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Jan Michael J. Acosta

BS Legal Management

From his personality and scholastic performance to his basketball IQ, Taker is simply mesmerizing. Where he got his nickname remains a mystery, but there is no denying that it is justified in every sense, for Taker can take you on in any game—chess, basketball and even dancing. While he is your textbook definition of a slacker, this guy manages to spark up any crowd with his infectious comedy, persuasive reasoning, and lastly with his most potent weapon—his beguiling smile. This guy thrives in the clutch, yanking up papers, studying for tests and finishing projects a day before or even during the deadline. He manages to pull it off every single time. Taker’s great sense of humor, reflective thinking, tremendous grasp of sport fundamentals, and exceptional analytical skills make him as complete as he can be. Though he lacks discipline at times, his passion for life allows him to handle any kind of pressure and form a sense of order from the chaos that surrounds him.


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Anne Yvette T. Antonio

BS Legal Management

“In a group of thousand, she could be the nicest and most sincere person.” “Quiet? This girl never runs out of words to say; but definitely not self-centered.” “Fun” and “loving,” “she’s the group clown one moment, the most mommy-like the next.” “All-knowing?” Find out that she’s actually just boasting and “doesn’t really know how to cook!” She “always tries to make people around her feel comfortable by cracking jokes.” “Real and honest, she’s frank and has no pretensions.” A “true friend,” she makes it a point to listen. However, she’s “possessive and jealous” that she feels really bad when ignored. “Energetic and outgoing, she’s not afraid to express herself and her emotions.” A “cowboy” and “tight-budgeted person,” “she’s the kind who’s willing to try out anything and everything (as long as w/in the budget).” “Cheerful and dynamic,” she’s “fun to be with, imaginative” and “sporty.” “Lazy to study,” “still an intellectual individual.” Yvette is the person who lives as long as she has the people most important to her.


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Dee A. Arceño

BS Legal Management

Dee… it’s a word, a sound for the letter D, a note…no!!! It’s a name of a soon very famous person that will go down in history! Yes… this short name cannot encompass the depth and vastness of this person’s talents, IQ, spirit, and much much more qualities to mention. This lady or shall I say woman has proven to be tough, but in her “maldita” ways. She speaks her mind to her friends and when given the opportunity in a forum. However, when she speaks, she speaks from the heart and very passionately I say. A very emotional woman, maybe due to the many soap operas she watches persistently on the television. “Single since birth” is one description of her, which we have discussed many times, but one that I consider as one of her very good assets since it keeps her level headed and concentrated on her mission in life. With the way her mind can record “oh so huge” amounts of information, she’s sure to be the next bar topnotcher in the next five years!!! Hats off to Attorney Dee Au Arceño.


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Michael T. Austria

BS Legal Management

After reflecting on his future, he decided to put into place the elements of his life that would help him follow his destiny. Michael is a person of responsibility, fortitude and persistence. He knows his goals and is very much determined to fulfill them no matter what it takes. His brilliant mind coupled with his articulacy explain why he has so many achievements. He never hesitates to give his take on an issue, political or otherwise. He is extremely OC, which is good since it keeps his life stable and organized. Time management enables him to attend to his many tasks and activities. Despite his busy schedule, though, he always finds time to stop, pray, and reflect on his life. As a friend, he is loyal and very emotional. He is always ready to listen and has a deep concern for others. He has his principles and morals which he firmly upholds. He dreams of becoming a lawyer and an entrepreneur someday and everybody knows he can achieve this because his mind is set and he has it all planned out pretty well.


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Sherdoll Anne D. Bayona

BS Legal Management

The left-footer captain and official “lola” of the women’s football team, Sherdoll is as unique a character as her own name. For one, she often sports an ensemble of red jersey, blue shorts, and green socks; and better watch out, you shouldn’t be deceived by first impressions for she is not as fragile as her name connotes, nor is she as slow as her team monicker “lola” implies. In fact, she can really kick butt. Her fancy footwork and killer left kicks can send spectators and teammates to awed silence. You also can’t help but be amazed at how she manages to keep her energy levels up and spend some time with her many friends despite her hectic schedule in school and football practice. Well, it must be all the ice cream and muffins that she devours in one sitting. That’s Sherdoll in a few words but don’t be satisfied because there is definitely more to this gal than meets the eye.


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Kristoffer Nicolas Buenaventura

BS Legal Management

Kris is a mystery to everyone. Some may think they know him. Sooner or later however, they find themselves mistaken. But once you have gotten to know him and gained his trust, you will discover that there is so much more to him than you previously thought. When you are around him long enough, that is the only time you will be able to understand the complex person that he is.

There are many paradoxes to his person. You will barely see him bubbly in school yet he takes genuine pleasure in playing with sick kids in the org. You might mistake him to be a bum but you’ll be surprised to learn he actually frequents the library not to sleep but to study.

After four years, friends can attest that there is definitely more to him than meets the eye. He is trustworthy, intelligent, dependable and genuine. Indeed, Kris is a mystery that is worth unfolding.


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Marie Irahlyn C. Burog

BS Legal Management

Irah is the epitome of paradoxes. She can be secretive and pretentious one moment and be transparent the next. She can be loud one minute and be her usual quiet self the next. She is tough yet sensitive. She knows when to crack jokes and when to stop teasing. She can sense when something is bothering you and can brighten up your day with her contagious smile. She can be frank and opinionated at times but she treasures her privacy. She can breeze through her readings, cram multiple papers, stay up until 3 AM, and still have the energy to be in school for an entire day! She can juggle her acads and org activities and still have time to hang out with old pals and new friends. She gets bored easily and can only last a few minutes in class before she starts sketching. She loves sweets, spends most of her time reading or watching her favorite shows, and considers herself a family person. She fears rejection and the uncertainty of the future. Despite her flaws and complexities, Irah is one of the best friends one can ever have.


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Ivy V. Canlas

BS Legal Management

Faced with the seemingly impossible balancing act of training for the swim team and polishing her eventual career, Ivy still finds energy to do socially relevant work, thus proving her well-roundedness. Her kind nature makes many feel significant and blissful around her, winning her lots of friends. With just a call, a text, or a shriek, she’s always more than willing to lend anybody a hand. Possessing an enthusiastic yet realistic outlook in life, Ivy is one unique person as inclined to thoughtful analysis as she is to humor. Behind her cheery smiles and silly jokes lurk a witty, complex personality and a quick, insightful mind. In addition, she’s very talented as she is into lots of sports and plays a couple of notes – clearly an epitome of “brains and brawn”. Her discipline to lead a fit lifestyle drives her to do things average girls wouldn’t think of doing. Truly, looks can be deceiving. This is how Ivy is – very outspoken and tough-looking yet very gentle at heart. She’s a genuine friend, reliable daughter, a dreamer… absolutely the finest.


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Joanne Christine T. Capal

BS Legal Management

How do I see Joanne Christine Capal? Known as Jo to her friends, she’s intelligent, conservative yet somehow liberated in some of her views. She’s also a certified health buff, a Japanese culture fanatic, an active org officer and a sensational singing diva! She is an efficient leader, a reliable friend, and a responsible student. Most admired for her great time management skills and her ability to balance both academics and extracurricular activities, she is a dean’s lister, and concurrently holds the position as VP for LEX’s HR Department, and an Ateneo Placement Representative. A great planner with clear priorities and goals in life, she is also a perfectionist who is very critical of her own performance and work in school. No matter how busy she may be with her many commitments, she still finds time to have fun with her friends and family. A very accommodating and supporting friend, she is a good listener who is always there to listen to her friend’s useless chatters and crazy ideas. In short, she’s one hell of a girl!


