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  • 8/6/2019 Legal Martyrs


    Christians 'suffer' in law courtsMartyrs are sentenced to death

    The Great Tribulation is a legaltrial

    Excerpts from The Smith&Smith Scripture Commentaries, available without

    any cost, for download, at...http://sites.oole.com/site/freecommentary

    !any people thin" of the #ible as a $lealistic$ boo", and of %od as a $udmental$%od. This is the wron sideof a story, and neatively expressed. 'ou may alsohave heard that the (atin translation of the scriptures has lent a $lealese$ slant toour translations, than"s to the leal focus of the )oman empire *famous for itslaw+code. This is only half+true.

    'es, %od is concerned with udment ++ that$s what %ods do, don$t you "now ++but udment is aboutpraise and rewardsas itsprimary oal, with harshudment aainst the unfaithful, only as a disincentive. -t is apositivethin that%od is concerned with rihtin wrons and removin evil. The udment oesaainst $the devil and his anels$, but not aainst oe Citien.

    -n 0ebrew $ude$ means $deliver ustice to$.

    1Sa 2:13 4nd Samuel uded -srael all the days of his life.

    5sa 67:8 ude the poor and fatherless: 9o ustice to the afflicted anddestitute.

    -n Enlish $ude$ means to condemn, punish.-t is our legalsitic mindsetand our misinterpretation of the $don$t ude$ sayins,which shut out the positive meanins to $udment$.

    The (aw is central to the #oo", yes, but the law says to do ood, to turn awayfrom evil, to love %od and to love your neihbour. -t is only thepenalties for law-breakerswhich people thin" of when they bad+mouth the #ible.

    ur translations arelealistic, yes, than"s to *mis+translators, yes, but the #ibleis not inherently udmental and lealistic ++ ;uite the opposite, for those whocatch the spirit of Christ. The preponderance of leal terminoloy is naturally

    there in the fabric of the #ible, but forfor other and better reasons++ to explainthe freedom from condemnation under the law.

    The plot ets deeper when you ac"nowlede the state of the world and %od$s planto con;uer its evil: There is a fundamental conflict between the spirit of %od andthe spirit of... * of reliion *$+lig-$ means $bind$, as in $law? le+al$ @ bindin$? the spiritof $moral$ *$mores$ is (atin for $law$ $rules$, derived fromthe #oo", derived from

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    reliion and derived from the (aw. This ma"es the distinction between ood and%od, spirit and law, a vexed debate, as claimed.

    Since the conflict is between the spirit and lealism, it follows that the conflict onearth will be between the lealists and the Christians? and will be played outas a

    legal battle, where the lealists try to usethe divine law to condemn the innocent,for performin miracles in Christ$s name> This would only repeat what hasalready occurred in the first centuries.

    'ou can now appreciate that the $leal udmental nature$ of the content of the#ible, is more about what comes against%od$s people thanfromthem. The$4ccuser of the brethren$ is one title for Satan, not for the %od who offersforiveness, and who provides a leal 4dvocateforus. -t$s the reliious, not thefaithful, who are over+udmental ++ and the difference is, in reality, hard to pic".

    The result is that the #ible is a boo" with much reference to the law, to lealtrials, to udes, overnors, "ins and emperors *that$s surely what shapes ourworld, don$t you "now, politics and law and reliious belief ++ and such power+bro"ers are fully immersed in legalconcerns.4nd in heaven, %od is a %od sitting on a judgment throne, with Satan standingas an accuserof the Christians, with Christ as their legal advocate, and the Spiritas their leal helper on earth. 'es it is all thoroughly legal-in-nature.

    4t this stae you may say $h, yes, we "new all that already, really$, and so youdid, but still, the implications ta"e us by surprise, as the title tries to capture ++The $sufferin$ of a Christian $by the sword$ is actually by the state$sword$ ofJustice. The sword comes after, and as a result of the trial ++ -t$s the legalusae ofordinary words which we have tended to miss.

    *The catch+your+breath comes when you admit that more+of+the+same isprophesied to $completely brea" the power$ of the people of Christ in the end+times. $#abylon$ will applythe lawmercilessly aainst the saints of Christ.

    There is a run+down on leal usae of ordinary words below? some are familiar,some are not...

    The Aew Testament usae of $suffer$ is: $suffer trials in court, and penaltiesfrom court.

    Suffer means in court, in prison chains, (to death) in the cause of ChristThe #ible does not answer the eneral ;uestion of why there is sufferin in theworld. -nstead, the sufferin in the Aew Testament is li"e that of Christ ++trial, imprisonment, shame, for his name$s sa"e.

    )om 6:12 and if children, then heirs? heirs of %od, and oint+heirs withChrist? if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also lorified with him.

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    )om 6:88+8B

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    positive side is the primary goal? the penalties are as a codicil added to deal onlywith bad+faith resultin in evil+doin.

    esus himself suffered the death+sentence as a result of a religious accusationof blasphemy.

    'ou can$t et a better example of reliious+court+persecution as proof, than theexample set by the one who said: $Dollow me? Ta"e up your cross? 9on$t beashamed of my name when you are draed before synaoue rulers, udes and"ins$.

    esus warned the apostles of reliious+court+trials *not of sufferin in generalor outsideof a ospel context.

    -t$s immediately noticeable when you re+read the ospels with this in mind ++ thatesus specified that their trials and sufferins would be under religious laws.

    Stephen was "illed by a court.

    The first Christian martyr *if (aarus wasn$t, oh17:1H, was condemned todeath for seein a vision while his udes round their teeth in miff.

    4ct :13 4nd all that sat in the council, fastenin their eyes on him, saw hisface as it had been the face of an anel.4ct 2:3+32 and said, #ehold, - see the heavens opened, and the Son of !anstandin on the riht hand of %od. 32 #ut they cried out with a loud voice,and stopped their ears, and rushed upon him with one accord?

    5aul first draed Christians to court and then himself was draed throuhthe courts as a Christian.

    4ct 7:1H+11 4nd this - also did in erusalem: and - both shut up many of thesaints in prisons, havin received IlealJ authority from the chief priests, andwhen they were put to death - ave my vote aainst them. 114nd punishinthem oftentimes in all the synaoues, - strove to ma"e them blaspheme? andbein exceedinly mad aainst them, - persecuted them even unto foreincities.

    The context behind all that 5aul wrote is clearly persecution of Christians byreliious ews, who draed the Christians before ewish courts, or incited thepaans to dra the Christians before )oman courts. 5aul was in a position to"now this inside out. -t was all fuelled by him, and others li"e Stephen beforehim, performin many and unusual miracles.

    The #oo" of 4cts is mainly about court trialsarisin from the apostlesperformin miracles. The $4cts$ were $miracles$ aplenty. The re+action was

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    riots aplenty. The boo" is split about half and half between these two actions.The results ++ leal persecutions ++ are the more important half ++ there are 2trials recorded.$4cts$ is a boo" of hih drama ++ of miracles and riots ++ and of hih legaldrama.

    4ct B:2+1H 4nd when they had set them in the midst, they in;uired, #y whatpower, or in what name, have ye done this= 6 Then 5eter, filled with the 0olySpirit, said unto them, 'e rulers of the people, and elders, F if we this day areexamined concernin a ood deed done to an impotent man, by what meansthis man is made whole? 1H be it "nown unto you all, and to all the people of-srael, that in the name of esus Christ of Aaareth, whom ye crucified, whom%od raised from the dead, evenin him doth this man stand here before youwhole.

    4ct 3:BH+B1 4nd to him they areed: and when they Ithe councilJ had calledthe apostles unto them, they beat them and chared them not to spea" in thename of esus, and let them o. B1 They therefore departed from thepresence of the council, reoicin that they were counted worthy to sufferdishonor for the Aame.

    -t is clear from readin 5aul and 4cts and 5eter and ames and all the Christianteachers, that the Christians did not actively enae in trouble+ma"in, and didnot incite riotin, and were not uilty of bad behaviour or of irreliious beliefs orpractices. The astoundin thin therfore emeres, that the preachin anddemonstration of the ospel is in itself bound to cause a riotous reactionfromthe unbelievers.

    The accusation seems to be that the disciplesperformed miracles$in the nameof esus$, and when as"ed by what authority they did such thins, theyconfessed that it was done $in the name of esus who is the Christ$? andfurther, $in the name of !essiah$, esus, they wereproclaiming theresurrectionof the dead,4ctB:1+7. -n the first century 49, the ewish rulershad outlawedanybody who $confessed the name$ of esus as Christ, ohF:77,had outlawed the teachin of the resurrection, and had officiallyforbiddenthe apostles to preach $in the name of esus$,4ctB:12+16,4ct3:76+8H,4ct3:BH+B1. The phrases therefore, $sufferin in my name, for my sa"e, in thename of esus, for the sa"e of the ospel$, refer to deliberate disobedience tolegal authorities, to testifyin in courtto the divinity of esus, to despisin the

    death+penalty, to refusin to renounce the name of esus or to recant faith $inhis name$ ++ that is, in the names $Christ, Saviour, Son of %od$, and especially$ude$ of all men.-n other words $in the name$ has a thorouhly leal taste to it, somethin weare not normally aware of.

    4 little thouht shows that the chares brouht aainst the new breed, called$Christians$, who were referred to as a $sect$ *$heresy$, came from the ld

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    Testament law ++ Christians now did many thins which were not considered$riht$, such as mixin with %entiles *unlawful4ct1H:76, eatin $unclean$food, teachin aainst the necessity of circumcision for the attainin ofrihteousness, teachin aainst the temple since they now formed a spiritualtemple, meetin on a day other than the sabbath, teachin about the abolition

    of sacrifices, about chanes in the law of !oses, and so on. !any of thesechares carried a death penalty.

