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Legend is a semi-cooperative rol game, where the player can be the heroes of the

Amaldor Kingdom. Those heroes, everyone in representation of four different races,

must defeat the evil that threats the kingdom. That threats it is at the end of the

dungeon, those who can defeat the evil of the dungeon will become Legends.

It’s a simple card game where you will have a direct combat with a little strategy, on

this pack you will find:

20 Event Cards: cards explaining what’s happening during de dungeon.

15 Monster Cards: enemies that the heroes must defeat to become legend.

10 Final Destiny Cards: cards where explains what the heroes what to do to

win and become legend.

10 Curse cards: this cards force the players to introduce an elite monster in the


10 Elite Monster Cards: The strongest monsters of the game.

10 Potion Cards: cards for healing.

5 Weapon Cards and 5 Armor Cards: cards that give you more health or attack


4 Rol Cards: cards where explains the different playable characters and their


Game Mode

1º -> the player must select a rol to play.

2º -> their have to put 3 card decks: the First deck situated at the left composed by

elite monster cards; the second deck in the middle and it will be composed by:

15 Monster Cards.

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5 Curse Cards.

10 Potion Cards.

5 Weapon Cards.

5 Armor Cards

20 Event Cards.

For last, you ill putt he last deck in to the right composed by Final Destiny Cards.

TIP: Obviously all the cards face down.

3º -> at the beginning the first player must take one card of the deck in the middle

and do what the card says.

4º -> when there are no more cards in the deck of the middle, the next player will

take one Final Destiny Cards and each player must do what that card says, the

players that are alive after this situation will win the game.

Combat System

The combat system is very simple, if there is a monster on the battlefield, the

combat will be like this:

1. In the combat their can only fight the player who take the monster card and

another player, only two in total.

2. The player will always attack first, except if there is a monster that says

other thing.

3. If in a combat the monster is not defeated, it will accumulate, so he will

attack the next player and if that player also get another monster card he

will be forced to fight against the monster before and the new one.

4. With elite monsters the combat system is the same, the difference is that

instead of just two players to fight him, there can be three players included

in the fight.

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Deck Cards

Attack Points

Life Points

Photo of the card

Name and description

Elite Monster Cards

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Rol Cards

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Additional Tips

The player can only do one action in their turn, I mean, use a potion is an

action so you cannot fight.

In combats the decision will have it the players turn.

The players can only have one weapon and armor.

The ability of Dolgrim allow to not die against one enemies but it only can be

used one time in each fight, for example, if he is fighting two enemies, he can

use his ability with the first monster but the second one will attack him and kill



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