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Dianne Mae A. Cardenas

BS Legal Management

Small but terrible: terribly cute and adorable, that is. Infectious. Laughter, smiles, tears, moods—you name it—she can get you into it real bad. You can’t help but welcome those infectious antics of hers. Smart: yes, incredibly. She could be too modest, more often than not, but do not believe a word she says. This can build an empire with her bare hands. She tries, perseveres and succeeds after laughing heartily and drinking loads of coffee. Carefree, honest and sincere. Life is definitely more fun with her around. A genuine friend—ask anyone! The most ready listener, an avid sharer and supporter of your dreams, the perfect person to laugh and cry with, the most fascinating conversationalist. “Gusto kong sabihin na okay lang yan pero hindi naman talaga okay.” (One of her more unforgettable lines.) Easy to open up to because she’ll be the first to show you that the process may be difficult but hanging on is possible—with a smile and a parlor appointment. A bold lover of God. Small voice. Perfectly Dianne.


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Chester T. Chavez

BS Legal Management

Ches… basketball addict since grade school… favorite # is 8… chinky eyes… used to be chubby then got lean and now has some muscles (??)… business-minded… learned how to cook recently… studious… serious… keeps things in order… very (??) thrifty… values possessions… hot-tempered sometimes… fast driver… text addict… tall, dark & handsome (?)… religious & God-fearing… patient & kind… silent & serious-looking… homeboy…


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Jeffrey D. Choi

BS Legal Management

Jeffrey or ‘Choi’ to many has the mind of an entrepreneur and the heart of a child. He is a forward thinker and a true genius when it comes to practicality and sensibility. Though he may seem stiff and upfront, deep inside he is really soft and even sentimental. With his jolly disposition, Choi always manages to perk up the people he’s with, winning him tons of friends. He never fails to make everyone laugh with his funny antics and witty remarks. His spontaneity is both amazing and amusing (the two words that best describe him), making him the lovable and enjoyable friend that he truly is to everyone. All that, topped with his sponge-soft abs, his kiddie-pool-deep voice and his Steven Spielberg behind-the-camera good looks make him all the more irresistible to women. It is true, though, that he is a far cry from being perfect but the effort and passion that he demonstrates towards life will certainly make him a blessing to many more people whom he will cross paths with.


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Chia Chen Y. Chu

BS Legal Management

“Always the smart one.” This is just one of the phrases that describe Chu Chia Chen, or simply Sally. She is the older of two girls and her family describes her as the smarter one, while the other sister gets the beauty. But do not be fooled by this comment, though, because in her simple ways, this Taiwanese lady is beautiful within and more so physically. She does not only excel in academics, because she can also kick, punch, run and shoot a hoop! To add, she has also participated in many extra curricular activities. She can be very angry about tardiness and irresponsibility, but those are just the few things that we admire about her. Not to forget, she is sweet and loyal to her friends, but be warned about her frankness. This woman cannot be persuaded if her priorities are put on the line, because she knows her responsibilities as a daughter, student, citizen, and friend. But she is not that tough since even corny jokes can really crack her up. Through stress and fun that smile on her face is always there to cheer everyone.


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Jacklyn Joyce L. Chua

BS Legal Management

Jacky is the kind of person who knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind or to stand up for what she believes in. Her intelligence enables her to influence those around her—even include them in her diabolical plans to rule the world! Her competitive nature makes her a winner in mostly anything, from hotdog-eating contests to marketing competitions. Because of this, she sometimes loses track of other regular things in life, like wearing shoes instead of fluffy, lime green bedroom slippers to her SOM class. This fun-loving and outgoing extrovert can also get wild and crazy, taking you to all sorts of adventures and keeping you laughing all the way. Beyond all these, Jacky’s most winning qualities are her passion for life and unswerving loyalty to friends. She will be your strong and unwavering foundation, your most honest and sincere critic, your staunch defender and dependable ally. In the end, Jacky is the kind of friend who you know will always stick around.


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Margarita F. Crespo

BS Legal Management

Once upon a time, in the peaceful kingdom of BF Homes, there lived a fair princess named Margarita. On the day she was born, fairies came from all over the land to bless her with different gifts – that she should have the wit of an angel and wonderful grace in everything she did, that she should dance very well, that she should be virtuous and faithful, and many more. She grew up safe and protected within the castle walls, but on her sixteenth year, the princess left her beloved kingdom and went on a quest for wisdom, happiness, and life in the neighboring kingdom called the Ateneo. There she made friends with the knights and belles of the Blue Babble Battalion, and undertook many challenges, most of which she was able to triumph over. At one time, she was able to single-handedly slay the evil two-headed dragon named Accounting 10 and 30, which locked her up for a year in the Rizal Library dungeon. This fairy tale may not involve a charming prince, but the princess lives happily, hopefully forever after.


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Marc Richmond C. Cu

BS Legal Management

A computer geek. A basketball buff. A whacky dude.It is always a wonder how this guy can look at life with such optimism. No matter how hard life gets, Cu always manages to look at the brighter side of things and just smile. He is a natural-born comic who always loves to joke and taunt around. However, don’t be fooled by his teasing demeanor, for this guy’s got gray matter in his head. Likewise, Marc is the kind of person who always offers help to his friends, and does what he can to lighten up anyone’s mood. But what is most remarkable about this guy is that he never keeps grudges. Perhaps it is because he values his friends so much. But then again, it can be because he is just plain nice. Whichever it may be, one can be sure that he is a friend worth keeping.


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Zorayda G. Daarol

BS Legal Management

She is a natural-born dominatrix, someone who is destined for greatness. It would come as no surprise if this girl would one day rule the world! She knows what she wants and nothing will stand in her way to get it (but in a good way). She is incredibly smart, hard-working, and goal-driven but her value as a person goes way beyond that. She is a being of absolute conviction, a woman who lives her life in sheer humility and who radiates a light of eternal hope. She is a friend who just keeps on giving, without expecting anything in return – her way of showing how valuable friendship is. She has a heart full of love and service, having that empathy for the less fortunate. She has beauty inside and out. Outside, she looks like a Muslim princess. Inside, she is a wonderful person – a blessing to all of the people in her life. The best thing about her is that although she has many things to be proud of, she is never arrogant. Knowing her heart, bursting with love… truly, in every way, she is a princess.


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Catherine C. David

BS Legal Management

When God showered the world with traits for a pleasing personality, Cath definitely stood above the rest and got them all. Her ability to make friends with anyone is amazing. For her, there are no strangers, just a lot of people that are yet to be befriended. It’s definitely hard to look for a friend as great as this one. She’s thoughtful, loyal and very giving. Conversations with her are always the best because she’s willing to listen, and never fails to give the best advice too. But of course, there’s more to Cath than being a Super Friend to everybody. She’s a party girl, kikay queen and shopaholic too. She’s always game for anything, all it takes is a text message and she’ll be there right beside you. Every moment turns out to be fun when she’s around. But don’t get us wrong. Cath devotes as much time for schoolwork as she does for all her friends and partying. She continues to be a good student, always responsible and hard-working. Without a doubt, Cath will go on to doing bigger and greater things in the world. The best part is that through it all, she will still surely have time for you.