    The $martyrs$ in )evelation are $faithful$ in their legal witnessto Christ,despite the death+penalty. The word $martyr$ means $witness? testimony$. Theywere $"illed dead$ only because of their $testimony$.

    )ev 17:1H+11 4nd - heard a reat voice in heaven, sayin, Aow is come thesalvation, and the power, and the "indom of our %od, and the authority ofhis Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accuseth thembefore our %od day and niht. 11 4nd they overcame him because of the

    blood of the (amb, and because of the word of their testimony? and they lovednot their life even unto death.

    The implication for Christians in later times is that a replay of ewish lealpersecution is in store, and a replay of )oman+style martyrin of Christians.$#abylon$ *a.".a. erusalem is envisioned as holdin in her hand a cup of blood ofthe saints ++ This $hand$ *an idiom for $under her control? in her power$ and for$holdin a sword$ represents thepower and authority of religious law tocondemn the faithful with the death-penalty.

    0ere is a second except from $#iblical

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    his Christ: for the accuserof our brethren is cast down, who accuseththembefore our %od day and niht. 11 4nd they overcame him because of theblood of the (amb, and because of the word of their testimony? and they lovednot their life even unto death.

    !at1H:76+8F*confess before men, !at7B:F*delivered up? (u"71:12*myname?4ctF:1B*leal authority?4ct7:1H+11? )ev7:18*"illed by a "infor bein faithful in witness, )ev:F

    The epistles tal" in legal languagewhen encourain the $persecuted$Christians.

    4ain, it is a case of re+readin the accounts with an eye for leal lanuaepassin under the radar. Then you see it where it was invisible before.

    Ordinary words like 'say, speak, hear, ask, bring, tell, come,

    gather, stand, sit, find, answer, know, give' take on a new light...

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    The $needy$ are in need of leal help?The $poor$ have been robbed of their leal rihts?

    -sa1H:7 to turn aside the needy from%ustice, and to rob the poor of my

    people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may ma"ethe fatherless their prey>-sa1H:1explains the official nature of the inustice.

    5sa1H:16, 5sa27:BG5sa27:7, 5sa67:8, 5sa1H8:, 5sa1BH:17, 5ro81:3,5ro81:F, -sa1:12, -sa3:2, -sa11:8+B, -sa7F:1Fmee"@afflicted,poorG-sa7F:71,-sa38:6, er77:1, 0os3:11, 0os17:+2,4mo3:17,!al8:3, as7:

    )elated scriptures:5saFB:G5saFB:7widow, soourner, fatherless, ude(u"16:1+8 faint, widow, ude

    ..and a similar entry...

    4fflicted? needy? oppressed? outcasts? poor? sorrowful? terrible? tribulation means$ar, slaughter, capties, slaes, foreigners and also prophetically refersto the religiously persecuted *not financially poor often Christ esus*

    There must be overlap when the faithful are afflicted for their faith, and sobecome poor, or when -srael is afflicted for its covenant+brea"in, and so iscon;uered. The import of this is that terms such as $humble and afflicted$ donot of themselves ustify a social ospel of help to the poor and sic".

    #ar capties slaes foreigners... mainly TExo 1:11+17 Therefore they did set over them tas"masters to afflict them withtheir burdens. 4nd they built for +haraohstore+cities, 5ithom and)aamses. 17 #ut the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied andthe more they spread abroad. 4nd they were rieved because of the children of-srael.

    Exo 8:2 4nd ehovah said, - have surely seen the affliction of my people thatare in gypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters? for -"now their sorrows?... F 4nd now, behold, the cry of the children of -srael iscome unto me: moreover - have seen the oppression wherewith the

    gyptians oppress them.

    9eu1:8, 9eu7:, dB:8, d1:3, 7Sa2:1H, ob8B:76, 5sa67:8,5ro77:77, AehF:F, ob8B:76, 5sa1B:+2, 5sa27:B, 5sa27:11+1B,5sa2B:1F+78, 5sa1H:B7, 5sa1HF:1, 5sa1B:2, 5ro1B:81, -sa1B:7,-sa1B:B, -sa1B:81+87, -sa1F:7H, -saBF:17+18, -saB:11+17, er7:8B,erB:7, er3H:1, er3H:88, (am1:8, (am1:F,(am8:81+88,9anB:72G9an3:1F, Kep8:17,Kep8:16+7H

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    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: 5saB1:1, 5saF:88, 5sa27:B,5saFB:3+,Ecc:6, EccF:13, -sa8H:7H, -saB1:12, er77:1, Kec1H:7

    eligiously persecuted*by the proud and prosperous one

    !ar B:12 and they have no root in themselves, but endure for a while? then,when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, straihtwaythey stumble.

    4ct 7H:78 save that the 0oly Spirit testifieth unto me in every city, sayin thatbondsand afflictions abide me.

    5saF:17+18, 5sa8B:, 5sa1HF:1, EccF:13, -sa11:B,9anB:72G9an3:1FG9an8:B+, Kec11:2,4ct17:1+B, 7Th1:B, 7Th1:

    )elated scriptures:(u"16:1+8G(u"16:6 faint, widow, faith

    0ere is a ood example of an ordinary word with a specific leal usae, easilymissed in the ospels:

    4nswer means%udgment in a court, a plea, a defense, a erdict, a legaldecision

    The %ree" word *$apo-krinee$ $reversal from+udment$ implies respondin toan accusation.The implication of this definition is that when, durin his trial, esus $held hispeace$ *!at7:8, !at72:17, !at72:1B, it was because he offeredno plea++ perhaps because he was $bearin our sins$ for which there could be no

    defence ++ so he $opened not his mouth$, -sa38:B+2.

    .erdict!at 7:36+ #ut 5eter followed him afar off, unto thecourtof the hihpriest, and entered in, and sat with the officers, to see the end. 3F Aow thechief priests and the whole councilsouht false witness aainst esus, thatthey miht put him to death?3 Then the hih priest rent his arments, sayin, 0e hath spo"enblasphemy: what further need have we of witnesses= behold, now ye haveheard the blasphemy: what thin" ye= They answered and said, 0e is

    $orthy of death.

    1Li8:72+76, Kec8:BGKec8:1, 5sa1B8:1+7, oh1F:2, oh1F:77,4ct73:17

    +lea, &efense, esponse4ct7B:1H 4nd when the overnor had bec"oned unto him to spea", 5aulanswered, Dorasmuch as - "now that thou hast been of many years a udeunto this nation, - cheerfully ma"e my defense:

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    !at7:7, !at72:17,4ctB:1Bsay nothin aainst,4ct3:7F,4ct7B:1H

    Legal decision or decree, response in court4ct3:72 4nd when they had brouht them, they set them before the

    council. 4nd the hih priest as"ed them, 7F #ut 5eter and the apostlesanswered and said,

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    7Co3:1H, as7:, as3:F, 75e7:11, )ev7H:17

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: ob18:13, ob83:1B, 5saB7:7,5sa2F:1H+11, 5saFH:6, 5sa1HF:13*ini;uities and sin,-saB8:6,0ab7:7H, !at1H:87+88, (u"17:6, (u"17:11, (u"71:17, (u"71:8,

    4ctF:13, )omB:7, 1Co13:1, )ev17:1H

    )elated scriptures:ob88:3(u"78:1H stand @ to accuse4ct17:Bbrin him forth

    #oo"s, written means%udgment, throne, court, legal decrees9an 2:1H 4 fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousands ofthousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stoodbefore him: the%udgmentwas set, and the boo"s were opened.

    )ev 3:1 4nd - saw in the riht hand of him that sat on thethronea boo"written within and on the bac", close sealed with seven seals.

    5sa1BF:F, -sa1H:1+7, )ev3:2, )ev7H:17

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: 9an17:1, )ev1H:7

    )elated scriptures:)ev77:1HG)ev77:17boo", rewards *at udment

    Come means as %udge, %udgment

    $Come$ is used either about the ude comin,1Ch1:88, or about otherscomin to the ude for udment, Exo16:1, and even about a matter$comin for udment$, 7Sa13:7.

    !al 8:1 #ehold, - send my messener, and he shall prepare the way beforeme: and the (ord, whom ye see", will suddenly come to his temple? and themessener of the covenant, whom ye desire, behold, he cometh, saith ehovahof hosts. 7 #ut who can abide the day of his comin= and who shall standwhen he appeareth= for he is li"e a refiner$s fire, and li"e fuller$s soap: ...34nd - will come near to you to udment? and - will be a swift witness aainstthe sorcerers, and aainst the adulterers, and aainst the false swearers, and

    aainst those that oppress the hirelin in his waes, the widow, and thefatherless, and that turn aside the soournerfrom his right, and fear not me,saith ehovah of hosts.

    oh 3:7B 4nd this is the%udgment, that the liht is come into the world, andmen loved the dar"ness rather than the liht? for their wor"s were evil.

    9eu12:F, 9eu73:1, 7Sa13:B, obF:87, 5sa3H:8+B, 5saF:18, 5saF6:F,

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    -saB1:1, erB6:71, 9an2:18, oe8:17, ba1:71, !at1:72, oh8:1F,oh1:6,4ct78:13,4ct73:12, )ev7:1, )om8:B, 1CoB:3, 1Co11:8B,1Co1B:7B,as3:2Gas3:F, )ev1B:2, )ev16:1H

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: 5ro1H:7B, -sa3:1F, 75e1:1,


    See also: $%ather$ means $udment$.

