work I

even feel I haven’t done enough.

4. Overview

When working on individual work, introvert tends to work independently. INTPs type capable in brilliant thoughts and good at

analyzing, therefore they done great job at most of the time but often alone. INTPs such as me, can be a bit snobbish with others

who less driven to their work and I often keep my desires and emotions to myself, thus people might see me difficult to

communicate with. This is the life of being an ‘Architect’. Nevertheless, I play different roles in different situations. I play as an

‘Architect’ when I am serious in working and analyzing, on the contrary, I am as a ‘Guardian’ whenever in a group. I can be

cooperative and extroverted whenever is needed. I am not an extremist like Myres (1995) said each person needs an ‘auxiliary’

process. An introvert like me will have extraversion as my auxiliary so I can survive in the society world. Instead of abstract

communication, I prefer talk about concrete things with friends and family and nurture them if needed.

5. Suggestion on maximizing my effectiveness in group

Rules and schedules are not my friends, but I always feel obligated to shoulder responsibility of complying with them because I

want to get the work done well. It is good to have decision made quickly as I often follow my schedules in doing things. I could not

tolerate unfinished work so I might take some time to finish the task given, in that case, last minute decision made should be avoid

among the team in future. From the experience of my Project 1 and 2, I find out that I may not have good leadership and so the

team work spirit as I incapable of refusing added responsibility and I often reluctantly agree to shoulder extra load when team

members rely on me (not in a good way). This has causes conflict among my team as they feeling uncomfortable to take credits

from me. In future team project, I should prepare standard operating procedures to let the members able to follow, if not, I will end

up establish them and disseminate them. . Therefore I might work well with well-organized people. “Completer Finishers appreciate

reliable and well-organised Implementers as subordinates,” said Dr Belbin (2012, pp 66). Furthermore, from the experience of

project 2, I find that I have allowable weakness in coordinator team role as I inclined to be lazy if my team mates found to be able

do the work well and I am lazy to follow their progress. Laziness existed in everyone but this can make it effective in a team if my

weakness combined with judgment, a strategy sense and an aptitude for delegating (Belbin, R Meredith, 2012). In other word,

weaknesses need to be treated in association with a cluster of other characteristics like work with Implementer which well-

organized and hardworking.

Generally speaking, Dr. Belbin (2012, pp.84-85) said, self-management is essential to any team roles. If I could not be a good team

leader, I should not persistent to be it in other to avoid conflict in a team. In other way, I can mimic someone who capable in team

roles of coordinator or sharper and observe their behavior to strengthen up my weakness.

6. Annotated Bibliography

Belbin, R Meredith (2012), Team Roles at Work. 2nd edn. Taylor and Francis. pp. 56-57.

I used the chart of Belbin weaknesses of team roles as reference and the explanation as a support for my statement.

Belbin, R Meredith (2012), Team Roles at Work. 2nd edn. Taylor and Francis. pp. 84-85.

I found that the statements about self-management were very helpful for me to go through obstacles whenever in a team. Therefore I used them as reference.

David, K and Marilyn, B (2006) Please Understand Me II: Temperament Character Intelligence. United State: Prometheus Nemesis,

pp76-101. I read through the ‘Guardians’ individual role after I did the The Keirsey FourTypes Sorter test which provided by this book. I found this role was related to my personality therefore I used it as my reference.

David, K and Marilyn, B (2006) Please Understand Me II: Temperament Character Intelligence. United State: Prometheus Nemesis,

pp.204-207. I read through ‘Rationale’ individual role after I did the The Different Drummers test which provided by this book. I found this role was related to my personality therefore I used it as my reference.

Goddessflight.com (2007). 'Free Personality Type Test | Psychological Type Indicator Readings | Goddess Flight'. [online]

http://www.goddessfligh t.com/per/passess.htm#.VWvFXU-qqko [Accessed 12 May 2015]

I used the result as reference that provided by this website after I did the personality test.

Myers, Isabel Briggs and Peter B Myers (1995) Gifts Differing: Understanding Personalty Type. 2nd edn. Palo Alto, Calif.: Davies-

Black Publishing.

This is the source given by class. I found this has stated about ‘auxiliary process’ that related to my personality. Therefore I used it as reference to support my statement.

Kisa.ca (2015). 'Personality Test'. [online] http://kisa.ca/personality/ [Accessed 12 May 2015]

I used the result as reference that provided by this website after I did the personality test.

7. Appendix

(Figure 1 above shows the screen shot of my personality test result on Goddessflight.com)

(Figure 2 above shows the screen shot of my personality test result on Kisa.ca)

(Figure 3 above shows the photo of my personality test result on The Keirsey Four Types Sorter)

(Figure 4 above shows the photo of my personality test result on Different Drummers)

(Figure 4 above shows the photo of my personality test result on Belbin test)

(Images above are my researches and opinion.)

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