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Charles Francis F. Decangchon

BS Legal Management

Countless do I number the folk in this school whom I’ve had the chance to meet. Less are those with whom I had more than a semester-long link. Only a handful understood me—excluding myself. Hence, I wonder who or what others think I am. For that matter, are they right? Misunderstood—that’s what my mentor said I was. I guess she’s right because I can go on and on about everything under the sun and end up saying nothing at all. What, then, can be perceived if nothing’s said? People cannot perceive minds nor can they hear silent words. Few knew the demons that plagued me, demons that I would rather face alone than trouble others with. INTP—that’s what my MBTI said about me. But whether it’s true is still subject to debate. In the silence of my heart, I am the spirit of fire—a fire that burns to succor others even if it consumes itself in the process. I am a wounded healer—my wounds were made and healed while I was in the Ateneo. Reared in the bliss of my school and freed from my burdens, I hope to soar for my hopes and my time is nigh. Ad Astra Per Aspera!


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Miguel de Chavez III

BS Legal Management

With an endearing sense of humor, a thunderous laughter and a theatric flair that enlivens most conversations, Miggy is undoubtedly everyone’s favorite comic storyteller. His jokes and animated gestures always send one into fits of uncontrollable laughter and aching stomachs. Particularly hilarious are his reenactments of humorous situations that arose in his eventful high school days, usually ending with pleas for the cessation of comic assaults to allow the passage of air. But beneath the jolly demeanor is a serious man with adamant convictions. His genuine interest in and sincere counsel to a friend’s problems have earned him the confidence of many. He also possesses a wealth of knowledge regarding a wide spectrum of subjects, thus making him an excellent conversationalist. He loves playing computer games, listening to the latest music and watching TV. Above all, he is a true and trusted friend whose stories stir fond recollections and whose company becomes one cherished memory.


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Ian Jerny De Leon

BS Legal Management

If you can’t be shy, snobbish, nice, friendly, sensible, funny, suave, mysterious and cool all at the same time, well this guy definitely can. An individual who is well-rounded, critical, and well-versed.Not much of an expressive person, yet he can be sweet and caring in his own special way.Just listens when you talk, hears what you have to say, and speaks when it really counts.Epitome of the phrase “A man of few words.” Really one of the greatest guys you’ll ever meet.Never loses his composure and has lots of patience, empathy and understanding.You’ll never regret the choice of letting this gentleman moonwalk into your life and dance his way into you heart.


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Ma. Socorro E. Dooc

BS Legal Management

I know of this girl, or should I say “woman”, who definitely knows her priorities. I can guarantee that while the rest of us are cramming to finish that 5 page paper due the next day she probably already handed it in the day before. Don’t underestimate this “woman” because she would be the next bar topnotcher six years from now. A loving and obedient daughter to her parents, protective of her sisters and loyal to her friends, she may not be a very popular face on campus, but that is what makes her special to those who know her. Ria willingly gives her whole self without asking for anything in return, always ready to help anyone who needs her support and comfort. With her intelligence, tall features and shy smile she will surely tower many of us in the big world to come. It is an honor for me to have gotten to know such a unique “woman”…Ma. Socorro Dooc or should I say “Atty. Ria” for short?


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Cheerine U. Dy

BS Legal Management

CHEERINE HOLDINGS, INC.Income Statement (in thousand pesos)For the year ended, March 31, 2006Revenues 2006 2005Consanginuity and Affinity 3,981,562 3,882,174Camaraderie (HS, Park 9, RegCom, etc.) 2,165,963 1,496,236 Education (LCHS and AdMU) 1,956,380 1,793,348 8,103,905 7,171,758

Cost and Expenses 2006 2005 Cost of Sales for Education (AdMU) (95) (104)Attitude, Thought, and Action Expense (7,485,156) (6,435,115)Depreciation Expense (memory loss & lag,emotional depression, malicious acts) (595,260) (718,304) (8,080,511) (7,153,523)


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Kristie Auriel T. Enriquez

BS Legal Management

“Achiever” is the word that best describes Kit, for she strives for excellence in everything she does. Extremely intelligent, beautiful, outgoing and kind, Kit is one girl in control of her game no matter where or what. She knows what she wants and is out there to get it. Kit understands the meaning of time management. Amidst the stresses of school, orgs, and the rest, she still manages to keep her composure and finds time for family and friends. This mekeni girl is fun to be with. She’s game most of the time – can pass out “dieting” to join you in a pig-out food craze, will hoard the microphone to sing her favorite videoke songs with her “angelic” voice, invite you to lunch all the way to Angeles, and on certain occasions, even dance for a music video. She is just lovable, and everyone really enjoys being with her. Her greatness as a person is immeasurable – an obedient daughter, a loving sister, and a trusted friend. She accepts people for who they are and gives so much but expects nothing in return.


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Emmeline Mae Escobillo

BS Legal Management

Labels, pink and smiles. What do these have in common? Mae, of course! Of all the people I know, this girl has an unmatched obsessive-compulsive nature. She can’t stand living in a clutter and if she’s stuck in one, she itches to fix it up even though she didn’t make the mess herself. She also loves … scratch that, reveres the color pink. If you spot someone along the SEC walkway with a pink backpack, it could definitely be Mae. It probably has something to do with the fact that she’s from Marikina. (snickers). But what makes her special is her sincere and heartwarming smiles. With a gentle voice, she chats with every familiar person who comes her way – from friends and teachers to the guards, maintenance persons and gasoline station attendants among others. Still, there are times when she becomes angry and frustrated about something or someone. Lucky for her offenders, her good-naturedness often gets the upper hand. Once she lets the steam out, her trademark smile comes into place once more. That’s Mae.


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Katherina S. Fabellon

BS Legal Management

Kathy, otherwise called Fabs or Chompy by her friends, is one fun lady anyone would be lucky to know. I really admire this girl because even if everyone is depressed with their Marketing, Op.Man., Accounting, or Finance, you’ll still see her smiling (is that a good sign?!). She’s always funny, cheerful and carefree as if nothing’s wrong, which brightens up your day. For me, she’s D’ Gang’s anti-depressant pill! She manages to finish her tasks even though she is a crammer, but ends up ‘bangag’ the next day!!! She is really nice to be with. What’s more she’s block O’s ‘crush ng bayan.’ I mean it! From her blockmates to a guy from a bar to a guitarist!!! She’s pretty and has a unique personality which catches your attention so most guys and girls are drawn to her (honest!). Just try to stick with her for a day and you’ll know what I mean. That’s Kathy Fabellon, Ms. Fabulous for you!


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Michelle T. Ferriols

BS Legal Management

In our hearts a blessed song she plays A sweet melody that lives, enraptures, and staysFor the child of music never ever failsTo cage inspiration and give it away

From her soul emanates the truest of beautyAs goodness inside shines through her personality With too much love to give so willinglyWhat more can there be in a lady?