    Condemnation means deathf course you can be found uilty without bein put to death, but there aremany places in the #ible where condemnation assumes a death penalty. Thecondemnation to death is the upshot of acourt trial. Aote the contrast with$life$...)om 3:1+12 4nd not as throuh one that sinned, sois the ift: for theudment cameof one unto condemnation, but the free ift cameof manytrespasses unto ustification. 12 Dor if, by the trespass of the one, deathreined throuh the one? much more shall they that receive the abundance ofrace and of the ift of rihteousness rein in life throuh the one, evenesusChrist.

    )om 6:1+7 There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christesus. 7 Dor the law of the Spirit of life in Christ esus made me free from thelaw of sin and of death.

    5saFB:71blood,!at17:2G!at17:1*wor"in on the sabbath carried adeath penalty, !at7H:16, !ar1H:88, !ar1B:B, (u"7B:7H,

    )om6:8BG)om6:8"illed, )om18:7udmentG)om18:B sword

    )elated scriptures:)ev17:1H+11 death penalty because of bein $accused$ *in court

    Confess *or deny meansbefore the council, kings, and rulers (%udges),before God (as the heaenly %udge)

    !at 1H:12 #ut beware of men: for they will deliver you up tocouncils, and intheir synaoues they will scoure you? 16yea andbefore goernorsandkings shall ye be brouht for my sa"e, for a testimony to them and to the%entiles.

    !at 1H:87+88 Every one therefore who shall confess mebefore men, himwill - also confessbefore my /ather $ho is in heaen. 88#ut whosoevershall deny mebefore men, him will - also denybefore my /ather $ho isin heaen.

    1Ti :17+18 Diht the ood fiht of the faith, lay hold on the life eternal,whereunto thou wast called, and didst confess the ood confession in the sihtof many witnesses. 18 - chare thee in the siht of %od, who iveth life to all

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    thins, and of Christ esus, whobefore +ontius +ilatewitnessed the oodconfession?

    1Li6:87+88, Aeh1:, 9anF:7H, 0ebB:1BG0ebB:1, )ev8:3

    The implication is that the disciples are brouht to boo"forconfessin thename of esus as the Christ, and that it was and will be illegalto preach esusas the !esssiah.

    Creation, beinnin and end, alpha and omea, first and last means%udgmentat the coming of Christ ($rath, re$ards, redemption, delierance)

    Merses mentionin various aspects of the creation ++ Sun, !oon, mountains,seas, winds etc ++ tell us that %od has had udment in mind since theCreation of the world.

    -sa B1:1 Leep silence before me, islands? and let the peoples renew theirstrenth: let them come near? then let them spea"? let us come near toetherto%udgment... B

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    )ev1:3who art and who wast, ude

    9ay, days means%udgment

    er31:B2 Therefore, behold, the days come, that - will execute%udgment

    upon the raven imaes of #abylon? and her whole land shall be confounded?and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her.

    9an2:77 until the ancient of days came, and%udgmentwas iven to thesaints of the !ost 0ih, and the time came that the saints possessed the"indom.

    er31:37, !at1H:13, !at11:77, !at11:7B, !at17:8, oh17:B6,4ct12:81, )om7:3, )om7:1, 7TiB:6, 75e7:F, 75e8:2, 1nB:12,ud1:, )ev16:6

    See also: $Times$ means $udment$.

    9eliver means to court or council, to prison, to death!at3:73 4ree with thine adersary ;uic"ly, while thou art with him inthe way? lest haply the adersary deliver thee to the%udge, and the%udgedeliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.

    !at1H:12 #ut beware of men: for they will deliver you up tocouncils, andin their synaoues they will scoure you?

    !ar1H:88chief priests and scribes, (u"7B:2, (u"7B:7H, oh16:8H,oh16:83, oh1F:1, 4ct8:18, 4ct2:73+72,4ct17:B,4ct77:B,4ct72:1,

    4ct76:12+16 examined *in court

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: !at7B:F

    End means%udgment *not the end of the world, e.. a udment of mercy,re$ards, engeance

    as 3:11 #ehold, we call them blessed that endured: ye have heard of thepatience of ob, and have seen the end of the (ord, how that the (ord is full ofpity, and merciful.

    15e B:2 #ut the end of all thins is at hand: be ye therefore of sound mind,

    and be sober unto prayer:15e B:12 Dor the time is comefor%udgmentto bein at the house of %od:and if it beginfirst at us, what shall bethe end of them that obey not theospel of %od=

    9an2:7, 9an17:18 *lot, AehF:81, er3:81Ger3:7F,er31:18Ger31:, 7Co11:13*accordin to wor"s@udment

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    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: 5ro73:6, 9an17:B,4mo6:7,!at7:36, (u"71:F, )om:71, 15e1:F, 0eb:6

    )elated scriptures: 5ro1:Bday *of udment

    See also: $Times$ means $udment$.

    Exalted, hih means%udge on his throne-sa 7:7 4nd it shall come to pass in the latter days, that the mountain ofehovah$s house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall beexalted above the hills? and all nations shall flow unto it... B 4nd he will

    %udgebetween the nations, and will decide concernin many peoples? andthey shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into prunin+hoo"s? nation shall not lift up sword aainst nation, neither shall they learnwar any more.

    -sa1B:18 4nd thou saidst in thy heart, - will ascend into heaven, - will exaltmy throne above the stars of %od? and - will sit upon the mount ofconreation, in the uttermost parts of the north?

    ob8:2, 5sa6F:18+1B, 5saF2:6+F, 5saFF:7G5saFF:B, -sa3:1, -sa:1,-sa8H:16, -sa88:3, er12:17

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: -sa88:1H

    )elated scriptures:-sa88:3exalted, hih, ustice and rihteousness

    Dace, siht means%udgment, throneTo $appear before$ the throne is a fiure of speech, meanin to appear beforethe face of him who sits on the throne.

    9eu1:12 'e shall not respect persons in%udgment? ye shall hear the smalland the reat ali"e? ye shall not be afraid of the face of man? for the

    %udgment is %od$s: and the cause that is too hard for you ye shall brin untome, and - will hear it.

    Ee7H:83 and - will brin you into the wilderness of the peoples, and therewill - enter into%udgmentwith you face to face.

    9eu73:7, obF:7B, 5saF:1F, 5sa1H:3, 5sa31:B, 5sa6F:1Bthrone,5sa1B8:7, -sa11:8, er7:1BIdo what is riht@udeJ,4ct8:18,4ctB:1F,4ct73:1, 7Th1:F, 7TiB:1, 0ebF:7BG0ebF:72, )ev:1, )ev7H:11

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: 7Ch2:1B, 5sa81:1

    See also: $Show face$ means $favour$.

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    )elated scriptures:ob1B:8open eyes, udment5ro7H:6udment, eyes-sa11:8ude after the siht of his eyes

    4ct73:1accused, face to face, defense

    Dalse witness, lie meansbetray to death$(yin and $false witness$ are set in a context of administerin deathpenaltiesfor breaches of the commandments, i.e. perury in a capital trial.

    5sa 72:17 9eliver me not over unto the will of mine adversaries: Dor falsewitnesses are risen up aainst me, 4nd such as breathe out cruelty.

    !at 7:H and they found it not, thouh many false witnesses came. #utafterward came two, Ito try to betray Christ to deathJ

    1Li71:1H,5sa72:17+18,5sa83:11G5sa83:B, 5sa8:11G5sa8:F,5ro1B:73, 5ro73:16,4ct:18G4ct2:36

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: Exo7H:1, 5ro:1F

    Dind, found means%udgment from the throne guilt-t is part of our lanuae that udes hand down their $findins$.

    oh 16:86 5ilate saith unto him,

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    presence, reason toether, see", supplication, toether meansfor trial, to thecourt or council of the high priest, for %udgment, to the %udgmentthrone, priestly serice to 0ah$eh, seek indication, engeance


    oe 8:7 - will ather all nations, and will brin them down into the valley ofehoshaphat? and - will execute%udgmentupon them there for my peopleand for my heritae -srael, whom they have scattered amon the nations: andthey have parted my land,

    0eb 17:78 to the eneral assembly and church of the firstborn who areenrolled in heaven, and to %od the udge of all, and to the spirits of ust menmade perfect,

    1Sa2:, Er1H:1B, 5sa3H:B+, 5saFB:7H+71throne, -sa3H:6, -sa36:7,er7:F+1H, oe8:11+17, !at73:81+87,!at72:12G!at72:1F, !ar1B:38+3B,4ct78:13

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: -saB8:F, -saBB:11, 9an:13,!at16:7H

    9raw near9an 2:F - beheld till throneswere placed, and one that was ancient of daysdid sit: his raiment was white as snow, and the hair of his head li"e purewool? his thronewas fiery flames, andthe wheels thereof burnin fire... 18-saw in the niht+visions, and, behold, there came with the clouds of heavenone li"e unto a son of man, and he came even to the ancient of days, and theybrouht him near before him. 1B 4nd there was iven him dominion, and

    lory, and a "indom, that all the peoples, nations, and lanuaes shouldserve him: his dominion is an everlastin dominion, which shall not passaway, and his "indom that which shall not be destroyed.

    %en16:78G%en16:73, Est3:1+7, -sa32:8, -sa36:7,!al8:3,asB:6GasB:11+18Gas3:1

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: 9an:17, 1Ti:1unapproachable,0eb1H:77


    -sa 31:3 !y rihteousness is near, my salvation is one forth, and mine armsshall%udgethe peoples? the isles shall wait for me, and on mine arm shallthey trust.

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: -sa3:1F, -sa8B:1

    Toetherob F:87 Dor he is not a man, as - am, that - should answer him, That we

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    should come toether in%udgment.