And if God were to make a redoing of everythingMay she be unchanged, preserved in her very beingFor we still need her to be our angel And want her to stay the way she is Michelle


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Lovely Kahael D. Gamboa

BS Legal Management

Dear Reader,

The fact that you took time to look at this page means that this friend of mine has touched you in more ways than one. You might think she is appealing to the eyes but you, who know her more than just a face, know her character appealed to your heart. You know she is not only a brilliant mind but more importantly an insightful soul. You also know that she has exquisite style and taste yet her simplicity is the one that stands out. You know she’s not the friendliest face and you might not have received hi’s and hellos everytime you pass by each other but what she lacked in words, she made up in her sincere and priceless gestures. You know that in her company, smiles are shared and struggles are fought. And you know that wherever your path takes you and whatever happens, she will always be a part of you and a part of hers. A legacy that moved you. A legacy that shall not die.


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Julie Anne H. Garingalao

BS Legal Management

This write-up contains copyright material, personal qualities and other proprietary information on Julie. It includes, but is not limited to, text on her sunny aura, software about her witty quips, photos contradicting her candid nature, and may in the future include a video of her triumphant and tragic oral exams, graphics representing doodles in her accounting test paper, map of the College Caf and sound bytes of her engaging interviews for The Guidon. The entire contents of this write-up are protected by the laws of nature and nurture. From here on out, you may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivative works, or in any way exploit, any of the content, in whole or in part except as provided in the Divinely-written Terms. Copyright.


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Gion Paulo D. Guiao

BS Legal Management

A real “dork” and a very complicated human being who is always misunderstood! He would never listen to anyone’s advice, but he will always love them to death.

Pau knows way too many people from different batches (because he’s been around school too long). Although an exceptional conversationalist who could talk the entire day, you could never expect to finish a full conversation without him having to say hi to at least one person per minute. We believe it just goes to show how friendly he really is. He truly is one who could make a completely unexciting, boring and dull day much more bearable. But just because he’s fun doesn’t mean that’s all there is to him.

There’s another side to Pau, a darker side. What could this be? What darkness is lurking behind his good ol’ boy façade? The wrath of his temper!

He’s a smartass in every aspect, but a friend to all.


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Edliz Coleen Y. Hao

BS Legal Management

The first thing one notices about Edz is her warm, dimpled smile. Captivating and worthy of a Close-up commercial, it definitely inspires and never fails to brighten the day; yet it doesn’t even begin to convey how outstanding this girl is. A singer with a voice that never ceases to soothe the soul, a do-it-yourself master who can create innovative things with the use of her hands, Edz was definitely present when God doled out talent and creativity. She always has the passion to explore and learn new things and can do anything she puts her mind to, including balancing academics, singing, organizations and social life. Even with all her commitments and responsibilities, Edz never fails to connect to people with her cheerful and caring disposition. Sweet as she is, she looks as if she’s very harmless. But mind you, this girl knows how to get what she wants! Don’t be fooled by the seemingly shy appearance, beneath it all is a wacky and outgoing person full of passion, faith, love, and life. To top it all, Edz is certainly one great friend--ever genuine, reliable, understanding, thoughtful, someone you can always count on. That said, Edz is just simply amazing!


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Charmaine Rose K. Haw

BS Legal Management

Her nickname says it all. Charms conveys images of something magical, glittery if not titillating, which evidently emanates from her beautiful personality. She’s very smart and incorrigible especially in her beliefs—there’s no point of arguing against it. No dream is too big for someone like her. She’s so cogent and hardly short of brilliance; she understands reality in a complex and capacious way. Her qualities simply display the makings of a good lawyer which she dreams of becoming one day. But contrary to the stereotype of attorneys having no heart, Charms has a heart of gold. She is a soft person who makes people in her life feel important with the time she willingly spends with them. She’s also passionate about growing in Christ—her values are always in check. She can make your most terrible day into a bright one through her words of encouragement and her jokes. She knows what to say and how to act, but more importantly, she knows how to enjoy life.


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Aaron Jarveen O. Ho

BS Legal Management

Look at this picture very carefully for someday, you will see this picture hang the halls of Malacanang. You are looking at the future President of the Philippines.

Going by two names, Aaron or Jarveen is responsible personified. From Gawad Kalinga to his home org, this guy is always up on his toes, ready to take on one project after another.

Every endeavor he undertakes is always a success, making people wonder if lady luck is on his side. He balances his extracurricular activities well enough to excel even in academics.

With all the achievements tucked in his belt, it’s amazing how he keeps his feet planted firmly on the ground. Maybe because his greatest source of inspiration is none other than his faith.

In the perceived dirty world of politics, he plans to be the beacon of light. No doubt about it, he will succeed as always. That’s Aaron for you. The next Filipino-Chinese President!


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Maria Theresa Nichole A. Ignacio

BS Legal Management

Nichole. Initially intimidating. Can be tempestuous. Excellent proof that looks can be deceiving. Smart. Intuitive. Witty. Hanging with her is like having cocktails by the beach. Stylish. Classy. Larger than life. A product of adversities. Treads through obstacles w/ perseverance & a smile. Flows with unassuming calmness and poise. Knows what she wants. Nix. Admittedly shallow. Extremely funny. Constantly in amusing misadventures. Knows her bar list. Sun-kissed. Gorgeous. Without her, things will be lot less colorful. Adventurous. Spontaneous. The perfect companion. Nicka. Beach fiend. Awesome chef. Eternally single but unavailable. Bossy. Gets away with everything except anything with numbers. Constantly exciting hair transformations. A mermaid in her past life. Well-loved. Princess. Warm. Charming. Has the gift of making your days lighter and brighter. True. Disarming. Brings out the best in people. Sweet. Adorable. Slightly ditzy. Intoxicating. Caring. Thoughtful. The best partner in crime.


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Nikki Jayne Lee

BS Legal Management

To the people I’ve met, Cheers!To the people I haven’t, Tears!

“The scent of honeymingled with the sound of laughterand, oh, what a joy it was to be home.”

—Julie Garwood, The Wedding


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Cheryl Christine S. Lim

BS Legal Management

Knowing Che these past few years, you’ll still feel that she always has something you need to know about. Despite that, she’s trustworthy and understanding. She seems to be serious and meticulous most of the time but she sure knows how to have fun. She’s one of the nicest and most tolerant people anyone could ever see. It seems that sadness doesn’t fit for this girl. She’s one of the few people who can still smile despite extreme frustration and pressure. Che is an epitome of a responsible, flexible, and dynamic person. She knows how to manage her time and goes the extra mile to do what is expected of her and more. A silent worker, Che is efficient but does not want the limelight on her. She is willing to settle in the background or blend in with the crowd; that just shows how she’s not conceited. Che truly and undoubtedly treasures her friends and always finds ways of showing it to them. For these reasons, she has earned the love and respect of her friends who would sincerely be by her side incessantly.


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Dyan Danika G. Lim

BS Legal Management

Dyan entered the Ateneo like a little girl. With her petite frame, she tackled her new world with her ‘precious moments’ eyes wide open. Her animated expressions and witty one-liners are simply adorable. She’s fascinated with the simplest things. You would be amazed how she can spend her day blowing bubbles and playing pickup sticks. Like a child, she needs to be fed constantly and not one drop of rain should touch her body. But what baffles friends the most is how she is still innocent in love, totally unaware of her irresistible taray look and charms. In her eyes, it’s like seeing everything for the very first time.

It is her childlike and taray ways that fascinates her friends and admirers alike. But what captures them is her heart. She loves others without any fear or hesitation. She gains fulfillment in the realization of other people’s dreams. Some people walk through life wanting to be recognized, only to be forgotten. But then, there are those who desire only to live and end up truly touching others’ lives.