    !ar1B:38,4ct73:12, 1Co11:8B*pun


    as 3:2+F #e patient therefore, brethren, until the comin of the (ord. #ehold,the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, bein patient overit, until it receive the early and latter rain. 6 #e ye also patient? establish yourhearts: for the comin of the (ord is at hand. F !urmur not, brethren, oneaainst another, that ye be not uded: behold, the ude standeth before thedoors.

    -sa1:16? asB:11+18Gas3:1

    udgment throne, courts, reason together0eb B:1 (et us therefore draw near with boldness unto the throne of race,that we may receive mercy, and may find race to help usin time of need.

    %enB3:B, Exo1:F, Exo7B:1B, os2:1B, os1H:7B, 5sa3:B,5sa11F:1F, -sa1:16, -saB1:1, -saB8:7, -sa3H:6, !al8:3, 0eb2:73,0eb1H:77, 0eb11:reward, 0eb17:3, 0eb17:77+78

    )elated scriptures: 5aul $reasonin$ in the $atherins$, and udin them4ct1F:6+F

    +riestly serice to 0ah$eh(ev 71:12Spea" unto1aron, sayin,

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    7Ti B:6 henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of rihteousness, whichthe (ord, the rihteous%udge, shall ive to me at that day? and not to meonly, but also to all them that have loved his appearin.

    )ev 11:16 4nd the nations were wroth, and thy wrath came, and the time of

    the dead to be uded, and the timeto ive theirre$ardto thy servants theprophets, and to the saints, and to them that fear thy name, the small and thereat? and to destroy them that destroy the earth.

    %en8H:, 9eu87:B8, )th7:17, 1Sa7:78rihteousness, 1Sa7B:13,1Li8:73,1Li8:72+76, 1Li6:87, ob8:81, 5sa76:B, 5sa2F:1H+17,-sa1:6, er73:81,Ee1:37, Ee7F:7H, 9an2:11G9an2:F, 9an2:77,9an2:7+72, oh3:71+77, )om11:83, )om17:1F,1Co2:73, 7Co6:1H,)ev7:78, )ev11:16, )ev77:17

    The followin references to $ive$ are not explicit that they are referrin toudment. 0owever that would seem to be the obvious meanin intended:

    9an2:1B,)ev7:2, )ev7:12, )ev7:76, )ev8:F, )ev8:71, )ev1:1F,)ev16:+6, )ev71:*$4lpha and mea$ hints at a final udment

    5ossibly this is what is intended in: 9an2:11,oh1:17, )ev17:1B, )ev1F:6

    Ta"e away9an 2:1H 4 fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousands ofthousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stoodbefore him: the%udgmentwas set, and the boo"s were opened.9an 2:17 4nd as for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was ta"en away: yet

    their lives were proloned for a season and a time.

    -sa38:6, 9an2:7, !at73:76+7FG!at73:1Frec"onin, 4ct6:88

    Dorth, come forth, o forth means%ustice righteousness salationThe idea is $li"e the dawn? li"e the "in? li"e a command$

    5sa 82: 4nd he will ma"e thy righteousnessto o forth as the liht, 4ndthy%usticeas the noon+day.

    -sa 31:B 4ttend unto me, my people? and ive ear unto me, my nation: for

    a law shall o forth from me, and - will establish my%usticefor a liht of thepeoples. 3 !y righteousnessis near, my salationis one forth, and minearms shall ude the peoples? the isles shall wait for me, and on mine armshall they trust.

    -saB3:78, -sa36:6, -sa7:1, er31:1H, 0os:3, 0ab1:B, !alB:7,!at7B:72,4ct18:7, )om8:73

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    )elated scripture:5sa1HF:2come forth uiltyKep8:3brin

    %od, ods means%udgmentdelierance of a nation2king, ictory in $ar,

    salation or conersely the defeat of a nation2kingThe victory or defeat of an army is seen as resultin from the triumph orwea"ness of a %od/ods.The terms $"ins$ and $ods$ are not so very separate in concept ++ ne of theidols was called $!oloch$ or $"in$,4mo3:7cf4ct2:B8. See also $reat Linabove all ods$, 5saF3:8.

    -sa BB:12 4nd the residue thereof he ma"eth a od, even his raven imae? hefalleth down unto it and worshippeth, and prayeth unto it, and saith, &elierme? for thou art my od.


    Mictory over akingis seen as e;uivalent to victory over a od:

    er B:73 ehovah of hosts, the %od of -srael, saith: #ehold, - will punish4mon of Ao, and +haraoh, and gypt, with her ods, and her kings? even+haraoh, and them that trust in him:

    'ahweh9eu8:71+7B, 9eu88:7F, 1SaB:8, 1SaB:+F, 1Sa12:B+B2, 7Ch87:18+12,7Ch87:13, 7Ch87:12, 5saF:B+3, -sa1F:1, -saB8:11+17, -saB3:71

    The prime example is 'ahweh deliverin -srael from Eypt.

    Exo 17:17 Dor - will o throuh the land of Eypt in that niht, and will smiteall the first+born in the land of Eypt, both man and beast? and aainst all theods of Eypt 3 $ill e4ecute %udgments: - am ehovah.


    Eyptian ++ 4mon9euB:8B, os7B:2, 7Sa2:78,erB:73,Ee8H:18


    Aum71:76+7F, d11:7B, erB6:B, erBF:8

    5hilistines ++ 9aon, 4shtaroth, #aald1:78+7B, 1Sa3:8, 1Sa3:2, 1Sa:3, 1Sa2:8, 1Sa81:F, 7Sa3:71,1Ch1H:F, 1Ch1B:1H+17, Kep7:11

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    Canaanites ++ #aal1Li16:8F+BH, er11:17


    7Li1F:12+16, -sa82:17, -sa82:16+1F, Aah1:1B,

    Edomites7Ch73:1B+13, 7Ch73:7H,


    #abylonian ++ #el, Aebo-sa71:F, -saB:1+7, er3H:7,er31:BB, er31:B2, er31:37+38

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    0ear meanslegal hearing, in a court room, in the councilThe examples come from court trials, or trials before the Sanhedrin. $0ear$ isone of a number of very ordinary words in the #ible which ta"es on a technicalmeanin. Since the courts had authority to condemn to death, a $hearin$

    could be a life+or+death drama. 4 court $hearin$ is far more emotive than wereadily imaine. Condemnation to death was a possible outcome for the maortrials in the boo" of 4cts.

    4ct :13 4nd all that sat in the council, fastenin their eyes on him, saw hisface as it had been the face of an anel.4ct 2:7 4nd he said, #rethren and fathers, hear"en: The %od of loryappeared unto our father 4braham, when he was in !esopotamia, before hedwelt in 0aran,

    4ct77:1 #rethren and fathers, hear ye thedefencewhich - now ma"e untoyou.

    1Li6:87, 5sa1B8:1+7, oh3:7B, oh3:76+7F, oh3:8H*he hears %od$sudments, oh6:7*hear the udments,4ct78:83, 4ct7B:B,4ct73:77, 4ct73:78place of hearin@court+room,4ct7:8, 4ct7:7F

    )elated scriptures:5sa6H:1ive ear, sittest *as ude

    0elp *for the oppressed meanstestifying in court, the legal adocate ofthe 5oly !pirit

    Those who need help are the oppressed such as widows and orphans. %od

    provides the 0oly Spirit for them:

    oh 1B:1+16 *E!TM 4nd - will as" the Dather, and 0e will ive you another0elper, so that 0e may abide with you forever, 12 the !pirit of truth, whomthe world cannot receive, because it neither sees 0im nor "nows 0im? but you"now 0im, because 0e abides with you and shall be in you. 16 - will notleave you orphans? - am comin to you.

    -sa 3H:2+6 Dor the (ord ehovah will help me? therefore have - not beenconfounded: therefore have - set my face li"e a flint, and - "now that - shallnot be put to shame. 6 0e is near that%ustifiethme? who will contendwith

    me= let us stand up toether: who is mine adersary= let him come nearto me.

    oh13:7Comforter@0elperJ, ob8H:76,4ct7:77

    )elated scriptures:)om6:8Bcondemneth, ma"eth intercession for us.

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    0oly means%udge, %udgment%od is a holy ude ++ separatin ood from evil.The ude lives in a holy place ++ separated from unrihteousness.Those who approach 0im must be holy.0e udes unholiness.

    5sa6:3 4 father of the fatherless, and a%udge of the widows, -s %od in hisholy habitation.

    )ev:1H and they cried with a reat voice, sayin, 0ow lon, !aster, theholy and true, dost thou not%udgeand avene our blood on them that dwellon the earth=

    Exo76:7F, (ev1H:1+8, -sa3:1, Ee76:77 sanctified,0ab1:17,!ar18:11, 0eb1H:7F, 15e1:13+12, )ev1:3

    0ow lon= means no delierance, no %udgment reproach%od as"s how lon will sinners sin? !an as"s how lon will %od allow sinaainst us? sinners as" how lon will %od punish us.5sa 2F:B+3

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    ude means delier %ustice *not condemn? punish7Sa13:B 4bsalom said moreover, h that - were made ude in the land, thatevery man who hath any suit or cause miht come unto me, and - would dohim%ustice>

    1Li8:76 4nd all -srael heard of the udment which the "in had uded?and they feared the "in: for they saw that the wisdom of %od was in him, todo%ustice.

    ob8:12, 5sa27:7, 5sa67:8, 5ro81:F, -sa1:12, -sa1:3, -sa76:,er77:13+1

    ude means king delierer saiour $arrior ruler one $ho reignsto rescue

    The roles of a ude and "in and warrior are separate in modern westernsocieties, but in the #ible they are seamlessly oined to each other.