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Kristel Carol T. Macatangay

BS Legal Management

There’s a saying that “The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary man takes everything either as a blessing or a curse.” There’s no doubt about it: Kristel must be a warrior, taking setbacks with a stride, never buckling when the going gets tough. But coupled with this tough exterior is a friendlier side. Beneath her reserved and calm frame is a spunky, talkative girl who is never short of compelling stories, from serious matters to jologs ones, that perk you up without fail. From impulsive outings and food trippings to overnights and cramming sessions, Kristeta is the friend to call. In short, she’s a perfect partner in crime! But if it’s real talent you’re looking for, you’re barking up the right tree—she’ll handle power point and video editing skillfully!

Can’t live without: laptop, novels, and Summit waterCan do without: Jollibee and Kenny Rogers


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Bernadette G. Mallion

BS Legal Management

Life is a journey, full of countless little paths that cross one another. One of these paths brought Berna to the Ateneo, where she embarked on the wonderful experience of college life. Coming from 13 years of Green, this cheerful, fun-loving, energetic, and heart-warming girl had to adjust to her newfound Blue environment. She worked hard, being the diligent and smart person that she is, to continuously give her best and excel in whatever she does. Her passion and interests called her to follow the LM path thus, she bid goodbye to her former ComTech life. After two years in the university, however, she still did not appreciate the “Ateneo way” much. All this changed, when she became a Babble cheerdancer on her junior year. Thus, she finally learned what it meant to have an Atenean heart. As this journey comes to a close, she leaves with fond memories of laughter, tears, sleepless nights, and rainy days. She ventures into her life ahead with the friendships she has made and the true love she has found here in the Ateneo.


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Daisy C. Mariñas

BS Legal Management

Beneath her simple and silent ways lie a lass brimming with intelligence and willpower. Inside her strong persona dwells a humble heart which never fails to exude love and kindness to every person she touches. Behind her matured and rational character lives a child in heart, endearing and thoughtful to her friends and family. She is an epitome of a persona with a perfect blend of grace, wit and charm which radiates the mesmerizing beauty and wonder in her. A certified natural artist, Days is a gifted writer who gives life and splendor to every composition she makes. An able and competent leader, she is a responsible and diligent worker who does not compromise the quality of her work. Her adventurous and free spirit complements her zest for life. Though Days appear to be soft-spoken at times, a moment with her guarantees you 100% fun and laughter. Once you get to know her better, you’ll have a slice of her hilarious puns and unique sense of humor. Days is certainly a precious gem to treasure and behold.


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Jaime Alejandro F. Mendejar

BS Legal Management

Jai-me (hí-mé), n., 1) a bright soul under a dark exterior 2) considered well-rounded 3) has the mind of a creative artist and the will of a great manager 4) there is a difference between busy and getting things done—Jaime manages to do both 5) thinks out of the box for ideas, and organizes and executes them smoothly 6) a self-confessed beach boy, a traveler, an adventurer, a social worker and a dreamer 7) gifted with the power to penetrate the depths of human behavior 8) knows how to read people 9) loves to make friends and he loves his friends 10) loves his family and God 11) has the qualities to become a great president of this country (perhaps, he will be) 12) accomplished so much in life, yet remains to be a humble friend and a humbler servant of the Lord 13) a small miracle of God 14) provides a glimmer of hope to his family and friends 15) will once again accomplish more things of infinite worth.


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Kathy Klaire P. Miag-ao

BS Legal Management

Her enigmatic façade may deceive you into who she really is, a true person who is worth keeping forever. Kath or Miagz, as what her Ateneo friends often call her, is a lady with remarkable beauty and personality. She may sometimes appear intimidating with her “mataray and pang-model” look but one thing’s for sure she’s one of the simplest (walang queme at kaartehan sa katawan!) and most enthusiastic persons you will ever meet. She’s always up for anything; and when you are with her, you are sure shot heading for some major laugh trip. She definitely knows how to stir up a crowd with her witty and sometimes sarcastic humor. She’s a professional procrastinator and loves working under pressure, but still manages to get good grades. She also maintains a supermodel body; no matter how much food she take in, not an inch will go to her stomach nor a pound added to her weight. Kathy—all these and more—a concoction of the finest qualities that makes her an extraordinary lady.


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Kriselda C. Morales

BS Legal Management

Upon seeing her the first time, I bet you wouldn’t want to talk to her. It is always that “taray look” factor that misleads you into thinking that this lady is terrifying. Either that or you’d think she’s Korean and you’re never going to understand each other. However, (for the record!) no, she’s not Korean and yes, she might indeed be quite scary—but with the right reasons, of course. Better not mess with our would-be lawyer, for this girl is tough. She knows the worth of fighting for what is right and wise enough to know what she wants. Nonetheless, I’ll let you in on a secret: she is actually a sham. She’s not so strong as you think she is; in fact she has a gentle, vulnerable heart that beats lovingly for her family, melts easily from a touch, and cries with “A Walk to Remember.” Her aloof, snobbish image is but a mere fabrication of what is in reality, an affable person and a dependable friend. I guess it’s fair to say then, that the next time you look at her, you might first want to reconsider.


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Nicole Alexandra C. Ngui

BS Legal Management

You Gotta Be

“ Listen as your day unfolds Challenge what the future holdsTry and keep your head up to the sky Lovers, they may cause you tears Go ahead release your fearsStand up and be counted Don’t be ashamed to cryYou gotta be You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiserYou gotta be tough, you gotta be hard, you gotta be strongerYou gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay togetherAll I know, all I know, love will save the day.”



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Christine E. Ocampo

BS Legal Management

Christine, CEO, Shobe, Tin, Shobeceo, Chris... are just but a few of the names which all pertains to the same sweet and kind, but tough girl. There may be too many words to call and describe her, but a common denominator amounts to the quote, “Live, Love, and Laugh”. Indeed, she has lived her life by loving and giving laughter to others.

She is one of life’s greatest mystery. Like a magic, she does things that’s beyond explanation, and when asked on how she manage to do so many things in so little time and resources, she answers, “It’s all in the heart and on faith”. She sees life as an unending mystery and live up to an unending hope. To continuously know more about her and her achievements in life, visit http://www.shobeceo.com. You’ll continuously be amazed, I promise!!!


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Christine May T. Ocfemia

BS Legal Management

Tinmay/Tinay/Tin 101: If you know her, you’re sure to know that: 1. She’s a dance guru – she has the moves! Although she always protests and says that she’s rusty, she rocks on the dance floor! 2. As her high school friends used to say, she’s a worm! Always in the move except when sleeping. 3. Very responsible – one of the best groupmates ever! Though a certified overnighter and crammer, you’ll never worry that no work will be done. 4. San Miguel and Olsen Racela – two of her major obsessions. She dreams of taking over San Miguel someday as CEO just to have Olsen in her sights! 5. She’s a self-confessed crybaby and sentimental freak – hates goodbyes and confrontations: in no time, tears are shed. 6. More importantly, Tin May is a genuine friend who cares without condition, gives without hesitation, understands without explanation and remembers without communication... that is Tinmay among other things.


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Harrier T. Ongsun

BS Legal Management

He loves God.He loves his family.He loves Monday morningsand Friday afternoons.