    Exo 7:1B 4nd he said,

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    punishments*not hellfire forever? death, mourning, famine, $ar? orpeace

    #ar9eu 87:B1+B8 -f - whet my litterin s$ord, 4nd my hand ta"e hold on

    udment? - will render veneance to mine adversaries, 4nd will recompensethem that hate me. B7 - will ma"e mine arro$s drun" with blood, 4nd mys$ord shall devour flesh?

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    resurrection of life? and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection ofudment.

    #ut that is not the onlyway in which the $udment$ is used.

    udgment of +raise... This is $ood news$:%od will praise your heart intentions at the udment. That is because 0e hascircumcised our hearts:

    )om 7:1 in the day when %od shall ude the secrets of men, accordin tomy ospel, by esus Christ.)om 7:7F but he is a ew who is one inwardly Ilit. $secretly$J? andcircumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit not in the letter? whosepraiseisnot of men, but of %od.

    1Co B:B+3 Dor - "now nothin aainst myself? yet am - not hereby ustified:but he that udeth me is the (ord. 3

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    iven me a commandment, what - should say, and what - should spea". 3H4nd - "now that his commandment is life eternal: the thins thereforewhich - spea", even as the Dather hath said unto me, so - spea".

    )om 7:3+2 but after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up for

    thyself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the rihteous udment of%od? who will render to every man accordin to his wor"s: 2 to them thatby patience in well+doin see" for lory and honor and incorruption,eternallife:

    )ev 7H:17 4nd - saw the dead, the reat and the small, standingbefore thethrone? and boo"s were opened: and another boo" was opened, which is thebookof life: and the dead were uded out of the thins which were written inthe boo"s, accordin to their wor"s. 18 4nd the sea gae up the deadthatwere in it? and death and 0ades gae up the deadthat were in them: andthey were uded every man accordin to their wor"s.

    -f any were able to stay in the presence of the "in, the udment of life hadalready been passed. These verses in )evelation are chronoloically recursive.E.. expandin )ev7H:B+3, and expandin each phrase within the sameverses. -t is describin the udment and the resurrection to life as much thesame thin.

    The %udgment to eternal deathand everlastin contempt, spo"en of by9aniel, 9an17:7,and esus, oh3:7F, should not at all concern you, unlessyou wish to be classed withthe 9evil and his anelsThe #east and his army

    )ev7H:1H+11the persecutors of Christians!at73:B1

    esus seemed to tal" of the second resurrection when he described sortin outall the nations? the Christian hope seems to be in the first resurrection, havinPpassed udmentP oh3:7B. Therefore, for us the word $udment$ cannotta"e on the meanin of $condemnation$, and indeed does ta"e on all thepositive dimensions of a ood hope. Even if you are in the secondresurrection, why would you worry and not reoice, if you had served %od and0is Christ rather than the anti+%od= This is the time for evil to be con;uered>

    Aotice the either/or cateories in...)om 7:+11 who will render to every man accordin to his wor"s: 2 to themthat by patience in well+doin see" for lory and honor and incorruption,eternal life: 6 but unto them that are factious, and obey not the truth, butobey unrihteousness, shall bewrath and indination, F tribulation andanuish, upon every soul of man that wor"eth evil, of the ew first, and also ofthe %ree"? 1H but glory and honor and peaceto every man that wor"eth

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    ood, to the ew first, and also to the %ree": 11 for there is no respect ofpersons with %od.

    ..and apply them to this verse...0eb 11:83

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    )elated scripture: -sa6:1+71*see notes, er6:6+1H, Kec1:

    (aw means +salms and +rophets other 7T $ritings*other than the

    5entateuch? God's $ords

    +salm26:1 %ive ear, my people, to my law: -ncline your ears to the wordsof my mouth.

    oh 1H:8B esus answered them, -s it not written in your law, - said, ye areods=

    ..from a psalm: 5sa 67: - said, 'e are ods, 4nd all of you sons of the!ost 0ih.

    oh 17:8B The multitude therefore answered him,

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    (aw means teaching*not a law boo", instruction, $ords spoken

    #9# 9efinition: Ptorah

    1 law, direction, instruction1a instruction, direction *human or divine1a1 body of prophetic teachin1a7 instruction in !essianic ae1a8 body of priestly direction or instruction1aB body of leal directives1b law1b1 law of the burnt offerin1b7 of special law, codes of law1c custom, manner1d the 9euteronomic or !osaic (awP

    Exo 7B:17 4nd ehovah said unto !oses, Come up to me into the mount, andbe there: and - will ive thee the tables of stone, and the law and thecommandment, which - have written, that thou mayest teachthem.

    7Ch 12:F 4nd theytaughtin udah, havin the boo" of the law of ehovahwith them? and they went about throuhout all the cities of udah, and tauhtamon the people.

    Exo16:7H, (ev1B:32, 9eu12:11, 9eu88:1H, 7Li12:72, 7Ch13:8,Er2:1H, Er2:73, Aeh6:F, ob77:77mouth? cannot mean $!oses (aw$,5saFB:17, 5ro1:6, 5roB:7,-sa7:8, EeB8:11+17, !at77:8, !ar17:1B,

    (u"3:12, (u"1H:73, (u"11:B3,4ct71:76, )om7:7H, 1Ti1:2

    -n several places there is a word+play to say $not the law you miht thin" of,but the law of the ospel$: as7:6, as7:17, as1:73. 5ro81:7.

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: -sa6:1*the followin scripture-sa6:16applies to Christ and his brethren/disciples 0eb7:F+18,(u"3:12

    (ift up head means released from prison to hae your case settledmeeting the udge and %udgment an end of shame, restoration,

    salation, sub%ugation of enemies pride and rebellionThe idea is of havin dinity restored, of wal"in upriht as a man rather thanas an animal, bowed down in service ++(ev7:18

    %en BH:18 within yet three days shall 5haraoh lift up thy head, andrestorethee unto thine office: and thou shalt ive 5haraoh$s cup into his hand, afterthe former manner when thou wast his butler.%en BH:1F within yet three days shall 5haraoh lift up thy head from off thee,

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    and shall han thee on a tree? and the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee.%en BH:7H+77 4nd it came to pass the third day, which was 5haraoh$sbirthday, that he made a feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the headof the chief butler and the head of the chief ba"er amon his servants. 71 4ndhe restoredthe chief butler unto his butlership aain? and he ave the cup

    into 5haraoh$s hand: 77but he hangedthe chief ba"er: as oseph hadinterpreted to them.

    7Li 73:72+76 4nd it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of thecaptivity of ehoiachin "in of udah, in the twelfth month, on the seven andtwentieth day of the month, that Evil+merodach "in of #abylon, in the yearthat he bean to rein, did lift up the head of ehoiachin "in of udahout ofprison? 76 and he spa"e "indly to him, and set his throne aboe thethrone of the kingsthat were with him in #abylon,

    d 6:76 So !idian was subduedbefore the children of -srael, and theylifted up their heads no more. 4nd the land had restforty years in the daysof %ideon.

    (u" 71:72 4nd then shall they see the !on of mancomin in a cloud withpower and reat lory. 76 #ut when these thins bein to come to pass, loo"up, and lift up your heads? because your redemptiondraweth nih.

    5sa8:8G5sa8:2, 5sa72:, Kec1:71

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: ob1H:13, 5sa8:8, 5sa7B:2,5sa11H:2

    (iht, shinin means%ustice, la$9eu 88:7 4nd he said, ehovah came from Sinai, 4nd rose from Seir untothem? 0e shined forth from mount 5aran, 4nd he came from the tenthousands of holy ones: 4t his riht hand was a fiery la$for them.

    oh8:12 Dor %od sent not the Son into the world to%udgethe world? butthat the world should be saved throuh him... 1F 4nd this is the%udgment,that the liht is come into the world, and men loved the dar"ness rather thanthe liht? for their wor"s were evil. 7H Dor every one that doeth evil hateththe liht, and cometh not to the liht, lest his wor"s should be reproved. 71#ut he that doeth the truth cometh to the liht, that his wor"s may be made

    manifest, that they have been wrouht in %od.

    5sa82:, 5saB8:1G5saB8:8, 5sa3H:1+B, 5saFB:1+7, 5sa117:B+3,-sa31:B+3, 0os:3, Kep8:3, oh6:17Goh6:1, oh17:B+B2, 1CoB:3

    )elated scriptures:5sa6H:1sittest aboveIenthroned, as udeJ, shine forth7Co3:1H+17udment+seat, manifest, loryin

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    (iht, sun, moon means$itnessE.. The moon is a witness to the liht of the sun.

    oh 1:2 The same came for witness, that he miht bear witness of the liht,

    that all miht believe throuh him. 6 0e was not the liht, but camethat hemiht bear$itnessof the liht.

    5sa 6F:8+82 0is seed shall endure for ever, 4nd his throne as the sun beforeme. 82 -t shall be established for ever as the moon, 4ndasthe faithful

    $itnessin the s"y. Selah

    oh3:88+8, oh6:17+1B

    5resence means%udgment of sin, punishment, forgieness, throne(i"e the word $visit$ which is often used about blessins or punishments, thismay or may not entail a physical presence.4 related idion is $draw near$ for udment.

    7Co 18:7 - have said beforehand, and - do say beforehand, as when - waspresent the second time, so now, bein absent, to them that have sinnedheretofore, and to all the rest, that, if - come aain, - will not spare?

    7Th 7:6 4nd then shall be revealed the lawless one, whom the (ord esusshall slaywith the breath of his mouth, and brin to nouht by themanifestation of his comin IpresenceJ?