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Maria Lourdes Y. Orpilla

BS Legal Management

Mula sa ‘di kalayuan ay natanaw ko ang isang pamilyar na mukha—kilala ngunit hindi kalapit. Isa lamang siya, tulad ko, sa samu’t-saring mukhang baka ‘di mo matandaan ang pangalan. Ngunit sa paningin ng mga mapapalad na taong nakasalamuha’t naging parte ng kaniyang buhay ay maaaninag ang isang natatanging nilalang—matalinong estudyante, malikhaing manunulat, mahusay na pintor, mahiyaing mang-aawit, makulit na kapatid, maaalalahaning anak, masibang kasalo sa tsibugan, masayang katawanan sa istres at kabangagan, maasahang kaibigan. Siya ay isang taong nag-uumapaw sa kagalakan na ‘di nag-aatubiling magsabog ng ngiti sa lahat ng taong kaniyang nakakasalamuha—taong ‘di nanghihinayang iparamdam ang halaga ng mga taong malapit sa kaniya sa pamamagitan ng mga simple ngunit makabuluhang mga gawi. Gaano ko man pilitin ay nalalaman kong hindi ako magtatagumpay sa pagbibigay-kahulugan sa kaniya. Subalit wala na akong mahihiling pa higit sa biyaya ng pagiging kaibigan niya.


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Michael Reonel S. Pacatang Jr.

BS Legal Management

I am the clan’s only child. And I am afraid…for in a vision, I saw the last vestige of order in my life coming to an end...This is what I saw…

It is nearing the time of the great graduation, and this year I am one of the sacrifices. My clan is silently preparing, for this is an honor for all the members. When the time comes, they will dress me in black to receive the blessing of the university gods—before they cast me out.

Afterwards, I will be trust into a chaotic world of uncertainty where I am no longer guided by a group of elders I call teachers. The once abundant manna-like allowance that sustained me is now on the verge of disappearing. There is no choice left; I must conquer this realm and survive—for the elders, the gods, and my clan has destined me for greater things. I do not fear anything I will encounter in my life anymore, for they have taught me well.


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Carmina Marie R. Panlilio

BS Legal Management

Coming from a perfect family and with a successful law career ahead, Mina’s life seems to be too good to be true. Unlike normal students, she seldom experiences hell weeks as she finishes everything in advance, and with high grades to boot! This never-had-a-bad-hair-day girl doesn’t even put in much effort for her always impeccable outfits and eerily color-coded notes! Despite this OC disorder, Mina’s one of the coolest persons to have around. Her high ‘pick-up’ means she gets the subtlest of jokes and her fun-loving nature makes her game for most everything. But Mina also has some pet peeves – she has no patience for tardiness, and hates it when strangers act all chummy with her. These turn her from the nice girl next door to someone whose expression is enough to make you scramble! For her friends, though, Mina has the longest patience, the deepest concern and the warmest smile. Her simple, sunny personality makes her refreshingly beautiful, making her one of the best friends to have in your life.


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Ma. Lourdes C. Polido

BS Legal Management

Ludee is someone who defies stereotypes. Her natural energy manages to penetrate people’s complacency, propelling those exposed to rise and take action. Every layer she sheds through the course of your friendship enriches you life, and your perseverance shall be rewarded with the knowledge of a beautiful individual who is as unique as a mermaid amongst a sea of similarity. Knowing her many gorgeous truths is a pleasure. She continually dazzles the world with joy and laughter, leaving us breathless and yearning for more. Ludee simply radiates, and it is contagious. She is not afraid of living through experiences, and you will find yourself going with her for the ride in anticipation.


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Irlin Jumie O. Pua

BS Legal Management

How many saints have you met in this lifetime? If you’re answer is zero, you sure have not met Jumie. If God sent out angels in this world, Jumie would be one of them. A sweet, soft-spoken, pretty girl, a good daughter, a responsible sister, a diligent student, a patient teacher, a great friend, and a faithful servant of God—she is the best example of someone building her life around God and not God around her life. Despite numerous trials and problems in life, Jumie always believes and trusts God and His greater plan for her. She manages to show a genuine smile and portray a spirit of gratitude no matter what the circumstances are.

A person who inspires and tirelessly shares a life of love to others yet without expecting for something in return; she is one of the few who can really offer true friendship by prioritizing the needs of others first before herself. Having one friend like Jumie is more than enough to compensate for a thousand others.


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Aj P. Purugganan

BS Legal Management

At first glance, you think he’s a snob and a loner. But wait until you get to know him better. The total exact opposite, this guy is a walking amplifier enough to vibrate your life with enthusiasm, energy and voice! (He’s a proud member of the Ateneo Blue Babble Batallion) Age is the voice-and-talk-of-all sorts; one can’t help but be engaged in deep conversations with him, from chismis and life to philosophies and anything under the sun! And one will surely agree it’s all worth the time; his winning insights are truly amazing. Always clad in shirt, denim pants and rubber shoes, Age is one free-spirited wanderer; still, one would definitely agree that he is the group’s dwelling place.

Age shall not die. How ironic. Age just is.


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Jonathan T. Reyes

BS Legal Management

Few are those people who know me more than in passing. Even fewer people see more than what is on the surface. In fact, someone once called me a big mystery. If you ask those around me, they would say “oh he’s quiet, reserve, kind & a loner.” Sometimes they are right but that is not all who I am. No body knows who I am. Even if you are me you would only know me about 90% at best.

So let us see what it is there about me. I am quite an introverted, contemplative person. I choose to open up to very few people. I am also quite a bit emotional sometimes but I release it only where nobody will see it. I perform better by myself not because I am anti-social but because if I fail I am the only one who goes down. In other words, I don’t want anyone else to suffer in the event that I make a mistake. I will adapt in the worst conditions and do the best that I can to get things done. I think of myself as a gentleman, sometimes; I would try to come to the aid of others when they need it.


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Nasem Saatchi

BS Legal Management

“You’re..Clownlike, happiest on your hands, / Feet to the stars, and moon-skulled,Gilled like a fish. A common-sense / Thumbs-down on the dodo’s mode.Wrapped up in yourself like a spool, / Trawling your dark, as owls do.Mute as a turnip from the Fourth / Of July to All Fools’ Day,O high-riser, my little loaf.Vague as fog and looked for like mail. / Farther off than Australia.Bent-backed Atlas, our traveled prawn. / Snug as a bud and at homeLike a sprat in a pickle jug. / A creel of eels, all ripples.Jumpy as a Mexican bean. / Right, like a well-done sum.A clean slate, with your own face on.”

—Sylvia Plath


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Irish Krystle D. Salandanan

BS Legal Management

Patience is a virtue. That’s an understatement when you have to wait for Irish. She’s very slow when it comes to lots of things – walking, eating, reading, dressing up, and the list goes on. However, whatever she lacks in promptness, she makes up for with kindness. In fact, once you get to know Irish deeply, you won’t mind stretching your patience for her.Irish is a lady with a certain charm that draws people of all kinds close to her. Each moment she shares with you is accompanied by a warm and friendly smile. It’s a wonder how she maintains her poise and grace through every situation without hindering her efficiency. She could very well be compared to Maria Clara – simple, charming, and humble, yet also full of surprises.There is no doubt Irish will go far in life, thanks to her golden heart and extensive talents. She never ceases to dream and to hope despite life’s challenges, for as she often says, la vita è bella. Life is beautiful.