    5saF2:3G5saF2:7,4ct8:1F,4ct3:B1, 1Co1B:73, 7Co7:1H

    )elated scriptures:!at16:7Hin the midst1Co3:B+3my spiritas3:F

    5riest means%udge, deliererAum 72:71 4nd he shall stand before Eleaar the priest, who shall in;uire forhim by the%udgment of the Qrim before ehovah: at his word shall they oout, and at his word they shall come in, both he, and all the children of -sraelwith him, even all the conreation.

    7Ch 1F:6 !oreover in erusalem did ehoshaphat set of the (evites and thepriests, and of the heads of the fathers$ housesof -srael, for the%udgmentofehovah, and for controversies. 4nd they returned to erusalem.

    9eu12:F, 9eu12:17, 9eu1F:12, -sa76:2, !ic8:11, 0ebB:13+1throne,)ev7H:G)ev7H:B

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    )elated scriptures:Exo7:1B *prince and ude@priest5sa11H:B+3*udment throuh war!at1H:12+16*councils@courts? synaoues? testimony4ctB:1+8*authority to imprison

    5rince means%udgeExo 7:1B 4nd he said,

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    Nuestion, as" means la$-court or council in6uiry, legal e4amination4ct78: #ut when 5aul perceived that the one part were Sadducees and theother 5harisees, he cried out in the council, #rethren, - am a 5harisee, a sonof 5harisees: touchin the hope and resurrection of the dead - am called in;uestion.

    !at72:11, !ar1B:1, (u"78:F+1H, oh16:1F,4ctB:2,4ct7B:71

    )emember/ foret means to %udge5sa F:6 4nd he will%udgethe world in rihteousness, 0e will minister

    %udgment to the peoples in uprihtness... 17 Dor he that ma"eth in;uisitionfor blood remembereth them? 0e foretteth not the cry of the poor.

    5sa F:16+1F Dor the needy shall not alway be forotten, Aor the expectation ofthe poor perish for ever. 1F 4rise, ehovah? let not man prevail: (et thenations be%udgedin thy siht.


    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: 5sa18:1

    ..The riht and left sides of parliament have a #iblical oriin...

    )iht hand meanssalation (%udgment)

    Some salvation is via an advocate standin alonside the accused:

    5sa 1HF:81 Dor he will stand at the riht hand of the needy, Tosaehim from

    them that ude his soul.

    Some salvation is via war or from war:

    5sa BB:8 Dor they at not the land in possession by their own sword, Aeitherdid their own arm saethem? #ut thy riht hand, and thine arm, and the lihtof thy countenance, #ecause thou wast favorable unto them.

    There is often not much difference between divine udment and war, butdivine salvation ta"es a variety of forms.

    obBH:1B *GobBH:F, 5sa12:2, 5sa7H:, 5saH:3+, 5sa1H6:,5sa186:2,4ct3:81

    )iht, left? this side, that side means God's throne (in heaen, in hiskingdom)

    n the riht side of %od is the river of life, EeB2:1+7.n the left side of %od$s throne is a fiery stream of punishment, !at73:B1The terms are part of the leal aron surroundin the udment seat of %od

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    *an accuser stands on the riht of the accused, Kec8:1+7, 5sa1HF:? theintercessor is on his left ++ at the riht side of the ude. -t may also havesome roots in the astronomical imaery which li"ens %od and the anelichosts around the throne, to the Sun and the starry hosts either side of sunriseand sunset *See -maeryO (ihts 4.

    Christ sat down at the riht side of %od on the throne,4ct7:88.#ut the left hand is not always the wron place to be, !at7H:71.%od$s anels stand on the riht and the left, 1Li77:1F.The two witnesses *a leal role ++ standin to testify? in areement stand eachside, KecB:11+1B.

    0eb 6:1 Aow in the thins which we are sayin the chief point is this:

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    5sa 6F:1B )ihteousness and ustice are the foundation of thy throne:(ovin"indness and truth o before thy face.

    -sa F:2 f the increase of his overnment and of peace there shall be no end,

    upon the throneof 9avid, and upon his "indom, to establish it, and touphold it with ustice and with rihteousness from henceforth even for ever.The eal of ehovah of hosts will perform this.

    1Li8:, 1Li1H:F, 7ChF:6, 5sa6F:1B, 5saF:18, 5saF2:7,5ro1:17,5ro7H:76, 5ro73:3, -sa11:B, -sa1:3, Kec6:1, )om7:7, )ev:1H,)ev1F:7, )ev1F:11

    See, hear, "now, understand, believe meansbe a legal $itness to, prophet,seer

    The trio of see, hear, "now is a common one, and is used in legalcontext ofbein 'ahweh$s witnesses, of 0is deeds, prophecies and salvations.-saiah$s curse, on eyes, ears and mind, too" away -srael$s place as witnesses to'ahweh, and ave the prophethood to the disciples of the Aew Covenant,-sa6:1.

    -sa B8:6+11 #rin forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that haveears. F (et all the nations be gathered together, and let the peoples beassembled: who amon them can declarethis, and sho$us former thins=let them brin their$itnesses, that they may be%ustified? or let them hear,and say, -t is truth. 1H 'e are my$itnesses, saith ehovah, and my servantwhom - have chosen? that ye may "now and believe me, and understand that -am he: before me there was no %od formed, neither shall there be after me. 11

    -, even -, am ehovah? and besides me there is no saviour. 17 - havedeclared, and - have saved, and - have sho$ed? and there was no stranegodamon you: therefore ye are my$itnesses, saith ehovah, and - am%od.-sa BB:2+6 4nd who, as -, shall call, and shall declareit, and set it in orderforme, since - established the ancient people= and the thins that arecomin, and that shall come to pass, let them declare. 6 Dear ye not, neitherbe afraid: have - not declared unto thee of old, and sho$edit= and ye aremy$itnesses. -s there a %od besides me= yea, there is no )oc"? - "now notany.

    -sa 7F:1H+1B Dor ehovah hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep,and hath closed your eyes, the prophets? and your heads, the seers, hath hecovered. 11 4nd all vision is become unto you as the words of a boo" that issealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, sayin, )ead this, - pray thee?and he saith, - cannot, for it is sealed: 17 and the boo" is delivered to himthat is not learned, sayin, )ead this, - pray thee? and he saith, - am notlearned. 18 4nd the (ord said, Dorasmuch as this people draw nih unto me,and with their mouth and with their lips to honor me, but have removed their

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    heart far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment of men which hathbeen tauht them? 1B therefore, behold, - will proceed to do a marvellouswor" amon this people, even a marvellous wor" and a wonder? and thewisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understandin of their prudentmen shall be hid.

    4ct 77:1B+13 4nd he said, The %od of our fathers hath appointed thee to "nowhis will, and to see the )ihteous ne, and to hear a voice from his mouth. 13Dor thou shalt be a$itnessfor him unto all men of what thou hast seen andheard.

    %en16:71G%en16:73, 9eu87:8, 1Sa7B:13, 5sa12:1+7Isentence@be myude ##EJ, er11:7H, (am8:3F, EeF:F

    )elated scriptures:Exo8:2see, hear, "now ++ and ude5saFB:2G5saFB:FG5saFB:7er17:1Ger17:8rihteous cause, "nowest, seest

    See *hear, "now means%udgeSee also: $0ear$ means $ude? $Lnow means $leally establish$? $See, hear,"now$ means $leal witness$.%od acts as a witness to any oaths sworn in 0is name, and avenes bro"encovenants.

    These words are used about a ude investiatin a leal matter, to $see$ forhimself if what he has heard is riht.

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    -sa 3H:2+6 Dor the (ord ehovah will help me? therefore have - not beenconfounded: therefore have - set my face li"e a flint, and - "now that - shallnot be put to shame. 6 0e is near that%ustifiethme? who will contendwithme= let us standup toether: who is mine adersary= let him come nearto me.

    7Ti 1:6 #e not ashamed therefore of the testimonyof our (ord, nor of mehis prisoner: but suffer hardship with the ospel accordin to the power of%od?

    5sa11F:81, 5sa11F:B, er31:B2, Ee1:37, 7Ti1:1chain

    Silent means lack of %udgment, before the throne, $aiting fordelierance

    5sa 83:77+7B Thou hast seen it, ehovah? "eep not silence: (ord, be notfar from me. 78 Stir up thyself, and awa"e to the%usticedueunto me,Evenunto my cause, my %od and my (ord. 7B udge me, ehovah my %od,accordin to thy rihteousness? 4nd let them not reoice over me.

    5sa 3H:8+B ur %od cometh, and doth not "eep silence: 4 fire devourethbefore him, 4nd it is very tempestuous round about him. B 0e calleth to theheavens above, 4nd to the earth, that he may%udge his people:

    5sa76:1G5sa76:8wic"ed, 5sa3H:71, 5sa36:1, 5sa7:1,5sa7:3,-sa3:,4mo3:17+18, 0ab1:17+18holdest thy peace,)ev6:1G)ev6:8

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: )ev6:1

    )elated scripture:-saB7:1B+13 lay waste-sa32:11+17held my peace0ab7:7Hothers "eep silence before %od

    Sin means re6uiring %udgmentThis is almost too obvious to say, but it is easily forotten. The effect of mansinnin in the %arden of Eden, is that the #ible is necessarily a boo" of lealudment.To be $foriven$ our sins, or to be $ustified$ by race, accordin to the ospel, isto be foriven by %od as judge. The ospel is thus a oyful declaration of a

    leal udment in favour of those who believe.

    5sa1:3 Therefore the wic"ed shall not stand in the%udgment, Aor sinnersin the conreation of the rihteous.

    !ic2:F - will bear the indination of ehovah, because - have sinned aainsthim, until he plead my cause, and execute%udgment for me: he will brin meforth to the liht, and- shall behold his rihteousness.