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Sabrina Gretchen D. Salgado

BS Legal Management

Who doesn’t know Abby Salgado? Tatler matronas, beautiful boys and security guards all know her, to name a few. Put anyone beside Abby and for sure, she’ll strike up a conversation. Abby can be everything and anything because she doesn’t wait for the world to adapt to her; she adapts to them. If you get hooked on Abby, welcome to the club.

Ateneo has developed Abby into this heavenly-bodied model student who will constantly endear you with her personality and impress you with her brains and wit. She will teach you that life is not just about getting things done; it’s about cherishing every story, every mystery and every riddle that comes with it. Never frazzled, always dazzles.

We can never forget Abby Salgado because at one point or another, we laughed with her, envied how she balanced everything without batting an eyelash and watched her strut her brilliant and confident self in total awe. At one point or another, we just loved her. And no matter what Abby Salgado does, she will never go unnoticed.


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Raizelle Gretchen L. So

BS Legal Management

The Top 10 Principles of Rae-ism:

1. Cry if you feel bad, and don’t forget to nag.2. Whenever embarrassed, blush to a tomato-red state from the tip of your hairline up to your arms.3. Self-consciousness with the body? It never ceases.4. Perfectionism: make sure everything is wow-worthy. 5. Impulsiveness: the key to either contentment or stress.6. Creativity and numerical ability can coexist within one mind & body.7. Continue to dream of working for Pixar Studios but be happy with having your own business because you love doing either anyway.8. Be affectionate and cheerful but make sure to still speak your mind.9. Take on the very difficult challenge of always maintaining your composure.10. Realize that life is not about finding but creating yourself, with God by your side the whole time.


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Maria Christina T. Sumalde

BS Legal Management

At first, Ten, as she is more fondly known, seems to be aloof and stand-offish due to her no-nonsense stance, but people couldn’t be more mistaken. She warms up to people easily and makes it a point to keep an open mind about everyone and everything. She is an exceptional daughter, a great sister and an outstanding friend. The ups and downs she has been through in Ateneo molded her into a holistic individual who is much more ready to take on the world ahead of her. Albeit the fact that Ten is a truly talented and intelligent individual, she still makes a conscious effort to uphold her academics and at the same time, immerse herself in various activities she enjoys, such as dancing, reading and spending some down-time with family and friends. This girl knows the meaning of fun but above that, she also understands the value of responsibility and she has integrated these ideologies into her lifestyle. It is a privilege to have her as part of one’s life since she totally lives up to her name: a perfect “Ten”.


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Marlowe Doms R. Tajon

BS Legal Management

Doms is your epitome of Beer, Basketball, and Barako. The guy with the biggest afro in the Ateneo stands out for his comedy, amazing mathematical skills, and his usual weekend inuman sessions. Put this guy on the court and he emerges with a fine title: The Game. Doms charges with a Ben Wallace-like aura – grabbing boards, doing the damage on 2nd chance points, the step-back trey, and his cuatro-kid basketball mentality. When he’s on defense, he stares into the eye of the enemy, creating an image of intimidation. But maybe the best thing you can attribute to his game is his enthusiasm for pressure. Once constrained with time, effort and resources, this guy can certainly find his way out! Not just in basketball, but in his uncanny ability to study for tests while taking the test! He has the ability to charm his professors w/ his practical yet effective arguments, and yes, his skill in handling women—they go gaga over his bad-boy image.No pressure, no game, no Doms.


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Diana Jean L. Tan

BS Legal Management

I would like to thank all the unbelievable, quirky, generous, critical, exasperating, sweet, soulful, two-faced, beautiful, boring, idealistic, optimistic, independent, narrow-minded, opinionated, honest, funny, witty, dynamic, foolish, passionate, silly, unfortunate, honorable, true, complex people I have experienced college life with. Very few have left me cold; the majority has let me affirm, change, doubt, or neglect my values. The most important thing is that you all have affected and enriched my life. As a parting shot, I share a special stanza I hold dear in my heart.

“Where do we go, nobody knowsDon’t ever say you’re on your way down whenGod gave you style and gave you graceAnd put a smile upon your face…”—Coldplay, God Put a Smile upon Your Face


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Eileen Jessica L. Tan

BS Legal Management

EJ’s the friend who you feel has been there all along, as she gives the kind of genuine honesty and concern reserved for childhood friends. Loyal to the very end, she’ll never fail to give you all-out support. Ya-ren firmly stands by her convictions, especially in upholding her faith and feministic stands. In fact, she sometimes acts like a boy – she is a ‘romance-hater’, would rather wear a sack than the color pink and could easily out-Excel any geek in the CS Dept. Despite this ‘tough-chick’ exterior, EJ is really quite touching, bringing friends brownies and staying up late to finish their projects’ most tedious parts—50-page appendices and perplexing crash costs. This results in constant sleep deprivation, the reason she is always a late away from being over-cut! All in all, EJ seems to be a walking contradiction—sweet to the core but not to be messed with! In her heart, she is just a little girl, still awaiting all the world has to offer while minoring in Marketing and shaking her J-Lo butt along the way!


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Jasslyn Joanne O. Tan

BS Legal Management

When you hear the name Jasslyn, there is only one thing you automatically think of: fashion addict. Her sense of style and love for fashion are only a few of the things that make her special. Obviously, that’s not all there is to her. On the outside, one would easily envy her with her good looks, slender frame, and wow height. But beneath her beautiful facade, is a unique jewel only a few are fortunate to find. Her quick wit and cleverness make her an extremely good conversationalist. She possesses that astute common sense and intelligence that are rare among her peers. With all these, there is still one thing that is most noticeable among the rest—what is inside her heart. Jass has one of the biggest hearts, ready to drop anything to help a friend. Having love problems? Don’t know what to wear? Call 1-900-Jass. Given her ability to speak and her sense of reason, coupled with her long legs, flawless skin and good heart, Jass is one extraordinary combination that people can’t help but love and admire.


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Precious Manilynn A. Tan

BS Legal Management

Chut has the loudest laugh and one of the biggest hearts in school. Chut loves to laugh at all the jokes, and when she laughs, her friends laugh at the way she laughs. The cornier the jokes, the better. She also has the rare talent to get a perfect score in videoke singing Macarena and 5,6,7,8. Singing, however, is not her real forte. She’s a lot better as a great friend. Chut has always been there whenever her friends needed her. She knows how to listen well, to give sound advice and to say the right things at the right time. She goes out of her way to comfort her friends, even if it means hanging out in their flat and drinking a few rounds of beer! This girl loves the beach, loves to travel and loves to party. It’s not difficult to ask her out for barkada gimiks and out of town getaways, which is why sometimes, friends call her “one of the boys.” Intelligent, witty, funny, adventurous and extremely friendly, Chut is definitely one of the best reasons why four years of Ateneo life is all worth it.


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Rickie Ryan L. Tan

BS Legal Management

He’s loud, wacky and fun. A quick thinker and a smart guy, he can crack jokes with ease and wit, simultaneously asserting himself well enough to put someone in dead silence. Ryan is an achiever in his own right. He has a clear vision of what he wants and how to get it. (Even if it means waking up 4 am to train and taking his Philo orals right after). He’s a health buff and a tech guru. You can either envy his six packs or his ability to name the most intricate parts of a computer. Ryan is the epitome of multi-tasking—he can talk, think, argue, eat and watch an episode of Friends all at the same time. (With coffee on the side) His uncontainable energy drives him to do things beyond the average. With his keen mind and tough physique, Ryan more often than not outshines others in his endeavors, making him the most reliable companion one can ever have. No wonder he’s blessed with tons of friends that consider him a treasure worthy of keeping not just for a while but forever.