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    1Sa7:73, 1Sa2:, 5sa31:B, er7:83, Ee1:37, !ic8:6, oh1:6,)om7:17, )om8:2, )om3:1, 1Ti3:7B, 75e7:B, ud1:13

    Sit? seat? ate means%udging *not sittin around

    -t was the custom for udes to $sit$ at the city $ate$ to hear pleas, and decideimportant leal matters.

    -sa 1:3 4nd a throne shall be established in lovin"indness? and one shall sitthereon in truth, in the tent of 9avid,%udging, and see"in%ustice, and swiftto do rihteousness.

    (u" 77:8H that ye may eat and drin" at my table in my "indom? and ye shallsit on thrones%udging the twelve tribes of -srael.

    Exo16:18+1B, 9eu1:16, os7H:B, dB:3, )thB:1+7, 7Sa13:7, 5saF:B,5sa11H:1, -sa76:, er77:7+8,er86:2, oe8:17, 4mo3:13, Kec6:1,!at1F:76, !at72:1F,4ct16:17,4ct16:1,4ct78:8, 4ct73:,4ct73:1H,4ct73:12, )om1B:1H, 7Co3:1H, )ev7H:B

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: Exo73:12, ob7F:2, 5sa7:B,5saF:17, 5ro6:8, 5ro77:77, er1:13, er13:2+6, er7:1H, er8F:8,9an2:F,4mo3:1H, 4mo:8, Kec6:1, !at78:7, !at7:B,4ct7:8H,1Co:B, Eph7:, 7Th7:B,)ev8:71,)ev1B:1B

    )elated scriptures:as3:Fuded, ude, doors.

    Spea", say means%udge, testify, accuse, defend oneself in court, pleadThese are probably the most ordinary words of all, and the easiest to overloo".

    5sa 3H:1 The !ihty ne, %od, ehovah, hath spo"en, 4nd called the earthfrom the risin of the sun unto the oin down thereof... B 0e calleth to theheavens above, 4nd to the earth, that he may%udgehis people:... 2 0ear, my people, and - will spea"? -srael, and - willtestify unto thee: - am %od,eventhy %od.

    5sa 31:B 4ainst thee, thee only, have - sinned, 4nd done that which is evil inthy siht? That thou mayest be ustified when thou spea"est, 4nd be clear

    when thou%udgest.

    %en16:72G%en16:73, 1Li8:73G1Li8:76, 5sa36:1+8, -saB1:1,Kec8:BGKec8:1+7, Kec6:1, !at1H:12+7H, !at72:11, (u"16:,(u"1F:77, oh6:7, oh17:B6+3H,4ct16:17+18*sayin@charin,4ct71:8FG4ct77:1,4ct7:1,4ct7:77,4ct7:8H+81, )om8:1F,1Co1:1H, as7:17, asB:11

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    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: ob11:3,obB7:2, 5sa7:B+3sitteth, 5sa1HF:7H, -sa86:13, (u":7, 7Co18:8, as1:1F, )ev18:13

    )elated:!at16:1witnesses, word

    !at7:8+3*at esus$ trial tell, say4ct16:1Bopen mouth *in defence4ct16:17

    Spirit means%udgment, %ustice-sa B:B when the (ord shall have washed away the filth of the dauhters ofKion, and shall have pured the blood of erusalem from the midst thereof, bythe spirit of%ustice, and by the spirit of burnin.

    -sa 76: and a spirit of%ustice to him that sitteth in%udgment, and strenthto them that turn bac" the battle at the ate.

    -sa11:7+B,-sa87:13+1, -saBH:18+1B, -saB7:1+7, !ic8:6, !at17:16,oh1:2+6 *Comforter@leal helper@Spirit,1Co2:BH

    )elated scriptures:)ev7:2ive *in udment)ev7:11*delivery from death)ev7:12 ive)ev7:76+7Five)ev8:3+*ive life in udment)ev8:17+18ma"e him)ev8:71+77ive

    Thrones means%udgment*not ust a place for lory5sa 177:3 Dor there are set thrones for%udgment, The thrones of the houseof 9avid.

    )ev 7H:17 4nd - saw the dead, the reat and the small, standin before thethrone? and boo"s were opened: and another boo" was opened, which is thebookof life: and the dead were%udgedout of the thins which were written inthe boo"s, accordin to their wor"s.

    1Li2:2, 5saF:2, 5sa177:3, 5ro7H:6, )ev7H:B

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in:er1:13, )evB:7

    Times, set times means%udgment, salation, delieranceust as we hear many times of the $day$ of udment,5sa2:11, )om7:3, sothere are a number of occasions when $time$ sinifies a timeof judgment.4$proper, convenient or acceptable$ time is a set time for hearin cases. Theudment may refer to the chanin of a "indom.

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    TimesEst 1:18 Then the "in said to the wise men, who "new the times, *for so wasthe "in$s manner toward all that "new law and%udgment?

    5sa 23:7

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    Exo16:71, AehF:88, 5saB8:1G5saB8:8, 5sa6F:1B, 5saF:18, -sa1:3,-saB7:8, -saB8:F, -sa3F:1B, -sa3F:13, -sa1:6, erB:7, er3:1,Ee16:6+F, 9anB:82, Kec2:F, Kec6:1, oh6:1, oh6:7, )om7:7,)om8:B, )ev:1H, )ev1:2, )ev1F:11

    Qprihtnessmeans%ustice, righteousnessThe idea of buildin perpendicular to the round is implicit in a $plummet$stone or an upriht measurin line, which determines who or what is out ofline:-sa76:12,4mo2:6, KecB:1H

    -sa 3F:1B 4nd%ustice is turned away bac"ward, and righteousnessstandeth afar off? for truth is fallen in the street, and uprihtnesscannotenter.

    )elated scriptures:-saF:2 uphold, ustice, rihteousnesser77:18build, unrihteousness, inustice4mo3:2ustice cast down!ic8:F**##Etwistin what is straiht

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    0e will come to judge, or that 0e evenexists++ -sa3:16+78$ini;uity, sin$ $(ethim ma"e speed, let him hasten$.

    5sa 2F:1H+17

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    personally witnessed in courtto the resurrectionof Christ, havin seen him ina reat liht on the road to 9amascus. Stephen ave similar leal testimony inthe council or court of the Sanhedrin.

    4ct 77:1B+13 4nd he said, The %od of our fathers hath appointed thee to "now

    his will, and to see the )ihteous ne, and to hear a voice from his mouth. 13Dor thou shalt be a witness for him unto all men of what thou hast seen andheard.

    )ev 17:1H+11 4nd - heard a reat voice in heaven, sayin, Aow is come thesalvation, and the power, and the "indom of our %od, and the authority ofhis Christ: for the accuserof our brethren is cast down, whoaccuseth thembefore our %od day and niht. 11 4nd they overcame him because of theblood of the (amb, and because of the word of their testimony? and they lovednot their life even unto death.

    !at1H:12+16, (u"71:17+18,4ct77:7HG4ct:13*council,4ct78:11G7TiB:1

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    See also: $Sins$ means $belief$

    the swordshall be upon his arm, and upon his riht eye: his arm shall be clean dried up,and his riht eye shall be utterly dar"ened

    Ee18:12+16,4mo:1+8, (u":7BG(u":7, ud1:11

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    from above:yeare of this world? - am not of this world.

    0eb F:1 Aow even a first covenanthad ordinances of divine service, and itssanctuary, a sanctuaryof this world.

    oh1:1H+11, oh2:2Goh2:1, oh17:1F, oh12:16, oh16:7H,)om8:1F+7H, %alB:8+B, %al:17+13, Col7:6GCol7:1BGCol7:7H,0ebF:7parallel to $holy place$ in 0ebF:7B+73, 0eb1H:3

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: oh8:1F, oh2:2, oh13:16,oh1:7H, 1Co8:1F, 1Ti8:1, 1n7:13, 1n8:18

    Exceptions: )om11:13*%entiles )om11:17

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    You are now in a position to notice the very clearly legal nature ofChristian persecutions...

    !at 1H:12+8F #ut beware of men: for they will deliver you up to councils, andin their synaoues they will scoure you? 16 yea and before overnors and

    "ins shall ye be brouht for my sa"e, for a testimony to them and to the%entiles. 1F #ut when they deliver you up, be not anxious how or what yeshall spea": for it shall be iven you in that hour what ye shall spea". 7H Dorit is not ye that spea", but the Spirit of your Dather that spea"eth in you. 714nd brother shall deliver up brother to death, and the father his child: andchildren shall rise up aainst parents, and cause them to be put to death. 774nd ye shall be hated of all men for my name$s sa"e: but he that endureth tothe end, the same shall be saved. 78 #ut when they persecute you in this city,flee into the next: for verily - say unto you, 'e shall not have one throuh thecities of -srael, till the Son of man be come. 7B 4 disciple is not above histeacher, nor a servant above his lord. 73 -t is enouh for the disciple that hebe as his teacher, and the servant as his lord. -f they have called the master ofthe house #eelebub, how much more them of his household> 7 Dear themnot therefore: for there is nothin covered, that shall not be revealed? and hid,that shall not be "nown. 72

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    and than"sivins$ can all be directed to the one, 1Ti7:1. This forshadows the$one lawiver and ude$, asB:17, seated in the $one place of worship$,9eu17:18+1B, on $the throne of udment$, 5sa177:3+.

    5sa 1B8:1+7 0ear my prayer, ehovah? ive ear to my supplications: -n thy

    faithfulness answer me, andin thy rihteousness. 7 4nd enter not intoudment with thy servant? Dor in thy siht no man livin is rihteous.