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Vendric Dustin L. Tan

BS Legal Management

It took Venz approximately one semester to get his name plastered in banners and posters all over Ateneo. “Vendric Dustin Tan, Golf Champion.” This guy surely has a knack for athletics; but to say that this is all that defines him is a terrible mistake. There are more facets to this person than one could completely understand in four years. He has this way about him; calm, almost brooding, but he also doesn’t hesitate to initiate a few laughs. He is accomplished yet still remains down-to-earth. He is serious yet becomes immediately silly when he is with the Kythe kids. But what many find most appealing is the way he gives himself in friendship without asking for anything in return. Venz is truly much more than a golf champion; he is a great person and an irreplaceable friend!


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Maria Christina E. Tecson

BS Legal Management

A girl who wanders free in her starlit sky, where life is steady and her dreams take flight. A woman who grasps for a heartbeat’s breath that will fill her great spirit to explode into color, challenging the moon to beam brighter than the sun and the world to be madder and crazier before grabbing her star and owning its light. She burns the ground and marks her name on the soils of truth, laughter, and change, only to start over, embracing the world with something bigger, brighter and so distinctively hers, which she has done, in fact, long before she ever learned to fly.


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Brian Benedict O. Tee

BS Legal Management

It is easy to claim that Brian is the stereotypical Chinese-Filipino. He rarely treats his friends out and claims he’s saving money. Of course, to complete the stereotype, he has to be good in accounting and finance—in fact, he got an A in both subjects! His friends find it funny that he always has a calculator in his bag, which he uses to compute grades or problems, even if the subject is Law. However, Brian is beyond the stereotype. He is fit (working out for the girls) and enjoys going out with friends. He models part-time and will be willing to drive for you if you badly need a ride. Despite of these, Brian remains simple and humble. His friends could perhaps call him the gentle giant (standing at 6 feet, he could easily dwarf his friends.) He is also a great friend, who spends time with you to hear your stories or give you advice. He loves to joke around, especially when he starts his egocentric antics, praising himself for being too good-looking or too intelligent. But it’s all in good faith. I think.


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Katrina Kirby C. Teh

BS Legal Management

While she is more often seen as someone very intense when it comes to life’s business, she too can’t help crack a joke or two. Oh, but those signature “Kirby” jokes! They make you want to strangle and hug her at the same time! Rest-assured, Kirby is undoubtedly, one of the most sensible people around. With her realistic and no-nonsense approach on things, she gives the best advices. That is why she is at the top of her friends’ special numbers—those that you either put on speed dial or add an A or an * to.

Kirby, while already busy planning her life 5...10...20 years from now, also lives in the moment conjuring some crazy scheme. Just like the two sides of a coin, they’re really different from each other but a coin is not a coin without a head and without a tail. Likewise, Kirby is not Kirby without her enlightening advices and her senseless jokes.


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Jovilly Donna C. Vertulfo

BS Legal Management

Bestowed with Athena’s wisdom and Aphrodite’s beauty, Donna is such a wonder- an admirable and an inspiring figure of a person. You’ll be surprised at the accomplishments she has achieved and the degree of humility that accompanies these achievements. A consistent Dean’s Lister, an AYLC participant, a P&G Student excellence awardee and an organization president are just a few of the recognitions she has received. She may only have four years in college, yet it seems like she has done a decade’s work. But these accolades are not what makes her one of the best people to get to know but it is her heart’s desire for service to others, passion for life and her unflagging friendship. She is also rooted with God-centered values and principles. Donna is a person who you’ll never see just going along with the tide of life but will man her boat towards the brighter shores with great conviction and if you’re her friend she will be take you along with her. Indeed, she is a blessing to all, even for just the way she is.


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Armando P. Villacin, Jr.

BS Legal Management

I speak much in my silenceI see much in my mindLeave me if you think I’m strangeBecause I do not think I’ll ever changeStay if you want to know meAlthough I can’t promise what will be

I’ll keep a secret if you wishOr tell on you if I mustBut I’ll always stayEven if days turn grayBut don’t tell the world about meFor perhaps then I shall cease to be


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Michelle Marie F. Villarica

BS Legal Management

Restless. Athletic. Sporadic outbursts of adventure. Loves late nights out with friends. Not a morning person. Spontaneous. One of the boys. Versatile. Unbelievable convincing skills. Leader. Charming looks and personality. Hates Saturday classes. Boyish but with a pretty smile. Has the ability to look sober in a Saturday morning class after a Friday night out. Good person and friend. Great listener. Believer. Chocoholic. Friends sitcom addict. Stands out. Pretty fast. Cebuana. There when you need her. Knows what she wants. Makes me smile. Incomparable. Makes the strangest decisions that only she knows why. Tough on the outside but soft on the inside. A million facets in one person. Impossible? That’s Miki.


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Francez Vanessa N. Villavert

BS Legal Management

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. It is not a fact, it is an opinion. It is not a declaration, it is a dare. It is potential. It is temporary. It is nothing.”

I believe in the power of dreams, hard work and determination. I believe that all successes and achievements are not for one’s own, but for others and for God. I believe that in the end, it is not about profits and results. It is about living in accordance to what is right and just.

Studying in the Ateneo is not just an experience. It is a way of living. Now, I am a person of exploration, seizing the day like there is no tomorrow and living on the daily possibility, that something can be done for the better. Tomorrow, I will face the world with more daunting challenges, but I will surely take with me the power to dream the impossible and act on its possibility.

I am a dreamer and I will dream magically and endlessly.


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Charlene Anne G. Yu

BS Legal Management

You’re such a “dork!” Sounds familiar? It’s probably because it is definitely one of her favorite expressions and is actually the one word which can easily remind everyone of her. And while everyone might think that she actually is one, it’s far from being the one adjective that could be used to describe her. She is sweet, loving, outgoing and very much passionate about everything she does. She’s exceptionally friendly and approachable; just make sure you don’t ever take her for granted because this particularly headstrong girl knows how to fight for what she believes in. Everyone who knows her will certainly agree that Char is someone who’s definitely worthy of being called a true friend! She is extremely loyal and will always be there for you in anything and everything, through good or bad times, never leaving your side, and never ever wanting anything in return but to be honest to her the way she’ll always be honest to you. If there’s a single word to describe this woman, it would unquestionably be “amazing!”


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Jessica Joyce F. Zalamea

BS Legal Management

You are looking at one of Manila’s finest. A rare beauty, Jessica is one of the few gifted with such appeal, confidence and class. Her looks and poise will leave all eyes glued on her as she walks the hall of the campus. Yet more than this face, she has wits that stretch beyond classroom corners. This girl is very opinionated and straightforward, she will speak her mind to whoever, whenever. And when she does, it is sure to make sense. She has no pretenses in the face of every person she encounters. Do not be deceived though, for hiding behind that intimidating façade is a very fun-loving and cheerful persona. Not to mention the sense of humor that can leave you in pain from laughter. A friend indeed, Jessica is the type that is hard to come by, but will be with you a lifetime.


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