    5sa 178:1+7 Qnto thee IonlyJ do - lift up mine eyes, thou that sittest in theheavens Ias udeJ. 7 #ehold, as the eyes of servants lookunto the hand oftheir master, 4s the eyes of a maid unto the hand of her mistress? So our eyeslookunto ehovah our %od, Qntil he have mercy upon us.

    5sa F:1+B - will ive than"s unto ehovah with my whole heart? - will showforth all thy marvellous wor"s. 7 - will be lad and exult in thee? - will sinpraise to thy name, thou !ost 0ih. 8

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    %en16:7HG%en16:73, 1Li6:87, obF:13, 5saFF:G5saFF:B,5sa1H3:B+3, 5sa1HF:2, 5sa1B8:1+7, 5ro7F:7,-sa1:12, -sa3:8, -sa1:3,-sa7:F, -sa36:7, )om7:2G)om7:3, )ev:1H, )ev6:8

    )elated scriptures:7Ch2:1Bpray, see" !y face *as ude5sa6H:1ive ear, sittest *as ude0eb11:rewarder, see"

    Daith, trust means in (God's) righteous %udgment5sa7:1 udgeme, ehovah, for - have wal"ed in mine interity: - havetrusted also in ehovah without waverin.

    -sa31:3 !y rihteousness is near, my salvation is one forth, and mine armsshall%udgethe peoples? the isles shall wait for me, and on mine arm shallthey trust.

    5sa117:2G5sa117:3,4ct1:13, )om1B:77

    )elated scriptures:0eb11:faith, cometh, believe, rewarder, see"15e7:78committed himself, udeth rihteously

    Than"s, praise, sin means for righteous %udgment (from the throne)5sa F:1+B - will ive than"s unto ehovah with my whole heart? - will showforth all thy marvellous wor"s. 7 - will be lad and exult in thee? - will sinpraise to thy name, thou !ost 0ih. 8

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    (u" 71:17+13 #ut before all these thins, they shall lay their hands on you, andshall persecute you, deliverin you up to the synaoues and prisons, brininyoubefore kings and goernorsfor my name$s sa"e. 18 -t shall turn out

    unto you for a testimony. 1B Settle it therefore in your hearts, not tomeditate beforehand how to answer: 13 for - will ive you a mouth andwisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to withstand or toainsay.

    1Li8:Funderstandin, 7Ch1:1H, 7Ch1:11, Er2:73, Est1:18, 5sa7:1H,5sa82:8H, -sa11:7+8, er78:3, !at17:B7, )om11:88, 1Co1H:13,as1:3Gas7:

    !o unto Others

    This new perspective helps us interpret the $9on$t ude your brother$ and $9ounto others$ sayins of esus. 0e was addressin the judges who would condemnhim, and he did not nelect to point out that he was theirude, and would comein %od$s power and lory, to sit on his throne to ude all nations. 0e would applytheir standards of mercy and ustice to their cases, in due time. $9o$ is a #iblicalshorthand for $ude$, so the advice is *to his accusers to ude others the waythey would want the "in to ude them when their turn comes, because as theyhave $done$ others, so they will be doubly $done$. So the $9on$t ude$ was awarnin iven aainst non+Christians, not for Christians who have the rihtspirit.

    9o? execute? practice means%udge do %ustice do rightSynonyms include $act? deal with? treat? wor" deeds$.The emphasis is on the action, i.e. the passin of a sentence of condemnationor mercy, and the execution of the sentence ++ harsh or merciful action.)econisin that $do$ is an idiom for $ude$ is of particular use in determininthe meanin of !at2:17. See Study Aotes comment there on The %olden)ule. $9o$ and $execute$ are translations of the same word.

    er 77:8 Thus saith ehovah: Execute ye%usticeand rihteousness, anddeliver him that is robbed out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wron,do no violence, to the soourner, the fatherless, nor the widow? neither shed

    innocent blood in this place.

    !ic :6 0e hath showed thee, man, what is ood? and what doth ehovahre;uire of thee, but to do%ustly, and to love "indness, and to wal" humblywith thy %od=

    %en16:1F, %en16:73, Exo71:81, (ev1F:13, (ev1F:83, 9eu12:11,7Sa13:B, 1Li8:76, 1Li6:87 1Li1H:F, 1Ch1:17, 7Ch:78, 7ChF:6,

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    7Ch1F:, 5sa67:8+B, 5sa1H8:+2, 5sa11F:171, 5ro71:8, 5ro71:2,5ro71:13, -sa1:3, -sa3:1, er3:1, er2:3, er77:13, er78:3,er88:13, Ee3:1H, Ee3:13, Ee1:B1, Ee83:11, 9anF:1B, 0os:B+3,!ic2:F, Kec6:1, !at72:1F, oh3:72, oh3:8H, as7:17, ud1:13

    5ossibly this is the meanin intended in: 9eu7F:7B, er7:1B, !at2:17,!at16:1F+7H, !at71:BH, (u":81,oh3:1F+77

    )elated scriptures:-sa3:1Fwor" *udment-sa3:17G-sa3:2wor", ustice and rihteousnessoh3:12Goh3:77wor"eth, wor", ude, udment

    ustify means in%udgment-t is easy to foret, when we tal" of bein $ustified by faith$, that $ustify$ is aleal term.

    9eu 73:1 -f there be a controversy between men, and they come unto%udgment, and the judges%udge them? then they shall ustify the rihteous,and condemn the wic"ed?

    1Li 6:87 then hear thou in heaven, and do, and%udgethy servants,condemnin the wic"ed, to brin his way upon his own head, and ustifyinthe rihteous, to ive him accordin to his rihteousness.

    5sa31:B, Ee1:31+37,)om7:17+18G)om7:1, 1CoB:B

    )elated scripture:

    -saB3:73G-saB3:78*to Christ on the throne)om6:88lay a chare, ustifieth

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    heritae to reproach, that the nations should rule over them: whereforeshould they say amon the peoples,

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    $dar"ness$. The $dawn$ brins relief from the daner ++ li"e a favourable udmentfrom %od$s throne ends the anuish of a court+case.

    -f you are alert, you can pic" the overlap between leal imaery, beast imaeryand real+life leal trials, called $sufferins$...

    15e 3:6+F #e sober, be watchful: your adversary Ia leal termJ the devil Ialeal term ++ it means $false+accuser? slanderer$ $caster+down$J, as a roarinlion, wal"eth about, see"in whom he may devour, F whom withstandstedfast in your faith, "nowin that the same sufferins are accomplished inyour brethren who are in the world.

    #ad udes and false accusers are imaed as beasts devourin the floc".

    0ere is where the #eastly pponent is imaed as as the 4ccuser in a court trial inheaven *and don$t miss the slain, sacrificed and devoured $(amb$ as an interalpart of the imaery as presented in a vision, toether with all the other slainvictims of the 4ccuser+#east:

    )ev 17:F+11 4nd the reat draon was cast down, the old serpent, he that iscalled the 9evil IDalse 4ccuserJ and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world? hewas cast down I$devilled$J to the earth, and his anels were cast down withhim I@execution of a a leal verdict from %odJ. 1H 4nd - heard a reat voicein heaven, sayin, Aow is come the salvation, and the power, and the "indomof our %od, and the authority of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren iscast down, who accuseth them before our %od day and niht. 11 4nd theyovercame him because of the blood of the (amb, and because of the word oftheir testimony? and they loved not their life even unto death.

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    !at73:87+88 and before him shall be athered all the nations: and heshall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separateth thesheep from the oats? 88 and he shall set the sheep on his riht hand, butthe oats on the left.

    )ev17:3 4nd she was delivered of a son, a man child, who is to ruleI$shepherd$J all the nations with a rod Ishepherds use rods and staffsJ of iron:and her child was cauht up unto %od, and unto his throne.

    )ev1F:13 4nd out of his mouth proceedeth a sharp sword, that with it heshould smite the nations: and he shall rule I$shepherd$J them with a rod ofiron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of %od, the4lmihty.

    $ude of the nations$ imaes the ude as a beast which has ta"en the sheep

    *as well as a refiner$s fire ++ a third overlappin imae:

    Kep8:6 Therefore wait ye for me, saith ehovah, until the day that - rise upto the prey? for my determination is to ather the nations, that - may assemblethe "indoms, to pour upon them mine indination, even all my fierce aner?for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my ealousy.

    9ad shepherd 8 a %udge, imaged as a beast deouring prey

    !ic 8:1+8 4nd - said, 0ear, - pray you, ye heads of acob, and rulers of thehouse of -srael: is it not for you to "now ustice= 7 ye who hate the ood, andlove the evil? who pluc" off their s"in from off them, and their flesh from offtheir bones? 8 who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their s"in from offthem, and brea" their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and asflesh within the caldron.

    0ere is an example of how there are sheep and shepherd in a court room> *not tomention the $(amb on the throne$ as our $shepherd$>:

    !at 73:81+87 #ut when the Son of man shall come in his lory, and all theanels with him, then shall he sit on the throne of his lory: 87and beforehim shall be athered all the nations: and he shall separate them one fromanother, as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the oats?

    There is a playoff between what we see happenin now on earth, and what oeson in the invisible realms of %od ++ what we call $heaven$, closely related to $thefuture not yet seen$. 0ere is a passae that promises present+realm tribulation,sufferin and death, on this earth, for the name of Christ, but secure life with %odbeyond udment day. -t is couched in $!arriae$ imaery *$called, chosen,delivered, loved, inseparably$ as well as in $(eal$ terminoloy, and aain in

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    $Shepherd+#east+Dloc"$ imaery...

    )om 6:88+8F

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